Marclii5, 1900. 0 THE NJ3BEASKA INDEPENDENT- . .1 J ,0 . i i f 1. 1; A I THE REWARD FOR ; - Iff Pllr y .-. f 7 "Ariae. Sir Bill! Arise. Sir John!" New 'York A DARK. LANTERN CAUCUS Sal I road Cappers. Jackleg Lawyers and Mallet Head Bankers Get Tojjether The Independent has a Reporter ,"v, :i y r'": In Earshot. - " .' Tuesday .of last week . a conference was held in Chadron by the republican ma ehine leaders from Northwest Nebraska representing the 15th senatorial and 53d ' representative districts. It was made up of McKinley office holders, railroad plug gers and jack -leg lawyers and skin-shop bankers. '.. ' . -, The republican voter who, thinks that be will be consulted or have anything to do with selecting the republican nomi nees in this senatorial or representative district, is an unsophisticated registered chump. .The nAchine decree: has al ready gone forth. Later cn the business men and the few farmers that still vote the republican ticket may imagine that . caucuses'are being .held and .delegates Chosen to make nominations, but the piebald politicians have already fixed the late.-.. ' , There i3 nothing for the republican - "voters to do ' but bolt the machine or gulp down the ticket. There was trouble on over the fact that A, G. Fisher, who was elected in this district in 1898, stood by D. E. Thompson, and later on bolted the repub lican caucus. . The trouble was largely in . Chadron and Dawes counties. In Box Butte county the Burlington rail j. road owns and runs the republican party. , body, soul and , breeches. . The Burling- win rouroau is iaroraoie to x isner as n is to Thompson, and Fisher felt under obligations to Thorn Dson because Thomn- sdn had furnished the money to buy the rotes that elected Fisher. The railroads are very active In the fight and the Northwestern and Burlington have pool- d issues. - - r It is taken for granted that the fusion ists in their platform are coiner to nledsre themselves to pass a law that will hold the railroad companies liable for all damages sustained by their employees. They do not intend to leave the rights of the men who work on the railroads sub I ject to the whims and caprices of some pass graoDing juage. ine railroads are aware of this and they intend to fight it to the bitter end, and the corporations irnow mat if r isher is elected he will vote for the railroad corporations ; and against the employees. Hence they are patting on the whip to all recalcitrants R. M. Montgomery the Burlington tool from Alliance, who is kept on the pay roll oi that road for political purposes as well as others were all there in force. It was finally agreed that the demands of the railroads should be considered and - risner do renominated ana he was au thorized to even tell the employees that W 1 Jl - A 1 1 as wuuiu ui lur a vm wnicn wouia compel the railroads to pay for all injur ies sustained by their employees for the ' purpose ol getting their votes, but as IXontgomery .said, t'We know you wil vote with us when you get there Fisher oecanse you never iauea us when we needed you. . Senator W. H. Reynolds who repre sent this district now desires re-nomi nation but Chairman Tefft of- the state central committee was at the conference to promise Reynolds something better. ' Chairman Tefft said that it must be r conceded that Governor Poynter would . be renominated and elected. That the railroads were interested in having a state taxing board that they can control. He pointed out to the members present that the governor, treasurer and auditor were the three men who determined the amount of taxes that the railroads had ; - to pay each year. He said the corpora tions had made up their minds that they could not "defeat Governor Poynter but if. they could elect a treasurer and audi tor they would have a majority of the taxing board; that he was authorized to say that a recent conference at Lincoln atrwhlch the Burlington, the Northwest ern Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific and Rock Island were present it. had been determined that Senator ' Reynolds was the proper man to nominate for state auditor. .This remark of. the chairman brought forth applause which could be V heard even in the corridors ef the Blaine ' hotel where the conference was held. The chairman. Mr. Tefft, scowled and berated them for the noise they were , making and told them to keep quiet that the matter must be kept strictly- secret of the popttliat3 would use it against them in .the campaign. He said that the - populists were constantly charging them with being subservient to the railroad interests and then he said parenthetical- - It, "Of course boys it is rue but I am dek and tired of being so accused." , --' Hi. TeCt.said further that the: mem ; rs canst remember that they were un . (tr crtit obligations to the railroads. I I a paid.. that every member of THE TREATY. Journal. road pass and wo must not forget those who favor us.' Mr, A. Wl-Scatte-rffWd'f Ainsworth said, "This republican conference meets under happy auspices. Our cousins in lungland have won a great victory under the leadership of .Lord Roberts, my fel low countrymen he is even a greater war rior than our General Otis.-As. republi cans we rejoice in Englands victory over Cronje. . Every damm popocrat is for the Boers, but as an Enarhshman I am proud that William McKinley has the courage to enter into alliance ,with so great and noble a sovereign as Queen Victoria. Since it is conceded by the members of this conference that Senator Reynolds is to be nominated for a state office it is but right that the senatorial nomination should come to the east end of the dis trict and I think without being egotisti cal that my county can furnish a com petent and worthy candidate." ; Tho re marks of Mr Bcattergood were cheered, particularly those in reference to the British alliance. Captain Akers, receiver of the Land Office at Alliance, was the next speaker and said among other things that he was here to represent himself , and Register, Fred Dorrington. who stood middle-man between Northwest Nebraska. Federal offices and Senator John M. Thurston and who only last year caused the 're moval of a B. & M local agent at Craw ford because he refused to vote the re publican ticket straight. Mr. Aker said he favored Captain Fisher because Fish er was for Thompson, and the Burling ton railroad wanted Thompson, and be cause John L. Webster of Omaha was al so to be elected senator this year and Webster was opposed to the little Bohe mian sheet which is constantly, causing party trouble. Mr. Aker.-J said that by the judicious use of the land office print ing he and Mr. Dorrington of the Alii ance land office had the papers of the district well under control and that there was no fear of any of them bolting the action of the conference. I might say also that my friend Eider Julian who was so bitterly opposed to Uaptam l4 ish er has.practically consented to come in to line. Register J. C. Pettijohn of the Valen tine land office arose and remarked that they had the newspapers in their dis trict well in hand and through them con trolled the voters and ho wished to as sure the members presont that ho :held a mortgage on the Valentine Democrat which enabled him to dictate the policy of the paper and should the editor refuse to do his will he assured his friends the paper would be taken out of the field. After a few remarks by - some of the minor members prevent the meetincr ad journed and Captain Fisher and Elder Julian who had been fighting each other ever since Fisher bolted the republican senatorial caucus clasped hands and ef fected a truce. ' N Chadron, Neb. . , - , ' Mux warned, 40 gallons of Jersey milk wanted daily for which 1 will pay- the highest cash price. 1S37 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. First Prize Winning Clyde at Nebraska auil St. Louis Fairs for Five Years fiMkmmWi mmw-i -0 mhpmm- -Vis . - : ivWfViViVf.YrY V TH E LAST REFUG E, ; "I am proud that I am a patriot." In terview with Senator Kyle in Aberdeen news.,- . ' - , "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoun drel." Ben Jonson. - , INTERESTING. ' That interesting political Jackass, Ed gar Howard, who is to the democratic party of Nebraska what Lucian Steb bins, Clem Deaver, . Paul Vandervoort and Bill Dech used to be to the popu lists, a sort of purveyor of ammunition for the enemy, is a candidate for state auditor. If politics were run along mil tary lines he would have been' shot long ago for insubordination in the face of the enemy. Exeter Enterprise. - ' PROVIDENCE RELIEVED. Grosvfinor, of Ohio, tells us that it was Mr. Bryan's influence that, caused the ratification of the treaty with Spain. Bryan comes back and says that it has relieved providence of a great j reponsi bility, inasmuch as our republican friends have been claiming all the time that providence had thrown the Philip pines into our possession. Beaver Uity Times. r ' ' ' v A SIGHT FOR TEARS. One of the New York World's corres pondents in South Africa, Lieut. Win ston Churchill, gave in his vivid picture of the closing scenes around Ladysmith a few lines of what is the most sublime and melancholly feature of this war up on the republics. He told of the dead bodies of soldiers of the republics found in the trenches oM men with their white1 hair and flowing white beards; middle-aged men: young men, doubtless the fathers of young families; youths, just attaining their majority; boys, mere ciildren, with round cheeks as smooth as a giri's. and with little arms' clasping rifles as long as themselvs; finally, women, sharing in the toil and privation, standing side by side with husband or father in the trenches, aiming the gun and speeding the bullet with a prayer for the preservation of. home and the father land. . v it is a whole people at war. it is a whole nation, 'regardless of sex or age, rising up in defense of their freedom to beat back the invader or die. Is not this a spectacle which, should give- England pause? 'Is not Ja sight which must evoke the sylnpaihy andad miration of the United States. ,?, m i A SUCCESS.- r-X'-ii: ' Edgar Howard, editor of the Papillioh Times, is a candidate for the nomination for state auditor on the fusion ticket, and besides the support of himaelf he also has the support of the State Jour nal and other s.-t-r-o-n-g papers. As man able to stir up strife he is a success but as a harmonizer he is a complete failuro, Seward Independent. . OUR . SENTIMENTS. Candidates for the state offices to be filled next year, (an entire new . deal wil be made,) - are being mentioned, y and among others the name of our , esteemed and . worthy Saunders county ! ci lizeh. HonJ B. R. B. Weber; is mentioned as a probable - candidate for ' secretary of state. Wahoo New'jSra.'-' 1 ; We second the motion, Bro. Johnson. Mr. Weber has had charge of tho Girls' Industrial school here for the past three years and we Know positively that no man in the state is better qualified than he for the responsible position. T We also know that as secretary of the state central committee in the campaign o 189G our magnificent vote was largely at tributable to the untiring efforts of Ben Weber. Since the organization-of the party he has been in tho forefront of tho tight in every campaign and his acquam tance with the prominent jrften of the party will make him a thoroughly strong candidate. i '-., The Gazette gives notice right here that we are for Weber for secretary o state. Geneva Gazette. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL ....- : " The Times-Independent of LOup City clipping an article from tho Indepen dent concerning the necessity of finding a competent and fearless lawyer for the position of attorney-general says: ,.-', "We agree with the Independent that the candidate should be a populist and one who is in no wise under obligations to the corporations. We havefinSher man county just such ' a populist. A man with all of the qualifications re quired; a capable attorney, energetic and tireless in his efforts to serve his clients.' "The office should hunt the man not the mats the office. No doubt hat is the richt spirit, consequently we demand the attention of tho office of at torney-general for the present and direct its footsteps towards Sherman county, to the county seat of said county, and to the office of our townsman, Honorable Henry M. Mathew, who we consider the proper man for said office to seek. We tiave had no talk with Mr. Matnew upon this subject, but as the "office should seek the man" we considered that none was necessary;'-; :. ; -; : Some Good Work. While at our county convention Satur-t day last. I made a short talk before the convention in favor of the Ne braska Independent" and obtained the enclosed 12 subscriptions. Several per sons present testified to the merits of the Independent, preferring it to any other paper for solid, reliable news. . . - "I- -11 -11 1-J li . Anieiope vo. win ron up a uig major ity for Bryan in Nov. -Yours for Truth, Right, Home and Country, ' "V --.-'- - " -';-.. '.' -. J. a. DEWEY. For such favors as the .above the In dependent is thankful. . It is an encour agement to continue the enlargement and improvement of the paper. Mr. Dewey has set a most excellent example and we hope and believe that good for the party will result from his labor. There will be no middle ground in the cominc presidential campaign. There will be no room for mid-roaders. The contest will be waged between the impe rialists and those who still believe the federal constitution and declaration of independence to be two documents worthy our highest consideration; it will be waged between trusts and the friends of commercial independence; between a would-be moneyed aristocracy and the advocates of government money. ? Whatever merit there may be in the mid-roaders' contention for independent party action, considered abstractly, the lines are so drawn that there are but two sides to this controversy. Those who con,tend for government money untram toelled m its issue by any private inter ests, will be found supporting William J. Bryan; those-who believe in. the gold standard aad a currency wholly under the control of national bankers, will sup port William McKinlev. . Those who be lieve that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed will rally around Bryan as their stand ard bearer; those who believe that the declaration of independence and the fed eral constitution are mere glittering gen eralities, will follow McKinley" 11 The people's party crossed tho Rubicon m loJb. Its action in endorsing Bryan; after mature deliberation . and full dis cussion, established a precedent which -it is useless now to try to reverse., By that endorsement the people s party said in layo. "there,; are two great opposing forces in this contest; there is no room for independent action' by us; we; wil join hands with the party that mos nearly coincides with our views." ? J i Tho rejuvenated democratic party o 1896 has taken long strides since then in the . direction of populism. . Democrats who merely opposed national banks of issue in 1896 are now asking for govern ment banks. Democrats who in 1896 in sisted on coin redemption Of paper mon ey, now freely admit the uselessness-'of such a proceeding. ;v Democrats who in 1896 urged strict governmentr-' contxo and regulation of railroads, now see the futility of such control and regulation and are to be found with the great army of people who ask for public ownership of public utilities...-Read Coin on Mon ey, Trusts and Imperialism, - ye mid roaders, and sat if any populist could produce better populist doctrine. ' There is no room for the mid-roaders, Th.e only honest course for them is to openly. support McKinley if they;cannot support Bryan.. N mid-road candidate for the presidency could hope for even a corporal's guard of followers, because his chief advisors will all take no chances of throwing away their votes, and, fearing Bryan's success, will vote dorectly for McKinley. . . ' The Harlan County Democrat last week began its seventeenth year. Edi tor Ludi deserves great credit for his successful , efforts to give the people of Harlan county a wide-awake democratic paper. ." ' .' ":Jt really looks as though the church going republicans of Omaha threw aside party prejudice and voted for Poppleton. But the Dave Mercer democrats voted for Moores and nullified any gains Pop pleton made in the republican ' strong holds. , : ,. ' , . NOTICE In compliance with the statutes of the State of Nebraska, in such cases made and provided, notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Commissioner or jtudiic ands and Buildines until 0 o'clock a. m., April 2, 1900, for furnishing supplies for the quarter ending June 30, 1900, for the Hospitals for the Insane at Lincoln, Hastings, and Norfolk; the State Indus trial School at . Kearney; the Girls' In dustrial School at Geneva; the Institu tion for Feeble Minded Youth at Beat rice; the Soldiers' and Sailor's Homes at Grand Island and Milford; the Home of the Friendless at Lincoln; the Women's Industrial Home at Milford, and the State Penitentiary at Lincoln. Estimates and blank proposals may be had upon application to the superin tendents of the various institutions, A bond for a sum equal to the propos al shall accompany each bid. , All bids to be made in duplicate. No proposal will be received unless in the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings on i or before the day and hour above mentioned. ; ; j The original of each accepted proposal must , bear a 50-cent revenue stamp, which may be affixed after the award is made., No bid . in which samples are called for will be considered; unless the samples are submitted. ' The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. v - i - r ". J. V. WULFJtf, secretary, Lincoln. Neb.. March 15,1900. . t N. B. The board will undertake to consider all bids for all goods in one day. ' Chattel Mortgage Sale. , Be it known. That bv virtue of a chattel mortgage dated June 26th, 1899, executed by Thna. Hornbri unto Nichols hbeDara Co, an incorporated company under the laws of Michigan, to secure tne tmvment or five mm- dred fifty dollars ($550.00), said mortgage having been duly filed in the office or the county cleric of Lancaster county. Nebraska, and, default havinorbeen made thereon. There remaining due and unpaid the sum of $574.10. We have taken and shall on Thursday March Z2nd. J IHA' Bb 1U U UWft a. Uli, Ul UIU B5& i vi. the back door of Lincoln Transfer Co's. build ing at 10th and Q st9. in the city of Lincoln, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the follow insr described property, to-wlt : One gram sep arator with 32 inch cylinder and nl inch rear. comolete.- ShoD No. 9110. with Trucks, belts. fixtures and including one ftetmrn neuraauc stacker. One 10 H. P. Traction steam ragine complete, shop no, 3619, all of above machinery being oi i ichois & bhepara vo. manufacture. ' Nichols A Shepard Co, 1 By E. E. Glasscock. Agent for the purposes of this sale. Dated Feb. 12th., 1900. ,, ..... CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION , OFFICE OF ' AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS STATE OF NEBRASKA i J 1 r . Lincoln. Mar. 7,1900. "IT IS HEREBY CORTIFIED THAT THE Indemnity Fire Insurance Co., of JNTev York City, m the State of New : ' York, . has complied with the insurance law of this state and is. therefore authorised to transact the business of Fire Insurance in this state tor the1 current year nineteen hundred. Witness' my hand and official seal the day and year above written. John F. Cornell, tiis . -Insurance Commissioner. ', Isel . . Wm. B. Paica, " , Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS STATE OF NEBRASKA Lincoln, February 23. 1903. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE North American Accident In surance Company of Chi ; cago, in the State of Illinois, has complied with the insurance law of this state and is, therefore authorized to transact the business of ACCIDENT Insurance in this state for the current year nineteen hun dred. ' - V-.V ' .;.V".:.: ' Witness my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. John F. Cornell, -, . . Insurance Commissioner. . . seal , :';,;v W. B. Peice, : ' : .-Deputy. www Our today's illustration is of that fc in of Draft Ptal liotas drawn from the St. Paul, Neb., stud of draft and coach tall ions. "MtGimmoi'i HtmiJ' Bar olrde. weisht 2000 pounds. He is a low- down, "wide-as-wacou-sort clean, flinty bone aud feathers fine as silk- He has been shown with the "tops" of the land and always proved to be the ' KiD Notcher" at the , Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and . great St. Louis fairs. He is 1 not only a rreat show stallion but ft creat brood stallion as well. His get have been first and sweepstake winners at leading state fairs, and his get now on sale at the "Home of the Winners" are out of ight -the best in the land, lams has barns full ot big thick, blocky, . flab. acting . Clyde. Shires : Black pr cherons and coach stallions. He has more Omaha Exposi tion and State prize Winners; more black stallions; more , ton and 2300 pound stallions ; more E&jal bred and govern ment approved stallions, than all importers of Nebraska. He is selling choice J SOU and 2000 pound stallions at f800.(X and $1,000; good terms, good guarantees. lams pays the freight and saves you fcOO on a first-class stallion by buying from Frank lama, bfc. Paul, Neb., at his home barns, as he has no high priced salesmen to sell inferior horses at S2.000 and $3,000. Go and see lams. - He will treat you whit and sell you -winner and money makers. - -K - v, -'u': r: loot ioood WHiUH WAf DOESN'T HE POINT? - New York World. The Annual Statement The Mutual Life Insurance of New York . . . . appears on the last page. This is the largest Life Insurance Company in the World, and loaned to its policy-holders upon their policies during the year 1 899 over Four millions of dollars. FLEMING BROS,, Managers for Iowa and Nebraska, DesMoines, Iowa What do yoti nocd? Magnetism, or Medicine? We are prepared to give you either, and we always do give just what each person needs. Some are claiming to cure everything with MAGNETISM, others with . . MEDICINE. We claim it takes, in a great majority of cases, both to effect a cure. We also use ELEC TRICITY and BIT US when needed. Give us a call. We claim there is no place in the state where they are BETTEB PREPARED to treat dheases than THE LINCOLN MEDICAL AND MAGNETIC INSTITUTE, 1725 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Consultation Free. SULPHO-SALIIIt BATH' HOUSE AND SANITARIUM COR.14TH " M STS., LINCOLN, NEB..Opn all Hours, Day and Night All forms f Baths TURKISH, RUSSIAN, ROMAN, ELECTRIC with special Att tlon to the Application of NATURAL SATVT WATER BATHS, several times stroager than Sea Water. Rheumatisms Skin, Blood, Catarrh, Stomach, Ntrvout, and Heart Diseases: Liver and Kidney TrouWes, Diseases of Women and Chronic Ailments, afe Treated Saccessfuiiy A separate department, fitted with a "thoroughly aseptic surgical ward and operating room, offer special inducements to surgical cases and all diseases peculiar to women. BBS. M. H. MID J. 0. EVERETT, MANAGING PHYSICIANS. We carry a stock of goods valued at 1.600,000.00 a., War tmt .. w rr We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building in the world. We have r, over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly , z engaged filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL. CATALOGUE is the book of the people It quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over i.eoo pages, 16,000 illustrations, and 60,000 descriptions of articles with each copy. We wast you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to ahow your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. Gomp any We receive tn Ann Z&.0UU letters ' rr-, every day j- h,.i 1,. 9 aaa ex. i prices. It coats 7a cents to print and mall . 1 . ; 5'.- -; w-'ra. -TS ff"