V THE NEBRASKA IXTDEPE1TDE1TT. July 19, 1900. i I Atllai ?t A c" Cfiaractei Sketch1 6 r i 0 4 His & , m -m. - TL rruUrinWriVijnr- 1tril la ll xb- rlatwt.s of L pri- r.t.. !:.-. tL DfftM k1fi of &trttux. iL- purity of tbo.iXM. i'-o a-.itiele. rao. tL filtT to truth. fi. Lam.1- cJnh. lb f rjr-tfum- t.t 4f. tb tdrr r"srJ far tLe right r ! f-!!cj 4 Ah-r ar.d the gnisin" ?r3 patty r;ta all iraun l him. wL a traie Lies ?b j rui of eomanSons cti LI r"M-f ws'h i-JTpal ca- rkJfetain ' iilll fill IIBil AFl-Al K STKVCNPOX. ih::. an-S til Li Luwl,'M -tb d. U' ?T r -t 3 fd Lp;:ti - ' T!- Vft tb- "Jti.Bt Of th JltRtC It J. iT'j-'.u? Kii'Al. L lad !in 2 ra !-t.iitif fr tiiauy yr. An l-.rh -r" L.f.t - f li-attoky. tL-r-i.ht f a"- -.:f .1 t --n oi i-njiita f ;rtijity tL r-nit f tate I fi!-. a.l trvSjC in h lUu- inn r ok a try. f ttia .iiatoti of t: -hr-t i,f tL- ! -tr. v r!. !;...:-- for j.r-t-$ t.?. but Xlf"- Ik Lae 1 w ti Mr. t-i. -r -,-sx. ilT will f :.-ri!l!y rirr.ix- it . aud tru. IIo-sard.'Ef Mr. ir. jutl:c 9r therr I. f r.j-jr-, a direr-r-nt t;.Elon a tii-r tr j:fTrii-fra cf ji ti a! bi-t add afftliativn. but vilth rrfwt-arf ta Lit jjrro&aI charac ter ail quil.t-. t wLk'h thi ketch K;aia!y rla-, ttre will be little di- nt f r.--T ti. tat-&-Tit tht !. Is a l-iffb tyj at Atrtriai -t:tl-niaa. "1 Lit" k t sbl that M'r- y t 1 --J ui'.ii. ! i iy ai i.I.Kl to hi Li ' anyfcr T- UinwJ vr t.t-tt-r '1V1 lit ', z A 5-; f t. n it at ti. : r T ! " i ! .! r - r:;.-t.Iafly k ta Ll n t-.i "t tetijr st.1 af--r- x- t ri. atje i t-.-KUil laywU.ic that 1 t 1- r' t ! fn tid u ratra'.rd!t;ri!y ti;t-u tt-rr a srt.t- in bits, at.4 yet tw r.tj : ? c:..- t a s ru4-:.t k.;jij.ty thai. i. Li.-'" "I ti i.t A Mr. rJ,,i U -r. ability a . utr:Lo atd tL. ril xxWzii. rx-iui'it.i- 12 L. pslllc acthliir. LU-U Lae 5ci.i a fiZ tit uatry ar.- kaomu r." rrroi.. zt-4. by tbv' w Lo fallow it currt-ai Lv,ry of our tiaj-. Mr. : a tiati .f K-ntiu ky. l.ar!j lc t ra m tb Bu ;ra t'St r,3 rf, K"-a. He -ATly If- tseved to VA-uiUt'tti. 111a, wukt ba a e. w:h tL- t-x caption of a f-w jrirt. b--u LS botue. H- fraduatol frorj OfilfT ci;-j-. at IanvUie. Ky.. i 1Cj aai a adasitted to tLe bar ta Hi public verk may b thus briefly ;4to.ai!d; II a-Tved as Clitrirt attaray of Woodford county. Ii: fntia !Vi4 to aul a a pr--Idetitial i--t or fr McClellaa and Pen ioa la l4!. H. was elected to cn-trr-M la 1T4 aod i-rve1 one term; wa raotr. ilia ted !a 1S7&. but waa defeated. In lSTi !j a aain nominated and irt"d. Acaia he was a candidate for merest ta lvZ bot wa this time de- -t1- He waa a dfate to the Iem- iratV national convention ia 15M and assisted la tb nomination of GroTer CleTeUnd as prsidct, who after hi rlertloa ani I cacru ration made Mr. ftvttQi Cnt assistant postmaster s;earrai. a poiiea which b? held unUI E. Stevenson Wife and Daughters. tw 'iu.wtt irMrTTeBliclit frm of oSW. Mr. Meveuson wa the unanimous choke of the Democratic national convention of 1832 for vice president, telng nominated and elected ..n it... ii,.et wrlrh Mr Cleveland- rv- its the full tenure of the office. km president of th senate he won anl retained to the end the respect of fit men composing the highest legisla tive body of the country. He was gen- erally regarded aa a fair, capable and dicni5d presiding officer, being thor oughly vts! In the rules of parlia mentary pro-diDcs coupled with tliat suavity of manner and courteous l-artn, together with a firmness of d"ciKn, which tnmmand both respect and admiration. Those who have only a superficial knowledge of the man ftotcetime r-eardcd him as overproud and wtuewhat too dignified and self contained, but nothing? could be fur ther from a true estimate of his person- r 1 MES. STEVENSON. al character. ProoerlT conscious of h- la well born and well bred and not un- mindful of hit own success In life, he doe uot estimate merit by the acci- dent of birth or the advantages of wealth or position. With him "rank la but the guinea's stamp; the man's the cowd for a that." He is a man aa much at home and equally aa enter- Ukic; ia a crowd of uneducated V 8 S y T T samm Coon, 4 $ 3 $ 8 4 S i 4 $ 3 $ P.wPle with a company of the most Hrtiniruisdd or,m a c""cle the h,he8t m"ai? culture. One tue notable features of Mr. Stevenson s private life Is the con- "l wuia&tr. f eased believer In the E-ubllme truths ' the Christian religion, he never by rd or de,iJ affords grounds for even An Intimate friend Bays of him, "Throughout an intercourse of excep tional Intimacy, running through near ly 20 years, I have never known him to utter, under any circumstances, a jingle syllable savoring of profanity, Irreverence or Impurity." i Endowed with a kindly and joyous nature, thera Is with Mr. Steven ton a perennial flow of innocent wit and gentle humor which impart to his conversation a zest quite Impossible to describe and make him one of the most companionable of men. This is the way the men and women who meet and associate with Adlal E. Stevenson look upon the private life and person al character of the man whem the Democrats of the nation have chosen as their candidate for vice president. The home life of the Stevenson fam ily is truly American and quite ideal. They live in a handsome and well kept though not particularly imposing resi dence in Bloomington. It Is a two etory brick house embowered by great elms which shade the wals and ve randas, bowing with stately grace, as If they felt the honor conferred from - time to time upon the master of the mansion by his fellow men. The mis tress of the mansion, Mrs.Letitia Green Stevenson, is a quiet, dignified lady, re fined and attractive. She is a leader in the society of the city where she resides and Is prominent In lis literary, ed ucational and philanthropic activities. Mrs. Stevenson is president of the Wo men's club of Bloomington. During the times when Washington has been the official residence of Mr. Stevenson his accomplished 'wife has been prom inent in the social life of the national capital. They lived unostentatiously and with democratic simplicity, having apartments at one of the hotels of the city, where in a quiet but most enjoy able way they entertained their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson have a son and three daughters, one of the-latter be ing the wife of Rev. Martin D. Hardin, a son of ex-Governor Watt P. Hardin of Kentucky. The Stevenson girls were educated at Wellesley and are young women of culture and accom plishments and alike popular in the so ciety of their Illinois home and at the national capital. They are withal typ ical American girls. It has been for many years the custom of Mr. Steven son to read aloud to the family from favorite authors, so that the children have grown up in an atmosphere of good books and are familiar with the standard works, both in poetry and prose. Mrs. Stevenson is the daughter of Professor W. E. Green, who was formerly president of Center college, at Danville, Ky. In her younger days, as now, there was none whose com- panionship was more dearly prized in Kentucky society. It was while a stu- dent at Center college that Mr. Steven- son met, courted and won the charm- Ing young woman who has been truly a helpmeet in his distinguished career. a o LETTER t Democratic Party Firmly Reunited. KANSAS' CITY CONVENTION. Splendid Assembly of American Freemen. THE PLATFORM AN INSPIBATIOH. ISvery Lover of Haman Liberty Cam Stand'lpos 'It-Wbi(rr Dsvit' De: -rot ton to Principle Will Stamp the Country For " Deissocmey Patriots Leave the Party ot Imperialism. Colored Voters Also QaitTroahle Over Hiaia'i Platform. , Special Washington Letter. ' A reunited Democracy is what came out of the Kansas City conventlon. The lines will be closed up everywhere from Marthas Vineyard to the Golden Gate and from the great lakes to' the gulf of Mexico. Enthusiasm is more contagious than the measles, the small pox or the black plague. Enthusiasm was on tap from the moment that the Hon. James K. Jones rapped the con vention to order until the gavel of the Hon. James D. Richardson, permanent chairman, fell for the last time,, when he declared the great .convention ad journed sine die. Everything that hap pened was heartily cheered, including the chaplain's prayer. The first men tion of Bryan's name set the conven tion in a turmoil of enthusiasm that lasted over half an hour. The reading of the Declaration was interrupted time and time again with roars of ap plause. Greatest Convention Ever Held. The reading of the platform need not have consumed more than 20 minutes, save for the applause, which made the reading consume an hour. . The great factional fight so widely advertised by Republican papers and which originat ed in their imagination never came off. It was the greatest convention ever held on the face of the earth. It was not composed of a lot of official pap suckers and tax, eaters, but by a splendid array of American freemen, who think with their own brains and follow the dictates of their own con sciences, and, the result of their delib erations was the best possible for the Democratic party, which is the same as saying that it is the best possible for the country. The platform is one upon which every Democrat indeed, every lover of human freedom can stand, and the ticket nominated is the stron gest presented for the -suffrages of the American people within a generation. It would be a work of supererogation to speak in detail of either William J. Bryan or Adlal E. Stevenson. The lat ter served with distinction in the high position in which he will serve four years more, and there Is not one man in America with two ideas above a Hottentot who doubts the qualifica tions of William J. Bryan for the high office of president. Webster Davis' Oration. One of the most remarkable oratorical performances ever witnessed was the speech of Hon. Webster Davis of Mis souri and South Africa before the con vention at Kansas City. It was just aft er the reading of the platform, the Boer plank of which reminded some of the great fight Davis had been making for the Afrikanders, that delegates and spectators began to cry for Davis. Chair man Richardson turned to where Davis sat just back of the speaker's stand, urging him to come to the platform. Al most bodily he was lifted on to the dais and stood for several moments before he could make his voice heard above the myriad voices of approval and en thusiasm greeting him. Each clear sentence of his wonderful voice, reach ing the uttermost corners of the .vast hall, called forth cheer upon cheer, and when he reached a particularly thrill ing line the tumult became uncontrolla ble. For five minutes the shouting rose and swelled. Finally he resumed and concluded, only to be borne to a seat among the Missouri delegates, clasped in the arms of a dozen party leaders and escorted by a banner waving throng. It was a scene to be remem bered. Davis, magnificent, honest, splendid in his manhood and his devo tion to the principles of liberty, had been the one clean thing left In the Re publican party in Missouri. Now he is gone from the corrupt organization for ever and has turned his great talents. backed by the energy of youth and the fire of conviction, to the work of bring ing the country back to the principles of the Declaration of Independence, Forlorn indeed are the Missouri Re publicans In his loss, which is not merely the loss of one vote and one voice, for there are thousands of young men in the rank and file of the old par ty who will follow where Davis leads. Davis to Stamp For Bryan. It is already known-that Davis will stump the republic this fall from ocean to ocean, as he did in 1808 at McKin- ley's behest, for the purpose, as stated to him by the president, of-electing a icepublican congress. Tne election over, McKInley congratulated him on the fact that every congressional district in which he had spoken had returned a Republican member to the lower house. Truly a wonderful and unmatched per formance! By that deed he balanced the account with the party of fraud and corruption and then, like a patriot, closed it forever. ' When he told the president that he was going to resign his high office, four separate times did McKinley plead with him to' remain and title his convictions four times sent lor him and offered him the best of tfce pie aa hl piece without effect. Tls I eay from knowledge of the facta. Weleomo to a Patriot. For four years he had been regarded as the orator laureate of the Repub lican party. Now the vials of their wrath and the flood of their slander will be poured upon his head without stint All that his friends will feave to do in order to answer their lies about him Jn this campaign will be to repro duce in parallel columns all they have said about him in the past four years. They affect to sneer at hjm now, but they will hardly continue to do so after the election, Wherever there are patriotic hearts to stir Davis will stir them to their depths. In districts inhabited by large numbers of Boers and Germans he will be" particularly strong in the cause of human liberty. For years he has been my personal friend. I have always re garded him as too good a man to be in the Republican party. On my own be half and in behalf of thousands of oth er good Democrats I welcome him most heartily Into the Democratic party. He is only the advance guard of a great army of Republicans who love their country better than they love their party and will join us this year because they know that we are fighting to the end that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. , Geora- S. Boatvrc-11. Davis belonged to the young gen eration of Republicans. He is in the flower of his years and the prime of his powers, but the break from the Re publican party is not confined to the youngsters. Just before Davis quit them the Hon. George S. Boutwell of Massachusetts cut the same caper. He Is one of the veterans of the party, one of the men who made it. He was one of the earliest Republican governors of Massachusetts and if my memory serves me correctly the first. He be longs to that race of New England giants of which Charles Sumner was the chief. He was not only governor of Massachusetts, but a representative in congress, a senator of the United States and a secretary of the treasury He was the friend and confidential ad viser of U. S. Grant. It will not do for Republicans to sneer at him any more than it will do for them to sneer at Webster Davis. The truth is that the Republican party of today is held to gether only by the cohesive power of public plunder. If Lincoln and his con temporaries could rise from their graves, they would utterly refuse to recognize Hanna and his gang as lead ers of the party which they once led. Revolt -Aamiast Republicanism. In leaving the Republican party Gov ernor Boutwell says: "It is a vain hope that the Republic an party as an organization can re verse this policy of the president. The hone is as vain as was the hope in 1861-5 that the Democratic party as an organization would aid In the abolition of slavery." Nor is the reVolt against the Repub lican party confined to men who may reasonably be supposed to have politi cal ambitions. It extends to men of all classes. For example, in my own coun ty, in the city of Louisiana, there is wealthy and influential lumber mer chant who was born a Republican and has been a Republican all his life and whose ancestors on both sides of the house were Republicans and Maine Re publicans at that. He is a nephew of the Hon. Israel Washburn, once congressman from Maine; of the Hon. Elihu B. Washburn, for 20 years leading Republican congressman from Illinois and both secretary of state and minister to France under Grant; of the late General Washburn of Wisconsin, who was both governor of Wisconsin and a general in the Union army; also of ex-United States Senator Washburn or Minnesota, tjoionei Kununi is one of the few men living or dead who ever had three uncles in the United States congress at the same time. He is a fine business man, independent financially, and I doubt very much if he would ac cept any office whatever. Yet with these surroundings he feels it to be his patriotic duty to leave the Republican party and join the Democrats. Colored Men Ia Llae. . Nor is the revolt confined to white men of low vr high degree, rich or poor. Recently the colored people of Missouri held a convention at St. Joseph for the purpose of discussing the feasibility of nominating a tacket of their own or of joining tne uemocracy. ir tnis move ment should spread it would carry , ter ror and dismay into the ranks of the Republicans in six or eight states which usually give their vote to the Republican presidential candidate. The truth is that the colored population have been hewers of wood and draw ers of water ever since they were en franchised. They are bully boys just before the election in the Republican estimation, and the next day it usually snows, so far as they are concerned They are used as catspaws to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for the Repub licans, but they are not allowed to en joy any of the juicy kernels. They are beginning to realize that their Interests are identical with those of the white men in the same localities, and a clear realization of this fact will lead them Straight into the Democratic camp. To show still further the disintegra tion going on among the Republicans I will quote a few lines from a letter I received from an Iowa Republican I have never seen him in my life. Inter alia, he says: "You are to meet Hon. J. P. Doillver of Fort Dodge in public debate. I am glad of it. I am a Republican old sol dier, but I ' am thoroughly disgusted with the administration of William McKinley and hope Colonel Bryan wil bury him so deep that he will never be resurrected politically. McKinley tuvn ed his back on the old soldiers as soon as they elected him president." This Republican ex-soldier says much more in the same strain which I have not space to copy. ; " . Roarnes' Fall Oat. The Globe-Democrat Is exceedingly displeased with the platform adopted at Kansas City, which Is the surest sign that I know of that the platform s right. I know of no safe? rule of human conduct than to find out whatj The Globe-Democrat wants tand theq go and do the opposite thing.1 It has the infinite gall to talk about Bryan be ng a dictator when', as a matter Of fact, there Isn't a Republican of 'any respectability in the United States who doesn't hide his head: In shame every time he thinks of the. doings of the Philadelphia convention. Mark Hanna was the whole thing, and everybody nows it. The only man in that vast aggregation of trust pap suckers, who seems to have got from under Martrs thumb was the statesman who' stole two or three planks of the Republican platform which Mark had dictated. It s said that one palpitating patriot re ceived $o,000 for changing the word Nicaragua into the word isthmian in that platform. If a Republican can get $5,000 for changing one word in a platform, it is only a question of arith metic as to how much he would get to change the whole 300 words.' Now, If this letter falls under the eagle eye of any Republican sovereign let him recall that I did not originate the charge that part of that platform was stolen and has not seen the light of day, but it is made on the authority of the Hon. Charles Henry Grosvenor of Athens, O., who is taken as McKin- ley's mouthpiece on the floor of the house of representatives. That valor ous warrior asserts openly and above- board that he has the original rough draft of the platform as written by Senator Joseph Benson Foraker and that somebody on the subcommittee to whom it was given to be copied cab baged two or three planks, and they did not appear in the platform that was sent out to the country. Now, on a question of veracity between Gen eral Grosvenor and the majority of his Republican confreres I prefer to be lieve Grosvenor notwithstanding the fact that sometimes when under high pressure the general himself Is rather economical of the truth. So the next time The Globe-Democrat wants to say anything about platform it would do well enough to explain to an astounded world all about those lost planks in the Philadelphia platform, which are likely to create as much discussion as the sibylline leaves. Grosvenor closed his remarks about the platform in this wise: ' "Otherwise the platform, although badly written and in poor English and without angularity, conveys in a mild sort of. a driveling way the best ideas of the Republican party." Aa Ideal Doeament. Individually I take, much pleasure in reading and pondering the Kansas City platform, for it represents the ideals in which I have long believed. On June 11, 1898, in the house of rep resentatlves, fighting the annexation of Hawaii because I believed It would lead to Infinitely worse . things, inter alia I said: "Our institutions have in deed been purchased with a very great price, and yet we are about to inipen them by entering upon a vainglorious policy of imperial aggrandizement, gor geous in appearance, but surely fatal in its effect, or all history is a lie." I also feel good over the specific dec laration for 16 to 1. At the big anti trust banquet in St. Louis May 25, 1899, I said: "In 1900 we will express the unyielding principles of Democracy in this wise: We will not only reaffirm but readopt the Chicago platform of 1S96, abating neither jot nor tittle of that second declaration of independ ence." MissonrTs CoBgmiaes. One pleasant result of the census to Democrats everywhere will be that Missouri will gain certainly three con gressmen anu possibly rour, and as these will be Democrats it strengthens the Democratic party greatly. The light for the first place in the Union is now between Missouri, Texas, New York and Illinois, with the chances de cidedly in favor of the proposition that within the lifetime of men now living it will narrow down to Texas and Mis souri. Any gain in these states is pure ly a gain for Democracy. At the pres ent rate of increase Missouri will pass vnio in iiu and will probably pass Pennsylvania In 1920. And among the things upon which the people should felicitate themselves in the census this is the one which should bring most joy to Democrats. In these letters I have frequently held Missouri up as an example of ap plied Democracy, a performance which I wish to repeat now. When the Dem ocrats came into power in this state In 1S73, they found a state debt of over $26,000,000 and hundreds of millions of county and township lebts, every dol lar of which was created by Republic an maladministration, misrule and dis honesty. During 27 years of Demo cratic rule we have paid off most of the county and township debts and have cut the state debt to $2,000,000, every cent of which will be paid with in the next two years. And while we have been cutting the debt down we have also been cutting the rate of taxa tion down by three-fourths. What has been done in Missouri could be done in every other state in the Union propor tionately if they would lect Demo cratic officials constantly. With this splendid example of ap plied Democracy under their noses there is no excuse for any state ever going Republican any more. Not only this, but Missouri has the largest avail able per capita school fund of any state in the Union, created by Democrats for the benefit of all our people. What Will Hanna Say? Upon his return to Kansas City from in'coln, Webster Davis said to a re porter: 'I had never met Mr. Bryan before and I was greatly impressed by the man. should say that his chief attribute that shows itself in every utterance and movement is his unflinching American ism. .Mr, Bryan was most cordial and kind to me, in fact I was delighted with the reception accorded me." 'Will you take the stump for the dem ocratic ticket?" Mr. Davis waa asked. "I do not. know,' he answered. "I have not been invited but if I am I shall certainly dp so. , I never do.any thing by half "I shall hold myself in readiness. "I believe beyond any question" con tinued Mr. Davis "that Mr.T Bryan will be elected. I thought so two months before his nomination; ' I gained the be ef during my traveling throughout the east. - It is surprising the number af re publicans who assured me personally that they will support Mr. Bryan, xney say they cannot stand Mr. McKinley s oreign policy and his attitude on tne :Jritish-Boer war in particular. I be- ieve this year will prove to be a demo cratic landslide." In one of his speeches in Lincoln, Mr. Davis said that he went to the republi can national convention and personally interviewed over three .hundred .of the delegates. . In talking to them about a declaration in the republican platform of sympathy for the Boers, every one of them wound up by asking: uut wnai will Mr, Hanna say about ltT , , 4 Rosewater Guiltjf In the contempt case against Edward Rosewater, charged with the publication of articles intended to influence the su- Ereme court in a case pending, the cpurt as found Mr. Rosewater guilty but dis missed him without imposing any fine. . He will be liable, however, for the costs amounting to a little over $20. If vou wish to have the iolliest kind of a time take a day off and come to Lincoln Tuesday, July 31. The grand public parade of the Forepaugh and Sells Brothers shows that will be here that day is alone worth the time and ex pense of the trip. " . .Il.l...,,! .1 ..II .1 OPTICAL GOODS. The Western Optical and Electrical Co., located at 131 North 11th street is composed of old citizens and thoroughly acquainted with the business,' having fitted eyes for twenty-five years. Cer- tainly they ought to be competent to do good work. They are permanently lo cated with us and that means much to the purchaser of eye glasses and spec tacles. , For a Summer Outing " The Rocky Mountain regions reached via the UNION PACIFIC, pro vide lavishly for the health of the In valid, and the pleasure' of the tourist. Amid these rugged steeps, are to be found some of the most charming and reBtful spots on earth. Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate, that cheers and exhilarates. The SUMMER EXCURSION RATES put in effect by the UNION PACIFIC enable you to reach these favored lo calities without unnecessary expendi ture of time or money: . ..,'"' . ; In effect June 21, July 7. to 10 inc., July 18 and August 2. One fare plus $2 for the round trip from Lincoln to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo,' Ogden, and Salt Lake City. Return limit Octo ber 31st, 1900. For Time Tat'.es and full informa tion call on E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. Something Entirely New on Silver Proves by a series of tables and dis cussions that the MONEY QUESTION ISN'T DEAD YET. . The Decline for 32 years, 18GC to 1898, in the Export Price of Farm Products, by C, G. Bullock, Lincoln, Nebraska.", It is the best campaign, book for 1900. Should be in the hands of every cam paign speaker, every farmer, every voter who wants to know the truth. New ideas, new evidence. Send for a sample copy and keep up with the procession. Fifteen cents a copy. Independent Lincoln, Neb. P. JAS. COSGRAVK, ... Attorney-at-Law Itilllngsley Block.- . Gorg W. Pollock, non-resident, defendant : You are notified that June &i, 19UU, Jennie Pol lock filed ber petttion against you in ths dis trict court of Lancaster count)-, Nebraska, ask ing for a divorce on tne grounds of desertion and non. support. You are required to answer paid petition on or before August 6, 1900. JENNIE POLLOCK, By her attorney P. Jas. Cosqeavk. CALIFORNIA BROAD VESTIBULED FIRST-CLASS SLEEPERS DAILY... Between Chicago and San Francisco WITHOUT CHANGE VIA. lililTll.lHiili: i;ijl!& Leave Omaha on big 5 at 1:30 p. m. All the best scenery of the Rocky Moun tains and the Sierra Nevada by daylight in both directions. These cars are carried on the limited trains of the Great Rock Island Route, Denver and Rio Grande (scenic route), Rio Grande Western and Southern Pa cific. Dining Car Service Through. Buffet Library Cars. - ; ' ' E. W. Thompson, A.G.P.A., Topeka.Kan. John Sebastian, G.P. A. Chicago, 111. Little Oval fhotos, 25c pe. dozen. Cabinets $2.0$ Per dozen. PREWITT ! t i 1214 O Street ; X 'r