The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 26, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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April 2Gf 1G00.
JJ tm FtrUlmtieimw That
- VFm& btiiaw Vmmi Mag Tor-
Editor Irfepesdent: Enclose a few
cf tsr aeaUSBeata 1 vers. They do
cot express all thai I feel upon the
abject ser ail that eight be said by
asy Tseass. bst every se has hi lit
tie cirrje f indues ce Who axe the
watchaea who will be held guilty?
It aeesss to Be that la these days of
repefelJe&s. soverxusest we eg lit ta
La re expanded eo xsseh that nearly
every rit to be a watchman able
to sire wamis.g. Tie sliest ose will
be held gvllij.
We tttl tie power f the political
nacfcise as. 3 erlesiaetifa autaority.
We cannot fail ta fe lu frrt fruits
crer the iaIridsal la "paxtlsaa frsaa-
The tread cf rlrsiartlrUra was for
cibly illui-tnttM la rr annual Metho
dist Epifccopal cocferecce held in
Grace chcrra. Unrein last fall which
1 atleaded several day, d-eclariut; la .
a e2ts5ttee report that "only iasti
tuti'Ki cam dfai with i-ftltctions; in
dividuals are powerless. How power
less we ftlt tea ex. cf the mouth
pieces arete and said: "We are rriti-c'J-ed
as wrcsar a the Philippine q'ses-:
tica bet we believe it to be a lie. the
leaders, bishop and others cheering and '
wartr-a; Ttasdaerchlefa. How powerless
we feit. Jtsnwins that it Lad been de
clared thit lx.5iTidua.ia were powerless
before them, aad as we stepped oat
side f these highly charged iectri3ed
estlmeat makirjc institution, we felt
that cur work was done alone such
Uses, espetiaiiy after we had been told
time asl asala that we crcht to preach
Christ only ana Lira crucified.
WLlie I doa't wish to be a politi
cian. I think It is try prtrtiee to deal
with coral and religious question a ac
cording to the dictate of ray own eon
acience rather than follow the man
date of a nsercikss wliastieisn
uch as is so often found to-uay. and
so loraj as tsea professing Christianity
will deal la deceit, esth z.x& mm. so
long will say voice and pea do what
litUs they caa.
Zllin cnceaslng strife cf nations.
Hldst cneeating toil and woe. '"
Hear the echo cf a warning
Circa cestaries ago.
Tls the last expiries echo -Of
the ages of the past.
And t gives ts ample warning
That cr doora will cone at last. . -li.stenlsg
to the cannon's thunder -And
the deacly clash f steel.
"We can hear the cry of orphans.
We caa hear their tad appeal;
We caa hear the mourning idow
-Standing by aer notle dead,
HeaTj help her and aTenze her
' j r the life biood that he shed
Whea the cravea hand of nations
fcstriies to bring beneath the rod.
Heroes seeking new conditions.
Silng la the name of God.
W caa read the sentence written
With hijgh hearea's tmseea hand.
"Thoa art weighed and art found
Thoa ahalt fall, 'tis Gou's command.
Til a treacherous hand that leadeta
On. like Abdul doomed and damned,
SJjraid hosts f Anglo-Eaxoa
coa3tering with a bloo.3y hand:
71s the hand f Cain that's falling.
Tls a brother's blood that's shed ;
Tls not la the name of Jesus,
Carted art tnoy" the book hath sald
Soou shall fail the last great natloa.
Erea Spain has had her day.
Will It nest be tory England?
Will It be America?
, Up tbca. quickly in thy manhood.
Whlted septilchers no more;
Ioa th panoply of Jesus,
Walk with Hixa and sia no more.
Tls a nobler cause to succor
.Weak and hei pleas ones, your own.
Or perchance some foreiga brother,
In a home he ca'ls his own,
- Than to deal ta doubtfal Justice
With a high and octatreiched arm.
Or enslave a wining peoples
Nea'h the deadly tempter's charm.
Adams. Neh.
3trk lluu'i AfrLrulimrml tmpr
trlUmt4 bf tUm Cmr VmmA mil
Editor Inderendent: -I hare been
wcodering: what spring of ajfricultaral
knowledge Las bort forth in Indianapo
lis. Indiana, late!.
I hare received three or four sample
of farm papers published there, during'
the last three month, esch with a dif
ferent cat&e, and each with the usual
articles tm good road, and the neces
sity ef cp wcate larmer jesicz
tnis. that and the other which they will
n4 adertie4 a pare so and -so. Af
7 ?
ter showing as that com. cats and hay
are much more valuable as fertilisers
thaa they are to ship, they come to what
sta to be the real object A their ezi
They hare editorials on. the increase
ia the prodtctiac of gold" M on the
phencsienal prosjrity tA the !i:fthre
tars"', cas -03 r duty ta tl iDaud
which detiry Las placed ia ocr hand
and their duty to as which i mainly
tarjtl. Of coare they do cot go ia to
any arzamest on the questions. There
would be no c-e f pouinjf as farm pa
pers if they did.
Their object is to appear as unbiased
cJbercerf mrir-s their bonet rpinkns.
They ecdearor to make the fsrcner be-lirv-e
that HcKinleys Itapeiialifm is
the cataral thing aad that the majority
of the farmers uphold him ia it,
The farmers should understand that
theste ""sample sopies are not legitimate
farm papers, MJt i triply camm'STJ doeu-
1IL.11J. r. HAiUSlS.
A recent lue f Farm, Field and
Firiie coctaia a list c4 neariy 300 J
trcsts, corrected from late publications,
capitalized at tea billioa dollars ta round
The Xstkal Salt Ccmpany (Fait
jmt) was incorporated Mvtrin 20, 1J9,
with control of mot f the salt plants
f the United State. Just prior to thst
' date the price cf fine salt was 65 cents
a barrel ia large quantities. Only a few
daye after the trust was incorporated,
the price rose to ti-13 and later to f 1-50.
And yet some tueo profess to believe
that the trusts do cot rah yris.
Bargains offered at the opening of the season tliat will interest economical buyers everywhere. Bargains that will demonstrate
most forcibly the total absurdity of the claims of other merchants to the effect that they sell as cheap as we do. They don't, and they
know it. You know it, and every other careful buyer knows it, and the only fellow who don't know it is the fellow who is forced to
buy on time or persists in trading at some particular store on account of friendship. We do not like to underestimate the value of
friendship, but the merchant who charges you from two to live dollars more than we do for a suit of clothes is not the kind of friend
that we would be looking for this spring if we were going to buy a suit, and neither would you if you knew it. How shall you know
these tilings? How shall you know that it is a fact that our stock shows twice the variety, twice the quantity, that is shown by any
of our followers, and that we save you from 20 to 33 per cent on every purchase? BY GOMPABISON, OF COUESE! Comparison of
quality, comparison of prices, comparison of methods, comparison of equipment. That's the way for you to find out, and its the only
logical way, for you are high court in this case, and if you make these comparisons thoroughly, we shall be orily too glad to rest bur
case with you. .
. Men's Spring Suits
The kind it pays to buy. They are guaranteed by
maker and by us to cive perfect satisfaction. The kind
that fit and look well as long as they last.
AT C I R (in are showing 50 styles of Men's Round
V I JiU'J Cut Sack, Square Sacks, Frocks, and
Prince Albert Styles in strictly high grade suits. They
are made of the very finest worsteds, serges, cas-
simeres, and cheviots. They ate lined with the best
quality of linings. We guarantee the values shown in
this line to equal any 520.00 values shown elsewhere.
C I 0 K fl Men's Suita of elegant Imported Worst-
VIsiuU edfj. Serges, and Cassimeres, cut either
Hound or Square, Sack, Frock or Prince Albert style.
They are elegant creations, being equaled only by the
very highest priced made-to-measure kind. If you
would buy these suits in any other store they would
cost you 1 15.00 to $ 16.00. Our one low price to all gives
you these handsome suits at ? 12.50 and gives you this
handsome saving.
SI 0.00
Here is our big popular line of Men's
Suits. We strive to get in this line the
strongest values obtainable. This spring the line will
show over CO distinct styles of fabrics and color com-
binstions. They come in Round and Square, Sacks,
Cutaway, Frock?, and Prince Albert styles, and are
made of strictly All Wool Worsteds. Serges, Cassimeres.
and Cheviots. The true value of these suits are 812.50
and f 15.00, and there are some among them that are
truly 16.50 values.
AT CO HQ Men's Suits of All Wool material, well
v0iJ0 made, all styles, worth 510.00 and $ 11.00 in
ether stores.
AT 07 Cfl e fchow men's Sack and Frock Suits
OltwU made of All Wool Clay Worsteds and
Cheviots. Not a suit in the lot can be duplicated for
less than $ 10.00, while many would be good value at
i 11.00.
150 Men s Suits made of All Wool Blue
Sere Cloth. Also a big lot of Cassimeres
and Cheviots. These suits are selling about town at
SXi0 and Comparison will prove this.
AT PC Qp 200 Men's Black Clay Worsted Suits come
wJivJu in Round and Square Sack. These suits
are 5J per cent cotton, but cannot be matched for less
than HJiQ.
AT QC fin Over 300 Men's Round and Square Sack
W JiUU suits made of Striped Worsted .Cloth. Also
a large line of Fancy Cheviots. True values, $6.50 and
AT CO 7K 53.75. and 53.95; we show quite an assort-
Oilu meat of Men's All Wool and part Wool
Suits that can not bo matched for less than twice our
ll fci
Boys' Knee Pant Suits
Age 7 to 16.
Read with special care every offer we make. Every
item here mentioned represents the best merchandise ia
the world for the money.
OC STYLES of Boys' Double
Lv Breasted Knee Pant Suits;
ages 8 to 16. In this line you will
find suits such as are being sold
about town at 56.00. 56.50, and
57.00. They are made of the finest
Worsteds, Jserges, Cassimeres and
Cheviots. Some are Silk Faced;
all are elegantly finished. You
have practically an unlimited va
riety of color effects to se- C fin
lect from. Special Price.. JiUU
Qf STYLES of Boys' Double
0U Breasted Knee Pant Suits;
come in plain and fancy colorings,
of fine Worsteds, Serges, Cassi
meres, and Cheviots. In this line
you may have colors both Blue and
Black, besides a big variety of
Grays and Browns in Plaids,
Checks and Stripes. The true
values are 55.00. Q Rfl
Special Price OiuU
MQ STYLES Fine All Wool Double Breasted Knee
t'O Pant Suits; made of thoroughly tested fabrics
(colors guaranteed, sewing guaranteed W You may have
them in Worsteds, Serges, and solidly , woven Cheviots.
They come in a big variety of pretty, Mixtures, Stripes
and Checks, besides the staple colors, Blue and O Q Q
Black. True value 530 to 54.00. Special Price &iUU
STYLES Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant Suits,
tU come in a big variety of Fancy Colorings, besides
Blue and Black, lhese suits are strictly All
Wool and well worth 53.50. Special Price . .
OC STYLES Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant Suits,
L J made of All Wool materials and come in a big vari
ety of handsome patterns. True values upwards I n 0
of 53.00. Special Price . I J 0
I n STYLES Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant Suits,
I U some are made of All Wool materials, others are 80
per cent Wool, while some are perhaps half cotton. All,
however,are goocLwholesome patterns and the real If)
values vary from 52.00 to 52.50. Special Price. . I iUU
5 STYLES Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant Suits,
age 6 to 15 years; made of honest material, QQft
worth L50. Special Price UUu
Boys' Long Pant Suits
The Largest Assortment to be found anywhere in the
state. The LOWEST PRICES anywhere in America.
AT O I n nn Boys' Long Pant
OIU.UU Suits. Here is a
very strong line with us. We strive
to give our customers the very best
merchandise in the world at this
price. You may have them with
Single or Double Breasted Vests,
and in materials of Worsteds, Cas
simeres, Vicunas, and Cheviots. In
this line there are many new crea
tions that we own exclusively.
True values 5120 and 515.00.
AT C;7 Rfl Boys' Long Pant
OfiUU Suits. In this line
we give you the 510.00 suits of the
other fellows. They are Pure Wool
Worsteds, Serges' Cassimeres, and
Cheviots. Come with Double or
Single Breasted Coats, Round or
Square Cut. Vests can be had
either Single or Double Breasted.
Colors Black and Blue, besides
fancy coloring of Stripes, Checks.
Plaids and Mixtures.
AT OC nn Boys' Long Pant Suits; This line is the
$ JiUU wonder of all lines. All Wool Cheviots in
color Blue and Black; fine Cassimere in fancy effects.
True value 57.50. This is not overstating facts.
t "
AT CO QK Boys' Long Pant Suits, In this line you
tpOiUu have many good things to select from.
Some are All Wool, but all are good values at 55.00 and
S6.00. -
AT 00 OQ Boys' Long Pant Suits.'- Come in neat ef
$iJ0 fectsof Brown and Gray; also Black and
value 54.00.
i ... I I i i i i . 5
Guilds' Vestee Suits
Age 3 to 9 years. Such an as
sortment of suits for the little
fellows has never been shown
in the west. All new and fresh
besides being very cheap at
the prices named.
Ofj styles Chilis Vestee suits,
&U age 3 to 9 years. Among
this lot you will hnd the swell
est creations of this year for
the little fellow. They come
mostly with small collars, satin
faced. The vests come single
or double breasted of same
material as suit, or of fancy
silk; colors, black, blue, brown,
and fancy effects. True value
5u50; special price
n styles Childs' Vestee Suits,
rU made in the very latest
style. You may have them
with small or large collars;
some satin faced, some braided
edge. The vests are single or double breasted, of same
goods or fancy silk. Every suit in the line is a true
work of art. Colors, blue, black, and pretty Mixtures,
Checks, Plaids, and Stripes, Materials, fine Worsteds,
Serges, Cheviots, and Cassimeres. True value CQ Cn
55.00. Special price...... yviGU
I C styles Childs' Vestee Suits, fit boys 3 to 9 years.
I J Come in fine All Wool Serges, Worsteds, Cassi
meres and Cheviouts. There are in this line coats made
with small or large collars; some fancy trimmed, some
silk faced. The vests come single or double "breasted,
and may be bad like the coat or of fancy silk or of other
fancy material. This line shows some wonderfully
pretty color effects, which of course include both blue
and black. True value, 53.50 to 54.00; special QO QQ
price $ZiOU
OQ Cfl We are showing fully twenty stvles of
OliJU Childs Vestee Suits; we claim that
these handsome little creations are equal to any in the
market at 530. You may have them with large or
small collars, plain or fancy vests and in colors, blue,
black, small checks, plaids and mixtures. These suits
are made from pure Wool Fabrics and are guaranteed
ten styles Childs' Vestee Suits, come in
blue and black, also neat effects in gray
ana brown, besides a few striking novelties. Ihey are
each and every one a good 53.00 suit. Special price 51.93.
AT 01 Cfl seven styles Childs' Vestee Suits, come in
VliUU colors, black, blue, and brown, also a
few in fancy colorings. Some are fancy trimmed, others
plain. All are good 52.00 to 52.25 values.
AT QQn Tw styles Childs' Vestee Suits, neat pattern.
UUu Elegant values for the money.
Men's Light Weight
A First Class Clothing Store is the proper place to
buy Underwear for Men. Department or Dry Good
Stores never carry the full assortment or the qualities
that can be found in our store.
AT I On 100 Doz. Men's Flesh Colored Balbriggan
IUU Shirts and Drawers, worth 25c and 35c in
other stores. All sizes, 34 to 48 Shirts; Drawers 32 to 46.
AT O Cm We are showing Men's Light Weight Balbrig
Zuli gan Shirts and Drawers in perhaps 10
different styles of Flesh Colored, ratural Gray, Stripes,
and Mottled Shirts, have French neck, while both
Shirts and Drawers have pearl buttons.
We are showing in Men's Underwear the
exact qualities that are being priced at 50c
a & rro Tv-ro h a vn PTtpninn ffKt. bands:' nearl
ttUU VJV. A-' u ir vt j mm w - '
v,-.rTic nn Knth Shirts and Drawers, while the Shirts
have elegant fitting French necks. All colors, ail sizes.
r n - aiwi's Shirts and urawers m. odd ooa e
. . . - -w-. . -r-w Y-fc w- t
3UL Oo'sl finest aualitv French Balbriggan
Wonr-h nwks. knit cuffs, pearl buttons, and extension
waist band on Drawers. Real value, 75c; color, Brown,
Black, Flesh, and Faacy Stripes. All sizes.
Little Boys' Shirts
Age 4 to 11 years.
Made just like Dad's. The New Thine'; Rea them.
Prices 50c, 57c, and 75c Collars to co with them. 10c
extra. . . '
Shirt Bargains
This is the time of year that every man will want some
thing in the way of outside shirts, either for dress, busi-.
ness or for working purposes. We want to say to the
men folks of Nebraska that our line of Bhirts comprises
every known good make in the country and that we pay
more money to bring about perfect shirt tailoring than
any other merchant wants to, and that our prices will
show you a big saving over and above what the same
goods can be bought for outside our store. f
AT O I n n Men's Laundered White Shirts, come open
V I ill U back closed front, or open back and front.
You may have them with short or long bosoms. They
come in neck sizes 14 to 19, and sleeve lengths 30 to 36.
Any man that is not over seven feet tall, or that does not
weigh over 350 lbs., can be perfectly fitted iu these shirts.
AT cn Men's Laundered White Shirts, well made
JUu and of good quality, equal to those sold else
where at 75c They come only in long bosom, open back'
OKn Men's Unlaundered White Shjts, the same
goods and. material that. you usually pay 40o ;
AT EftA Men's Unlaundered White Shirts, short or
JUu long bosom, open back or open back and front,
sizes 14 to 19 neck, sleeve length 30 to 36.
19c buys Men's Working Shirts, worth 30c
25c buys Men's Working Shirts, worth 40c
39c buys Men's Working Shirts, worth 50 to 60c.
50c buys the best grade of Men's (Noxall) Working
shirts, worth 75c
AT QQn Men's Laundered Soft Shirt, with collars and
Oub cuffs attached, 10 styles, worth 60c
AT Kflft Men's Soft Shirts, with or withoat collars, or
wUlf with two detached collars and cufs, worth 75c.
7Cn and 51.00, over 1,000 dozen Men's Soft Negli-
gee Shirts, all styles, worth 81.00, $1.25, and
some 5L50.
Little Bargains
5c buy3 Men's Seamless Socks, in black or tan color.
5c buys Gold-Plated Collar Buttons,
lc buys Turkey Red Handkerchiefs,
7c buys all styles Pure Linen Collars.
12c buys Pure Linen Cuffs, all styles.
5c buys Celluloid Collars.
8c buys Boys' Suspenders,
5c buys Japanette Handkerchiefs, worth' 10c yt .
2c buys Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, worth 8a ?
17c buys Leather Suspenders. 1
25c buys Good Leather Work Gloves.
Sic buys Boys' Long Hose. .(
Boys' Odd Knee Pants at 19c, 25c, 35c, and 50c, worth
double. - - -
Boys' Shirts at 25c, 35c, and 50c a big line worth more.