Juno 28, 1000 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 9 OF 311XD. 'V; r J i- f Uf -J L:i4 ?' harry l-f tfcre. There .T! t . i. t4 tvci'.-1 eriaa ri-vae Lrl.a . tacri ;a : a are 4 to fcu.ea i 1 f lie ta:s A v.- trr rata. " I , wi ; .itrr ;. c- r-j-cas,- 4 lit. ::ir;. in c-otjeatauoas I . aa ! L.;rr; t. ist.i44.a frt turn tEf '"iter wt :ltritxatU z.:r rtta, j well cfl for vegetable fibrous ma- i. ,rt Jsic. J ievrefk."r ccrs-d j terJals as India, but Japan is enormous ia tfe -ra-t tl tie eca .ti.-a. It ws to- j ly j advance of India in the knowl 21 I j gron-iB-iucJ Urajrr4 tte oel- t edge of paper-nmklr.g and in utilizing' fertuai - 15 i a la. tmt m mkeit tuera t.fl natural resources. " arm a i rvaaoct f alre-iV& to wra ti Ui' sti:r. ULit ia it, Jierr" aie aaied. with Bbotheriy eeer. Iid jra mlw ts -Ne'tt, rr;h4 tie acWtr. "I w oalj lsiC t K,is4tLsc ia tBjr !eoB Lrra. . It ar &ors tlas a Lilae aulas ajf." I 491 axjrtai feaay Ja taat, J&hsay, aaii ias tar. "AsUacaay is avh s ,'.rsA to kA boct- "Y2. H ci cm Uufts ma; Sirias, tint's tfce lis -. Wifif a Uliioa uu nr, a&4 a ir a beaf so muia aaanrr. 2 t it to tfcst a j&'t "Sh, Jt4oy! Ker- xsu&J tist bow. . Yet ar't t-nj toa tsacL Uo ta grt jroar ii iaata'C iatrruft aa whi I ta UTiisa aita yxemr faLLer. .Vr, J4ia , Hs7," wb eaabaad. tanutcf to U Lead , Ua "c t ! zUat4 to aroate lW peer emtev ic"t rrra e&tioa . Xaarv Ss. bell kas irre talkir g kti Vita. I 1t jcrt t4 s aafai cxperv , ara t-df . at4 tie ptr iax' terrea art ,H ejectrc&4- Btt 1 hare a ffrt 4al ta b tbaiitii f r ttV l so w-or, ad that our Jcimsx hM at tlra u-.ita w aa awful w cJ A r Etci. rrUr. 1 aawpTWrcoarrtJrtv-cI.Wiaalow i pitch of a very high melting point to ia rrmi? U'tS, Stta4y hm rd a , stacd even the shade temperature. iat text Satiav, U. V, ocr beloved I A paper roof would be far superior woti -i tKKf j tM pn'y.i, sxj4 tat kta to aheet Iron aa a protection against threat tr&ala. Bt mat etirelf e-cred. . tIie ka U( paper panels with an em ?uJKt: ' boaaed device on them would offer a ,ifA Ittacted alr.Sgia- j neat, light and substantial fiUing tarr. J-sA Ilsrrv" aud hi wife, with rrj- roiU3a ia Ler toaea. "Erra it yoa Sal yirm.K. rr ta. tEtc aace :-. -u ciattera, . 7ob eweadcrmtxia lor jwa" rm, vw ta txe aezi rr3 ax4 caa hear tTtrr wcrd yaa ". ei!, aa I waa aavtcf before yen i& tern: pled zae. a&d 1 suiu aar ii a?cr.ii vrry iiiiii i:ke t-!aroexar. Dr. taa-a tie ooregtt. jus t -.jei oa aa taia a:.erbooa. is waa jat k.v!j to htr hvta r bmw pleaaaat hia XrTLZK-nrr rriiXJess had hes&. wita tb ooo grru:z.T awd kt kj rnef at leavirg aa wm teai?er-i Lr lh rederttsai that sow fee tt--i r"te L- T ai-ea cs ti e exegesis &f Ijti-.-wi. -f tL -nt hvstdrrA aiaeteectis. tWa. II mk . earst!y tbst his ie-. -K ut i jcw it aatracco-J- w ii enwu-a tiat aa creaifa. a-a ao aajrd ta axwier- t titt It aak a c-any o- wiesliej tir-t be rolhrra- ! l.-r JUrIuLtaaatreMra. T Vvn v v- it? t f urriu fr t waM tke tT rai: trcet-er." ' -iM'tL f Lite tV xaiikterf aaked ! lT w" ruC , tlie ground in ricks, the autumn will Irew a ';Jbet l-d-ta 5 w,t te tauto!d ; V rt?p-r I thJT neats un- j- -I Tii wtas U'a drmraxxahoatr f der ttPa eT"- KPrinS -Jei Iiecrj! W caa yoa aar a ttf 'J wiI1 f&ir- U tbey 171 pkr their nests 3. tai: 1 lave a fc-I sued zt to tell ' before the crop i reaped, rainy weath yvc sy jsre. I w&alda't e!y I witt yoa e will begin in August, taiw f rsr Wf'a aar-ow earape frota ! Pth appear on the ururfaco of water -a i . a a - ... . ,? , ? . . . . . 1 t ta t-e balk yaxL I eacwae4 tnymrll aci rua wet i.t tx. exte-atsa ali I eoI4 lkk tst &f list wrrdw, ax-1 I aaw that awfsl TVIo atta-k-( omr poor Tjp, aad J-ohxf at.4 Twts lK.t;ed were trvibf V aeprt.t iteta. 1 araaei ta ke beja ta acve Tipj?, atl tirr Mia. DcaLie-iay aad 2r. Kjsk.s rma io tie wis4 a. J-t tWre were aear 'da cf dkrtta4- aaww ctwt.-. Oft J tL i ll-- ar!a railed over tLe bat. arr: i!t! do iai.e asater accp. V a ere ja-t fi Jitj. aii tew w a'l e? 'Ea rrt bars, itto WJ. Aad otier j !a Jy aa eVrly beard to af : "O. jra tst!e:" Bat it waa acfS crc I . . Mra. Sk- rtary frota herarra trva. Mr. 5 tfV'irr vartd ta p-eV his ave-tt ;;-T a-t.. Ttet La tLocat bet ter t?. d w.t cot i5t9 tLe JLtutr rwocj to a r.ik cf terct cf tt ailwer ice fr.i-ri.er a ivj rf rart.t-i tie !ateat wed ajaTry ef t!e bawaraol. Veaec Jk.a ae-d ratra fW irllx of ti duf aUf. "Wa it tr. b cf a arra;r aaxei tie tl erf tte 'Vae. 'Sir, jifm o-a:.t t V ares jt. Tirsc airwj-a re aierf iia Fiis eoa!d eLew "l.p tr ace S. Jtst jaat yvo lock at tiaa!" Ax.1 tLa atoieat Lrasje4 at of L a t-w f ac.sut! tMue wi'h Zxf lfr. "T&er t'tat Fiona left ear. Wtat s tj taJt Tvm Dvab'edaf 's pap aitcr tl-.tr list Ma. FvErVtarr wa bear! eocjscg dra f tra titer aettUt tte Ltlie dsSca!tf e ti. ycarter children, aad Jtbs Ilea ry a-'l Jj:t, Jr , r!Bi tL fx". t;cc which a.re 4-MtT"-i-'4 .a tie m.i:trv tartics utder tie at r J -f cv5.Jj-tjd Aa y s were!" "Aa I aa r-j -.e !ra. S.tr'e- tarr. "Ua lit. Ik ab ai d tr :( ' - l -r & tie feronoua t:ri V tMgsl t!.e datrer. list Dr. , - fl, i let :irr. u-t c. tr tie at cratch cf tie u.ur. .-! ratrs ja.lt jHiuce .l I: w tw u t tjure ea aj tiat I i&iSrr t. tiitk cf aat cvt hate hp- l-r tr ;veae-c cf ..&4 tf Dr. Kt -i" far, j-t. ;fCTT. f rTiiSi rtrt, as i wat ted U aee tU ttiai. A-4 aftr t wa a3 orer. Too atd me. w, lock ti- t c Ci dt to tie batet eraicp -a t.a c". rt.rr aa3 wr:cs.-ea ticta. acJ Fin a-aa 11 vj-r iiier t'.as K.i; tut tLit is'l fiaX asy 4 f ere, ie jaatcieaed Lus all ;! w, Jclrty," aa4 L:' nctler, veu fit t-ot t i tiixkicf cf aoch tiirfa a tat, Jiat reifeber tit if il tad cot beta f r trvi fr. Ktft ja ra'zit hare casit flat (drtavL'-I iiurae. brircj bet a!" Wjiii a aoap e? Lia Ctfrra, Mr. ff.cr.etarr esTJe-i aijrt cf tie dostte reveLa-t;o-a V."Vef! tie tic09 Tip Lad leafW 1st fc-a Jap lt, a,tsr worda: Jocd t p. caa4 tte f t wj tie atttsp cf fcia tafL f4ysh:yi;Teaecttmbritaarfreiatka 4 tU tres cf ticL . V. Sea, . a -xt-i:c -t, e. ilra. LkiaUUr j before rain, and go to the bottom be ld W Fido Lv. WhZ w were ta- ? fore A strong wind. If smoke sinks to tertared : a3 tUt Dr. Hxox w tfluafw j ; nn tn PASTEEOARD ROOFING im Jmmm Pi'ptr li Jreferrl tm Sheet Irea ae a Protection Against the Sun. ! The Japanese Times taen that the J Tokyo Card and Pasteboard, com pa nyi UuhP. In it. lSnein.Tnn la now niaksng a thick, tarred, pasteboard as KUimnuie lor sningies in4 rooiyig, The paper shingles are la acti;e rcami. being1 about 50 per cent, chea :de- nand. being1 about 50 per cent, cheaper apj K-ore eaaur roanaired than the rticle. The Indian Textile ; commenting on the above, aai-a that it is doubtful if Japan is as liat is required for the production of cardboard is a supply of coarse jBbers and a cement to hold it' together. In- Sdla lacks neither of these, although tber have not yet received sufficient attention. Waste sugar cane produces a fiber eminently suited for cardboard making-, and the contained sugar Is an ingredient that could be fixed chemically as a cement. The milk of the cactus, so common amoog railway fences, contains a gum that has been need for oloaing letters. An antiseptic would be required to arrert fermenta tion la many fibers; but the substances used !n size preparation are well known and easily procurable In India. The ues cf strong1 and well made cardboard ar ao numerous aa to offer a strong Inducement to the mfenufacturer. They Include boxes, panels, partitions, roofing, ceilings, bookboards and ad vertisement cards of all sizes." The tarred cardboard would not suit on a roof in India on account of its disposi tion to heat in the ran and soften. It ld alao require to be prepared with WEATHER SIGNS Wavat tka JLctiona of tae Anlmala Tall Aaoat Beat and Raia kid Saaihlnc. If swallows fly near the ground, there will be rainr or windy weather. ? if chicks seek shelter, it will be wet. I If chickens and othew fowls pick their : feathers, the weather will be cloudy '. and damp. If. during severe frosts, ' voosters crow very early, the thermom j' eter will rise. "iVhen ducks bathe and i n&ck, there will be rain. When they art. tlU- the- -will be a thunderstorm. . . .nA V . ... , , . , . wther " be coId'r- . STf v , " ' dxr. ' or other object with its claws, there will be windy and snowy vatlir. If dova roll In tiie winter. there will be snow; if it. the summer, rain, If rolce make their nests above iravitnt a-Vi-at 4 Vtaw fa rtA trrlvir? winter it will snow, and m summer it will rain. If smoke rises even during bad weather, fair weather will follow. If at aunset there are no clouds, the next day will be fair; If the sun seta la clocda, the next day will be cloudy, and perhapa rainy. If t he setting sun is red, the next day there will - be a atr-bag wind. If the horn of the new moon are long and sLarp, then in win tr tt-e wbcle month will be cold, and ia summer fair. LIVING IS INEXPENSIVE. Saat at tba Poot of the JTara. Nea . Ctatva W here Hxpeaaea Are Oalr fS40 a Year. The best place in the world to live, on some accounts, ia said to be Gex, in the little corner of France that juts Into Switaerland near Geneva. This has been decided to the satisfaction of ) Lecturea Pour Voua, a Parisian popular ; paper, as the resnlt of a careful canvass of n"'nJ tOn- Tbe are the claims of Gex: It is at the foot of Jura, haa lovely views of Mort Blanc and Lake Geneva. It Is healthy. j It Is ao ricn in communal firewood 1 that ft a applies all that each family f wants free of charge, j It Is the neutral zone, where no ens- totna duties are charged. Coffee is 13 ; cents a pound, sugar five cents, butter ; 19 rents. i Servants can be had for four or five ! dollars a month, ' Without servants hire the necessary j expenses of a family are about $240 a rear ! The publication of thete facts drew i toGexone family only, who complained hecaujie they had to pay $5.35 a month I rent for a ni"? villa with a garden. The j Gexera. curiously enough, are dis- pleased at the wide advertisement of the cheapness of their toa.x. They say that If strangers are to be brought S , ... , , . . j P4r Prny 01 moey ratner man those hooking for an economic para- t a. let ! Bar to Diplomats. There is a movement on foot among foreign powers to do away with the lim itation of age of ambassadors, making the tenure of ofSce depend solely upon a man's capabilities. Rrttlata Peellnra 'oo1dered. A trocp of Boer horsemen who per il form nightly In "a German circua has been forbidden that part of their pro- Cramme-which represents a victory ,i wrer British redcoata. ... . aa UAKIRG AN ORCHARD. Boat Plan for . BeKlnnera"' la to Seleot " Varletlea That Ha reen Tried '-- ' ' With SaroMa.-' .' f As an orchard,- especially the apple and pear orchard. jwill, after it has jrjadeagood growth and become eetab lished. .last an ordinary lifetime, if L gi ven proper care. . the selection ,of va- r .'.11 " l y. ii fieiies bbouiu u uihuc verjr cojciuiij. To 'set out 'adTd care for an ' orchard until it comes into bearing requires considerable labor - and expense, and to find out after working four or five years to secure good growth that a mistake in the 'selection of varieties has been made will prove a costly ex perience. Of course there is always a chance of being imposed upon by the nursery man. The farmer may make a good selection and order them, and re ceive them properly labeled according to his order only to find out that he has been swindled when . the, . trees commence to bear too "late to avoid th lo&S. -we ' t The only safe plan is to buy only from ' responsible nurserymen, who will not substitute after accepting the order. , There are plenty such so that there is not much excuse 'for "buying of irresponsible dealers. The best plan il to select for the principal dependence varieties that already have been tried and proved. There Is an abundauce of these with out risking too much on untried or unknown sorts. Because some trav eling agent who is interested in sell ing some high-sounding, variety at a big price' recommends them is. not a BiifBeient reason for investing. Difference in soil and cultivation of erowih make a difference in the grow ill and quality of the fruit, and the only safe guide is:to.take old and tried-varieties for; the - main erop and then if desired a few trees of "fancy sorts of unknown quality may be se lected to try. v On. the farm. plan first to. have a full .supply all through the year. Then if -more is wanted plant good winter varieties that are strong in appear ance,' as in a" market apple appear ance : Is an important factor. 'X. J. Shepherd, in Farmer's Voice. THE SAN JOSE SCALE. Sprarlas wftb Crude Petroleum Haa -Been Fonad Effective In De- " atroyiaa; the Peat.- Prof. John II. Smith. reports. to the association for the advancement of science that he has found spraying with crude " petroleum to be a sure method of destroying the San Jose scale.' " lie first tried it on a Duchess pear' .tree, . which . was badly- infested. In the early part of January, 1S9S, he .painted .the tree thoroughly from the tops of .the. twigs, to the ground.' . .Long before" Vpring" opened it" "was "easy to see that there was not a living scale r?aaxBlI3W'?J1: lPe -ree l5 e11 in the spring, about' a dozen trees were sprayed with a nozzle to cover them - as completely as possible. -As they had begun to make leaf growth, he found in some .jcases foliage- in jured, and when an extra heavy dose-' of oil ."vyas put on. the. fruit .buds were kill edr The tree treated"" in winter not" only blossomed and bore well, but it made a rank and vigorous growth, and the foliage bad a color that en abled anyone to identify it as far as they could see it. It was as if an application of nitrate of soda had been made around it. This increase in vigor and growth continues up to the. present time. The" next winter many trees were treated, including apple, peach, plum and cherry, and by his advice many others tested it, so that probably 2,000 to 3,000 trees were treated that win ter. In no case has any tree been injured, and in all cases the scale was destroyed and the., tree appeared vig orous and healthy during the summer. In one case where there were three irows of apple trees 30 to 40 years old, the middle row alone waa sprayed", and In June it was a sight to behold. The ' other rows looked sickly by the side of that, and on that the fruit set full and fair. American Cultivator ' HANDY LITTLE HOTBED. ia Oaai Be Conatrwcted Alonaj the Side of the Bouae or Stable At, Trifling Expenae. ..A small hotbed may be -constructed1 along the side of the house or a. stable, as shown in the illustration, and partly heated through a window. Excavate A HANDY HOTBED, to the required depth, going below the frost line, and build up a wall topping it with brick and sloping.it about six inches to the front. A crop of lettuce or violets may be grown in such a bed with only the heat, derived from the cellar. -Farm and, Home. Sodium Nitrate for Gardens. Sodium nitrate is especially valuable for intensive culture in gardens and fields tributarj' to large cities where quickness and abundance of growih are factors of prime necessity. The ready formed nitrate is an indispensable fer tilizer for flowers and gardens as well as for fields. It performs a function which cannot be easily replaced by any other form of nitrogenous material among field crops. The sugar beet is especially susceptible jto the influence of nitrate of soda and this is the most economic form of nitrogenous fertilizer that" can be secured. Dr. S. YV. Wiley, m.ji'arm ana. Home- .. . dependent Publish , Lincoln, ttebraska. GENTLE MJElf: Send The Nebraska i.? enclose & . --t.- . : , -.t NAMES - POSTOFFICE STATE REMARKS ai h MHHH.1.1I...1.I.W hi wni ! il a mm M wim.KMWHwMiw I I I n ! '"- " " " i. '" " " ' - ' ' ' ' " - ...'" 1 " "' .'-,. ... - . ' - . - "'"-' .C ... ' --'''.; '' . --.- 'v-x.. : - 1 : ' ' ' '" '' ".." . , . ' " ' - - ' ' " 7 ' .....". I BIB I ! n .(( in i -L.i ii i - .. l.il i. ........----... -i- - i--ym , , .m.a i , am . ' . ! ' "."',''. " ' - - i :.' ' . , .',.,'' - - ' ' . . - "-.''". 11 : . ' - - " " " - "7"r. -c- -V - .., " ' "" "-.; J " : ' S '- - . " ; . ., "' "'"'" " '' . " . , . . . . . " ' ' ------.-.-. - CHESS 4 i aaaress ail communications intenaea . a a Jor uns aepartmem to tne cness jouor a X Independent,--Oat field street, Lin- X 5 coin,. Nebras-a. - ' June -28, 1900. UOTES. The Chess -Editor returned thia week J from his vacation-too late to prepare the usual chess news; but he- invites- atten tion to game studies. . - - , -I. ".j... -OAMKsrrr;DIE3 JjO.TU - In studying the Ruy Lopez it is well to memorize.Uie allowing -trap posit ions froni tJieT-iteTaiy . Digest,. quoted from the Hereford Times: "The Tartaseh trap has a rather comic history. In the Frankfort tournament, 1SS Dtv Tarrafceh, succeeded in induc ing the late Jr-kertori,:; perhaps - the greatest master ot chess-openings of this or any othCT tinl&rto'walk in"td"thistrap.' At Manchester, 1890, Mr. Gunsberg.who, curiously enough, had been a competi tor at Frankfort ia 1887 and might, therefore, have befeh supposed to know all about this trap, fell also a victim to the wily doctor. Mr. Gunsberg resigned the game on the 14th move. But per haps the funniest -of all is that although .this game was published and much com mented upon in the Manchester . papers on the following -day, yet two days later one of the competitors in the minor tour nament caught his opponent m the very same pitfall- ..The order of moves is as follows: " ' '.- ' 1. P-K4 P-K4 2. Kt-KB3v Kt QB3 a B-Kto P-QK3 . 4. B-xU.. . ; Kt-B3 5. Castles. KtxP - 6. P-Qi- :- - P-QKU 7. B.Kt3 r. P-Q4 8. PxP U : B-K3 9. P-QB3 , B-K2 10. RC . Castles 11. Kt-Q4 - " Q Q-? ll KtxB ? t- -- A -. -' If now Black reply PxKt, White wins by 13, RxKt, and if .12 . QxKt, then either by 13," RxKt, or BxP wins. Black's mistake consist chiefly in 8 R-K3, which should be Kt-K2; but, failing in this, he should play 9 , B-QB4 instead of B-JK2." The following are taken from Rev. Cunnington's admirable little Jxok, "The Modern "Chess Primer," a book, by the way, which the Chess Editor would like to see in the hands of every member of his class. """."' "A young player might easily fall into the following: r - 1. P K4 P-K4 2. Kt-Kt-B3 , Kt-QB3 3. BKt5 Kt-B3 4. Castles H P-QR3? 5. BxKt : ' QPxB 6. , KtxP and Black dare not take the P with Kt (either at once, or after 6 Q Q5-, 7. ' Kt KB3) because of R-K sq. - '- ' "This once happened in a correspond ence game: 3. BKt5 - KKtK2? 4. P-B3 P-QR3 5. B-R4 P-QKt4 ' 6. B-Kt3 P Q4 7- Q-K2 PxP 8. QxP . B-B4 9. KtxP." and Black dare, not 1 take the Q on pain of mate." ; Black's 4th move should be Kt-Kt3, but- failing in this, his 8th move should be Kt-Kt3. Another from actual play 3. B-Kt5 P-QR3 4. B-R4 Kt-B3 5. Q-K2 ' B-B4 6. PB3 P-QKt4 I 7. B-B2 u P-Q4? 8. PxP " QxP ; 9. P-Q4 w ' ; B Q3? 10. B Kt3 '" :""" Q-K5 11. QxQ '-". KtxQ 22. - B-Q5-winning a piece. "A danger to be avoided: " .3. B-Kto 7 P-QR3 : 4. B R4 ; , Kt-B3 , ' 5. Castles KtxP 6. P-Q4 P-QKt4 -7, -B.Kt3' . - .5-Q4- - SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Name Postoffice . 8. FxP Kt-K2 9. R-K Black should not retreat the Kt to QB4; but suppose he plays P-QB3; White can gain the Kt by Rx Kt: for if 10 PxR; II. .BxP ch wins the Q. v - lot-On Record -.Valentine, Neb., May 24, 1900. Editor of Nebraska Independent: Under date March 15th, 1900, an article appeared in your paper from Chadron, "signed "An Observer," which among, other things stated that Mr. Pettijohn, who is register of the land office here, made the state ment at a republican conference at Chadron in Substance thai h had a mortgage on the Valentine Democrat, which was then published by-MF. Robert Goddf&nd controlled" its policy arid when it refused to ' do his ' bidding he would take it out of the field. - I wish to say that this statement of Mr. Pettijohn's, so far as the records of this county disclose, are untrue. This information came- tome from the most reliable iources and I had good reason to believe it was' true.' In" justice to Mr. apod, I would request teat you' give this letter a place in your paper. . Respectfully, . ' Joh G. Maher. He's For Poynter Editor Independent: I am much grat ified by the stand taken by your valuable paper in regard to our farmer governor being renominated, because I cannot un derstand why. Gov. Poynter should be turned down at this time for some up start of a lawyer. Have we no one who is qualified to aspire to. office except those who have been kicked through some law course and have flocked "to the reform forces when it ' was discovered that they were-in the majority? -I will admit that our governor may have made some mistakes, but his good intentions cannot be questioned. While Cuming county, has not ted at the public crib, she will nevertheless continue to roll up from iUO w bUU majority tor the reform ticket this fall, and we would consider it most ungrateful, and a .monumental blunder, should W. A. Poynter be rele gated to the rear in order to make room for some lawyer who has perhaps not as yet cut his wisdom teeth in populism. I would say to the old guard, - stand by your guns and see that one of the best governors we ever had, W. A. Poynter, be renominated. UUAJS. uKArtV Bancroft, Neb. OPTICA!. GOODS. t " The Western Optical and Electrical Co., located at 131 North 11th street is composed of old citizens and thoroughly acquainted with the business, having fitted eyes for twenty-five years. Cer tainly they ought to be competent to do good work.'. They are permanently lo cated with us and that means " much to the purchaser of eye glasses and spec tacles. . ", A Pop in Illinois We have received the .following from one of our advertising patrons in Illi nois: 1 Editor Independent The honey I of fer for sale is fine in quality and I have snippea to your state tor many years past. I have "been in the business of producing honey-since my boyhood days and I believe I know how to handle the bees and honey so it may be the best that we can produce. I at all times ship by freight and the charges are not high. I have no fault found with my honey and many words of praise. 1 say this because it is a fact and not to boast in any way. The sentiment of your pa per suits me as I have been a populist from the start. Wishing you success this fall against the peoples foes, I re main truly yours. F. A. SNELL. Milledgeville, 111. Patronize our -advertisers. . 1 Independent to the following .. t '- -- or senderi. State. mm :;:..;ic y;- for BaieBsople Dr. Williams Pink Pills have effected cares In cases of Paralysis, Locomotor 7 Ataxia, Rheumatism, Scrofula and other . serious diseases of the Blood and Nerves, when all other means known to the medi cal profession have been tried and failed; they have saved many who were on the - brink of Conaumptlon, and have restored - to the helpless invalid the fall use of limbs that had long been powerless. That such wonders have been performed by this great life giving medicine is the beat guar an tee that it wiU not disappoint when used for simpler ailments. At all drngEtota or direct from Dr. Wnilama Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. T., postpaid on receipt ot pnea aw cia. per iw, w uu-cv tu !I!!!ilI!IiIlll!llllllI!Illiili!lil!I!II!llll!iIi!Illilllllllllll!I(IIH 4 and up Sent to any address in the United States on approval, today and get FREE SAMPLE of our 1900 ART ALOGUES. O-1"!900 guarantee reads: ' "fl If defective parts are found in WITTMANN PI CYCLES wo wiU replace FREE and Pa? a11 transp tation charges. - THE WITTMANN CO., ESTABLISHED 1810. Genuine Ecjison Phonographs onl illllllllllllllllllllllillllim INDEPENDENT'S PREMIUMS ON subscribers, for which 2 - JUchafd "D. . Creech) . of. 1062 Second Street, Appleton, WisV says : : . " Our, son Wiliard wjas absolutely . .helpless . H is lower, limbs were.para-v . lyzed, and when tve -used" -electrieity he could -not ; feel - it' below ; his hips. ' Finally my mother, wha r lives in Canada, wrote'ad ising the use of Drl Wil- ' Uams' Pink Pills for Pale; People and I bought some.' This was when our. boy ; had . been on a stretcher . for an entire , year and ' helpless for nine months. In six 'weeks . after taking the pills we noted signs of . vitality in his legs, and in four months he was able to go "to school. It was nothing else in the world that saved the boy than . Dr.; Williams' Pink Pills' for Pale People." From the' Crescent, Akblffnit . -. Wis. V .A 1136 0 St., Lincoln. . . PHONE 182.- The Bicycle and Phonograph headquarters of the . entirt west. ";' '' ". ' ';.'' REPAIRIN G-Send to ns jroUr finest and most difficult re-' pair mrk if you want satisfac tion guaranteed at same prices, which have built tip t he the larg est repair business in the west. GREAT LIST OF PAGE 4. SEE IT? Write CAT- ii -'' ir . a .- - .. S"7.50 V 1: 1 I