The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 08, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    : C:Fr::::LcU:r '
'. TJpca th populist' party for the past
iur jexra naa laiien most of the burden
cf conducting the ISebraska campaigns,
rrhe democratic and silver republican
ciita committees have done good work,
. I. is true, but confined larcrelv to Dousr-
Izs and a lew, other . counties. There Is
- no good reason why the populist com
raiuae caoiua not do more worn: man
boti of the other committees, for the
t2Cjl's party has more votes than the
democrats and silver republicans com
Vbined and some, to spare. . , .
i . The organization of the people's party
needs some minor' chaDges to produce
Jbest reaults and then ; it will be irre-ft&table.:-
''Too many cooks spoil the
'broth." Too many committees cause
confusion where the duties could be' per
formed by fewer. ' 1 '
: The person selected as chairman of
the county central committee should be
ex-oQcio state committeeman ' and con
gressional, committeeman; he should
Have charge of the Btate ' representative
and senatorial campaign in his county.
He should be a worker, and a man able
to attend all meetings " of the state or
congressional committees. It should be
his duty to look after the campaign m
his county in a general supervisory way.
And he should have a good, active man
for secretary to look after the details. If
necessary, he should have a secretary to
attend to the mmntv camnaicrn work.
another to look after the congressional
and state campaign, and still another to
attend to the legislative campaign.
- The precinct caucus should select one
of the best workers for county commit
teeman and not wait until the day of
convention to do this. Thn the county
- convention should exercise great care in
selection of a chairman of the county
- committee or, if thought best, have the
county committee do ..this the day of
convention. The chairman of the county
committee should be empowered . to se
lect his own secretary or secretaries.
The officers of the state central com
mittee experience considerable difficulty
in transacting business with two sets of
committeemen in each county. Fre
quently the state committeeman and
county J chairman live some distance
apart and confusion of i speakers' dates
results. Often one or the other i3 care
less and apathetic and everything must
be done through the other: but it takes
fully thirty days ' of valuable time for
the officers of the state , committee, to
discover that both are-not workers.
Under such an organization . as has
been outlined briefly above, the chair
man of the state central committee
would communicate directly with the
county chairman on all matters pertain
ing to the campaign in such chairman's
county, and the latter would have sole
" supervision there. Hence, no confusion
of speakers' dates or in distribution of
campaign literature would result and
nnA to n n Tcnutrl Vua rvrlmnrilv roennnciKla
for any failures -that might occur.- C
Q. De France.
v Utility and Valiia" Vr. M
"You 'modern school economists, re
marked B. Fogg the other day, "are a
set of chumps! You say there is no such
thing as intrinsic value; that value is a
- relation; that is power in exchange; but
mat value cannot be in a thing, because
it is in the human mind. Is that cor
rect?" ' -
"Yes" I replied. ,
"Well," said he, "then you say this
thing has value and that has value. How
can a thing have value, if value is in
your mind f .-; - ty:
"That's an easy one, my boy," I an
swered; "suppose I say 'you have my
best wishes;' are not the wishes really in
my mind? Suppose I say, 'you' have a
good reputation;' is the reputation with
in you? I am well aware : that the ex
pression 'has value is a relic of the days
when ecoromista could not distinguish
between utility and value, and as a re-
Ktllt. xr or ft . driven tn tisa cmoTi f frrrra.
, .. - - - - ' - - f
sions . as 'intrinsic value,' commodity
. 1 I ' , it. - 1 1 n,
vaiue, mantes vaiue, ana tne use. mere
Is only one kind of value just plain
every day value or 'power " in exchange;
If fox any reason exchange is impossible,
there can be no value, no matter how
useful the thing may be."-Ex.
Caring For. Public Money
In a certain Nebraska county the
bankers entered into a combination
whereby each bank refused to put up a
depository bond to secure deposits of
l.uuu auuus. uujcvg wa, nuts uuui-
. bination was to compel the treasurer to
, keep his funds in , those banks on his
' own responsibility, to be used by them
' without interest. r
But the treasurer is an old-time popu
" list and believes profoundly in govern
ment banks. Investigation showed that
by paying t&O' per thousand he could
purchase Unitd States postal money
orders with such funds as were not to be
used immedirftely, and that these orders
could be drawn to his order payable at
hishome6wo: ;
So, 'after conferring with the ' county
board, it was decided to. use the United
States postoffice for a county depository.
The postmaster had a special deposit
fnade for himself in the Isew York post
f office and whenever the county treasurer
desires to draw from the county deposit)
. he cashes a money order, which the
home postmaster pays with draft drawn
on New York.- " V i:
There is a little . red tape, a little ex
pense, but the surplus county funds are
absolutely safe, i . : , ;
. -' recliTe flection Booths i : '
A prominent populist of . Nemaha
county was asked the other day to .ex
plain why 421 voters out of a total of
3339 in his county, failed to vote for su
preme judge last fall. He said that the
'orjJc32 tjayo you IDJIUI
cjiicrca aito
nay i-ever, uyspepsia.
' Headache (nervous or neuralgic). Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Earache,
, Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup, Toothache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
( Creeping Numbness, Malaria, and kindred diseases. "5 Drops" has cured
more people during the past four years," of the above-named diseases, than
all other remedies known, and in case of Rheumatism is curio? more than
alt the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and
Rheumatism. Therefore waste no more valuable
promptly CURED. "5 Drops" is not only the best
contains 300 doses. Price per bottle, $1.00, prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottles for $5.00. For
the next 38 daya ne will send a 25c sample FRSB to anyone sending 10 cents to pay for the
snaSias. Agents wanted. .; Write to-day. v '.. . i ' ,
election booths were so constructed that
a snaca of nearly six inches intervened
between the eight inch table on which
the voter lays his ballot preparatory to
marking it. . That many electors, carry
ing the blank ballot opened full length,
wouia oy accident so piace on uue
table that the entire ' top part- would
drop down across the back edge of the
table, in many instances making the
county ticket appear to be the head of
the ticket. He said further that sev
eral voters in one precinct, after having
deposited their " ballots, were heard to
complain that the "state ticket was cut
off the ballot J voted.: -
The gentleman feels that the question
of proper electioh booths should be taken
ud and discussed. One thine is certain:
there should be no open space , back of
the writing table.- "-. ;
Gorensssat Depositories
'-'There seems to be one instance where
the dollar is not placed above the man;
not even above other property. But, of
course it depends upon ? whose dollar
you mean.'-"' , y. -i , ,
There seems to be no dispute that it is
the duty of government to protect its
citizens and their property. ? There are
police regulations galore.' Officers to
look after sanitary conditions and pre
vent the spread of disease. Officers to
prevent the commission of crime if pos
sible, and to apprehend, try and punish
those who have committed crime against
either persons or property. Officers to
prevent the destruction of property by
lire, and so on. j 1 ' " v . r.iv.
My horse and buggy, locked at- night
in the barn, are comparatively safe. The
fire department will save them from de
struction by fire. The police depart-
4. ill X 11 M 1
meni win eimer prevenb mem iroui vv
ing stolen, or if, perchance, some thief
should elude the vigilance of the police
and make way with them, it would not
be long before he would be caught.
My money apparently has tne same
Erotection as my other property. , But
as it? May I lock it in the barn or
buggy shed? If it is stolen, could the
police apprehend the thief as readily as
in the case of the horse and buggy?
Because of its great value as compared
to its size, and because of the great dif
ficulty in identifying it, money must be
treated somewhat differently from other
property. No man is warranted in car
rying large sums of money on his per
son. jNeitner snould large sums be kept
at home, because in either case he is
courting serious wounds and perhaps
death in so doing for no police force
however efficient can prevent all crimes.
Uovernment undertakes to protect the
lives of its citizens. Great sums are
paid out every year for police protection
to property. Why cannot, and why
should not, government undertake to
give protection to the surplus money of
its citizens? Why, there the banks, you
say. Many thousands of - depositors
could certify that the banks are good
enough in good : times, safe enough in
times of safety, but mighty shaky in
shaky times. No, the banks are never
good enough or safe enough. The best
is none too good; and the only really safe
place to deposit one's surplus cash is in
a government bank, operated by the
government for the benent of its citi
zens, just as the postoffice department is
now operated. ;
There is no doubt that thousands of
people even now make use of the post
office money order department as a de
pository for surplus money which they
cannot .con veaiently use for a time; but
there is'too much red tape and incon
venience surrounding these money or
ders, placed there through the scheming
of the bankers' lobby, to make them an
ideal substitute for & genuine govern
ment savings bank.
Paying Expenses
The office of secretary of state now
does not cost the taxpayers of Nebraska
a cent for maintenance. Between Janu
ary 7, 1897, and January 31, 1900, a
little over three years the total fees
earned by the office amount to $36,171.32,
while the appropriations for mainten
ance of the office were $18,000 ; in 1897
and f 17,850 in 1899, or $35,850 for four
years. . If the receipts of the office dur
ing th9 remainder of 1900 keep up to the
average, Secretary Porter can next Jan
uary turn over,the office to his successor
and say: "Here are the keys. ; The fees
earned by this office during my four
years term were sufficient to pay all ex
penses of maintaining it, and leave a
nice little 'nest egg of over 810,000 which
was turned into the state , treasury and
by him used in reducing the floating in
debtedness of the state to that extent."
The fees earned during January, 1900,
may be cias3ihed as follows:
For notarial commissions .... . . .$ 115.00
For incorporation fees.. 2J587.68
For certified copies of records, . . 53.05
The beauties of imperialism may be
seen by glancing ; at Kentucky. There
the executive department calls to its aid
the military and prevents a co-ordinate
branch of the government from attend
ing to the duties devolving upon it.
There never was a quarrel where one
aide was wholly right and the other all
wrong; and it is doubtless true that both
parties in Kentucky are to blame. But
the action of Acting-Governor Taylor in
preventing, by aid of the militia, the
state legislature from meeting, is a high
banded outrage. It is in defiance of all
notions of a republican form of govern
ment. Yet republican newspapers glee
fully print the news under headlines
reading, "Governor Taylor Rules With a
Strong Hand. When did any - state or
other officer acquire the right to rule.
i,"When answering advertisements
mention Independent.
Eow Long Hare Yoa Bead About "5 Drops" Without Taking Theici?
. Do you not think you hare wasted precious time and suffered enough? If
So. then try the ,4S Drops" and be promptly and permanently cured of
your annexions, vs Drops:' is a speedy and Sura Cure for Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago (lame back). Kidney Diseas&s. Asthma,
Catarrh of all kinds. Bronchitis. La GriDDe.
batteries combined, for they cannot cure Chronic
time and money, but try "5 Drops' aad be
medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a 11.00 bottle
. r i
: Rockey Will Get It :
Ou January 22, Mr. Gage sent a lit
tle conimunlcatlon to .the senate. , Iu -
the llgfit of the facts the comxnunica-
tlon Is Interesting, hence the worm-
Herald gives it publicity: i i.
Treasury Department, Office of tlie
Secretary, Jan. 22. To -the President
of the Senate Sir: I have the honor
to recommend that there be Included
in the urgent deficiency bill now under
consideration;, the following item of
appropriation: To enable the secre-'
tary of the treasury to pay rent for
the use of the property known as the
nia nistnm houe in New York City,
forpierly belonging to the United
States, from August 2, iyu, to June
30, 1900, both inclusive, 307 days, at
the rate of 4 per cent per annum -on
the purchasing price, as provmea m
the act of congress approved March 2
1805) (30 Stat., uuu). $iuy,a-. re
spectfully, L.. J. GAGE, Secretary. '
The nroDertv described was pur
chased of the government by the City
National bank. The bans paia m a
certified - check all but $50,000 of the
mirohase orice. The law says that the
price should have been paid In cash
... 1 A 11 X
ana the money coverea into iae u-eas-ury.
Gage violated the law by accept
inc? th check and deoositine It wlfli
the bank that drew it. The bank has
the uso of the government money for
nothing. The government noius tne
deed , to the property as security for
the unpaid $50,000, and. the bank thus
escapes city, state and national taxes.
And the secretary of the treasury now
nsks the covernment to atmroDriate
$109,847.12 tcr pay as rent to the City
National DanK. Ana upcKereuer win
get it. The snasni of virtue that struck
congress on this subject the other day
will not last through the session. .
Joe Sibley ' ; ;
Washington, D. C.f Feb. 3. (Special
Correspondence.) Congressman Sibley,
the Pennsylvania acrobat who : has
formerly represented a district of hia
state by virtue of the suffrages of pro
hibitionists, populists, and democrats,
though he has shown symptoms of o-
ing over to the majority ever since his
return to the present congress, still
claims he is a democrat, but in his
latest utterance on the floor; of the
house is in full support of the presi
dents policy relative to the Philippines.
In his speech on that subject he said
that we hold a double title to these
Islands, having both conquered and
purchased them. The' reform forces
do not hesitate to properly, classify
those politicians who in the guise oi'
co-operation with the minority still
stand for all the acts and support all
the policies of the present administra
tion. This democratic mouth-piece
uncovers the humanitarian, benevolent
assimilation twaddle of President Mc
Kinley and supports his actions on the
ground of conquest of inhabitants ana
purchase of slaves. ; -
Washington, D. C. Feb. 4. (Special
Correspondence.) The enthusiastic re
ception which the east has given W. J.
Bryan has surpassed the expectations
of his friends and has astonished and
dumbfounded his enemies. Instead of
greeting the Nebraskan coldly, ami
putting Eim to the task of the invasion
of the '"enemies country" with reform
Ideas, his tour ' has turned out to be
one of triumph, and the west will haw
to make noble efforts to out do -the
manifestation of friendship accord ea
the gallant chief of the-reform hosts
by the entire eastern section of our
country. , . ' ', .;. ' . .
The Country Publishers Company at
Omaha is a veritable thorn in the flesh
of the Western Newspaper Union. At
irequenx intervals tne latter notifies all
Nebraska newspaper men using ready
prints from the former, that the anti
trust concern is on the verge of dissolu
tion, etc, and that on a certain day it
will go out of business. Vain hopes!
The Country Publishers Company has
gone steadily onward in its work, giving
its patrons the best ready print service
ever rendered in Nebraska, Not only
that, but the very fact of its existence
has compelled the ready print trust to
. New York JoumaL
improve its service and lower prices.
Many of the most rabid anti-trust
newspapers in Nebraska, however, for
the sake of saving ten to twenty cents a
week patronize the trust!? The Country
Publishers Co. has made as low prices
as it can anord but the trust being de
termined to crush all competition, offers
fusion papers ready prints at less than
cost of white paper. If reform publish
ers should generally be "penny wise and
pound foolish enough to desert their
own ready print house, thereby causing
lis suspension, xney wouia soon notice a
change come over the spirit of their
-dreams there would be no more cheap
J X ! TkT-1 1 '-- ..
r Editor Claflin of the Ord Journal has
discarded the rule and' commenced to
learn those mysterious pot-hooks which
court reporters are popularly supposed
to write as fast as one witness, two law
yers and one judge can tak all fat once.
He ceases to be an , editor but appears
in the role of Judge rA. CvfcMunnys court
reporter. v Charles Smith, of Grant,5
Nebraska, will be at the -editorial helm
of the Journal in the future. The news
paper boys (and girls) extend congratu
lations to brother Claflin because of the
deserved recognition accorded him; and
welcome brother Smith , to the, field of
newspaperdom, albeit he is no stranger
to it. - "
A Serious Problem
Editor Independent; One of the
most, serious problems which confronts
political refermers, is how to .keep
their party from falling into the hands
of political leaders who (often without
evil intent) sacrifice the object in view
in-order to be more certain of party
success. '. -
The - question may .well be raised,
whether a party left in the hands of
the office holders, will ever remain
true to the Interest of the people. The
Interests of, office-holders are very dif
ferent from those of other people, and
it is very human to look after our own
interests.,.. ' ir ; v
While I must admit that to me, Mr.
Meserve's , logic ,. on free passes, o viz. :
that they must take passes in order to
be on equal terms with the republican
officials, was a little irritating, it does
very little good to scold. ? 7 i ;
Only one method presents itself to
my mind, which would prevent this
evil. That is to reduce the ppwer; of
the conventions to a minimum and in
crease. 'the functions of the primaries
to a maximum. Let the call for a.
caucus say: . "To (elect delegates to
county convention and Instruct them
on important questions, also, on
whether to indorse tne acts of certain
officials or not and; who to nominate
for office." : . . , v-'. '. v
These Instructions should oe passed
from the country conventions to the
delegates to the state convention, etc.
Now I am aware that a large number
of our leaders would object to this
plan and it is in their power, to pre
vent It. . '
I think I speak the mind of nearly
all populists who 4 are " somewhat ; dis
satisfied when I say that nothing our
leaders can do -will prevent us from
giving our electoral vote to Bryan lor
president. 5
After that, however, if position and
political skill robs us of our party, we
will organize . a new one and "If neces
sary keep on each year until we learn
how to keep it in our own hands;
M. T. -ARIS.
Crete, Nebraska.
! Ablest Reform Paper
Our state paper, the Nebraska Inde
pendent," probably the best state re
form paper in America, can be. had in
clubs of five for 50 cents each till Jan.
1, 1901.- Send for it by all means. - Get
up a. club this month and send In your
names. The success of any party de
pends upon a well supported and fear
less press. Populists who are too weak
or stingy to patronize the sheets which
are fighting in their behalf, are in. a
great measure nonentities. The best
way to stand by your principles is to
stand by the editors w.ho are boycotted
by the enemies of, reform legislation.
Blair Republican.
TIM BEST PLOW Earth at any Price.
iwoDWBOHa nararasa Bteei now,
or Humer re
funded. bT
hmr l&-in. Ptowm
Bt0. SuHlfor
Bif tnm CatelacuiK.
of Salky, Gun, Piae,
wagons, te. wriMnow
and (st f41t for Konnr
work. HAPGOOD PLOW CO. Bx 6St, AltM. I1L
Only Plow Factory tn tha United BtatM aaUiog diract to Urmet.
A Conparison
Republicans frequently "point fwlth
pride", to the economical administration
of state government by Gov, Crounse.
The fact is, he made an admirable , re
cord when it is compared to the records
of his predecessors; but there were, too
many republican barnacles adhering to
the ship of state for any governor, how
ever economical, to make the best possi
ble record. -
Take a single state institution for ex
ample. The hospital for insane at Has
tings ia 1893 had an average of 368 in
mates for the year; under Gov. Crounse's
administration the cost .'of maintaining
these 368 inmates s was tf 70,865.06, or
about 8193 per inmate per year.
In 1899, the Hastings institution main
tained an average of 636 inmates during
the year at a total cost of ,$70,829.37, or
about fill per inmate per year, v
x Gov. Povnter and his fusion appoint
ees have shown their ability to care for
636 of the state's unfortunate wards for
$36.69 less than Gov. Crounse ; and his
republican appointees used in maintain
ing 368 persons at the same institution.
It will not do to say that the services
were better performed under Crounse
than under Poynter, because there is no
institution in the state where everything
has gone along more smoothly than . at
Hastings. It is a model hospital.
It will hardly do to ring in the "pros
perity" argument. In the Cleveland
"hard times" of 1893 everything required
by the institution, should have been
bought for a less price than in that year
All Harrow.
Bthre'a agieel
la Aa beat Implement
oOb. Then l no batter nlnr RU
oaee aaea eue to no nana we'., tried tnem
elL Ne ia pipe beta, but coed, eqaare
anywhete. and vary few aa good. . Mnid
bottda and ehane at aoft center ateeL which
l" eteti. I
and nnder aide. Teeth gtod and long and rau
weighu Levere of wrought Iron. Evener
adjaatahletotot3 eacttoaa. Harrowagnar.
eoeom anywhere, bat la ee at brittle thai lit
DaamaqoatoMe. The Ualeat draft of aa
plow ade. Priw tVoaa 07.85 np
eoieee ionh gooa aa
var pner upeaa
Only Dae Harrow
made which will net
am Iwt e. . -a Ia
CnmhlBail rrltl Ml
the latest tapKvemente ; meet acearate
drop kaowa aaa far ee perl or to aimoat all
leeqaipped with center bumpers. Oiled from
tm of tmiiiiA Mm Jklmm - 1 1 k
Balanced to avoid neck ibaft.
ett attaehaenai free
teed to da u road ak klik..-j
irai wjomj ueo 70UT oeeler wUlchareeyoo
fo a cheap, light machine. tatlefaetJoB
" j one oarnnr maaa.
d fo
Send for our big FREE CitiloiM.
Cat thle ad. oat end tend to us with Sl.OO, and we will eead yeu tbia KKW
IMPROVED FAIiLOK 6BS OKfiAM, .by freight C. O. D., uhject te examina
tion. Yon can examine it Btyonr nearest frelsht depet, ud If
you ana i vxseviy aw reprcKaiea, m greetee value jou aver aaw
and far better than organs adrertieed by others at mere money, pey the freight
Rent OUR PRICE $35. SO, leea the $1.00 depoa or 484.50 ud
freight charges. THE PARLOR CEM oae of the moot DLKABLC
AKD 8 WEB TK ST TONhD butrnments aver made. - From the illustration
eho wn, vrhich Is engraved direct from a photograph you can form
some Idea of Its beautiful appearance. Made from solid quarter
sawed oak or walnut as desired, perforated koy slip, fall panel body,
beautiful maronetry design, paaela aad many other haadeome decoration a
aad ornaments, making It the VERY LATEST BULK. THE PA It LOR
GEM is 6 feet high. 12 Inches lontr. 3 inches wide and weiehs 850.
Bounds. Contains 6 octarea, 11 stops, as follows : Diapaaoa,
nlciaea. Helodla, Celeste, Cremona, Bass Coupler, Treble Con pier.
Til. h .... aMA mA v vf. .... a rk. f- . if . c ii
ldraad Organ Swell, 4 Sets of Orchestral Toned Besonatory Pipe
Vnaiuy it era i, i em or si rare oweet aeioaia Beeas, l Srtorsi
Charmingly Brilliant Celeste Reeds, 1 Set ofi Rich Bellow Smooth.
snpasen Keeas, x Bet or rieaaing Eton melodious principal
Reeds. THE PARLOR CEM action consists of the
Celebrated Newell Reeds, which are only used in the high
est K?ade Instruments; fitted with Hammond Couplers aad
Tox Humana, also best Dolge felts, leathers, a to., bellows
of the best rubber cloth, S-ply bellows stock and finest
leather in valves. THE PARLOR CEM ia furnished
with a 10x14 beveled plate French mirror, nickel plated
pedal frames, and every modern improvement. VTe
furnish free a handsome organ stool and the best organ inatrae
tlon booh published. .
terms and conditions of which if any part gives oat we
repair It free of charge. Try it one month and we will
refund your money if you are not p erf cctly satisfied. 660
or tnese organs wiu De soia as Soa.OU. vjutjjc
dealt with us ask your neighbor about us, write
the publisher of this paper or Metropolitan
Katlonal Bank, or Corn Nat. Bank, of Chicago;
r Oerman Exchange Bank, Kew York; or any
railroad or express company in Chicago, we
have a capital of over 9700,000.00, occupy entire
ne of the lararest bupiness blocks in Chicatro.
and employ nearly 8.000 people in our own
huildinir. WR BELL OKwaNS AT C22.0O and) nst
aTLtSOS, 8115.00 and apt also everything In musical instruments at lowest
organ, piano ana musical instrument, catalogue. Address,
GEAR8, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Fulton,
ORA0L0R0P CAIINET tURDICK 8EWIN0 MACHINE y freight, C.O.0.subjtto"cxatoa:
Uoa. you can examine it at your nearest freight depot and If fouadaam. .
rmnuj awniweiury.exaciiy as represeniea, equal as machines
aa aigaas eoo.uo, arna iubUKKATKHT BaBasla TOO
tZXXl&l Special Offer Price $15.50
and freight charges. Machine weighs 120 pound sand the freight will
average 75 cents for each 600 miles. 8IVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL In
your own home, and we will return your 5. any day you are not
satisfied. We aall ditereat nukes aad gradeaef fteviu aehisea at 8.fiO.
ilO.OO, H.OO, ia.OO aad ep, all fuUy deseribedln our Free Sswtag
deaiae Catalogue, buttli.oO for this DROP BBSS CABUR BVRB1CK Is
tacarcabcii tsibo wcr vuerea ay say aouee.
tlsements,offering aakuoura msehiaee under various names, with various ia
dueemente. rTrttesoaM friend ink-ago e-d isorn who are reliable aad who are not.
. a waUDR HACH13B aUOR,
w vx.
eat saakeva
m raa Be acsi
II I eaun bay.
60.00, and then If convinced that you are saving tOi.OO to 140.00, pay your freight agent the SIB BO
awmSssmtVffX ""Sfled- BD,tB IbAt:
Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111,
. rat Cn
' i
CQHte for ficw
Hrt- Catalogue
0fcmsatw-"ll ,BimTr",l'1mwsmW '
ecbaTrCcally Correct. ...
Operation Gasy.
Xlork elegant.
Zhc Smith premier .Xypettrfter Co-
dyracuee, J . Y 0, . H.
of "McKinley prosperity" A. D. 1899.
The only rational explanation is that
fusion , officers " conduct state business
with the same care that they do their
own private business, but that the brand
of officeholders under Crounse' in 1893
believed a public office to be a private
"snap." .. , .
Paste this table in your hat:
Adminis- - No. Total Per Cap-
tration. Inmates, Cost. itaCost. Year.
Crounse, rep 388 $70,865.06 $192.56 1893
Poynter, Top 636 - 70,829.37 f 111.35 1899
Increase 268 ... .. : ....
"Decrease; ... " 35.96 81.21
' - : . i 1893 . , . . ' '.
368 inmates at republican per capita, . . $70,865.06
368 inmates at fusion per capita 40,976.80
Bepublican extravagance,. ......$29,888.26
636 inmates at republican per capita . . $122,463.16
636 inmates at fusion per capita 70,829.37
Fusion economy .
; A Broad Decision
Speaking in regard to the U. . S. su
preme court , decision in the Nebraska
maximum rate . cases, Farm, Field and
Fireside, of Chicago, says:
"In the Nebraska decision the suprems
court in setting aside the state law as
unreasonable laid down certain princi
ples which will render it practically im
possible for state legislatures to control
the railroad situation." ' . -
', Gold basis men deny the facts of his
tory and embrace the most absurd theo
ries, rather than believe that money is a
creation of law a ' device of man and
not a product of f nature. They admit
that non-legal paper may rest on gold,
but forget to note that gold, as money,
rests on law; and, that, without the law,
gold is not money. They forget that gold
gets most of the commercial value from
the monetary demand for it the uses
for it created by law; that, in short, all
monev. ultimately, like the bank funds
of Venice, rests on law. Davis.
Look Alike,
dtffeteoce when "
teaaatteaa. Toe
cumflete line at money Mvlnc
Rere'a oar double eteel arch enlHealnr
of the kind that we
wlth removable boztnga m wbeela. Beat
eoft center ateel ahoeele; high wbeela, long
oeeme, eealy handled, light draft. A fine
ly finished machine, aold at a price below
what vour dealer pays, end abaolntely
guaranteed to be eaUefactory In every way
or rear money back. Send for epeo-
braced both on too
any maoe.
ial implement caUlc-ae and note tbeOBera
ror aatenieeiiweMt.
we are making to flreKlaas goods.
Heavy Team Harness
With Cneor4
MQlt Masnea.
We defy
tVkk Pluh.. .11
bona In
the coaa
en care at Omaha for
try to rqoal It price end quality oomldeml
shock wrongnont a) exceptlonauy gooai
"Irene are ail heavy weight;, traeea ltj in.
doable and etjtcbed, eewed cockevea.
epeclal retelogiie.
. w
wholesale prices. "Write for free special
ck A Co. are thoroughly reliable XdMor. 1
. (sears.
Oetplsines and Wayman SU., CHICAGO. ILL.
YOOR ORDER. cat this
out and send to ns.and
we will send you OUR HIGH
others eel!
Hade try the
In Am.H..
material massy
pry f mal
V i t' . I .
. . i. rm m
ft n rrJn r L
. -Brf'e- -m-mml I X
' ' am a m KSA T Tiiaal W mmwmm I as a
jasuajijj ammmmmasamma2awil
. i 1 . . . i , mie illustration snows macnine
closed (head dropping from sight) to be used as a center table, eUnd
erdeak, the other open with full length table and head in place for
SWWlmr. fanCT drawers. latest IBSW ttihlaa fnn. nT,ot4 n,.
bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest niekel drawer pulls, rests on four
casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Finest large High Arm
head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrating shuttle, automatic
bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension llberator.iraproved loose
wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar,
patent dress guard, head Is haaasomeiy decorated and ornamented aad beautifully
alekei trimmed. GUARANTEED the lightest rnnnine, moat durable and nearest
noiseless aaachhae made. Rvery hnewa attachment le furnished and our Tree In
struction Book tells Jnst hew anyone can run it and do either plain or any
kind of fancy work. A 10-Tears' Blading Guarantee is sent with every machine.
IT COSTS YOU NOTHING and examine lhi machine, compare it with
Che Beat Value Crjrtttng Machine.
Cardinal point.
Wife (to husband)-tlt " strikes in
that you are very hard on your trous-j
ere, John.
Tommy (who is near by) lie isn't
half as hard on them, ma; as he will be
when X get to wearing' them. Harlem
Life. ' ' .
SnddenneM ot It. r.;:
r T in (avs nf r
JJ J wmviv .- '
Bnydic It's the only kind of love. If
a man could5 get a. second look he'd
never fall. Phil adelplaia North Ameri- '
can. .
V atoclc. Yarl'.BplBioSe. ;
The two men settled their sduabhl Z
Without resorting to law. ;
The one has a beautiful pink eye, t
And the other a lumpy jaw.
- Chicago Tribune. a .
Restore yit.lity. Lo8t Vizor and Manhood
Cure Im potency, Nigb Emissions, Loss of Mem-
mm nil Miofjlitiff 1t(UaAa ammmse--auam-aumpsjnss
UIJ CeVX T OOV11J ,va,u s
all effects of self-abrise or
nvnnsa and indiscretion.
A. nerve toaio sua
blood builder. Brings
the pink glow to p a 1 e
cheeks ana reetores the
mx vnnth m mmii
wtm a! ouo per dox. t oozes iw
DO aeri 4V. a. KanbahlA iranmrttAA em
or refund the money paid. Sena for eircuuu
and copy of our bankable guarantee bond.
Imnmrllafo LVtnff
Pesitively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power.
Varicocele, Undeveloped or SU run ken Organs,
Paresis. Locomotor Ataxia. Nervous Prostra
tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and tb
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mall in pfctin package, $1.00 a
box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cure in SO days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jackson Sts CHICAGO ILL.
, Sold by Harley Drug Uo.', Cor. U ;
and 11. Str., Lincoln, Nebr.
Look at This!
60o Syrup of Figs ,
25c Talcum Powder... ..18
tl Hoods Sarsaparilla tt
il Wine of Cardial TOo
$1 Pinkhams Vegetable Compound 0o
25c Carte Little Liver PiUa 1S
$1 Ayers Hair Vigor T5
75c Boschees German Syrup .......50a
60c DeWitts One Minute Cough Syrup 85
1 Malted Milk Ma
$1 Kemps Balsam T5
50c Shiloh Consumption Cure 80
ilPernna 80s
11 S.S.S 0
1 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil.... TOe
: 1 Beef, Iron and Wine Tonio 75m
: 5c Criggs Glycerine Salve 14a
25c Grays Tea W
tl Miles Nervine.... V
fl Paines Celery Compound .......Tie
fl Kilmers Swamp Boot .....75e
85c Castoria 2S
$1 Pierces Favorite Prescription. ..lie
25c Best Tonio ....20
auutDsrvi rsveuii ucuigui.. .
All Other 50c Patent Medicines ,...40sj
AU Other 25c Patent Medicine 20e
Fine Machine Castar Oil, per gal S&
Fine Machine Lubricating Oil, per gal.... ..25e
Fine Machine Blank Oil 20c
Anti-Fly Dope, to keep off fiiea oa horses
and cattle, per gal........ .... 91.01
Lowest price Drag 8 tore in Lincoln, Nsb.
20 years experience in the Drug Business. That
means something.
srfc ffrvt .
Kiggs Fnarmacy,
The Beck Island Wall Map of the Umitmd
- States -"..'l
Is the best offered to the public It ii
very large and especially adapted to
school purposes. Every teacher of geog
raphy and every business office 6houl4
have one. It will be sent postpaid ia
any address on receipt of fifteen cento U
postage stamps or coin.
Address. John Sebastian, Q. P. A. Chi
nago, 111. 6i
S5.UU HAltK. rn IE
atate your height aad weifht. atate uumber ei
wenea areuna eoej at Dreass, taaasi mr
vest under eoat, close up uaaer arms, and
we will send yon this coat by express,
C.O.D., aubject te examlaatloa. Ex
amine and try It on at your nearest
express oflfce. aad If found eaartlv
aa represented aad the meet sreuderfal
value you .ver aaw or heard of, aad
equal (o any cent yeu - aa buy for
S&.oo, pay tne express agent via
8PKL1AL OFTEK PB1CK, 92.79. 9 I
express charges. - '
style, easy fitting, made from heavy
waterproof, taa eeior, uennhsa PavmCeietS
Cloth; fall length, double breast oa.
Satrer velvet collar, fancy plaid tinlnsv
waterproof sewed seams. Suitable for
both Knlu or Oversoat, and yuaraaleeel
GREATK8T t A LI It ever offered by oa or
any other house, for Free Cloth Ssmpioa
or men's Macicintosnes up se sa.os,
and Made-to-Heasnre Salts and Ovr-
r. coats at from as.oo to !().(, write tot
r KKB BAIIPLE BOOK So. SX. address.
it R
(Scars, Esebutk k Co. are taorougbly reUaWe. KeKr.1
Cut this ad. oat and send to as and
we will Bend you this HIAH-GKADK
freight, C O. D., subject to exami
nation; yoa can examine it at your
freight depot and it found perfectly
satisfactory .exactly as represented,
and equal to scales that retail at
$25.00, pay the railroad agent ouraneelal
prlee, $7.73, Irae the Sl.OO, or
96.75 and frelurht charges. The
shipping- weight is 155 lbs. and the
freight will average 73c for each 500
miles and we guarantee aafe delivery.
'i na AiJSE ror
farm, store or
warehouse Is the
guaranteed 10 1
f rears and will
ast a lifetime.
Will weigh 600 lbs. by using; all weights furnished.
Brass beam weighf 60 lbs., has Stevens' Brass Slldlne- releo.
Platform is 18x23 Inches, resting on adjustable chiU
bearings, has Denton steel pivots, most sensitive,
accurate and durable scale made, mounted on four
large wheels; they are nicely painted and ornamented
and beautifully finished throughout. Every farmer
will save twice the oost in one season bv weighing: the
grain he sells and bays. eOKDElt AT OBCB before the
price is advanced. Catalogue of ssales free for the ask
ing. Address, Sears, Roebuck a Co. (lnc) Chicago, ilL
(Sears, Boebuok j Co. are Uerens;aly reliaMe. Kditor. )
only na.7s
aid. out. and send to us, atate
your weltht and height, alio num
ber of inches around body at buss
and urea, and we will send this
CLOTH CAPE to you by expreas,
C.O.D., aubject to examination.
Yon can examine and try it oa
J H"" express cr-
ucosria 11 found porfeetl
satisfactory, exactly ae rep.
roura ana im moss
wonderful value yoa
ever aaw r heard of,
pay the expresa
agent our aperlat
St oxprtea oherresT
x.xpress Cfiargea
will average s4 to
88 cents for each
1,000 miles. THIS
pop era 1 1 o
Wajrsrm j-
from an eatia Sao aad
aeaTvatl wool blaekerbtue
A.-m. u , sreaBine siarltoa Uts.
cape, extra fulU Ipper capo and largo storm eoUar, beauU.
fully trimmed with black Baltic furt apper ear
trimmed with three rows and collar with two rowan r
Sue mohair braid; cloth button ornaments. Tale eawe t
Sac taller made throughout and equal to capes that ail
more than double the price. Writs for free Cloah CeiahLt..
I Y--h
! W S W- 1
I tSum s'
1 n '
I m
N m
v &.ar" (a ; ;
r S i. if X
a ri4&0&;&-
l-Z-rJZ Mill Bjsal