June 28, 1800. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. i 4 3 THE G. O. p. AND ITS ALLIES. kwenrg the. rate of intert we faor such roooetar legislation as will ol tfce varying tid ef the ieaK0 and of all eeetions to bo promptly I et ta order that trade may I evenly utaind, labor steadily employed and oeiHierc edaryed. 11 volume of money was never so great per capita a it i today. We declare oar tadfat "Motion to the free and unlimited coinage of aiher. N c-aur to that end could be considered which wan without the aupport of the lading commercial countries of tha world. However firmly republication may -tu to have s-ecured the country against the pen. of bjMi and di-credited currency, the election of a democratic pres ident could t,t fail to itupair the country' credit and bring once more into jution tJb-t i.tenti of t!ie American people to maintain upon the roll ttacdard th? jrity of their money circulation. The deanocrat tuut i- convinced that American people will never toler ate th Chicago p!atfornj. In this declaration, after the ear in which the republican party declared that it i the only true friend of bit:jeta!liui. it at lat throws off the mask and openly advocate what it always intended to arcompli-h. They recognize by this state ment that the ai'ver question i not dead, a-, they hare continued to affirm, but that it i one . f the vital ic of the campaign, so they declare their "steadfast opptaatkm to the fre and ucliaiited coinage of silver. Why should a "steadfast opposition be acaounred to a dead and buried issue? Tbey announce that the e'rtkc t t Bryan would be a peril to the gold standard and that statement is un doubtedly tree But the thig of mot importance in this lat quotation is the threat to establish a wild cat bankir.gr y1tn- The same sort of evasion and double et, tend re i her ud that ha been uccefully employed by republi can platform maker for the last twenty tive yc-ar, "We favor such monetary leg ialatioa a will enable the varying need of the eaon and all sections of the country to b promptly met." If they had been desirous of being explicit, they wouia nave ia we isvor iegtMaiion uxat wiu allow tne hanker to issue money un to the full amount r f hi a-et5 a wa propoM?d in the McCreary bill, and we pledge ourw'it. tn pa uch a law if w- elect the president and both branches of cegTe at the utt mnw-ios. That, without doubt, is what they will do if they ucce4 iatiieectios,and thet-e cotert words will be referred to as their authority for doing. We reowjuire the te it y of and propriety of the honest co-operation of capita! to Eueet new buiice- condition, and especially to extend our rafid.y jn-reair,r iortigu trade, but we condemn ail conspiracies and com bination intended to restrict buaiEe-., to create monopolies, to limit pro ductiuu or to otro! prices, acd favor uch legislation am will efFectually prevent uc abu-. protect and j-romote eom petition and secure the right of producer, iaoorer and ail who are engaged in industry or commerce. Thi m ich as oitrageu bid f r trut support that even Hb Chicago Ilecord could nut stomach it- la iU first issue after tL piatform wa published, after complimenting the convention on its fchrewdcesw in caking the gold standard prominent, it said: "The more they caa center interest in the m?ney question as an L-sue in the coming campaign the ftrocger th republican ticket will be with the voters, thus taking side with the republican c:o the mot vital t-ue: but the trust plank is a little too brazen evea for re lieoord. for it ays: "The plank on trusts is lacking in frankness and pre do effect plan for dealing with the evils of which the people complain." Kwm hard'y to be iperted that a convention in whieh the millionaires domi rated would go ary further than that reflation. Tnust will be enthusiastic sup porter of the republican party. Some of the trust magnates undoubtedly wrote that plank, or dictated it as J. Pier poet Morgan dictated the plank on the gold standard at tt cocvertioa of 1 &. We renew mr faith in the policy of the protection of American labor. In that policy oar itoutne have been established, diversified and main tained. iJy protecting the Lofne market the competition has been stimu lated ad production cheapened. Opportunity to the inventive genius of out pec-pie hA be3 fccared and wage in every department of labor main tained at high rate, higher now than ever before, always distinguishing our working people m their better condition of life from those of any eoccpti country. Kcjoyicg the blessings of American common schools, ccre ta the right of -lf government and protected in the occupancy of thir owr B&arkets. their coctaxtly increasing knowledge and skill have enabled them to enter the mr.Uof the world. W favor the a.-ticiatd flicy of reciprocity o directed as to open c-r our market, on favorable terms fr what we do cot ourselves produce is return for free foreign markets. le the farther intere-t of American workmen, we favor a more effective retrietioo of the iinmijrraUon of cheap labor from foreign lands, the exten- o of opportunities of education for working children, the raising of the f licit for child labor, the protection of free labor as against convict labor and an effective y.tera of labor insurance. Tfc are the old stereotyped phra-e with which the republican party fishes for the labor vcte. The cf the laborers in the east have relied uoon them for the traay years. The re alt has been a constant increase in the propertyless claw and tsiliiotalre pa-t counting. For thirty years the rich have grown richer acd the poor poorer wherever th e i4cies have been enacted into law. The re pcfclkan party ha alway declared for "the interests of the American working can." but when the working man come, in contact with republican congresses or urt he always fLed them his mortal enemies. It remains to be seen how many cf thea will again be decened by such platform tally. Ch-r preweot dependence uj-.n fc -reign shipping for nine-tenths of our foreigi carry itg is a great lo to the industry of this country. It is also a nou danger to our trade, for it sudden withdrawal in the event of an fluropeaa war would risuiy cripple our expanding foreign commerce. The natonal defense and navnl efheieoey of this country, moreover, supply a cocpeting r-aoa fr leiIatk.n which will enable us to recover oar forcer p'jm among the trade carrying fleets of the world. That is a promise to pas Mark lianrxa's ship subsidy steal, and is one of the promise that will be kept if the republicans are successful. The r-atioc owe a debt of profound gratitude to the soldiers and sailors who hare fught it battle, and it is the government's duty to provide for the survivors and far the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in the country wars. The pennon law, founded in this just sentiment, should fee liberal and should be liberally adminktered and preference should be gives wherever practicable with respect to employment in the public service to srdier and sailers and to their widows and "orphans. That is taffy fcr the old eoldier. although the record of this administration is c bad that there ha- been constant demands for the removal of McKiniey's com miiwfeiccer cf pensions. There have been more complaints made by the old soldiers because of their ill treatment by this administration than any other, democratic or republican, since the war. It seem that the managers thought a little taffy in lb platform would make it all right and the campfires of the old soldiers wouid continue ta be republican caucus?. We commend the policy of the republican party in maintaining the efS cieciry of the civil eervk-e. The administration has acted wisely in its ef fect to ecar for public service in Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Phil ippine Ifcland only thoe who ftnesshas been determined by training asd expeness. We believe that employment in the public service in these territorial fchould be eoshned a fjr as practicable to their inhabitants. Focd anywhere elee than in a republican platform, this paragraph would be takes for a piece of broad sarcasm. The fitness of Neeley and Rathbone, the Csbaa postal thieve goe without contradiction in the republican ranks. They believe that employ meet in the public service in Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine (when they are writing their platforms; should be confined to the people cf th i'nd. but when they come to make appointments, as th delegate from Hawaii said, no place are left vacant after the carpet baggers are all supplied. , It was the plain purpose of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution , 4 . to prevent discrimination on occount of race or color " in regulating the elective franchise. Devices of state governments, whether by ' legislative or constitutional enactment, to avoid the purpose of this amendment are ' revolutionary and should be condemned. . Uanna ia very much concerned abont the restriction of the votes of black men in the south, where elections are held by suppressing the votes, but there is noth ing said about the same result being reached in the north by padding the returns. In. Mr. Hanna's own state he was able to count one vote for every two of the in habitants, including women, children, insane, criminals and all Others. Is there any difference in the ethics of the way in which Hanna carries an election and the way they are carried down south? Both are to be deprecated, but the republican convention anathemizes only one. ... f'-W'" - Public movements looking to a permanent improvement of the roads and highways of the country meet with our cordial approval, and we rec ommend this subject to the earnest consideration of the people and the leg islatures of the several states. . ; i c- - : We favor the extension of the rural free delivery service wherever its ex tension may be justified. In further pursuance of the constant policy of the republican party to provide free homes on the? public domain, we recommend adequate legisla tion to reclaim the arid lands of the United States, reserving control of the distribution of water for irrigation to the respective states and terri tories. We favor home rule for and the early admission to statehood of the ter ritories of New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma. They recommend adequate appropriations to reclaim the arid lands of the West, but when in a position to make such appropriations they spend the money instead for wars of conquest. They have been recommending the early admission , of the territories for years, but they never admit them and they never will until they think they have them solid for the gold standard. The Dingley act, amended to provide sufficient revenue for the conduct of the war, has so well performed its work that it has been possible to re duce the war debt in the sum of $40,000,000. So ample are the govern ment's revenues and so great is the public confidence in the integrity of its obligations that its newly funded 2 per cent bonds sell at a premium. The country is now justified in expecting and it will be the policy of the republican party to bring about a reduction of the war taxes. Such a conglomeration of misstatements was never gotten together in one para graph before. The Dinelev tariff act has not nrovided the revenues. In the first place there were 1200,000,000 of bonds issued, the proceeds of which have gone into the general revenues of the government. The expenses of the government have not been separated and the war tax makes up a parrt of them. The Dingley bill, like the McKinley bill which preceded it, would have produced a deticiencyt and the surplus in the treasury is the result of an issue of war bonds supple mented by a war tax. If it is the policy of the republican party to reduce the war tax, why didn't they do it? They had the power. No such reduction can be made while the present McKinley policy of big standing armies, great navies and wars of conquest are in vogue. We favor the construction, ownership, control and protection of an isth mian canal by the government of the United States. New markets are necessary for the increasing surplus of our farm products. Every effort should be made to open and obtain new markets, especially in the orient, and the administration is warmly to be commended for its successful ef forts to commit all trading and colonizing nations to the policy of the open door in China. In the interest of our expanding commerce, we recommend that congress create a department of commerce and industries in charge of a secretary with a seat in the cabinet. The United States consular system should be reorganized under the supervision of this new department upon such a basis of appointment and tenure as will render it still more serviceable to the nation's increasing trade. The American government must protect the person and property of every citizen wherever they are wrongfully violated or placed in peril. We congratulate the women of America upon their splendid record of public services in the Volunteer Aid association and as nurses in camp and hospital during the recent campaigns in the eastern and western In dias, and we appreciate their faithful co-operation in all works of educa tion and industry. President McKinley has conducted the foreign affairs of the United States with distinguished credit to the American people. In releasing us from the vexatious conditions of an Europern alliance for the govern ment of Samoa his course is especially to be commended. By securing to our undivided control the most important island of the Samoan group and the best harbor in the southern Pacific every American interest has been safeguarded. There is no statement here about securing the undivided control of the Nicarag uan canal or any endorsement of the infamous Hay-Pouncefote treaty by which the actual control of the canal would be in the hands of the nation having the greatest aavy, which is England. That treaty was too much of an English affair to pass the United States senate, even with a big republican majority which up to that time had been willing to follow the president. . . i - We commend the part taken by our government in the peace confer ence at The Hague. We assert our steadfast adhesion to the policy an nounced in the Monroe doetrine. The provisions of The Hague conven tion were wisely regarded when Fresident McKiuley tendered his friendly offices in the interest of peace between Great Britain and the South Afri can republic. While the American government must continue the policy prescribed by Washington, affirmed by every succeeding president and imposed upon us by The Hague treaty, of nonintervention in European controversies, the American people earnestly hope that a way may soon be found, honorable alike to both contending parties, to terminate the strife between them. That is the republican way of expressing sympathy with the two struggling Af rican republics. It is in fact saying to Great Britain: "Go ahead and wipe the Free State and the Transvaal republic off the earth. We will never do a thing to aid them." In accepting by the treaty of Paris the just responsibilities of our vic tories in the Spaaish war, the president and the senate won the undoubted approval of the American people. No other course was possible than to destroy Spain's severeignty throughout the West Indias and the Philip pine Islands. That course created our responsibility before the world, and with the unorganized population whom our intervention had freed from Spain, to provide for the maintenance of law and order, and for the estab lishment of good government, and for the performance of international obligations. Our authority could not be less than our responsibility, and wherever sovereign rights were extended it became the high duty of the government to maintain its authority, to put down armed insurrection and to confer the blessings of liberty and civilization upon all the rescued peoples. The largest measure of self-government consistent with their welfare and our duties shall be secured to them by law. To Cuba independence and self-government were assured in the same voice by which war was declared, and to the letter this pledge shall be performed. The republican party, upon its history and upon this declaration of its principles and policies, confidently invokes the consideration and ap proving judgment of the American people. "The largest measure of self-government consistent with their welfare, is simply re echoing the words of old King George III. It is the renunciation of the inalienable right of self-government advocated by Jefferson, the plea and ex cuse for wars of conquest, the denial of the truths of the declaration of independ ence, a radical change in our form of government, the beginning of empire, and on these principles and policies the American people will pass judgment with no uncertain voice next .November. HORSES IN THE WAR. A Good laew of to CTaarMtoriatiM I the Different Tye Im . Seat! Africa. . There are many different kinds of horses employed in the present cam paign and the following gives a very good idea of the characteristics of the various types, says the South African Press. The heavy horses of the royal horse artillery arc magnificent animals, towers of strength every one. They are splendidly trained and combine immense power with great activity. - It Is . a grand sight to see them in action. The dragoons and hnssars are mounted on great heavy chargers, which thunder over the plain, but they are lighter than the artillery horses. The Australians have fine, serviceable steeds, upstanding and by no means light, and kept in excellent order. The New Zcalanders brought their mounts with them direct from the Britain of the south and an exceptionally shape ly lot they are, showing breed in every line. They hare done a great deal of trying work since their arrival, really more than their share, in fact, and have shown themselves thoroughly re liable nags. They average about 15 hands and are perhaps a little lighter than the Australian mounts. A number of South American horses have arrived from the Argentine and they are In remarkably good condition, as sleek as moles. They are thick-set, strongly built little horses, too large to call ponies, but nothing like the height of the chargers above men tioned, and it Is likely that in the field these "big little" South American cobs should prove as serviceable as any. Last, and least in stature, are the horses of the mounted infantry, South African horses, light, active, strong. Small though they are, compared to the majority of the mounts, they are by no means to be despised, for they do their work well and keep up re markably. They are nimble over the strong ridges, and fleet of foot across the native flats, and If well cared for will get through the campaign in as good order as any. CAPTIVE FOX CUBS. The Sharp-TVoaed Yownaratera Toole Klwdljr to Petttwa, Bwt Refaaed to Lan Trtelca. ITS m Our Store is tfc Wccca for Wen's and Boys' I2eiv, Stylish Spring Clothing, fyadp to Wear and Tit ail Orders Tilled..... We know of no better ready-to-wear clothing than the Hackett, Carhart, Michael Stern & Co., Hart, Schatf ner & Marx Co.. and readv-made clothint? on merchant tailor plans. The tailoring throughout our garments is as important to you as MEN'S 10.00 SUITS FOR !tA 7K In fine all wool clav wnrata striped and checked, fancy worsted, also dark, plain, very fine cassi meres, and blue serges, an sizes irom oi lo h. MEN'S VERY FINEST SPRING SUITS AT $7 50. 10 and ftis These suits are excellently tailored, beine sewed throughout with 6000 RtunrfarH pure dye silk, they have the style and character of swell merchant tailoring and fit perfectly. They are made Ify the best manufacturers in the world. The insides of our garments are taken care of you would be convinced that there is no way wuittwuiumiugoeHer. MAIL. ORDERS FILLED. HAYDEN BROS., "ffi?; OMAHA, NEB. They were delightful and amusing creatures, their ears ever alert, their bright eyes always on the lookout, and their sharp little noses sniffing the air eagerly, rays Our Animal "Friends. So precisely alike were they, from tip of nose to tip of tail, that not even their owners could tell the one from the other. Tbey took kindly to petting and fondling, but firmly though gen tly refused to learn any trioks whatso ever. Very soon they had the run of the whole house; patter, patter went the little feet; scratch, rap, rap. it a door were shut, and the two bright- eved little rascals did not have to wait long for admittance. The next step was to the lounge or bed, where they cuddled close among the soft pillows witn great satisiacuon. it ever ais- lodged, they protested vigorously with tooth and claws, and a sharp little bark that said as plain as words, No, no, no. Alas, even baby foxes cannot always stay babies. Box and Cox were with out doubt growing, and their powers of mischief grew also. A breakfast of young chicken without as much as By your leave, madam,' was the cli max of a long succession of misdeeds. They were restored to their native peaks, where they could find a, warm and sheltered burrow, and as foflces eat field mice, grasshoppers and crickets tbey were in no danger of starving. INSECT DRUNKARDS. Beea, Pltea and Batterfitea That Get IMsay and Poll Like Hirnin Topera. Yes, bumble bees, flies, bntterflies and beetles are habitual drunkards, if the statements of a certain Dr. Weir are to be believed. He found that in some of the southern states these in sects alight on certain plants, drink heartily from the calires of the blos soms, fall prostrate on the ground, and after awhile rise into the air and fly around like mad, just as drunken men would do if they could fly. Dr. TVeir then collected the pollen of these plants, half a teaspconful, to see whether it would affect a man in the same way. H swallowed this and after 15 minutes found that his pulse beat faster and there was a alight rise in the temperature of his body. Then he gathered the blossoms, distilled t ft era in water and administered a hypodermic injection in his left arm. Almost immediately the pulse was ac celerated and after a half hour he felt decidedly dizzy. Tly this observa tion of the insects Dr. Weir was led to the discovery of an oil in these plants, affecting man and insect alike CHARLES A. T0W2TE. Nominee of the Peoples Party for Vice President. Intense Interest We invite our friends to assist in in creasing the circulation of the Inde pendent. Thanks to the energetic as sistance of many of them our list has been growing rapidly. Nothing more thoroughly demonstrates the intense in terest the people" are taking to secure the election of Mr. Bryan to the presi dency. For years the Independent has been a staunch supporter of the noble leader of the common people. It has been tried and always found on the side of right. It leads in the battle in Ne braska this year. It fully appreciates the loyal support it has received from its readers, and realizes its responsibili ties to the people who gave that sup port. It will battle for, the success of the leader and the triumph of the prin ciples so necessary for eir welfare. We invite our friends to continue their support, and as the circulation and bus iness increases the independent will be improved as it has been improved in the past. Send in as many oew subscribers as you can. If you want a copy of "Coin on Money Trusts and Imperiafism," a copy of "Private Smith in the Philippines," and a copy of "Imperialism, Extracts from lectures and speeches of Hon. W. J. Bryan," send in a ; club of 5 campaign subscriptions to the Independent' at 25 cents each. They're good books all of them. The retail price is twenty-five cents for each. See list of premiums and full particu- ars in article .entitled "Premiums for everybody- ON PAGE 4. Ai Eire to the Moln Chance. When the Inverness-shire militia was mobilized at Aldershot, over 1,000 strong, and its members eihorted to volunteer for the South African war. there was no response, and at last one man stepped from the ranks and ad dressed the officers, saying that his comrades would go to war if they were promised a share in the Transvaal gold mines when the country is conquered That Unlneky Xanmber. A Webster (Mass.) man died in the dcetist s chair the other day while having 13 teeth pulled. The Chicago Times-Herald says that here is more good working, material for superstl tious people. Block Diamond for Gold IVoffaeta. Coal has been discovered near Daw son. The owner of the mine probably will be willing, thinks the Chicago Rec ord, to exchange his product for gold of equal weight. People's Independent Convention The people's independent convention for Lancaster county, Nebraska, is called to meet at Bohanan-s Hall, .Lincoln, on Saturday. June 30, 1900, at 2. -00 o'clock p. m., to nominate candidates for county attorney, county commissioner from first district, hve members of the house of representatives and two senators. Said county convention will also transact any other business which may come hefore it. Ihe basis of representation is fixed at one delegate for each lo voles or ma jor fraction thereof cast for Silas A. Holcomb for supreme judge in Novem ber, 1899, and one delegate at large for each city ward and county precinct, as follows: Lincoln First ward. 16: Second ward, 16: Third ward, 23; Fourth ward, 27; Fifth ward, 23; Sixth ward. 16; Seventh ward, 17: Buda, 9; Centemlle, 7; Denton, 6; Elk, 8; Grant, 9; Garfield, 4; Highland, t ; Lancaster, 2o: Little Salt, 6; Middle Creek, 5; Mill, 7; Nemaha, 11; North Bluff,7; Oak, 8; Olive Branch 3; Panama, 8; Rock Creek, 7; Saltillo, 8; South Pass, ; Stevens Creek, 7: Stockton, b; Wa- verly. i; West Oak, 6; West Lincoln, 5; Yankee Hill, 9. Total, 341. It is recommended that precinct and ward primaries to select delegates to said convention be held at the usual polling places on Thursday, June '23, 1900, at 7 ;.J0 p. m., nnles otherwise called by the precinct committeeman. A. E. SHELDON, Chairman, C. G. Bullock, Secretary. DEMOCRATIC COVXTY CONVENTION Will he held at the Auditorium, Lin coin, Saturday, June 30, at 2 p. m. Cut Rates on F. E. & M. V. Special Excursions Northbound, The Northwestern Line, F., E, & M. V. R. R., St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ka sota, Wausa, Minn., and The Superiors, on June 21st., , July 7, 8 ,9, 10 and 18, and August 2, at one fare plus,$2.00 for the round trip. Good until October 3i; 1900. ' Call for tickets and other informa tion on J. D. JACKSON, C. P. & T. Agent. 117 So. 10th St. Special Westbound Excursions, Northwestern Line, F., E. & M. V. R. R. Deadwood, Hot Springs, Rapid City, S. D., Casper, Wyo., Denver, Colo rado Springs, Pueblo, and Glenwood Springs, Salt Lake City, and Ogden, on June 21, July 7, 8, 9, 10, and 18, August 2, 1900. At one fare plus two dollars for round trip, good until OctoDer 31, 1900. Call for tickets and other informa tion on J. D. JACKSON. C. P. & T. Agent. 117 So. 10th St. Daylight Special" to the National Demo cratic Convention at Kansas City. On July 3rd the Missouri pacific will run a special train to Kansas City for the Traveling Men's Bryan Club, the Jeffersonian Club, the Bryan Home Guards, the Continental Guards and the Free Silver Republicans, which will leave Lincoln at 11:00 a. m. and arrive at Kansas City at 5:55 p. m. Hagenow's famous band will accompany the train and it will be specially decorated for the occasion. The rate will be only $5.75 for the round trip and tickets will " be good to return until July 9th. For further information call at city ticket office, 1039 O Street, Lincoln. v F. D. CORNELL, C. P. and T. A. Grand Island Route & jl v e Tisi! Double Daily Service FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. ' For Information or Rates, call tpon r Jdrtsa ataraat Agent, or S. M. ADSIT, a. p. a.. ST. JOSEPH, MO. ' pnnii ornBb FREE SILVER REPCBXICANS Will hold their convention in ; Lincoln, Saturday, June 30, at 2.00 p. m, For a Summer Outing The Rocky Mountain regions reached via the UNION PACIFIC, pro vide lavishly for the health of the in valid, and the pleasure of the tourist. Amid these rugged steeps, are to be found some of the most charming and restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate that cheers and exhilarates. The SUMMER EXCURSION RATES put In effect by the UNION PACIFIC enable you to' reach these favored lo calities without unnecessary expendi ture of time or money. In effect June 21, July 7 to 10 inc., July 18 and August 2. One fare plus $2 for the round trip from Lincoln to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden, and Salt Lake City. Return limit Octo ber 31st. 1900. For Time Tac:es and full -information call on E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. . in MrniPiuro at hut mtuMm rate;.. 1 00 Hood's Sarsaparilla 75c 1 00 Paine's Celery Compound ... .75c 1 0Q Ayers' Sarsaparilla 75c 1 00 Allen's Sarsaparilla 75c 1 00 Allen's Celery Compound 75c 1 00 Scott's Emulsion 75c 1 00 King's New Discovery ........ 75c 1 00 Peruna 75c 1 00 Swamp Root 75c 1 00 S S 1 5c 1 00 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp'd.75c 1 00 Jayne's Expectrant 75c 1 00 Beef Iron and Wine Tonic 75c 1 00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription. 75o 1 00 Miles' Restorative Tonic 75c 1 00 Wine of Card ui .75c 1 00 Slocum3 Ozomulsion ,75c 1 00 Radfield's Female Regulator. .75c X uu onoop 8 rvesujrauve oc 1 00 Indian Sagwa 75c 1 00 McLean's Liver and Kidney i Balm 75c 1 00 Mother's Friend 75c 1 00 Woman's Health Restorer.. ..75c 1 00 La-cu -pi-a 75c 1 00 Hostetter's Bitters ........... 75c 1 00 Iron Tonic Bitters .75c 1 00 Electric Bitters ............. .75c Johnson Drug Store ' Low Prices 141 So. 9th St. Lincoln, Neb.