The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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July 28, 1900
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." York luv-uiu Journal.
Lis lizs
?1T It had rtluiplr on Ur fare, bat j
te u u-n CASCAKIZTS and tbey J
j.; I hud been troubled
w.ta t,i.-:;;aia Ir t.Bi (:sie. t ut after tU lie trii trrrt l Lave to troubie i
wila ta: ii.raect. VVecaciiit ritK too high- :
y of 1 '.vsrrts f KEf WiniI.4S. i
t .v r,.ertaaton Ate., i'liueifbia. ia.
P'ao!, raiataftie. forent. Taste Gord. Do
ijua. ,ci re. WeaJten.tir Gnve. 10c. 2jc. itfo.
ii.f-:. (wfhi, Vwwr. aaatr.!. m T.rk. 511
ttrt Tft f Niiil and iruarnrtcH hT ill drnir
liJiUJMW i:u CL'UCTuucco lUbtt.
Sweeten tha Breath
i Try a Toth Wash mace by a
Lincoln Denti-t. Ask for a
ISan-pIe IJ-ntle.
j Dr. F. D. Sherwin,
i Dentist.
; tS- hir it S It & 1 l. "tsrnd Flor
IJwrr j:ix-k. t'oriif r room.
! .!. t Lincoln. Nfb,
I D'M'er-i in Fine Wine. Liquors
I i.i A figure. Jug trade a pe
l ( m':y. Hot and cold lunches.
I Js.n yittorff. John Roscnstock.
1 Grand Island
Double Daily Service
fee irfrBiteii r Bttt, sSt apor cr fttfrtu
s. m. ADsrr, a. p. a
Lor .'Sk
ir - .'- t.-:! 'tTf. ... Nothing could .more clearly
r .Vi.v':;;rr;w''!,::;i rsrau" fcle 10 IIOIpler lli Loing in the G G. 1K thau the fact tliat
. .LjJ .i;;;', tr.r.LAiJi "uti. auouc i tiayton- the ratification meeting at
r - , ,v I .' ' 47h vf'ji BBW" Treaty Fan on the stump. coiu three of the principal orators v
At ry-'4:JLt iaMc;i washineion uitw.i ! General James B. Weaver of
.''-" "Vii ...... , .,,:J ex-eongressmau: Charles A. T
- .Mi .!fV'-. iaiuuai " im'- t,aih ,u im'" B'u a Webster Davis ofMissouri, ex-assist-
l' :V! ;.' ' J. Kiatesmnn propuuuded it to ant soeretary of the iuterior-all once
' I ,v.',J'.,iA -jj1 tbo sicker of the house some years j great ail(i shining lights in the llepub-
j ' I - ' it ti "Where are we at V" is a query t m-au party. There are other great
-. . ' - ' ' -J-i iV-VV-' lIlKl'O Will llti tlO fit -.1 III Ik tllHV DI'P (Imnor tlHS SVBtiTllfltlfl Ilv
f. ; ; ; i , of Republican voters there will be; there can be no questiou. They appear
rl . f ' -f ytt rh' 'I . euotigh. aud to spare, of them to laud to be acting on Voltaire's dictum,!
""; '. c "2 ." ' Brvan in the White House. ''Keep on lying, and some of it will!
'it - 'j jji t"?, ; Recently I have been traveliug stick."
V ' ,fc - V'
v. G 3 vk;!
arda nrrSm
0flGb,PnlllTS,01LS,GLnSS!bat in the bousel
. '.!-' ' the proper place ffu
A full it ne of Perfumes i .n i 'i .
I "and Toilet Good. '''''""
139 Sccth lOtSSWBatwean-O&H
Lincoln, Nebe
Drift Toward Bryan and
Democracy. .
Many Republicans Revolt at Im
Sot m. Blan Who Supported Him In
1SOO la Vt'averinB-Hold Democrat
Cuming Unek-SlgDi That the O. O
i csuuisr many stateinou to lost sleei,
' lw..-,. tlt .1.1 - ..V
atV is a query whose Uouest and iu-
tellient answer lias a tendency to en-j
courajre Democrats i be f good -heer j
I have had extra good opportunities:
to nlist'i've .Mini mv ciiiK-lnsioii is thrlt!
,l't 's toward Bryan and Democ-;
racy. anl it will be remembered that a!
very suiali drift will give us the vie-
I and Iowa iuiulging in the luxury of
joint lectures on "imperialism" Avith
Hon. .1. 1'. Dolliver of Iowa, late candi
date for the Republican vice presiden
tial nomination, and Hon. C. B. l.andis
of Indiana, the great Mormon ex
terminator at home aud Mormon sup
porter abroad.
It's really a pity about Dolliver. He
is young, handsome, brilliant aud am
bitious. His friends thought him tit
for at least second place. I myself
helped his boom along all I could, but
Mark nipped it in the bud and foisted
Teddy the Terror on the ticket. I
mourn for Dolliver as a bright young
man who fell before Mark's snicker
snee. As for Landis. lie thinks polygamr
wrong in 1'tah. but it is the proper ca
per in the Sulu islands.
Republic In Dancrr. -
But what I started out to say is that
this lec turing business with Dolliver i
and Landis lias taken me over a great j
j deal of territory and brought me into j
contact with a great many people, and
i I conclude that the drift is toward
Bryan ami Democracy.
Not only are prominent Republicans
quitting the O. O. P. such men as
Governor (ieorge S. Boutwell of Mas
sachusetts and Webster Davis of Mis
souri and Judge Stiles of Nebraska
but the "plain people" are breaking
At Winfield. Kan., a veteran of the
civil war, wearing a Jrand Army but
ton in the lapel of his coat, came to me
after the debate and said: "You preachr
ed the truth today. You were too
! young to be in the civil war, but you
j are doing now what 1 did then stand
! ing up for the preservation of the re
j public. I have voted the Republican
ticket all my life, but I can't do it any
more. The republic is in danger."
On the platform at Atchison. Kan., a
young man, son of a great Iowa law
yer and Republican, came up and cor
dially greeted Brother Dolliver, but
made that gentleman sad at heart by
saying: "Mr. Dolliver. our folks have, j
as you know, always been Republic- j
ans, but I can't stand this imperialism
and. as Bryan can't do anything with
his 10 to 1 theory, even if he is elected,
with a hostile senate, I am going to
vote for him." Then, to my amaze
ment. Dolliver, after the fashion of a
drowning man grabbing at a straw,
said to his young friend: "The tail goes
with the hide. If Bryan is elected, the
Democrats will carry both senate and
Then I took out a pad of paper and
pencil and demonstrated to the re-
pentaut young Republican that th
senate is now Republican by 14 ma
jority; ti nt the very best we coul
hope for is to gobble five senatorial
teats now held by Republicans; that,
unless there is a regular tidal wave or
landslide, we can't capture the senate,
and that the chances were that we
would gain only four seats, which,
taking off four from the Republicans
and f '.tiding four to our column, would
still leave the Republicans six major
ity in- the senate.
Thus Brother Dolliver and I wrestled
for that wavering Aote on the depot
platform at Atchison. Kan., while
waiting for a train, and I prevailed.
And so it goes everywhere not" a
man who supported Bryan in ISOfl
wavering, while voters of every de
j gree are quitting the Mcllannaites; not
j by the millions, but in squads squads
In every nook and corner fof the coun
! try: squads whieti in the aggregate
j will give Br.ran from 23 to over 100
i majority in the electoral coMege.
The Gold Democrat.
The gold Democrats are also coming
j Into the fold to swell the anti-imperial-
re glad to have them
f their fathers. It's
for them indeed for
all who love their country.
Webster Davis, as I predicted in my
last letter, is coining in for a great
deal of abuse, but I guess Webster can
5 1 1 t-a.usiug tunny statesmen to lose sleep, i
stand it In the cause of liberty and
truth. The rads" can't rub out the fact
that until he 'resigned as assistant sec
retary of the interior he was put for
ward as the orator in chief of Mc
Kinley's administration.
I make another prediction, and It is
this: Republicans " like Dolliver will
keep on abusing Davis until, ho gives
an expose of his differences "With H.
Clay Evans, cominissioner of pensions,
and Ethan Allen Hitchcock, secretary
of the interior. T When Davis does
that, hundreds of thousands of old sol
diers will leave "McKinley and vote for
Bryan, because it is an open secret
that the row which Davis had with
Evans and Hitchcock grew out of the
fact that Davis was the firm and un
yielding friend of the old soldiers and
that he regularly overruled Evans and
that Hitchcock ' regularly overruled
Davis." So that the more the Republic
ans abuse Davjs, the more the old sol
diers will vote for Bryan.
demon- !
on j
of Minnesota, ex-cousrressaian, and
men, once pillars m the Republican j
temple, who were not there in the !
flesh, but who were there in spirit
such as Senator Henry M. Teller of j
Colorado, ex-Senator Fred T. Dubois
of Idaho, General John B. Henderson j
of Missouri 6ud Carl Schurz an il-;
lustrous company, surely. j
the part of Republican news- i
s this is to be a campaign of mis-;
have earned "the bad eminence" of
leading in this disgraceful business.
I never read that sheet that I am not
forced to recall the words of Sir John
Falstaff on a memorable occasion:
"Lord! Lord! how this world is given
to lying!"
I submit to a candid world if the
McKinley imperialistic party is not in :
a very bad way when it deliberately ;
resorts to lying aud misrepresentation !
as the only means of bolstering up a I
losing cause. , t
This same monumental liar, the Kan
sas City Journal, said that in our de
bate at the Wintield Chautauqua the
"Hon. C. B. Lamlis was dignified and
argumentative, while Champ Clark
was vulgar and abusive." which was
another lie. vTt based its charge
against me on the last sentence In my
closing speech,' which was as follows:
"If you desire a, pure, economical, pa-
triotic Americau administration, vote
the Democratic ticket, and may peace
'rest' upon your houses. If you desire
a wicked aud wanton waste or the
people's money, a further growth of
trusts, a vast standing array and the
Republic converted Into an empire,
vote the Republicau ticket and may
God have mercy on your fool souls!"
I am willing to stand by that. What
is there abusive or vulgar about that?!
Is statiug the truth abuse? Is it vul-j
gar? Isn't the Republican party guilty
of wicked and wanton waste of the
public money? Isn't it trust ridden and
trust supported? Isn't it in favor of a
vast standing army? Isn't it endeavor
ing to establish an empire upon the
ruins of a republic? And why should
the Kansas City Journal abuse me for
stating historic truths? I will tell
you why. Because these truths, stated
bluntly by me, hurt.
The Journal said that Landis was
dignified and argumentative. In the
same column It unfortunately gave an
extract from his speech in which he
declared that instead of the Demo
cratic national convention being held
at Kansas City, it ought to be held In
the Leavenworth penitentiary! There's
dignity and argument for you! That's
the Kansas City Journal's idea of dig
nity and logic!
The Path-vray of Duty.
I denounced the statement of Mr.
Landis as a Tile slander when he made
it at Winfield. I denounce it as such
now when printed in the Kansas City
As these letters have twenty or fifty
fold mere circulation than the Kansas
City Journal, I say to it in the words
of Shakespeare:
Lay on, Macduff!
And damned be he who first criea
Hold! Enough! '
I do not propose to be driven from
the pathway of duty by it or by all
the Republican newspapers in the land.
This is our country my country and
I intend to contribute my mite to pre
serve our free institutions for my chil
dren and my children's children to the
remotest generation.
Hon. Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver is a
brilliant orator and. an amiable gentle
man. I ui glad to count him on the
list of my personal friends, but he
knows a great deal more concerning
the history of his country than he did
before we met in debate at Spirit Lake,
la. He leaned a lesson on that occa
sion which Le will not forget so long
as he lives. I was his teacher.- As
these letters are intended to be educa
tional in their nature and as other Re
publican orators are likely to be as shy
on history as Dolliver was, I hereby
set forth the incident as it happened:
I spoke on imperialism, before a
teachers institute at Burlingame.Kan.,
Monday, June 23. Dolliver spoke there
Friday, the 20th. In my speech I lam
basted Mr. Secretary of State John
Hay for signing the Hay-Pauncefote
treaty and denounced it as the most
humiliating and disgraceful document
to which an American ever put his
name, which it is. At the Kansas City
convention a Burlingame Democrat as
tonished me by saying that Dolliver
answered that by declaring that the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty was simply an
amendment to and an improvement on
the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, which, he
said, was a Democratic treaty negotiat
ed by James K. Polk's administration!
I knew that that was not true and
thought that my informant wr.s mis
taken, but when I went home I hunted
up the authorities, made a memoran
dum of the exact dates and went to
Spirit Lake loaded for bear.
Ciaylon-BvlTf-er Tre-atjr.
I had the opening and close. Dolli
ver had the middle speech. . In my
opening speech I went after Hay and
his treaty with Tauncefote without
gloves. To my surprise and delight,
Dolliver walked promptly into the trap,
declariug that the Hay-Tauncefote
treaty was an amendment to and im
provement on a Democratic treaty the
Claytpn-Bulwer treaty, negotiated by
James K. Polk's administration. In
my closing speech I jammed the truth
into him in great chunks, and the truth
Is that the Clayton-Bulwer treaty was
negotiated on the part of Great Brit
ain by Jlenry Lytton Bulwer and on
the part of the United States by John
M. Clayton of Delaware, who was not
a Democrat at all, but who was secre
tary of state under General Zac-hary
Taylor, the last Whig ever elected pres
ident. So Brother Dolliver found him
self in "a hole, and at the White Cloud
(Kan.) Chautauqua he stated that it
was a Whig and not a Democratic
That Democrats may have all the
facts to thump into Republicans I here
by give all the dates touching the
Clayton-Bulwer treaty. These facts
may be found on page 234 in a govern
ment publication entitled "Compilation
of Treaties Now In Force, 1778-1S19;"
also in "Treaties and Conventions,
1SSJK" page 440:
"Clayton-Bulwer treaty concluded
April 1!, ISTiO: ratification advised by
the senate May 22, 1S50; ratified by
president May 2o.TS.10; ratifications ex
changed July 4, 1850: proclaimed July
5. ISoO." It may be added that that
was almost the last official act of Pres
ident Taylor, as he died July 0. 1ST0,
from eating cherries and ice cold but
termilk. I take pleasure in adding that
the man who fought the ratification
most bitterly was that immortal Demo
crat Stephen A. Douglas.
I wish to state emphatically that I
do not accuse Brother Dolliver of de
liberately or intentionally misrepre
senting the Democratic party in this
matter. Dolliver is a gentleman. While
generally intelligent, he was ignorant
in this particular matter. He knows
better now. I instructed him. He will
never charge theClayton-Bulwer treaty
up to Democrats again. He gracefully
came down at White Cloud and charg
ed it to the Whigs, but I set out the
facts above in extenso because I have
every reason to believe "that Republic
an spellbinders generally make the
same mistake made by Brother Dolli
ver until I operated on his understand
ing and added to his stock of informa
tion at Spirit Lake, la.
Haviag Fan With Landis.
At Springdale, Ark., I also let some
light in upon the intellect of Hon.
Charles B. Landis of Indiana, when we
debated before the Chautauqua assem
bly there. In referring to the sale of
bonds under the Spanish war revenue
bill, he declared that the bonds were
purchased, not by the rich, but by the
body of the people the farmers, mer
chants, mechanics, clerks and laborers
when everybody knew that the state
ment was all tommy rot. Springdale is
a fine little city in a fine farming sec
tion. We had a splendid audience of
about 3.000 people. I concluded to try
Sam Jones' plan on Landis, so in my
reply I repeated his statement as to
the people the plain people buying
the bonds, and asked all in that audi
ence who were the happy possessors
of United States bonds, or who bid on
the Spanish war bonds, to stand up
and be counted. Not a soul arose al
though I repeated the invitation ur
gently. Instead such a mighty roar of
laughter burst upon the summer air
as to make the leaves quiver on the
mighty oaks under which we were
speaking. Safe to say Br'er Landis will
never repeat that performance where
there is anybody to expose his trick.
But other Republicans will do so when
speaking alone.
At Winfield. Kan., when Landis and
I debated before the Chautauqua as
sembly I had some more fun with
him and again added to his stock of
Information. He steered clear of mak
ing his pieposterous assertion about
the body of the people buying bonds,
but he went into the hole after the
fashion of Mr. McGinty on another
occasion. In defending the Atlantic
City money bill he grandiloquently
said: "Why should you fear the banks?
The people own the banks!" Once
more I tried Sam Jones' plan. We had
a magnificent audience; the very
cream of the people of the Arkansas
valley. In reply I restated the proposi
tion of Brother Landis and invited all
who in that splendid audience of 4.000
people owned national bank stock to
stand up and be counted. Not a soul
stood up. So another of Brother Lan
dis campaign gags went where the
woodbine t wineth.
No doubt when alone he will repeat
both these, thoroughly, exploded propo
sitions and Republicans who would not
know a United States bond or a piece
of national bank stock if they met it
in the big road will yell themselves
hoarse, and such lying sheets as the
Kansas City Journal will continue to
publish fables to the effect that 'Lan
djs mopped up the earth with Champ
Clark." I really enjoy such mopping,
and, like Oliver Twist, cry for more.
To all safferiiy? from any of the diseases below, we feel confident of bein able to Rive relief
Monthly treatment, including examination, serrices and all medicines necessary, from ao.w io
$25.00 per month. Our extensive experience with glandular substances enables ua tp state jkjpi
tively that they will proTe beneficial to the following diseases: Thyroid starvation, blunted
Growth. Nervous Prostration, Idiocy, Paralysis. Glandular Enlargements, Goitre, tienerai de
bility, Myxoedma, Locomotor Ataxia, Rheumatism, Scrofula. Skin Diseases, Kczema, dyspep
sia. Neuralgia, Constipation. Apoplexy, Defective Vision, Defective Hearing, l oor Circulation,
Insanity, Nervous Debility, Disease of the Brain, Tuberculosis, Varicose V eins, .Erysipelas, t-pi-lepsy.
Suppurating Glands. Lymphadenities, Orchitis, Fat Starvation, Ovarian Diseases, sup
pressed Menstration, Nervousness from ovaritis, Pyosalpinx, Leucorrhoea, Loss of Memory, de
mentia, Paronia, Melancholia, Loss of Vital Power, Anemia, Blood Poison, Syphilis, Lhronio
Skin Diseases. Presenility, Jaundice, Falling of the W omb, Gout, Kidney Disease, Diabetes,
Bright's Disease, Obesity, Dropsy, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. Lassitude, Loe or r lesu.
Indisposition to Exertion, Drunkenness, Morphine Habit, Masturbation. , . , ' ,
Monthly Treatment CoU from $5.00 to $25.00 per month with all $Ilical Al view
including all Medicines. Booklet sent Free. Sanitarium 743 S 13th St. Offices 94-3-U
Burr Block. Telephone 933 for Sanitarium, 93 7 for office. '
. MRS. A. J. Manager.
An Ideal Climate
The first white man to set foot on
Utah soil, Father Silvestre Velez de
Escalante, who reached the GREAT
SALT, LAKE on the 23rd day of Sept.,
1776, wrote in his diary: "Here the
climate is so delicious, the air so
balmy, that it is a pleasure to breathe
by day and by night." The climate of
Utah is one of the richest endowments
of nature. On the shores of the Great
Salt Lake especially and for fifty
miles therefrom in every direction
the climate of climates is found. To
enable persons to participate in these
scenic and climatic attractions and to
reach the famous HEALTH, BATHING
the UNION PACIFIC has made a rate
one fare for the round trip, plus $2.00,
from Lincoln, to be in effect June 21st,
July 7th to 10th inclusive, July 18th
and Aug. 2d. Return limit Oct. 31,
For full information, call on or ad
dress E. B. SLOSSEN, Agent.
If you wish to have the jolliest kind
of a time take a day off aud come to
Lincoln Tuesday, J uly 31. The grand
public parade of the Forepaugh and
Sells Brothers shows that will be here
that day is alone worth the time and ex
pense of the trip.
Special Excursions to Colorado and Utah
via the Chicago, Rock'lslaud &
' Pacific Railway
June 21, July 10 and 18 and August 2.
Good returning until October 31, 1900.
Denver and return, 18.25; Colorado
Springs and return, f 13.85; Pueblo and
return, $19.00; Salt Lake City and Og
den and return, 32.00. For further in
formation, apply to
E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P. A., Topeka,
or P. II. BARNES, CP. A. Lincoln, Neb.
When sending in clubs of subscrip
tions DO NOT FAIL to mention the
premium you ' desire. Best plan is to
cut out the premium list and check the
article or articles desired. Remember
we are neither hypnotists nor mind read
ers and must depend solely on you to
state plainly what you want.
Cheap Rates to Colorado.
Special excursion tickets to Colorado
and Utah will be on sale via all lines
from Lincoln and all points in Nebraska
July 8, 9, 10 and 18, and August 2, at
a rate of one fare plus $2 for the round
trip. To enable tourists and pleasure
seekers who take - advantage of these
special excursions to visit the many
points of interest in the Rocky Moun
tain Region, the Denver & Rio Grande
Railroad, "The Scenic Line of the
World," will make very low rates for the
round trip from Denver, Colorado
Springs and Pueblo to all principal re
sorts and scenic points of interest in
Colorado, and to Salt Lake City, Utah.
For free illustrated pamphlets descrip
tive of Colorado's natural advantages
and information regarding rates and
routes, call on your nearest ticket agent
or address S. K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A.,
Denver, Colo.
Farming In Colorado and New Mexico.
The Denver A . Rio Grande Railroad,
"The Scenic Line of the World," has
prepared an illustrated book upon the
above subject, which will bo sent free to
farmers desiring to change their location.
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to the agricultural, horti
cultural and live stock interests of. this
section, and should be in the hands of
everyone who desires to become acquan
ted with the methods of farming by ir
rigation. ftTrite S. K. Hooper, G. P. &
T. A Denver, Colo.
Something Entirely New on Silver
Proves by a series of tables and dis
cussions that the MONEY QUESTION
The Decline for 32 years, 18GG to 1893,
in the Export Price of Farm Products,
by C. G. Bullock, Lincoln, Nebraska.
It is the best campaign book for 1900.
Should be in the hands of every cam
paign speaker, every farmer, every voter
who wants to know the truth. New
ideas, new evidence. Send for a sample
copy and keep up with the procession.
Fifteen cents a copy. Independent,
Lincoln, Neb.
1,000 Magnetic Healers Wanted
The Kimmel Institute of Magnetic
Healing is healing all manner of dis
eas by mail, as well as by ofuce treat
ment; but the office treatment is best
in most diseases; so tnat wj desire to
start Branch Institutes in 1,0. towns.
To do this we must have 1,000 gradu
ates from our Institute, we want them
to teach our lectures and instructions,
because there is none sc good as ours.
We want them to treat under our in
structions, or we cannot vouch for
their success. We allow you to choose
your own location, we guarantee good
nav for e-ood vrork. We treat all our
man patients personally, t d not by
proxy. We cure 90 per cent. Mrs.
Kim- .el has charge of our lidy pa
tients here at the office. It is always
best to take our office treatment if you
can come to Lincoln. Address
. J. W. Kimmel,
. Lincoln, Neb.
Mention this paper 318 Sc. 12 St.
Dr. Louis N. Wente dentist, 137 South
11th street Brownel! block. v .
ah fnrmi nf haths Turkish, Russian. Ro
man, Electric with special attention to the
application of natural salt water baths, several
times stronger thau sea water, - Rheumatism,
Skin. Blood, Catarrh, Stomach, Nervoua, and
Heart diseases; Liver and Kidney troubles:
diseases of women and chronic ailments treated
successfully. A separate department, fitted
with a thoroughly aseptic ward and operating
rooms, offer special inducements to surgical
cases, and all diseases peculiar to women. .
The Western Optical and Electrical
Co., located at 131 North 11th street is
composed of old citizens and thoroughly
acquainted with the business, having
fitted eyes for twenty-five years. Cer
tainly they ought to be competent to do
good work. They are permanently lo
cated with us and that means much to
the purchaser of eye glasses and spec
tacles. ,
For a Summer Outing
The Rocky Mountain regions
reached via the UNION PACIFIC, pro
vide lavishly for the health of the, in
valid, and the pleasure of the tourjst.
Amid these rugged steeps, are to be
found some of the most charming and
restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes
nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate
that cheers and exhilarates. The
put in effect by the UNION PACIFIC
enable you to reach these favored lo
calities without unnecessary expendi
ture of time or" money.
In effect June 21, July 7 to 10 inc.,
July 18 and August 2. One fare plus 82 for
the round trip from Lincoln to Denver,
Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden, and
Salt Lake City. Return limit Octo
ber 31st, 1900.
For Time Tac es and full Informa
tion call on E B. SLOSSON, Agent.
Where to Locate?
Louisvilk and
TheOreat Central Southern Trunk Line
In Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Missis
sippi, .Florida, " Where, farmers. Fruit
Growers. 8took Raisers 'Maniufaeturers.
Inverter-. Speculators, and Money Lenders
will find the greatest chances in the United
States to" make "big money" by reason of the
abundance and cheapness of Laud and Farms,
Timber and Stone, Iron and Coal, Labor
t very thing!. Free sites, financial assistance,
and freedom from taxation for the manufactur
er. Land and farms at $1.00 per acre and up
wards, and 500,UX) acres in West Florida that
can be taken gratis under the U. S. Homestead
laws. Stock raiting in the Gulf. Coast District
will make enormous profits.
Half Fare Kxcurslona the First and Third
Tuesdays of Kach Month.
Let us know what you want, and we will tell
you where and how to get it but don't delay,
as the country is filling up rapidly, Printed
matter, maps and all information free. Address
General Immigration and Industrial Ag-ent,
, . Louisville, Ky.
Tours In the Rocky Mountains.
The "Scenic Line of the World," the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, offers to
tourists in Colorado, Utah and New
Mexico the choicest resorts, and to the
transcontinental traveler the grandest
scenery. Two separate and distinct
routes through the Rocky mountains, all
through tickets via either. The direct,
line to Cripple Creek, the greatest gold
camp on earth. Three trains daily each,
way, with through Pullman palace and
tourist sleeping cars between Chicago
Denver, San Francisco and Los Angeles
and Denver and Portland. The best line
to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and
Washington via the "Ogden Gateway."
Dining cars (service a la hote) on all
through trains. Write S. K. Hooper, (j.
P. & T. A., Denver, Colo., for illustrated
descriptive pamphlets.
fl 00 Hood's Sarsaparilla........... 75c,
1 CO Paine's Celery Compound.... 75c
1 00 Ayers' Sarsaparilla 75c
1 00 Allen's Sarsaparilla ... . 15c
1 00 Allen's Celery Compound ..... 75c
1 00 Scott's Emulsion..... ..,75o
1 00 King's New Discovery.... ...,75u
1 00 Peruna 75c
1 00 Swamp Root..... 75o
1 00 S. S. S. ...75c
1 00 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp'd.75c
1 00 Jayne's Expectrant. 75c
1 00 Beef Iron and Wine Tonic... 75c
1 00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription . 75c
1 00 Miles' Restorative Tonic 75c
1 00 Wine of Cardui ...75o
1 00 Slocum's Ozomulsion 75c
1 00 Radneld's Female Regulator. .75o
1 00 Shoop's Restorative 75c
1 00 Indian Sagwa 75c
1 00 McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm 75c
1 00 Mother's Friend : . . .75c
1 00 Woman's Health Restorer .... 75c
1 00 La-cu-pi-a 75c
,1 00 Hostetter's Bitters 75c
1 00 Iron Tonic Bitters 75c
1 00 Electric Bitters 75c
Johnson Drug Store
Low Prices
141 So. 9th St. Lincoln, Neb.
Little Oval Photos,
25c pe. dozen.
'Cabinets-$2.0 1
Per dozen. .