The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 14, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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December 14, 1899.
School Apportionment
On the 5th instant the state treasurer
certified to State Superintendent Jack
son tnat tbe gum of f292,883.5 was in
the temporary school fund available for
distribution to the several counties. By
reason of the neglect of one county su
perintendent, however, the, apportion
ment will be delayed several day-. au
'. perintendent Jackson usually makes the
apportionment within a few hours after
he receives the treasurer's -certificate,
and he feels greatly disappointed that
. through no fault of his the apportion
ment must be delayed.
V The certificate shows that the total
sum was derived as follows:
' State school tnx $77,333 72
law et on rales of Kliool land NMiW m
t Rentals on leased Kchool land 53,354 31
.1 Interest on sules of saliue lands l.5 (K)
Rentals on leased saline land l.B'-fl (Kt
Interest on V. S. bonds 3IK) (10
Interest ou stute bonds 4.520 (HI
Iuteiest on county bonds ;. 72,5'ill US
luterest on school district bonds B77 4H
Interest on general fund warrants. .. 12,5N 5rt
I'a Idlers' licenses W 40
Suspended account 501 00
Total $292,S 59
School apportionments for the past
Hfveral years are as follows:
: Way. 187.... 03
Iecmher, 1U7 ;t77.:5 DO
December, 1IS9..
May. WW...... ..
December, 1SSI9..
.mm ir
2D2.HKI 59
Total $2,ni.4Ki9 28
Average 349,349 N)
The apportionment of May, 1898, wa-i
the largest ever made in the history of
the state. It was abnormally largo be
cause of the very large amount of money
received from interest on sales of school
lands (8200,903.39) which was nearly
150,000 greater than ever before, and
over $132,000 greater than in December,
1899. '
It may be stated that this item will
prow less year by year, inasmuch as
holders of sale contracts pay off their in
debtedness to the state and receive tit
to the land contracted for, thus stopping
further interest. .
There are four items which make up
the bulk of every school apportionment:
state school tax, interest on the invested
permanent school fund, interest on school
lands sold, and rentals on leased school
lands. . The following tables show that
the receipts of state school tax are
about the same each year; that interest
on investment varies but little, because
the rate is being decreased nearly as
fast as the investment grows; that inter
est on lands sold decreases every year;
and that rentals on leased lands are in
creasing slowly, the year 1897 being ab
normal, becauhe a republican commis
sioner of public lands had allowed the
rentals to go uncollected for several
It mny he taterl t hat a normal scnool
apportionment will, in the future, be
about 8275.000 to 1300,000 for December,
and 8300,000 to $330,000 for May.
May, 197
Dec, 1MI7
May, tm....'
Ic, 1XH
May, lNisi
Drc, law
turned into the state treasury then.
Such a course meant less work for the
state treasurer and bis office force, but
it also meant greater hazard, for county
treasurers are human and liable to err;
and the records show that the state
failed to receive a large amount ot money
by reason of the defalcations of county
Then, too, under republican rule, state
officers collected fees from time to time,
but turned them over to the state treas
urer about once a year; sometimes not
so often; and sometimes not at all. But
since the supreme court's decision in the
Moore case, all fees must be paid in ad
vance to the state treasurer.
Under Treasurer Meserve's adminis
istration of the state treasury he requires
the treasurers of fifty-two counties to
remit all state funds in their hands every
thirty days; treasurers of thirty counties
to remit every sixty flays; seven every
ninety days; ana tiooKer county s treas
urer is given six months.
The effect of, this wise policy is to
lessen the risk of defalcations by county
treasurers, and it results it a large sav
ing in interest on outstanding genetal
tuna warrants, by reason or the more
frequent turning over of state money
But it makes nearly five times as much
work to be performed in the stale treas
urer's office, compared to republican
From the year 1875 to January, 1897,
republican treasurers issued 0,25i re
ceipts, or about 298 per year for twenty
one years. From January 7, 1897, to
November 30, 1899, a little less than
thirty live months, Treasurer Meserve
has is-ued 7,740 receipts, or about 2.G52
per year, nearly nine times per year as
many as under the old regime.
The clerical work required in handling
and accounting for state warrants is not
materially different from former times
except ihat under Treasurer Meserve's
manuyement the calls are more frequent,
but not so large. Each warrant must
be paid, handled, posted, cancelled, and
filed away in any event.
if 11 fusionists and 110 republicans did
not vote for supreme judge.
Another example: Nemaha county
casta total vote of 3,389. ilolcomb re
ceived 1,(552; Keese, 1,316; and 421 did
not vote for supreme judge. The aver
age vote on eight fusion cnndi fates for
county offices is 1 595; hence, Ilolcomb
runs 57 votes ahead of his ticket The
average vote on eight republican cnndi
dates is 1,610; hence Reese runs 2M bf
hind his ticket. Now, assume that 57
republicans voted for Ilolcomb; that
lenves 237 of Reese's deficit as republi
cans who failed to vote the head of the
ticket; but there are still 184 "silent"
voters to account for. StiDDOse we sav
half fusionists and half republicans.
Then the total of 412 would be divided
into 92 fusionists and 329 republicans.
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or
Costiveness we cannot cure with Liver-
ita, the Up To Date Little Liver Pill,
when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable,
and never fail to give satisfaction. 25c
boxes contain 100 Pills, lOq boxes con
tain 40 pills, 5o boxes contain 15 pills.
Iteware of substitutions and imitations.
Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NKR
VITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and
Jackson St., Chicago, 111. Sold by
Harley Drug Co., Cor. 11th and () Sts.,
Lincoln, Neb.
$77,.S2I 92
79.513 IW
KI.579 09
73.057 92
79.757 10
77,333 72
$157,34!; 55
irfi.tW7 01
157,090 X2
$13,707 Ml
91.171) 90
H1.4C9 5fi
77.XOS 3N
X0.750 30
im ;
May, 197
Dec, 1MI7
May, ls .-: s
Dec, S(w
.May. IMtt
Dec, 1I9 '.. WUSUlOK
1.SH7 " $171.H7 70
1S9N HiW.275 9t
M .' 171,353 3M
May, 1S97 151.S0S 05
Dec, 1XW HS.S1I 20
May, 1N9S ' 20O.! :l
Dec., WW H&233 rtf
May, 1SH9 12K.77 Mi
Dec, 1899 IWI17 OS
107 29C (it5 25
1WIH 301.137 04
1x99 : li,M4 3S
May, 1S97 fctCWl II
Dec, ls97 71JW7 Ml I
May, 1X9H 41.9x3 2x
Dec., MH 4.'i.l7 24
May, im 42.738 45
Dec., IK! .V1,X)4 31
HY YEA 113-
1K7 $115.27 (0
WSW I 52
JSMI !.WI 711
New Treasury System
Under republican management of the
state treasury, county treasurers were
not required to ' remit state moneys
oftener than once or twice a year. Fre
quently county treasurers made no re
mittance until annual settlement time,
and the whole year's collections were
Failed to Vote
A careful analysis of the vote in 48
counties seems to show that in those
counties 4,771 fusionists and 7,3445 :
publicans tailed to vote lor supreme
judge. ' The total ballots cast in these
counties are 12,117 greater than the com
bined vote of Ilolcomb and Reese, but
in the analysis no account was made of
the prohibition vote. Having no candi
date for supreme judge, it is likely that
a large portion of the prohibition vote
was "silent" on the head of the ticket,
but as this party had no county ticket
except in Lancaster and Holt counties it
is difficult to make even a fair guess as
to what proportion of the prohibition
voters expressed no choice for supreme
Based on the figures above, the 1G.721
men who did not vote for supreme judjre
might be divided as follows: Fu.-'ion,
;,G74: republican, 10,017. This, of course,
is not taking into account the 5,f!!)5 cnen
who voted for Smith, the prohibition
candidate for regent. About 7 per cent
of nil the voters failed to vote for su
preme judge; hence perhaps 15 per cent
of the prohibitionists voted for neither
Reese nor Holcomb or. say, about 855
in all. Then the "silent"' vote might be
divided thus: Fusion, (1,217; republican,
f),;il); prohibition, 855: total, 10.721.
In arriving at the figures tirst given,
the following examples will explain the
method: Fillmore county cast a total
vote of 3.IV58. Holbomb received 1,900;
Reese, 1,578: and 151 did not vote the
head of the ticket. What proportion of
that 151 is fusion? Let us see. The
average vote on eight fusion candidates
for county offices is 1.U14; hence Ilol
comb runs 5 behind his ticket. The av
erage vote of eight republican candi
dates for county offices is 1,044; hence,
Reese runs 03 behind his ticket. Now.
divide 151 pro rata and it would seem as
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a great
medicine of intrinsic worth. It removes
a cough or cold quickly and cures severe
throat and lung affections in an aston
ishingly short time. Sold by all drug
gists for only 25 cts. ..
A Constitutional Convention
One of the things to be done by the
legislature of 1901, and somethingof vital
importance, should be provision for hold
ing a constitutional convent ion. Nebraska
has outgrown the constitution of 1875.
just as hhe had in 1875 outgrown the
constitution of 1806. One matter of par
amount importance will be to amend
that section of the constitution relating
to the investment of the peimanent edu
cational funds. By next year every stale
bond will have been paid off, thus cut
ting off one avenue of investment.
United States bonds command too high
a premium to be available. New county
bonds are seldom issued now a days, and
where a county re-funds, it most always
happens that the permanent school fund
owns the original issue. General fund
state warrants have proven a good tem
porary investment, but at no distant
day the general fund will be on a cash
basis - at least, it ought to be and then
the last prop is gone. But for invest
ment in general fund warrants thore
would now Leo 'er 8800,000of idle money
in the permanent school fund alone, and
by January, 1901, Treasurer Meserve'will
turn over more than a million dollars of
general fund warrants hold as an invest
ment. There is no good reason why these
funds should not be invested in munici
pal bonds and school district bonds of
Nebraska. It is useless to submit a con
stitutional amendment on the qestion
or any other, for that matter aud a
constitutional convention seems to be an
absolute necessity. Let us agitate the
matter. '
Ho DISEASE has so hsfiietS ilw medical
skill of all zges as RHEVmATISffl.
and no remedy has ever boon known
to euro It until "5 Drops,'"
the Rheumatic (Sure demonstrated its
wonderful curstfva power.
It has never failed to cure RHEUMATISM
in any form, Acuta or Chronic.
tkadk mark
nere U what a I'nnilnent I'lirslrlnn ha to nay who hit had
jear of uclive l'rurtieo of McUiWiif :
r"S DKOl'S," has proven Itself womlerful for its curative power in I,lieumntlin. rot
Torar5' J'el'evtroiily, t'littopivcn J'ermanrnt urevn ill chrotiicca.-ra. Munrtnnt
ad among otht ts wveiul Rhenmatic cases, uiulcr my treatment and prescribed jor uH-n
I have never liefore In my 35 years of practice of medicine Riven mv testimonial or recom
mendatiou to any piitent medicine, hut there is a remedy, the result of which has come under mv
own observation ; for there is no llireasn which has pa twilled the medical fkill of all nui-s ii'h
Itheiiiiintlsiii and to find a Kelialilo remedy for the name. At last we have found it in
""rr munulaclureu by the Swunw.n Klicum.uir4i.ri' t oiiipauy, 4 liieano, 111.
... .
" oniong oint rs srvciai Knenniatic cases, uiulcr mv treatment and 1
Ywiirnuiinc very Prut Keinndirs nbirh I skill fully selected, but without desirable result. T then
ncuraoi -uiiLdi'S' and ol its Wonderful furm, and prescribed it ton few patient-; w 1 .0
fmmd relief from its u within a few dnv After that 1 prescribed it to a great number end to mj
"urPI,5e4.' wi',l.9f V thf't in the course of two or Three Weeks after they had ucd "5 UKOrs''
and "5 lrop" l lanlera they were tared.
Among these were a few who had, for a number of vearn, been mifrering with hrnnlc
ltnenriinlixm, who had piloted themselves aroiuid on C rut'ln-n. They came to mv office with
out t rul lies arid told me they were perfectly Well, They five all the- credit to "ft 1'KOI'S"
and (o -3 llrop I'la!.- and this is their testimony to the Kwunti ldiruimiflc (nr.- ( 0111
pany lor their kindness and for the conscientious way in which they are placinRthrse W0111I1 1
rnl Keiiieilirs among auftering humanity, which they told me to write to tbe Company u.-iuu
acknowledgement. '
A I have aeen the CnratiTfi Power of 5 DROPS" and "5 Irop" I'lnst.-rs. in a Rrer t
many instances ;. lean Truly recommend them and also that the 6rm is perfectly hone.-.t and re
liable to deal with. C. A. JACKSON, I'nysician and burgeon, KearneyNeb., Aug. .9. i).
How Long Hmva To Suffifd with RHEUMATISM?
Horn Long Hmwm You Rood About "5 DROPS" Without Tsking Thorn ?
Do you not think you have ivasted precious time and suffered enough? If so,
then try the ' 5 drops " and be promptly and permanently cured of your afflictions.
" 5 Drop" " ' a pcedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago ( lame back), Kidney Diseases, Asthma, Hay-Fever, Dyspepsia,
CaUrrh rf all kinds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Headache, Nervous or Neuralgic,
Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Earache, Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup, Toothache.
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, lalarla, and kindred dis
eases. 5 Drops " has cured tnore people, during the past four yearn, of the above
named diseases than all other remedies known, and in case of Rheumatism is
curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and batteries
combined, for they cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism. Therefore, waste no more
valuable time and money longer, but try ' 5 Drops " and be promptly CURED.
5 Drops is not only the best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a bottle
contains 300 doses. Price per bottle i.oo, prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottles
fcrfc.oo. For the next 30 days we will senrf a a5c sample FREE to anyone
Biding 10 cents to pay for the mailing. Agents wanted. Write tc-lay.
rvery session or tne legislature some
enterprising member introduces a reve
nue bill which passes alone by eas
stages to final defeat in one house or the
other. A commission should 1)6' ap
pointed by the next legislature with full
powers to investigate the subject of tax
aion in every portion of the state, and
with instructions to prepare a bill not
later than January preceding the elec
tion of a new legislature, and with au
thority to cause its publication in at
least one newspaper in each county, in
order that the widest publicity mitrht. be
given to the mil in all its details. Then
each candidate for the legi.-lature would
understand exactly how his constituents
stand on the proposed measure and no
difficulty would be experienced in ar
riving at some definite, conclusion whon
the bill came up for passage.
Until a complete revenue bill is finally
passed and becomes a law, some tempor
ary measures should be taken to reduce
the floating indebtedness of the state
which is now in round numbers 1,700,
000. Every session of the legislature
appropriations are made in excess of the
possible amount of revenue to be raised
in the two years, even if every cent of
the current levies should be paid. The
auditor's biennial report for 181(8 shows
that there were SL',4:K),(Ki9.12 of uncoll
ected general fund taxes due the state
(mostly delinquent taxes, and a great
portion delinquent many years). At the
same time there were warrants outstand
ing against the general fund in the sum
of $l71.(i84.01, leaving $807,185.11 which
our legislators and many others are
pleased to call "net assets.' And with
these "assets" in view, the legislature in
1899 appropriated money considerably
in excess of what could poscibly be
raised through a 5 mill levy for the gen
eral fund in the years 1899 and 1900.
Experience has bhown that delinquent
taxes are not a very reliable as
set. To be sure considerable is
realized through their collection, but
year after year the total amount of such
taxes grows slowly but surely, showing
that a large portion uncollected will
never be collected.
The state board of equalization should
be authorized to levy not to exceed
seven mills on the dollar valuation, and
suflicient revenue would be derived to
meet reasonable and proper appropria
tions and gradually reduce the floating
indebtedness. This would lie sufficient
relief until a new revenue bill could be
Feel Jubilant
The reform forces have a number of
good reasons for feeling jubilant over
the results of the recent election. Not
only has the supreme court and the state
university been wrested from republican
control, and freed from ail the evils at
tendant upon such control, but also the
fnsionir-ts have a big majority of the
county o Ulcers. In 04 of the larger and
more populous counties, including Doug
las and Ijancnster, the fusionists elected
.'K7 county officers and the republicans
got 1!C These figures do iot include
county boards. In three of these coun
ties the fusionists failed to elect a coun
ty oflieer and the republicans got 'gfxise
egged" in thirteen counties.
8core of New Men Appear In Roth lioime
and Senate Alruont a Revolution
In Memhcrahip.
Washington, D. C. December 8.
(Special Cor respondance). The mem
bership of the new congress in
cludes more than a hundred brand new
recruits in the house alone, who have
never seen service in the national legis
lature. California sends four new re
publicans in a delegation of seven, which
includes only one democrat The San
Francisco member, Mr, Julius Kahn, is
of Hebrew antecedents, of course backed
by the De Youngs, of the Chronicle. He
is a "substantial" lawyer in every sense
or tne term ;m fortune, in bu-mess, and
in person (weighing perhaps 20), smooth
in ceo, uaru compiexionea, ana wmi a
nasal appendage that can never be hid
under a bushel. He succeeds Hon
uames u. Mciiuire, democrat, who was
defeated last year for the governorship
of the Golden state. Hon. Russell J.
Water, of Los Angeles, Hon. Victor II.
Metcalf. of the Third district, and Hon,
James C Beecham.of Modesto, complete
tne list and give to California a stronger
representation than she has had for
many years.
Pennsylvania sends a grandson of
President Polk to the 5Gth congress
Mr. Rufus K, Tolk, of Danville, in the
Seventeenth district. Like his illus
trious ancestor, he is a democrat of the
first water, and succeeds Farmer" Kulp
of Shamokin. Another new Pennsyl-
vanian is Mr. James K. Polk Hull of
Ridgeway, a lawyer of prominence at
homo, who is expected to make his mark
in Washington. Cant. Henry D, Green,
of Reading, a democrat and a lawyer.
was elected only lust month to succeed
the lute woll known and much lamentod
Daniel Ermantrout, who died suddenly
in September. Captrin Green is on tho
shady ride of forty, and a bacholor. Ho
is also a rule graduate, has served in
both houses of the state legislature, and
during tho Spanish war org mined a vol
unteer company, attached to the Ninth
Pennsylvania regiment and was commis
sioned its captain. A new republican
member from the same state is Mr. Jo
seph E. Thropp of lied ford, a rich busi
ness man of fashionable tastes, who suc
ceeds Mr. Josiah Hicks of Altoona.
New York has made the greatest
change of any state in its congressional
delegation, which in the last congress
em niaced six democrats and twenty-
eight republicans. Now thore are eight
een democrats and sixteen republicans.
Out of the nineteen new men thirteen
are democrats, chiefly from Manhattan
and Brooklyn. Mo-tof them aro very
wealthy -notably Col. Win. Astor Chan-
ler, Mr. Jefferson M. Levy, Mr. Jacob
Ruppert, and Mr. Daniel Riordoo. Col.
Chanter is a particularly noticeable fig
ure being one of tho youngest' and
handsomest, as well as the wealthiest,
of the "raw recruits," and a lively inter
est is manifested in all his movements.
His admirers tell a story, newly printed,
I believe, of how tho honor- of states
mnnshipcamo to him unsought. His
district, the Fourteenth, though an old-
time lanimany strong-hold, had been
represented three terms by Lorauel Ely
Qui.g, a republican, and Tammany was
anxious to pick out a man who could de
feat him. Mr. Amos J. Cummings, the
newspaper writer and genial representa
tive of the , Tenth District went to
Chanler one day and suggested that he
neconie a candidate for Congress. "ISot
if I know myself," said Chanler, "the
idea is absurd." Though a ral hero of
tho recent war, he is a modest young
follow. Mr. Cnmnnngs reasoned with
him a good while liefore he could bo in
duced to go in for his blushing honors.
Mr. Cummings' clenching argument was
this: " 011 are a 'military hero, Chan
ler, and military heroes are trump this
year. Yon can get the nomination hands
down, if you will but signify a willing
ness to accept. Take it, rush it. and
sweep the field." Iteamelike a bugle
call to the young'soldier., and ho did it.
Kansas .-ends woven representatives,
all republicans but one a populist Jere
Simpson's successor, from the Medicine
Lodge district, is Chester L. Long, Mr.
Simpson's predecessor in tho last con
gress, so that the two ha,ve come to be
called "alternate" and the public are
confidently expecting "Uncle Jere" back
again, two years hence. Mr. Long is a
prosperous lawyer, and a very lino look
ing man. tall, dark and dignilied.
Gov. Joseph J). Buyers of the Ninth
Texas district, is succeeded by Mr. Al
bert S. Ibuleson of Austin, the new man
from the Lone Star state. He is one of
the youngest members of the house,
till, good looking, breezy in methods and
manners. He comes of good old stock,
from a long list of historic Uurlesons,
identified with the progress of Texas
from away back. He. too. is a lawyer
and served his state several vears as
prosecuting attorney.
HiSpecial attention centers around the
successors fit ex-aneaker Thomas B
Reed, the venerable Nelson Dinglev of
Ma ine, and tho late lamented "Silver
Dick Bland of Missouri. Mr. Amos
G. Allen of Alford, Maine, who succeeds
Mr. Iwied, is a life long friend of the !at
ler, since their school days together at
Bowdoin college. For several yoars past
Mr. Allen has been private secretary to
Mr. Reed, and has become thoroughly
well versed in the wants of bis district,
He is of Scotch-Irish stock, soraowhat
past middle age, with iron-gray hair,
blue eyes, ruddy complexion and decid
edly milder manner than had his friend
"the czar." The late Mr. Dingley's suc
cessor, from the Second Maine district,
is Mr. Charles E. Lirtlefieid of Rockland,
proprietor and editor of a newspaper in
that town. Another new editorial con
gressman is Mr. John Ii. Thayer, a dem
ocrat, from Worcester, Mass., who suc
ceeds Mr. Joseph M. Walker.
1 he Smith family is well represented
in this congress, as everywhere else.
There aro live of them in the house,
three from the state of Michigan. From
the Third Michigan district comes a new
and picturesque Smith, Mr. Henry C,
who is heralded as it great story teller
and a jolly good fellow. Another new
IVlichigander is a Methodist divine, Rev.
Washington Gardiner. From the Fourth
Tennessee district comes M r. C. A. Snod
grass, a bright young lawyer, who suc
ceeds, Gov. Benton McMillin. Iowa, lie
sides having the new speaker, presents
five nw republican members, among
them tho powerful orators, Mr. Smith
Mcl'herson, and Mr. Lot Thomas of
Storm Lake. The late Richard P. Bland's
sueeewsor is Mr. Dorsey W. Shackleford,
of Jelfernon City, Mo., a wealthy owner
of lead and zinc mines in Camden
county. Only one colored man will oc
cupy a seat in either branch of congress
this year, and he repre-enls the Second,
or "black district," of North Carolina.
Oddly enough his name is White (George
II.), and his home is in Tarboro.
Fajinib Bruiham.
War Expenses
The cost of war docs not end with
fighting by any means. It goes on and
on for a hundred years after. Over 25,
000 applications have been received at
the pension office as a result of the war
with Spain and tho insurrection in the
Philippines, G95 coming from tho nary.
They are being received on an average
of fifty a week, and the commissioner be
lieves that when peace baa been restored
the number will largely increase.
Beginning to Kick
The trusts have come down so hard
upon the newspapers that even some of
the mullet head editors are beginning to
kick. Some of them have, as the boys
say, got a move on themselves, down in
Kansas and Missouri, and say they are
going to "do something" about it They
propose to call a great big convention
and "resolute." The Kansas City Jour
nal (red hot gold bug) prints interviews
with George W. Martin, president of the
Kansas press association, and W, Ii
Painter, president of the Missouri press
association, in which both announce the
intention of urging extra sessions of
their associations to take Hp the ques
tions of the greatly increased cost of
print paper and the steady decline of
"foreign" advertising, such as baking
powders and proprietary articles which
nave pas-ed under the control of the
trusts. Tho executive committee of the
Kansas association will meet in Kansas
City on Monday and the executive com
mittee of the Missouri association will
meet in St Louis, and both meetings are
expecied to result in calls for conven
tions. '
Two Farms for Sate
I have two nice farms for sale five
miles from Mt Clare, Neb. For partic
ulars address box 13, Mt. Clare, Neb.
Special Sale on
One Thousand Pairs
at Prices that will suit the
Closest Buyers.
Our Fall trade has been good and wo have accumulated a great many broke
lots of shoes that will bo sold at very low prices.
We have an immense stock of Rubber Goods
and Leggings at all prices.
941 0 St., Lincoln.
The north wind (hakes the lriiTt from Mi. trM,
TlirmV a c It i II In t he afr, and it'i going to frMM."
don't be
kat bar
your coal now and be comfort bum. W.
can ferve you promptly. He wisr and okbhr.
at oncb of tho
Block Coal Co.
119 South 12th
IfrWe sell vkrythino in the rraaxuva
Yard Phone 382
Office Phone 397
0 m
227 to 231 N. 10th Street, Lincoln.
A full line of California Canned Goods, Peaches,
Pears, Apricots, Plums, Grapes, Gooseberries,
Blackberries, etc., cheap for cash.
1 Rack Baker's flour ........ 75c '
1 sack Straight Patent 80c
1 sack Success 90c
(Tho finest flour wheat can make.)
10 It) buckwheat flour 25c j,
Absolutely pure buckwheat flour
per pound lie
Battle A x tobacco, per pound., 35c ;
Horse shoo tobacco, per pound .... 45c
1 Hi good smoking tobacco 25c
14 bars Laundry soap 25c
10 bars White Russian 25c ,
12 bars Mascot. 25c
10 bars Santa Claus.. .. 25c
1 box White btar. G5e
10 packs soap powder. ; 25c
1 Jbs soap powder . . .' 15c
2 lbs Java and Santos coffee..' 25c
1 lb Java and Mocha coffee 25c
(The same you get for 40c elsewhere.) . ,
4 lbs Java Blend coffee 'and 50 lb
sack flour free.) ?1 00
2 lbs same coffee (and 10 bars of
White Russian soap free) 50c
A. A. Cone,
D. R. Cone,
J. W. Hartley,
J. H. Philpott,
first in Improvements.
Che Best Vatuc (Qrittng fMachine.
tMmplicit? a
Cardinal point.
m Metbamealljr Correct.
Operation 697.
QXork Elegant.
Cbe Smith premier Zyptvmttr Co,
Sfratuai, f. 1; O. ft. H.
tOHU tor Pew
Hrt Catalogue
v r