THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT June 211300 in!!UH!lHIffi!!lin!I!liniI!!IIl!Il!!I!illIIIl!!l!ltH H Send In your Mail Order at once, if "you would take advantage of these H " - BARGAINS 1 1 Hosiery, Underwear, Men s rurmsmngs. S SPECIAL HOSE AND VEST SALE. ' I-adie fat lilack 1jot, worth to 15cf per pair ' - - . . j Qq EE H LaHV fa-t black drop fetitch, seamless, worth 17c, per pair - . 2 I-2C S IadiV fat Mack ho-, plain and open work effects, worth to 39c - . 25C EE Bvs bicveb hw-e, extra fine quality, regular 17c goods, this sale 12 I-2C EE I'mfirAlll fWifll kadie and linen twilled umbrella, on steel rod, with rjaragon frame, fine QQf EE LiiiUlWIiU ajrllUl a&wrticeot of bandies, worth to tL50 EE Ftffn fc bfiffirn shirt and drawers in dark and light shades, patent finished seams, not OZn r AUtt wiaad acj he-re tinder 37je. 3 case on sale Monday, each m..Ld r Vpry riATinl dozen men fine percale, madras, etc negligee shirts, the celebrated STANLEY brand, ivij viui with without collars and cuflf. our 75c, fl, and 110 lines, lf- 7C 0,J AO- i srd isto Li lot iyC, i DC anil V0C 5 All the ruew season's stripes and figures. Fast colors. Mention the color you wish. EE Charges Prepaid on EE of Sa.oo and Over E Miles cf Lincoln. . PREMIUMS FOR EVERYBODY frtmrtr. tmampmlzm IU-k, Crwqttet ft. RiawwU I rwfc Knit a. M4Mlif faMitra PrrHlciatfaf rip tl. With the object asd for the pur pose of putting t!:e Indqiendent xslo crtrry Trj:!iit home in Ne braska and adjoining states, and inlo the hacds of thousands of con - ciesik2S but doubtful voters we have made arrangement to give a ;lmkaxti:i:i watch or oth- Kfc VAtUAiU: FSHMlrsi to everv can, worna, or child who will as . Mit in increasing the circulation., flic watch is a nickel jAzvtd, stem wind and tem fact, complete in .every particular, guaranteed for; j ear. ,1th a ... watch .. that re tails ax all jewelry stores at from six to neves dollars. We can make the liberal cfTtr we do only because (in connection with another pub-, li&hex ; we have bought them in lots of iooo watches at a time. We could get a cheaper watch than the one we offer, lmt we prefer to give A GOOD ONE OH NONE, To make a long story short, it is a splendid watch, neat in appearance, a perfect time keeper, satisfactory in every particular, guaranteed one year. ir-y.L v Terns Fcr ftmm Watch. Xo. 1. For sale, each - $2.00 ZS"o. 2. The watch de cribed and the Inde pendent i year to a new subscriber - - 2.50 To. 3. To all subscribers on the list at present (who pay up all ar rearages) we will send the watch and the Independent for another year for - - 2.25 . H TiiS I a 'prrial off w to i?ret rad rffcM iaprt w&ewwira pafms.t of back tutiU as4 r-ira 4 aslcactt ba taken t a&ta of It I t.Kf ba ara ctet air4 o Lfaa A TOWN DESPOILED ati, llrimtiug r1f and Ml-ry tm Tliad. 0?dEbsrg. X. Y., Juxe 9. A bunco frarae as &et a aay practiced on the Bcnrery t th ltt development of Trit oettfid-. TL -tefr ia this rtpaisr ibtioe i co other than Ed wiz Goctd. who ict hi representative, (Po&osel Wallace A. Down, to Ogdens bcrj ia 1 and ic44 the people what a fx titter it wocli be Xn hrv another Xarjre rcatch factory eej-'oyiej IjOOO or xuor !LAnd, whee ware would eon tribst to the prosperity of the town. Tt tp cooeum-d heartily in Ed wia Ckrald cbetr.e. the paper teemed - with hi etrt-rie asd public .jnaas C3tanr .rr as of praise to the ias& vt Oou.i- Cokfl Down " gently iticatM that it mould be a mark of apt reciatko a&d a sot proper thing for U 1 pj0 cf Oitdeiisburg to f unah Ladies' jersey ribbed vests, all sizes - Ladies jersey ribbed vests, taped, all sizes, regular Tie - - - - - Ladies fine ribbed vests, taped, all sizes, low neck, worth 10c - - - 7 I-2C Ladies jersey ribbed vests, in white, ecru, and . EE colors - - - - - - IOC Ladies fast black hose, good weight, extra EE value, per pair - - - R I-3C dr:. No. 4 . The watch free as a premium for 12 CAMPAIGN SUB SCRIPTIONS at 25 cents each - - - - - 3.00 NO. 5. To those who can not get as many as twelve campaign sub scriptions .we will send the .watch for 5 campaign" subscrip tions at 25 cents each, $1.25, and an additional $1.25 in cash .... 2.50 Additional Premiums, No. (. Eleganf Photogravure Prcture of Mr. Bryan, free as a premium for a club of 3 campaign sub scribers at 25c each - - 75c No. 7- Three' valuable 'cam paign books "Coin on Money, Trusts, and Im perialism;" "Private Smith in the Philippines" and "Imperialism Ex tracts from Mr. Bryan's Lectures and Speeches" all three free for a club of 5 campaign subscrib ers at 25c each - - -1.25 OPTION Instead of Coin's book we send Bryan picture to thoe desiring it. No. 8. The 3 books and the Bryan picture will be sent as premiums for a club of S campaign sub scriptions at 25c each - 2,00 No. 9 Fr a club of 12 at 25 cents each we offer as a premium a genuine New Haven Alarm Clock, finished in fine nickle plate, works guaranteed to be as good and better than any other clock on the market. They sell for IL23 and fL50 all orer the United States. No. 10For a club of 5 at 25 cents each we offer as a premium your choice of these elegant fans (a) and (b). fa). Highly decorated Japanese Fans 10 inches long, handsome figured stick, beautiful flower decorations, gold and silrer tinsel sprays, etc, white and colors. (b). Decorated Marcelene Silk Fans, decorated wood sticks, pretty flow er designs on silk; colors black, blue, pink, and cream. the site for the proposed match factory, as well as to make Mr. Gould, who was a needy and worthy young man, a pres ent of 110,000, in recognition of his philanthropic proposals. Colonel Downs carried the day, and the hat was passed for Mr. Gould. The subscribers to the fund numbered over &GQ people: No one was slighted. The boot-black, the cartman, the street clean er were all permitted to contribute from twenty-five cents upward. Clerks and ci?ar makers letter carrier ers, small dealing but large hearted merchants, all chipped in from one dol lar to ten and upward. : Bankers, law yers, clergymen, large . merchants and moneyed men generally swelled the sum uatil it was large enough to satisfy the Mr. Gould. It took some time to collect the money, for but few of the contribu tors were men of means. , Most cf them were day laborers or small salaried clerks and town officials, and they had to wait until they could spare the sum subscribed from their wages. In some cases the gift was a decided sacrifice. Women helped out the men and by sewing, washing or working in stores earned the money to induce Mr. V 3c 5c LINCOLN, NEBR., and PEORIA, ILL. No. II For a club of 7 at 2o cents each we offer as a premium tais Beautiful Curled Feather Fan, 12 inches long, decorated .wood stick, colors white, pink, blue, and cream. No. 12 For a club of 4 at 25 cents each we offer as a premium a Boys' 2-bIaded "Griffon" steel knife, horn or rosewood handle, made by the - celebrated maker of fine keen edged knives, Griffin, of Bridgeport, Conn . Retail value all over 50 cents. No 13 For a club of 10 . at 25 cents each we offer as a premium a set of 6 Wm. A. Rogers fine Silver Plated Tea Spoons. The name is sufficient guarantee as to the quality. Sell in Jewelry stores for f 1.25. N0 14, For a club of 15 at 25 cents each we send as a premium this Elegant Close Woven Hammock, body 72 inches long, 32 inches wide, 10-inch vallance, full color. 2 bent hardwood spreaders and pillow, as in cut. Express pre paid. No. 15 For a club of 16 at 25 cents " eaeh we send as a premium a first class 6-ball croquet set, striped stakes, arches, rules, in durable case, express pre paid. We believe that we have placed these elegant premiums within the reach of everyone. There will be much of interest, during the com ing campaign. No one will regret the payment of so small a sum as 25 cents for the Independent from now until November 6. It will contain a yast amount of informa tion that cannot be obtained in any other paper. It is the most fear less champion of the rights of the people to be found in the west. It is first in the fight for 4 'equal rights to all and special privileges to none." Why not take advantage of this liberal offer to secure a valu able premium for yourself- or your boy and help to increase the circu lation and influence of such an ex cellent paper as the Independent? Ce Utbraska Independent, Lincoln, Jlebr. Gould to build a match factory here . Over $3300 was thus raised; a lot was purchased costing $3,000 and turned over by warranty deed to Mr. Gould, president of the Continental Match Company; $5,000 contributed by. the citizens of Ogdensburg was paid into Mr. Gould's hands. In due time the building was complet ed. "Hundreds of people flocked to Og densburg to secure employment in the match factory. Real estate men built scores of small houses to accommodate the factory employes, and the town boomed in anticipation of increased prosperity. Property went up, and 2,000 were add ed to the population of the city; $17,417. 5) was the total sum to be paid over to Mr. Gould as soon as the wheels began to move. The amount was subscribed and the people stood ready to remit the unpaid balance as soon as Mr. Gould completed his part of the contract, which was regularly drawn and signed by the trustee of the city of Ogdensburg and the representatives of the Conti nental Match Company. - The city was on the tidal wave of pros perity. Another match factory, the Ad- w irodack, had already located here, the people generously contributing fj,uuu. - When the great buildings of the Gould factory were completed, the ma chinery in, and all in readiness to start, then a great combination of capital, representing $15,000,000 swooped down upon the townv and Gould betrayed the people who had put 8,000 into his pock et, and sold out to the Diamond Match Trust. The magnificent 'factory, was aband oned, the thousands of people who had come here to earn honest wages were told they were not wanted, and scores of newlv built houses were left tenant- less. The blow to the town was a stunner, and though; two years have passed, the laboring classes, real estate owners and merchants have not recov ered. Simultaneously the Match Trust ab sorbed the Adirondack factory, threw 300 men out of work and abandoned the buildings and dismantled the plant. Thus two of the principal industries of the town werejpripoa4at one stroke, and the 500-people Tof Ogdensburg who had contributed so generously to GoukTs pocket were filched of their sub scriptions. for despite the protests and demands and threats of the subscribers and the board of Trade, Gould or the Diamond Match Trust refused to re turn the $3,000 to . the people or the city. Delegations have, .called v upon them and individuals hate written Gould, but he turns a deaf eat 'ad- a . closed door upon all their entreatiesl "It was a million dollars in his pock et," who paid $500 to the fund, "and what did he care for our rights? He could afford to fight us in the courts in definitely." The city of Ogdensburg is admirably situated for a match industry. Its proximity to the great lumber mills of Canada, and its unequaled water route down the St. Lawrence to the Atlantic make it an ideal spot for that particular industry. But trusts wave aside all lo cal conditions and favorable appoint ments for successful competition. The best way to meet competition is to wipe out competitors, is the Trust mot to. Edwin Wildman. Would Renominate Mr, Smyth Franklin, Neb., June 13, 1900. Editor Independent: I notice in the World-Herald that John O. Yeiser de sires the nomination for governor of this state, and Elmer E. Thomas the nomi nation for attorney general at our com ing state convention. Now, I do not know whether Gov. Poynter would ac cept a renomination; but if he will, I believe the best interests of the state require that we nominate him. The re cord he has made during the present term surely should give him a unani mous nomination and an election by an overwhelming majority. As to the. office ;of attorney general, I do not believe there is another attorney in this state who, under the present cir cumstances, is equal to the present in cumbent for the "work devolving upon that office. His success in the many prosecutions for the' p'eople of this state in that office is remarkable. I have never had the 'pleasure of meeting Mr. Smyth, and I only know him by the re cord he has made. It matters not that it would be a third term, the best inter ests of the people of this state require two more years of his skilful services. Of course the Standard Oil Co. and other powerful law breakers would be glad to have a change in that office, but the people can- ill afford to take the risk of a change at this time. C. J. Smyth is the man if he will ac cept a renomination for attorney general. i H.WHITMORE. Money la Horse Radish. Ilorse radish is extensively grown by market gardeners near large cittes. It requires a very rich, deep, rather moist soil, and is raised from sets, that is, thin pieces of root, the trimmings of the pre vious year's crop, cut into pieces of four to six inches in length. The land should be well worked before planting. which has to be done early in spring. In field culture the. sets are planted in rows about three feet apart and IS inches in the rows. The planting is done by simply making a hole with a pointed stick, dropping the set so that it is about three inches below the sur face, and then pressing it firmly with the foot. During the first month or two the ground has to be kept well culti vated and clean; later, the leaves cover the entire ground, so as to make culti vation useless or unnecessary. Keeping Winter Sqnaahea. My method ofkeeping a few winter squashes is somewhat different from that generally recommended, and suc ceeds so well that I will give it for the benefit of any who may wish to follow it. On the approach of winter, before thereis danger of freezing, the squashes are placed in a cupboard in the sitting room, the door being left ajar through the day, and closed at night in very cold weather. It will be jseen that the tem perature of the room is considerably higher than is generally recommended, often reaching 70 degrees. The Hub bard squash has been kept in this way till May entirely ' sound, and might have been kept a month or two longer if de sirable. On the approach of summer they lose their fine grateful taste, and are no longer fit for epicures. Ameri can Cultivator. -'B0BEL8 If yon haven't a wjrulax, healthy moement of the bowela every day, you r atck. or will be. Keep your i Ttolent physic or pill poison. Is dangerous. Tbe Bmoomesu, easiest, most perreci way ox seeping im bowels clear and clean Is to take Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Sever Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c J5e. SOc Write for free sample, and booklet on bealth. Address Sterllac Krwtfj CKpuy, rfaa, Inlml, Swm Ic. 3ta KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN BEOTFORTHE YVM CANDY I ( 1 la CATHARTIC yy TJIAOe MAUN ItMISTVKCD f f2 met A WARM HOG HOUSE. Strnctnre Largre Enoagh for Three Sows and Litter Deaerlbed for- x an Inqnlrer'a Benefit. The accompan ylngcut should fur nish what you wish. The size can be changed to suit your own notion. If you do not raise corn, the crib can be dispensed with and the alley can be made a little wider, with bins "and boxes for bran, middlings and peas, etc. To make warm, it should be double board ed,with building paper, bet ween. The two partitions between the brood pens shocld be made to slide in like granary hoards, so they may be taken out and all thrown into one room for fattening purposes. Yards can be made at back: for runs. " The doors Corn (rib 5 X 24 "E3 -EE3- a - - - A . A LLEY 524 V 9 V, r IT rrt Brood Pea B c i -PI-AN OP HOGHOCSE. TTT, Feed Troughs; AAA, Places at Bottom of Crib to Scoop up Corn; B, Nest, with Fale Floor, three or four Inches above Level of General Floor, to keep It firy;' CCC, Outside Runs; DDD, Doors in Al!ey, to change hogs from one pen to an other. opening into the alley from the pens are very convenient in changing hogs from one pen to another. The brood pen 6 should have a south ern exposure, with a large window for each pen, made low down, so the sun shine can reach the little pigs. Notice the temporary floor in the nest part, to keep bedding dry. This can be re moved when you wish to fatten hogs. The partition boards, etc., can be laid on brackets or pins above, where they will be out oF the way and always handy to get when needed. The floor should slant back from the feed troughs about four inches in the 12 feet. ' Don't be afraid tq haTe plenty of windows, for hogs need lots of light. If you wish to raise early pigs and are afraid of their freezing, build a temporary house over the nest about five by six feet. This should be made tight and warm, with door in front large enough for the sow to go in and out easily. If the weather is cold, keep this door shut at farrowing time, and when the pigs are four or five days old remove the temporary pen from over them, so they can get sunlight nnd exercise. Don't neglect doing this, for upon this may defend your success.- Country Gentleman. Animals have sense. They Respond Readily to Klndneaa avnd Are Snre ta Reaent Crneltr and Ronshneaa. The farmer cannot too fully under stand that all' the live stock on his farm with which he is brought in daily contact will partake more or less of his personal moods. If he kicks open the barn doors in the morning and thumps the old mare with the shovel or piichfork to let her know that he is boss cf that ranch, even the hens will be nervous and out of sorts all day. It is the placid, even tem pered farmer who has docile stock. If he leaves the kitchen door for the barnyard singing "The Sweet By and By." he will find his cows placidly chewing their cuds and his hogs grunt ing contentedly in the morning sun. A horse understands when he is sworn at, and it embitters . a cow to threaten to break her bak ,with a straw cutter. A pig in the pen which receives a- cheery "Good morning from the owner will fatten . twice as fa6t as the one which climbs up to re elve a olow from a club. It Is so with the fowls. The farmer who puts on a benevolent, fatherly expression as he scatter xhe grain will find every hen doing her best that day to lay an egg to proyt her gratitude and confidence, while the one who scowH and mutters and tries to knock some hen's head off with a clothes prop will find himself feared and detested. M. Budd, in Ne braska Farmer. Sheep Rnnnlna; In Ftelda. In an article from the Ohio Experi ment station it is suggested that when sheep run out in the fields in'the win ter they destroy many insects, as well as weed seeds. There are places along corners and hedgerows where j the grass is too green to be burned, ; being thick and matted down, and the sheep will feed that closely, and any insects which are harbored there, which is such a place as many choose, are either -trampled to death or-left so much exposed to the weather as to cause them to perish. We usually burned such places as clean as .- we could to get weeds and dry brush out of the way, and then trusted the sheep to do the rest, when we kept sheep I have known cows to lose appetite and shrink in milk yield, following the feeding: of dry roots. The earth and day clinging to the little rootlets did the bad business. For Congress, First District, George WV35erge r - - t - , Mr. George W. Berge, named by the f usionists for congress in the First Nebraska district, is a native of Illinois. He was born near Peoria on July 21, 18G4, and was raised on a farm. . His parents afterwards removed to Bureau county. Mr. Bergo attended the state normal schools at Valparaiso, Ind., and Diiorf, Illinois. lie graduated from the latter in 1S87 in the scientific and literary department- Mean while he had been teaching school, and his total experience as a pedagogue ex tended over six years. ' Mr. Berge entered the law office of J. W. Watts,, dean of the law faculty at Dixon, and was afterwards . in the law office of S. II. Behea, now United States district attorney- fox the northern district of Illinois. He was admitted to the bar in lS90jp and immediately came to Lincoln. Here he hung out his shingle and has remaiaedeVerlsince. He is the junior member of the firm of Morning & Berge. All of his relatives have been republicans, but Mr. Berge followed the flag of Mr. Bryan frorn the"l5eginning. He was elected county judge in 1895 to fill a vacancy caused by IW Lansing's failure to file a bond in time, but he never enjoyed , the emoluments 'of the office, Lansing carrying the matter into the courts. Berge won in the suprtPif court; but just as Lansing's term was expiring. Mr. Berge had the united suppaRi of thei populist conventions in 1890 and 1898, but gave way each time to the insistency of the democracy 'that they have the nomination. This district is normally republican by a thousand majority, but with the disaffection in the republicau ranks and the popularity and ability of Mr. Berge to make a telling campaign, his election is practically assured. Weak and trembling, unsteady of hand, uneasy of mind. Frightened at trifles. Tortured by an indefinable feeling of fear. Excited by noise, oppressed by quiet never at ease. Irritable and miserable. ' Forerunning symptoms of Nervous Prostration brought on by a debilitated system and over-taxed body or brain. THE CURE is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. w': They bring new life to worn-out sufferers- 'send rich blood tingling through every vein, soothe and strengthen every nerve. They have restored to the Paralytic the use of his limbs; to the victims of Locomotor Ataxia and St. Vitus Dance the full control of the nerves ; have raised up the sufferer from Nervous Prostration; freed thousands from the pangs of Neuralgia and1 Rheumatism, and saved the lives of many who were threatened by Bright's Disease and Consumption. At all Drt!ista or direct from tba Dr. WtUlams Medicine Co., Scbnec- t tdy, X. V.. postpaid on receipt of price, 60c per box ; aix boxea, 92.50. Special Exeuralons to Colorado and Utah la the Chicago, Rock Island Jt Pacific Railway June 21, July 10 and 13 and August 2. Good returning until October 31, 1900. Denver and return, f 18.25; Colorado Springs and return, f 18.85; Pueblo and return, $19.00; Salt Lake City and Og den and return, $32.00. For further in formation, apply to , E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P. A., Topeka, or F. II. BARNES, C. P. A. Lincoln, Neb. , 1,000 Magnetic Healers Wanted The Kimmel Institute of Magnetic Healing is healing all manner of dis-eas- : bv mail, as well as by ofuce treat- I ment; but the office treatment is best in most diseases; so tnat wo desire to start Branch Institutes in 1,0 -m towns. To do this we must have 1,000 gradu ates from our Institute, we want them to teach our lectures and instructions, because there is nome so good as ours. We want them to treat under our in- cfmotlftTic nr -WA ran Tint vouch f nr their success. We allow you to choose your own location. W e guarantee good pay for good work. We treat all our man patients personally, cd not by proxy. We cure 90 . per cent. Mrs. Kimel has , charge of our lady pa tients here at the office. It is always best to take our office treatment if you can come to Lincoln. Address. J. W. Kimmel, v Lincoln, Neb. Mention this paper 318 So. 12 St. -"; v: v LINCOLN Tent & Awning Go. Wholesale manufacturers " and retail dealers in Tents; Awnings, Wagon Cov ers, Flagrs. and camp . Furniture. Tents and CAMPING OUTFITS TO RENT. LINCOLN, NEBR. i ancers Why suf fer pai n and death ured from cancer? DR; T. O'CONNOR cures cancers, tumors, and wens;' no knife, blood or plaster. Address 1306 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. . . , W. M. Bayard Second-Hand Store We have bargains for you mos t every 1 day, in funiiture, iron bedsteads, stores," ran ges, gasoline stoves, window shades, carpets, (iueenswaregiissware, tinware and granite-iron ware. 1325 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb. , c