THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. OXYGEN PTT3 o o July 5, 1900. NATURE'S A TV V DOTE FOR fly MAN AN To increase the Oxygen in the human body in addition to lxing respiration, thus intensifying the combustion within the body, is the most natural and: successful method yet devised by Therapeutic Science. timoimi From People Yliose Only Object in Giving them is that their Fellow Sufferers Hay Find Relief. Hon to Introduce Oxygen Into the Human artificially, except at enormous cost, has been the constant study of eminent scientists for years. Various methods have been used with wonderful success, but at enormous cost, until within the last few years science has solved the problem, and what was once obtained only at a large expenditure can now be secured at a nominal price. What was administered only by specialists of materia medic can now be applied by anyone even a child by reason of the scientific operation and absolutely harmless mechanical device called "Perfected" OXYGENOR KING. With an OXYGENOR-KING at hand you can be as free and independent of disease, contagious and infectious, as though no such thing existed. By pouring into every capillary, vein, and artery the vivifying oxygen of the air you change disease into health in less time than is often required to procure a remedy. Body - ' i Remember, with the Qxygenor treatment it is not "try this, and if it don't help we will try something else," but simply apply the Oxygenor and you will have a diagnosis and cure at the same time. " ' Lay aside your prejudice for new things which are not clear to you long enough to investigate the merits of .the Oxygenor, and your skepticism and doubts will give way before the thousands of living witnesses of the life-saving, health restoring and money-saving invention of the twentieth century. Gall Stone and Kidney Trouble. Ornaua, Nebraska, January 12, 1900. Gentlemen I very gladly comply with your request for a fUtemt-iit of what the Oxygenor las done for my family. Mrs. Jackson ha L-en in joor health for over three years, suffered greatly from gall tone. At first the attacks were about thr-e month apart, but as time" went on they increased until they wen only a week apart. At these times the pain wa very xcten-e, and two physicians were unable to alleviate the pain. In addition to the gali tonett he was in constant pain caus ed by other troubles and the only remedy, as claimed by the doctor, vv& an ration, and they urped that it be done very ori. In tlm condition ibe was induced to try the oxygenor, and I iaut ay with the mot gratifying results. Mis Jackson commenced to improve immediately, and in a!ut three week time nearly all pain and discomfort, for which an oi-ration wa considered necessary, was gone. It i now slwut thret? month since she commenced the use f the Oxygenor, but have not had any more gallstones, and i enjoying le tter health than for many years. I am pleaded to add my own experience in the use of this mot valuable instrument. About two years ago, while on a bume trip in the we-t. I wa taken sick and not expected to live, and finally was able to come home, but since then my health hun ben poor and gradually getting worse, although under the doctor's care all the time, until it developed into a reriou kidney trouble. A friend advised me to trv the oxvjreuor, but I refused, de daring that there coold e no virtue in such a small device as the Oxygenor, but a few weeks later my wife was induced to try one, and I noticed such a marked change in her condition that I concluded to try it myself. I was astonished with the reult of the first night's treatment, and after not more than three weeks use of the Oxygenor I am a well man. It is sure ly a iiit wonderful instrument, and it should be in every home. We feel very irrateful to the friend for makintr known I Tile xygenor 13 not a battery not el-triciy not magnetism, Taut simply a mechanical device which, when ap to II the 'Teat value of the OxVirenor. VoU are at liberty to! P'e a human organism, causes it to absorb from the surrounding air the life-supporting force by which vre live oxygen nike anv ne vnti ule i of the nlmvp tt imnninl ISEND TODAY A POSTAL OR LETTER for FREE BOOKLET explaining fully the Oxygenor treatment and testimonials A,r TiAivnv I from people j ou know. Address M. A. Mxa n mm -T i... l "T r . 7 Jackson, Higgen Sz Co., Stock Exchange, South Omaha. An Operation Which Merely Treated the Effects Without Removing the Cause The Oxygenor Cures by Removing the Cause. Omaha. Nebraska, May 28, 1900. Nebraska Oxygenor Co. Gentlemen: This is to certify that I, following a siege of pneumonia, was stricken bv an attack of pleurisy with effusion. 1 he ex udate accumulated to such a quantity that the heart's action wa eenouly interfered with and I could scarcely draw my U I I sTjaTMcoxYitcNORea rTjl If 1 1 J 1 Z. R. MOSE5, figr. Nebraska Oxygenor Co. THE PERFECTED OXYGENOR-KING CURES WHERE EVERYTHING ELSE HAS FAILED NEBRASKA OXYGENOR CO.,' AGENTS WANTED. 304 Farmers & Merchants Ins. Bldg., Lincoln, Heb. PARALYSIS LOSS OF SPEECH. Omaha, Nebr., April 11th, 1900. breath. In this condition I was advised by the physicians TCVhrnjkn, Oxvwnor Co 1 1 . i t! t .1 1 1 J 1 I J C3 . inai xne oajy xiopt 10 save my me wouiu De uy a surgical op eration, to which I submitted. In a short time the fluid acrain accumulated and this pro cedure had to vt repeated, as the disease had become chronic.) i scarcely weigneu a nunarea pounus, ana, oecoming very much discouraged, as a last resort I was induced to use the Gentlemen: This is to certify that two years ago this day I was stricken withparal- .1 1 i 1 T 1 1 ysis or tne rignt siae. i lost tne power or speech and suffered untold aony with my throat. I tried many remedies. and treat-; ments all failures, and I never expected to . so I'erlecteU Uxygenor-King, and to my gratincation and sur- nvpr. t ld haartl so much about the prwi this Suid was ab-orW and all other distressing symp- Oyvfrenor-Kino- that finallv I avrs nersuaded torn rapidly ilisappared. This has been a year ago, and to to ive t a triaL j am peased to say that . this day I have not had a -in trie symptom of the old trouble.! : cooml in XoTd fail to expre the gratification and praise I have for case and after a few weeks use has enabled this wonderful machine, as I am positive it saved my life. I me to converse freely. I am now able to l ours truly, 3lns. Lrcr AIweraull, belD myself and do much of the housework. v. v., ana x leei connaent tnat i snail recover me grand blessing of health again by continuing the use of the Oxygenor-King. This day is indeed a happy anniversary for me. With, best wishes for your success, I am, yours truly, Mus. Ella Hyatt, 1910 Pau St.v Asthma Varicose Veins Omaha, Neb., April 16th, 1900. , Nebraska Oxygenor Co., Gentlemen: It is with pleasure that I can Mr. bommerlad says they would! testify to the great curative powers of the ' if they could not secure an-1 "Perfected Oxygenor-King. A year ago S300 on doctor bills. I last November I had a severe attack of La Extract From an Article Appearing in the Nebraska Blizzard of June 15, 1900. The Blizzard, before purchasing an Oxygenor, interviewed a number of people who had used the instrument and found that it is a successful treatment for rheumatism, neuralgia, nervou prostration, kidnev trouble, female weakness, and in deed almost any disease of a chronic nature that flesh is heir to. Mr. rhil bommerlad, bookkeeper at the western rewspa lrr Lnion, purchased one and his wife used it for nervous- nes. bhe is now cured and not part with it for any monev other one. He had previously spent Wiiliani Decker, a mail carrier, purchased one, and Mrs. I Grippe, lasting several weeks. I had almost Decker used it for rheumatism, and other members of the! recovered when I was seized with hard famuv have used it for colds and other minor ailments and! breathing that seemed to almost choke me, are loud in the praise of its curative effects. I which after considerable effort was flu all' Mrs. J. Knott, 3105.11 street, this city, was a sufferer from somewhat relieved. However, from that rheumatism and could hardly put her foot to the floor. time until a few weeks ago, I have been a hours treatment uith the oxvgenor afforded relief, and a few constant sufferer from Asthma. I used many day treatment effected a complete cure and Mrs. Knott can-l remedies and had been under the doctor's not viy too much m praise of the little machine and its won -1 care for months with little if any lmprove- derful curative properties. I ment in my condition. I had taken so much Secretary of State Porter bought one and the family used! morphine, and other strong medicines that it ior canons aumenis wiin tne most satisiactory results. jJirs.i my sramacn was almost ruineu, ana com a i oner imnKs u sirapiy penect in tne cure or diseases gener-1 not aigest my iooa ana was greatly consti ally. Dozens of other people in this city have used the Oxy-1 pated. In this critical condition I was in- genor and are unstintel in praise of its merits for alleviating! duced to try the Oxygenor-King. Your jam and curing disease. ...... ' I representative, Mr. Will. J. btevens, who de livered the instrument, informed me that asthma was difficult to control, as it was so easily effected by changing conditions of the weather, but he was confident that if I used the instrument faithfully, a cure would be assured. A few days' use made such ah improve ment in my stomach that i could eat and en joy my victuals. My strength increased perceptibly, but the asthma seemed at times to be Avorse. Remembering what Mr. Stev ens had told me about the sensation i might expect, at times worse, then again better on account of the rapid changes the system un dergoes by this treatment," i. persevered with the result that i am free from that dread ful disease. asthma. i believe that the cure will be permanent, for a few days ago i caught cold, but it did not bring back the asthma. ,Not only has the P. O. K. cured my asthma, but also vari cose veins on one of my limbs, which had given me much trouble, but it, too, has dis appeared along with my other ailments. My daughter used the Oxygenor with splen did results, in fact, all members of the fam ily used it, and we have gotten to that point in our estimate of the P. O. K. where we feel that we cannot get along without it. You are at liberty to make use of the above state ment, for we believe that the instrument is all that is recommended. Sincerely yours, Mks. Henry Lake, 2203 Nortn 20th St. V V Kidney and Stomach Troubles .v ; "V-i Albia. la., Feb. 28th, 1900. Gentlemen: -In reply to yours of recent date as to what I can say for or against the Oxygenor-King, I most willingly en dorse all that you claim for it, so far as I have tested its mer its. Previous to using it, I was wretched in health- the re sult of long standing kidney and stomach troubles.4 Within two days after usipg the instrument, T began to feel benefitted, until now ham sandwiches and doughnuts have ho terrors for me. I never felt better in my life than I do at the present time, and never ; invested a dollar to better advantage than when I bought an- "Oxygenor-King." All that one needs to know, is that one is ill, put on the instrument, and it will do the rest without need of a diagnosis of the case. , I am sin cerely yours, A.-B. Bly, Conductor C. B. & Q. Ky. Locomotor Ataxia Gentlemen: -It is with pleasure and gratitude that I am able to be one of the many, in Toledo to. sound the praises of the "Perfected" Oxygenor-King. For some weeks prior to Nov. 20th, 1899, 1 had been in a helpless condition from' the dreadful disease called locomotor ataxia. I was obliged to ive up my work, being that of a carpenter, andt became, so elpless that I could not feed myself nor wralk across the room, my condition oecame steaany worse unaer meuicai treatment and I had about given up all hopes of recovery. Mr. J. uooper rnce, 01 314 iuicnigan Dtreei, xoieao, re quested me to try the "Perfected" Oxygenor-King. After seeing the instrument and having its method of application explained, I reluctantly gave up medical treatment that I mignt give u a. iair xnai, ana you can imagine my surprise and joy.., when, after using the instrument seventeen days, I was able , to walk three blocks, to feed and wait on myself, which I had not been able to do for many weeks. I have im proved rapidly ever since and now am almost entirely free from any symptoms of the disease, and expect to go to work in a short time. Many of my friends and neighbors know of my former condition and regard this the most remarkable re covery thevhave ever seen. Yours truly, Levi A. Des Kociiek, Toledo, O. 353 Avondale Ave. 4a -ad' n- ' Paralysis : ' : j: t.-s '' w (From ex-sheriff PotUwttami Couuty.) , , " .j; " v CounciLBluff Ia June'l, 1900. Nebraska Oxygenor Co., " Gentlemen: -I have been using the "Perfected" Oxygenor King for paralysis and find it has benefitted me greatly as I am able to be up and around once more. I am satisfied with the instrument as it has accomplished so much in such a short time. Thanks to the Oxygenor King. Very truly yours, . John S. Mo kg ax, Dropsy and Huscular Rheumatism Le Grand, la., Dee. 24, 1899. Dear Sirs: I am glad to testify to the efficiency of your Oxygenor-King as a remedial agent. As a health producer and nerve quieter. I have nowhere found its equal. My wife, sixty-seven years of age, has been sorely afflicted with dropsy until we had to bandage her limbs to prevent them from bursting. In addition to dropsy, for the last three years, her limbs (lower) were shrunken and half bent with muscu lar rheumatism. Her suffering was great. Our son-in-law procured one of your Oxygenor -Kings. We treated her con stitutionally for two montns. She is now free of these two diseases, for which we feel grateful. Yours truly, - . , Samuel Jay, Minister of Friends' Church. Paralysis General Debility V Crescent, ia., June 2, 1900. Nebraska Oxygenor Co., Gentlemen:- i have had the Oxygenor King but two months and although so short a time it has helped me wonderfully. My arm was paralyzed and always cold, be fore having used the "perfected" Oxygenor King which is helping me in other ways as i have a good appetite and sleep well, and i feel that it is rebuilding my whole system. Yours truly, Mrs. Johx Hutchison. - THEIR FAMILY DOCTOR ; Blencoe, Iowa, April 30th, 1900. Nebraska Oxygenor Co., Gentlemen: -It is with much pleasure that I am enabled to testify to the great merits of the Perfected Oxygenor-King. Drugs and medicine has been done away with in our family since November, 1899. Since that time the Oxygenor has been relied on to keep our family in health, and not; in a single case has it; made a failure. The instrument has a good reputation in this locality, as there are quite a number in use and all doing for others just what it has done in our family. Very respectfully, ; Mrs: Ida Movers' ASTHMA (From one of the best known defines in Central Nebraska:) Nebraska Oxygenor Co., Gentlemen: This is to certify that 1 have been atijicted with Asthma since 1885. While I have done my work all the time, yet I have been a constant sufferer, with - the disease named above. Last November I bought an Oxygenor-King, and I have been using it since that time with very satisfactory results. I have found great relief and it gives me great pleas ure to recommend the Oxygenor-King. v " Before using the Oxygenor-King I never allowed myself to be without some "asthma cure," which' I found at best af forded but temporary relief. Since I have been using this machine I have discarded all patent medicines, and I believe that by continued use of the Oxygenor-King, that I will be permanently cured. I would not take a hundred dollars for my instrument if I could not purchase another. Yours truly, James Leonard, Pastor 1 1. E. Church, Cozad, Neb. k