V .."V II II II II II II It 1 ii i in i .11 i ii in it it VOL. XII. LINCOLN, NEBtASKA, JULY 19, 1900. i NO. 10. Q if h I ; i i pi Y THE REFORM LEADER 1J ! 1 U id. If Ca&Mt b Trtupu-U U Cjt4. ! Sa Glaat Amxc le- Mr. Bryan is forcirg recegcitioa from the i&Ofet eaUcent writers and thinker amocg hi oppooect. WhCe the de generates c-f the fc'tate Journal continue to rpeak of him ia the language of the dives acd patter, the briiliant and able writ amo&g; the republicans have i-ocg klrce dropped such tactics. The Waoh icgtoa Iot acd New York San, still trit!j republican papers, as well a such able acd cistijrui-Led icdejndect re publican pa;er a the Sprir.gf.leld Re publican, ackoca-ledge bis ability and fcta.tee-aEbip- The next day after lirjaa ii cosa&ateJ, the Wa-hington Pot pablih4 the- foiUowicg leading editorial: Mr. Brian's nosiicatioa by the demo cratic Jirty yesterday ih u ruuch a foresee cocci uj"a as had been Mr. MeXiciey by the republican party two week agu. It ft a rational, as logical, ad, if poiLle, evea core inevitable. The republican cjraniratioa, thanks to Mr. IltxtV beroac tcethod. i well nigh frfert It is xa fact, a rigidly con structed and ssmihly runiir?. if re-Cjorwelee- machine, operating with abso lute rreciios, if without human weak cess or e&otcs. Mr. MeKinley was cotaicated tot because the prty de pended wholly tc hi leadership, but rather Jjecau-e the Esesber of that T arty, deptu- its aJsaost despotic di-cip-Lce, kve and ho&or the can, belieTe in Lisa, and are food cf him. Unquestion ably he will re-afire a few hundred thou acJ t&ore vote than any other repub lican candidate would receive, bat the fact retrains thai the controllable rote, the drilled and regular rote cf the party, cuald, under the present management be delivered to any candidate whatever. In Mr. Bryan cae it is entirely differ ent. He I the cee detnocrat ahre who can develop the prtj"s tzcxt strength this year. Not oc'y do democrat pre Lira their icrTt& respect and oa tidecsce; they cow recognize hn absolute hocwty and hi rafrc&cectucswervicg coursfe. With hits a the Uradrr all is jt hartDony, but without him the dem oerati tarty would be an incoherent and hetTjjrefcec: taA, He d cot, iiite McKiniey, appeal to the i&ectlmentai aide of tutu, ife dues cot, aaic like hit di-tir-cui-hed ar.ta?c.it, win perccal afTectKo. He i tree sou, dominant, cotnpeLif j:. He doe cot consult or k adfk or k-ao tst.ffl another. He u a eapisia, s ccc:tr&der, a law tanto hixa e.f. i'a&T year h leaped frota cota- Irjk.lif e oixrunty to the leadership cf a party which Mr. Cleieiand had j radi cally wreck ed. !a the eye the coue try at lare h an accident the grtitei?ie froit of dirided counsel-; the 5 r-ian of d-jain the capnee of aa d and a trfeW umjo. He was Yr2C, hi politiral ep-rietK?e kad ben tery br:-f; i ii record hinted at no special briiiianry, and hi achie'eroent warrant! bet very codet ei;ectatkin foe tne f utcre. Neierthele, he tztg-Tjii-d trn thoc-an 1 csen ar&ccabied in th Chicajr e:rectin hall aa. surely, no ftlrilar audircoe w a eter canetized b-fjre, and he did thU k by any gift of rhetori; or trick of ekt;ence than by tt orerwhelaiin pa4a of hi eamet c and the trreitible force of hi coniirtjon. ile wa dwt the evolotion of a deep itid chese. He wa cot the TTnlt of crefa'y coctrired con piracy. He a a the ipontaneoa choice of every &-ixsztx wiiuin hean- g of hi ringing word within the iflteoce of hi tre-xa-aiMi perfc-jcali ty. The astounding car.p;ra which he ooedected ub--tjUenUy ha co iaralkl ia tbe chronicle of Aa-eriata fLties. AiBKt unknown, baeitd by co prty urracizstioo worthy of isrrkra. apj.ra;rajesst; without noney; abnsoDed try the Ovelaod faetioc; riiiraki and aUrrf relented: fighting tgaint th- tar de;iT6te tdd. inciud iegthe desjciaue ait2jir.itrtiaa and mli it4 tireiicsr and benetieiarie, thi youthful traeger from the far wet Lcousrht out crariy a aillion rote snore than Mr. detei.d, with all hi eaatern Bsi.Iionaire beLind hiss, had been able fore, and fort leay on every it tsalrfctf -c So one todsy aJT-rU to hold Mr. liraa is c-r.t'ii j t No mao at once ta teLigect ai4 hoaet venture to dioii hiea from the e-uaUoc of 1SJ ts a fac tor cf tut!l onjtienr. Kvea the New Voric Han. prhap the ot ardent and e&-er republican organ in the country, i-.i cil'd cpjo.fonie weeks ago, to iy tribute to t: e can cor:it- Indeed, Mr. liryan ts.d upA.-n hi twa feet a terfect j--ix-a t4 j ayiral intellectual and moral ctreagth. He i do trimcier. He do tt jro to ti.e per?4e for asaranoe eccrj-arsiet:.nt. He draw them to hi'u a.:-! he feid tieta by hi unaided ter. li fi- revx! hi character. It l a face witLout oftnM. and equally without crttfrity. 1 1 i the f a of a isaa who df tt yield, who cannot be tecsp1J or c, d the face of or.e who believe atlute!y in hiiacif tbe face of aa enthuia a fanatic, if you will, but of a leader and a giant acong snea. CKiKA AKD THE BOXERS TU f,rt XWia mt IW t tuar( fa 1. Washington, D. C July 1CL -Special correpondence. Although the vast &ob which iciet Pekia acd the larger tT wli cf China, worked up to a state of frenzy and fanaticism, have rendered iffipoeib,-e ary satiifactcry action by the available force of the powers, the great Chis poptilatiaa pni-er is agricul tural aid naturally extreaielj jeaceful -l - ., . a i 1 th r pabhian rartv to! .i . ,o.. , and peace-loving. Agriculture, however, U most primitive and the wonder is how such an immense, population can be sup ported from the soil, until the great economy practiced in all things is un derstood. On the Great Plain of China, every available foot of land is utilized for growing something andevery parti cle of fertility returned to the soih Waters are used for irrigation and in many caea laboriously distributed over the tield-i. . The Great Plain itself is one, of the most wonderful sectioas of the globe. It is about 700 miles in length acd varies from 400 to 400 miles in width, occupy ing the northeastern part of the empire, and containing over 2U0.O00 square miles of wonderfully fertile soil. The most in teresting feature of this plain is its enor mous population as it supports, accord ine to the census of 1812 not less than 177 million human beings, making it the taost densely Fettled of any part of the world of the same size, its inhabitants aaouBticg to nearly two-thirds of the entire population of Europe. The most wonderful feature in the physical geography of China is the ex istence of a vast region of loess in this portion of the empire. Loess is a very f-olid but friable earth, brownish yellow ia color and is found in many places from 500 to 1,000 feet deep. The loess hills rise in terraces from 20 to several hundred feet in height Every atom of loess is perforated by small tubes after the manner of root fibers, only the direc tion of these little channels is always from above downward so that cleavage ia the loess mass is invariably vertical. The loess region of China is perhaps the most broken country in the world, with its feheer cliffs, and upright walls, ter races and deep cut ravines. Owing to the ease with which it can be worked, caves made at the bases of straight cliffs, afford homes to millions of people in the densely populated northern provinces where the lioxers have thus far been most active. Whole Tillages cluster to gether in carved out chambers, some of which extend back more than 200 feet The capabilities of defense in a country such as this, where an invading army mut necessarily become lost acd abso lctely bewildered in the tangle of inter lacing ways and where the defenders may always remain concealed or have innumerable means of escape is pecu liarly significant at this time when con sideration is being given to a conquest of China. It may cot be generally known that th Chine were the discoverers of coal as a f ueh The Venetian trareller Marco Polo ays: It is a fact that all over the country of Cathay (China) there is a kind of black tone existing in the 14. of the mountains which Ihey dig cut and bam like firewood. This stone burns better and costs less." The rivers of China are her glory and there are few countries in the world so well watered acd cone with such splen did natural water trao?portatioc facili ties. The three great rivers of the em pire are the Vang-tse-Kiang (Child cf the ocean.) the Hoacg Ho (Yellow River) and the Chu Kiang (Pearl River or Can ton river.) Of these the Yacg-tse-Kiang is much the largest flowing through extensive and fertile plains and finally emptying into the Eastern sea, after traversing a distance of over 2,000 miles. Its discharge is estimated at oae million cubic feet per second. The backs of the Vang-t-Kiang are crowded with towns acd villages, the most famous of which are Nankin and the new treaty port of Hankow. The lloacg Ho or yellow river is noted especially for its frequect and rioleot floods. Its current is very rapid and its course circuitous,nearly ap proaching in length the Yacg-tse-Kiang. The I'earl or Canton river while not Dearly so large as the others is a stream of great importance and innumerable vessels trade upon its waters. At some joints it spreads into large lakes; in others it passes between narrow gorges which if dammed would afford large storage capacity for irrigation. The Chines, however, have not practically worked out irrigation in its different phases as completely as would be ex pected of such an agricultural people. Irrigation, nevertheless, is practiced to a considerable extent through the use of the waters of the Grand canal and by walls. The Grand or Imperial canal is a work of great magnitude. It was con- ight current for a distance of but 700 miles. While built for purposes of communica tion the waters are used largely for irri gation acd thousands of drains and creeks have been made to connect with it along its route. aifTIQCAl ED METHODS The methods of irrigation are ancient arsd crude One of the most cicture3nue l u tar iith nf tht witr whael which is mcH vY. th land to watered is well above the channel of the river. The wheel is turned by the force of the current and is perhaps thirty feet high. Its buckets being sections of bamboo which as they are raised cy the stately motion of the wheel, empty their con tent into troughs or ditches. Hollow bamboo pipes or tubes are sometimes used for distributing water over the fields. They rest upon wooden supports and branch in ery direction from the source of supply. The chain pump is also a common means of lifting water, the chain running up from the water on a flaot and being provided with little buckets at intervals, which as they reach the highest point and begin to descend, discharge their contents. These ma chines are worked by buffaloes or some times by human labor, a man working a crank with his feet somethicg after the manner of riding a bicycle. The most primitive and laborious method is the ancient well sweep, such as is seen to day on many an old New England home stead, ucr Jti. MrrcHEix. The summer meeting of the Nebraska State Historical society will be held in th court room, Geneva, Nebraska, Wednesday and Thursday, July 25-20, PJU0. iH Great Plain and Cows with but sli VICTORY IN THE AIR The Fusion Forces are a Unit in Nebraska and that Means Twenty Thousand Majority for Bryan. The State Convention of the reform forces have met, performed their work and adjourned. ' It took some little time and effort to fully adjust all matters wherein the three parties were interest ed, but this was done, and so effectively that when they finished their labors, there was a better feeling in existence between the parties than there has ever been at any time in the past, and like wise between the contesting candidates. As is always the case where a party is in the majority, there are a number who think, as well as their friends, that the Party could be better served by the Domination of this or that particular in dividual than by naming any other. The condition above referred to is a healthy sign and demonstrates that the reform forces have men who are capable of filling all positions of trust and honor, and secondly, that ' such persons have unquestioned faith in the success of their cause at the polls. In addition to the state ticket a satis factory agreement was reached in the makeup of the electoral ticket which gave the Populists four, the Democrats three, and the Silver Republicans one. This division insures Mr. Bryan the vote of Nebraska. In 1S96 the electoral ticket was carried by him by almost fourteen thousand, and we predict a marked increase in the majority this year, as there are a number of changes in his favor. - There is an earnest desire on the part of all persons connected with the reform forces, to see Mr. Bryan president of the United. States. None know better than do the people of his own state what it means for him to be successful. The firm stand which has characterized his entire official life will be fully realized in the event of his suc cess, and there cannot be any doubt as to where he stands on all public ques tions. The common people, the masses, will have a friend at the head of this government. That Mr. IJryan is the leader of his party and not the party a leader of Mr. liryan has been demonstrated in the re cent transactions, and especially is this true in the shaping of the platform that was adopted by the Democratic Na tional Convention at Kansas Citv. While all who have watched his course know nothing short of this would have been satisfactory, and that which was not satisfactory would not have been ac cepted, and as a result the " Democratic National Convention has gone further tnan any time in the past toward ac cepting and demanding the principles as advocated by the Peoples Party. With this done, and Mr. Bryan the candidate, there can be no good reason offered why he should not have the full strength of the Peoples Party vote at the November election, and we believe with this known, it places the entire body of voters in the Peoples Party enthusiastically at work for his success, which means victory. les, Nebraska will be in the Bryan column by twenty thousand majority this fall and the state ticket will, as it always has, keep pace with the electoral ticket This means that each candidate named at the state conventions of the reform forces will be elected. The state in this way will be saved from the mis rule of the republican party, which par ty convinced the citizenship of this state that it could not be trusted in positions of honor and responsibility without abusing the same. With the same list of managers desirous that they shall be again placed in power, no one can imag ine that the people w ho have been de ceived and robbed by them will again place their trust or conndence in the re publican party. When the good record that has been made by the reform forces of this state is compared with that of those who preceded them, it is then that the hopes of the republican party fade away into insignificance. Ihe record made and referred to is de serving of the careful consideration of all who desire an honest state govern ment conducted in the interests of the people. For instance, the largo increase of school funds which have been placed in the hands of school boards for the purpose of assisting in the education of our children. If your republican friends doubt the statement we make in this matter, take them to your district treas urer and show him the increased amount per capita for each child of school age This was brought about by the constant efforts of the present state officials, in seeing that all school lands were leased and that all school funds in their hands be placed where they will draw interest for the benefit of the children. When these benefits are considered, coming di rectly as they do, as the result of the change in the management of the state's affairs, we feel like congratulating our selves and the party at large for its suc- , - 1 1 A r . i.1 . - A 1 . X 1 cessiui euoris in , ice interests oi xne people. It may, be in some instances that friends of the state administration may feel that the right course has not been pursued in all cases, and disappoint ments may have come to some seeminely without just cause, yet I desire to say to all friends who may feel thus that "it is but human to err, and divine to forgive, In many instances mistakes have occur red owing to lack of a full knowledge of all the facts that surrounded the case, and others have doubtless occurred from various reasons, but if persons who have been disappointed will take into consid eration that this is true in almost every instance where the individual or officer is charged with the responsible duty of dispensing patronage to the constituents who have contributed to the election or success of the officer thus empowered. When we take into consideration the im portance attached to this .election we doubt very much if any fusionist will refuse to give his earnest efforts to the support of our entire ticket. The election of the electoral, state, congressional and legislative tickets are all very necessary and We cannot neglect any one of them without serious loss and irreparable damage to the party. In state and nation we ' are expecting great reforms, and there is certainly much room for the same. In the state we must have the legislature in order that two U. S. senators can be elected to represent our views. .These senators, together with the congressmen represent us in the halls of congress, and to act with them we must elect a president who directs the policies of the government, and in order that we may control the state gov ernment we must have the state officers without a single exception. With this done wo have performed our full duty. The. bright outloolc for Mr. Juryan's election should, and we believe does, in spire our people everywhere with new hope. We believe it an impossibility for the present administration to justify their action; on the Cuban, Philippine and Boer questions, and the American people are calling them to account for their un-American course. Standing as we do in a solid phalanx for the cause of humanity we should win in both state and nation, and with this done each patriot will - feel he has performed his duty well and assisted in achieving the same. Let the word he passed along the line that we have but one enemy in this country end that is the republican party. The state of Nebraska will be the star of this union with W. J. Bryan as presi dent We already have attracted the attention of the civilized world and there is now .daily a stream- of promi nent men, commissioned by their fel lows, from the various states calling on him, delivering assurances that he will have much additional assistance as com pared with that received in 1896. The discontent m the republican party on account of the unfaithful manner in which Mr. MeKinley has treated those with whom' we have come directly in contact, is driving thousands out of the republican party, and Mr. Bryan stands on the broad platform of reform. He appeals to them for support, and we have no doubt but they will find it easy to join their fortunes politically with him in this contest for human rights. ith the north, south, east and west united in this battle as they are, we be lieve victory can be felt in the air, there fore my friends in the cause of reform, take coinage this is our year to win. J. U. JtUDMISTEN, - Chairman. A DRAMATIC INCIDENT When Webster Davis Declared at Kansas City That he Stood for Liberty and W. J. Bryan. The inost . dramatic incident of the most enthusiasticnatiohal: convention ever held in the history of the country excepting the people s party convention at Omaha was the renunciation, by Webster Davis, ex-Assistant Secretary of the Interior, under MeKinley, of the republican party. His bell-toned voice filled the vast auditorium so that every one of the 110,000 persons present could hear his every word. The following por tion of his speech is well-worth repe tition: "I sympathize with people struggling fer liberty everywhere, I sympathized with them as they struggled for liberty in every country. And when the war broke out with Spain, we said then that it was not a war for conquest not for glory, but to carry liberty to people who were crying for help at our feet . (.Loud applause,) And the, boys marched up from the north land whose fathers once marched in tattered blue, with the song their fathers loved. 4My Country Tis of Thee;' and the boys came from the south land, they whose fathers once marched in tattered grey, to the music, Way Down South in Dixie (applause) and they followed the men who at once led the northern and southern armies down to Cuba and into other lands and into the islands of the sea. They marched under one flag, in behalf of one country, to the music of one splendid melody, as they felt in their hearts the music that inspired the men in the days gone by. "In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea : As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free. "Up until that point the war was right, but when we passed beyond that point the administration went too far. But it was another indication of following in the footsteps of Great Britain. When our flag rose over the flag of the rotten Spanish monarchy the American repub lic could not resist the temptation then f following in the footsteps of Great Britain, and it thirsted for land and gold, and that is where the mistake was made. We should have stopped at the end of the Spanish victory, when we brought liberty to the people who were being ground to death under the wheel of Spanish tyranny. We. love liberty. The masses of. , the American people stand for the blessed idea liberty, justice and equality of rights and I dare say to day if it were possible to get the aews over the British cable to the Boer farm ers in the two South African republics that these representatives of six or seven million-American voters send a word of sympathy to them, many a Boer would shout for joy in the hills of the Trans vaal. Grander struggle for liberty was never made in all the world s history than the struggle being made by the re publicans and democrats in South Africa. ; Let us sympathize with them. I am glad that you have taken this ac tion to-day. At the polls in November follow it up. Let American principles ever live. Let them go on down for, years to come as an institution to gener ations ' yet unborn. Liberty, love of country, one flag, one country, one splendid destiny atone, l stand upon this platform and support William Jen nings Bryan." The Adam Forepaugh and Sells Broth ers united menageries circuses and Hip podromes will exhibit in Lincoln, lues day July .31. Take a day off, come to Lincoln and have a pleasant day's va cation. THE SPIRIT OF '96 The Address of Hon. Charles A. Towne at X the Bryan Ratification 'Meeting:, Xln- coin, July 11th. "I rejoice to share with " you the in spiration of this hour. We stand upon the threshold of the campaign of 1900, where in the allied reform - forces of the country we hope and intend to restore the action of the federal government to the principles of Washington and Jeffer son; tore-establish by the principle of 1896, the doctrine of 1776. (Applause.) ; "I think I read this high and holy purpose in every kindling eye, before me." It glorifies every face. It may be felt in the very air. It consecrates this occasion. ' For the time being it dedi cates this meeting place as a ' temple of liberty and we are met about the altar of our country. - 3 1 "The principles of 1776, that all men are created equal, that governments de rive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that governments are instituted among men to secure for them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, are with us. - (Cheers.) The principles of Washington and Jefferson, no alliances or entanglements abroad, and at home, equal rights for. all, special privileges to none. The spirit of 1896, CHAni-KS A. TOW Jig, that patriotic devotion , which impelled the vast majority c-the populist party to rise above every" consideration of par tisan pride and to waive all claim of precedence in the march of the great al lied army, that recognition of the su premacy of loyalty to country over party fealty and that subordination of person al ambition to the duties of patriotism, which enabled the silver republicans to sever the political pes ot oiden times and to turn their backs on ' the allure ments of rjlace and Bower, that impulse of true democracy which wrested the control of the Chicago convention from the hands of the most adroit and re sourceful politicians known to our his tory, prjIaixned a platform in the inter est of humanity, and nominated for the presidency that marvellous man who, during four crowded years, has remain ed the uninjured target of the most un scrupulous criticism and the undaunted leader of an unended contest whose be lief in the people and faith in God, whose ability, eloquence, sincerity and courage have enshrined him in the hearts, in trenched him in the confidence of mil lions of his fellow countrymen. My friends, the man who sees in the campaign of 1S96 only an ordinary polit ical contest has little or no philosophic insight That campaign was the begin ning of a life and death struggle be tween opposing forces of a fundamental character and between which, in the very nature of things, there can be ' co truce or parley until victory shall have crowned the one of the other. ' FIRST CLASH OF ARMS. "It was the first real clash of arms be tween those who would transform this government into an oligarchy of wealth and privilege and those who would ar rest our present progress in that direc tion and retrace our steps to the safety "and glory of "the ancient ways," (cheers,) for we have fallen ; upon the evil days that lurk about the days of all repub lics. Greece, Rome, the free states of the middle ages, all tell the same story. Air illustrate what Abraham Lincoln called The proneness of prosperity to breed the tyrants. The enjoyment of special privileges on the part of a few, either by the permission or by the assis tance of the laws, the. consequent con centration of wealth and the stratifica tion of society into classes; the erection of military defense to protect the booty and the power thus unjustly gained; these are the invariable steps by which in times past, democracies and republics have been led down to dusty death.' "The control of the money system of a country has - always been one of the methods, and one of the readiest and surest - whereby privilege has become power. Designing men early learned, and it is wondrous strange that their victims have never learned it yet - that there is a relation between the quantity of money available for the exchange of commodities and the payment of debts, on the one side, and the number of com modities to be exchanged for .money and the amount of debts to be paid in money, on the other. If, therefore, these men could get other - men in debt to them, and then so manipulate the money volume as to make money scarcer and harder to get compelling producers and debtors to offer more and more commod oties and property for a . given sum of money, it is plain that they would by and by come to own both money and property. (Cheers.) IS ALWAYS THE SAME. "This cruel, though simple process ha3 been practiced by the same class of men in every age of the world's history, and inevitably with similar results in all cases. It has - sometimes - preceded, sometimes followed, but usually accom panied, other forms of the exploitation of the many by the few. Land monopo ly and other monopolies, unequal taxa tion and harsh laws respecting debtors, have ordinarily characterized almost contemporaneously, this social move ment In the United States circum stances conspired to precipitate the con test against a contracting money system in 1S96. The progressive disuse of sil ver as money by many nations from 1873 down, accompanied by a fall of general prices and an increase in the burden of debts, had widely stimulated the study of monetary science. "The results of this study became ap parent at about the same time that the plans of the influences behind the gold standard were . culminating. It was well known, leng before the campaign of 1896, that a determined effort would then be made to commit the republican and democratic parties to the gold standard by the declaration of their na tional conventions. In both organiza tions strenuous opposition to this rever sal of party doctrine was speedily inaug urated. The world knows how sadly we failed in the republican party and how grandly we succeeded in the demo cratic party. "The world also knows that a party trick in the republican platform, a sim lated and faint hearted profession of friendliness to 'an international agree ment,' deceived and was intended to de ceive, hundreds and thousands of repub lican voters who were, as they had al ways been, bimetallists, and that the election of 1896 was not a verdict in fa vor of the gold standard; that neither the American , people, nor any other people on earth, has ever yet voted to establish that standard. . - THEY REMAIN TRUE. i "Now the : principles of bimetallism were true in 1896 and they remain true in 1900. Subsequent events have only verified this so far as the . main conten- tion is concerned. Tne demand for open mints was based on, first, the necessity of relief from the fall of average prices during a quarter of a century; and sec ondly, the importance of restoring the par of exchange between silver using and gold using . countries. - Our opponents contended that falling prices are a bless ing and that we had money enough in 1896, the quantity being of no conse quence if only the quality be 'good. "v "Quite consistently, therefore, they de clared that the way to get a par of " ex change with silver using countries was to put them all on the gold standard, viewing with apparent complacency the project of trying to make, our then stock of gold immediately, for six times as many people, aa were already using it Today, as the result of occurrences which nobody foresaw in . 1896, condit ions are greatly changed. An unprece dented and sustained increase in the world's output of. gold; the practical cessation of war chest hoarding by the great powers, so far as the new gold is concerned; the decrease in the gold re serves of the large European banks, and as to the United states, a continued phe nomenal balance of trade, due chiefly to the misfortunes of other nations; and the vast expenditures directly and indi rectly caused by our foreign wars; all these things have greatly added to the quantity of money with which we are able to do business. "The result is more business and high er prices. This result is . continuously cited by gold standard advocates as a title to the gratitude of the country and and as confirmation of their arguments in 1896. RIC1CULOUS PRETENSE. "Our politics have never witnessed so ridiculous a pretense. (Cheers.) They claimed in 1896 that there was money enough and that the quantity was imma terial. Will anyone of them today dare to say that our present volume of busi ness could be done, and at existing pri ces, with only the same supply of money as in 1896? Yet this was what their po sition then necessarily implied. . Statis tics show that we have not far from $500,000,000 more in circulation in the United States today than we had in 1896, an increase of more than $6 per capita. What right has a gold standard man to be glad of this? In laub the ad vocates of scarce money were almost hysterically denunciatory of 'cheap' money (which is merely another way of saying 'nigher prices.') Yet the chief cause of the conditions that they now boast of is, that our money has become 'cheaper' than in 1896 by precisely the ratio of $500,000,000 or thereabouts to the present total circulation, modified, to be sure, by increased use. (Cheers.) HOW PLENTIFUL. Bimetallists, of course, admit that if gold should become plentiful ('cheap') enough they would be satisfied. They are controlled by considerations of quan tity, not of color. But how - plentiful must it beto be sufficient? The answer is, plentiful enough to maintain prices as business " expands ' and population grows, and to keep pace with the exten sion of the gold system to the people of countries, like India and China, that do not yet employ it, which means not far from one and a quarter bilKons of the inhabitants of the earth. "Despite the continued increased yield of gold, and despite the rise of average prices during the last three years of some 16 or 20 per cent, I feel perfectly confident that we shall very soon find the gold stock insufficient for the de mands upon it' While prices have risen they have risen inequitably. "Ihe farmer, for example, has felt very little of the movement To be sure, his products would have risen more in prices if the artificially high prices of trust controlled commodities had not absorbed most of the money; but I venture to think that, even if he had his present distributive share, the country would not be injured by a still further legiti mate increase in average prices where if he should receive his due proportion, but the special fact which our gold standard advocates in the country seem to forget is, that European countries, and especially England, are very greatly concerned about restoring the par of exchange. - ' HAZARD OF FLUCTUATION. ; "Until that is done commerce with silver using nations is burdened with the hazard of a constant fluctuation i:a exchange. (Applause.) We also, as our foreign trade expands, will be compelled to give more attention to this feature ci the coinage problem. The situation i:a China will constantly emphasize this consideration. Either a relatively stable par of exchange between gold and silver must be secured or all the world musit go to one standard. . . - ; "Here is the danger, even with our In creased gold product The official class has begun the gold standard experiment in India. When this was proposed last year, the greatest financiers and bank-el's of London declared that to. get sufficient gold to put behind the money system of India would cause such a strain on ex isting stocks as to threaten the very solvency of the Bank of England, hence of course, the money fabric of Europe -and the world. . "India has as yet gathered not much if any beyond 5,000,000 of pounds ster ling, not even a fifth of the smallest es timate of her needs, and only a tenth of the estimates of her best authorities; yet the effect of even this action htia been gravely disquieting and every great bank in Europe has for many months been obliged to have recourse to manipu lation of the discount rate in order l-o Erotect its stock of gold. What will appen when the drain is magnified to the full demand of the 300 million peo ple of India, and then of the half billion of frugal and industrious men who are just waking up about the yellow sea, and then of the other growing millions on the globe still to be subdued by com merce, l "Our good, easy friends who write eo contented, in some of the big journals, about the coinage question being 'sot tied for all time do not, I venture to think, quite fully realize the world breadth of that question. Suppose, for example, that your balance of r trade should reverse itself, and the demands pf India continuing, gold exports should set in, as indeed they may do any day, for I noticed shipments of $100,000 some days ago and the exchange rate has been hovering near the specie point for a con siderable time, and let this find us with an inflated and redundant bank money currency; how long would it take to make the coinage question a very inter esting bone bear in mind that India has had a so-called favorable balance of trade for 5,000 years. "Throughout historic time I think it may be said she has exported goods be yond her imports and has always ab sorbed specie, and until now the balance has been sent her in silver. " Mr. Gos chen's silver commission An 1876 showed that between 1848 and 1876 the rest of the world had sent India about j51L 000,000 ($2,500,000,000), or more than all the gold mined in those years in Califor nia and Australia. Meantime the popu lation is growing, railroads are extend ing, and under normal conditions it is only fair to assume that India must soon resume her world-old habit of metallic absorption. "But hereafter, be it remembered, bal ances must be sent there in gold. Will some gold standard editor or statesman : inform me what would happen if, during the next twenty -five years, India should call for $2,500,000,000 of gold on an aver age of $100,000,000 a year?" (Cheers) "But, fellow citizens, while we can thus see how nearly imminent this great ques tion constantly is and must be until it is settled and settled right, yet it is perfectly clear to me that it will not, if present conditions remain, claim any thing like that relative prominence in the discussions of the campaign that it held in 1896. The reason, of course, was that it was the subject in which most men were chiefly interested : for after all it is the people who make the issues and ' assign them their relative rank. 'The phase of the money question most likely to be discussed exhaustively will be the currency. The world is yet, I fear, many years from a scientific money system. Until that comes I shall favor the free coinage of gold and silver, with a legal-tender paper money issued by the government and so regulated in volume as to maintain as nearly a3 pos sible a stability of value represented by an average level of general prices. The present currency law, handing over to the banks of issue this sovereign gov ernment function, perpetuating the pub lic debt, presenting a bonus of some $85,000,000 to the bondholders, and founding in effect a gigantic money trust, will form the topic, in my opinion, of the chief part of our monetary dis cussions this year. WAS A PROTEST. "But, my friends, our coinage plank in 1896 was much more than a demand for open mints for silver as well as gold. It was a protest against the whole enginery of modern social oppression, a cry , for the restoration of liberty and opportu nity in this country, and for a new af firmation of the honored traditions and peculiar ideas of the American common wealth. The tandencies toward perma nent industrial conditions involving re sultant political changes fatal to demo cratic society and government were first clearly discerned by any large body of our citizens as manifested in the opear ation of the money system. When they protested against that they protested against the whole program of plutocracy; for the same spirit animates it all, whether it aim at a money monopoly or a trust control of industry, or the estab lishment of militarism and empire. (Ap plause.) ... SPIRIT NOT ABATED. j "What some of our friends cannot un derstand is this, that the spirit of 11396 has not abated; that it was and remains a spirit of liberty; that it inspires today our opposition to more recent tyrannies Erecisely as in 1896 it moved six and a alf millions of freemen in the most memorable contest since I860. Thero is a community of soul among all friends of freedom, no matter when or where they live and strive. i ' "The true champion of American loy alty to American principles today, can-