The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 05, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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July 5, 1900.
the Utbrsska Independent
Umtlm0 Utbrssks
Eurm Tea
IrguftrT Ercsr Thvejidat
with f wipktr. te. to !
fcrr4-3 Hr tW. TWr fj-etJy forget or
remit 4?Wrt tMratt tfcas w lfi wit
Hmnk, d IM ttocrlr Call to ft peeper
Addrees ai3 eettnitk . ui make all
traf:. mtMt e4r. nc pjk to
C&r CthrsskM ladtptndtnt,
Lincoln. Nttrmtkm-
mill m
Fcr President......
WltXtAK J3t3riJfG BbTAS
Fcr Vice President.
Chakxje A-Towfb
Fcr CongreFssaa 1st Dkt
G. W. Dt&Gt, Lincoln
TLe New York dailies say that Tom
Reed won't tupport McKinley and that
he got arvund making isarcastic re
marks about our presided, who look
Eke Napoleon, and Li scheme of em
pire. When you are ia Lincoln at the state
convention you are invited to make the
Independent office roar headquarter.
We ahall be pleased to haTe you calL
1215 N street oe block north of the
Auditorium. The latch string is out.
Be a jian. If you want McKinley
elected and Bryan defeated come out
boldly and t gbt for the thing yon want.
Don't act the coward by trying to or
pxcize parties that may pull away a few
vote from Bryan under the pretense
that you are fighting McKinley. No one
is deceired thereby.
If McKinley ini-ton the "open door"
in China, that is. that American good
hall be admitted freed duty to Chinese
porta, and the Chinese turn around and
insist that they Lall hare an "open
door" into thia country and all their
good be admitted free, what sort of an
argument will McKinley put to defend
the ethic of refuidng the Chinese de
mand? The strike on the street railways in
St. Loci ha already cost the people of
that city more than would hare built
the whole line. If the city had owned
probability cf a strike than there i
one will occur tsaoc the mail carrier
St. Loci will pay the bill and go on in
the old way because the city hat a ma
jority iA mullet head republican who
don't know what is for their own inter
ests. If the dispatches about Nicaragua are
true McKinley ought to declare war on
that country. They hare, mt the papers
sy. pot a tax;!? of f 1C a gallon on
whiey, 2V) on an enameled bedstead
and macy other thing in proportion.
All the-e good from the United
Stat and a the foreigner pays the tax
cn the jeep! of this country, for in thU
ee we are the foreigner. We can't
land a tax cf liV-a hundred per cent
very krg. Something must be done
about it right away.
We wih to caution our subscribers
who will be in Lincoln during the tte
contention not to pay money for. delin
quent subscription to any person on the
street. - Agent too frequently forget to
turn it in to the oSk-e for proper credit.
SON ON THE STREET, except for
new ubri prion. If you wi&h to pay
your deliniuect account call at the of
fice 121" N tret one bkrJc north of
the AttdiU?risfio make the payment,
take a receipt for the amount and you
will cot fail to get the proper credit.
TLe republican hate shouted a great
deal about -one dallar a good a every
other dollar," but they have done noth
ing to icure that valuable end. The
popttliit want jut one kind of money.
Now if hare ?ten or eight, all given to
c by the repvbUce&s. while they have
been hoting -one dollar as good a
very other dollar." No money should
be iwued except by the United State
govern merA, and every dollar of that
fthould be a full legal tender, with no
exception, redemptions, or anything else
attached to it. Then, and not until then,
will "one dollar be a good a any other
The futxie wuxxie have taken up the
republican cry againut the populits and
democrats ia cocgre who would not
vote for a contitstional amendment,
taking all power from the -tate to up
pre trnitri and locating it ia the hands
cf the autocrat at Washington. If any
populist had rote j for that anendment
the Independent would advocate k in
ning hiss alite. He could not have com
mitted a mare datardJy crime- If the
azxie woxziew wsnt that ort of thing
they ahould dkhand and all openly ad
vcrate the re election of Mafk Hanna
and McKinley. They would "get it and
a lot csor like it, without any of the
UoohLe that they are enduring.
It is with extreme regret that 'the In
dependent acknowledges the necessity
of making a reply to the Nonconformist.
It has always been the' policy of this
paper to devote its columns to the de
fense of the principles of the party, to
help perfect the organization and defend
its leaders against unjust and false
charges made by the enemy. ' It seems
now to be a necessity to defend against
fale charges made by a professed friend.
Such charges have, been, constantly
made by the Nonconf ormL-i for several
weeks. The time seems to have come
when the men who have by their sacri
fice built up the party in Nebraska by ,
the ten . years of constant labor , and
watchfulness, must assert themselves in
order to preserve that harmony which
has hitherto always led to victory. A
new man has invaded the field one who
never had aoy part in the toils and sac
rifices that hare been made on Nebraska !
soiL lie comes with false pretenses as
haricg been a worker for 21 years in the
reform newspaper field.
It is true that the Nonconformist has
been published under the same name
for about that time, but the man who
now runs it never had anything to do
with it until after the election of 1890.
There are three Vincent brothers.
One who publishes a paper, the Rep
resentative, in Colorado. He is a writer
of distinguished ability, has always
been as true as steel and is held in the
very highest esteem by all who know
him. lie has had nothing to do with
the Nonconformist since early in 1893.
It wa his writing that first gave to the
taper standing and force. The other
is in Oklahoma. He has had no connec
tion with the paper for years. The
third brother is the one who now owns
the Nonconformist, and there is as every
one knows, sometimes a very great dif
ference in brothers.
The paper was first published in Iowa,
then removed to Kansas, then to Indiana
and then to Nebraska. The editor of
the Independent was connected with
the paper as its Washington correspon
dent for nearly three yesrs. During
that time its circulation greatly in
creased and it became the leading re
form paper in the 'United States. At
that time the paper was owned by three
Indiana farmers, Templeton, Stockwell,
(author of the Bad Boy stories,) and an
other whose name now escapes us. The
paper went on flourishing until an evil
hour, Mr. Templeton went into partner
ship with a concern;hyutblishing a Ger
man socialist daily and an- attempt was
made to make up the weekly Noncon
formist from that paper. The owner of
this concern sent a letfrfto this writer,
then in Washington, ordering that noth-
ing more be said about the money ques-
uon ana everyxning oe uevoiea to iae
f common ownersmp oi property, ii is
needless to say that he got a very sharp
reply and our connection with the paper
One Mathews was the editor and the
paper ran along for a while until Mark
Hanna got hold of it. ' Mr. Mathews
made an affidavit to the effect that the
funds for the publication oi the paperJ
came from the republican committee
Of course under such a course, the paper
was refused by all true populists, lost its
immense circulation and became entirely
discreditable. During the last week of
the campaign of 1396 it passed into the
control of the present proprietor.
The paper having ruined itself and
the party in Indiana then started on an
other migration and came to Nebraska.
The populist authorities here gave it a
cordial welcome. It .seems, however,
that although the management is in
aew hands, the old habits still stick to
this publication and an endeavor is
being made to create a bitter chism in
the party in this state. The owner of
the paper did one sensible thing. He
hired Father Wells to do the writing for
the paper and that gave-it all the stand
ing it ever had here. Father Wells is
one of the ablest writers in the state,
but it goes without saying that the man
agement of the paper is not in his hands.
The charges against the populist of
ficial of the state made by the Noncon
formist are without foundation. So in
famous are they that they are eagerly
copied into republican papers like the
State Journal and printed under great
display heads. In whose ' Interest are
such articles written? Evidently they
are written in the interest of ths repub
lican party or they would not receive
such instant recognition and reproduc
tion in the great republican dailies.
The charge that there w a ring at the
state house is only a repetition of old
republican slanders. Instead of there
being a ring, it has always been a hard
job to get these fellows up there to agree
on anything. Every one of them has his
own idea and insists on carrying them
In regard to the assessment of rail
roads, nerer anything more silly or fool-
ith was invented than the charge that
they have been favored in the assess
The Nonconformist says that it "has
gone before the public with the public
record of our candidates. It has done
no such thing. It has never published
the public record, especially in regard
to railroad assessments. It would not
dare to publish them. The facts and
figures in that case are published in
this week's Independent over the signa
ture of a responsible man, Mr. 4 Cone.
The mere reading of them will show, the
perfidy of the charges made against the
board of equalization and Governor
Poynter as a member of that board. - In
support of this false charge the Noncon
formist prints an absolute falsehood. It
"In view of these facts, which the
public records prove, does the farmer
governor of Nebraska consider your in
terests when he is the first to argue that
the assessment of 1893 be made the as
sessment of 1900?",
No one, neither the governor or any
one else, ever urged that the assessment
of '33 be made the assessment of 1900.
The assessment was the same as 1899.
The Independent has always noticed
that whenever any one in the party got
sanctified and was " so much morA holy
than all the rest, he went straight to
lying. The Nonconformist does not
seem disposed to violate the rule.
"This journal has been in the fore
front of the battle against all forms of
corruption and oppression for twenty
one years."
Was it there in 1896 when it sold out
to Mark Hanna and wrecked the party
in Indiana? It is true that the present
owner was not in charge of it then, but
when he claims that his paper has been
in the "forefront of the battle" twenty
one years, he not only assumes responsi
bility for all that time, but makes an
other statement that is untrue.
The softness of the pate of the man
who rnns the Nonconformist is shown
when he imagines that because some
men of prominence in the diffevent fu
sion parties called upon him to talk over
the situation in Nebraska, announces
the fact by declaring that "the manager
of this paper was called on the carpet."
That is simply laughable. If that sort
of thing is being "cal led on the carpet,'
then the Independent is called on the
carpet about five times a day. Hardly a
day passes that Edmisten, Rewick,
Hoxie or some one else, is not in the
office making arguments for their side of
the case, but it never occurred to us that
we were being "called on the carpet."
We differ, and each party makes the
best argument that he can for his side
of the case, we treat each other as gen
tlemen who differ should, and after they
are gone, do not take advantage of the
position we hold to slander and lie about
them, .v
The Independent holds that every
populist has a right to advocrte any
man he chooses for governor and espec
ially every editor has that right, but it
holds just as firmly that when a member
of the party or an editor begins to . as
sert or publish falsehood against reput
able men who are candidates and de
nounce the whole state government as
"a ring," it is about time for the sturdy,
hard headed men who have fought for
year3 to build up the party, sat down on
him and sat hard.
Mr. Yeiser has a right to be a candi
date for governor. The Independent has
no charges to make against him. It
does not believe that he has any part in
this vile work of tearing down the party
in which the Nonconformist is engaged.
He knows enough to know that when a
populist paper begins to publish articles
that the State Journal gladly reproduces,
that its days of usefulness, if it ever had
any, are passed, and that, it will no
longer be of any benefit to him. A few
men who, claimed to be populists 'and
one or two newspapers in this state have
in the past taken to' slandering and un
justly assaulting populist public officials.
They are all deader than door nails now.
Other papers, and especially the Inde
pendent, have criticised public officials
when they deserved it. There is not an
officer at the state house who has not
come in at some time or other for
dressing down by this paper but it, and
all the other populist papers of the state
who have followed that course, have
maintained the esteem and confidence
of the voters of the populist party. Es
pecially so has the Independent. Look
at the list of clubs published last week
and count up the men who are unself
Uhly working to extend the circulation
of this paper.
This paper has supported the candi
dacy of Governor Poynter, but it has
published no lies about any other candi
date. When the old farmers gather to
the number of more than a thousand at
Lincoln on the 11th of July, and nomi
nate a man for governor this paper will
support - him, whether he be Governor
Poynter as we believe it will be, or some
other good populist.
This country has two great monu
ments of corruption that will stand for
ages to come. One is in the city of
Philadelphia, where the republican con
vention was held. It is in the shape of
a city hall, upon which there has al
ready been expended over $22,000,000
and it is said that it will take at least
f 4,000,000 to complete it. It has been a
great source of revenue for ail the Penn
sylvania republican bosses for more than
twenty years. They have already paid
for the building $7,000,000 more than the
capitol at Washington cost. The other
monument is in the City of Albany, N.
Yr There has been expended on the
capitol there, or rather the public ac
counts show that there has been expend
ed upon it, over $24,000,000, and it is not
finished. It is said that the citizens of
Philadelphia have become so degraded
that they boast to strangers about the
amount that the bosses have been able
to steal while pretending to build a city
hall. That is about the state of morals
to wmcn tue republican party naa re
duced this commonwealth when the pop
ulist party arose and sent the thieves to
the penitentiary. .
" Much discussion has been indulged in
during the last four or fiv6 years byvthe
professors of sociology and the doctors
of medicine concerning degenerates and
degeneracy. Dismal pictures have been
drawn reflecting their evil influences
and many plans devised to protect soci
ety from the bad effects of the degener
ates and the best wayto .treat that sort
of creatures. The almost universal con
clusion has been that that sort of people
should be confined in public institutions
where they could "exercise no influence
upon the world. That the managers of
the republican convention belongs to
the class, called by the scientists, degen
erates, will hardly be denied when the
leaders of the first republican conven
tion and campaigns that immediately
followed, are compared with those who
recently assembled in Philadelphia. The
men who were then in the lead belonged
to an entirely different class. Among
them were Charles Sumner, George
William Curtis, Wm H. Seward, Morton
of Indiana, Frlinghuysen, Fessenden,
Lincoln, Horace Greeley and many others
of that standing and character. Their
places have been taken by 'degenerates
like Quay. Piatt Hanna. Elkins. Ad-
dicks, et hoc omni genus. ,
If the scientists want a field for the
investigation of degenerates on a large
scale let them attend a republican na
tional convention. There they will find
all sorts of specimens, from the very low
est order, represented by Quay and
Hanna, to the milder sorts verging on
humorous idiocy, represented by Depew.
Gates, of the steel and wire trust, is
over in Paris spending some of the mill
ions that he has taken out of the farmers
by the doubling of the price of barbed
wire. According to . tne papers ne is
cutting a wide swath with the stolen
money that the farmers earned by the
sweat of their brows, working from morn
till night on their farms all over this
land, and which he took from their toil
hardened hands without giving them an
equivalent. Like all robbers, the money
having come to hiinwithout toil or sac
rifice, he spends it freely. It is reported
that at one sitting he lost $43,000 playing
that PrincW'Vf alejs game, called bac
carat. - There is a whole host of trust
magnates over in Paris, besides quite a
sprinkling of the railroad robbers. They
all have money K to burn. Europeans
stand aghast ag-4hey behold their ex
travagant expenditures. Nothing like
it has ever been seen on earth since the
days of the ancient empires of which we
read in history. All this money that is
being squandered in Europe comes from
the toil of the poor who work on the
farms, on the railroad trains and in the
mines and shops of iSWcountry.
It would seem that the producers of
this country, the menand women who
have created this wealth that is being
squandered at the gaming table and on
fast women in Paris, would hardly up
hold the men and sustain the policies
that have brought ' it about, but some
millions of them will. The mullet heads
will "all vote for, them. Being troubled
with a disease known as "partisan in
sanity, rt is impossible for them to do
Otherwise than vote their party ticket.
There is aaother thing that theecon
omists begin to talk, about. . These ex
travagant expenditures by Americans in
Europe will make a" big drain on the
gold of this country. Millions will have
to be shipped over there to pay their
bills. In a few, months that will begin
to have its effect upon prices. In the
end it will be seen that the trust robber
ies resulting from the' arbitrary prices
charged for trust goods which has pro
duced these fortunes that are being ex
pended over there, will be a robbery of
the whole country and the impoverish
ment of every man doings business. All
this is the result of McKinleyism and
trusts. Don't be a mullet head. Vote
for Bryan and put a stop to it.
The editor of the Independent has re
ceived a letter from a republican who
says: "It is not so easy to conduct a
great government. Suppose instead of
unfavorable criticism, you should change
your policy and point,; out how , things
could have been managed via a better
way than the present .administration has
managed them."- , : v 1
The writer seems to think it would be
a difficult thing to do, but it is in fact
easier than the criticism that has been
indulged in, and beside a much more
pleasant task.
In the first place.'theTadministration
could have pursued a; policy which
would have produced peace instead of
war when the Spaniards threw up their
hands and cried quit.- In Porto Rico we
could have said to the inhabitants, you
are a part of the citizenship of the
United States. Go to work and form a
territorial government. .Wherever old
glory waves there is no taxation without
representation. The bill of rights ap
plies to you. United States soldiers will
remain here until in accordance with the
declaration of independence and the
constitution, your government is . in
working order. When your courts are
established, your city governments re
modeled in accordance with -the forms
of free local self-government, the troops
will be withdrawn and you will conduct
your local government to suit yourselves
just as all the territories - of the United
States do. That would have made of the
Porto Kicans enthusiastic and loyal citi
zens willing to fight and die for old glo-
Perhaps the vilest slander that has yet been put out by the clique of distinguished office seekers who have been oppos
ing the re-nomination of Governor Poynter is the charge' made byvthe Pilot (Hoxie's paper) and reiterated in letters and. cor.
respondent sent out from the Nonconformist, that the governor has been riding on free mileage issued to him from Omaha.
When the charge -was brought to the attention of the Independent we proceeded to investigate and determine the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth. -Governor Poynter was interviewed. He was asked the direct question: "Have you
ridden on free mileage?" He replied: "No," and without further request turned to his desk and drew out a bundle of paid t
checks and receipts allowing that he had paid for every mile of transportation he had used. The Independent, selected (One
dated January 18 before any discussion had arisen as to the payment for transportation and requested the loan tof it
long enough to have cuts made of the front and back as the best possible evidence to our readers that the governor pays
for his mileage. The original check is in our office at 1245 N street and may be seeff by any who desire. , ' ,
Language cannot describe the vile depths of corruption to which men have sunk who will deliberately manufacture and
distribute such libelous slander of an honest public official merely to satisfy a personal revenge. What hypocrites, parading
as champions of principle and good government? They have not the least consideration for the truth or for any man's
character or reputation. They resort to anything in the mad effort to satisfy in any measure their blood thirsty desire for'
revenge. Nothing this side of Hades can furnish adequate punishment for such nondescripts ,
Notb Mr. G. W. Bonnell, to whom the
ry anywhere, at any time. "Now they are
dissatisfied, are not citizens and have no
love for this country or its government.
We would have said to the Cubans as
soon as the Spanish army , had left the
island: "Go to work and organize a gov
ernment. As soon as you have it in shape
to preserve order and . , protect, life and
property we w$ll ge out of -here bag and
baggage. Please hurry up about it, too.
These soldiers ought to be at home with
their families,' and on their farms and in
in their shops instead of lying around
these camps. Make any kind of
a free government that you "please. All
that we care about it is that the lives
and property of American citizens shall
be safe if they see fit to come here."
When the Filipino congress was in
session, which had more members who
were graduates of universities than the
senate of the United States, we would
have said to it: "Come down" here to
it come down here to Manila and hold
your sessions. We will give you all the
aid we can in establishing a good govern
ment. These soldier boys want to go
home. The officers are asking for leave
to resign by the hundred and the pri
vates would do so too if they had the
chance. Hurry up with your organiza
tion. We will see to it that the land
grabbers of the world keep their hands
off. All we want is that you pay us for
the expenditures we have made in your
behalf, give us a good harbor for a naval
station so that we can protect you and
ourselves, and the - privilege to trade."
That would have made of the Filipinos,
after their hundred years of struggle
against the tyranny of Spain, worship
pers of old glory and we Would have had
ten million friends in the China seas in
stead of ten million enemies.
That is what might have been if there
had been a Bryan in the whi te house in
stead of a McKinley dominated by the
the brutish ideas of a Mark Hanna. If
McKinley had pursued a policy . like
that, he would have covered himself and
his country with glory and made this
nation the greatest the world ever saw.
Paeans of -praise would.have been
sung to his name in every language
of earth. All along the records made by
history in the ages yet to come would
have been written four, names Wash
ington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Mckinley.
That might have been! Instead of that
McKinley will be hurled from power, his
name will never be mentioned by lovers
of liberty, another will arise whose poli
cies will be a beacon light to all man
kind, and the names that historians will
record will be Washington, Jefferson,
Lincoln and Bryan. -
A stranger in Lincoln during the meet
ing of the republican state league last
week would not have suspected that he
was in the party strong hold in the state.
There was no decoration, no enthusiasm,
nothing beyond a brass band sent around
to the railway stations to welcome dele
gates who failed to arrive. The repub
licans of the city hardly stopped scrap
ping long enough to attend the day
meetings, but when night came they all
assembled at the auditorium and cheered
every insult" offered Bryan and every
slander upon Nebraska that it was pos-
above check was made payable, is the city
sible for Lafe Young of Iowa to utter,
and he is a past master in political
abuse. No other city in America could
have produced so many shallow pated
partisans as cheered and clapped' and
stamped their appreciation of the abuse
of their own state last ; Thursday night.
The "leading" republicans have no state
or city pride, the measure of their loyalty
to Nebraska is' a fat office arid their
measure of a 'good citizen is the man
who will help them to get public offices
which can be used as private snaps.
The republican candidate for governor
of this state is very much of an optimist,
judging from his -remarks during the
meeting of the state league. He said
that in traveling over the state and vis
iting "the common people" he had found
great prosperity and a disinclination to
take much interest in .politics this year.
To most level-headed , politicians a trip
among friends who "did not take . much
interest in politics," -the situation would
be alarming, but to this republican spell
binder it augurs-a sweeping victory.
His discovery of prosperity was evidently
a wild surprise, and he neglected 'to re
member that such prosperity Nebraska)
can boast of has come to her since a
batch of republican thieves were trans
ferred from the state house to the peni
tentiary and an honest and economical
administration inaugurated. The fact
that this eminent candidate finds an
apathy among republican voters is a
good omen for the reform forces in Ne
braska. When the question ; of increasing the
standing army was under discussion in
congress, some democrat arose and asked
the republicans who were advocating an
increase, what one of them needed more
troops in his district to keep order and
protect property.' ot 'a republican
arose to reply.' He" "pressed the matter
more closely. : He sid f there were
need of more troops anywhere in the
United States some member of congress
ought to be able to tell where that place
was. Not a member opened his mouth.
They could not well do so. , If any of
them had asked that United States sol
diers be sent to his district, that would
have been an end of him. The people
would have resented. it in no uncertain
fashion. But they wanted more soldiers.
What for? Not one of them could tell
why. , Xhey voted to," have more sol
diers. Why? - Because Mark Hanna
told them so. ,-. .
rm Teddy the Terror. Whoop-eo I Whoop-e !
Warm blood is my daily drink.
A dashing rotiffh rider, Whoop-ee ! Whooj-ee I
From ink-bottles I neTer shrink.
The magazine pages are filled with my dead;
They are foggy and damp with the blood I hare
shed, , -
For gore is my ink, for I always write red
I'm Teddy the Terror, whoop-eel
rm Teddy the Terrer, TVboop-ee ! Whoop-ee !
Turn on ev'ry calcium liht I
A posing rough rider, Whoop-ee! Whoop-eel
1 m xerriDie xeaay, iu wriie.
With my terrible pen in my terrible hand
I sprinkle warm blood ererywhere in the land.
And a wagon tire use for a summer-hat band
I'm Teddy the Terror, Whoop-eel .
I'm Teddy the Terror, Whoop-ee ! Whoopee!
A strenuous lirer am L . . ' -. -
A mouthing rough rider, Whoop-eel
Whoop-ee! - . - A-
When magazine readers are nigh. -
I pile up my rictims like windrows of hay ; "
Eating holes in the atmosphere everyday play;
When f open my fare it is always to say
I'm Teddy the Terror, Whoop-e 1
- World-Herald. :
ticket agent for the B. & M. at Lincoln.
If -those persons who have been accus-
ing the populist state officers had told
the truth about the railroad assessment,
see in what a different ' attitude they
would have appeared before the party.
The populist state officers composing the
board of equalization assessed the rail
roads higher than any ether -class of
property, in : the state. A man who
wanted to strengthen the party would
have sai d something like this:
The populist officials have kept their
promises to the people. They have had
no power, on account o f the numerous '
injunctions that have been served upon
them, to materially reduce freight rates
which are extortionate, so they have
done the next best thing. They have as
sessed the roads for taxation to the very
limit that could be done under the con
stitution. They are determined that if
the roads, by the help of the federal
courts will collect extortionate rates,
there is one thing that they ' shall do,
and that is pay their full share of taxes.
In Michigan and other states the. roads
to a very great extent escape taxation.
Michigan i3 a republican state, but this
is a pop state and they are made to fork
over to the very extent that the law will
allow the board to assess them.
That would be telling the truth and
building up the party. The course that
the Nonconformist has taken is the very
opposite of that. It makes false charges
and tears down the darty. Do you like
that way of doing? .
The fusionists will not have to go to
the trouble of constructing arguments
to refute the republican platform decla
rations. All they will have to do is to
turn to the message and speeches of
Abraham Lincoln. There will be found
a complete refutation of them. The re
publican platform says: '
"Our authority could not be less than
our responsibility, and whatever sover
eign rights were became the
high duty of the government to maintain
its authority to put down armed insur-"
rection and confer the blessings of lib
erty and civilization upon all the rescued
reople. The largest measure of self gov
ernment consistent with their welfare
and our duty shall be secured to them
by law."
Lincoln's reply to that is as follows:
These arguments that are made that
the inferior races are not to be treated
with as much allowance as they are ca
pable of that as much is to be done for'
them as their condition will allow what
are these arguments? They are the ar
guments that kings have made 'for en
slaving the people - in all ages of the
world. You will find that all the argu
ments in favor of kingcraft were of this
class; that they always "bestrode the
necks of the people, not ' that ' they
wanted to, but because the people were
better' off for being ridden. Turn it
whatever way you will, whether it come
from the mouth of a king,, or from the
mouth of one race for the enslaving of
the men of another, it is all the same old
serpent," ;. - V
That is Lincoln's answer to that part
of the republican platform. No other is
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