VOL. XI L LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JULY 12, 1900. NO. 9. 1 41' -1 FUSION STATE Democrats and Silver Republicans Given a Place on the Ticket With but Little Friction. POYNTER UNANIMOUSLY RE-NOMINATED A Ticket That Pleases all Classes mad Recognizes all the Claims Hade by Foreign Bora Citizens for Preferment. WILLIAM A. roT3TER V.R NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR Fm Prdttil lZ-ur . .. J H. .xn Mm L KtmOM. W. If. Htns, W. i. ax-tar. W. U. f. kx ii:r o-h.ulO'U. L. N. t ute. Jtiu JW LirdctiaU Cowftuf ... ......... .. ............ Tm A. GlllUI 1 ---rrtry 5Lt C V. htuDA Fr A4 tur f I'o.i Arches , ...... Txi-ni iiauttl Tut TfwTr . . . il. UoKX Fr t ' 4 f's.lic L4 f.J.Cmi ..sciii bmliolic Fu ttwrt-jr Ceari W. It. UUJfiM Wien ib reform force came to Lin e4a V Loid tiir Cocreiioc4 it took tie auiiVriusL, tie !a.rr-t iieatre and ie tarrtt tall is ti-e city to hold tie Cflrxlf. That this cxte&iei.t ha it -at 15 the terr heart of the people is weU emoctratid by tie nearly three ihaA&d delegate who ae2bied to put a stat ticket in tha field. There iren USI ot- raet ta tLe populist caa- Tr.ti4J iwM. ' ILfSjemlMrr tL&t tlfl leraS f!'f ti-e nx-t jrt were hrd vorkszg farskrrs, cans kfi? dLtaRcse-f at larjre cat! of tsccy tLt thj could ill Seed to jare. No iK-h frlierir tat lra rn ia tLU routtrr ticc tLe 4d aWIitscai day atsd tli day of the eitil ar. Tb bjijr tf tisat coo taction us. cad p of Lard workisg fartuem aai nxen Lo labor wita tbeir txand in ti- alios trad-' ar.-J aerapatioas of th ntMr atd tcra-c. Erery man f fu git"o UL fu"t o,'jKrtc.ity to ipr aiti ct Li ojieioa on etery qtietk tit mryi-. WLat tLry did a rh vtJth cf tt e-aj' rity of tbe oj.l m bo E-ake tLe jarty acd by it we are all t-tisd- It a a fair aad jut con fen- j ?ko. No ts.x tid hi of era ruled : it. It mm a dIitufTate UJy caie up of tie rcits-esos ' i.f. tie tate. Of ; txmt1 thm jTo-ftwiosi were represented, ; but tbey wre in a tery asaall minority. Acy can mho ay tLat lb work of tLat c.'et retina wa cct as Looest expression of the cjirity of it, iay what i caza fertlr uctra. Tie fvjctenti.ua vu called to order at 3.1 'j p, &. by Ctair&aa Cdtsitn and "j-irJ t-y Ter by Iw?r. Mr. Harri. ejr !.'- vcjtit .kTertior. After a few "mr-p.r-At; r-o.rk by 5 Jr. Jri2miten, w tferJa were retei with cLeers,tle con- i.:"?! r ied to tijp e'ectka f tec:j-rry ( Serf. Mr. h'pm-ker noici r atrd f. r tii j-rry cL&:rn.n, M. F. llitriz tr.' z. t.d Mr. Mary of OsuaLa, I Le rt resulted; Aies, CJ; Hit rir .., IVj. htatM' A Tea aotsed ti.e etalr and j&ad a Sort jca hx-h was recti ted witii rLeer by tie delegate's. Tfc rt basing! taken tip wat tie ar fotetr-ect f a cocfretiee caiSiittee. A Umz d-bat occurred efja tie .ub-j-ct wfcjrtbf-r tiat oasuaattw lrtild be e-tt by tie debate of tie different ex-crre-wMoiiaJ ditrsrU or -ituld ix p . i.4ted y tie chairman, It a a Hcaily !rided by tote tiat of ti cscjtsmittee. ef ea in catber, ore eLotiki be elected by Mkcb cxj;reAcnal diRtrict axd oiie arreted by tie ciatr. It appeared t tii writer tiat sotse retat isade duritg tbw dieuiion were Tery ir jediciutu. Wteaeter a del ejrate wasted Li way about acytiicg, fc would declare tiat if be didn't hare ti way. tie twiddle of tie readers would jat pjy iah. Tie ludrpf-ndent ba ty jti5e ti tiat kind of talk. Of cour-e tie rejtif.:an pap-r will make tie twt of it. and it baa aa foundation in peet oondjtkma ta tiii state. Tee Indepeedee gw to rery pcpulikt ig CONVENTIONS thU s-tate who takes an active part in tie work of reform. There is perhaps aot a populist in this state who attends primaries and conventions and does art ire party work, who does not take tie IcJ-pcdenL .We axa indoors tan t communication with the workers hi the tarty in every county in this state and tn many counties with hundreds of them. If there was any euch state of affairs as some of thee debaters imagined to ex ist, news of it would have reached this oSice. The fuzzie wuzzies in this state are orJy as a fly in the ointment, a speck on the horizon. The convention continued in session nntil 3:15 a. m and the time was filled with speeches and any other way to pass it away while it waited for the confer ence report and then adjourned to meet at s a. m. Thursday. It was t13 when Senator Allen called it to order. The chair suggested that sooae one be gent after that conference committee, and as one delegate suggest ed, bring them in dead or alive, which suffresuon me cnatr accepteo. A mo ment or two afterward the chair an noucced that Mr. I-rick Johnson who was a member of the committee was on the fiuor and he was called to the plat form. Mr. Johnson said the committee was ready to report, lie then said that after being up all night the committee on conference had agreed as follows Tie populists should be given four of the presidential electors, the democrats three and tie t ilver republicans one. As to the state offices, the democrats were to have the treasurer and the commissioner of lands and public buildings. Judge Suliran Kabmitted a minority report or rather the views of a minority of the populist committee on conference that allowed the democrats only one of lice. Upon the submission of these reports a red hot debate followed. i3oth sides to it being men who were in deadly ear neU One side favored the adoption of tie suggestions of the minority and the other that of the majority of the commit tee. hue this debate was going on. committees from both the democratic and silver republican conventions ap peared and reported that those conven tions had adopted the report of the ma jority of the committee. There was something of a red hot time for about half an hour. The delegates from C usstr county moved that the dem ocrats be given nothing at all and claim ed that they were the original populists of the fetate. A delegate from Buffalo county resented this statement and said that I'J years ago, the people of that county inaugurated this reform move ment before Custer county ever thought about it. Lcking at the convention from the platform and judging from the mani festations on the floor, it appeared thfct there was a majority in favsr of adopt ing the report to give the democrats two feSlces. There were motions, amend ment and substitutes, involving a1; fcorU of propositions, and it was with great difficulty that Senator Allen and tie sergeants at arms kept order. Finally M. F. Harrington mounted the platform and said that the main ques tion, and in fact the only real question, before them wa how to elect Bryan and all thes other things were very minor matters. He said that he knew most of the delegates to the democratic conven tion and they knew him and he believed that be could go over there and get tbf-m to consent to fuse on one state ofiiire. The convention unanimously re solved to fcend him on that mission. For some minutes after this, Senator Allen strove to get order, and failing, declared tiat convention was adjourned for twenty minutes. (Continued on page 8.) RATIFICATION MEETING. An Immense Gathering of Patriots AY hose Hearts Sara Within Them While They Listen to the Defense of Liberty. This has been a week of outbursts of patriotism and shouting for liberty in Lincoln. Liberty for ourselves, liberty for the Boers, liberty for the Filipinos, for the Porto Ricans, for all mankind everywhere. It was heard in conversa tion, it was seen in the faces of men, it was in the very air that we breathed. This republic shall live. No empire shall ever be established on its ruins. We will hand it down to our children as the revolutionary father gave it to theirs and as Lincoln preserved it to us. The first formal proceedings to give expression to what was in every ones heart, was at the auditorium on Tuesday afternoon. That immense audience room was . decorated from end to end with American flags. Great portraits of Bryan, Towne and Stevenson were hung against the east wall and on the front of the platform was a portrait of ' Lincoln and the declaration of independence. Although the heat was intense the build ing was packed to the last inch of stand ing room long before the speakers ap peared. Hagenow's splendid band was upon the platform. After a short wait, which was filled up with cheering music, Towne, Cyclone Davis, Gen. Weaver, Webster Davis and Chairman Edmisten appeared and were greeted with storms j of cheers. Mayor Winnett gave in a few words a hearty welcome to the many distin guished men who were in the city and said that if a democratic president was elected he wanted nun elected from this town. Mayor Winnett is a republican of course, but there is a wide gulf between him and the degenerate who writes edi torials for the State Journal and takes advantage of his position to insult every distinguished man who comes to Lin coln. Hon. Eugene Smith of Illinois made a short and very appropriate response. Mr. Smith was followed by Congressman Shaforth of Colorado, who made a rat tling good speech defending the posi tions taken in loUo. I he republicans in the hall, and there were quite a number them, must have been convinced before that speech was concluded that the silver question was a long way from be ing dead. . After him came Cyclone Davis, who in his peculiar way wrought the audience up to the most intense pitch of excite ment." His picture of a money commis sion going across the ocean to ask Eng land if we might coin money, threw the audience into bursts of cheers that shook the building, but it was when he turned his attention to the declaration of independence and spoke for liberty for all men, in Africa, in Porto Rico, in the Philippines, that the old shouts that no one has heard since this republic was threatened in 18(30 burst forth from hearts that were stirred to their very depths. The feature of the occasion however was the speech of Webster Davis. Mr. Davis was assistant secretary of the in terior appointed by McKinley. He got a leave of absence and went to South Africa to investigate for himself. He was so impressed with the patriotism and intelligence of the population of the two republics and so wrought up over the wrongs and outrages inflicted upon by the British empire, that he came home, resigned his office and took the field in behalf of Paul Kruger and the brave burgers who are fighting: for lib erty under the same circumstances that W ashington fought for it on this conti nent. The speech was a master piece of oratory, because the people could see that tie language was not only well chosen and the delivery unexcelled, but that the man was saying what he be lieved with all his heart. This writer has seen no such spirit in any meeting since the old days of abolition and re publican reform in 1860. In those days also, men spoKe from the heart and ther reached the hearts of their hearers, just as Webster Davis did in the auditorium last Tuesday. There were cries for Towne, who was on the platform, but the chairman an nounced that Mr. Towne was billed for a speech in the evening and asked to be excused, ueneral Weaver made a few remarks and at the close Mr. Towne could no longer refuse to say a few words to that audience . who were so eager to near mm ana ne arose and spoke for ten minutes. That ten minutes talk was the culmination, so we thought, of the pent up enthusiasm and love of liberty burn ing in every breast. The ovation that was given him was past description, but it was exceeded by what followed during his speech and at the close of it. It made our hearts burn within us" trf hear him talk for liberty here and for those lighting and dying for it in the islands of the sea and the continents of the old world. . Then Mr. Bryan appeared. The audi ence arose as one man. Where ever Mr. Bryan may appear during the coming campaign, he will never receive a more hearty welcome than he did from the citizens of his own town and the strang ers who were within its gates. This closed the afternoon ratification meeting. At night several acres of the capitol grounds were covered with people loner before the hour set for the speakers to appear. Dr. Jr. Li. Hall, chairman of the democratic state committee presided and introduced the speakers, the first of whom was General Weaver. The Gen eral gave a historic review of the work he had been encaged in since he leftthe republican party and supported Peter tJooper. lie told how Adlai Stevenson wasslected to congress at the same time he was and on the; same ticket the ereenback ticket. Stevenson had alwavs stood true to those principles from that day to this without a shadow of turning. Mr. Towne was the next speaker. He began by saying: If you will be quiet I will endeavor to make some acres of you hear." While he did make some acres of them hear, there were other acres pf people on the grounds and surrounding streets who could not, by any possibility hear. Even the magnificent voice of Mr. Bryan could not extend to the verges of that crowd. Mr. Towne discussed the money question in his masterful way and then turned his attention to imperialism. All jthe way through his address he was greeted with volcanoes of cheers. Senator Allen was called for but he refused to make a speech saying that he should make a canvass of the state and all would have the opportunity to hear his views on future occasions. He then turned and introduced Webster Davis. Mr. Davis was taken completely by sur prise, not expecting to speak at all. Sen ator Aljen said the people wanted to hear about Mr. Davis travels in South j Africa. This speech, while it was on new lines was just as patriotic and thrill- j ing as the one delivereU in the afternoon, j He told of the capture and imprisonment of Cronje on the island of Si Helena and compared that treatment, with the treatment of Napoleon, saying that of the two, Cronje was the greatest, for Cronje fought for liberty, while Napo leon fought for conquest and ambition. He closed with an appeal for everybody to stand by Bryan and work for his elec tion. After a little waiting Mr. Bryan ap peared and received such an ovation as only NebrasfcansNcan give. On the sub ject of the vice-presidency he spoke as follows: "When the convention came to the se lection of a candidate for vice-president there was diversity of opinion. Some preferred an eastern candidate, believing that he would strengthen the ticket in the east. Some preferred Mr. Towne, knowing of the sacrifices which he made for principle and of his devotion to the principles set forth in the Chicago plat form. But the choice fell upon a dis tinguished Illinois democrat, who once discharged with great credit the duties of the office. In the campaign of 1896, when plutocracy and democracy met face to face, Adlai E. Stevenson was an able and courageous defender of the cause of democracy. During the cam paign he spoke in seven of the close states. When I visited Bloomington, near the close of the campaign, he was chairman of the meeting. In beginning my speech I referred to his as follows: ' 'We who have been keepers of the democratic faith love Adlai Stevenson, not only for what he is, but we love him also because he is all we have left of the last national democratic ticket. The Bible tells you of the father who loved the ; prodigal son when he returned. I tell you , of the democratic father 'who loved the son who went not astray. "I know that some of. our allies felt grieved that they were not given the second- place upon the ticket, but I am sure that they cannot feel undindly to ward one who, like Mr. Stevenson, was loyal to the ticket nominated at Chicago and who is able to defend the magnifi cent party creed set forth at Kansas City. "In this campaign issues are greater than men. I shall not ask anyone to vote our ticket merely because it is the ticket of the party." It deserves support because it stands for the declaration of independence in dealing with the Philip pines and for the doctrine of equal rights for all and special privileges for none in all domestic questions. , Mr. Bryan was followed by Mr. Steven son who spoke as follows: "It is too early in the campaign to hold political meetings all night. Some time between 12 and 1 o'clock is the proper hour to adjourn even a Bryan meeting in the state of Nebraska. "To-day I have had the pleasure of shaking hands with about a hundred former - citizens of Illinois. I was glad to see them. I know how much they kave contributed to the upbuilding of this state for their fathers did the same service in my own state and they will follow in their footsteps here. Years ago a neighbor of mine left Illinois and went west. To-day 1 have had the pleasure of meeting him in the person of your governor. Some years later a young lawyer came here and cast his lot among you. On the fourth of .next March Nebraskans will turn out and witness his inauguration at Washington. "I have greatly enjoyed listening to speeches here to-night. 1 hope that in the campaign to come we may hear the voice of Mr. Towne m every state m the union. The other gentlemen will also be heard with pleasure wherever they go. We all are fighting not for a mere political organization. If that were all, I should decline to enter the fight. The party is following the great uprising of the American ' people and I trust that victory will perch on .her banners and bring the government back to the gov ernment and doctrines of our fathers. Now let us work till next November and let all who cherish the name of Wash ington and Jefferson and the other lead ers work that the government may be brought back to its original purity." One would have thought that this was enough of public speaking to have satis fied any crowd, but it did not prove so with this crowd. Thousands of men yelled so loud and long for Cyclone Davis that he was forced to come for ward and make a speeeh to quiet them. And that speech! Well, it was a Cyclone speech and that is all that is necessary to say about it. Along in the wee small hours, those acres of people wandered away toward their homes and hotels and the uryan ratincauon meeting was a thing of the past. Roosevelt made a cowboy raid into Kansas and Oklahoma. He began all his speeches by declaring that he was not going to talk politics. Then he would tell them that every good thing in the United States was the work of the republicans and every bad thing the work of democrats. Of course that was not politics. No sensible man would think ot calling it talking politics. Most of them would say that it was straight up ana aown lying. BRYAN AUO LIBERTY. Capt, O'Farrell Deserts McKinley Because Be is Still a Staunch Republican. Among the score or more republican campaigners who have deserted McKin ley within the last few weeks and an nounced that they will work for Bryan is CapL Patrick OTarrell of Washing ton. In his speech at the Cooper Union imperialist meeting has found its way into the Congressional Record. It is of a very impassioned sort, and the Captain says of his present position: "I am still a staunch republican, and for that rea son l am for Brvan and liberty, lie was introduced as a life-long republican and a brave soldier, who served in the Sixty-ninth New York under Corcoran, and spoke without notes, as follows: Y hue we have not an ideal govern ment of our own, yet I contend that we have the best system so far devised by man to regulate our own affairs, while we have the worst system to regulate the affairs of others. You cannot govern foreign colonies or run imperialism with republican machinery. It requires a king or an emporer like the Empress of India whose rule will be continuous, to do that. We elect our executive every four years, and we change policies and officials with every change of party. We appoint a postal agent or tax col lector at Mindanao or Manila. He can't bring his wife or children there on ac count of the climate. He has a four years' job. He will try and feather his nest before the other party comes in; and when it does, he will be succeeded by another, who will also go into the nest-feathering business. I now boldly state that this acquiring and keeping of foreign" colonies will bring disgrace to our nag and discredit to our republican institutions. When it comes to looting, swindling, and crooked ness, the Spaniards were not "in it" with our fellows. I said this to a United States Senator (General Hawley) a few months ago, and he exclaimed, "Ph, Pat! don't say that about your own country men." I say it advisedly, on good proof. Didn't we rob and plunder our own countrymen in the south during the "carpet-bag" regime, and after we had robbed and beggared the whites we then plundered our wards, the negroes," and looted the Freedman's bank. . This is no reflection on the honesty of the Ameri can people in general. It only illustrates the fact that we cannot govern honestly, even at home, by military rule; and how can we expect to do it abroad in our for eign colonies, and over a people .whom we despise as a subject race? If we con tinue in. the colonial imperial business, I suggest that we amend our Constitution so that the title of our president shall read as follows: "William McKinley, President of the United States and Em porer of the Philippines." Abraham Lincoln said, "We cannot last long half slave and half -free," and now, at the be ginning of a new century, we are going to be half-sublect, half-citizen. I remember when I first saw the sacred soil of Virginia during the great civil war yes, the war for liberty I read a Sign on a large brick building in Alexan dria, "Price, Birch & Co., dealers in slaves." I remained south long enough to shoot that slavery business to death. Oh, I am awfully proud that I was an abolitionist and a republican in those days! Those were the days of Lincoln and Liberty. Now, when I walk up Pennsylvania avenue, I look up at the White House and I am carried back to the days of "Price, Birch & Co., dealers in slaves," and I read on that White House, in imaginary lines, "Hanna, Mc Kinley & Co., wholesale dealers in Fili pino slaves." (Great applause.) There is another feature of this colon ial business that the country has not no ticed so far. That is the matter of church and state. McKinley is trying to work the church l mean the Catho lic church but he "wobbles" on that as well as on other matters. What he said last week he contradicts this week. A weak man is a dangerous man when placed in a high position. Nero wasbne of the weakest of Roman emperors, but at the same time the most dangerous. Just look at President McKinley mak ing tracks on both sides of the stream. We find him last summer at the Catho lic summer school at Plattsburg, N. holding forth and telling the people there about the flag, and you would act ually think he was born next door to the blarney-stone. Next week we find him at Asbury Park, N. Jn preaching to the Methodists about piety and patriotism. And the next week we find him execut ing a treaty, offensive and defensive, with the Sultan of Sulu, whereby he recognizes shivery, polygamy and the re ligion of Mahomet. To crown all, we next find the presi dent of the United States going on his knees to the Pope of Rome, and asking him to help him out of the difficulties which neither his generals nor his peace commission could do. He holds several secret sessions at the white House with Archbishop Chapelle, the papal dele gate, and commissions Father McKin non, ostensibly as a chaplain in the United States Army, but actually as the secretary of the papal delegate, and sends both in princely style to Manila to negotiate with the Spanish archbishop there as to the confirming of the Span ish friars and monks in their possession of some 20,000,000 or 30,000,000 acres of the best land in Luzon and the other islands. This is the first time in the his tory of the United States when the pres ident dared to interfere in a matter of church and state. What right has our government to summon or invite the papal delegate to aid or assist us in set tling our political affairs? I feel keenly on this subject, knowing that there are many gentlemen on this platform who, if they should speak as I do, would run the risk of being called A. P. A's. But I, as a Catholic, lest there should be any mistake, a Roman Catholic, who lived in Ireland until I was a man big, and understand all about landlords, the church and state, the glebe lands, nnd the established church, I don't want to see my church going into the landlord business in the Philip pines or anywhere else under the pro tection of the American flag. (Tremend ous applause, which broke out again and again.) The student of history knows well that it was this ownership of land by the church that was one of the causes of ; the bloody revolution in France, and it enabled King Henry VIII to succeed to his so-called reformation in England.! Daniel O'Connell, my illustrious coun tryman, used to say: "We take our re ligion from Rome, "but not our politics. Keep the priests poor and they will be always the friends of the people.' Land ed property has always been the curse of the church. In conclusion, I appeal to my old-time republican friends yes, and to men of my own blood and race; yes, and to the Germans, and to all others who came here to seek that liberty which was de nied us in our own native lands; yes, and I appeal to my olcl comrade soldiers, who marched with me to Appomattox; yes, and the general whom I served under, 1 am proud to see on this plat form to-night. The speaker here seized General Mdvor by the hand. The great audience seemed to catch the inspiration and fairly jumped to their feet, cheering and hurrahing for several minutes, Yes, I appeal to my old comrades, who did the fighting, not to the "carpet-bagr gers" who did the robbing. (Cheers.) Again I appeal to my old-time repub lican friends to not bother about dollars or tariffs. In" this campaign the battle cry is "Republic versus empire." That should be the thought uppermost in the mind of every citizen from now until next November." The trusts and a few millionaires have the grand old party by the throat. These corrupt, unscrupulous politicians have shunted it from the constitutional track. Let the plain people, the common peo ple, the sovereign people republicans and democrats rally to the standard of William J. Bryan, who is a brave and courageous man of the Lincoln type an American who believes in." American principles. Who is the same., to-day as he was four years ago. You and I may differ with him about dollars and tariffs, but we admire his courage and his hon esty, and we will stand by him and make him our next president. (Tremendous applause.), V THEY ARE PROGRESSING Little by Little the Democratic Party Leaves Behind Old Dogmas and Takes the Sew v ' The platform the democrats adopted at Kansas City is much' more satisfactory than the Chicago platform.' The, party shows progress far beyond the position taken in 1896, The more populists study the platform the better they like it New positions have been taken. . Here is one: "We favor direct legislation wherever practicable." - . ' It is the "initiative and referendum" for which populist platforms everywhere have been resolving. Truly the Kansas City convention allowed no pent-up Utica to contract its powers. Here is another: "We demand the retirement of the na tional bank notes as fast as government paper or silver certificates can be substi stuted for them." ; "Government paper:" note the de scription. And not a word about "coin redemption." Isn't that progress with a big P? The democratic party recog nizes at last that the fiat of the govern ment gives value to its : money, whether it is paper or metal money. Here is another: "We favor an amendment to the fed eral constitution providing for the elec tion of United States senators . by a di rect vote of the people." And yet another: - - - "We are opposed to government by in junction." . And yet another: "We recommend that congress create a department.of labor in charge of a sec retary with a seat in the cabinet." And yet another: , - 'We favor the continuance and strict enforcement of the Chinese exclusion act, and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic races." ' That means Japanese as well as Chinese, and it is a direct rebuke of the importation and use of Japanese laborers on the Union Pacific and Rio Grande western railroads a use just commenced and which threatens to oust white labor as road hands from , all roads in the mountain and arid sections. More such good populistic doctrine could be culled from the Kansas City platform, but there is enough to erouse the enthusiasm of populists everywhere with the great hope that Bryan will finally make out of it a genuine reform party in which the counsel of the gold bugs and corporations will find no sup porters. , an 6 WILLIAM B- HEARST. Owner of the three great reform dai lies of America, The San Francisco Ex aminer, the New York Journal, and the Chicago American the latter born July 1, this year. "mm SENATOR TELLER'S SPEECH He Scores the Trusts and Urges all Silver Republicans t Give Bryan their - -Hearty Support. Senator Teller made a speech to the free silver, republican convention which was full of force and power. He spoke in part as follows: "Grave questions are presented to the American people for their consideration and determination in the coming cam paign. Questions of foreign and domes tic policies, growing out of or incident to the Spanish-American war have espec ially attracted the attention of the peo ple during the last two years, and will continue to do so. Questions new to U3 and involving much to others, as well as ourselves, cannot bo readily disposed of, but great as these questions are, they must not and will not be allowed to ob scure the great and still unsettled ques tion, "What shall be the financial system of the republic?" "I say still unsettled question, because no great economic question can be set tled until it is settled in a way to do jus tice to all. We do not believe the action of a republican administration in estab lishing a gold standard with a carefully preparea plan to destroy the greenbacks. treasury notes, silver certificates and sil ver dollars, and to turn over to the na tional banks the issue of all paper, mon ey that; the - commercial needs of the people may demand, meets with the ap probation of the people. The people be lieve that gold and silver coins are the money of the constitution, and that if paper money is to -be issued, it should bear the stamp of the government and have back of it the wealth and power of the nation and not that of a private cor poration. . ' . "The people believe that the govern ment is better able to support, retrulate and control a paper issue than corpora- t i . i .. uons, nowever ricn me corporation may be, or however wise may be its man- He criticised the gold standard legis tion of the last session of congress and said: - "Surely with this, and the establish ment of the gold standard, making all other money redeemable in gold, and thus making gold the only real money in the country, it is not unreasonable to suppose the people may still believe the financial question is one in which they have a deep interest" bpeaking of the trusts, Senator Teller said that labor is at their mercy: "When it becomes necessary to sus tain the prices," he ; continued, "they have fixed, they close their factories, re duce their output and turn their labor ers into the street to secure employment AlentBbnm if ffiv nn nnH (f nnt nKla f do that to starve. , "With a power more than imperial they fix the price of their product, and the price of the labor which enters into the product, and create a scarcity, or a surplus, as their interests demand, with out consideration of the rights or inter ests of the laborer or consumer. De manding for themselves the full protec tion of the laws of the land, they bid dehance to all and every law enacted to compel them to deal justly with thoir employes and.consumers." Mr. Teller reviewed the war with Spain and its results, concluding with reference to the Philippines, "that there appeared to be no way to protect the 1 S 1 1 J people oi tnese lsianas, to maintain the peace of the world and our own honor, except to exercise sovereign power over the islands until the people could form a government of their own. I believe," he added, "that public sentiment and the interests of the inhabitants of the Phil ippines demands that of us." Mr. Teller scored the action of con gress and the duplicity of the president in regard to the Porto Rican tariff. He referred to the refusal of congress to adopt a resolution of sympathy with the Boers, and closed as follows: r "With such a record, is it strange that thousands of men who have been mem bers of the republican party find it in consistent with their sense of duty to continue in its support, and turn to some other organization to find a better ex pression of their views. "In the nature of things it is not to be expected that a party can be found that on all subjects will be in accord with former republicans who can no longer support that party; but in the demo cratic party, with its liberal ideas ex pressed in the platform, of 1896 and to be again , repeated, together with their disapproval of imperialism and trusts, we may, I believe, fully discharge our duty as American citizens by the sup port of that party. I feel assured that with Mr. Bryan's nomination and elec tion will come a better condition of ad ministration in all departments of the government a better hope for the mass es; better opportunities for struggling labor, and liberty to our own people and all who are within our jurisdiction in the islands of the sea." . The applause following Senator Tel ler's address waspf the wildest kind and lasted several minutes.. -,. 1- CONVENTION SPEECHES. The Oratory of the Convention Was Fervid and Was all, Notwithstanding Dave Hill, for 16 to 1. It is somewhat suprising that all the convention speakers, whose addresses will go before the public, were fervently and specifically for an onward march in stead of the retreat advised by Dave Hill and the eastern democracy. The more they were for silver and for stand ing by the guns the more uproarious were the cheers. Altgeld's remarks were punctuated by cheers, nearly every sen tence was given a round. He spoke as follows: - , Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman: Te-day the patriotic intelligence of America is looking hopefully and anx iously to this convention. Men wlao