) June 21, 1900. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. I GREAT PECIA INQ UE SA "Winding up an unusually large spring trade has left us with a fine stock of goods, though broken in sizes and lots. We are fully determined that no goods shall be left over. We know of one way, and that is give you good, clean, straight, this year's goods at extremely low prices. -Not simply a few lines but EVERY UI1E III THE HOUSE WILL BE SUBJECT TO L CLEAR Boys', Men's, and Children's Clothing; Boys', Men's, and Children's Hats; Boy's, Men's, and Children's Furnishing Goods, Summer Clothing, Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, in fact everything in the house at 25 per cent discount. The following goods (being contract goods) are excepted: Knox Hats, E. & W. and Barker Collars, Manhattan Shirts and Overalls. All other pds in Clothing, Furnishing 6oods, and Hat Department at 25 PER CENT OFF PLAINLY MARKED PRICE Er All !! CO !-&' Suit at . . , 113 .7) 15 CO 11 25 12 00 9 00 z 50 to 7 50 i :) srj S ( O - - 3 73 E W 3 CO Ail $10 Ci l4o Suit at . . . $ 7 50 (J 0 00 ; x - 4 r j . tf) 3 75 i ' rj 3 00 1 E 3 00 1 2 W - " 1 50 i :j - l 12 E5 A!I Stn ti OC Hats at . . . f3 00 ,1 00 " 2 23 J .V - 1 M 1 50 1 Vj 1 12 1 (. 75 All I- Of Straw Hat at . . . f 1 50 i :o l 12 l 75 7'j - - 57 :ti - - : -r - io iO 7 AU tl -V tin at tl 12 1 tJ - 75 r ; - 3 J5 - 19 All livery at ... EE -r.- p- 7tc iiiiiniinniiiiiiiniiiiHH FROM THOSE WHO KKOW Lttra rr Wli He Iirle4 tW Pivatlan Wt ti. If you hzrm any doubt a to the qual ity acd durability of tb- prts.iuiu watch w o?.t for c loM of t.w ulwriptioc. rad 1L f..n'o ir.r !tt-r frru totrje of tboMr who har r-cied it- We hare v-rai tun Jnd rrir' like tLeai. and have crrt-r bad a n..!air.t. AN KYi: OPEN Eli. Rarw!!. Nb-. Jut 12. lifJ). Editr lcdj-adect: Watrh cace all right, ac4 fcajcy LLack tr jtu ftr it- Your tj-r i an rj e otE.-r to city o. js. Wtli try to fet tLre. 1 bare br-n tak tt nearly rv-r wsr1 it trt-i acd xrrt to kc 1 ran to rd it, a&d tbn I wilJ prt woe- to rai it to l. Your a eer.?o. Jiiirtt. n:o! niujTHEiLS. Sviiard. N-b.,Ju:.- 1-1. l'.'O'J. - Editor In ir-cdE.t: Tb two jresiiuta watcL w rrfited bare k-t zttrd im aci iro-n ery -atf actor. John Ilat-fcr-s. Jr. Erwin Haneii. BETTEK THAN EXPECTED. Nape, N Jute II. 1 '.... -Editor Icdep-cdr.!: TL- watrh cau. a!!! right aod ii letter thaa I ipe-ted. It 1 1. T 7L S V 1 I SUPEP.IOI: TO ANY. 'imz! UJ -mi u L I f t . 1 . t..l.L t .:iEirr;L4i no premium wa dired tiat tfc- rrii 4 . rao" a tL- Jy reward eipcJ. la j acr.LMwr r.e w "na;tuhjectioa:becauMi of corruption apt to a mr.ae rre-.iua anyway. e wi.a , w 1T rriucm lor me n- Kn ct our friecd. atd in add.tion the ; prfa.jii "ri" a,r"i"util,Q ti rwmjsiur.it v wfce it i -nt. Mr , - ;- i-r . o..- uw M-ni m fcaty larce bt of 'nU-r, We , isr tt Le y . Cr. Net, Jtr.e II. 1X.- Editor Icdepetdrct.TLe watch i girirg rery l?w3 Ufction. It tezu tu time a littU. a&4 ba bees i-ft ab-ad Mver&l tiiDM usee we got it, but tL regulator ba tut ben ooted et. Tbi i located tboat kail way lietwe-n V aad S. I bali try ixmr-g Wward F. wbich will cndwbwUy cake it all riLt. I gave the wat-i to OLe t-f tuy oc, who Las bees carrjir it cutstituaily wtre it was reor-jed frota yoa. We cos-id er tbeiqUered Goth and Visigoth and stood watdti wenh ail E03- Ji OCr I Would DOt t-II aueh fross a watch of tbi kicd a one txmUt-S tet tfteea tinie ita price, but ft- a ci-aj watch. &r oce custirg no more thaa it dor. I tbitk tbi ejual if cot ftupencr to xy that I ever uw. How frTer, 1 tu wntic. will eay that I be UeT tbe recurtiuQ ia price cf the lode Indes.t a letter mducemect for new stcrb-rft txao aey other kisd of pre mium t.at ytu couid Lave offered- Am yre tLat I coild iret asctber large lijst of ww sWi;Ur if ocly I had time to go after tir mtich. I Late been ia- PMTV Special Sale of Shoes. Same LOT NO. tanned tanned rows sale, a teading to do as soon as my time will Trmit my leaving home. Perhaps I cannot pet away ustil after harvest. Will fcend io a name whenever I can get oae. Andrew Y'oung, Jr. GOOD AS AX EIGHT DAY CLOCK. Peru. Neb.. June 13. 1500. Editor In dependent: I received the watch sent S out a a premium all right. It has given I good satisfaction so far. Kept good time with an eight day clock ngtt along. I think they are well worth the money akei fcr them. W. W. Smith. Fairbury. Neb.. June 14. 1000. Editor Independent: The watch i-? entirely (Kati-factorr. It is a good time piece. t Trais Clemmons. HIS FIRST WATCH. Arizona, Neb June 10, V.W. Editor Independent: I handed the watch to oce of mr bovs who is going to school It keep good time and he is well pleased with the prize, it being hU first watch. ! Hucce- to the Independent and our fu- , ion ticket till; fall. II. C. Lydick. FACTS ABOUT IMPERIALISM IIUtiy of 'Uon- Ii"ult to Conquer- ur-lnflnrnr on Trlf ami Indnfttr r May lipwt 1 rom it. Iiitr Inderendent: Of the causes which have seriously crippled or brought ! about the downfall of cations in the i I past, not a few can be traced to the lust for coD'iuest or territorial areTandize- ment becau of the ill-will and jealous conluent upon such action, be- chxli 0f the large standing armies esrv to keep dissatisfied province neral among officers stationed in di.,Mt tirxjviDce, and measurably in dependent of home government, and becau of the tyrannical di-position. or t aiiuyi prupeiiura, ui lauuuug atuui- tioR of SUch officers. A few instance in fcJ storJ Und out pr0minentl y in which oce or more of these causes have com passed the serious hurt of nations or their total and irretrievable ruin. Koine extended her power over all the known world, in the end to come corrup tion, dissension, debauchery, and effem inacy at home, and dissatisfaction, re volt and rebellion abroad. Her re sources were at last exhausted by her 1 va-t armies, so that she who had con turn oocquerea oy ooui ana v lsigom, who swept down .from the north upon her fertile valleys, laid waste her fields, pillaged her cities, looted her treasuries and desecrated her temples. Her mighty legions, her invincible cohorts, led by conquering Cav-ars with scream ing eagle along the banks of the Dan ube. the Ilhine and the Rhone, proved in after year a source of weakness to the tate, with exorbitant demands lm poskib!, of esU-Jyjrg ia the tnenex FIVE Lot 65. 210 pairs Ladies Fine Vici Kid McKay Sewed, Silk Vesting top, warranted Shoe, new Derby Toe, best ciak tanned soles, width A to EE. sizes 1 to 8 our regular ? 2.00 Shoe, special sale, a pair, $1.25. 1C3 pairs of Misses Black Vici Kid Laced Shoes, extra quality oak tanned soles, fine drill lined, Eng lish back stay, sewed with best bilk, the best $1.50 shoe on earth at $1.15 Shoe, sizes 8i to 11, at 98c. 1 Boys' best American calf skin, heavy oak soles, English back stay, new London toe, sewed with 3 best silk, extra heavy drill lined, widths C to EE, worth $2 anywhere you go, during this pair, $1.19 hausted state of the revenues and only ppeased at last by the crown of empire itself, purchased for a price by one of their leaders. Other examples are not wanting. In the fifteenth and sixteenth century Spain rose to power, wealth and afflu ence. She extended her empire by con quest in the old and new worlds. Fleets of merchantmen poured a constant stream of wealth into her coffers. She became the dominant power of Europe, and the world stood aghast in contem plation of her resources, opulence and strength. But her days were already numbered. Full to satiety, she became proud, arrogant, aggressive and defiant. The nations invaded her territory to avenge the wrongs they had sustained at her hands. Her colonies revolted one by one and gained their independence in pitepf powerful armies sent at enor mous expense to subdue them. Her re sources were exhausted and debts accu mulated in the vain endeavor to main tain the integrity of her empire. Torn by dissensions and loaded with obliga tions, she is today but a shadow of her ormer self, a third-class power among the nations of the earth, with an effote aristocracy left to dream of former gran deur in the sweat of a slavish popula tion. in the last days of the eighteenth century a new power came upon the scene in the person of a Corsican lieu tenant. Placing himself at the head of the French armies, he overran and con quered southern Europe, stabled his horses m the Caesars, drove the Austrian power from his throne, thrust the de scendants of the Great Frederick from their heritage and fought and won bat tles in the shadows of the pyramids. But a day of reckoning came. The armies of Europe massed in force, over threw the mighty conquerers, banished him forever from Europe and left France to recuperate as best she might her wasted energies spent in the vain glorious task of boastful conquest. Su :h in brief is an imperfect outline of extension of empire in the past. No sadder requiem was ever suns than would be the story of conquest drawn out into detail, depicting wasted ener gies, bankrupt treasuries, fertile valleys; devastated, cities pillaged, death, de struction and desolation everywhere, all to "gild the tombs and embalm the mem ories" of the ambitious, the vain-glorious, the selhsh, the unwise, the unscrupulous and tne unjust. It is the peculiar glory of. the past of the United States never to have been engaged in an unjust war, or to have ex tended her territorial limits by force of arms, iter traditions are traditions of peace, of justice and of liberty. She has striven to rise to power by means of the energies and ingenuities of her people applied to industrial pursuits. Those energies have not heretofore been wasted in wars of conquest, but in defense of liberty and right. As a consequence her wars have been few, and she can look back with peculiar satisfaction to Bunker Hill, Princeton, Saratoga and the Brandywine, to Lundy's Lane and New Orleans and to Chattanooga, the Wilderness aad Gettysburg. At the same time she has been the champion of liberty on this continent and her peo ple have viewed with peculiar deligh the onward march of freedom and inde pendence on this hemisphere. Any at tempt on the part of the powers of the old world, said Presidert Monroe, in PER - 107 pairs Men's Fine Vici Kid Shoes, Hand Welt, Sea Island Cotten Lined, uppers sewed with best silk, finest quality oak tanned soles, all widths, A to EE, our regular $3 Shoe, the best on earth for the money, during this S ale at, a p air m ail Orders given prompt attention. MAYER 1822, to "extend their system to any por tion of this hemisphere would be re garded as dangerous to our peace and safety, and consequently encounter our opposition. In 1803 we added Louisiana territory to our domain by purchase from France or 1 15,000,000; in 1819, Florida by pur chase from Spain for $5,000,000; in 1848, a large tract by purchase from Mexico or S 15,000,000 and m 1807, Alaska by purchase from Russia for $7,200,000. Nearly all this territory was contiguous, compact and sparsely settled. Into much of it our settlers, trappers, hunters and traders had already penetrated, so that we were virtually adding to our ter ritorial domain a country already pre pared for statehood, they were admitted nto the union of states. So natural, so imperceptible, had been our growth in territorial extent, so simple and peace- ul had been our advance to the Pacific that it is doubtful if one American in five hundred had devoted a moment's thought to expansion before the battle of Manila bay and the publication in a London paper of an article from its Washington correspondent to the effect that the whole American public had at ast resolved to burst the bonds of ter ritorial confinement and had of a sudden bloomed out as violent, uncompromising expansionists. Soon after the war with Spain ended and later on we purchased the Philip pine islands from Spain for $20,000,000, with a war of indefinite duration. The reasons for this extraordinary procedure have never been fully cleared up, and probably never will be, for reports are conflicting. Some of the defenders of it say that we purchased them as a salve to Spain's wounded pride, others as the gateway to China and the trade of the orient, still others because of the need of coaling stations in that quarter of the sriooe. etc. xne president; nimseii aoes not throw much light on the question, for he says at one time that we pur chased the title to them, though he does not say why we did it, and then involved the question in a still denser fog by as sertiner that they were given by the hand of God. But let that be aa it may, we got mixed up there somehow, and a rather uncomfortable muss it is, all things con sidered. An analysis of the situation is about this: 1. We proclaimed, war against Spain for humanity. 2. We conquered Spain for humanity. 3. We made a treaty witn fepain by wnicn we purchased the Philippine islands and a war for conquest for $20,000,000. 4. We sent a governor general (whatever that is) and a lot of subordinate officers over there for the Philippinos to take caro of and a standing army to take care of the Philippinos. . Meanwhile the government is at im mense expense and to make the matter still worse our standing army has been increased enormously, and, as the waiter says in Oliver Twist, "this boy asks for more. Just what the future will develop only conjecture can say, but it looks now as though our soldiers would be kept over there chasing Otis' ignis f atuus in the shape of Aguinaldo until a few thousand of them are some day ambushed and massacred. Then a cry will go up that this "rebellion" must be put down if takes a hundred and fifty thousand men to do it. Thereupon more men and more bonds will be voted and the "rebellion will vanish and nothing of it all will re GENT $2.2'9t main but the standing army and the bonds, which, like the poor, will be with us alwavs, they being a necessary ad junct of that higher civilization of which we hear so rauch in these later days. Our bibles do not tell us anything about bonds and standing armies in the celes tial regions; therefore, the presumption is that the dwellers in those famed climes have not reached the highly civ ilized state attained by mortals here be- ow. But we are told that expansion is ab solutely necessary on account of our growing industries. The idea is con veyed that without extensive possessions throughout the world a vast commerce is impossible of attainment. In urging this reason for expansion its votaries have overlooked the fact that the great est commercial aations of the past have not been those of extensive territorial possessions. Venice, -small in area, and with an impoverished soil, dominated the world's commerce for a thousand years, and in the middle ages, situated on a few islands of the Adriatic, repeated only in lesser degree what Phoenicia had done. ith comparatively limited areas Germany and France in our day have each an extensive foreign commerce. Here we are referred to England as an example of the mightiness that may be attained by reason of a colonial system and vast territorial extent. But Eng- and is not a case in point. England's colonial system is a system of paradox at most. England is the putative owner of colonies which she does not own, the pseudo ruler of nations which she does not and dare not rule. Let her raise her hand in opposition to any well conceived and pre-determined plan of Canada or Australia, and the last vestige of her as sumed authority over these countries would be swept away forever. But if it be granted that she owns and rules these immense possessions as she pleases what does it amount to by way of argu ment? The United States is not now, and nas not Deen tor a century and a quarter, considered a dependency of Great Britain, yet Great Britain's trade with this country amounts to more than 10 per cent of the grand total of her pos sessions, ur tne aggregate of tfritish foreign trade, approximating $2,500,000, uuu, annuany, out aooux ou,uuu,uuu, or less than 25 per cent, is done with her immense colonial possessions. This country, without colonial possessions or the expense incident thereto, has a for eign trade approximating $2,000,000,000, annually. Thus it is seen that the ar gument for expansion as a means of se curing foreign trade and an outlet for surplus products has no foundation in fact. TT . WW . w e are assured, nowever, tnat ocean possessions are absolutely essential to secure to us the Chinese trade. Men speak as though we had never had Chinese trade, and yet we have been trading with China for more than thirty years, or ever since Anson Burlingame negotiated a treaty between that empire and tne united States in 1808. Eng land has been on the borders of China for a century and a half and yet her ag gregaie u-aoe wiux imna in lsab was but $42,000,000, as compared with more than $20,000,000 for the United States in the year 1897-8. Meanwhile we have been developing a vast internal empire comprising approximately, 3.000,030 square miles territory, while England has had little else to which to devote her energies save this of trade exten DISCOUNT BROS., sion. If Daniel Webster believed in a sys-- tem of forcible expansion, it has never been asserted that he said so. 1 et he believed that we should have a great oreign commerce, and advised his coun trymen to go to the sea. And, perhaps,, if we had heeded the advice of Webster, supplementing it ; with more rational navigation and commercial laws than those which we have had all along, we hould now be fully abreast of Great Britain in respect to foreign commerce, notwithstanding the vast territory which we have developed. Jefferson has been held up to us as an expansionist, and by implication an ad vocate of forcible expansion. Jefferson sent Lewis -and Clark to the Pacific coast in 1803 to explore the region of the Columbia river, and negotiated the Louisiana purchase with France. Hav ing made the purchase he consulted con gress with the utmost expedition and was careful to safeguard the inhabitants of the territory in all their constitutional rights; but " he who . manumitted his slaves, who abolished primogeniture rom his native state, who secured relig ious liberty for the people of this coun try, who was the first of anti-slavery ad vocates, never in all the fifty years of his political activity, usefulness and human itarianism was instrumental in the shed ding of one drop of human blood, save in the cause of liberty and against op pression. Of course it costs money to expand. We paid $30,000,000 for the vast stretch of territory extending from the Missis sippi river to the Pacific ocean and com prising an area of 2.000,0Q0 square miles approximately. We paid $20,000,000 for 111,500 sq. miles on the Asiatic coast and we have been spending money ever since on a war with tne inhabitant of the ter ritory, so that these islands, like the In dian's gun, will cost more than they come to, to say nothing of the violation of that principle of our organic law, which says that all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed In the meantime we are so situating ourselves as to excite the jealousies of old world nations, get ourselves mixed up in European and Asiatic quarrels, and becomes involved in interminable controversies,- disputes and wars, to the neglect of our own immense territory, capable of supporting a half billion of people, with its agricultural and mineral resources to develop, its railroads to ex tend and its varied industries to multi ply. Besides we must have a large standing army, kept up et an enormous expense to the people and to become permanent charge upon their industry and a perpetual menace to their peace liberty and pursuits of happiness, for no nation can extend its authority over for eign territory by force, without incurring the ever-present danger of revolt therein In burdening our people with a large standing army we shall outrage our tra ditions of a hundred years, ignore the teachings of the founders of the govern ment and defy the sad experience of the republics in the- past, -r But little less tOT be dreaded, however, in the acquisition of insular territory in Asiatic waters, is in the incorporation into our body politic of people alien in race and civilization and ignorant of our traditions, our laws and our customs. with the constitutional right to exercise the franchise upon an equality with our best and most; -enlightened citizens. Nor is it improper to mention the danger eior to our laboring classes of the importation of-the-Malay races to, compete with and ower the wage of the American laborer, or the dread ' of introducing into our country those diseases peculiar to Asiatic countries, and which have ever been a scourge of their people and successfully resisted the highest . medical skill to eradicate. The efforts of Washington to avoid en tangling alliances, . ambitious desires of conquest, and to busy ourselves with our own internal affairs, are peculiarly ap propriate to out present situation, as they come down to us through a hun dred years, filled with the. wisdom of a sound mind, the patriotism of an ardent heart and the glory of an untarnished name. . r In conclusion, if this nation shall go down to future ages in story of virtuous similitude, it will not be by reason of wide expanse of territory, great armies, mighty navies or- Vast accumulations of aggregated wealth;. but by reason of the thrift, comfort and happiness of ' its masses; by reason of tne grace and vir tue of its womanhood, the strength and honesty of its manhood; by reason of the intelligence and rectitude of all its citizens, their love of freedom, their ha tred of tyranny and their inherent dis position to uphold the right and punish the wrong; to uplift' and. protect the weak and the oppressed and stand in mighty phalanx against the strong and the oppressor. " - - E. S. Jo E.s. Rising City, Neb. - Gut Rates on F. E. h M. V. Special Excursions Northbound, The Nortnwestern Line, F., E. & M. V. R. R., St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ka- sota, Wausa, Minn., and The Superiors, on June 21st., July 7, 8 ,9, 10 and 18, and August 2, at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Good until October 31, 1900. Call for tickets and other informa tion on J. D. JACKSON. C. P. & T. Agent. 117 So. 10th St. Special Westbound Excursions. Northwestern Line, F., E. & M. V. R. R. Deadwood, Hot Springs, Rapid City, S. D., Casper, Wyo., Denver, Colo rado Springs, Pueblo, and Glenwood Springs, Salt Lake City, and Ogden, on June 21, July 7, 8, 9, 10, and 18, August 2, 1900. At one fare plus two dollars for round trip, good until October 31, 1900. Call for tickets and other informa tion on J. D. JACKSON, C. P. & T. Agent. '-' 117 So. 10th St. "Daylight Special" to th National Demo cratic Convention at Kanna City. On July 3rd the Missouri pacific will run a special train to Kansas City for the Traveling Men's Bryan Club, the Jeffersonian Club, the Bryan Home Guards, the Continental Guards and the Free ' Silver Republicans, which will leave Lincoln at 11:00 a. m. and arrive at Kansas City at 5:55 p. m. Hagenow's famous band will accompany the train and. it will be specially decorated for the occHsion The rate will be only $5.75 for the round trip and tickets will be good to return until July 9th. , For further .information call at city ticket office, 1039 O Street, Lincoln. F. D. CORNELL, C. P. and T. A. ,