THE NEBRASKA' INDEPENDENT July 10, 1900 WILLIE AND HIS PAPA. mm Ag&$k mil r vvtefe TriJ gil!iI;!l!i!li!lll!ii;Hi!!ll!!lil!iiilili!li!lllil!!ll!il!l!lS!tg I Wedded at Last I t ' i ! i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 n 1 1 in 1 1 it n ir - niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiur? "Years ago," mused Alabama Ike as he deftly filled his pipe from the hollow of hit band, ';ers S there were a techio little ro-mance of true love e-nacted in this yere com-munity." "Tell us a-bout it, Alabamy, asked oue of the citizens of Red Dog. "Waal, one hot day in August, one of tbeni days when a feller 'feels like layin finder a tree instidder workin, th' stage bowls inter town, . en a couple de-scends from th vehicle, which we at once sizes up as e-lopers. She were a light, haired lady, a sun bonnet en caliker gown, en he were a gent with a big mustache, six shooters en Mexican spurs. They goes at once t' th' Eagle ho-tel en signs on th register 'Misses Lisa Johnson, Arizony, en 'Nevady Bill, Nevady.' They then in quires of the ho-tel clerk whar they can git a-holt of a parson, as they wants t set married, en th' clerk informs 'em that th' only minister he knows of at present is a-settin in th ho-tel, en th' preacher is p'inted out a-settin at a table a-sleep. Then th' groom asks Poker Jack en his friend. Cactus Bill, t drink t' his health. 'Fer I'm a-goin t get married,' explains th' stranger. 'What may be th' bride's name?' asks Poker Jack, po-lite like, as he hands out th" jig jooce. " "Lire Johnson of Arizony,' answers th' stranger as be histes his glass. 'Here's luck, gentlemen!' '"Poker Jack's chin fell, en he nearly fainted- Th' strapger en-deavors t' wake up Divinity Da, th preacher, but 'tain't no use, so he leaves, statiu he'll re turn in a few hours. " 'It's ail up! sez Poker Jack t' Cac tus Bill. 'She's here!' " 'Are you sure it's her?' asked Cactus. 'I know it. I glimpsed her as she gi'.s offn th stage. When did you say yoa hooked up with her?' 'In '72 in Chicago, answers Cactus. En you?' 'In '72 in Denver after you skipped out en left her. I skins out in '78 myself, en I guess she thinks we is both dead. Tell you what we'd better do. Keep Di vinity Dave full of jig jooce so's he won't be able t' marry 'em until we see th lov in couple en explains,' says Poker Jack. "Waal, that same evenin them two. de funct husbands calls on Nevady Bill en his prospective wife en explains things, Mrs. Liza Johnson she had also married a one eyed feller name of Johnson in Cheyenne since Poker Jack skips out this ! rom er Dut this yere Johnson was dead J shore enough was dumfoundered when : she sees her two former husbands walk in, but Cactus Bill sets down en outlines ; a plan by follerin which all '11 be plain sailin fer th' lovin couple. He states that he has fixed it with th' jedge of th' Bed Dog deestrect court, en the next mornin he will a-ply fer a di-vorce frum Liza Johnson, en as soon as it are granted Poker Jack'll a-ply fer another. "The' jedge are deeply in debt t' both Cactus en Poker en have promised t' grant th' di-vorces. "This yere statement satersfys Liza Johnson en Nevady Bill, en they rests easy. Th' nex' mornin Cactus a-plys fer a di vorce from Liza Johnson, claimin she are more con-trary than ar buckin broncho, cusses like lightnin en has cold feet. "Th jedge are deeply in debt t both are this so, en Liza swears it are gospel trewth, as she are also in a hurry t' git th' di-vorce. The jedge grants th de cree en signs th' papers, en then up steps Poker Jack, who asks fer a di vorce on th groun s of extreem ma lignity of temper en general cussedcess. In fact, we almost thinks Jack goes too fer in bis swearin, fer he jes' tears that there woman's reppy-tation, ef she ever had enny, fer peacefulness, sobrietee en trewthfulness. t' flinders. " 'Are it so?' asks the jedge, turnin t' Lira. " 'It are, beyond doubt,' answers Liza. ' 'Then I grants th' second di-vorce,' sez th' jedge. "'Waal,' yells Nevady Bill, 'ef all them, there facts is true 'bout this yere woman's dispersition I'm durned ef I'm a-goin t' marry her! I'd jes as leave be hitched t a laffin hyener er a grizzly!' 'En,' yells Divinity Dave, 'ef he don t "Vhat you Kt it.v tuuny c!o:h r.n for. "I'm jr?fir r-4 to th- t orkiagman's fi-n. ':!!!."- New Tork Evening Journal. papa? friend during the cam- 5 Julv 13, K 27 Jl r.i r QKtl PKKti It K2 K K.'i K-KKttch RB3;sI' Ilesigns- UQKtn l)R K V QRI P-KKtl PxP K-R II BS eh u Tru-b a o-'.tp tc tLe jtai eriee P. ! J. 1 Barron failed to recie nn. e in his Cfij- with Da :. c. Brookhaven. Ml-, aud t'JT -itu e the game wa ' fceld io abeyant. Te ocatter ha fin ally kn tl -i by -az. it a draw. r.-n.urb Km it iraa-e La bn delays! -k;rs- .tb.rtJ.Nc 2D. fl B- Hill. OveUod. Mim- fx.ti to ti4 f.irX. nc'to J. M. Croly, Fr-njont. sod tLi- gai aiiH til caK--lied or called a tiraw iritfcit J-lay. Scoi rtEilair.t fca- reach-d the Ches F-dit'T r-rard.' tb failure of certain j Nraa ilaT- in the Miw-isuj j,i N braita matrh to .t-er !Lrule r-j u i r ;r.g rr-ii to m c a tied ti.m 72 Lour- fcfr rcrtpt tio, Sunlayi excepted. ItMtob L'd that each Nebraska I la;r will cciioator to atmply strictly ; ith th ru!. j J' cn 1". Barry at lkton La lately twttn in-iulirsnj: in a i;-eat bit of ojhitry j reardiii th-r capture of & i awn tn pa- j izs. 1 Le Boston Pr t print a t roblem ' ri hi to illustrate the iJe. Ia Foryth j tt t-itioa i .111 4. IpkplKtgl.l v rlP3Kl. IK .i. i. t Thi ittODuttr; key. Q Q 4. If Black i jlfey KiP ch. yiB cate. If II any oth rr. K i.';e-. KtPany.or I Q 'X White n-at- by Qitj P. But urp-- Blark r lay P Q I? Mr. liarry declare- that i I if will do th writ: that the Mrt 1 jar: of tt eroJutsoa in PiP i p i V i ! .. no other c- to t followed by re motin the Black P: that V Q 0ine ri-t. the Black K i. dead; i.ut that White i not obliged to remove the Blark I which in tht ca- rancit recsovri witbxul leancjr the White K j in check. i Thi t rertajcly icgeuiotf. but fahariou. lt it pta b to (five check mite with tart of a move? t os'y o&e warrant for the ruove I -O tj and teat i the fart that White ictei.d to take the Black QP in passing: the n;ove t not ectaplete until he remove the B!c k pawn. B-novirjr ail the rtece- bat the Kic and the White BP and Blark QP, with tha move Black can it avoid capture of hi pawn by j:av tng P4J 4; whether he f iay P4J X or 1 Q 4 fc.te. if he CDoo;, n.ay capture s the Black pawn asd when the score t-. cosipjeted the Black pawn i ctl the hoard cd the White :awn at Q jche-k-ii.z th Black K. Beplacir: ttse piece- it will beeeti that if 15 lack play P-4J', White aay cot tezal'v play PxP mate. , Neither may Le. in rej-iy to I'g 1. play. Pi Pi. p. mate; and i'ij '. can only lie jutified by an attempt to play PxP i. p. 4'an part ut a ctoie be Segat ar.4 part ii!e- ca;y i A. Raosu!c of South Omaha eeai j to playisijf in ijcrform in the of the Nebraska Che -x-iatk-n. La-t week II. B. Hanjcjond ect io nrores of ' tirorin,M Le had won from Mr. Ra-rr:u--er.. trakin Har.3.orid' iccre to ; ctate .1 fj-a to 0 kft- We c the core I ce of if the rim this week- -" CAME Vli,' 0 l'L t Fourth jrarve cotxpleted in the final of the Nebraska C"he AMriaticm. A. t Ilastn-tfscea.Soatij Oaaha, played White s acd I L B. Hanamocd, Wytaore, played Black. I a harmoey with hi idea that "book" opecci Lave little merit in thee. at.d that at iispOHib!e todemoe fctrate that certasc ojnir? mote are yml acd other weak, Mr. Hammond de iVraly rboe what the "book" ay h a losing def-t:-- HVYlJtTKZ. White RariiU-eei. Bla-k Hammond 'a 4 Kt-KIXSi the move and Is considered stronger. bi All "book moves to here, the uual continuation being 9. P-QB'J. B K'l: 10. O 0,Kt-B3; 11. QQ sq with advantage for White. ci Better stick to the book; lo-e-i a P. fdt Would Q Q s4 answer? HRtlBUkM 'o. 2L A Lttle end game contributed by Mr. C. 11. Oldham, Moundsville. West Vir Citta. White to play and win. In For syth notation: 8. .1 k 2 b 1. 2 Kt I' 1. A K U B. 0 p 1. 8. 2 p 2 kt 2. 8. BLAUK. . 1. ... , 2Sl f" ?' 5 -i a ' 5 i : - . y WHITE. Mow'a Tbi? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cae of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney k Co., Props., Toledo, O. i We the undersigned, have known F. J. f Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe ' bim perfectly honorable in all business Th-re ; transactions and tiaanciallyable to carry out any obligation made by their hrm. West and Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WaldiDg, Kinnan V Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O ual i If 11) b v mm. m . mt llall wcatarrn c ure is lasen internally, j wanter marry tier l ain t a-gom t per actinc directly upon the blood and mu- j form enny cer-mony!' As quick as a flash th di-vorced wo man had two guns out, one trained on Nevady Bill, th other on Divinity Dave, cou kurface of the system. Price 7 5c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tes tinjonials free. llall'fi Family Pill are the beL LONG-LOST SHELL. Mill In (iuod Order U'ha Taken trmtm Ibr Wa trr After Fori y I'aar Year. 1 'J 10 II 12 M II :, M n In V 30 21 24 A P K4 Kt KBS B Kt", B R4 I V I KtiP QtKt B Kt! P?B4 Kt in QK3 BiB OO O K2 Kt Q-. Kt K:: PKBl KtxP tIUKt p k; KtxP Q VBl 41 P K4 Ktoin pofn KKt K2 PxP KtxKt pgKti Pol b b ib BxriP PxB P KKt'5 Kt Kl B Kt2 902 Kt v-; KtxB PiP QKl BxKt B Q' cb I'xl a Tiie loupeskt time that is known to have elapsed between be tiring1 of a shell acd its explosion is 44 years. Recently a hU which had been fired into the Huseian harbor of Sebastopol during- the Crimean war at least 44 year ago was hauled up by some fishermen, and it exploded on being taken from the water, killing one of the men and wounding several of the others, notwithstanding the long period which had elapsed since it had left the British gun which fired it. Finds of shells are exceedingly dan gerous, if they happen to be unex plored ones, as a aimilar accident happened cot long since at Bolton-le-ivacda, where a dredger Darned Wil aon fihlicd up one that had been fixed from the artillery camp at Bare, and took it home. An attempt to break It up cost him an eye, a foot and a broken bead, beside causing serious damage to property. The Vlelaalladea of War. Henry Labouchere, while addressing a jeace meeting In England, was hit on the head "'y a flying chair, and a num ber of his hearers had to be taken home in ambulances. The Chicago Times Herald concludes that Henry must be osf of thoae who will hare peace, even if they are compelled to fight for it. SalpawIIilaa; In Japaa. Shipbuilding in Japan is flourishing p?ce, as it should in an island king dom. A native firm at Nagasaki has just finished a 12.000-ton steel twin screw passenger steamship and six cf similar type are in process of construction. i en said m a quiet voice: 1 " 'You're both a-goin t do jes' as I ! say! You. Biil. come yere en stand at my side, en you, Dave, pulls your pra'r bock afore I bars down on th triggers!' "Poker Jack en Cactus Bill both pulls i their guns en points out t' Nevady en th i minister that they has kept their part of j th' bargain, en if Nevady don't marry ; th' woman they will jes' shoot both Ne vady en see which one of 'em will marry Liza over again, so th' pros-pective groom gives in, en th cer-mony are pre formed. "All of which goes t' make up as inter estin a ro-mance as you'll find in any novel book, either do-mesticated or em ported." concluded Alabamy. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 'Ucnar, Not Omar. Stanhope Sams, a student of the Ru baiyat, says in the New York Times that the spelling of the name of the Persian poet should be 'Umar instead of Omar. In explanation he writes: "I can only gay that the spelling 'Umar' is the way In which the immortal tentmaker wrota Lis own name. Moreover, there is no let ter or sound of o in the Persian. The ac cent, or stress, is on the last syllable, both of "Umar and of Khayyam. as is the case with all Persian words, with perhaps a dozen exceptions. When writ tea 'Omar, there is a noticeable tenden cy to pronounce the name with the first syllable stressed, which is anathema to the real student of 4 'Umar.' " It may be added that the apostrophe in ' 'Umar" and other Persian words stands for an unspoken consonant, gh, which had already disappeared in pro nunciation at the time of " 'Umar.' Sharpies Cream able dairying. Separators Profit- A Schoolboy' Poaer. It has been discovered by a writer in The Academy that the ordinary English man is averse from the poets because he was made to learn Gray's "Elegy" in his youth. But that all schoolboys do not know Gray's "Elegy" is quite certain from an answer given in a recent exami nation. "Chaucer," wrote the sapient youth, "is chiefly famous as the author of 'Gray's Elegy of Ancient Rome.'" This boy'a "dark, unfathomed caTes" of ignorance were not due to poor Gray. London Globe, S UBSCRIPTION BLANK Independent Publishing (& Lincoln, ntbraska. . ; - GENTLE ME 2?: Send The Nebraska Independent to the folhwing subscribes, for whioh I enclose - - . ' Name of sender.. Postofficc State. NAMES POSTOFFICE STATE REMARKS '; - 1 1 " ' . ."1 ..I'.... - 1 t - ' ..,.')-,''" s An Ideal Climate The first white man to set foot on Utah soil, Father Silvestre Velez de Escalante, who reached the GREAT SALT LAKE on the 23rd day of Sept., 1776, wrote in his diary: "Here the climate is so delicious, the air so balmy, that it is a pleasure to breathe by day and by night." . The climate of Utah Is one of the richest endowments of nature. On tne shores of the Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in; every direction the climate of climates is found. To enable persons to participate in these scenic and climatic attractions and to reach the famous HEALTH. BATHING AND PLEASURE RESORTS of Utah, the UNION PACIFIC has made a rate to OGDEN and SALT LAKE ClTY of one fare for the round trip, plus $2.00, from Lincoln, to be in effect June 21st, July 7th to 10th inclusive, July 18th and Aug. 2d. Return limit Oct. 31, 1900. For full information, call on or ad dress E. B. SLOSSEN, Agent. Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark &. Co., 4th & Locust Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Special Excursions to Colorado and Utah via the Chicago, Bock Island & Pacific Railway June 21, July 10 and 18 and August 2. Good returning until October 31, 1900. Denver and return, $18.25; Colorado Springs and return, $18.85; Pueblo and return, $19.00; Salt Lake City and Og den and return, $32.00. For further in formation, apply to E. W. THOMPSON, A. G.P. A.,Topeka, or F. H. BARNES, CP. A. Lincoln, Neb. When sending in clubs of subscrip tions DO NOT FAIL to mention the premium you desire. Best plan is to cut out the premium list and check the article or articles desired. Remember we are neither hypnotists nor mind read ers and must depend solely on you to state plainly what you want. Cheap Rates to Colorado. Special excursion tickets ' to Colorado and Utah will be on sale via all lines from Lincoln and all points in Nebraska July 8, 9, 10 and 18, and August 2, at a rate of one fare plus $2 for the round trip. To enable tourists and pleasure seekers who take advantage of these special excursions to Visit the many points of interest in the Rocky Moun tain Region, the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, "The Scenic Line of the World," will make very low rates for the round trip from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to all principal re sorts and scenic points of interest in Colorado, and to Salt Lake City, Utah. For free illustrated pamphlets descrip tive of Colorado's natural advantages and information regarding rates and routes, call on your nearest ticket agent or address S. K. Hooper, G. P. Jb T. A., Denver, Colo. 1 ,000 Magnetic Healers Wanted The Kimmel Institute of Magnetic Healing is healing all manner of dis ease : by mail, as well as by ohice treat ment; but the office treatment is best in most diseases; so that wj desire to start Branch Institutes in 1,0. u towns. To do this we must have 1,000 gradu ates from our Institute, we want them to teach our lectures and instructions, because there is none so good as ours. We want them to treat under our in structions, or we cannot vouch for their success. We allow you to choose your own location. . We guarantee good pay for good work. We treat all our man patients personally, c d not by proxy. We cure 90 per cent. Mrs. Kim el has charge of our lady pa tients here at the office. It is always best to take our office treatment if you can come to Lincoln. Address J. W. Kimmel, Lincoln, Neb. Mention this paper 318 So. 12 St. Dr. Louis N. Wente dentist, 137 South , Uth street Brownell block. Magnetic Healing TheKharas Inlirmary Company (in corporated) have established a large branch office at 1600 P street, Lincoln, Nebr., for the benefit of those suffering from chronic and so-called incurable diseases who are not in a position to come to headquarters in Omaha for treatment. The patrons of this office may rely upon the fact that the manage ment is perfectly reliable, and that if the manager tells you he can cure you it means you will be cured if you take the treatment of him, or at any author ized K HARAS MAGNETIC INFIRMARY. Be ware of imitators if in doubt. Write headquarters at 1515-17 Chicago Street, Omaha, Nebr. Sent free. - " 'Bigger and better than the Barnum Show." N. Y. Sun. WILL EXHIBIT AT TUESDAY, LINCOLN ..JULY 31 THE COMBINED ADAM FOREPAUGH AND Whiten the Teeth, and Sweeten the Breath Try a Tooth Wash made by a Lincoln Dentist. Ask for a Sample Bottle. Dr. F. D. Sherwin, Dentist. Office hours 9tolS 1 to 5. Second Floor Itarr Hlock, Comer room. LINCOLN - - NEBRASKA LINCOLN Tent & Awning Go. Wholesale manufacturers and retail dealers in Tents, Awnings, Wagon- Cov ers, Flags, and camp Furniture. Tents and UAUrliu OUTFITS TO Khl-NT. LINCOLN, NEBR. THE TWO JOHNS 915 O St.. Lincoln, !., Dealers in Fine Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Jug trade a spe cialty. Hot and cold lunches. John Wittorff. John Rosenstock. Grand Island Route Double Daily Service FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. . for Information or Rttts, call apon or tiirtit root Agtot, or s. m. adsit, g. p. a ST. JOSEPH. MO. SELLS BROS. GIGANTIC CIRCUSES, ME NAGERIES& HIPPODROMES Captain Woodward's FAMOUS SEA LIONS A truly wonderful and MARVELOUS PERFORMANCE Q GREAT 0 HERDS of ELEPHAIITS 1,000 PEQPLE.50Q HORSES HASSANALI The Tallest Man Ever Born .... Cf A Sure Thing" Irrigated Crops Never Fail .... Thousands of acres of Irrigat ed lands in . . . , Idaho The chance of a lifetime for enterprising people of moderate means to Secure a HOME.. in this favored country. The choicest Garden Spot West of the Rocky Moun tains. Oregon Short Line Railroad The only direct route to all points in Jdaho, Oregon, Montana, and the North west. For rates, advertising matter, etc, address ' , D. E. BURLEY, G.P. & T.A. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Forming iu Colorado and Nw Mexico. The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, "The Scenic Line of the World." has prepared an illustrated book upon the above subject, which will be sent free to farmers desiring to change their location. This publication gives valuable informa tion in regard to the agricultural, horti cultural and live stock interests of this section, and should be in the hands of everyone who desires to become acquan ted with the methods of farming by ir rigation. Write S. K. Hooper, U. P. & T. A Denver, Colo. BEST LINE TO Kansas By all odds. Two daily through express trains. One leaves at night and the other at 2 p. m. City ticket office 1039 O street, Lincoln. P. D. CORNELL, C. P. and T. A Summor Excursions VIA GRAND IMPERIAL HIPPODROME. HEROIC RACES OF EVERY LAND 25 FAMOUS CLOWNS 25 Woempener's Drug DRUGS.PAINTS.OILS.GUSS A full line of Perfumes and Toilet Goods. 139 South I Oth St., Between 0 & N Lincoln, Neb. 1 19 Champion Bare Back Riders-IQ v UNDER THE BIGGEST TENTS ON EARTH. . 3 CHICUS RINGS. 2 STAGES. DARING MID AIR INNOVATIONS ADMISSION TO ALL.... ...... 50c Children under 9 years of age . .25c Grand United Street Parades Tuesday Morning, July 31. Reserved Seats for Sale on Day of Exhibition at RIGGS PHARMACY. PICTO The Union Pacific will . place in effect T n-t r, 1 tn 1 T.. to . I August 2d, Summer Excursion rates o ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP plus 12 from Kansas & Nebraska points .TO.. DENVER. COLORADO SPRINGS,' PUEBLO, OGDEN, AND SALT LAKF. Tickets good for return until1 October 31st. For time tables and full informa tion call on . - ,;. '- ;! C O. SLOSSON, Agt. ' -3l