.... ..::i. ,. - H -. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. July 19? 1900. e ttebraska Independent ; UbccIb, RtbrMSka fZISSE ELDS, CORXER OTfl AND N STS Eurrrjrra Teas PrXISHX3 EtUT THCXSCAT .CO Pi"? yrif? ADVANCE Wbra raiittae do cot Uin moaj witii sw eeis, potatr. t-c, to b Jarwrd t-T tiUm. Tfcy frqtlr ttgrX. or rcx.it irrs.t mat tLa w lft wit tm. A&d tL sic3ibr fil to gtt ixpt A&drmmt mil Mmc&lctiGM, Ad zmmkm all drill. fe&rr order, etc, MJ'W to C& tlthrsskm Tndeptadtmt, Lincoln. Ntrmskm. atioea will set b lifted. 2L;rtd ar;t will be For President. Wniux Jxjurxsroa Bar as For Vic PreiierL Charles A.Tom For Congre-ssgian IctDkt fl. W. litsr.e. TJnentn Tor Trvt&tztt&ml Starter...... J, ii. Kaxha. FASK L. Bao, W. H. axt. W. O. JLlalskao. W. u. Swam. K. scat OkAxriXAEA. L. X. Wurrs, Jail Toe Hmwtrt Governor .... M ....... ................... .. ...... E A. QlXSaaT fcr fiury l SutoMMMMM . ii .. .1. .1. ". . r 1 1 in iT I irnr IT. &VOSOOA Fee Aoiiior Ptibii Aeeoc&M .. ........Tsioooa Oaeim rrSUiMGmM.MMMM.... .... .. ...... .... .... ......... B. HowAan For Ccw'r of PcUie Lasd tad BXdr mMM.w.,...........F.J.Cun For gcpTisfifciSafct Pub!! Ixtru"iioo . ii . ........ .... ......... .... i fl IjOf Jar Atfcerwjr GMmLMm. .................W. B. Olskax No word ha come of the conviction of m sang ooe of McKinley's Cuban thieves. IUthbos' threat ttLU fUnd good. Tie fold be? said La DG that Bryan stacpeded the Chicago convention. It cow appean that a oenvention cannot irjpede Bryan. W have both silrer and gold money arid if Id to 1 is cot the right ratio why don't McKinley and Hanna hustle around and tell os what is the ratio? A j Art of Roosevelt speech was eo ure to drire erery German away from the republican party that the State journal cut that jortion out when pre teodic; to y rict his acceptance speech. A stew battle cry is heard. It sounds fruQ ocean to ocean and from the pine clad hills of the north to the shores of the gulf. Join the mighty throng and take cp the cry: The flag and the con stitution. One and inseparable." The claim that leering the ratio out of the Kansas City platform would hare deceived the gold democrats to such an client that they would all hare voted for th emost pronounced bimetallist in all the world, is thinner than the gossimer wir-g A the smallwt ephemera. The Sterling Sun, after a wail Ter the way the pops were treated at Kan sas City, atJcs: "Where are the pops at, any way? The pops are t" the state hotie and will continue to be there for the next to years. If the Sun has any doubts about it, juxt come up and A rery large proportion of the fusion press printed the declaration of inde pendence in fall, but no republican paper dared to do it so far as has been reported. Worse than that there is not a line of it that they dare to reprint as an authority in furor of any of their pol icies. The republicans claim that they hare a truisp card in their hand which they expect to play at the proper time, takd the last trk-k and win the game. It is probably the claim that "McKinley never betrayed a trust."' But that will be to 1 1 j the deuce for do one denies it. The trusts hare the utmost confidence in h i ra, Dr. Hall, the bank coci:sUioner, has been re-elected chairman of the demo cratic state committee. Every populist will be rejoiced at that for they ail lock epos Dr. Hall as one of the safest coun- and soundest economist in the state. He is always just, upright and evident ana one oi tne greatest peace makers on earth. Hanna annotirced that all the volun teer in the Philippines would soon be brocht Lor-. That was put out as a vote catcher. But when McKinley tele - ... m . . . - ; prjjri ix uxxjps w j u ,&ihm lira- eral ie.lrthar answered that all the troop in the Philippines - were needed thef and would be for months to come. One regiment only was nL Since Otis left, we hare had no cables saying, the war is over."" Judge Neville was renominated for congress the other dsy by acclamation by both the democratic and populist cosrectioes. That is different from what it was two yeaw ago. Perhaps soeae of those 4rth district fellows will be down here telling us some more about di&atisfaction up that way. The way they bowled at the state convention would have led ore who didn't know, to believe that the tops up there had all gone crazy. CURSE OF REPUBLICANISM Republicanism was a curse to this state. It robbed the people and , continued to rob them until 'fusion officials got after the biggest thieves the thieves whom they had elevated to the highest official position and sent them to the peniten tiary, i It is a standing blighting curse to this fair city of Lincoln. Down at Kansas City the republicans were as hospitable in their reception of demo cratic, populist and free silver republi can visitors as were the resident demo crats. The same was true of Sioux Falls. The commercial organizations exerted themselves to make every man feel wel come and looked after every want At Kansas City they all went around with great big badges on which read: "Ask me." Whatever the stranger wanted he got if it was in the city. They hung out banners of welcome, they placed barrels of ice cold spring water on almost every street corner. But here in Lincoln! How' different! Three tnousand delegates and men of national reputation from almost every state in the union stopping at our hotels, not a flag displayed, not a sign of wel come anywhere exhibited and the only morning paper filled with billingsgate in defamation of the cities guests and in sults to every man of prominence. The commercial club without a representa tive to give information or. welcome. Not a drop of ice water furnished to the perspiring men who sat in crowded halls for thirty-six hours or for the distin guished guests! When the authorities were asked to open the windows on the roof, they sent a bill for the payment of the boy who did it. Men were hired to go down into Mr. Bryan's ward and coax, cajole and beg the citizens living there to allow them to put up McKinley pictures in the win dows and when they were refused asked to be allowed to put them up outside of the house, so as to induce the distin guished gentlemen who were here to be lieve that Bryan had no friends in his home city. So bitter and continuous were these insults that serious consideration was given to the proposition to move all the headquarters and business of the cam paign away from Lincoln to some city where the people were accustomed to practice the ordinary courtesies of civ ilized life. For three days thousands of fusionists spent their money in Lincoln until the tills of the hotels, restaurants and other business places were full. In return for bringing this business here, we received nothing but insults. All this and the future loss to the city is the result of the curse of republicanism, the Lincoln sort of republicanism. Their auditorium will remain from this on a wilderness of vacant space for all that the majority of this state will do from this on until the authorities here learn to practice the common amenities of civilized life. We hope that every fusion paper in the state will roast thi3 town every day in the week for the next year and pre vent every fusionist from coming here until the republican bosses here are forced to adopt the methods of civiliza tion which are practiced in every other city in the state. The Independent knows that there are many republicans in Lincoln who feel disgraced and humiliated by the action of these degenerates, but they must endure the results along with the respectable minority until they can gain courage enough to help put a stop to a course that tends to ruin Lincoln's bus iness and give a reputation for vulgarity not held by any other town in the civil ized world. CURTIS YS NEBRASKA The Chicago Record keeps on its staff of correspondents, and if we are to judge from the prominence it gives to his writings, at the head of that staff, the most accomplished and brilliant liar in the United States. HU name is W. E. Curtis. During last week he was sent to Lincoln. Strange as it may appear, with such an elegant opportunity for dis playing his skill at prevarication, he made a disastrous failure such a fail ure that all the liars of the State Jour nal hold him in contempt. Of course the degenerates rendered him all the aid possible, furnishing him what they considered excellent raw material and then Curtis bungled the whole job. He sent a long account about the formation of that heavy artillery regiment that Captain Dudley wanted to command. Everybody knows that the regiment, which never existed except upon paper, was offered to McKinley and refused, and that Bryan never had anything to do with it. But Curtis after telling how , j, an enlisted in it as a private, was a I .... candidate for office and the boys would have nothing to do with him, draws the portentious conclusion that that episode would beat Bryan fcr the presidency. The lying was so barefaced concerning erery fact mentioned and the conclusion hd absurd that it only made those who took the trouble to read the effusion laugh, and that, whether they xere e publicans or fusionists. Then Curtis went down to Nebraska City to view Morton, and telegraphed to his paper a few of the contradictory im aginings of Nebraska's old growler. Look at these two following statements which Curtis says that Morton favored him with: Herein Nebraska City. a place of 10,000 population, the banks carry de- I . - t a . nt11T","i Ann. stantly. Bight miles 'west in the village of Dunbar, is a bank of $10,000 capital which has $110,000 of farmers' money on deposit. Last week money was loaned on land adjoining some of my own for three years at simple interest of 5 per cent oa a valuation of more than $30 an acre, and I saw that same land begging for a purchaser at $2.50 an acre not long ago. Under the gold standard that land has become so dishonest as to increase its purchasing power so that now one acre of it will buy 100 gold dollars, and when I saw it sold first one acre would buy only one dollar and a quarter. Ac cording to the economics of Bry anarchy, this land, with a constantly increasing purchasing power, is the enemy of the poor and a menace to society. Accord ing to the democratic platform, good honest land should never appreciate in value,nor should any other honest thing." "His (Bryan's) arguments . were very nearly in accord with my own .views on the tariff. His denunciations of high prices for staple goods were cogent and convincing, but six years afterward this same economist was traveling the same state denouncing low prices and declar ing that unless higher prices could be obtained commercial catastrophe and ruin would be universal." Now please don't blame Morton too harshly for this plain contradiction put forth in one and the same interview. It is what the gold bugs are forced to do every time they undertake to make a gold standard argument. There was never one made yet that was not self contradictory. It is not at all strange that Morton first denounces Bryan be cause of high" prices and then says that he commended Bryan when he travelled over the state denouncing low prices. Bryan denounced low prices in 1892 and Morton agreed with him. High prices for land, Morton says, has been secured down at Nebraska City, though he lies like a thief when he says that land down there now valued at $30 an acre went begging for a purchaser at $2.50 "not long ago." But nevertheless Morton de nounces Bryan, for high prices and for low prices. Every fusionist in the state hopes that the Chicago Record will keep its chief liar in Nebraska during the whole cam paign, and that he will telegraph two columns a day of the very same sort of stuff that he sent last week. If the Record will only do that, we all feel sure of carrying the state by 75,000 majority. Please send W. E. Curtis back here right away. FOB FIFTEEN CENTS With many thanks to those unselfish workers who have so largely extended the circulation of the Nebraska Inde pendent during the last few months, the 1 management this week, being deter mined to do its full part in the cam paign, makes a new offer. The Inde pendent will be sent from now until the end of the campaign for fifteen cents. This is the best offer made by any Ne braska newspaper. Some few counties daring the last campaign put most of the funds raised for county purposes in to sending each week to voters in their counties a copy of the Independent. This resulted in sucn large increase in the fusion vote of these counties that every one of them have adopted the same plan for this campaign and have sent in tneir money and list 01 names. One county subscribed last year for 400 copies. The first thing that their dele gates to the state convention did when they arrived m Lincoln was to come to the Independent office and renew their offer for this campaign. The Independent is needed, not only to send to doubtful voters, but to popu lists who do not take it so that they may be supplied with the facts and figures with which to meet their oppo nents in discussion as the fight goes on. The Independent will furnish more orig inal and home print matter than any other reform weekly in the United States. Along with this liberal offer of the paper for the campaign for fifteen cents, go the premiumg for the clubs. The premiums are just as represented and are of real value to all. Some of us hare been fighting in the reform ranks for many years. Now there seems a prospect of success such as we have never had before. There is everything to make our hearts glad Let us work as we have never worked before, and there can be no more effec tive work for reform principles than sending the Independent each week dur ing the campaign to some one who does not take it. To any man the enormous amount of matter that will be printed in the Inde pendent during the next three months, will be worth much more than fifteen centsV The paper has" many depart ments. It contains the current news of the world. It has matter for the family. It gives the markets. It contains stories. It stands up for Nebraska and the west. It fights for the common people on every issue. It furnishes much of the matter used by public speakers. Your neigh bor wants' it. Call his attention to this offer. - You will find a subscription blank on page 7. . Fill it with campaign subscrip tions at 15c each and mail to this office. AN HONEST MAX The New York . Outlook, which is im perialist, pro-English, anti-Boer, gold- bug and; republican to the -core is at east compelled to speak in respectful erms of Bryan. In its last issue in de scribing the powerful influences brought to bear upon Bryan it declares that such influences were never more in evi dence than at the Kansas City conven tion and then remarks: "Nor any in which men of "pure lives, sincere purposes, honest and disinter ested beliefs," and popular sympathies were more in evidence. Of this element William J. Bryan, the candidate of the arty for the presidency, was the most istinguished representative. Mr. Bryan has been called a 'shifty politician.' That is exactly what he is not. To the doctrine of 16 to 1 he has adhered with a pertinacity which only a vital faith could produce. By his personal influ ence he defeated the policy of evasion and secured the explicit affirmation of this financial doctrine, despite the fact that it e very state wich voted for it m the convention . should vote for him in November, and no others, he would lose the election, and despite the apparently well-authenticated warning that his pol icy would insure his defeat. William J. Bryan has proved himself an honest man,-a sincere lover of the people, his dominant motive of passionate desire at once to lead and to serve them, his strength a faith in them and in himself as one of them." Dr. Lyman Abbott who 13 the editor of this magazine, is one of those men, who being always surrounded by the plutocratic influences of New York, has unconsciously drifted away from the doctrines- of liberty which made his youth memorable, but he still keeps the instincts of honesty inherited from a line of abolition ancestors. Never be fore has a man refused a nomination for the. presidency for any cause, much less over a dispute concerning the form in which a principle should . be . stated. Bryan's determination to have no eva sions in the platform and every doctrine advocated made so plain that no man could be mistaken, has forced from his most virulent opponents the statement that he is "an honest man." HURRAH FOR ROOSEVELT It is said that as soon as Roosevelt's acceptance speech appeared in the Ger man papers and Mark Hanna began to get returns that there was a hot time in the republican shop. These citizens who have objected to some of McKinley's policies are denounced by itooseveit as not worthy of . the name of American citizen. He began his address after the following fashion: "I accept the honor conferred upon me with the keenest and deepest appre ciation of what it means ' and, above all, of the responsibility .that goes with it. Everything that it is in my power to do will be done to - secure the re-election of President McKinley, to whom it has been given in this crisis of the national history to stand for aijd embody the principles which he closest to the heart of every American worthy the name." The Germans came to this country to escape the arrogance of the ruling class and the men in uniform, two of whom every producer has to carry on his back. There is no martinet of the German army who ever used more offensive words to a civilian than those of Roose velt to the men of that race and every other race who have been unable to see the wisdom of some of McKinley's poli cies. Carl Schurz, ex-Senator Boute well, Tom Reed and hundreds of other republicans as well as we populists are not worthy of the American name. If such arrogance as that is the be ginning of imperialism, what will the end be? When that big standing army is established, when the men "born to rule" are in the saddle, then the humble American citizen who expresses an opin ion differing from that of the rulers, he will feel the lash of a whip or be incon tinently kicked into the gutter. Hurrah for Roosevelt! If he goes on at this rate he will make the vote for Bryan practically unanimous. A democrat said to the editor of the Independent: "Now be ure to give each of the candidates nominated at the state convention a big write up in your next issue." His advice was intended for the good of the party and he was an honest and enthusiastic worker, but that is not the populist way of doing things. Fulsome flattery of a man just because he was nominated for an office, is a good way to disgust the ordinary populist. He don t believe the candidate is any greater or better than he was before the nominations were made. All he wants to know about the candidate is that he is honest and capable. That fills the populist requirements. Satisfied of that fact, he don't care whether the candi date was born in Maine or Kentucky, whether he came to Nebraska with an ox team or behind four mules. The In dependent says ' to its readers that all the men on the fusion ticket are honest and capable and will have the ability to perform the duties of the offices to which they will be elected by about 20,000 ma jority. " ' ONLY AMUSING A degenerate may have no moral sen sibility at all and nevertheless be at times very amusing. In such manner do the degenerates who write the headlines and editorials of the State Journal dis port themselves. One of the headlines the next day after the populist conven tion read: "Forced to re-nominate W. A. Poynter." Another degenerate wrote for the editorial columns as follows: -. "No state conventions have ever been held in Nebraska that were more wholly and absolutely controlled by the office holders and the party bosses than the fusion gatherings which dispersed yes terday. , The creakings of the party ma chinery were heard during every hour of the proceedings. The party lash was cracked right and left and the delegates who did not'hasten to fall in line were told plainly enough that they would be branded and no place would ever be found for them at the pie counter." Now there were 1,114 men who7satin the populist convention, a very large ma jority of whom were farmers. If any man had appeared among them trying to dictate for whom they should vote or making threats or told that "they would be branded" would have been in danger of being pounded into a jelly. That the officials at the state house could not in any way influence them,, is proven by the nominations made. That rot. that has been published about a state house ring had the effect, it must be confessed to make the delegates turn down some men, whom, without a doubt would have been nominated, had it not been for the publication of such stuff. But that only goes to show that instead of controlling the convention, they had no control over it at ail. There never was a convention assem bled anywhere more free from outside influences or whose action was more fully the deliberate judgment of the del egates.' That being the situation and known of all men, the editorials and headlines of the degenerates are onlv amusing. HAVE THEY GONE MAD 7 The republicans, are so foolish as to continue their bragging about our great excess of exports over imports. If there is anything in the world that will im poverish a country it is the long contin ued excess of exports. That has been the case with Ireland and Egypt, while England's imports are always largely in excess of her exports. It would seem that any man with a grain of common sense would know that if a country ex ported more wealth than it imported, it was by just that much the poorer. The republicans brag about the excess of ex ports in their national platform.- It is incomprehensible how such a stultify mg statement ever got into an official document. They say there has-been "in the short three years of the present re publican administration an excess of ex ports over imports in the enormous sum of $1,433,537,094." Now what became of that billion and a half of wealth that we shipped out of the country more than was shipped in. By what kind of reasoning can they con vince any man that that was not just so much loss to the people of this country? There was a billion and a half of wealth sent out of the country for which noth ing was returned. Have the leaders of the republican party gone mad? '' TheUEJhlcagd Record's traveling pre varicator after visiting Lincoln and the old growler .. at Nebraska City went to Omaha where he made a new discovery. This time he declares that the populists have a sort of secret organization in al most every precinct of the state which forces both men and women into the populist darty by the use of social ostra cism. He declares that neither a man nor his wife nor his sons nor his daugh ters can attend a tea party or a social unless they belong to this organization. Afterwards he came to the conclusion that Bryan was the real head of this so ciety and it was through it that he main tained his prominence. The strangest thing about this whole business is that a great daily paper will continue to print such rot from day to day. It must be believe that its readers are mostly fools and that those of them who are not, rather read pure fabrications than a truthful record of current events. General McArthur sends word that he positively cannot spare any more troops to go to China and recent cablegrams say that McKinley's commission is bot tled up in Manila with about as much prospect of establishing a government in the moon as in those islands. McKin ley said in his acceptance speech that he had liberated 10,000,000 people, but these stupid Filipinos have not yet found it out, and probably never will. The commission is laboriously at work draw ing laws for the government of the Fil ipinos, but as yet not one of them dare show his head a hundred yards in ad vance of our picket lines, it is probable that the inhabitants - will . never know what those benevolent laws are. The latest prominent deserter from the republican ranks is Dr. L. W. Ha bercrom, who has long been the man ager of the German bureau of the re publican campaign committee. In re tiring he said: "A government exercis ing imperial powers cannot long remain a republic" He also calls attention to the unwritten British alliance and says that it will certainly embroil us in for eign quarrels. At one end of a railroad car can be found a man working for the govern ment for $3334 a month and eight hours a day. At the other end can be found a man who works fourteen hours a day for an express company and gets $60.00 a month. This latter fellow is generally against the government ownership of railroads and votes the republican ticket. Can some old pop tell us why? He seems to think more work and less pay is a good thing for him. Nrw premium offer page 6. Mark "Don't go into business, young make that conquest." ' ' A PROPER SPIRIT k - -, . . . ' In a letter, received at this, .office re cently from a prominent Nebraskan so liciting patronage, for a reliable Nebraska business institution were some excellent ideas in support of the patronage of home institutions. It was in the nature of an appeal to place Nebraska business with Nebraska institutions and thus keep at home and in circulation among the people of our own state the money that is now so largely sent to the . east. It is a commendable spirit worthy the serious consideration and approval of every loyal Nebraskan. 1, The letter referred to in. its course called attention to the present popular custom of spending money . in Chicago, New York and Europe and added: "I hope you are not of the kind who returns from a short trip out of town loaded down with bundles or whose wife and daughters buy their apparel through professional shoppers in New . York or Chicago. It is a fad with some people you know to buy' in the east. They as sume an air of superiority as they swell up and say: It came from New York.' "It is gratifying, perhaps, but it does not pay Quit it. The balance of trade will always be against us while we do it. I take it for granted you have outgrown the foolish notion ana are proud of the growth of our western institutions. Do you know in twenty years we tiave sent east from Nebraska for insurance about twenty-four millions more than has been returned? Why? Not because eastern life insurance is . any cheaper, better or safer. The laws governing Old Line companies : make all equally safe, the security is absolute east or west, young or old. Would it . not have been better for all of us if this money had been retained where it was earned? Will you patronize home institutions if they deserve it?" Referring to a particular . insurance company the letter continued with facts to show that a Nebraska company can give a better contract than any eastern company.- Taking" the average. of the three largest eastern companies it was shown that the Nebraska companies ex penses are half, the death rate one-third and the interest earnings on assets two per cent per annum greater. Under such a showing what reasonable excuse is there for giving your patronage to an eastern company, in preference ; to a Ne braska company? ' ' Agents for eastern companies tell of their magnitude, and show a bewildering array of figures running into the millions. Divide their assets by liabilities ' how ever and you will find almost without exception the western companies to be, not the largest, but the strongest. When spending your money give the preference to Nebraska institutions. It will keep the money in the state and re turn through many channels to help you in your own business. If the "quantity" is not the vital thing in the money question why is every . re publican newspaper and campaign era tor constantly drawing attention to the increase in the "quantity" since McKin ley's inauguration? If ."quality" and not "quantity" is the vital question , as they asserted in 1896, what interest can the people have in this increase in' the quantity? WHY SIXTEEN TO ONE ' , In answer to a correspondent in Omaha and because the matter is of general interest the Independent says: The longh eaded, cold hearted robbers' who have so manipulated the govern ment of the United States for the last 25 years as to concentrate most of the wealth of the country into the hands of a few thousand millionaires, are not to be moved from their .purposes by any little quibble like the re-affirming of the Chicago platform or the restatement of the question of free coinage as first pro mulgated in that platform. The prom ise that they made to support the ticket, if the Chicago platform was reaffirmed and nothing more, was simply one of their devices to beat Bryan. While the people are. moved by sentiment and often fooled by catch phrases, those chaps are not. The re-affirmation of the Chicago platform meant the free coinage of silver just as much as to restate the plank. What "they wanted was' a chance: to make an assault upon Bryan that would drive away from him thousands of popu list and free - sil ver republican votes. Every republican paper in the land gave aid and support to the movement ! to keep a restatement out of the platform. They believed that it would aid in de feating Bryan or they would not have taken that stand. To gain a victory by the aid of the gold bugs, who call them selves democrats, would have- resulted man; 'we will need you in our army, to ' . 1 in nothing for reform- Every honest re former stood by. , Bryan when ; he said that he would rather be defeated than gain a victory by any such evasion. It effective reform legislation is not to fol low the election of Bryan, then the con test is in vain. If these eastern felloes, were given standing and influence in the party, they would have defeated any legislation on reform lines even if Bryaa were elected. New York may be carried on account of the general disgust cre ated by Cow Boy Teddy and Easy Boss Piatt, but the leaving out of 16 " to 1 would not have added a vote, not even in the east, to the reform lines and would have driven thousands of them away in the middle and western states.' If anybody thinks a pop editor has an easy time of it let him , come into this office and write fifteen or twenty col umns a week for two or three weeks. If in all that writing there is one carelessly written sentence or a misplaced wordXhe will hear from it It seems that every line in the paper is read and re-read by men who are posted On every subject discussed. In writing on sugar and Havemeyer the word "pounds" got in where "tons" should have been printed. The consumption of sugar in the United States has greatly increased in the last ten years and the profits of the sugar trust, while not nearly so great as that of the Standard Oil, is almost beyond computation. Since the article spoken of was writren,the sugar trust has again raised the price one-tenth of a cent, mak ing a raise of a, cent a pound or $20.00 on a short ton in the last few weeks. The increased cost to the people, or addi tional taxation of the people of the United States by these increases in price, will amount to about $70,000,0u0. The sugar trusts.' exercise the "pqwer t tax" and; that without representation There hasbeen no increase in cost of productibn'.feand none : in the wages of labor employed by the trust. NOT MULLET HEADS ' The Independent has been in the habit of charging many of the assertions made by the republicans to their igno rance and not to depravity, but late as sertions by many of them, go to show that the arguments that they used in 1896 were not the result of their igno rance at all. In 1896 they declared with one voice that the value of the gold dol lar, was unchangeable. That the value of wheat, corn and . cattle might change, but the value of the . gold dollar never. The change was always in commodities, never in gold money, for that was in trinsic and as unchangeable as Deity itself. When we pointed out to them that money had increased in value, that its purchasing power was double what it was twenty years ago; they called us idiots and repudiators. To avoid the charge of unfairness in assuming that they knew better and were not making an argument that they knew was false, the Independent let them . off by simply saying that they. were mullet heads and rarely believed that the gold dollar changed in value but was always the same : . " 1 ' It appears now that we are too lenient with them. They knew all the timtr that the purchasing power of money could and did change. The unlooked for output of gold resulted in a slight rise in prices and immediately these 6ame men began to talk - about the de crease purchasing power of money under the McKinley administration and the blessings it had brought to the people. In last Sunday's State Journal, Bixby says: "Most of the farmers own their homes, and those who have acquired mortgages are quite generally reconciled to iiqui date them in money of the , same value that was received when the papers were drawn..' . . , That shows that Bixby: fully under stands the contention tna'de in 1896. We were - then contending 'that we were forced to pay debts, not in money .of the same value that was received when the mortgages were given, but. in money of double the purchasing power. The In dependent has come to the conclusion from this statement and many others of like nature found in -the gold standard papers Of late, that' the men who made the fight for the gold standard "were not mullet heads at 'all, but unmitigated rascals intenl upon" robbing the debtors and making them ; pay ... their debts in money of greater purchasing power than that in which they .were contracted. ,