n - w ' ! 0' llarcH 15, 1900. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 3 I) r i 1 (v 1 1 Riepublican Party Badly Demoralized. fiWAELINQ AT EACH OTHEE, Mf.cKinley and Congress zt Log gerheads. OWEB POETO BIO AH TAEITF BILL. Secrietry- Root, Author of the Mem nreS. Ha Probably Killed 111 VleA Presidential Booralet-Amai- , lag SoHerianlti of McKlnley and Payrne Auoi Cnmmlnara Coop. ; Wi wamaker and ReedA Repnb 11c; an Ontrase. Special Washington Letter. Sj inve qui peut!" is the cry among the Ivepublicans. Thirty days ago they wore I so arrogant as to be almost in olerable; now they are humble as ,.1ahHeep. Then they presented an nnbrokien front; now, thoroughly de moralized, it is every fellow for him self amd the devil take the hindmost. Then they were a band of brothers; now they are snapping and snarling "at each. cither, bandying criminations and recriminations. Then they felt victory in the iilr, sniffed the battle from afar and, UYtte Job's warhorse, ejaculated a defiant! "Ha, ha!" now fbey feel like one who treads alona borne banquet hall deserted, Vh lights are fled. Whose garlands dead And all but them departed. The fereat question among them Is not wh6 struck Billy Patterson, but who kilaea Cock Robin, Cock Robin being the Republican party. The presi dent's i olltical body servants say, Congress did it." The congressmen aymeiitally at least "The president did it." j But, whoever did it, the ap pearances are that it is done. Nobody can explain satisfactorily why the pres ident urgied free trade with Porto Rico id his message and why Mr. Chairman Payne at (first introduced a free trade measure tlnd then why they all ratted to the tariff side. . It is given out now that Mr. iSecretary of War Root drew the tariff j'blll. which In all probability kills his vice presidential boomlet dead as a smelt, dead as a doornail, dead as Julius Cpsar. They can't defend Mr. McKinley's somersault, they can't de fend .Mr.i Payne's lofty tumbling, and they can distinctly hear the rumblings of the coming storm. Getting; News From Home. They are getting the news from home, which . indicates that scores of congressional seats have been imperil ed?; They ; read the papers, and they must have a creepy sensation up and down their spinal columns when they peruse such an editorial as this from the Washington Post, Independent, goldbngglsh, high tariff. The Post says: "Four years ago Mr. Eryan stood for what many regarded as a propaganda of anarchy. The silver plank in the Chicago platform, which was. unfor tunately for the Democrats, made the most conspicuous and threatening fea ture of the conflict, enabled the orators and organs of the capitalistic combina tions of the country to proclaim that Bryan's success meant 'dishonest money. 'the degradation of the dol lar and the "robbery of the horny handed son of toll.' What dreadful pictures were drawn of the conse quences of Democratic success It is now impossible to adequately de scribe. The wreck of enterprise and In dustry, the ruin of the poor man, the extermination of agriculture and the dawn of a heliborn carnival these were only a few of the grewsome pros pects dangled before the eyes of the Ignorant aud timid voter. Newspa pers ranted about the '50 cent dollar; stump speakers brayed and bowled over the infamy of paying the laborer only balf his w&jje. Pensioners, per sons depending upon limited annuities, all the swarms if the salaried, were told that they tonered on the brink of penury. Never as there so simple and so sharply dVflned an issue, and neTer was the opifcrtunlty for blatant and Insensate outcW so Inviting. We all remember how 1 ended. "But what a difArence now! The Republicans themseVes have deliber ately removed the b&raboo of free sil ver from their properv room. The en action of the law flxiiV the gold stand ard as part of ournational policy makes silver coinage Impossible for at least six years to comA No manufac turer or capitalist or Veat merchant or employer need be lightened Into ' heavy contribution to tie Republican campaign fund. Were Bt-an to be cho en president next Novenber and were a Democratic hpuse to y elected sl ; multaneously the "peril o free silver, like that of free trade, yould be no nearer or more real than It is at this moment. There would sill be a ma jority In the senate capablt of prevent ing either calamity and b power at ; the disposal of the executve to overr . come-the obstacle.- Those two grisly - nightmares no longer threig the at mosphere. No one outside dVnurserles .'. and asylums can now be frlftened by these buckram spooks. , "On the other hand, whaf strength h:t the Republican party gaiftMo off ; et this loss of weakness by toiOemcc . racy? Very little, we fear. T splen did and successful conduct of war with Spain has been sadly cla ked by . the scandals of mismanagement and favoritism .which attended thWlorl ous consummation. The courst tf the admlnlstratJon with reference to Cuba and the Philippines has lost the party many stout and potent friends. The strange policy recently adopted toward Porto Rico has outraged practically the entire country. The Hay-Fauncefote treaty has still further Impaired Mr. McKInlcy's prestige, 'and the rumored purpose of the president to compel its ratification will, If it should be real ized, . not only discredit the govern ment, but bring contempt and odium upon the party. In a word, the situa tion, as it seems to us, is far more fa vorable to Mr. Bryan and far less so to Mr. McKInley than It was four years ago. .-. , . y- "In our opinion,, the Republican par t? has lost ground to an alarming ex tent within the past three months. Its best friends and ablest exponents have not been able to explain the betrayal of our national Integrity Involved in the Hay.Pauncefote treaty ior to de fend the bad faith, and cruelty involved In our. trcatmentTof Porto Rico. We say nothing of - the stupid mismanage ment In Cuba and the Philippines, the ugly and appalling suspicions current with reference to. both them and Porto Rico. ; Having no certainty, we speak no word.. But we assert, without fear of contradiction, that the administra tion -Is - daily losing strength on all these scores, andwe know for a cer tainty 'that thousands of men who four years ago regarded Mr. Bryan with terror and aversion now consider him favorably as the lesser of two evils." Amos) Coram 1 Asa Oratorical Coop. Who made the greatest speech in the Porto Rican debate? I don't know. Nobody can tell. Many great speeches were made. . , Who made the most fetching and astounding short speech ever deliver ed in the American congress? Amos J. Cummlngs of New York the big hearteJ,,: whole souled Tammany brave. Really, Amos ought to be: ar rested for violating the statute against cruelty to animals by reason of the startling and unprecedented manner In which he ambushed the Republicans. He did It willfully, deliberately, pre meditatedly, on purpose and of his mal ice , aforethought, to borrow the felic itous and comprehensive language of the Indictments. Truth to tell, he sur prised and took in the Democrats near ly as completely as he did the Repub licans: only the Democrats finally had the best of It, and he laughs best who laughs last. I do not believe that a parallel for Amos' oratorical sell can be found in the parliamentary annals of this or of any other country. If 1 should stay in congress 40 years, I would never expect to see It equaled. It made him the hero of the debate. The thing was so perfect, so adroit, so successful, so- amazing, that when it was over the congratulations of the sold Republicans were as numerous and as hearty as those of the Demo crats. A man would have to have been soulless who would not enjoy such an achievement. In cold type it will seem dull beside what It 4 was In reality. To properly understand the situation it must be stated that Amos is one of the most impassioned speak ers that ever lived. He Is an Intense patriot. He is an enthusiast. He is emotional. He is ' hail fellow with everybody, from president down. A Remarkable Speech. With this preface 1 give his remark able speech: "Mr. Chairman, when the vital Inter ests of our country are at 'stake and the liberty of the people is endangered I believe it to be the duty of every man upon this floor "to rise above party trammels and vote in accordance with his honest convictions. Believing this, after I had votedfor ?50.000.000 to be spent by the president of the United States to prepare us for war with Spain aud after voting for the declara tion of wee, I stood here, rising above party, and voted for the revenue bill which provided money to carry on that war. In that fame patriotic spirit I declare here today, with a full sense of my responsibility, that 1 shall vote for this bill. I shall vote for this bill. Mr. Chairman, provided it is amended as officially recommended by the pres ident of the United States; provided, Mr. Chairman, that It is amended as the president of the United States rec ommended so as to provide absolute free trade with the island of Porto Rico. "Now. Mr.. Chairman. Porto Rico Is either in the United States or out of It. If the island is out of the United States, we have no business legislating for her here In any way whatever, and If she Is In the United States she Is In the same condition as Arizona, New Mexi co, Oklahoma and the other territories. and she ought to have some Dennis rij-nn or Pedro Perea here represent ing her. . "Now. Mr. Chairman, this measure ought to be amended so as to be enti tled 'An act to make a temporary pur gatory for the Island of Porto Rico. You Intended at first to put her perma nently in purgatory, but the committee on ways and means, with the religious prescience which always ought to char acterize them, have limited the time In which she shall remain In purgatory to 1902. r This . limit has satisfied my friend from Vermont. Judge Powers, whose legal if not Christian ability has been abundantly displayed on this floor, but It does uot satisfy me. I would suggest to the, gentleman frora New York in charge of this bill Mr. Paynel now, before pressing It to Its passage.to amend It In accordance with the suggestion of the president In De cember last and secure my vote. I am still standing patriotically by the pres ident." Mr. Lacy Mr. Chairman. I want to call the attention of the gentleman from. New York Mr. Cummlngs to the fact that there Is a law in force in the District of Columbia against obtaining goods under false pretenses. Mr. Cnmmings How did you get Porto Rico? '-.,.-.' As another illustration of the divine harmony now prevailing among Re publicans pious John Wanamaker in his personal organ, the Philadelphia North American, hoppeth on to Hon. Thomas Brackett Reed, late of Maine, with both feet, and daneeth 'a war Jig upon his ponderosity, all by reason of an article by Mr, Reed In the Philadel phia Saturday Evening Post, In which Thomas deftly, lnserteth his knife un der William's fifth rib. John com plaineth that Thomas is not bold enough to come out In the open. This generation hath known no more skill ful master of English than Mr. Reed. Here are the paragraphs which dis gruntled pious John. Mr. Reed saith: "Whenever in a republic free discis sion is refused, whether suppressed by law or by public terrorism, you may be sure that some wrong exists - which must be destroyed or it will destroy the republic. . "There is no more pitiable thing that can be said by a great people at any time than the saying so often heard of in the life of many nations, 'It was a foolish and wrong thing to be in. but we are in it and must go through.' "Democracy In its practical workings exhibits, from time to time, very strange incidents, which are little to be anticipated by auy foreknowledge we may have. vOne would have supposed,, had we not had other experience, that the doctrines of liberty as carried out by a free people would lead to larger Individual Independence, to wider range of toleration and more freedom of action, but In our history the result has been otherwise, and the disposition to be intolerant has in many ways in creased. Reliance upon numbers rath er than upon strength of argument has grown with our growth. It Is much to be hoped that this is only a temporary result and that the dream of full and free expression of dissent from tempo rary popular opinions may become a working reality." Considering the character and posi tion of the dramatis personse, I. must give it as my opinion that John's point Is not well taken. Mr. Reed's mean ing is clear as crystal. ' Will It rayT It will be remembered that Senator Tom Carter of Montana said that the great question touching the Philippines was this "Will it pay?" Let's see If it will pay. The Philippine war up to date has cost us In round numbers $100,000,000 for the army alone, to say nothing of the navy, pensions and of loss of life. It will cost us that much or more every year thatVe try. to hold them. Will it pay? Here Is an ex tract from an administration paper as to our commerce with the Philippines which answers that question most ef fectually: "The war department has published some statistics of Philippine commerce for the quarter of last year ending Sept. 30 which throw new light on tbi export trade so far as It relates to the United States. It is shown that of the total exports of raw sugar, amounting to $1,143,349. only $85,002 went to the United States, while Japan and Great Britain took nearly all the remainder; also as to leaf tobacco, the exports of ;" which were valued at $335,403. the ex ports to the United States were trifling in amount. Spain taking7 the lion's share namely. $204.818 and England $33,047. The United States also took only $3,032 of Manila cigars out of a total export of $239,000, and none of the other manufactures of tobacco came to the United States. In fact, ci gars and cigarettes to the amount of $3.7tR) were imported from the United States. Even in Manila the United States was second to Great Britain in taking $005.S13 worth, while Great Britain took $1,147,424. The total val ue of the hemp exports was $2,776,007 and the amount was 19,041) tons. "The imports of merchandise into the islands were valued at $0,437,017 and the exports $4,884,057. Silver coin to the Value of $588,001 was imported. "The total Imports from Europe were valued at $2,293,520 and from North America $331,475. The exports to Eu rope were $2,400,390 and to North America $1,030,598. The total collec tion of import duty was $1,022,187 and of export duty $105,424." Republican Oatrage. It strikes me that after the action of the house on Thursday. March 8, in bouncing Bobbins and seating Aid ridge Republicans will receive the horse laugh when they begin to talk about Goebelism or Crokerism or any other sort of Ism. Robbins received about 1,300 majority and had as clear a title to his seat as any man who voted to unseat him had to his seat. Aldrklge Is a professional contestant. This Is the third time he was defeated by the voters of his district, and three times he has been elected by Republic an members of congress in the house. But the Republicans since their scare over the Porto Rican bill and their narrow escape from defeat on that measure have made up their, minds that they need a larger majority, and they propose to get It by throwing out Democrats who were elected and seat ing Republicans who were never elect ed. Yet this party arrogates to Itself all virtue, all Intelligence and all patri otism! The chances are that every Democrat whose seat Is contested and whose con test has not been already decided will be compelled to walk the plank; not because he Is not entitled to his seat, but because the Republicans have only 14 majority in the house which Is uncomfortably close In . so large a body. especially when the ele ment cf demoralization produced by the new fad of imperialism Is taken Into consideration. TENDER CLOVER HAY. WItb Sliced . Roots Added to It. Conatltntea the Bee Winter Feed for Sheep. It The beet possible dry feeding of sheep Ueariycut. tender clover hay, with the" addition of sliced, roots. This is the best possible dry.' cojirse feeding for the winterT Ewes may be kept in the beat condition On this feed without grain. The addition of some grain later, when the lambs are to be thought of. will be necessary, but only a mod erate ration need be given. . Sheep ure naturally herbivorous, and mischief is frequently done by overcrowding them with grain, when their digestive ap paratus is suitable only for herbaceous fodder. Grain eating animals do not need a large stomach, nor a series of them, for a gradual reduction of the hard and concentrated food to soluble pulp. Doubtless the majority of sheep lost during the winter feeding season die on account of a misunderstanding of this' natural condition and require ment. . ' ' , Bulky ,food is essential to an herb ivorous and ruminating animal. Some times, for instance, cows have been fed a whole winter on finely ground corn meal, without any coarse food what ever, even hay. The result' has been that, rumination not being required for the due maceration of the food, this function was wholly suspended. The size of - the stomach even decreased, shrinking1, as the common adage goes, "to the size of the ration Life was preserved, doubtless, and this might have been useful in times of shortage of coarse fodder, but we never heard of any person but the discoverer of this new aiethod of feeding in the winter who tried the experiment. This is a typical instance of natural ' .require ments of herbiverous animals. Nature has been an exemplary pro vider for hev owi. needs, and the natural habits of feeding of atfy race of animals which has been .in existence for we know not how many thousands of years cannot well be set aside or disturbed by modern invention. The shepherd roust take his flock as they were made and nxiWexist. And the closer he can im itate the natural methods and habits of the race, the better success he will meet with in rearing the flock. Amer ican Sheep Breeder.' ' . , A MOVABLE HOGPEN. Quite De Strong;, Vet Llartat Rnoaarh to Drawn from Place to' solace v . by Two Hore. A movable - shelter for snoats or brood, sows which can be drawn from one part of the -arm to another by two horses is shown in the illustration. It ?e very easily made. Construct a shed 12 . feet long; of . two-by-eight-ineh MOVABLE HOGPEN. . board, using four crosspieees of same size seven feet long. Lay the floor lengthwise. Side one side with inch board a six feet htgb; opposite aide for four feet. For plate to nail boards use two-by-four-inch scantling. Use a two-by-four at each end for, rafters, to which end boards are nailed. Roof with matched i!oorini; The runners are sloped at each end, and there is a door in each end of the pen," This portable shelter will" be found pf'nse to every farmer and will cost little to raske. Orange Judd Farmer, r ROOTS FOR LIVE STOCK. On account of the large amount of water they contain, cows on roots are never as thirsty in winter time as they otherwise would be. If roots have not been cleansed of all particles of dirt when pluced in storage in the fall, they should be cleansed with plenty of water prior to feeding. . The dairyman who feeds roots to hi cows in midwinter is always a wise cne. no matter how plentifully his silo, hay mow and granary may . be stocked. . ' Besides their intrinsic value to milk production, roots Hi i that want in a cow'r diet in winter of "something green!"- which aids in assimilating other focds. . A neighbor of mine had a cow to which he fed a bushel of turnips daily, and. although on a hay diet besides, be aid she never drank any water in three weeks, although offered it dhtly. George E. Newell. In American Cul tivator. ' ' Taking the clean roots, an admira ble way- U to plae tbero in a box and proceed to chop them up with a sharp spade. This can be very expeditiously aeeotnpliRbed, and then the feeding to cows should be done in fixed boxes in front of their stalls. ' nalsnreri Ration for Hena. The balanced ration is as necessary in the poultry yard as in the cow yard, and a man , that feeds an unbalanced ration is wasting a large ' part -of his food in either case.'. If a food contains 40 per cent, more fat-forming parts than nitrogenous parts then there is bound to be ti largp waste. If the fat is laid on. it is wasted and worse than wasted.- for egg prod net ion; and if it is not laid on It is as certainly wasted. Mosi of our people feed an excess of fat formers rather than an excess of protein, the latjer being the more cot Vr food. The man that rot eirflrs all Uthrough the fall was themen that fj a .balanced ration, and ,he will b the man that will get n good yield of eggd JUST PLAYING RICH. A ATILDA," said the -young married 1 1 man to his wife ;on Sunday after noon last; ."will ytu be good enough to touch that button beside you? I.want to summon xnyi man and have him take a message down to the station for me. 1 have been sitting here longing for southern' California, and I'm going to send James down to tell the man in charge of our private car; ta put her into commission and have her ready to be tacked on to the outgoing western express to-night. I suppose you are ready and will be glad to go, nay dear, even if I have., suggested it rather suddenly J ";.V .. c. , ' His young wife put her fiager to her lip and studies) for a moment. H could see by the expression on her face that his pUn for a speedy departure was not entirely in accord with her wishes, and he prepared himself for a harsh answer if she should ob ject.) And why shouldn't he, he reasoned, for had he not made sacrifices to gratify her whims for travel, and departed for extended journeys to all parts' of. the globe-on almost a moment's notice, and now if she could not accommodate her engagements to this one desire of his he would tell her what he thought about the whole domestic arrange ment in their bom. V' .,. ,, v ..-.;. "I really don't see how; I could possibly get ready so soon, Jack," she said. "Of course, Nitonche," my j French maid, could probably pack in time she, is co quick and so thorough at luggage packing, Ni touch ! -nd Deborah,' my other maid, could help her; but, Jack, there are o many other things to be considered! ' For instance, those dresses from Felix'.. Now, they should have been, here by the last French steamer, and I was so grievously disappointed thajt they did not come! ' The next French steamer is not due Until Wednesday, and they surely should arrive then. , Then, too, that tiara that is being reset for me. I should really like to have that before start ing out on a trip to southern California. You know what lovely jewels the women wear outthere. And, oh my! I forgot all about my new paddock coat and my new sealskin ulster that is coming from London when, goodness only knows; it " should have been here two weeks ago. No, Jack, I don't think it would be at all practicable to start to-night." "How very annoying!" said the young husband, pettishly. "I do wish, Matilda, that you would give up your obstinate habit of always placing obstacles in my path when you see I want to do a thing! .Fact is, I had quite set my mind on going to-night, .and I thought I should please and surprise you by telling you of it suddenly." . ' 5 ; "But, Jack, you know I would really like" - : , . . ,; " '..... - 'Now, when you decided suddenly last January that you wanted to go off on that Mediterranean cruise," interrupted - the young husband, "did I have any stock of excuses ready to spring why I should or could not accompany you within the 24-hour time limit that your fancy dictated? In' deed, I did not! I ordered our yacht, the Crescent Moon, put into commission instant ly fact is, I telegraphed to our skipper to that effect within ten ' minutes after you suggested the cruise and at seven o'clock the next evening we were bound for Gib raltar! Surely you remember that?'. : "Why, of course, I do, you unreasonable old thing, Jack, but' "And, now that I've quite fixed my mind on taking a little run out to the southern coast of California, and starting this blessed evening on our private car, the Arcturu, you seem ; to have a thousand and one rea sons to present why you can't start for a week or so. Matilda, it is distinctly ex asperating!" And the young husband rose from his chair and strode jip and down, after the manner of a man very much put out.' "Oh, Well, Jack," said the young wife, "if you're going to take it to heart so, why, I'm sure I can try and " , "Oh, no; I wouldn't have you inconven ience yourself for worlds!' he interposed. , "Not under any circumstances would I have you put yourself out in the slightest degree. Of course, if you wsoted to go somewhere, I could say no, I won't be able to start for a couple of weeks, my dear. I've go to run up to Vermont and look after my kennels; in the first place I fear those dogs, and especially our prize $15,000 St. Bernard, are being frightfully neglected by that, dog ex pert we got in England last summer. Or I could say that my stable of hunters down in Virginia needed looking after that I didn't believe my corps of trainers were giv ing them the proper ' schooling over the jumps. Or I might, if I wanted. to get out of accompanying you right off, say that our lodge up in the Adirondacks, or bur chateau down in North Carolina,' needed looking after. Again, I might say that the prospect of the issuance tof a new loan by the gov ernment would keep me tied here for a couple of weeks. But I never make any such excuses, now, do I, honest, Matilda?" "Why. no, of course not, who ever said that you" . i v , v "And then, do you remember when we Were in Cairo last winter when you sud denly took it into your head one night that you'd like to take - a - dahabiyeh voyage down the Nile? Remember how I chartered the very finest dahabiyeh on the river that very night, so that she was ready t6 receive us the next morning?", "Why, of course . I've ' not forgotten that" v;. , : ; U V; . "And do you remember when we were at Marseilles, you felt too much fatigued to travel bftck to Genoa where our yacht was and I telegraphed our skipper and had the Crescent Moon in Marseille harbor in the quickest time that was ever made between the two ports? And yet, when I suggest, thinking I'm ' making 'you- happy, that I would like to start this evening for a little spin out to the coast, you invent" "Now, Jack, wait a minute," interrupted the young wife. VI only ventured to sug gest that there were a few little things I would like to attend to, but. really, I should be quite overjoyed to go immediate ly this very hour, if you wish. ' -W can arrange to have all those things I : men tioned shipped after us. And isn't it jolly that the Creaceat Moon just happen to be lying in Sam Francisco harbor now! W can take a little run to Japan in her when we become tired of southern California, can't we, .Jack?; And to the ' Hawaiian islands? Won't it be delightful ? Oh, I am 'ready!" , - v : - "Well, then, it is decided that wt leave to-night, and I shall have my man send a , message to the railroad company immediate ly to have Our private car ready for the out going train to-night, and shall also telegraph to the captain of the yacht to have her ready for a voyage when we reach San Fran cisco. I think we shall enjoy the trip." . No. gentle reader, thin is not a report of a conversation in one of the gilded man eicns of the tveaiihy. It took place in a little uptown Kya month Cat. and the two ' . 5tMV- - vm - . ' HUMPHREY BROTHERS HARDWARE CO., LINCOLN, HEB. Wilssn-tbline. Columbus and Mover other tar load of Wilson-Moline Rubber and Steel Tire Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies, and Road Wagons, which makes our stock more complete than ever. Rubber tire, cut-under, extension top carriages (C spriDg the finest on the market). Rub ber tire phaetons, rubber tire road wagons, rubber tire buggies and . We have some bargains in second hand extension 4 phaetons, leather top, $35, 45, 50, 65 and 5 road wagons, $20, and one $8; 2 spring just set up two-seated surreys and buggies and spring wagons, B grades, and warranted, at very low prices. THE CELEBRATED HARRISON FARM WAG ON. Come and see and get a bargain. Wo will meet all catalogue prices. Moline Plow Cos Goods Stock Cutters, Planters, Listers, Disc Harrows Reasons MEW BfinPEB is superior to why the IMtvv UHUULI1 other cultivators Because the operator has more control of - ... . team. Being operated with a lever in comDinauon wiui pivoiea poie ana gangs. he easily keeps it in proper place, even though the team is not kept centered over the plants is easily operated on side hills, as a slight change in direction of wheels overcomes the tendency to slip down, and in turning at the end many plants may be saved that would be lost with other cultivators. - ' BLUE VALLEY FEED MULLS The only practical mill for farmers' use. We fully guarantee Blue Valley Mills for one year. The Blue Valley Mills will grind your corn cob and all, shelled corn; whfeat, bate, ' rye, kafflr corn, sor ghum, and in fact all kinds of grain. We positively guarantee the Blue Valley Mills to grind all kinds of "grain corn, cob and all OR ANY KIND of small grain. A COMPLETE OUTFIT of Tools, etc., :'r COKTBNTS - 1 Iron stand for lasts 1 Iron last for men's work 1 Iron last for boys' work 1 Iron last for women's work, 1 Iron last for children's work 1 Shoemaker's hammer 1 Shoemaker's knife 1 Patent peg awl handle 1 Pea- awl -. 1 Sewing awl handle 1 Sewing awl ,:; 1 Harness awl handle x 1 Harness awl I Wrench for peg awl handle 1 Bottle leather cement 1 Bottle rubber cement. 1 Bnnch bristles 1 Ball sboe thread " 8 Pairs of balf soles 131 DDIflC DCD OCT Securely packet! in wooden box with hinged Hd. "Weight if rnlllC lEll Otl No family can affonl to be without one of these outc. .. pay for itself many tlmcsover each year. f F I T" r" r We carry all kinds of field seeds J t-U : W EL fCm Uw Clover, Timothy, Kentucky Bltf Grass. German Millet, Red Top, Alfalfa, and Cane. Also an 4mtucn.se stock n HARDWARE and IMPLEMENTS MKNTIOX this Paper X . i it . . i t. tt.f. r Finn. Write tnem. mitflDiinru. Busies for Sals Have just received an top, cut-under carriages, $110, flOO, $60; $15; 5 top buggies, $35, 45, 15, 25 and $10 wagons, $15 and $18. We have new it. No other Is as independent of the -i v a i a . for Shoe, Harness, Tinware Repairing CONTEXTS . Continued. 1 Ball shoe wax 1 Package half-soling nails 1 Package M balf-soling nails 1 Package & half-soling nails 1 Package H half-soling nails 4 Pairs heel plates Vt Dos. sboe and harness needles 1 Saw and harnena clamp 1 Box harness and belt rireta 1 Rivet set for same 1 Harness and belt punch 1 Soldering iron 1 Handle for soldering iron 1 Bar solder . : 1 Fox resin - ! Hot tie soldering fluid Copy directions for soldering 1 Copy direct'na for ;i-oling.et -I S Order by mall If you X cant come in in prrion. a Prices met. X Chicago I J t - 1 '