The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 28, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    December 28, 1809.
1 rise Vote Analyzed
A , ! ... I I a. 11 M ..a
rair average for both republican and
fusionists, the following deductions may
ke made:
Jn there were 191.837 votfi rt
iur i U.-SI una auiuvun. Buinv s major
ity over Post was 13,819. E !
In 1898 there were 183,685 t les cast
for llayward and Poynter, a lbs ia total
vote of 3,152, which mav be rife itf'id as
a Btny-atrhome fusion vote. M addition
to this it appears on the face of the re
turns that 3,973 fusionists IMed for
llayward, making a total f nsiifc: loss of
7.12f, which added to the ij ablican
gain of 3.973 makes a relaiive ftw hn Iosh
or republican gain) of 11,098. Biw, de
duct that from Sullivan's majority (13,-
oij and tne result is 2,721, exatftlMPoyn
ter's majority over llayward. F
In 1899 there were 203,533 vdte cast
lor Reese and Holcomb, a pain ff 11,696
ver 1897 and 14,848 over 1898.
Comparing 1899 to 1897, the
ans received 5,204. and the f
.492 of the increased vote, a net!
l, !88 lor the latter, which added
Tan's majority gives 15,107, or
Holcom b's majority.
Comparing 189M to 1898, the
ans received 1,231 and the fu
13,617 of the increased vote, ma
net fusion gain of 12,386, which a
roynters majority gives 15,107
oomD s majority.
It is probably true that there
food many etay-at home republici
iovi, ana mat mey came out l
force in 1898. which would accou
the 3,973 increase in the republican v6te
that year. If so, the fusion stay-atrBcme
vote in 1898 would appear to be not Jew
than 7,125. And these came out inrl399
together with 7,723, fusion voters tio
have not voted the ticket sinee 1891 : It
toast PI
The republican gain of 1,231 this war
over 1898 shows that republicanism ' is
waning in Nebraska. The total baOote
oast in 1899 (220,254) show an increas of
19,607 over 1897, and 24,925 over 1898& i
In 1897 only 6,367 voters failed to vfcie
tor supreme judge, but there were 2143
gold democrat, prohibition, national la-?
bor and scattering votes cast, makfaiz
8,810 who voted neither republican
fusion tickets.
in ioao oniy 4,wu voters railed to v
for governor, although there were 1,8
pronibition, socialist labor and seat
ing votes, making 6,644 who voted fi
neither republicans nor fusionists.
' . In 1899 the contest on supreme judi
was confined to the republicans and fd
sionists, and 16,721 voters failed to vot
the head of the ticket. Assuming thai
there are about 7,000 voters in Nebrask
who will not vote for either the repubtj
ncan or fusion candidate,, it seems cer
ilienn "rets' rotrular republican par
tes who upvpr intended to rav their
rijitals. The money collected this year
it-tor current interest ami re
ctih tains wryKttWWmr delinqnen
sohtcum roince. the 1S99 apportion
nnte may be regarded about normal in
J'his apportionment hi, only . t8,(X)
snialler than lhat of a yeqr' ago, and
thtre are 6,676 more school children in
Nebraska than there were a year aro
hthce, the difference of 12 cents per
piiis not so hard to explain as the Pilot
! 1 1 1 1
wuki nave us oeneve.
Bull's Coi-zh Syrup banishes at
oni-e nil lorms ot t iroat dieaseV' and al
Wfijys effects a permanent cure. This
w(jriderful remedy has cured thousands
of fcufferers from bronchitis, hoarseness
ana other bronchial $.roublev '
Miking (Strenuous Effort to Control the
Democratic Purty No Hope unleaa
They Are Beaten.
Editor Independent: The Nebraska
plin of campaign has proven a decided
success. The allied forces met in state
convention at the same time'' and place,
selected a state ticket, compoaod of the
belt representatives of each, and then
went to work, energetically and elected
i by a surprising majority. In Nebras
ka the populist is the dominant ally. In
Olio the democrats met in state conven
tion and nominated a ticket made up
entirely of democrats, gave its allies the
plitform, and was defeated; though the
republican party is in the minority by
73JD00 votes. In Kentucky the porcine
proclivities of the democratic party also
asserted themselves even while rent
with internal distentions, and met ?
feat bs a narrow margin. ' The lesson
from these states is quite plain, and
should be well learned before the cam
palgn of next year opens. , The elements
opposed to the republican party are sat
iaSed with Bryan as a national leader,
but populists especially are reluctant to
follow the state leadership of the demo
eratic party who are for the most part
ttiB old office holders of the Cleveland
egime, and are willing to follow Bryan
ir a gold bug, if by so doing they can
jirid a seat at the pie counter. In this
tlte the cry is constantly reiterated that
p democrats can carry Indiana if they
11 only get together. This comes alto-
t ther from these sane old office holders
Atld is stimulated by gold bug influences,
tain t.hnt. nf t.h rnmnirtinrr Q 791 nrhn Aitl
not vote for supreme judge,' about 800r!fichJfJllly understands that with Bry-
were fusionists and 7,900 republicans,!' H?uu lreo m,ver lu" uemocrauts pari
most or wnom were not, mni r-Asrlv in I ,1' nuue. a umuuuomiuso, nuicu
.. . . 1 J . I : .i . i . :
abandon their pnrtv. vet were dissatis
fied with its imperialistic tendencies.
There were errors made in the various
counties amounting, perhaps, to about
1,600 or one to the precinct. These er
rors affected each ticket about equally.
All told, perhaps, about 100 fusionists
would not, because , of personal griev
ances, vote for Holcomb. and the other
700 made errors which lost them their
vote on supreme jfudge. About the same
j. number of republicans made mistakes,
and about 7,000 votes is the price the re
publican party paid in Nebraska for vio
lating the 13th amenemeL and the dec
laration of independence. '
School Fund
There must be something wrong with
popocratic adarnistrationof stateaffairs.
HVhen the school apportionment money
was increasing per capita, '- every pop
newspaper man in the state was stand
ing on his hind legs telling the people
how good nuinajrenient in state affairs
had done this. This year the apportion
meni nas lauen on uuout iz .cents per
pupu, out you Hon t nor won t hear a
ward about it. Its a poor rule that
doesn t work, both ways. Uhur Pilot.
That is where the Pilot is mistaken.
You will hear alxiut it and the truth
alnnit it, ood management by the
fusion otlicers did make the large in
crease in the state apportionments, and
continued good management has pre
vented the apportionment of Decern ler.
181K). from falling to the usual republi
can hich water mark.
In the lir-it place a republican com
missioner of public lands and building
wilfully neglected the management of
his otlice. Holders of sale contracts were
allowed to run along without paying
their interest, and many of those having
lease contracts had not paid a cent of
rentals in several years. When "Uncle
Jake" took charge he made an earnest
endeavor to have every cent of interest
and rentals due the state collected, and
this resulted in mnkintj the apportion
ments of 1897 and 1HU8 abnormally large.
It was good populist management that
caused the abnormal enlargement. Uu
dcr republican management the greater
portion of these delinquencies would
never have lrn collected; and it turned
out Hint flUO.OWnf delinquent rentals
were absolutely worthless and "Uncle
Juke" cancelled the contracts. Most of
the lessees wbo-e contracts were can
celled and who were released, were rc-
republicans. Then gold bug demo
te ills are making strenuous efforts to
trot tne state organization and con
tion. They continue in this party
wing that if they can prevent a sat-
ti'jlctory fusion they will serve gold bet-
lailii they possibly can by opposing
arty c p. inly, lheir state commn-
et in this city on the 12th for - the
ose of-tixing a time and place for
ict meetings, after most of the com-
;emen ana others from ditierent
of the state, 'who had attended,
feone home. Frank Burke, who was
land h district attorney for this
introduced a resolution giving it
the sense of the meeting ,that
and imperialism ought to be the
ant issues in the next campaign,
is sat down on, :.. however. It has
i mystery here . how this residue
to the fusion campaign in Nebras-
year. 1'opulists in this state re-
because WV V. Allen s
heard in the United
frh o chairman of the people's
A. P, Hanna, has called a meeting
! ate central committee to con
i',this city -On January 1st to be
work for the coming campaign.
dependent ought to ba read by
1 opulist. It is politiunlly invigor-
1 John Mbdkbt.
I eople's Party State Committee.
m iapolis, Ind.
it wo Farms for Sa!a
ft two nice farms for tale tivo
M k Mt Clare, Neb. For partio-
ress oox u, sa.1. uiare, wen.
. ayear. ropuiis
Exceedingly beca
i ili ;gain be hef
! :.enate in defen
meut to join us in otir effort toelaoli
contidenoe once more in Nebraska. A I
lowed to furnish such an abundance of
e that it can be made in liquid
and pefdesrs in two and four pounds
cured afii tnsed for shiPPiK purposes.
Our rjjtut is to Kt 128,000 for the
completlntr nd enuinuinir of our factory
Then weJ-gue stock to the amount, of
$07,000 m stares of S1.000 each. Then
issued ltl;6iX in bonds at legal interest
7 310 percent, diivable m gold of pre
eht Htautf ird weight and fineness. This
will affora a.'very de-irable investment
for hired fciejb and tenants and for that
class of chisrvative people in our midst
who hoardV,hir money in safety deposit
vaults an&VtookiKg legs. For further
information write the office of the com
pany on orti iefore the 3d day of Novern
ber, A. D. ftoO. Aurora Conrtdence Co.
i w. M. Ijakin,
skalI I a Secretary.
Vm ri-e a Cold In one Dy.
Take Laxa.ivo Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggist! refund the money if it fails
teeure. E. W; Grove's signature is on
each box.
; 4
- LHanna Collar
Chairman llammond and Secretary
Dayton of ttef republican newspaper
federation strft-ed to put a stop to the
practice nf circulating populist litera
turo, and now comes Chairman Joseph
11. Manley of 'this . republican national
sub committee And desires to prevent
tne smaller rewiMican newspapers from
being represefl ed at the next national
convention. Evidently he is afraid to
have republican country-editors see and
write for themselves, but prefers to have
then copy the machine reports of the
deliberations jib printed in the metro
politan papers, i The other day he said
"Tbere were too many newspaper men
at St Louis. Etsry country printer for
800 miles around; iad its representative
in tne nan. rertnally 1 want to say
that I am going to oppose giving the
privilege of the convention floor to any
but representatives of the Metropolitan
There you hav it. Suppose these
same country editors who are denied
tne privilege of? the convention floor
should refuse to supoort the republican
ticket but that's vld stretch of the
imagination: they Cadh wear a Hanna
collar and dare notretel.
up in Capital
state obliga-
om it was pay-
, possessed no
ient by .the
money to one
f such a war-
receiving of
itonfidenca Gcmcany
iidcijendent: During the year
I teould hear from the republi
1 tte lack or confidence. So the
populistll Sought they wduld remedy
this trwf;4 by the organization of a
fcompany at Aurora, Neb
; HVm. Steel of Hampton, Neb.,
W. II. Fall of Aurora,
No. HI. One of LanciW ennnty'i
farm. ii nerfw, ix milwi from Lincoln.
uutiij imiroTHi. nan ripen. i DJ will be a
nonev makinir fiirm. lnnpniillv aitmX wUmrA
of bent varletien of fmiU The porcbuaer of
thin farm run cet the best at vnry profitable
lltire. Ail'iiwa Nehrnnka Indepeudeat, Farm
Komber Vi, Lincoln. Nnhraoka.
o. o. W hole imiiroved ectio within 12
illea of Lincoln, nl :w wr acre. A regular
nap. Ad(lr. Nehralia Indepesdent, Farm
Nnmber 7JU, Lincoln. Nibraka.
Mo,43. Hiirhlj improved 1W acrea in Otoe
eounty, splendidly located. One of the choice
farpia of Nehraka. tan be bnovht rili-w
will trade for a Inrw btKly of land eniUbie for
Jtock raiin. Aridrma Nphraaka Indapaodent.
Farm Nnmber Oil, Lincoln, Nebraska,
Ko, 44. Kiue combination train and itoek
lartn kt Jelferann eoanty, 2.) aerea, mottlv vaU
lej land, very rich. About MO aerea in enltiTa.
tion-H) aere. bnj land. Livln water, timber.
Remarkably cheap. Addrew Nebraska Inde
endent. Farm Nnmber 4tH, Lincoln, Neb.
Mo. 4A0. a.rtO aerea oplondid alfalfa land fa
Bepoblicaa Valley can be bowtht at barraia
price! also 40" acre alfnlfa farm in Merman Co.,
Colorado. Adilrem Nebraska Independent,
yarni Nnmlwr 40 1, Lincoln. Nebraska.
o. 475. Firtt clnm quarter lection In Laa
Caater eonntv for aalet l!A acre drHm nlti.
Won. No bnlldlnes. A eoed bn. Addreia Ne.
Farm Nnmber 47ft, Lis.
bratka Independent,
win, Nf hra.ka.
. 4M3. A atoek and feadin farm. E
and cli c
a-i prpsiii
as ecrf
drew plat
tliiiiK way
b dder, sa
Notice i
plans and
and compl
utility buii
dence Com
to all persoi
from (iJ0 a
fd W. M. Lakin of Aurora,
The organization then'
ilid Miecifications and UK
find and let to the huf-jft
Slant to cost f'28,000
erpby piven th tletahed
icilieations fojf'uo erection
m of a power iouse, otllce
.itory, .' house and
i nr are n(4 on tile at tne
ev .1
ce of tf e' Aurora cinn
nv, anJ will be exhibited
ftisff'Uf to use the same
W.fnirlington time, 9:18
sun time, until midnight every day. No
bids will be received that amounts to
over 128,000 current money. With all
bids there must be filed a duly certified
check amounting to 10 percent of the
amount bid, as an evidence of good
faith. Also at the name ime and place
bids will be received for an issue of
bonds secured by first mortgage on Raid
works in the amount of 1120,200, said
bonds bearing 7 310 per cent interest,
to run twenty years with an option after
ten years, both principal and interest
payable in gold of the standard weight
and fineness of October 2, 1899. Bids for
the issaing of the bonds should be en
dorsed, "A bid fer sound and honest
money and the maintainance of thn na
tional honor." All of said bids will be
epened at 12 o'clock, noon, Burlington
time, October 10. Y.W. Dated at Auro
ra, Neb., thi 2nd day of December, 1899.
By W. M. Lakw.
Jnkai. Secretary.
It Was Pitll Stealing
J 4-1
The supreme coun a decision in the
Omaha National Baiikjease may be re
garded as a great Tiplory for the state
The court holds C at the warrant for
$180,101.75 which wits drawn in favor of
S. hartley against In appropriation
made by the repub'itan legislature of
1895 "to reimburse tat finking fund for
tha - same amount
National Bank" was ict
tion ana tne person to vl
able, being a mere trusv
salable interest. . "Ra
state treasure of publjs
cfaiming to be the owner
rant is conversion, and-.'t
such money by the pi rion to whom
paid is also conversion.?
lhe warrant shoukv Bronerlv have
been drawn in the name ol the sinking
t i - . i , i - .
miiu, or in any event in qp name or J.
S. Bartlev. slate treBSUiier.Vtnd not, Kim.
ply to ,L S. Bartley. VVpthoutidoubt
inere was collusion tratwoeli the deputy
secretary of state . whov. approved' the
oucher, Deputy Auditor I dlund who
adjusted the voucher and-' drew the war
rant, and Treasurer Barttkyiwho receiv
ed the warrant, and negotitttd it and
converted the proceeds. I!a) !ey, it 'an
pears, sold the warrant tft ho Omiiha
bank, which In turn sold ft t4f an eastern
bank. Ihn was early in Ir'.jB. Just be
fore the expiration of hi last term of
onice, Ireasury bartley enfced the war
rant, and paid it with accf jel interest
January 4, 18J7. The whiiiitranaciion
has ear marks that would fendi.wte that
J. b. .barney Was not the only! dishonest
man connected with it. , ume . me appropriation was
made but fevv members ottho legisla
ture reaiiy understood whys tvas done.
1 here was no real necessity or making
it The ceneral fund was hfl iele.-lv lie-
hind with about 81,800,000 Outstanding
unpaid wrrranis against Hi ' he stale
bonds to be paid off, by the sinking fund
would not be duo until l!f 7and the
sinking fund levy could be to id; indefl
nitely until the bonds were fiily paid olf
while it wbm necessary every yar to levy
a 5 mill limit for general fundj purposes
and then not produce enough jlutonue to
meet legitimate appropriati&.u The
sinking fund could stand the 1 much
bettor than could the general I 'lid. But
Treasurer Hill's bondsmen iweded such
an appropriation made, because it would
amount to a legislative jwcogni tion that
the sinking fund-iRil suffered a loss,
and release them from liability. Subse
quent even U; prove the correctness of
this statement.
Best ore Viiality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure Impotenqr, Night Emissions, Loss of Memory, all wasting
diseases, an ettects oi selt-abuse or excess
and indiscretion A flerv Tonic and
Blood Builder. Brings the pink glow to
pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth.
By mail 50c per box, 6 boxes for 2.50,
with our Bankable Guarantee Bond to
OUro Or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of
our bankable Lruarantee Bond,
Inaediate Results
Positiyely guaranteed cure, for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un
developed or . Shrunken Organs, Paresis Locomotor Ataxia
Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, Dy
snail h plain package, $ 1 .00 a box, 0 for $0.C3 nilb cr Deni
able Duarantco Bond to euro in 30 days or rofend ccioy pdd.
Nervita Medical Co.f Clinton and Jackson sts Chicago, III.
A Traitor Manufactory.
Lditor Independent: It's about time
old England had to shell out some of
her illgotten gold which she has taken
from'Bome weak nations. Her statesmen
with their crockodile tears and her
bankers with their craftiness will fill
their coffers at the public's expense,
And cry: "Stand by the government!"
The statesmen with all their dissimila
tion, and statecraft are exposed, the veil
torn asunder and what do the people
see? The gold mines and diamond
mines and more land for the government
to rule over in Koutn Atnca. So much
for ; English . advanced civilization,
What has the common soldier to fight
torr He is only the tool of the capital
ist. Their cry is. "Bless you my brave
soldier boys." 1 am only a capitalist
ana we are tne powor behind the throne.
It you were nerved out with American
embalmed beof, the American volunteer
had the saino, Therefore you ought to
have no kick coming, and' if you don't
believe it as Mark Jlanna, he is all pow
erful behiadJMcKinley and what he says
Ihese people who advocate war nl
ways manage to keep out of it and fill
their colfers out of the public crib. This
scratch back game of England and
America with a certain class of doubtful
Americans who posed as citizens are
showing their hand in this English gold
standard bill now in congress.
jo denoral JMiles wants a' greater
irmy. Whojshe speaking fori1 Is it
the capitalist, or corporations? Oh this
tolls a tale. Tyrants always fear the
people when they do wrong.. Wnowiil
furnish tho men and money? Is it not
the common people? 1
.twenty five thousand troops is enouch
for any republic. It lias proved it in the
past. What are they ainiid of? lih
Imperial Highness and those lords of
New York and Huston havo something
to fear from the people for they are only
(?1 u inhering, liut lookout when they
awake, they will call on you to account
for your bad slatei-manship and folly in
lorcing the iliD'fli.-'h cold standard, on
the people.
History repeats itself. Arnold was an
old traitor. How many have wo got to
day who arc serving England Hecretly
and putting heavy burdens on the peo-
13 uy heavy taxes on generations yot
unborn. A gold bus republican fool is
hard to beat. The republican party
has made more . unpatriotic citizens by
their false teachings than history has
ver mentioned and who can deny it?
mpcrialism, expansion, gold standard,
allowing the footsteps of a monarchy is
nAmeriuan and not democracy.
Fakmkk John.
SThTaK .WtfSSESStt KLv.ATc'ODi,id,eDce npDZvAurora'
PPtn,P"btiae Thia la tb bt I Neb. Mitor Independent: W herl our
R!!'?L ',?k'f V '"rr in tbt Wart, plant was complete and readv for Anera-
I TVZFtiZZ j "on we rjv .n inviUUon to .11 rtpub-
. .nun u, mil nirrin v, Mam BOVeTn-
A Queer Book
One record,book in the auditor's oflice
is interesting to persons of an investigat
ing turn of mii'd. It is the record of
warrants issued, showing date of issue,
serial number of warrant, amount, when
paid by the treasurer, and interest paid,
if any. Once every two years the audi
tor carefully check- up this record to
find how many warrant areoutstanding.
and the result of his labors appears in
the auditor's biennial statement under
the head Statement Nov-V The last
statement, No. .'I, i-hows tl.571,b81.01 of
outstanding general fund warrants. They
were issued 'JH different years, beginning
f ith 180 and ending with lHSM, but, of
course, the major portion of the amount
outstanding was issued in the years
1897 and iH'.W-f 1.5(i2,4uV..ri0 in the years
named. No warranto issued in the
years 1871, 1875. 1878, 1880, or 1881, are
outstanding. Them is f8 of warrants
Issued in that have never been pre
sented for payment, and so on in vary
ing amount for eneh year, in all 1:1,218.
51. Of the 1891 issue, the t2MS)H out
standing was chiefly "wolf bounty" war
rants, and during thia year (1899) forty
or fifty dollars of them have been pre
sented. Without doubt most of those old out
standing warrants are stored away in
packages of old papers and occasional!
one comes to light and finds its way back
A A I A. - .
Don Cameron's lunch counter, nIH to
118 South 11th street, Lincoln. Neb,
Oysters and game id season.
Chunks of Liberty
Editor Independent: - Every time
more soldiers are sent to the -Philippiue
islands Mckinley declares they are car
rying huge chunks i.f liberty and jutii:o
with t be ji, which will bo utilized and
planted in the darkest spot in said isl
ands, where they intend to make lijrht,
morally you know: that is, they'll make
light for the Filipino with the Gatling
guns, which is jerlainly a deep subject,
freighted with much freight, which the
average mortal cannot understand.
Where have they planted Christianity or
justice? As their veil of philanthropy
is getting so thin, and the people are ap
proximating so closelv to it that they can
read in lieu of it, and to their sorrow
conquest, militarism, and ultimately end
in an empire. However, I am gratified
to say that the fusionists of this utate
have repudiated such actions. There is
silence in the republican field of action,
for blackness overhangs their political
grouud, and that cloud will not pass
away for many a year to come.
For g. o. p's. lie still and cold. (
And no more brains does his noddle
lliii omniscience flames no more.
And his days of usefulness are now j
That is, in the land of Nebraska.
C. N. Metf.k.
North Loup, Neb.
words of John Houcock, literally offering
all they have, all that they are, and all
that they hope to be, upon the altar of
their country, righting to the death the
arrogance and imposition of the great
i .'.!. i i i . j
onuNU empire, in oruer lo remuin Tree
and independent, as did lour American
forefathers in 1776 and 1812. There will
be no Boer wounded on the llritish-
American hospital ship.
Send your subscriptions, small and
largo, to the newspaper which publishes
this appeal to forward the same to me.
and I will send the amount to Mr. C. C.
de Villiers, Cape Town, Hon. treasurer
of the committee of the Africander
Bond, to be expended under an anneal
just received by me.
If fuller information about thn Roer
question be desired, "The Outlook"' pam
phlet upon the "War in South Africa"'
will be mailed upon six cents in postage
stamps. Grohok W. Van SuXen,
141 Isroadway, New York City.
Appleton's Monthly.
In order to adapt it more closely , to
the wonts of the general public, and to
make it more than ever before the me
dium of readable and . trustworthy in
formation on scientific subjects, the pub-
ishersof Appletonr, Popular Science
Monthly inaugurate with this number
several n, (irked changes in the magazine
which will commend themselves, to all
classes of readers. .
In the first place, the price is lowered
to twenty-five cents, which puts tho pub
lieation within the reach of every one
who cares to keep up with the rapid
march of discovery end the more im
portant applications of new facfw in the
ai ts ami indurtiie.s.
In the next place, the topics discussed
are to bo giveu a broader range, thus en
larging the scone of the nui'ta.uie as a
vehicle of u-ctu! and rritertainln? knowl
edge, and extending its appeal to a vider
circle of readers. In a word, the philos
ophy of t-ciince which has hei Hlof -re
been a prominent feature of the maga
zine is to give p!a !e to the facts and
principles that apply directly to the con
cerns of everyday life.
A third feature of the new departure
will be the employment of distinguish!
opeeialists as writers on their respective
subjects, who are able to present their
ideas in a form suited to the general
reader, and whose namete give what they
have to say the stamp of accuracy aai
' Holiday Hatoa via the llarUngtaa,
For New i ears tickets will be on
Dec. 30 and 31, and Jan. 1, 1900. betwee
all stations not more than 200 nil
apart Return limit Jan. 4, 1900.
Kate one fare west of the Missooi
river, fare and one-third east of the
Misssuri river. -
fi. W. BonrelvC. P. A.,
Burlington Route. .
V. v
it 1 " i
1 IS'
4? S'ViU'
(Hun, B
SS.00 WATKK. ll 1C
(Mt thia d. aat
and tend X aa.
fuur bclHbl an4 wvlabt. mbirll I
tack arMMt bdf at arMt, UfeaMr '
t rrt aailiir (, km aa Mrir im, aad
Wft will aend you UilHcont by expi'tMb
l.ll.U., ulijMl lv bull. Cx
ainlna and ti-y t onitl your ncarwt
Xire ollloe, mmi tt Pmmt Uy
talw yom r mw cr Wr4 r, aaa
nal I in ft fmm lay far
96.00. nnv'the piurwia narnt !
RPK 141. lfKK milK, C2.S, I
tvlf, puny fit til 'ft, maun rnm bMfy
mmtrpror, tan ur, $muiwt lrt
riiih full lfrifrfh, iloubte tirtmrltm,
Hnircr vfllret eitllar, fancy plaid liMinjt
wiitf rfinwif sewed weams. Suitable fer
hnrh KlB r Ottreoni, and tumraUr4
tiMKA'l KhT TAl l K rrtr ttterw hf UB
iit w"hrr faiTiffe. or rre CWn &mpvm
nf Mfn'a MtH'!into-hr fjn to '.
ryi and la1t?to-MeflHni-eKjtMaind Orr-
ronifttit irm v ! loiiti.wr, write ir
mil .u
NO MONEY. Cut lui
i. out., aau iui u; u, fKatc
our wrif m mm kvtcfei. airo diiiu
of inc-npH nrounn tvadr t bui
i:.0-l..fekijrrt to xui.nut!iu,
t oa cai. exainln aimI try it vn
your nrarf?iiiraf4i of
flee and if fouixt p-rfrfrt
rfii I ! jmm
ver Hf r beaH nr,
pay th9 xprw
arfnt up pprHul
ana uprrH charcr.
Kxprw h 4
will avfta.'t H ,4
l.ono mii.a. 1H?
WINTER. fiiri.
from ait ira ana and
awaw all aoal vlarlivrtlb
erelnf B. 77 Inche long, very full wct. 13-liieh aum r
lira run. i pprM lim tnrm tell p. bcanti.
f-iilT trtinin-ii with klMk BtJIia mmi fan
trimmed itb thre row and collar with two row of
mokiir beaMt cloth bottom ornament. Tab mm l
fliataliarMaaihraaabMil and qiiai U apea that f"'ilat
mnrathan dntthlc theprlre. WritarnrfrM Cloak tataltue.
(aura, minuk U. ara Uaraaaklj wllaan 4Jit. ,
American Transvaal fund
In the name of the Africander Bond,
on behalf of the citizens of the South
African republic and their noble ally,
the Orange Free State, I appeal to all
American to show their sympathy with
the brave people who are now. in the
$19.75 sjMONEDQLUR
l rXUii tut IbU lJ rat m .tail ( '
a, and we wil I wnd yoa
CUTTt, W ireight C.
O. D.. uajet I uialu
Uaa. Yuu oan examljje
at your rniliht depec
andlf iMBdaaaallobsy
Hawrypa hi bayrlw
! M Ml m tAT
OKI ur.T, and one nf Wis aaailwaini, atraarnl ana
a,nitfv)ii fatten you ever aaw, ry ilia freight tuwaa .
OUH SPECIAL OFFER CHICf, SI9.76, ! fh.lal iarn,
lew i lie as l .fit writ with order, or'alH. J4 and frcltflit.
f-hliiliaHTWiT BTY1.K VLL9f,r TOHTLASOClTrea.
OKAU ma-la from wl'ctl wcond arowih hickory.
Ironed Mironulioiit with kaa) Norway Irn, lllirla' ttrt
(rail, kanlrar alrel aaan. BODY mad of bent afr-
sraone'i euttor tor", aoihf aaavi. all jofntncarcxnlly
mi. rAia iKU in best
atud. irlued. acrewed and Dluirtroil.
posiljlu mnnner, thoroitKbly nibbed ont t
'1th pumice .
ator.e, nkrhly ivdUhed. neatly atrtned and ornamented.
UI'H'lLSTKURl) In KriOTt style, full npHnr.rrao'iile
ruhiona. heavy dark grren body eloth. KHAFIri arell
trimmed and ftnlahad. Weight about 17ft I lia.
(It.It a limited aaiabee ka M at SI9.75. IXII'T '
BKLAT DiV. Write for KreaOntterf'ateloinie 1S.1 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago.
linn. BMbeek a O. ara ibsrmralT raUiMa. Ullato
-m4 raa aar arlrbral-4 U BKKT4 ail IIB k
eiama,C. O. U., Mbjrel tetaaikiallaA Itlaa
Vrwalna Im Brru Amrrlraa made iustr umeot of "
Kreat beartv, nerfeet ro.tiwood, aery
hltrhlTlioiliiliea. llartdarmely trtlald aroo4
ounif hole and Mmi atria la hark. aellaleM
koaMl lap aaaa. KlnKerboard aei-urately fret
ted with rained frrta. lalala arl mila 4.1a. -
Ataarlraa awo patral fcrad, tlnv,! nlrhel allied
tatfpirrr. s ua fH.1iablljia, (WWemt
.uid awaetUineii.furnielied eompleta with
aneslraaai af b.t u.lti. mmA a Im-wII.,. IWak wuioa U-M.tar any-
vi'" mi v'ifty.
aaaaiait nix l l it at rrar aitweaa
a. a n tr t ,, . . .. .
aj arm the ibbmI karrala jm er aa ir
jcy.fci ajamiraai i.y i rie irr a:ient S3. 09
Jjllwlfclf It aadaiarmrkaroa ai d
A Ayr tne ciiDle nutiiL 1 amm. Nutt.ri.A.
hoi; u,ai,ieo rr m"ii- renin Jail tun.
- j - - 'f iin:: bT tairn u f'lU we -. a ULWnt rorreraaard
Chat. It tr ar witatt fi'n. rj'i.K lit c irn. wit"
auarr-a rMl Hate tr. riT ,'r -m- 'm eae;lr
lu 1 o any iri.itu wr.i.rnf j-r
went Witr. tl. uiw ef 'ii- ie-ir -s -:vuja- ar-
onft' -m lrn lo w?Vr. CIm- ; - (-t a wa-e- -
Writ for free trnaifal i.r"ri-ner.t".n 1 1 ...
raa '.(rne. rrerttMa al twwitaaleuar-aa
laauLa, iuhui a lu. ara Ikarafatai, i
J "V.
I v (to
! A Trip to CUBA
1 How enjoyable it would be. , The time to plan
J trip is now, -and the route THE BUKLINGTON.
Call and let us quote you prices via New York, Jack
sonville, Tampa, or Miama, Florida.
City Ticket Office
Corner Tenth and 0 SU.
Telephone 23s
1 1
Burlington Depot
7th St., between P and Q
' Telephone i$
J.L ....
y )-i
lui'Xiincoin, neu. Lth
T I ' aV