The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 24, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    Hay 24, 1900.
A Mighty Labor Con-:
fronts the People. j
Totally Depraved, Ic Menaces
Cur Institutions.
tr icons at fuelio cnsiox
R.hb rr aj.2 Mardrf i r- I ; tlj.sC-s.iJ-ses
ail, J l.u;ktr TW1 rs. t a
irr Ita Attaiaiirtiaa I'ostal
'raaala la bW Tfear Tjit-tr Are
lia ' Miaat.a TUe- Vttaimalrr
lis Bxnr-c ia ffa!l.dr lj.aia-llaBft
-a. I o r- Tliltoi.-. Uwr raalaji,
'-j;-- V." . v., 1,- " . r
T,e v.rj ..f i!t-ft,U- aad Li i!-aa.s-a;f
cf ta- a a -La i fatad-ar la
tLe rjrt cf 2L"Hzh ol-J mud
ti-r-',;.-r-, i vii a stranjre
fa-vla-xtl-.: t- r tar Laaaan talnl a.d
r-:...ia t-j tL: '. ' x a j-rf' ri;.aB'
witli vli'L t. -i.rf el iLlLf.
r-.ll f a- .-. :. Lt. liu: a cr-:it.-r
Li i.i Iatr. .'f lli-rfUW
It u u' -ri....u-sl !-r aj.-r Ic
tLs j-ar f t j Ui-u-fra!- all lLat
t - 1 ...
i t;..- iwt tLi? K-'u-Ly
X't--r. L L:; ! i-M-J i? .j
tLrf'.r ctLr j -,? jin.i-al war-
fir. V.'L-tIi r j.txtT lil.aLi ;
t! a ir.-s ij -f r;rtu- u
j.ri.yy c-f rr it L . -ul'.';-f &-
i-ft -r & ' : .u l.i foriu. r
Lia -!' :l !- Xi.iiwtrta. La Lt't;;:;; to
ly K l'
daraiASt .: -f Li ta i. ,-." Ti-ty
tuni-r-4 L':a ta r 4 1 VI f.jr tLe
Lit-- I.L.-3 t--rt!.J ii.,.rnc c-f L-.Mla.-; on
X'i a f-ar jaitry -i'M. TL- aul
L'-r.;.Iit;r.--r -Tain j-.a ?! :-.'ry w l,U-h
fa-!y arr v-j t-j Jtf !f aii :-,n-. ail
1 art,.' r. ili i.Lr;tr. aU j-r-tri- li-u !
TL- fa-t U at
i vrtt r
1:.? 1 . r -5 I - '-a . - u u..ri-
c-i't TT:L.ri; fa t:.. f uJ cuwartlljr
s,!.-.-:ai!,--a f -...ti;-!;;T. TLe
lv-rs twT-r Ii 1 fe sa-rv fritaiiiil ul
t. t.-Lv-rr-' t tj'a? tLat tLat. Tb- jiaj-r
tay tLat Tat--r Las l--a taii.t"l a
3 ac-"1" ! -f y !- tl.- fait. It Las
t ! vr a 4 s ar-I ! j titr tLat a c-fit'-i'.-'K
e:J Citira?- ; r-'- ,:t!a &5tr:i-y
c'aM n-a"k-t Lrzi t a.j i --- ry aft--r
the fa-!. 1't-raaa L- aa UitL.
r t- aLr f f fair fi:at- cf aay
ut'tf atste 35 I fL- -r-i!t t-f Luraaa
jaktur-. I L''-c L- ::.ay ! a't Via
tatra.- ia:-" a..'- -;-"arly vti
!-;. ;sl t- t: i:-tw .f a i-'.!.t. NVt
thv:t I ot 4arria; fr Taj L.-r 2.11
Li a- Ll"i tu 1 - -i t--r ir-a
t-:r. urt-riy .:a.r?hy cf ti.- t'.r!;
I-H :!.!. L- :c"I-! -t t--.-2i.H- Lis
laa r-t--r- vukl rt-ia-v-.v a Msrt
fr-ja; oar -i.'t-a! ?!:.-- If ST'-Hty.
I L-;-- L- U- Laii'-J ca a pallaw
-4 -:;: L!r:-. s ta t-taxaIf tad
ara:a.; tj cth-r -t'.1--jt.
"T I"c s al Til I -.
Jat rs ta-t- c.-at-y ua r. -v-Mlr.?
Its 1 r-it?i al!-r )t aft a:La.i-t at tL-
iatr''!..-D f.t ss-rat-.-iaa ti--a a a
r,-aai far --t.rtai: aa-i LoMia,? -tlict
raaa- th i- i'-T.asr aaI unrtliatr rt-v-Lat:
.a :T tL TL;.-ry c N- ly aa l
LU j:aa la c.-a LWt- a cia; cf tL'a-I-r
c-;t . f a 1-ar tLy. It is a.- !y
(,:.,:.;! r as a a.att.r I Livr
b .-- a-r iL' t -a avit I. Not
tLat ?L- t- t-ft :s la i - ta- r aj-
Iar t a '-aa at.'-Jt t.:. x-.-pt
tL.' aaa'--:at. ?..--L a"r-aiy x .- -J
II' '. tai !'.'! -rr-.-iac Iaily tL-
as a--r :i--v : t a-l"
Vt it a! -a"- cr di-i St l-I-.-a t-. tLe
l'a;-i "fTer If. Tl.- j.-t-a a lu
Jan-i-ia., lav iL-y vio
latf. ! -a ..-r A a.- WI at xurt
La .''.n-.Li:-.a o.r Ti -::. ? Tl.e
tlir-'vt zrr t-a ta .a. tLat L- y Lad
ttct.-eij rll tL- - 2e:.--a ta.-rueLiy
t-f ,re rca ta.": :a ;:..-. r -M-r-- cf
crtaar-. sa-1 tLat tL y will t-rcugL
t- La;fai:ti r taL:;-:-I f J-at-tke
at-d 13 v 4at a.-o eaj.-y tL
fra. c-f tl.Hr "r.;a-.--.
Ia tLe aa-a-L-c lie Vz-l.r.zzz
p.-f L--'-.ra ortala ttla; t Lici
aaaae It re-"l-.f. It i f-aaa. ;.r-! cf
if-"KiaL-T aal iI-Uia!ri3. bat It
ware ell rnn-d tLat i-reaker sre
shes-l ia tLf fw.L'Jw;aj T.aorva e-d-Strasl
S 4: t . -i a .trT i t rrj ?,
as-fs;-t or j a t rr .
jr a . ts . . .- - ... I ii ' a
j tr eu-. .t amt r-r - T'v a"1 f "V
r t-nT." ,rl ; .. a a."X f.-" -. i ti
l".-i-,-i;s Jt t- ?!. er-jr-"r- fy tb
isrf.-. ,""1- t a 'I i-y
t.-Waa- a-"1! : r"i-t?r it, '--e fco'- -1
i.j.ia ar-i r ' -f r e .- itt
i?-' t -.-&.-. r Iv-jr ---."-.
a " . v-. '. ---; jr. a i
4(t" S'.-e rti.- t-i? . ra
-. t.'..'3 f- - 4s IT""1 ! f"
jsr eaaEita i-i-w.f .- :f Ci- -..-y a.i
ta. t'-Ti.;.i-j - t.r-.jr
T tr r jrl itrtf ir i 1 r ' t i A-aWj-'!
atij t- t. a famafium rs ti. f.rt
sf ;a 4 ; T. s-r- t .? cV:ar is tia-
ta -J t , : -7 t . ao tr. a-i-.t ts a
ri.a-i t L!7va.5 u. r'x'Kis as 5u-a.-J jtrrt-'..-.'x
X s. in iM.jt tijtt f'Tct.xt or iv
W-vt. rr. 73 C:rra.g ct a:.k -rV- c
t-iMrfr r-m; ; ." ;.. i a tsu.iai-rr rj iaas
tl-I ttw Wia.-.. . i"i9 - )
a-t.--V f 4b "3 t."iD.. W fi'it
t-,.. t:. ., i t-f f t ( farara J--e. Ii
t. vrj m: 3 ata c " i;ta i. r jr-a.r;r J t
ti fT". a-4 t"-.-ag-j!':a.. cjr lirJa r.'-jrJia,
tj a: :: ..r r, -.rwrjnB ttt a p-.a
k7 vf mm-Tr j a4 .- i. "tans, if t -.!
Wim-t i tUi t- i.'Mf .! t trrJasIti t ts
aii "sei tat i a. a?.'siwii-''' t r-x-la I
air a !t a-.. -'au;tKe si Taa4tr,
T.. r--j. - tfiai, t4 ti-. UfKmt Lseo
trtSlnI Er-t.i - rf-i.m) i rv BBfstrjf, aajr
"A Vau'i rwr;.-ii urt tu. a -aralatr
fi th sra4a la tb Cuban poial Berries)
suae !- a Ij.n1 H.2tiUAl tfitrt ia tfcia state. It
wtu4 if asy tpoBlt3ca w-r thown to mother
-a IsmlltinUm vr abield fuUty persons, but not
ithTwi. Jl tiers towy of frajia. while a
rittr i-i- flMcuiti recrst. ought nut to hurt the
4aiUittM, la this or any other tut 11 the
e.?"jaf"oti is lTjCf.; asd rhorous'.y dealt with
f-C U th aecery h s is to tbe eatjthliahraerit fcf
a better arstrra aai strvier.
U.X. ixU&. tLia is l La i-Iaio. unvarnished
trvTh. The tooat bitter tiernii-a of tle adminis
trat'.oa ectsul cBtrir fj ita ruia no xacare deadly
fX-iilrttioo tbaa ttM at pearance ct a desire on
it pert li aiJe the facta and screen the crimi
J isgracsful asd atharrest scandal.
TW Asiiea pec-pi re not dupes aad feels,
they ttutxA be placated ty the aacri2c cf one
f tita hm tL-y kj.ow, to their hearts, that there
:h-a r sf not roc guilty. The worst
.: i! at bappc-a to Ur. Mi Kinly is a aus-
j : -! n t'-t a
attir-e hy Lis ai'hjrity. U
t.t tv itr ::;i-r- tU h! ej-iaoie ia the opaque
IZ'.v -f fJ tr chamber ct tabulation
jrt.rr. iuMe iajiry. TU tlunj.-r of Porto
ta. cacJ tie at tfJtLing In cotzyarimai.
Itujverl allam In Caba.
ff cowe all Bjf-d citi7ns of all par-ti'-s
taJ I.cjM-d tLat N-lys cate was
f-aly a f;xra.Ile case of thieverj" and
tlld r: t iulkate that the Cuban-Ameri-cuat
postal revenue riystem is rotten to
tLe ror but latest developments show
tLat Ktivh a bope was destlne-d to dis
t ;;. iat meat. 1 1 uowapK-ars that many
li-iiie the greedy ly were busy gob
tlii.s -;reat srol-s of the public; money.
e. !..-t!. r Cuban cr American I shall not
taa-'ertake at this writing to say, but !
oae or t'other or both. Even the be- J
l jvel RatLIrie sei-m-i to have led the j
ran. Hi. dejre app-are-.l to lx? to dem- j
oa-trate the preposterous cainrs which I
' Jii le cut by "a beggar on horseback,"
or, in this case, a beggar In the post
cf2ce d.'partnu-nt.
If Lad recAgiilze the Independ-
t are . f the Ciiban republic, as we i
f 2 otil-J Lave done, we would have j
vo5!hI this. Lu:re aDd unsavory scan- j
Hl tetUr with many other unpleas- J
aat tLh-R. but when we went in for ;
n,r'5'Mi,n- raintalnii;? a "sta- j
1 'T"v,'r'ur "nI ,ovl"r ber- w ot lnto i
i-li K.-;iS K l UUUKSt" 1U(1 U I iilSl 1UIU UJS-
a'ra-t. cut such an airazing dash
ti at I am pfraid that Republicans accuse me of drawing the long
L..w :f, ia lay own language, l gave
u ao-uuut, i.iasu anu unarma- (
ci. cf J !s ia3iena! goings on and do- j
lags. But Republicans ought to be-li-v-
Republicans, as nolody else will
l-ii-ve them. So I quote Republican
pajrN f.r the edification of Republic-
an riders-those doubting Thomases j
w:o Min tiug tne oe;uton teat there Is
a:.v,f in; gool In the G. O. P.
Here l3 ,
M 'irr-'1 liie asuingron cor- ,
i.-i,:j ience of the Cincinnati Commer-
c:al Tribune, a thick and thin Repub-
beau organ: j
V-.-t Eiti Wi iSfc?-rani einnate cf his i
J- ;-t-r T t a puvrrnnif-ct t-Si.-iii m Cuba
"t'r'-'Tal strava,;c are the subjecU of
in-.-uiirjiti turj- ht-ie.
Ta-a it rjra are H irfjr rc-!ated hr civilians,
iir . '-is t-ra and pon-rntixtit trnr lovf-rs ho haie
r"tm-J from t i?iarl. Thty include ancdot-s
ti Mij -f itatLL-arjf'a taithionabie rf&idence, fumish
1 ail it;rJ out fmta tf.e Calan rtvwiuis, and the
t---nrt-m tit w-gal in which fce lives and en-
A'r-y i; rii(J out cf thes. revenws
Jt Ik S iTffl r.- i'hindkm lanrm witH w.ioti tr.
fT.ti U r.itaboor'a reuJcnce were illuminated L the presidency, and We Still Cling tO
c;"B t:.- . i n t.f a fashionable gratherinj;. j Brvan.
fT lf s i ,jr,rtk "! tiar of j rf hen tbev turned their attention to
lui-trt-i cf duata, but KatLbot'a personal in- . . - ,,
e-c :. r.t t.--r tUreiy. Bmts and yachts making a platform for us. They vocif-a-re
fr. r at the jipom: of Mijor Rath- '. erously assured us that certain victory
ll' frr.da and iru-rta. i o.-.- iau there -as -within our grasp if we would only
net t.-rf-rr e-iiisi.t.. and the Cuban rt-venurs ' , . , ,,, . ..;. 1
t.4:i. ianc ia related htre wo- i discard the Chicago platform, especial
e b -r.-rr.Vrt, hc. fcr.Bounred that ti-.e i- ; ly the financial plank, and get us up a
t'-.i-i ta aa anie'e laudatory of Maj. r new platform meaning all things toall
rHr: J psi at ler diai for men and nothing in particular to any-
at. :r-t.-. J ti t. dunnif whicfi 5i.e vjsited all . . ... . , .
tir ;r.-.-..r-,'.t .t t.---!.. it is said upca au- body anywhere. We were besought
ts r i.-r. (Us Batt.!x-te made f ur visits to the ' by these friends of Democracy, the
l.u-d t-ta:-- axniMnied ly Lis fatnilr, and ofnromonfmiwd TJ editors, to
1 t .jM-it i4 tjrse riits tursd in an expanse bill
ti I-.'.-!. ( it was aih None t.f these bills
f .uj its it to the powttce department .at
Vt ..! -jf... n. Tbe Cuban ryt-t f-rn the outset
hi Ixt-u jraiaicaUy independent cf the service
A Hasraat Scandal.
TLat. Liark you. is an excerpt from
c Republi-:in paper.
If it will not be considered as rub- I
Meg it in. I hereby commend to Re- t
pttblieans this rich editorial from tbe
ILH2d.-i1.hia North American, a Re-
I uf iscan pajer from away back: j
cm TniKvr.s is cvr.x. j
It is rirT-K-ty crsCrtunate f r the pcliry cf i
- .c t:t tLe Crti stteirpt at the ma.iaf e-
n-'t' : i t: r Cut ia si rystt-ra by Arrwncan of- i
V: :-. . -ai L e r ut a fvrtcne jr-tu the pockets ,
ti a t I- It i titif ..rtucate for in effect upjn ;
vj- rs? .' f"r its Jnlamoe upvn f-ut.'ic opinion in j
i-1 I - . : :- ad i-Jt what it fuibod-s as to j
ti ;..i:r- rx,--jf-; cf our colonial oration. j
1. ; Ij ej'm frcn the rnzi-jiatid of the '
t -..'t i "-. It it verrun wit's American ris- '
r..-x t-h'jrati'Jes cf buaiaess cms ar.d politicians.
U-". 3 A-.r:at. ;sd Cubau. cirt-jiale ia both di- 1
r ti'.-i. T t i.-is ttafrrant- w-ar:dl, which ought '
: i l-. L-t. !:- ort-d -tthin a nior.lh, was ii-
).ari t . : on fvr t-arlr a yar ua.h-r our eyes.
T:-e Hulij-t-tPts ere i,uoi ra:?es a tray. Nobody .
.-Tf vho caa stay aw;
I; takfs three
e. :- t- :.u a h-!tf r and f-t aa answtx. If
'. '. ia' rs-r;t tf tur p-s:l drj.artm-nt
t v-.j h-a able to tteil a a atttount various
er a-.t-d at ff-cui STj.OOO to ,000, wiiat .
fcij at
S -r;. are t-rra;.n. Ooe is that wherever
t'-r ttt . ... .i i.a! liability rr.ay ren the United
5:t-s v t X j t;iike this theft pt,od to the peo-
' cf a ;i r-ccer ttvliatevcr it can from I
5-el ii-f la t-or.-i-Tiirn. We are i-iini-i the Cu-
. ..-. - - . . . .-i . r.. . -i, 1 V.,, . .. C .t ,
:i. t rrt caUe of rucma? it f-r them-
W r -.irr-: the rejipoiisifciiity v.ithout 5
ir:jf ii-J, Hid e tan do sjctfcing les than live up
l- hT rertairiy is that we must make atich
ar. ear j !. cf the thief that the rurwa cf it will
U-j the Arcrriran fssf over a de-
r. v-tt t.puion. Seeir-a crime as not me
a--'.;.;, i n;t tr-a.K't. ;t .esas ctrect:y to au trie
t- ill the t'ritej States in -the Philippines
ivi 1 -tih-r. As hij been er.a-;ec asrainst anti- j
!tr;rriat titttus, it will "cost food America
The North
American is eminently
e-rre-t !n denominating these plunder- freo anJ horne of the brave. xOU3 ver.
crs la Cuha "our thieves." They are , rons Yes, we will see whether these
Republican thieves, and It is proper commissioners can be muzzled in anv
that tLe world understand it clearly, j 6uch unceremonious manner. If it can
Th-y are all Hannaitetv-peta and fa- . done Mithout the certain overthrow
Tori:M of tbe sdmiaistratlon. j of thIs pro-EnglIsh administration. then
niarkmaii in pitloeiphia.. j we have Indeed sunk to a low and pltl
TT.e public had not ceased to wonder j able condition. Free speech has been
at that colossal plcca of Republican considered one of the priceless Jewels
ihvery before John Waaamakcr ; of American liberty ever since the 4th
-inu John tartles tbe country by j of March, 1S01. It will be an astonnd
a circumstantial account cf how one Ing commentary upon our decadence If
Abraham L. English, a high Repub-! tho American people are willing to sur
llcaa otllrlal of Iliiladelphia, undertook j render under it now without a struggle.
to blackmail him into illetico ln The
North American by threatening to run
c m uk ua John's private character.
, Joan now pe a a martyr and Is rc
! rrivlrg :A of eccouragfifient
j &j tLat la cjnick rdccc?s!-ja we Jjaye
as manifestations of Republican parity
and Iibt assassination In the dark and
bloody ground, grand 'larceny In Cuba
'and blackmail In the City of Brotherly
Senator Benjamin R. Tillman, like
Collins ram. Is a man of his own head.
A great character is Benjamin. Honest
as the day Is long, plain as an old shoe,
with a head full of common cease
vrhlch, after all, is the best sort of
sense with a lion's heart in his breast,
with perfect confidence In and deep
sympathy with the masses, he is the
Inevitable foe of jobbery and hates a
sham as he hates his satanic majesty.
A most, useful public servant is Benja
min, and a most valuable instrument
for prodding and killing unsavory
schemes is his famous pitchfork. Late
ly Tillman has brought down on his
defiant head the hatred of jobbers of
every degree by exposing the huge
armor plate frauds. He has a blunt,
almost brutal, way of stating the
truth, and he made it redhot for the
armor plate agents in the galleries and
the armor plated senators on the floor.
What Tillman lacks in grace he makes
up in emphasis. He could not write so
good a handbook on rhetoric as Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge, but no man of
this generation can send a fact
straighter to the mark than this great
South Carolina tribune of the people.
He can't be wheedled, bullied or coax
ed from doing the right for right's
sake. He Is a man of vast mental
force of the order of dynamite. He
loves the plain people, God be praised.
and the plain people love him.
Senator "till mart.
Privately be is the most genial and
companionable of men full of kindly
hnmnr n ml rifh in rpniinisppnrfl. I
haye beeQ a t 5a his house and it
wag fl ,ne pIeasure to be there.
,Ie seIectod his guests-public men.
newspaper men, army officers-because
they were his friends, and we got more j
enjoyment out of the acceptance of t
Senator Tillman's invitation "to help j
eat two South Carolina hams" than we j
would out of a dinuer in any palace in j
Europe or America. It is a pleasure to j
kQOW that his re-eiection to the senate
,c ,hcn,t,r rtnin
Since Mark Twain shed such copious
tears at the tomb of Adam nothing so j
pathetic has happened as the interest ;
manifested by Republican newspapers j
as to Democratic candidates for the
vice nresideucv.
T.-V.,. r-i?n- mnntlis tlior 1 VP n5 Jld-
yice in grt,at and imposins: chunks as !
to wbom wc stlouia nominate for pres- i
idont xbev warned nsi against the ;
monstrous folly of nominating Bryan, '
with whom they solemnlj averred that 1
we caunot win, and begged us piteously
. . A A-W
K jjuiuiiinicr ovua tyvu lul v 4 . fevvu
i sort of fellow with whom we could
win as though Democratic success
were the one thing dear to the average
Republican heart! That was effrontery
stupendous enough to please Old Horn-
ie,mmseir. ut ve pam uo aiieuuou ,
to his imps or their suggestions as to j
le. himself. But we paid no attention
run witn tne nare ana noia wun tne
hounds otherwise we were rushing j
headlong to the demnition bowwows, j
Still we paid no attention to these
modern gift bearing Greeks, and it 5s
now an assured fact that the Chicago !
platform will be readopted at Kansas
City on the 4tn or July. .o, uarrag j
n despitefully used by the Demo- J
crats as to presidential candidate and
platform, learning nothing from their ;
repulses, they blandly come forward j
and offer to name for us a vice presi
dential candidate. They are persistent
in this matter, but will make nothing
by their motion, for the Democrats
who will be in charge of the K. C. con
vention will do as they please.
McKltaley l'p Against It.
The probabilities are that the Mc- J
Ilanna administration is up against it j
at last in the Boer-English affair. It is j
difficult to see how they can any longer j
refuse to show their band. It is well '
known that the Boer commissioners j
are not only in the country, but in the i
capital of the nation. It is also well j
known that nine-tenths of the Ameri-
can people, without reference to polit
ical affiliations, sympathize with the
Boers, and. what's more, they want
that sympathy officially and emphat
ically expressed.
There is also a deep seated suspicion
that the administration, sympathizes
j witu England in its murder of the two
heroic little South African republics.
If this suspicion grows into positive
knowledge, William McKinley will
stand no more chance of being re-elected
president than of being translated
i jn a chariot of fire after the manaa of
the prophet Elijah.
It is hinted that the powers that be
have conveyed a hint to the Boer com-
; missioners that they may be seen, but
' j..,, not hp hoard In this Innd of the
hilars nil
At one time the celebrated musician
Logier was organist of the parish
church of WL, where his family resided.
This church was at a considerable dis
tance from any dwelling house and was
approached only through an extensive
burial ground. To add to its loneliness,
it stood near the seashore. It was also
reported to be haunted by the ghost of a
suicide who was buried without the fence
of the graveyard and who nightly fre
quented the church to sue for Christian
buriaL It was even whispered by the
peasantry that the bell had been heard
to toll at midnight.
The noble proprietor of the estate, the
marquis of S., had just presented to the
church a fine new organ, and on the com
ing Sabbath it was to be opened and
performed on for the first time.
Logier had been on business to a city
at some distance and did not return
home until late on Saturday night,
when, learning that some of the ar
rangements were still incomplete, he de
termined, in spite of all dissuasion, to
proceed to the church himself. So, tak
ing in his hand a lantern, he set forth.
Such a night! The elements seemed
combined to deter him from his rash en
terprise, but on he went, "boldly whis
tling aloud to keep his courage up." Tis
true, now and then some wild German
legend would cross his mind, but xhe
only whistled the more vehemently. At
last he reached the lone graveyard and,
through the lone graveyard, the church,
whose gray tower was occasionally vis
ible amid the flashes of lightning. Its
usual noisy inhabitants, the rooks, were
ominously still, only uttering at inter
vals a distressing caw, as if suffering
from bronchitis, and the hands of the
old clock pointed to half past 11.
Still, Logier was not afraid. Oh, no!
It was chilly, and any one's teeth would
chatter. Besides, the organ would take
but a few minutes to fix, and then to
think of tomorrow's laurels! So he just
glanced carelessly toward the side of the
graveyard where the suicide was said to
be interred and, opening the door with a
key that he kept himself, entered, closing i
it after him, and ascended to the organ
The interior appearance of the church
was not more cheering than the outside.
The lantern he carried did little more
than "make darkness visible," but the
lightning discovered many a monument
and grim old effigy and many a coat of
arms with its banners pendent.
Amid the pealing of the thunder, the '
howling of the tempest and the, roaring!
of the sea Logier set to work, whistling,
however, this time "Old Hundredth" or
some similar tune, and soon he became so
absorbed in his occupation that he "took
no note of time," though busily engaged
on other notes.
The clock strikes 12. It seems to him
that every toll calls up a spirit. The
storm increases, the drapery and banners
are flapping, and low moaning sounds
seem to issue forth "from the low vaults,
the mansions of the dead." His whistle
gradaaily becomes minor and very ada
.r., t. . f af I
What shriek is that? It is followed by j
gio, witn a close shake. 15nt hark!
another and another. Logier's hair stands
n rA v ; t r:n i 1
- , , . .
f-r ? gh7 V hP!t T i
stand on his forehead, and his candle ,
flickers-flickers in its socket-and goes
out j
tm xr.c eai !
the stairs, with the intention of making i had,EO s.mla" effect on our success, for 5
,v, k k5 vt ; uiwe furnished our rooms up with theirs
the best of his way out, a blow in the
face from some, spectral, hand some
what accelerated his pace. And, horror
of horrors, just as he opened the door
the skirt of his coat was seized with
frantic energy by an unseen hand. Lo
gier tore himself away, leaving the skirt
behind, banging the door after him, and
dashed out into the graveyard, followed
by the despairing shouts of the specters
and the wild, mocking laughter of fiends.
In the pitchy darkness he lost his wayi
Ki;n.. .v n n n n .
tombstones, had recourse to his hands
and knees. In this attitude he pursued i
his way for a considerable length of time, 1
when a flash of lightning discovered to f
his terrified vision the vicinity of the j
suicide's grave. He could see through j
the paling that it looked disturbed. Ah, .
then its tenant had indeed left it for his!
nocturnal watch and might be even now j
Here was a dilemma. There was no
time to lose. Logier quickly resumed his
eccentric gymnastics in another direction,
found the gate and. making use of the
vehicles most in demand, set out for !
home at a god round rate, which home,
drenched, forlorn, minus one coattail. plus
sundry rents in other garments, the con-
sequence of aforesaid gymnastics, and
witn a nrm beuei m gnosis, ne reacnea as
the clock struck 1.
bave to his wife, who, of course, was
blessed with an inquiring mind. Logier
said not a word of his adventure, for the
subject was too serious to mention. Be-
chtoc ffhncfc rbrk. Tint 1 i ho 1 1 rw mnHp fl
, - -
common snhiect of on. sn he
j , -
The singing, too, was exquisite. All were t
encnantea. Alter aiyine service toe at-
a -a a ... t
tention 01 me assemoieu wiseneaas was
called to the fact that a robbery had been
attempted the night previous, the sexton
corroborating the fact with a stray coat
tail which he had found fastened on a
nail near the front door. He also had
found a lantern in the organ loft, which
the sacrilegious villains had probably left
behind on some sudden alarm. Some of
the windows were broken, but whether
by the robbers or storm could not be as
certained. Some owls' feathers were like
wise strewn around, and a dead bat was
lying near them. The blow of a bat's
wing does very likely feel similar to that
of a spectral hand. -
Logier held his peace and as soon as he
reached home darkly hinted that it might
be as well to say nothing of that last
night's visit to the church, particularly as
the ghost might not like it. New York
An Exception.
Little Ethel Mr. Rich, we're not all
made of dust, are we?
Mr. Rich (benignly) Yes, my dear.
Little Ethel (triumphantly) Oh. well,
you aren't, cos papa says you sprung
from nothing! Punch.
Both Gone. ,
"Why did you lend Dobbs your um
brella?" "Because I don't care to see either him
or the umbrella again. Neither la any
Wearing the Purple
Senator Lodge attempted to wear the
Imperial purple for the r-rpose of help
ins out the contractors: "It an old
trick of theirs to raise a loud alarum
whenever they see congress hesitating
over their bills. At the time of the Chi
lian excitement in 1891-92, a well
known naval contractor was asked if
he thought there would be war. "No,"
he said, with a wink, "only just war
enough to get us our contracts." On
Friday the armor people put up Lodge
to threaten Germany, as a means of
persuading the senate not to look too
closely into the cost of the plates. Po
litically, it was a grievous blunder, for
which he was properly rapped over the
knuckles next day by-Senator Spooner,
speaking for the administration.
Strange as it may seem to the war
breathing senator from Massachusetts,
Mr. Spooner and tne President would
actually like to win a few German
American votes in Wisconsin and Illi
nois next November. But Mr. Lodge's
speech was, after all, merely sympto
matic of the tendencies of Expansion.
It is a policy of commercialism, pure
and simple, which we are to go into
only for "what there is in it for us;"
and with the big fish rushing at the
bait of millions in Washington, why
should we be amazed at the sight of the
small fry in Havana gulping down
their thousands?
The revelations have come at a criti
cal time. It cannot be denied that
they cast a cloud of suspicion over our
whole insular service. Why should the
looting have been confined to the Ha
vana post-officer People will suspect
rottenness all aiong the line; and their
fears wtil not be allayed by the unac
countable delays of the War Depart
ment in rendering a full accounting.
Details of insular expenditure were re
quested of Secretary Root last Janu
ary, by senate resolutions, but have
not yet been furnished. Why not?
Secrecy will never do in this business;
it will only make the public suspect
the worst. The policy of hush win
simply be fatal. What we must have
is the fullest exposure and the swiftest
punishment. And with them should
come an open, or at least tacit, confes
sion from the President that he has;
inexcusably delayed the extension of
civil-service safeguards in the case of;
appointments to office in our new pos- j
sessions. The shame brought on his;
administration is of his own making, j
He has turned over the minor offices;
to the spoiler. This necessarily cefmei
back to the one ultimately responsible!
himself. If he does not want tnel
worst that has been dreaded of Ex
pansion as the policy that naturally ;
and historically invites exploitation (
and corruption to be confirmed in his ;
own venture upon it, he must lose no i
time in reforming and safeguarding i
the whole service from top to bottom.
as he has ample power to do. Newj
yrk Post
All people are desirous of success,
especially when they have invested a j
large amount 01 money, ana Know mat
their ability is good, and the time spent
ln their preparation for their specially
work So we can say that we are;5
only meeing with the success that the;
above requirements merits, and while , -5
feel Ratified at our success, we are 5
1 , . .
ot es0"5. expected just what j 3
has occrued. !
Our preparation for the work hasi$
express belief that "there is nothing
to good for the sick," and we believe
every single person who has been here I
will testify i;o the fact that everything!
is first class, and that we have spared
no expense In our endeavor to make
them feel that they were at home, as
it is really a home for the. sick.
As to our success in the treatment
of the sick, we will say, that is where
our success comes in, we have had In
tho foTxr mrnithe ix-o hvo Vwon lrtrotncl : T
; in Lincoln, nearly every kind of ail- f
ment to treat, and we have not sue-!
ceeded" in keeping a person in one of
our beds longer than fen days, they in-
sist on getting well and going at their !
business, an i that is where we meet
our success again, and every one we
treat speak the "glad tidings" 'to their'
friends, that is more success, we are '
getting a good supply of canes, crutch-,
es, etc., to show of our success in '
treatment of disease, for we keep ai
canes and crutches of those we cure.
We are prepared to receive people at!
our institute for treatment that needs
j a bed and best of care, we have the
; trained nurses, and prepare the
. food in the institute for the sick, and i
1 while we give them plenty, and of the
j quality, we give none that will
! ftisntrr- with them
j Qur treatment consists of medicine,
baths, magnetism, electricity, and sur -
j epTX in facz anvthine that each indi -
v'idual case needs, and our being pre-
! - , j - . c
i pareu tor an kiuus, or comoinaiion 01
' I . . .-
, lreauut-uis is uib uiAiu. bpiiug ui uur
i success.
We makinS sorne wonderful
ing ailments: Diseases of Women,
; Diseases of the Nose .Throat, Catarrh
Head, Bowels, Stomach, Eyes, Ears,
Lungs, Heart, Paralysis. Stricture, Var
icocele. Nervo-Sexual debility. Rheuma
tism, Piles, Kidneys, Bright's Disease, j
Diabetes. Syphilis, and all private Dis
eases, Liver, and Rupture, and while;
we do not claim to cure everything
we do claim we can cure if a cure isi
If you have any of the above ail-
meats call cr write us, and should any
of your -friends be troubled send us
; their names so we can write them, for
u may be the means or saving their
lives, we will commence a three months
course of lectures on Magnetic Healing,
on September 3, 1900, if you desire to
learn the art in all its fullness write
for announcement Address all letters! greater premium than the handiwork or
to THE LINCOLN MEDICAL & MAG- brainwork of a boy or girl? Is it possi
NETIC INSTITUTE, Lincoln. Neb. j ble that a crazy quilt is of more inter-
Consultation free.
1725 O St
County Fairs and Schools
Education receives much attention
from all classes of citizens. Every one
is interested in the cause, and povision
is made in every community for placing
educational advantages within the reach
of all the children.
In additicn to the usual incentives
held out to the young to secure an edu
cation, manv acricultural societies offer
Not eased, but cured.
but permanently cured.
Pale People cure Neuralgia
vous sj'Steni and restoring the life-giving elements of
the blood. Women who have been tortured for years
with Neuralgia and Nervous Headache, who have ex
hausted the skill of eminent physicians, . have been
permanently cured by
Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale Pepple
Mrs-William Cotter who lives at No. 42 Windsor Street, Ilartford. Conn.,
says : I was taken with neuralgia several years ago and suffered untold
misery. I tried a great many doctors and several remedies, but I found
only temporary relief. About three years ago I was advised to try Dr. Will
iams' Plnfc Pills for Pale People and 1 did so. I thought that the first box
gave me some relief, and my husband insisted that 1 keep on taking the
pills. I did, and I can truly Bay that the pills are the ouly medicine thut
ever permanently benefited me. 1
I used to have to give up entirely and lie down when the pain came on.
My face would swell up so that my eyes would close. The pills cured all
this, and 1 have had no return of it for the last two years. I keep the puis
constantly on hand, as I believe they are a wonderful household remedy.
"To lr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People I owe all the comfort I
have enjoyed for the past two years in being free from neuralgia, and 1 aiu
glad to be able to recommend them."
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People contain, in a condensed form,
all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and
restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases
as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.Vitus Dance, sciatica, neuralgia,
rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation
of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either
in male or female.
Dr. Williams Pink Pills. for Pale People are sold by all dealers, or
will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50
(they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
With Compliments.
Zo tfye Headers of the Independent
j 5
i 5
; 5
nounce it...
tk Premier
Let it lighten your business burden.
Ths Smith Premier is espedafly adapted
System" of Typewriting.
Cbe Smitb Prcaicr Cypeu?ritcr
Further information and catalog
i , , , .
j premiums for school work,
i Below is civen the amount of premi-
i urns offered by a certain agricultural so-
: 0t- tr enmnetitors in
? Ciety, IO compeiliors iu
the different
, ;a
The arransrement is made in
the order of the magnitude of the
; amouct, offered, and should not be con
sidered as made in the order of relative
Trotting and racing 825.00
Horses and mules 400.00
Cattle...: 400.00
Farm products 200.00
Swine .173.00
Poultry.... 125.00
Fruit G5.00
Education 45.50
In the county there were, at the time
this list was proposed about 4,50 boys
s and girls of school age. The premiums
: offered amounted to about one cent for
each pupil, which after entrance fees
i were paid was reduced to about four-
' fifths of one per cent,
' I protest cgainst this condition, and
j assert that the children ought to be
! placed at the head of the list. Shall we
j say that a pumpkin should have a
est than a practical drawing? Is a peck
of "calico corn worthy of more consid
eration than a well written essay? Do
tactics displayed on the race track by
jockies have a higher value than an ad
dress upon some educational subject?
This is food for thought Let teachers
everywhere insist that the schools be
given better recognition in premium
lists for the county fairs.
In many counties gambling devices
are kept away from the fairs on the
ground that they are demoralizing.
This has been brought about by public
sentiment. The managers of the agri
Not quieted for a sliort time,
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for
by revitalizing the ner
All forms of baths Turkish, Russian, Ro
man. Electric with special attention to the
application of natural salt aater baths, several
times stronger than sea water, Rheumatism,
Miin. Blood, Catarrh, Stomach. Nervous, and
Heart diseases; Liver and Kidney troubles:
diseases of women and chronic ailments trestefl
successfully. A separate department, lit ted
with a thoroughly aseptic ward and operating
rooms, offer sjecial inducements to surgical
cases, and all diseases peculiar to women.
This is a front view of the
watch which we send as a
premium for a club of 2
campaign subscriptions.
It is a beauty a guaran
teed time-keeper. Why not
get one? For terms read
the article "Watches For
Everybody," on other page
ttebraska Independent,
Lincoln, Uebr.
will do beiter work for c longer time, with
less exertion, than any other writing J
machine. Thousands of satisfied users pro
Simple and
tally -i
to tie "Touch ppS
Premier typewriter Omaha, neb.
cultural societies endeavor to get attrac
tions that will please the people. The
people are largely responsible for what
the managers furnish. If the sentiment
is strongly in favor of racing, then
it may be" expeeted that horse raeihg
will have a prominent place oh the pro
gram. What is needed is effort to create
a sentiment in favor of exhibitions that
will not only entertain, but that will be
instractive and uplifting in their nature,
as well.
Educational Day at the county fair,'
should be the day of all others. Calling
one day ' Childrens' day" and admitting
them free, for the primary purpose of in
creasing the attendance or adults, there
by increaing the receipts so that pre
miums for horse racing may be paid,
may be good management from a finan
cial standpoint, but it is a question
whether it is best from other stand
points. It has been my observation that, if
you would interest the parents and older
persons of a given community in
any undertaking, it is well to interest
the children first When you succeed
in getting the boys and girls interested
in any matter, they will soon arouse an
enthusiasm that will make itself felt.
Acting on this hint, let managers of ag
ricultural societies, so make up their
premium lists that the boys and girls of
our public schools may become interest
ed. Make premiums liberal enough to
stimulate effort and make them com
mensurate with the importance of the
work. '
My plan is for the boys and girls first,
then if there is any surplus energy let it
be displayed in other lines.
Mrs. Gosper is making a reduction on
nice trimmed hats a largo line of school
hats at cost, 1201 O street, Lincoln.