n v Wort Tjeme Print Cban JInp Otber Jt Peoples Party Paper in tb U.S. a v viuv ri rivr J Subscribers from J Mow Until 3an. 71 n 1st, 1901, $2. SO 5 t x VOL. XL .LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 15, 1900. NO. 44. i BETTER THAN 60LD MINES The Financial Bill Makes a Gift to Hank ers and Bondholder of $137,000,000 . Besides Unlimited Power It seems that the profits of the bank ers in this new refunding scheme have not all been discovered yet. The re funding bonds that are to be issued in place of those now outstanding are al ready selling at a premium 6f six per cent. Men who have the old bonds are now making contracts to deliver these new refunding bonds for 10G. Many claim that they will go to 107 or 108. Now just stop, and figure up what this gift to the present holders of bonds will be if they get only six per cent premium. There are $820,000,000 of them. There is a straight out gift of 149,000,000. Was there ever anything more infamous than such legislation as that? Will the pres ent bondholders after they have their hands on those millions refuse to put up all the money that Mark Ilanna asks for in the next election campaign? Senator Teller made the following statement on the floor of the senate the other day in a colloquy with Senator Al lison, and Allison did not pretend to deny it. (Congressional Record, page 2633.) "Mr. Teller. The public press tells us that men sold them in New York, for 6 per cent. Some of them said they would not sell any under 7. Night before last a distinguished business man of New York, with large enterprises and a great deal of wealth and a great deal of energy , and industry, with whom . I have been ' acquainted for many years, called at my rooms and told me that the bonds were selling freely in New York at 6 per cent now, the men who will get the bonds and are going to exchange them making contracts to deliver them. It is only the man who owns the bonds and is going to exchange them for new bonds who can sell them for future delivery." This is confiscation. It is robbery as bad as was ever committed by any high wayman. It is taxing money out of the workirrr people of this country and giv ing without any return to bond holders. It is enough to damn anv government on earth. If the manhood had not long since been crushed out of the republi can voter there would be universal pro test from every part of the United States. Why these new bonds sell in advance of their issue at a premium of 6 per cent? Senator Teller gives the reason in very few words. (Congressional Record, page 2G34.) - - . - "Mr. President, we are now entering upon a new banking system. There was no propriety and no reason in the world why this exchange of bonds should be v provided for at this time and in this bill. These bonds will not be due for some seven or eight years. Nobody has wanted hi3 money for them. There is not a man living who does not know hat when the bonds are due it will be the greatest affliction that could possibly happen to their holders to have them paid in cash. So if it should occur that the bonds become due at a time when we are not prepared to pay them, there would be no trouble in exchanging them for other bonds. If we want to do so, we can pay existing bonds off with new bonds wnen iney are due or sell new bonds and pay the old ones. I repeat what I said before, that the holders of these bonds are already ex pecting to get new bonds for the old ones and their cash premium of $88,000, 000, and then sell the new bonds, if they want to get cash fof them, at a premium of 6 per cent. Prophecies go for almost nothing in these days, but I venture to say the bonds will be at a higher pre mium than 6 per cent all the time. Why should the bonds bring a premium of 6 per cent? They are bonds upon which the holder can go to the treasury and get the full amount in cash, and he will get his hundred cents on the dollarr He draws his two per cent upon them. He pays but a small tax upon the bills and he pays no tax upon the bonds. The national banks under the former system paid one-half of 1 per cent half yearly upon their circulation, or 1 per cent per annum, one-fourth of 1 per cent half yearly, upon their deposits, a like amount of their capital stock, deducting amount invested in United States bonds. In another place Senator Teller de dares that he would rather have this privilege of issuing the paper money of tne country man the ownership of all the gold mines. . Who would not? There is more to be made out of it and there are bo risks. Such a thing is so much better that there is no adjective to de scribe it. England paid a great price in suffering and tne destruction of the best part of ner population to enable her to estab lish the gold standard. We are to pay a mucn greater price. Senator Teller puts it in these words. (Congressional Rec ord nasre 2632. - "As 1 said the othey day, every nation tnai has attempted to maintain the gold standard has had to resort to extra measures and efforts to maintain it. Great Britain, as we know, ruined the best part of her population in the effort. She had 170,000 men who lived in their ewn homes, who ow ned their own land, who educated their sons at the English colleges, who fitted them for the dis charge of the very highest duties of citi zenship either at home or abroad. When she had got throuah with that effort, in side of twenty-five years, she had re duced her 170,000 independent land holders and yeomanry to 30,000. She paid a price for the gold standard infi nitely greater than ought to have been paid; and but for the fact that a greatly increased output of gold came in 1848 and subsequently, a still greater sacri fice would have been necessary. If the production of gold after 1848 had been no greater than it was from 1809 to 1848. in my judgment the British government would not have been the power it is today. 5 Under this bill I predict that we shall continue the national debt, increasing it gradually year by year, and that no man now living will see it paid. I do not sup-! pose the people who favor this bil) ever want to see the national debt paid. It was the policy of the republican party for many years to pay it. .We have paid a thousand eight hundred million dollars in less time than any government in the world had ever paid a fourth part of that sum. This payment was made under republican administration, with a steady determination at that time to get rid of the entire debt. But , there has been no effort made in the last twelve years by any political organization to discharge the public debt. There will be no more such effort, in my opinion, under a republican administration. If the republican party is again successful in 1900, you will see the public debt in creased and not decreased, and this bill is ex industria for that particular pur pose, lhere is no limit to the possible extension of the debt, and it is the in tention that there shall be no limit to it." Besides all these millions paid to the bankers in cash, this bill gives to them the control of every species of property in the United States. It gives to the banks a power greater than was ever ex ercised by any monarch or tyrant of all the ages past. This bill takes away the last vestige of protection from the prop erty owners of the United States. Said Mr. Teller: (Congressional Globe, page 2034:) Mr.President,there is another provision in the bill to which I desire to call your attention. As the present statute is and has been for many years, it was found necessary in dealing with the banks that when a bank decreased its circulation and brought its notes to the Treasury and took out bonds or left them, as it might, it could not increase its circula tion again for six months. That was for the purpose of preventing the banks of this country from putting their notes into the Treasury, contracting the cur rency, and then, perhaps in a month from that time, reissuing an equal amount, and thus keeping the currency in fluctuation. That law is repealed,and the banks hereafter will be allowed to simply turn in just so much money a3 they choose to do; and when they wish to create a fall in prices or when they wish to coerce the Senate and House of Representatives, as they have done I have a very distinct recollection of their coercing this body or trying to do so when they want to do that, they simply go to the Treasury with their notes,leave them there, and when the condition which they want to create has been cre ated, they will withdraw their notes again, and thus we shall have contrac tion and expansion, and that, I suppose, is upoii the theory ithat we . are to have an elastic currency. The perpetuity and increase of the public debt is provided for in a little sec tion of the bill that reads as follows: (It is section 5 on page 23 of the conference report.) "And if the amount of such gold coin and bullion in said fund shall at any time fall below $100,000,000, then it shall be his duty to restore the same to the maximum sum ; of $150,000,000 by borrowing money on the credit of the United States." Before a bill like this all the horrors of former legislation pales into insigriifi cance. All that was foretold in the Haz zard circular has a last been accom plished. There will be a flurry of good times when this flood of wild cat paper is issued and after that well what? Filipino Arts and Customs. Editor Independent: I was very much interested in the timely and instructive address of Miss Hartley at the High School auditorium last Saturday evening giving us as it did a glimpse of the do mestic life of that interesting people, the Philippiaos. As the numerous beauti ful household articles of ingenious work manship, and the many artistic designs of a refined taste in wearing apparel and personal adornment were held up to view we could not resist the feeling that this people could teach their invaders many things in which they are certainly very artistic. The thought is saddening that we are engaged in the destruction af this unob trusive and unique civilization. It looks as though some of our eastern journals and even a number of D. D's have gone mad in the inhuman craze for conquest. In the Outlook, a magazine edited by Rev. Lyman Abbott, ,in the issue of March 3d, in an article by Phelps Whit marsh (special commissioner of the Out look in the Philippines), from which I quote the following statement, descrip tive in part of his experience as a mem ber by invitation of a military expedition in running down a party of Philippinos. "Then began the cleverest bit of stalk ing I have yet seen. It reminded me of my hunting days in Australia when I walked many a mile to get a shot at the mountain kangaroo. We 'crawled on our hands and knees to a point that seemed within striking distance. They were looking out over the plain. At a low word of command the sixteen of us charged down the slope and when with in twenty-five yards, with a yell we gave them a volley." We have not room for the whole story but the glorious out come of it all was the killing of nearly the" whole "covey" of Philippinos. Think of this kind of work participat ed in by a "Special commissioner" sent there by a religious journal to give us the true situation from an unprejudiced standpoint. ..' - - : The article refered to will be found in the outlook of March 3d. finely illustrat ed to make it attractive, and the incident from which I quote begins on page 499. Then here is a dispatch from one of our dailies. "The army throughout the is land is working hard, scouring the coun try for insurgents and killing a few daily." ... Surely we can no longer condemn Cor tez ob Pizarro for their work of destruc tion in Mexico and Peru. " - 1 B. Roosa, Lincoln, Neb. THE STATE ADMINISTRATION. It Has Been Honest, Economical, Efficient, And a Credit to all Citizens of Nebraska.' If ever a political party had cause for rejoicing over the record that it has made in the administration of government it is the populist party of 'Nebraska. In the first place it has been absolutely honest. There has not been a dollar embezzled or misapplied and the most bitter partisan republican has not the impudence to make such a charge. . ; -. Governor Poynter has made an excel lent governor. There have been no grand stand plays for effect, but quiet, honest attention to the business that passes through his hands. The sharpest of the republican schemers have not been able to lay any. traps for him which he has not seen and easily avoided, as for in stance the celebrated Philippine resolu tion which the governor promptly vetoed. He has looked after all the institutions that are under his control with scrupu lous care and there has been less objec tion to his appointments than to any governor that we have ever had. Meserve - has made a model treasurer. His success in redeeming the credit of this state after the republicans had looted the treasury and Nebraska's prom ises to pay were offered on every street corner at a discount, has been litte short of marvelous. The business regulations that he adopted as soon as he was in of fice have made it impossible for thieving republican county treasurers to rob the state, although some of them have suc ceeded in robbing their counties of large sums since Meserve has been treasurer. Uncle Jake has so administered the office of commissioner of public lands and buildings that the school fund has been doubled, for which every child and every teacher in Nebraska is , grateful. Polit ical favorites no longer hold thousands of acres of school lands for terms of years without rent, but the rent on every quarter section is duly turned over to pay the teachers and support the schools. Auditor Cornell has saved the people of this state thousands of dollars by his close scrutiny of every claim that has passed through his hands. He is now engaged in making the fat insurance companies , pay up the stealings of Eugene Moore, and by the way he has been keeping after them and by the money sent in, it looks as if he were going to get it all back into the treasury. His deputy Mr. Price, is doing all over again the work of the republican administrations preceding. He is doing three years work in one. Porter has so administered the office of secretary of state that it has been above criticism even from - his enemies. That office under his management, in stead of having to be supported by tax ing thousands of dollars out of the peo- Ele is a source of profit to the state and elps to reduce taxation. The fees are turned over every week into the hands of the state treasurer and go to help pay the expenses of the state government. Smyth has so conducted the office of attorney general that it has received the encomiums of every decent lawyer in the state. He has conducted with the great est skill many difficult cases, some of them involving hundreds of thousands of dollars, in such a manner that there can be nothing but praise for him. He has had to fight in the courts alone and single handed, all the corporations and all the great corporation lawyers in the state, and he has conducted his cases with so much care and skill that a cor poration or corporation attorney dreads to see his face in court for they feel sure that retribution is near at hand. Superintendent Jackson has given universal satisfaction in the office of superintendent of schools. The schools of Nebraska were never in so good a condition as they are to-day. Nebraska is proud of them and of Superintendent Jackson. All these officers except the ' governor, are nearing the close of their second terms. In a few months more they will return to their farms and homes. The Independent says to them: "Well done, good and faithful servants. You have conferred honor upon the state and the party to which you belong. The people of this heretofore thief-ridden state will remember your services with gratitude." AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION This Department In the Schools in the Past Not Given Attention it Deserves. Mr. C. F. Beck, the present deputy su perintendent, speaking concerning the general condition of education in the state, says that the school work of this state is equal to and in many respects superior to that of any other state. The system is improving as fast as existing conditions will allow. As communities become more densely populated, and wealth increases thus lessening the burdens of taxpayers better school fa cilities will be available, and it will be possible for Nebraska to maintain the enviable reputation of having the least per cent of illiteracy in the Union. Free education is the bulwark of the nation. Nebraska intends to keep in the van. The last link in the chain of free education was welded when the free high school law went into effect. It is now possible for the boy or girl 4o pass through the distict school. ? continue through the high school, and complete a course at the university with no expense for tuition. Free books, free schools, free education, mean free citizens if a right use is made of the opportuities of fered. The educational sentiment is such there is little doubt that opportuni ties will go unappreciated to any great extent. Concerning the county institute. Mri Beck says from the present outlook the work will be of a higher order this year than ever before, and this insures better teaching during the coming years. Better teaching is rewarded with better learning, and this in turn results in better, citizenship. He gave it as his opinion . that no other state has as high moral - standard, or comes as near main taining that standard as Nebraska. Mr. Beck stated that in his opinion sufficient attention has not been given to the subject of elementary agriculture and that this important branch should be given greater attention in the future. Nebraska is a' peculiarly agricultural state and anything that tends to improve or develop that industry benefits either directly or indirectly every inhabitant of the state. The Independent hopes to be favored with some articles and . further suggestions from Mr. Beck in favor of such a course of study , in the ' near future. ' " - . AN APPALING LIST Private Soldiers in the- Philippines Con tinue to Commit Suicide by the Score. The suffering of 'the private soldiers in the Philippines is awful beyond de scription. Not a word about it is allowed to be told by the newspaper correspon dents in the islands, but every week ,or two there comes a long list of suicides. How is it that these young men, healthy, bright eyed and vigorous when they passed the medical examination to enter the army, now seek relief from their suf ferings in death? Besides these we have lists of hundreds who have been sent home insane. A look over the reports for the last three months shows the fol lowing long list of suicides and there may be many more. . Bernard, A. E., pvt Hosp. Corps. Bowman, D. T., Lieut., 37th U. S. V. Brereton, John J., Lieut.-CoL, 33d U. S. Vol. Inf. . ' - ' Briggs, Geo., pvt., 1st Wyo. Vol. Inf. Craddock, P. B., pvt., 4th U. S. Cav. Crawford, E. C, pvt., 23d U. S. Inf. Curtis, Geo. W., pvt., 18th U. S. Inf. Dickelman, F., pvt Hosp. Corps. Durham, Fred A., Hosp. Steward. Gregory, W., pvt., 11th U. S. Cav. ' Hiatt, Charles, Sgt., 4th U. S. Cav. Hillis, M. A.i cpl., 35th U. S. V. Inf. Hudson, John CM pvt., 23d U. S. Inf. Kehoe, J. J., pvt., 2d Ore. Vol. Inf. Kellerman, A., pvt., 4th U.1S. Inf. Knox, Geo. N., pvt., 6th U. S Artil. Lov, Christof , pvt., 20th U. S. Inf. McDowell, Harry A., pvt., 1st Col. Vol. Inf. McHenry, M.R.. pvt., 14th U. S. Inf. Montag, G., pvt,35th U. S. Vol. Inf. V Moore, J. L., Lieut., 51st la. Vol. Inf. Moran, P. E., Sergt 6th U.S Inf. Pegrce, F. A., Lieut., 6th U. S, Art. Rock, Thomas, pvt., 20th U. S. Inf. Sell, J. H.; pvt., 13th Minn, Vol. Inf Waugh, John R., Lieut., 39th U. S. Vol. Inf. i . .vZaisser, C. A.,pvt., 6th U.S. Inf.' t 1 In this list it will be seen that there are four commissioned officersone Lieut. Colonel and four noncommission ed officers. That army of nearly one hundred thousand men will soon disap pear. Shall we send anotherJLOO.OOO to take their places? It cannotTbe done without a conscription and to that impe rialism will finally lead us. Cost of the War. Congressman Sutherland has at last obtained an official statement from the treasury department of the cost of the war, and here it is: , Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, Jan uary 20, 1900. Sir: In reply to your communication of the 18th instant, requesting informa tion as to the amount expended for war purposes, exclusive ef amounts expended for building battle ships, from the begin ning of the war with Spain to the pres ent time, I have the , honor to state as follows: Estimated expenditures on account of the war with Spain, from March 1898, to December 31, 1899. War $256,750,000 Navy.. 68,000,000 Payment to-Spain. . . . . .-. . . . 20,000,000 Interest on bonds issued for war expenditures " 7,616,763 Total $352,366,763 Information as to what amount may be included in the above named Navy expenditure for battle ships should be obtained from the Navy Department. . ' - Respectfully, L. J. GAGE, Secretary. , Hon. R. D. Sutherland, House of Representatives. The Independent figured this out for itself some. time ago when it said that the cost of the war was about $300,000 000. At the time that that statement was made it didn't miss it $1,000. But the war has been going since the 31st December in the same old way and at the present time it is considerably over $400,000,000. By mid summer it will be half a billion, all to be dug out of the farms and mines of this country by la bor. This is a part of imperialism. Edgar Howard's passphobia eases up sufficiently every little while to permit him to take a calm survey of the situa tion. -This is the way he sizes up D. Clem Deaver's "True Populist." Clem Deaver is publishing an alleged populist newspaper in Omaha. The subscription price is less than the cost of the white paper. Deaver admits that he is a poor man not worth a dollar. The 'question naturally arises: "Who pays the freight?" , It has been often intimated in the past that Deaver stood very close to Edward Rosewater and the republican national committee. The in timations of the past begin to look like a sure thing in this present. Club of five subscribers from now uutil January 1, 1901, for $2.50. Every body rustle. , , . . Y. a - ; . A MALICIOUS LIBEL Prominent Democrats and Leading Dem ocratic Papers Denounce Edgar How ard's Circular Letter. The Democrat is not a bolter. Neither is it a mugwump as that term applies to politics. 'But there be a few things upon which the Democrat essays to speak. It has no doubt but that Bryan as presidential candidate will carry .Nebraska- So far, it is well. But Ne braska elects a full quota of -state offic ials this present year and to this is our present subject addressed. Fusion must 4 be accomplished, else candidates other than republican will not know they've been in the race." Silver Republicans, Populist and Democrats all know this is true; yet, to indulge the pique of some and to feed the vaulting ambition of others, strife and bitter feeling are be ing engendered. And since there's but slight cause for- it, the more's the pity that it's done. We will speak of one in stance and this will suffice to illustrate the principle attacked. Edgar Howard, a very worthy gentle man and a democrat, aspires : to the of fice of Auditor of State a place we be lieve him fully competent to fill and to secure his nomination has sent out to many of the reform editors of the state a personal letter, and in the favorable mention of his candidacy one friend in judiciously printed a portion of Edgar's appeal. Here it is: - v "Never before have I been a candidate for any office. I am now a candidate, and it is my purpose aided by those who believe in me, to win. I hope you do not think less of me because i have an nounced myself as a candidate. I be lieve it is the honest thing to do. I shall stand for a , principle redemption of the party pledges and ask those who believe such pledges should be redeemed to come up and help me. If the people are satisfied with the manner in which some of our state officers have : sneered at party promises, then my candidacysj will be abortive. - ' We learn upon good authority (The Democrat not having been favored with a "letter") that populist officials past and present are scored in caustic terms, in other portions of the letter, , for now being and Jiaving been dominated in their official capacity by corporate in fluences. . . The Democrat wishes to express its disapproval of such a method of advan cing one's candidacy, while a democrat, in fiie most positive manner. We de nounce not - the . method only but " de clare the charge made against honored public servants false. We believe the democrats of Nebraska should use all honorable means to se cure a fair representation for our party upon the fusion state ticket but such tactics as are being employed by Edgar Howard are . infamous and if indulged by democrats will not only cause the nomination of populists but will engen der such a feeling in the ranks of popu lists as to make , harmonious fusion im possible. Does any one suppose such men as Holcomb, Poynter, Meserve, Porter, Wolfe, Cornell and Jackson men who have made Nebraska the best governed state in the union would not resent such insults at convention time if such became the policy of Nebraska de mocracy? They are unworthy the honor they have won if they would not. . t. ' The Democrat is not prejudiced against Edgar Howard or any other democrat. On the contrary it has a feeling of fraternity of fellowship with the editor of the Papillion Times; but it wishes to publiclydisavow on behalf of f Nebraska democrats any feeling of dis appointment in the manner in which populist state officials ' have discharged their duties under the sacred trust com mitted to them. We are proud of them as we are of Atty. Gen. Smyth, or as are your populist brethren, and beg of them to remember that the man leading this attack is he who coined the ' phrase "Slippery Si" the only argument mfide by tne opposition against Silas A. Hol comb last fall. Also, remember that now when a fusion paper speaks against the candidacy of Howard the State Journal heroically defends him. The Democrat believes no man can climb the ladder of success over the backs of his fellows. We hope Edgar will see his mistake, repair the wrong he is doing our respected citizens, dispel the false light with which he is sur rounding his party and stand out openly in his candidacy upon his merits as a man, democrat and fusionist. Grand Island Democrat. THIRTY YEAR BONDS Tho Gold Bill Contains a Proposition So Monstrous That Even Some Repub cans are Revolting. . The United , States Investor takes a very positive position against the pro vision of the conference financial bill re garding the refunding of portion of the national debt. It says the provision is to be condemned on broad grounds. It is the height of folly.ays that journal, for the government, to surrender for thirty years the right to extinguish its debt. "The sole aim of the government should be to pay the outstanding bonds as they mature." It declares that "so far as the ability of the government to meet these obligations is concerned, there is not the slightest occasion at this time for such a measure as has recently passed the senate," the provision incor porated in the conference bill. It further says that the outlook is very favorable for a retirement of the debt at maturity out of the treasury surplus, provided the refunding proposition is not sanc tioned. In any event, says the Investor, there is no likelihood that a period of thirty years will be required to pay off the bonds that fall due in the next few years. "The treasury surplus, after de ducting the SIOO.OOOJOOO gold reserve, now stands at abou4$196,000,000, or near ly 25 per cent of what would be required to wipe out all the bonds that mature between now and 1908. There have been long periods in the past when the treas ury was burdened with redundant reve mles and the same experience is quite likely to recur in the near future. The presumption is that before, 1908 the re quirements for bond retirements could easily be met." . This proposition is too much for the Omaha Bee also, although Ed. Rosewa ter is not at all fastidious. At least one would judge he was not fastidious when he is supporting Frank Moores for may or," who was declared a defaulter by the supreme court and denounced by the Loyal Legion for obscenity. The Bee says: " - " We cannot but regard it as unf oru nate that the house conferees should have accepted this feature of the senate bill. It was, in our judgment, a mistake from every point of view. Not only is the refunding operation wholly unneces sary at this time, when the revenues of the government are in excess of th ex penditures and promise to continue thus enabling the government to reduce its interest-bearing obligations, but it is a departure from thejpolisy of the gov ernment which has been that of paying off the debt as rapidly as possible. That policy has been approved by the country and its effect has been beneficial. We can see no good reason for abandoning it now, when the conditions are all favor able to the continuance of its observ ance." . y 4'. -.- The Independent would like the Bee to tell what would become of the na tional banks if this provision was strick en out. How could we have national bunks of issue if there were no national debt and no bonds? This provision is necessary to hold the banks to the re publican party. Does Rosewater think they would fight for McKinley unless they got their share of the boodle? - AnDpen Letter V To D. Clem Deaver. , 1 Mr. D. Clem Deaver, Omaha Neb. Dear Sir: With the head lines of the new paper recently started by yourself in Omaha is the "True Populist" and in your last; issue you assail the peoples' best representative. I would like to in troduce , you to , our friends that they may b.ot be led astray and fooled by the "True Populist." - ; Will you kindly come forward Mr, Deaver, and give your past history? Mr. Deaver. where did you stand when you were on the state pay rcdl with Gov; Holcomb? Will you kindly tell our people where you stood until after Gov. Poynter dispensed with your services? Will you, Mr. Deaver, please inform the people of Nebraska where you stood in the fall of .1898 when you asked the boys in the employ of the state at the Transmississippi Exposition to use their influence in getting the Douglas county delegation to vote for one D. Clem Dea vor for governor? Mr. Deavor do you have any remem brance of urging an appointment to a position with the Nebraska state con vention for a ward worker who was pull ing for you for governor and he a staunch democrat at that time? Mr. Deaver does it ever occur to your memory that during and before the Douglas county primaries in 1898 when you were aspiring for the executive of fice of the great state of Nebraska that you admonished the boys to pull to gether that fusion was our only hope of success? " ' ' - ' . Is it possible friend Deaver that your failure in getting - the nomination for governor and b,eing dropped from the state pay roir has caused you to desert the peoples' interest and fall in -with the common enemy? Don't you think you have made a fatal mistake? Your True Populist" will fool no voter who has common sense. , Now, Mr. Deaver, if advice from a common laboring man would be of any benefit, please let me . admonish you that no "True Populist" will assail such noble standard bearers as Senator Al len and'W. J. Bryan while making the grand fight they are for the common people and against the crowned heads of England and . the money power of Wall street. In conclusion, do you really think you can possibly fool the fusion forces under the nom de plume "True Popu list." I think not, but, kind sir, I will have to admit I was somewhat taken-in. myself with the tone of your first issues and was fooled into getting you a sub scription list of 200 names but you have shown your colors in time, and the com mon people ot Brown county conceded they had no spare change to advance for republican campaign documents and I have thought best to retain your list un til such time as you may see the error of your ways for , you will never fool the people of Nebraska. F. M. WHITTECAR, Ainsworth, Nebr. They had Rude Virtues James Anthony Froude, the English historian, who three times visited South Africa, says in his book Oceana, page 37: "They - were , rough, but they had rude virtues, which are not the less vir tues because in these latter days they are growing scarce. Their houses being so far apart they cannot send their chil dren to school, and generally have tu tors at home for them. Religious obser vances are attended to scrupulously in their households. ; The Boers of South Africa, of all human beings on the planet, correspond nearest to Horace's description of tne Koman peasant sol diers who defeated Pyrrhus and Hanni bal. . There alone you find obedience to parents as strict as among the ancient Sabines, the Severn mater whose sons fetch and carry at her bidding, who, when " those sons go to fight for their country,1 will hand their rifles to them and bid them to return with their arms in their hands or else not to return at all.'! . ' THE LOUD BILL UP AGAIN. Another Effort Will Be Made to Suppret the Weekly Newspapers of the . United States. The editor and publishers of weekly newspapers had better begin to hustle or the first thing they know they will have to get out of business. ' The Loud Bill is up in congress again and while somewhat altered, it is more vicious than ever. It is hardly to be expected that editors of republican weeklies will do much protesting for long since most of them have been reduced to abject slav ery. There may be some, however, who when they are confronted with the pros pect of early retirement from business, will have manhood enough left to say something to their representatives and senators. The National Watchman makes the following remarks upon the Loud Bill if once enacted into law: The famous Loud bill has made its appearance again in Congress. This time it is more adroitly drawn than on former occasions, but it contains all the venom of its predecessors in a more con densed and somewhat more disguised form. The ostensible object and purpose of the bill is to prevent the abuse of the United States mails as a distributing agency for free advertising publications and other matter that does not strictly come under the heading of second-class mail matter. The real object of the bill, however, is to prepare the way for the most, insidious, dancflrnns and arvn rsrl V 1 o of all trusts, namely, a trust in publio intelligence. It is designed to enable the rich and powerful to throttle public in telligence by making it impossible for men of average means to establish news papers and build them upon their own merits. If this bill should become a law it would never again be possible to build up a journal to guard the interests of the plain people of the nation, because such a paper must have the right to send sample copies to the people for inspec tion as the pre-requisite of securing sub scribers and readers. Under . the pro-& posed bill the right to send sample copies as second-class matter is so restricted as to make it. impossible' for a state or na tional paper to ever acquire a general circulation unless in the hands of men who have ulterior purposes to serve and are willing to invest large sums of money in a monopoly of public intelligence The expense of sending samples after the passage of this bill, will be so,, great that it will become impossible to build up a weekly paper upon its merits, as the number of samples permitted by law as second-class matter would not permit the publishers to acquaint the public with the character and value of their publication during the natural life of the average man. . If the Loud bill should become the law of the land newspapers in the future could only be established by the rich who would be able to pay high rates for circulatimg them, and for advertising them in other publications, and as the price of all newspapers under such cir cumstances would greatly increase, this great avenue of public intelligence would be permanently cut off from the millions of homes who depend for news upon weekly publications. Under such a law the great city dailies that are controlled by the money kings and monopolies would become tne only open avenues of public intelligence. Let your member of Congress hear from you upon this matter. We ask all honest and independent journals of the nation to join with us in making odious this assault upon the very citadel of our liberties. ' We Can't do it. The immortal Webster said in a speech in the United States Senate March 23, 1848: "In the part which I hgve acted in public life it has been my purpose to maintain the people of the United States what the Constitution designed to make them, one people, o( v in interest, orig in character, and one "kd political feeling. If we depart from that we break it ai - up, AJDiirary government may nave territories ana distant possessions, be cause arbitrary governments may rule them by differet t laws and different sys tems. Russia may rule in the Ukrane and the provinces in the Caucasus and Kamchatka by different codes, ordinan ces, or ukases. We can do no such thing. They must be of us, part of us, or else strangers." It was also Webster that uttered this grand truth: . "No matter how easy may be the yoke of a foreign power, no matter how lightly it sits upon the shoulders, if it is not im posed by the voice of his own nation and of his own country, he will not, he can not, and he means not to be happy under its burden." Turned Traitor Joe Chamberlain first turned traitor to Gladstone and his party, and now ha has turned traitor to himself. Mr. Chamberlain, speaking in 1831, ' said: "The Boers are not naturally a warlike race; they are a homely, industrious na tion of farmers, living on the produce of the soil. They are animated by a deep and somewhat stern religious sentiment, and they inherit from their ancestors the men who won the independence of Holland from the oppressive rule of Philip II. of Spain their unconquerable love of freedom and liberty. Are not these qualities which commend them selves to men of English race? Are they not virtues which we are proud to believe form the best characteristics of the English people? Is it upon such a nation that we are to be called upon to exercise the dread arbitrament of arms?" The size and, number of clubs being sent in at 92.50 for five names is surpris ing. : . . ' r . i