f I1 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT June 28, 1900 THE .'- -l Great Anneal July ClearJini Sale Begins Monday, July 2nd, THE SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARING OF STOCKS"The time when profit is not nearly so important to the merchant as stock clearinwhen everything now seasonable is slaughtered and when wares that will be indispensable for months to come are offered at actual wholesale value and in many cases less. July Clearing-Dress Goods An in-ivec.- lite ci jIin urni uovtliy colored dres goods Q7p in p.puir w .rth 4!jc, aaie price per yard Lli All wu ti'ark ca veiling. 3i itehea wide, especially de- wi f.r :n.wr ear, w orth 50c, ale price per yard OUU An attractive I;ie .f black bn-ai-J mohairs specially adapted fcr rl fcitiru. CV and 7.c value, Kale prk-e per l"7t ard rlO quality all U4 Lctorj-j-tic in plain acd fancy weaves, also crert in ble color, mere tl.'St, CO I Op price yard 0.. "til July ClBaring Wash Goods Litsilie -aMt tiered la f.. r!d regularly at 7c, H I OA whii.e.ibe t ia ot- kt per yard . L I "b Jacos-et Ia-c. jav-.tuird ai ari ba i-te that hate old Q thnxjqtrM; its xc at I V and lv clearing f ale,-yd Uu ' Our rtt.Tr liar nA tiue. ir.c3u-iir.jf the Scotch acd English cxU c4 yf ioc k of Y'rtucU and Scotch Gingham, fabrics tfca-t s.eve. terer Kld fcr 1 than li"ic. for the 10 1 Ofl eW-aritg ! ia ..? kt while tb-y lat, jrr ard I & I mL Fatjr-y rK-t.fii-rl et.i;har:i Si?s. worth up to ."0c. including all our ft Sn citsirbatti". t.k stripe crepon and I Q p i je cr-S dimity, the lot clearing ?sale, per yard I ob Cotton f.alafd, ru reprized . aorth 4-V?. CO I Q j-rx--, p-r ard LL I "Zw All cl ur .Vv, 7 cid at 33c. Tbi-; lot includes ail of tur fatry -ubrtdrrrJ Ha it-, ni carcauetle, linen gren adiie Mo'ji' d S--te stiJ trij4 fuu'.ard. oid forujerly QQn at ir- ar. J --V. :u one kt fr tLi: fcaJe. per yard. . OOu July Clearing-Underwear Wosje-s jare h;tr t--t. ilh-jat ti -. R aie jirire. e ch rC Woi! nJeie T-t, wim, taped. 7 10 ale rie. rack - I I "tC Wt5UMi wru ar;d t--"U, in extra ize, T. ? 10 I 0 acd i. !ie ali?, pn '.-. each I L I "Zc Wocceti white tritufued with lace, medium 10 10 w . Ir gad j ri-. rch. IZ I "Zc Wocjeti ecrsi kr. J-csth pa i.t. Tik- jjjnd. JC Kie p-ri't-. -trh . Z w C Wotreo" white, l&ce tri:uix.-i pact', .Tjc goo-is. OC a ps i ie. eaeh ZlJC Vc trc" tr fuit-. kr.- .-r.rth. without tape. 10 10 Ale fnre, eUit Z I "Zc Oar Ttle li5e a&d eottoa k r. l-r.tL ucion suitf. rn each QUO Wti.ei -V'c oj'tc-n utic-c -uiT. ki.ee ienglh, 00 I 0 each 00 -0C Weieaefi fl-SU f r.e white U ucion jit.-, 7C a -?L-e. ea-rh luC July Clearing-Domestics Medium dark prints and cotton challies, Op sale price, per yard , 0u Your choice of any of our best standard prints, M I Op sale price, per yard f l""Zw All 7c apron check ginghams, Af ssale price, per yard 9-4 bleached sheeting worth 25c, I "7 I Qp sale price, per yard II I "Zu Your choice of Fruit of the loom or Lonsdale bleached mus- Cp lin, 10 yards to a customer only, this sale, per yard Uu Our entire line of English and French percale, regular price 12$c, 15c aDd 20c, the whole lot on sale during the clearing, Qp per yard UU Every piece of siDcaline and art denim in the depart- 7 ,1 Qp meat, none reserved, one lot this sale, per yard. . . I I "Zu All summer lap d usters during this sale at a discount U ojf ' flff from the marked price of ilull UU July Clearing-Shoes One lot of about 7o pairs women's tine kid shoes in small sizes, 2 to 4, A to D, good assortment of styles including hand turns and welts, worth as high as $3.00, none worth Q7p less than $2.00, clearing sale price, a pair Jib A lot of women's fine kid shoes, good style, button and O I A 1 lace, worth S2.25, $2.50 and $3, clearing sale, a pair 0 ' rT I Women's extra fine kid shoes, tan and black, button and lace, the popular toe, regular prices $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50, tf I Q7 clearing sale, a pair w 1 10 I A lot of women's fine oxfords, in black and tan, late style Qp toes, worth $1.25 to $1.75, sale price, a pair Olu A lot of women's fine oxfords, fedora?, etc., in black and tan, all new goods and late styles, regular prices $2.00 to O I A "7 $2.50, sale price, a pair 0 ' rT I Children's shoes on tables to close out at 15c, 25c, 47c, G7c, 75c and 97c. Worth double. July Clearing Men's Furnishings Men's fancy shirts in percale and madras, stripe and plaids, some with collars attached, others without collars, during the clearing sale the 50c grade each 35cJ 5c grade 7Rp each 5QcJ $1.00 grade each - I Ju Men's balbriggan and jersey ribbed underwear, shirts made with silk-bound front, royal ribbed cuffs, pearl buttons, fine I Tp gauge, regular 25c poods, sale price, per garinent lib Men's balbriggan and fine combed Egyptian cotton underwear, shirts made with collar attached, pearl buttons, an. Q"7p extra value at 50c, sale price, per garment.. ' 0 I U Men's celluloid collars 5c Men's celluloid cuffs 10c Men's 4-ply linen collars 5c White handkerchiefs 5c Red and blue handkerch'fs. 4c Men's half hose. ......... . . 5c 25c silk garters. ; : i ...... 18c 25c suspenders 15c July Clearing-Silks. Our entire line of fine quality corded wash silks in. dainty QEp colorings, have sold all season at 50c, sale price, per yd 0 u u Splendid quality all-silk foulards in bright colors on dark 0 C p ' - grounds, worth 50c, sale price, per yard Zuu Superior quality foulard silks, in the season's choicest colorings, worth 85c, on sale during the clearing at half- yiQ I Qp price, or per yard rZ l"Zu Cheney Bros', best quality printed foulard silks, in the season's choicest and rarest designs, $1.25 values, sale PQ I Q price, per yard U Z I Z u An immense line of fancy taffetas, in stripes and checks, the J colors and stripes are the latest, values up to $1.50, to close "V "them out during the clearing sale we offer them, per JFjg July Clearing Linens, White Goods Mill ends of white goods fancies, worth 15c and 25c, "7 I Q during clearing sale, per yard I I "Zc Turkey red table damask, worth 25c, sale price, per I I yard I IC Best damask turkey red, 60 inches wide, worth 50c and GOc, Q Q they all go during this sale, per yard OuC Bleached and half-bleached table damask, sale price, per Q) ; yard ZjC The best table linen in the store, including our double satin Scotch and Irish pure linen damasks, $2.50 and $2.75 goods, one piece 2i yards wide the balance 72 inches wide,- Q K7 during the clearing sale they all go, per yard V 1 1 J I Our $1.25 and $1.35 all-linen bleached table damask, 72 QQ inches wide, during this sale, per yard UUC 72-inch all-linen damask, worth 853 and 95c, sale price, CQ per yard OuC Odd napkins, ranging in price from $1.25 to $2.00 per doz, Q7 in one lot for this sale (we don't cut these) per dozen . U I C Pure linen crash, worth 10c and 12ic, during the clear- P I Ji ing sale, per yard U I "tC All linen towels, 18x36 inches, worth 15c, during this Q I Q ! sale, each u I "Zc Hosiery Children's fine imported black cotton hose, spliced heel and toe, 35c goods, sale price, a pair Children's fancy lisle hose, black, navy and tan, white polka dots, 50c quality, sale price, a pair Women's black cotton hose, seamless, double heel and toe, sale price, a pair Women's black and tan lace lisle hose, 50c grade, sale c price, a pair " : . Men's mixed cotton socks, double heel and toe, sale price, a pair.. .. . . .. .. . , t . Hose supporters and garters of all kinds. Special offerings. 25c 37c 8c 33c 6c Send for Special Price List giving the details it's free. We'll fill Mail Orders while stock lasts, but to insure our filling your order it is necessary that it be sent in at once. 1 Lincoln, Nebraska. IKP0HTIS3 FIUFIHQS rm Hniwrilt. i ide. and euch a i e-ri problem, dlS?Tec to any race or nation Lb . wo-xa .tL2 Terrapn, n mu.t be some place for t hMl u U tirt I min He i rse on earth until their time writer would be a But as such peo- comes to i who cannot among the representatives of ! all the cations inhabited by the Caucas i ian race, find sufficiently agreeable and xru,r T,.h. TUmt u iw ..ffieient domestics and other laborers. I i ani not informed as to what race the j w riter in the Boston Transcript belongs, ' ttl ri 14 f TrrAu ikM t V r vwrf K I j Via A ritrr 1T2 th Intern TrowTj.themrt to be blacker than the ace of ce a 4..s-x( -n w :i:u r.e ut-.ietes woe id mi v the mz& am is la r lie mj i r,! t . ' , . . . .. j . . . ' I . ?f, 'VTt tak. their place in the lower regions the t-acd. ad c axy t th-:a would whre lh l am hearti!y in faTor U ed to ,s?utK here at ; of tranporticg them to a country where wx Ihe loaer c:. he ars. j thT can nnd lhe domestics to their lik d tMA oi'.ect t. b. --".it. oUiRgatMaall wages, and I believe every ce tte tn. ,t the u,er.. ld Pa uraian domestic or latorer in these 5d tA I fmty to e to j United Sutes will gladly subscribe to a SLV1: lhZ "n ! fund to par their parage. It will be tLae-..lurry acd h immensely ebearr than importing mil- Udy. TLey are nf ul the C Lir.ee. , UoES of AjtUtics to uke our places o Piatii is ti-e uit. and. te- J k Newton iatsff .lt&eririi u'j-t. yj.ild I icMjrt- I Fjter N'eb e-J is ufS.'-iett tmsuiT f .jirkly coc j lzx Iht Cattea-ias dfjCieti- that their i r p ,1 1 n ccx;.Vxi vmila t p. it they ddn t rCTdZt, 2(1(1 HUSSQIlg C4k ta tattTf areao.e ar.a Resect. F'BASKLtjr. Neb.. June 23. 1900. Editor Indenendeht: VMlrr Icd-pec!.rt: T.e iU,re dip j The populist county convention of pir. i fr'-'-a a rej ubl.' :. pa;-r .f Jute ! Franklin county today, among other ft '.:rm stf .A tK ,a n us resoiuuons: rern.b:: fe t-rii v. kp the of w. J. Bryan for president and Chas. Pi j :r.e. I Late t:p to ti.i- tin.e Wn ; A. Tow r.e for vice-president at the Sioux cr-MMed tok-r ir-r the iUr. i-. but tiixett Fall- convention. We are in favor of the FARMERS' SUPPLY ASSOCIATION readicg the aJ e I Lae eher.ged my cis4 acd think we ouht to keep at least a j-trt ef th-tu, but & A f'.r the Sie jarjio-e a the writer its th llolxn Trtcrif.t would. lr if we ctcmecred to icport SiiUo&of I pi to to replace the CaaraiAa dvi-e!-ti' at na!l wage;, re ccd isuport a few nr- niilions of re nomination of Governor Poynter for governor and C. J. Smyth for attorney general, and in favor of the nomination of Kd. M. Hustong of Franklin for the office of state superintendent of public instruction. Mlesolved, that as the political parties com prising the fusion forces in this county and state are contending against a common xoe, we believe as a matter of the rorer ela- at rr.ali wage to take j ?uitriu.sti ad gTd business Vci- 2iees should be apportioned among the respective fusion forces as nearly as pos iib.e in proportion to their relative the jiJaee z4 all other auraiac! who are not a agreab!e ar.d e'-iect aa our ttatrr would hate u be. If the supply td FiUJpiJW t-hort of the demand, w hy, ?yr fiater would prolb;y attei a jrt of tsa and then the Chine-e, being Acoertran -ubect-, cculd be im jortd is s25ciest c umber to convince all Cauciy who were m ur.ftTtccate an to be ecder the ceceity of laboring, that their onrupatioo would le gone if hf dd twt make tbemselve more o4 ef-ckist. If ' the above ugmXi& were carried into effect in re p!et the Jaocaiao daetie there i fKi te?.:i. where it woiiid tcp. therefore 1 mm m iiwcf keeping the Philippines or at teat prt of theta. acd instead of fs porting Filipino., transport all such a th-e r.!r is the Ikwtoa Transcript, strength. The resolutions were enthusiastically panned without a dis.ehting voice. H. Whitmork. . If you want all the news from the west and from Lincoln. Mr. Bryan's home city, the proper thing to do is to sub- eribe for the Independent. Twenty five cenU for the campaign. Sharpies Cream able dairying. Separators Profit Dr. Louts N. Went dentist, 137 South 11th street Brownell block. i Movement for it Organization Should be Supported by farmers. The Independent is in receipt of the following communication to which the writer forgot to attach his signature. It is published because of the truth it contains. Farmers do not realize the necessity and advantages of organiza tion. Every other trade and profession have their organizations and adhere to them even though they suffer temporary inconveniences at times. The Farmers Supply Asaociation that has recently been organized at Lincoln is believed to be upon a firm and solid foundation. It will cover the entire state and thus be able to avoid the local competition de scribed in the following letter. It will save the farmers large sums of money not only on the goods handled by the as sociation but by competition, compelling manufacturers to sell goods at reason ble figures. While at the present time farm products bring a fair price, the ! price of manufactured articles has been so advanced by manufacturers combin ations and organizations that the farm ers do not receive the benefit of the bet ter prices. The reason is at present they are unorganized: Will they organize? Editor Independent In reply to your article in the Independent in regard to establishing a farmers' supply house in Nebraska, will say I think, yes I know it is just the thing the farmers of this state need, and 1 think the plan you suggested in your paper is a good and practical one, provided the farmers of this state had any sense. I am a farmer and have always been ready to take hold of anything that had for its object the benefit of the farming class. But I have found by experience it is a very difficult business to try to get farmers to work together for each others benefit, might as well try to get grains of sand to unite as a class, they are suspicious of one another. Some ten or eleven years ago when the Farmers Alliance was running in full blast . in the state, we organized a cooperative company to buy and selj grain and bought a grain elevator here at Hampton. I was chosen president of the association. WTe had a hard fight for recognition by the great grain elevators of the east for awhile but we succeeded at last. We bought grain J on a one cent margin of profit nd were thus paying about an average of two cents per bushel more to our members than the other elevators in town. Then they began to buck us as they call it and they would pay one-fourth of a cent more than we could afford to pay. Now while we were holding the market up about two cents for all the farmers who patronized this town, some of our own fellows sneaked off and sold to the other fellows who were bucking us for the sake of the one-fourth cent. Then some of the stockholders became suspicious of the executive committee or board of trustees, as though we were not honest and were making a good thing out of concern. Then the corn crop failure came and by and by we sold out and quit. In conclusion I will say that of all classes of men the farmer has about the least sense in regard to pulling to gether for each others benefit. And at the same time they are the only class that can control all classes if they would only stick together. All classes are de pendent on them, they feed the world and they are the foundation of the gov ernment. v e have since learned that the above was written by Wm. Steele, Hampton, Nebr. New York for Bryan Alfred Henry Lewis has been inter viewing hundreds of men in New York concerning their action in the coming campaign. He went into the Broker's offices on Wall street, among the for eign population and asked questions of the Americans whose ancestry runs back to the days of the revolution and declares that Bryan will carry the state by an overwhelming majority. He sums up his conclusions as follows: Of all issues, so called, however, it was plain the subject of trusts excited widest concern. This was peculiarly true of young men of ambition and force. "Why," as one man said to me, trusts in their last legitimate expression shuts the final door on anything like individ ual success. The best that a man can get out of it is to work all iiis life for wages. It, the trust system, sentences him to be a servant all his days. No matter how good you may become at whatever art or trade you follow,, rou can never grow to be an employer never be anything but one of the employed. It is a killer to individual independence, and puts shackles on one's spirit of en terprise. It's the feudal system restor ed, or the padrone peon system of Mex ico. The worst feature of the trust sys tem as I look at it isn't the elevation of the prices of goods: the worst feature of j trusts is uiat tney lower tee stanaara or manhood.r As this man talked so do nine out of ten of the young men of New York, not born to ease and riches, feel. They are Against trusts, and they look on the re publican party and McKinley as the pro moters and champions of trusts. For which reason, avoiding McKinley, they will vote for Bryan. My search for facts, confirmed in twenty fashions, reveals that the democ racy and Bryan are to carry- this state. It is in the air, and will soon gain gen eral advertisement by being in the gen eral mouth. The state, taken as a whole, is no longer afraid of silver nor any plat form expression of it; the state is afraid of trusts, militarism and imperialism. Also, it is aroused over the frauds and venal iniquities which have marched through the present administration toe or heel, one pressing on another in a very lockstep of corruption. F I uffered the tortnree of tlie damned with protruding piles broupht on by constipa tion witb. which I was affiicted "for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell. la. and never found anythtritr to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man. " C H. KKirz, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la fcfXS CANDY S rnaot mann ecatrrifrco gf Pleatant. Palatable. Potent. Tste Good. 1 Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c 3ie, &c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... BtariiBt 1Ub4t Crapu?, fklca, tr.!, Hw Tf. 31 hUl U'Ohl) gl.ts to Cl'K Tobacco Habit. Woeinpener's Dm STORE DRUGS,PAINTS,OiLS,GLASS A full line of Perfumes i and Toilet Goods.' i - 139 South I Oth St., Between 0 & N Lincoln, Neb. . V. v VTHE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. ' The republicans of the United States, through their representatives in national Convention, looking back upon an unsurpassed record of achieve ment and looking forward into the great field of duty and opportunity , and appealing to the judgment of their countrymen, make these declara tions. ' v , : - . It will be noticed that these declarations do not reaffirm the platform of 1896. The partxby -its. legislation .has so . departed from the principles "upon which it gained power that such a reaffirmation would be ridiculous. It . would: hardly do say that we reaffirm pur declaration made four years ago and" pledge ourselves to promote international bimetallism, or that our citizens inTurkey must be protected at all hazards,when every one knows that for four years after the declaration was made the administration did nothing" to protect them. Neither would it do to refer to the promise made in the platform of d0 to create "a national board of arbitra tion to settle and adjust the differences which may arise between. employers and employed." These, and many other declarations, made in 06, it would not clo to reaffirm just at the present time, so the platform starts off without an reference to the principles of-the past. . : The expectation in which the American people, turning from the demo-.".' , cratic party, entrusted power four years ago to a republican chief magis- ' ... trate and a republican congress, has been met and .satisfied. When the ' people then assembled at the polls after four years of democratic legisla-' tion and administration, business was dead, industry- paralyzed and the national credit disastrously impaired. - . The country's capital was hidden away and its labor distressed and un- ' . employed. The democrats had no other plan with which to improve the ruinous conditions which they themselves produced than to coin silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 The republican party, denouncing this plan as sure to produce conditions even worse than those from which relief was sought, promised to restore prosperity by means of two legislative measures a protective tariff and a law making gold the standard of value, The people by great majorities issued to the republican party a commis sion to enact these laws. This commission ha3 been executed and the t f republican-promise redeemed. The things denounced were as everybody knows, the well established and long defended doctrines of the republican party. With the exception of the silver re. publicans who have since left the party, the policies of Grover Cleveland had the support ofvery republican and only of those democrats who assisted in the elec tion of McKinley. Johp Sherman, Allison, Aldrich and every republican of prominence in the United States senate defended the policies now denounced as democratic, and they nevei could have been forced through congress except for the aid and assistance of the republican leadership as it now exists. This denun ciation then is a denunciation of their own acts, and if they really believed that the policies of Grover Cleveland were wrong, destructive and against good public policy and really desired a reversal of them, that convention would have nomi nated William . Jennings Bryan instead of William McKinley. Bryan fought Grover Cleveland and his policies with all his might, While .William McKinley, whom they nominated, supported and defended the things that this convention now denounces. If they believed those charges to be true, they would certainly have given their endorsement to the man who opposed tham instead of the man , who defended and supported them. . . . Prosperity more general and moro abundant than we have ever known has followed these enactments. There are no longer controversy as to the , value of any government obligation. Every American dollar is a gold dollar or its assured equivalent and American credit stands higher than that of any nation. Capital is fully employed and everywhere labor is profitably employed! , There never was any controversy about the value of any government obligation. There never was a time since the days of the close of the war, or even during the war, when a government obligation that did not have the exception clause in it was not equivalent to gold and all the time these obligations have been at a slight premium over gold in all the markets of Europe. There has never been a time when American credit did not stand higher than that of any people of Europe, as is proven by the fact that Europeans have come here and invested ther money to the amount of 3,000,000,000 in preference to investing it in their own countries. All sorts of American credits have been the best in the world, whether it was bonds of the nation, states, counties, municipalities, or investments in industrial pursuits. They are still so in all fields of investment in industrial pursuits, except in the stock of trusts which have been fostered and , grown up under the protection of the McKinley administration. No single fact can more strikingly tell the story of what republican gov ernment means to the country than this, that while during the whole pe riod of 107 years from 1790 to 1S97 there was an excess of exports over imports of only ?3S3,028,497, there has been in the short three years of the present republican administration an excess of sports over imports In the enormous sum of $1,433,728,094, and while the"1 American" people, sus tained by this legislation, have been achieving thtseo splendid triumphs in their busines and commerce they have conducte4iafii4ri?)iviPtory concluded a war for liberty and human rights. The first part of the above statement is a falsehood. It is the first time in the history of party platforms in this country that a glaring, notorious and barefaced lie was incorporated in the official statement of a national convention. It is a fact known to all men who-have any knowledge of statistics that the exports of this , country have exceeded its imports by about 84,000,000,000. All the economists are calling for an authoritative statement of what has become of this immense sum of money. All statisticians agree that we have shipped ;out of this country in the last thirty years many billions more of wealth than has been returned, and, according to the latter part of the statement, the impoyishment of the country under the McKinley adninistration has been greater than was ever before known. They say that in the last three years we have shipped out of this country $1,483. 728,094 more of wealth than we have received in return and call that the crowning glory of the McKinley administration. If that process is kept up, it will only be a question of time until the whole wealth of the country will be transferred to other nations. This process has been going on ever since the present financial sys tem was adopted and will continue until it is wverthrown. The impoviershmentof the country is a strange thing to exult over and a-k the American people to con tinue, but that is what this Philadelphia aggregation of millionaires and , trust magnates put out as their platform. " No thought of national aggrandizement tarnished the high purpose with which American standards were unfurled. It was a war unsought and pa tiently resisted, but when it came the American government was ready. Its fleets were cleared for action. Its armies were in the field, and the quick and signal triumph of its forces on land and sea bore equal tribute to the courage of American soldiers and sailors and the skill and foresight of Republican statesmanship. To 10,000,000 of the human race there was given "a new birth of freedom," and tok the American people a new and noble responsibility. t , To be deprived of self government is indeed "a new birth of freedom" a birth that freedom never knew before. Burke Cockran one declared in congress that, "taxes were badges of liberty." The republican platform makers have advanced a step further and have dicovered that when a people have become a subject nation they have experienced "a new birth of liberty." To a thinking man this is only i ridiculously thrasonical, and he will musingly wonder what these "new and noble ; responsibilities" can possibly be. We endorse the administration of William McKinley. Its acts have been established in wisdom and patriotism, and at home and abroad it has distinctly elevated and extended the influence of the American nation, Walking untried paths and facing unforeseen difficulties, President Me- -Kinley has been in every situation the true American patriot and the up right statesman, clear in vision, strong in judgment, firm in action, always inspiring and deserving the confidence of his countrymen. It was announced in all the newspapers that this platform was the result of the collaberation of postmaster general Smith and the president. It must have been Mr. McKinley himself who wrote that paragraph, for after the recent history con nected with'the message concerning our "plain duty" toward Porto Rico, to de clare that McKinley was "firm in action," would require more assurance than the average republican has. In asking the American people to endorse this republican record and to renew their commission to the republican party we remind them of the fact that the menace to our prosperity has always resided in democratic principles and no less" in the incapacity of the democratic party to conduct public affairs. The prime essential of business prosperity is pub lic confidence in the good sense of the government and in its ability to ; deal intelligently with each new problem of administration and legislation. That confidence the democratic party has never earned. It. is hopelessly inadequate, and the country's prosperity, when democratic success at the polls is announced, halts and ceases in mere anticipation of democratic blunders and failures. . , The menace to industry has not been in .'democratic principles, if by that we mean the principles first enunciated by Jefferson and which were applied by Lin coln, but in the repudiation of those principles. That they were repudiated under a democratic president and that repudiation was sanctioned and upheld by the republican party is a matter of history. The menace to industry a menace that was effectual in almost stopping wealth came from Wall street, backed up by the great bankers who control the republican party, when they sent out their circular , to the little bankers to stop all credits in 1893. There is where the effectual men- ' ace to industry lies today and the power that sustains the republican party.. . . We renew our alleeriance to the principles of the crold standard and d. - clare our confidence in the wisdom of the legislation of the LVIth con-, . -. V. f gress, by which the parity of all our money and the stability of our cur- . ; rency on a gold basis have been secured. We recognize that interest rates are a potent factor in production and business activity, and for the purpose of further equalizing and of further