V June 28, 1900, THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT !1 franiad ef 3Qrt fa the two llttla worda. aad fee lifted ber band, tbe a wfta the rteg on the Sager. aad kiaaed St. ' ' ' Ye; tb raa wtw pet tat rinj a yenr Cage. Ph. besft ! fc'aa till ber eyea eclipJ tb iara. Io joa thfak yog tov tae rettr taaa be doer he eald oftly. Y3t kaowa toe only a few isesstb, aad hebe Lm knows me all fc27 Br - ' - - - Tbe yong taaa groaned- "Tont tea tae oa Wrt Lira. Lola; 1 couI4at Uad mm iMM rvn Hi rvn "r bo - " ' , .at ................ - .. . - - .-'. v , . " , . . . si . ' . , . ., ; n Ttl W OF WW a a m HEL .. -Bat I &x." User were bsrryiag cpa la tbe road above J beta. aad tbo f-lckcrtag i:bt of m lantern cat yellow amath. !a the artigbt. tSh beat low er, and axla Iter Up brui"d hla fore bead. "Yea woelda'l waat rae not to love cy own father, would yea? It vu &otbcr"a Has, a 94 be gara it to gsej" Thia vii bow St eatae abotxt that the tr.ajor. costing barfly with aa iniprv tretrber bora by aa aaheo bued I11. fuend tL yyosff C5&fl a til feet with Lcia ia hia anna, aad wbea ILJ tad all gene bar k to tbe bouae It tack the better half of a freab cigar a I!ceUa part aad two chargiaga cf tbe lumz ateattaed p-p a tbe caaJora to work ocr tie erplaaatSoa a the Tli shadowt veranda. Wbea it waa taade. tbe om of ooe Iavid Jarkaon race cp far trial aad eatenee. Tle'a yoah tuaa. zay wa." aid the major. Of coire be' a grand rascal, aad lt'a ysb privilege to ead Llta to the coal tula-, but" "Est a &um genfienjaa wtrchla't Invoke the law brmw a a igaorant Cjrro w&s terri!l"d tj!:h to ktiock Urn otra, 70a wocVl aay. Well, oei tLe Ln I. I directly, tie taa beea ta iJ-s.z. f xakls tae tbe bajpkAt Kia TL!a may arrwet for DarlTa re a P7"ra.-w tlus lawa tlree daya liter kn UuIl waa afia a raeat at tbe iULoo cottace. Tbey were waitlsj far Mao ej Lay to call tLem to tflaser, azwJ Ktmell waa a!owia tl tyr aa4 tte pkrtarea takea oa tbe eTeatf cl et ealac tf aywaulta aal bajFtoe. "lie look peawrcl eaomgb bow. aai J tbe jwez-t ctaa. wlta a glaace at JJitid. -You'd bardly recoaixe hixa a ll" fallow wbo pje3 for tiiia." TLe otocrejib waa a atody la feroc ity. ai4 tb" litid acar stood out oa the j'irtorM tce tika tbe welt of a broad wL!jIab- -ira airsjly bomfytas." i4 Lola, i!:o1 jerlsr- "But tbat la a beaatifol fctcre of Maa rVptny. Coroe here, tuatitay, aad e Low ya look to other 'Tbe airiesit aegreaa bad lost eoaae out to aaaoaace 2in-r. aad abe Toucb efrd to ocre tbaa a ia;!e eoateap tuou eye iwwp. -Hub: lat Ue aifgaJb wearb tae? No. tsa'asal. I aial ao-wba'a nigh aa i ok aa vpzlf aa dat," T2e be caccbt a!cbt of tbe srratejae ferocry. Taw de Lawd'a aake. yotieg; cjabateb. rtni me tlat oae, pleae: WbaWba'. yo git utr liutat-ll gae ber tbe pkture. aad eac siic?re tbe 4i eye died witb tear. Dafa taj Oo'te Waabia'toa AUg aaxlab LHeksea. rroed ap aa coxoe to be a asaia, Iat'a de aame tear wbut be got mjlxutt tie ole bvt UTe la c4 aiia kttcbeo! OX taabteb. wba yotj all g.t datr Tbe raaa o tbe lawn bad dropped tla rake aad atarted toward tbe boaae. Tb? cisj'Or roee. "I xslatruAt Iar4da your own boy, aure exoarb. laaxacjy. I recollect tbat ear Etyeil. be declared. And wbea tie old worn a tottered down tbe atepa. wtrb ber treoibbog anna apread wide, tbe ao?t bearted reteraa aeixe4 cpoa tbe two yoacg jeopl aad marched tbea ta tbe fart ber end of tbe loug eraiMia. I reckon tbe diaaerU bare to wait awSJIe." be aaJl. SLea beea walUag tblrty (rU year, yoa know.' After wbldh. witb aa iarloalT arm awt-ep. laeaiit to eoer a apeedy retreat lato gseraUti. -"Do yoa bare any mo delirbtf a! pmpe-t than thla up yooder la yemb rocotry. Ir. ItcaellT" And tbey diecmaed tbe view and kllltTd tic: wltb.aet pcroe. while arrraad 03 the frost atepa aa id negro tuother rocke-1 berelf back and forth. eryiBg aoftly aad trying to bold a atal wart giaat la ber anna, aa a be bad locg ago beld ber loat maa-efc!ld. On SItreb IS. Sboecbeia wrote to Faraday: "I ata enabled to prepare Ic any quantity a leaner wtkb. aext to giin pd. cart te regarded aa tbe moat rsrabutlMe rebalance known. So la CamtraLle ia thla matter tbat a he Isg l-rocght In eoctact wltb the l!ght et t;ark ft will instantly be et on re. leartrg hardly any trace of aahea. aad It tbe coca bastion he cacaed witb la clord eaca a Tiolent explosion tike rlace. What a hall I do wltb that ctatter? Shall I o2er It to yocr gOTern arret T Harlag perfected hia remarkable dla eoTery. be visited England la Acgtist wltb tbe view of aecarlcg patent right. a&J be then write to Faraday aa fol low: "Tbe affair wbicb ha breagbt rae ever to Erlaad refer to tsj explosive eerttoa. whleb I bar ao tsncb Improved that it ba all tbe appearance of be rosJcg a faereroc rival to ganpow CT. A to Ita explosive power. gaa cotton. a 1 call It. I rery trpertor to powder. Ia given caae one part of It doe tbe work of foar part of gtia powder. ad trader tbe moct faTorabie c5 rears vtaae the force of gca cottoa If as two to one that cf powder, la tbe coarse of tbe lact two tnoath I bare taade tsaey experlaient wltb cansoa. mortar, rifea. etc, and ob tained reslt which I am allowed to call highly atisfartory. Tbe aame rsay be said with regard 10 blasting rock. letter &f Farraday aa4 gcaoeabe!a nnin w fifiT Rfc'fpnnn Ofo) m (m? nnnrprp THE MOST That ever, happened in this or any other state. The goods are here and will be sold just as advertised. Do not allow anything to stand in the way of your at tending this sale iii person. But should you be unable to come, make out a list of your needs and allow a friend to select your share of the good things to be had in this sale, and thus save yourself one-half the regular price. Q v V No Goods will be sold to Peddlers or Merchants to sell again. These Bargains are for our Patrons. fiats at Half Price ... Globe COc soft hats go at 33c Globe 90c soft hats go at .49c Globe $1.50 soft hats, of all styles, go at ..75c Globe $1.75 soft hats go at .89c Globe 12.00 soft or stiff hats, of all styles, go at v. 98c Globe 12.25 soft or stiff hats, of all styles, all new and up to date, goat... $.8 All Globe $2.50 soft or stiff hats, all bought for this season's busi ness, go at $1.48 All Globe soft and stiff hats that sold at $3.00 and $3.50 go at . ..$1.90 Globe Straw Hats at Half Price .v . For Men. Boys, and Children Globe 10c straw hats go at 5 c Globe 20c straw hats, goat 10 C Globe 25c straw hats go at I50 Globe 35c straw hats go at I9c Globe Globe Globe Globe Globe Globe 50c straw hats go at -25c 75c straw hats go at .38c $1.00 straw hats go at. ... 48c $1.25 straw hats go at ,59c $1.50 straw hats go at..,....75c $2.00 straw hats go at ... . .$1.00 Crash Hats At Half, Price Globe 20c crash hats go at 80 Globe 35c crash hats go at ..... I5c Globe 40c crash hats go at .9c Globe 50c crash hats go at. k 25c Globe 75c crash hats go at 39c Globe $1.00 crash hats go at ..50c Men's Light Weight Underwear at Half Price Globe 30c Underwear going at. . . . . .7c Globe 40c Undcrvear going at. .... .19 C Z3Pa In addition to the above Bargains we will allow you to lay in a V The Prices will be Squared ARM SLBE . . " FOR Positively this sale of the Globe Clothing Company's Stock is by far IMPORTANT IV1 Globe 50c and 75c Underwear going at 39c Globe $1,00 Underwear will be sold ; at 69e t T - r Globe White Shirts at Half Price Globe 50c, un laundered White Shirts go at... I.. 25C Globe 75c laun dered or un laund'rd White - Shirts go in this sale at 39c Globe $1.00 and $1.50 laundered White Shirt, (Wilson Bros.) come in long or short bosom, open back, or open back and front, go at 69c Fine Negligee Shirts at Half Price These goods bear the mark of ' Lion Brand," " Wilson Bros.," ' Manhat tan." Globe $2.00 Negligee Shirts go at. . 90c Globe $1.00 and $1.50 Negligee Shirts goat... ...69c Globe 75c Negligee Shirts go at. . . .49c Globe 50c Negligee Shirts go at. . . .29' Some of the above come with two de tached collars and separate cuffs, others have cuffs but not collars, while others have attached cuffs. Neckwear At Half Price Globe 50c, 75c and $1 Ties go in this sale at Globe 25c Ties go at. ... . . . . ... Globe 20c Ties go at . . ... . . . Globe 15c Ties go at 39c l7o lOo 7o 1 ; 0 STRONG MKTS Mm KPS, RN.1D MEN, BOYS, AND CHILDREN, HT ;r;::--' ; r;:v-;:'V;V.V v",v Tlen's Everyday Shirts at Half Price All Globe 75c all soft or part laun dered Shirts go at.......49o AU Globe 60c all t , soft or half laun ' dered Shirts , g . at.....l 39o All Globe 50c soft - - Shirts go at 29c All Globe 40c . I: Shirts go at 25c All Globe 35c phirts go at 7o A. few special and r broken lots of Men's Shirts 'go at ...... .3c mm Night Shirts At Half Price Globe $1.75, and 2.00 Night Shirts go at. . . 98c Gl obe $1.00 , Night Shirts go at ........ 49c Globe 75c Night Shirts go at. . . 38c Hosiery At Half Price Globe 50c plain or fancy hosiery at. 29c Globe 40c plain or fancy hosiery only 23c Globe 35c hosiery in plain or fancy only 7c Globe 25c hosiery goes at. . . .... . I2&C Globe 20c come in plain or fancy colors, only .... 9c Globe 15c hosiery only ........... . . 7 c .Globe 10c hosiery only -.-6c Globe 10c hosiery, all seamless and ? 1 fast colors, go at.'. ............. 3&C Handkerchiefs At Half Price Globe 35c and 50c handkerchiefs. .. ;23c Globe25c and 30c; handkerchiefs. , .7c Globe 20c handkerchiefs ..... . . v. . . . c Globe 15c handkerchiefs. . . . . . . . . . . 8c Globe 10c handkerchiefs ..... . C . . . . . 5c Blue handkerchiefs ......,. . . . . . . 3c Special white handkerchiefs. . ; . . . . . .2c Turkey red handkerchiefs. Ic illtiilliili illfi A i: 1:155:1 i t H i nfl i M s Mmm iBtmm . M C S nn.ww i ' MaM El J S3 HlllllltHltltllll ! lttriMiiitif J J ' IK CLOTH I NO LHHeLW. NEBRASKA ERGANT I Suspenders Rt Half Price Globe 50c, 60c, and 75c suspenders go at ...33c 1 Globe 40c suspenders go at. ,. . .9c Globe 35c suspenders go at ......... 17 C Globe 25c suspenders go at ........ . 130 Globe 20c suspenders go at .......... lie Boys' suspenders 15c, 11c, 9c, and. . .3c Collars and Cliffs At Half Price stut Pi -f.": Globe 15c Collar (Barker Brand) b! go at .tc8C Globe 25c Cuffs (Barker Brand) goat.. . ....... I2C Globe 12c4-ply Linen Collars go at 7 c Globe 15c 4-ply Linen Cuffs go at. . 10c Globe 15c Cellulein Collars go at. . . lie Globe 25c Cellulein Cuffs go at. . . .. 15c Globe 10c Celluloid Collars go at . . . 5 C Globe 12c Celluloid Cuffs go at.... 8c Paper Collars 5c Dress Gloves At Half Price Globe $1.75 Kid and Mocha Dress . Gloves go at ... . .. . . ,. . ... $1.19 Globe $1.50 Kid and Mocha Dress . Gloves go at 79c Globe $1.00 Dress Kid and Mocha go at .................49c Work Gloves at Half Price Globe's best $1.50 Buck Gloves go at 79c Globe's $1.00 Work Gloves go at., ,57c Globe's 75c Work Gloves go at . . . .49 C Globe's 50c Work Gloves go at . . . .23 C Globe's 35c Work Gloves go at . . . . 7c Belts at Half Price Globe 75c Belts go at Globe 50c Belts go at . .; Globe 35c Belts go at ...... Globe 25c Belts go at ...... 33c -29c ... . . . (9c . . . . . I lo LE supply of Globe Heavy-weight Underwear. EVENT Small Items Not " Mentioned at Half Price Globe (Scriyen's elastic seam) Draw--, ers, $1.00 grade ........... . . . i . 57 Grobe 75c Middy Shirts for little fel- ' Elsewhere lows age 4 to 10 years, go at . . . . . 490 -l Globe 75c Summer Coats go at. , . . . 39c . Globe $1.25 Alpaca Coats go at . . . .69c ? Globe $4.00 unlined Serge Coats and , Vests go at . . .... ... . . . . . . . $2.25 Globe $5.00 blue Serge (unlined) Coats and Vests go at ........ . $3,25 Globe $6.50 unlined Serge Coats and ; Vests go at ................. .53. 95 , Globe 10c gold plated Collar. But- ."' ! tons go at.. v... . i,. j . ..... . . . 5c ' Globe 15c gold plated: Collar But- " . tons go at. . . .... . . , ; . , . ; . 80 r Globe 25c gold plated Collar But- ; : a. a ' am tuns go at .40 Globe$1.00 gold Cuff Bottons go at 57o , Globe 75c gold cuff buttons go at . . 39c x Globe 50c "gold cuff buttons go at . . .2o All Globe scarf-pins go at exactly half , , price. " ' .':'Vv , Globe 25c brownie overalls go at. .'. .3c Globe 50c brownie overalls go at .... 29 0 Globe Check Jackets, ? regular 50c goods go at . i ..1 ............. ..35o Globe 75c Overalls go at . . . . . . . . . .490 A BALL AND BAT GIVEN TPREE With Every Boy's Suit at: $1.50 or over during this Sale. COMPAN