June 28, 1900 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT nn 1 u uu K - EOF . f f BE! i i i i If GOOD FODDER CROP. Hairy r Tfc I L Oar CUMtt. ' f H Tie aeistie tio of Slii eUstb r ' .. . ... I nuoaa. A jroTemzaest report ; aaya of it; Ttis aes?al irfTistiootra plaat 1 a tUv of Asia. It fcaa Ur& ; militated for tbot tl jeara la toxne i I'rt of Europ, apeeiat2T aoctbern : Vtci. Gfnttsj asd Frre atfi ti ' Y.trtxSuced ieto thia tocstrr for tla ' Ira. tin. about 1M? coder tie caxc : of Siberiaa. etcl. Etwlient report as to it droubt-retiatirg qualitiea acd i its adaptability to osr elixsata lave i beta received from vfaaLisfflon. Ne- I VraaVa. Georgia. New Mexico, boutk i Dakota, Mis.ceala, M&stasa atd lVe- 1 E1!PT OR f A.VDT VETCH. flrr!a- It i.t beea f-riis. - tbe perstnest gre o fpart eject of tTvu! at Wh!r v5. D C. acd lt to V rferrTjrt!j adapted to zt tt!ciW fw ttit T- rntat p rir ts ar irere ttC two er Met ef tb Vi tia-i s tfca eowctrr U irspcrfed trs Etrrcp, ttat prtira!tr etrt :M V taW bt ieDortera ax4 deal- r to tac! t't bc fjrs ras b ld tr.r ruiri'j ti fv!. frefc f e. Cti!tiTtjos. Eairr h natr fee 2 !b fatrrree. frors. aloct tte E2tcce cf Atj-i to tt ruddle cf Sep'ecber. er is. iprlEg- frcia tbe latter part cf April t tie c-iddle cf May. It ko.H r-e lows brts!eat or wit a rrttz. drill at tl rata sf esa to ot acd cre-t!! ?nxht'fr tt ee4 per tcr. Ttc dHIl xetto5 of 1rr will r;rfr a le strops t cf Ked- tie aedlapt fa brcaVatt. a bhel cf rye, cr wteat ttsmid be s at tie mmt&B ao a to f crcia t:ppert to keep tte rce cp off ttt Cror- X il tL U tie Salter part ef Acjr:t.ti ercp ibould cclated aereral tizrea It will ffj0fi'h aesce foraf is artcssx. !Z r tia wieter it rot too terere ill t tart to xrw ipb ic flue prirg'. -.o prcdcetrr ferae 1b te a?tiret Vd earlf sp.tr- t tfce ?o periodt i.es It U rzif-t reeled. D AUGER lit MILLET. U fr4 a tilt 1kl I M f Maua:. Its rj?r rt'teT kL'? rjrlT fT'i for r5'Ir reii t it a4 fca Lcr-a mr tro-.t -! a -elS5 dji-e tLat ito r.r-irii tT a de rar rersett of tb erir rr ortrt acd TTEptoca re2uLi if rteerr-atina. TLe actios, of the ksdceja i i5trra-d. , oftea Wicg' j.:az.id ly a op- pre-iii&B Crf the unte Tl jc.ir.ta, j ar- tkrtilariy cf tLe iird . ar i"iir. sd fcft;d w.'h i!'J, tte textyre of i.irL tie azd tl.e !;yttei: are eaa.i t m i'e. a.i eaitea Jacseee, atd fs scary jsrtts.'e fe Ter, aiao c-r". ar4 a etkiderat!e Boscr-er rets.lt fatally. TliAptt tro'b! it -ic-J frY aniiet taa bro prt"! r4 ioz. bv csary Mrper.'-:. t. tad a cbicp:t tbe asiscAJ" -t fr-jri uit to Lay acd then bark to Kiillet after a few weeks- Io e-tery raw, too far adared. tfce TE5j:rt.n J:ajar-1 wben rdirary l:ay wa fed. acd re termed when tbe chatj-e a r.ad f. back to calllet. Tbe apeile property that cacaea the trottb'e bat tot yet bees dieoered. li-ii ejfjerimecta allow tbat tbe af!!rtioii !a rt !ee. as . In tl caae of erinsaoa eloeer fcair- ! .B!-, to tbe r of tbe erep wben eat, , siVce tf e sytBpVsisa appear ava oftea S f3 tba piacta are Lareted zcatura ; gs wfces i&ssatBre. Tfce sly reeom-js-ttdaticm tbat ras be tcaie is to feed rsClet aparircly, either la altercation . with otber bay er mixed with ttesu 1 iL G- Eairj. is Farss as.d Fireside SHEEP 05 THE FAR 11 Tb latest reporta iaiirat to is create, in tk eottrys sopply of beep. No fear cf oerdo:r tbe ia dGtry rifbt away. It don't waxt to be forftteo tbat sbeep axe freat irtibbers cf brcab iaxd; bot If abeep axa cot tbere to do It sas tscst be. EbcrUire cf fraa acd bay b the area tbia c&sotr asd fall la giritg Vn abeep taea tsssy m:tgv:rca llrf tbe late witter. .r.Ci ibeep ltd os try will be pep!ar r propcrtkoa to !ta prfitab!seaa. asd tbe alii as4 iafcelureoea deeotW to h Isdf?ryaral Vorid. - 'nn u uu la IJziUU nnnnn LnJUU (a 5?fT n7 By us, is creating a sensation. People are coming from all directions, indeed, many are traveling hundreds of miles in order to take advantage of the Bargains we are offering. IT IS a $40,000 DISTRIBUTION F FINE -SLOTHING. HHTS, RND FURNISHING GOODS It's a S40,000 stock bought by us on a basis of 45 cents on the dollar, and being turned over to the public on the same basis, which means that we' will save for the people who take advantage of our sale a clean $20,)00 in cold cash. The goods in this sale are all from the Globe stock, not an undesirable piece of mer- -chandise in the whole lot. Not a piece of goods but what will be sold with our personal guarantee. ' 00 NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, NEGLEGT TO ATTEND THIS SALE If you do, you will 'surely regret it. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A SALE LIKE IT, and we predict there will never be another where worthy merchandise will be so shamefully cut in price. A WORD OF EXPLANATION The GIobe Clothing Company decided to go out of business. We bargained, and laid down the cold cash for the entire stock. The Globe has been in business in Lincoln for the past 15 years, and has enjoyed the full confidence of thousands of patrons, and has always had the reputation of carrying nothing but first-class goods. This fact alone makes our sale doubly important. EVERYTHING 2T HALF F THE REGULAR GLOBE PRICE' MEN'S CHILD'S WASH BLOUSE SUITS -AT- -2 a d HALF PRICE All Globe $20 and $25 Men's Suits go at $ (I 78 All Globe $18.00 Men's Suits go at 9 95 All Globe $15.00 Men's Suits go at i 48 All Globe $12.50 Men's,. Suits go at 6 48 All Globe $10.00 Men's Suits go at 4 95 All Globe $7.50 Men's Suits go at 3 95 All Globe $5.00 Men's Suits go at 2 98 HALF PRICE Age 3 to 9 Years. All Globe 50c Wash Suits go at $ 0 25 All Globe $1 .00 Wash Suits go at 49 All Globe $2.00 Wash Suits go at I CO MEN'S ULSTER GOATS e -AT- D MEN'S ii -AT- -AT- HALF PRICE All Globe, $15.00 Boys Long Pant Suits go at $7 48 All Globe $12.50 Boys Long Pant Suits go at 6 48 All Globe $10.00 Boys' Long Pant Suits go at 4' 95 All G'obe 17.50 Boy's Long Pant Suits go at 3 95 All Globe $5.00 Boys' Long Pant Suits go at 2 98 All Globe $1.00 Boj-s' Long Pant Suits go at I 98 HALF PRICE Globe $f.00 Pants go at $3 45 Globe 85.00 Pants go at 2 98 Globe S4.00 Pants go at 2 45 Globe $3.50 Pants go at. I 98 Globe $2.50 Pants go at I 49 Globe $2.00 Pants go at 98 Globe $1.50 Pants go at 1 78 Globe $1 00 Pants go at 69 HALF PRICE Globe $18 Ulsters go at $9 95 Globe $15 Ulsters go at 1 48 - Globe $12.50 Ulsters go at....... 6 48 SiTGlobe $10 Ulsters go at 4 95 Globe 7.50 Ulsters goat 3 95 Globe $5.00 Ulsters go at 2 98 i All. Boy's and Children's Overcoats, no Ulsters, ana Keeiers, wnicn were a -part of the Great Globe Purchase, will oT tie sold at Exactlv Half Price. Come in Vestee, In ase 3 to 8, or in plain Double Breasted Suits, e 7 to 16. All Globe $6.00 Knee Pant or Vestee Suits go at $3 45 All Globe $5.00 Knee or Vestee Suits go at... 2 75 All Globe $3.50 Knee or Vestee 7 rfr. A, Suitsgoat...., 2 45 ( I li F-Vk, All Globe $3.00 Kneeor Vestee MEN'S ...DRESS OVERCOATS... MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER GOATS, AND SLICKERS ; AT HALF PRICE Globe $12.50 Mackintoshes at .....$B 48 Globe $10 Mackintoshes at i ,....,.. 4 95 Globe $7.50 Mackintoshes at. - 3 95 Globe $5.00 Mackintoshes at 2 98 Globe $4.00 Mackintoshes at. 2 75" Globe $3.50 Mackintoshes at. 245 Globe $3.00 Mackintoshes at I 98 Globe $2.50 Mackintoshes at........... J 23" BOYS' ODD KNEE PANTS -ATr r 4 Tf U 9 Suits go at BOYS' KNEE PANT AND VESTEE SUITS HALF PRICE All Globe $2.00 Knee or Vestee Suits go at 98 All Globe $1.50 Knee or Vestee Suits go at 79 I 48 HALF PRICE Buy now, it is only 60 to 90 days in advance of your actual needs. ; Globe $20 Dress Overcoats go at . . . . $11 78 Globe $18 Dress Overcoats go at.. .. 9 95 Globe $15 Dress Overcoats go at ... . 7 48 Globe $12.50 Dress Overcoats go at. 6 48 Globe $10 Dress Overcoats go at. . . . 4 55 Globe $7.50 Dress Overcoats go at. . 3 98 Globe $5.00 Dress Overcoats go at.. 2 98 9c buys Globe 20c pants. 16 C buys Globe 35c pants. 19 C buys Globe 40c pants. AT HALF PRICE 25c buys Globe 50c pants, 29c buys Globe 60c pants. 33c buys Globe 65c pants. ALL SPRING AND FALL OVERCOATS GO AT EXACTLY HALF GLOBE PRICES BOYS' ODD LONG PANTS AT HALF PRICE Globe $3.00 Boys' long pants, go at .$1 98 Globe $2.50 Boys' long pants go at .... . . I 48 Globe $2.00 Boys' long pants go at j 19 Globe $1.50 Boys' long pants go at , , 69 Globe $1.00 Boys' long pants go at 49 BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS AT HALF PRICE In either Blouse or Mothers Friend. Globe $1.00 waists go at. 49c Globe 75c waists go at ..39& Globe 50c waists go at 29c Globe 35c waists go at. 19c Globe 25c waists go at. .I5c READ THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS HDYERTISEMENT. Gather together all the money vou can: RRMSTR0MG Every fifty cent piece will buy a dollar's worth of Globe Goods.