The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 14, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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December 14, 1899.
Nn. 111. Ooa of Lancaster county's flnen
farm. 1WJ Reran, m milen from Lincmn. Vi
tliwlf iniroT(l. Han Wn, ii mid will t i
mnnnjr making (ri.. Ui.jsimlly irexxi orchan
or boHt arioti of fruit. Tua parabawir
thla fttrmCKD set t in btttt at vary prpUbl
6araa. Address Ncb.aba Independent, F..rn.
N amber III, Linooln, Muhranka.
No. IO, Whole improved n'clion within I
nilea of Lincoln, at per acre. A reirula
map. Addren Nebraska Independent. Fart
Nnmbar'AJM, Lincoln. Nbrnku.
No. 436. Highly improfod UiO acre in Oto
county, iplendiilly located. One of the clioic
Tarmaof Nebraska. Can be hoiiffiit right
will trade for a larger body of Innd unliable fn
Mtook raining. Addrea Nebraska Imlttpeudenl
Farm Nnmber ttU, Lincoln, Nebraaka.
Mo, 448. Fine combination grain and atoe
farm in Jefferaon county, 21 acna, moaily a
ley land, very rick. About IfiO acrea in rulliv
tlon-ai acrea hay land. Lirintr water, timbe
Kflmarkably clienp Addrea- Nebraska Intlt
pendent. Farm Number 44S, Lincoln, Neb.
Mo. 460. S,(W acrea splendid alfalfa land Ii.
Bepnblicat Valley can Im bouglit at a bargai
juice: ii I no 4UI acre alfalfa farm in Morgan Co
Colorado. Addreta Nebraska lndopeudeut
Farm Numbt-r 4ilo, Lincoln. Nebraska.
No. 47S.. Firat class quarter .action In Lai'
eaator county for sale 1 1M acrea under ctiltm
tiou. No huildingn. A go4i buy. Address N
braakn Indrnmudwut, Farm Number 415, Lii
coin, Nebraska,
No, 483, A stock and feeding farm. Erer
necessity iirovidxd for convenient and economi
sal handling of stock, including sidetrack an.
(hipping pena on the place. This is the be-i
Slant of ila kind, and the eheapext in the Wes
wner going out of business. AddreHS Vebrii
ha Independent, Farm Number 4KI, Lincoli
The Tin Trust
Bofore the industrial commission in
Washington city the other day W, II.
Onffln, tin plate maker, testified thai
while tin plate was gelling at 12.00 he
made a profit of 20 per cent. The trusi
then raised it to ".G5 and has Hi nee
made another advance! And the coun
try U proserous! Wonder how many
farmers pay all the wairos for time on
the farm and make even 10 per cent?
Clay-Eating Prosperity
It was shown before the aonnte indus
trial committee, Hitting in New York,
that thousands of tonsof adulterantsjnrc
uHed in flour, A kind of white earth oi
day in used, and we are therefore becom
ing a nation of clay eater, rather than
have the public do the milling busines
where such fraud would not profit any
one and therefore would not be coin
mitted. Chemists teHtitied that thesi
mixtures wero very bad on the health
though their effects came ho slowly that
victims were not aware of it. Floui
made in small mills at well as the greater
ones show ih's fraud, because of thi
protit in it. The country millers get i.
carloads of the "fioui iuo,'' and as it lookr
like flour the client is paver detected
and the pooplo never suspect the local
Which is Best
Under private ownership, Lebanon
Pa., jiOpulation 8,000 pays an annual ren
tal of 1101 for each street arc lump. Coa
per ton is 1 1.(55.
Logansporr, Ind., population 18,000
does it different. The city owns the plant
and it costs them $21.44 er street arc
per year, which includes 5 per cent in
terest and depreciation of plant chnrgo
Ooal per ton $1.65.
Under private ownership, Big Rapids
Mich., population 5.2UO, pajs 111 per an
oum for each Htreet arc. l'lantoparaleu
by water power.
Under public ownership, Brainerd
Minn., iopulation 5.701. pay 812.50 fix
the same service, which charge includes
T iier ct nt for interest ami depreciation.
Water dower is used.
Under private ownership of electric
lights Watertown, N. Y., population 20,
tK)0, pays (f82,12 per annum rental foi
street arcs. Water power is used.
Under public ownership Bangor, Me.,
population 20,000, pays ftVJ.Ol per annum
for street arcs, which includes 5 er ceni
for depreciation of plant. Water power
is used.
Under private ownership Fulton, N.
Y population 5,000, pays fcjtiO per annum
rent per street arc. Water power i
used. This price is too high because--
Under public ownership Niles. Mich..
population 5,K)J, pays $28.18 for the
same service, which includes & per en
for interest and depreciation of plant.
Water is the power used.
Under private ownership Sacremento,
Cal., population .1.1,000, pays 112.1 per an
num rent for each street arc. Water
power is used.
Under public ownershih Topeka, Kan.,
population 35,000, pays &r!).7:j for the
same service, which includes 5 per cent
for Inere-t and depreciation charges,
Coal f a per ton.
Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup is Mill in
the lead. Thrf people see u to like lhi
old reliable cough medic no, and we
don't blame, them: it is ttin biwt, rvnimlv
for a deep sented cough or cold and will
pneei a cure in one auy.
That Currency Bill
Tlie aim of the bill is clearly to trans
fer the function of issuing money as far
as po-HiMo from the government to the
banks. To aceomidish this end the na
tional banks are authorized to issue
notes to the par value of the bonds de-
polled as MHsunty, new clnstes of ( 2.,
000 and (50,000 banks are to be created,
and note issues are to le encouraged by
chansre in the methods of luxation.
The present tax on circulation, under
which a bank's payments to the govern
ment vary from the volume of its notes
outstanding, is to be abolished, and a
uniform tax of one tenth of one per cent
on the capital, surplus, and undivided
pro', ts in to be suistituted. Under the
preset system banks sometimes rind it
unprofitable to issue notes; under the
new one they will be stimulated to issue
as many as they ran.
, This is republican currency reform.
This is the republican issue for 1900.
I. Journal.
President's Message
(Continued from last week.)
was made for tno taking of the census
In the Island, to be completed on the
30th of November. By the treaty cf
peace Ue Spanish people on the iatanu
bave unttl April 11, 900, to elect
whether thoy wilt remain citizens of
fepaln or become citizens of Cuba. Un
til, than It cannot be definitely ascer
tained who shall bs entitled to , ,
pate in the formation of the rovern
ment of Cub. By tnat time the re
sults of the census will have been tab
ulated and we shall proceed to provide
t i elections which will commit tin mu
j -ipal governments of the island to
t j officers elected by the people. The
experience thu3 acquired will prove of
great valve In the formation of a rep
resentative convention of the peiplo
to draft a constitution and establish
a general system of independent nov
ernment for the island. In the moan
time and so long as we exercise con
trol over tbe Island tho products of
Cuba should bave a market in the
United States on as good terms and
with as favorable rates of duty as are
given to the West India islands under
treaties of reciprocity which shall be
made. '
For the relief of the distressed In
the island of Cuba tne war department
has issued supplies to destitute pet sons
through tho officers of the army, which
have amounted to 5,493,000 rations, at
a cost of $1.417,&54.87.
To promote the disarmament of the
Cuban volunteer army and in the in
terest of public peace and the welfare
of the people, the sum of $75 was pud
to oach Cuban soldier borne upon the
authenticated rolls, on condition that
ha should deposit his arms with the au
thorities designated by the United
States. The sum thus disbursed ag
gregated $2,647,750, which was paid
from the emergency fund provided by
the act of January 8, 1899, for ihat
Out of the Cuban Islands revenues
during the six months enuing June 30,
1899, $1,712,014.20 was expended for
sanitations, $293,881.70 for charities
and hospitals and $s8,914.03 for aid of
tne destitute. r
The department of agriculture is
constantly consulting the needs of pro
ducers in all the states and territories.
it Is introducing seeds and plants of
great value and promoting fuller di
versification of crops. Gra.ns, grasses,
fruits, legumes and vegetab;ea are im
ported for all parts of the United
States. Under -uib encouragement ..-e
beet sugar factory mult.plies In the
north and far west, semi-tropical
plants are sent to the soutu, and con
genial climates are sougnt for the
choice productions of tne far east. The
hybr.dlzlng of fru:t trees and grairs
is conducted in the search for varle
ties adapted to exacting conditions
The introduction of tea gardens into
southern states promises to prov'de
cmpliyment for idle nanus, as we:i
qs to supply the home market with
The subject of Irrigation, where it
Is of vital Importance to the psople,
s being carefully studied, steps ar
being taken to reclaim all and or
-V- , A 1 .1 n n .1 nfnMn,Mn t
cuauumicu iuuud, uuu , . w . . u . .
ncople along these lines is being dis
Marke's are belr.n soitsht and oncn
ed up for surplus farm and factory
nrcducts in Europe and Asia. Thr
outook for the educat'en of tho yor.:i
farmer through ngr.'?u!tural colics
and experiment rotations with oppor
tunity given to sifcnlirc In the de
partment of asriculture is very prom
ising. The people of Hawaii, Torto Rico an
the Philippine is'ands should bo help
d by the eatrbll hment of c" p?ri:nen'
stations to a more sclcnuuc kmv.iede
of the production of core?. India rub
ber and fitter tropical pnrhie.s f.-r
"hlch there h domand in the Unit3c:
There is wldc3"read interppt in the
Improvemcrt of our ru1 1 c h1ghwavi
st the present time, aud tne depatt
ment of aitriculture Is co-oifratini'
with the people in onrh local, tv i:;
mnlt'nR the possible rnir's from
local mnt"r'al rnd in eirerinientlns
with Etee! trnck?.
A morc Int?lli7nnt system of mintR
InR the foreit3 of tnp country Is be'nt;
put In onrrrition, and a rarpf"! tudy
of tho whr.le forestry prob'rm U b-lrg
rorriticted throughout the Un:ted
Rtnfps. A very extensive end completo
exhibit of the figrlru'tural a-d hortl
culturr.l products of th Un't'd F.tttc.
Is being prepared for the Paris exposi
On the 10th of December. 1898, tho
treaty of rr-re betwren the UnitPd
States and Spnln was signed. It pro
vided, among other th'ne-s. that Spain
should cede to the United Ftates the
archlnelatro known as the Phlllnplne
Islands, that thp United Stafs should
pay to Stain the sum of $"0 010 009,
and that th chil rlchts and political
status of the native inhabitants of
the territories thus ceded to the Unit
ed States should be determined by
congress. The treaty was approved by
the senate on the Ctb of February,
1S9D, and by the government of Spain
on the 19th of March following. The
ratifications were exchanged on tho
11th of April, and the treaty publicly
proclaimed. On the 22d of March the
congress voted the sum contemplated
by the treaty and the amount was
paid over to the Spanish government
on the 1st cf May.
In this manner tue Philippines camo
to the Lniud States. The Islands were
ceded by the government of Spain,
which had been in undisputed possej
sion of them for centuries. They were
accepted, not merely by our authorized
commissioners in Paris, under the di
rection of the executive, but by th
constitutional and well considered ac
tion of the representatives of the peo
ple of the United States in both houses
of congress. I had every reason to
believe and I still believe that this
transfer of sovereignty was in accord
ance with the wishes and aspirations
of the great mass of the Filipino peo
ple. From the earliest moment no op
portunity was lost In assuring the peo
ple of the Islands of our ardent desire
for their welfare and of the intention
of this government to do everything,
nossible to advance their Interests. In
my order of the 19th of May, 1833, the
commander of the military expedition
Ospatehed to the Philippines was In
structed to declare that we came not
to make war upon the people of the
country, "nor upon any part or fac
tion among them, but to protect them
VICTOR Incubator
bRtcbt all th fHrtiir ntm,; l
inipi.lur.,Ui. mid nullymw
mil; H KwmtalnirtM rnnMin
I n Informal Inn ami (ntlmonlnlii
In their homes, In their employments,
and in their personal and religious
right. " That there should be , no
doubt as to the paramount authority
there, on the 17th of August, It was
directed that "there must be no joint
occupation with the insurgents;" that
the united States must preserve tno
peace and protect persons and property
within the territory occupied Dy mcir
military and naval forces; that the in
surgents, as well as all others, must
recognise the military occupation ana
authority of the United States. As
early as December 4, before the ces
sion, and in anticipation of that event.
the commander in Manila was urged
to restore peace and traaauiLty anu to
undertake the establishment of a bene
ficent government, which should afford
the fullest security for life and prop
erty. On the 21st of December, alter tne
treaty was signed, the commander of
the forces of occupation was instructed
"to anounce and proclaim in the most
puDiic manner mat w tome, uui us
invaders and conquerors, but as
frlenos to protect the natives in their
homes, In their employments and in
their personal and religious rights."
On the same day, while ordering Gen
eral Otis to see that the peace snould
be preserved in lloilo, he was admon
ished "that it is most important that
there snould he no conflict with the
insurgents.' On the 1st day of Janu
ary, 1899, urgent orders wore reiterat
ed that the kindly intentions of iflis
government should bo in every possi
ble way communicated to the insur
gents. On the 21st of January I announced
my intention of dispatching to Manila
a commission composed cf three gen
tlemen of the highest character end
distinction thoroughly acquainted with
the Orient, who in association vmh
Admiral Dewey and Msjor , General
Otis, were instructed "to facilitate
the most humane and effective exten
sion of authority throughout the is
lands and secure with the least rs
aibie delay the benefits of a wtse, uen
crous protection of life and property
td the inhabitants."
Tsese gentlemen were Jacob Gould
Schurman, president of Cornell uni
versity; Hon. Charles Denby, for many
years minister to China, and Prcf.
Dean C. Worcester of the University
jf Michigan, who had made a mjst
careful study of life in the Pnilippines.
vVhile the treaty of peace was under
consideration in the senate these com
missioners set out on their mission
A good will a-d llbsration. Their
character was a sufficient guaranty of beneficent purpose with which they
went, and they bore the absoiuta in
structions of this government, which
maue their errand pre-eminently one
cf peace and friendship.
but before tueir arrival at Manila
tha sinister ambitlo.1 of a few lea lors
of the Uliplnos had created a situa
tion full of embarrassments for us itnd
most grievous in its consoquences to
tnemseives. Tho clear and Impartial
preliminary report of the commi3i.inn
ers, which I transmit herewith, s.vcs
so lucid and comprehensive a his .ory
cf the present insurrectionary move
ment that the story need -ot be ber
repeated. It Is enough to say that the
claim of the rebel leader that he was
promised independence by any officer
of the United States in return for Aa
assistance had no foundation in 'act
and is categorically denied by the very
witnesses who were called to prove it.
The most the Insurgent leader hoped
for when ne came back to Manila A'as
the liberation of th islands from the
Spanish control which they "td been
laboring for years without success to
throw off. 1
The prompt accomplishment of the
work by the American irmy and navy
gave him other ideas and ambitions
and insidious suggestions from va
rious quarters perverted the purposes
and Intentions with which he had tak
en up arms. No sooner had our army
captured Manila than the Filipino forc
es began to assume an e'titude cf sus
picion and hostl'ity which the utmost
efforts of our officers and troops were
unable .to disarm or modify. Their
kindness and forbearance were taken
as a proof of cowardice. The agres
sions of the Filipino continually In
creased until finally, just before the
time set far the senile of the United
States for a vote upon the treaty, an
atack, evidently prepared in advance,
was made all along the American
lines, which resulted in a terribly de
structive and sanguinary repulse of
the insurgents.
Ten days later an order of the in
surgent government was issued to its
adherents who had remained in Ma
nila, of which General Otis Justly ob
serves, that "for barbarous Intent it is
unequalled in modern times." It or
ders that at 8 o'clock on the night of
the 15th of February the territorial
militia shall cotne together in the
streets of San Pedro, armed with
their bolus, with guns and ammuni
tion where convenient; that Filipino
families only shall be respited; but
that all other Individuals of whatever
race they max be shall be exterminated
without any compassion, after the ex
termination of the army of occupation,
and adds: . "Brothers, we must avense
ourselves on the Americans and ex
terminate them, that we may take
our revenge for the Infamies and
treacheries commuted upon us. Have
no compassion upon them: attack with
vigor." A cony of this fell, b" "M
fortune. Into the hands of our officers,
and they were able to take measures
to control the rising, which was ac
tually attempted on the night of Feb
ruary 22, a week later than was orig
inally contemplated. Considerable
numbers of armed Insurgents entered
the city by water ways and swamps
and In concert with confederates In
side attempted to destroy Manila by
fire. They were kept In check during
the night and the next day driven out
of the city with heavy loss.
This was the unhappy condition of
affairs which confronted our commis
sioners on their arrival in Manila.
They had come with the hope and
intention of co-operating with Admiral
Dewey and Major General Otis in es
tablishing peace and order in the ar
chipelago and the largest measure of
self-government compatible with the
true welfare of the people. What they
actually found can best be set forth
In their own words:
"Deplorable aa war la. tho one In
which we art now engaged was una
voidable by us. We were attacked by
a bold, adventurous and enthusiastic
army. No alternative was left to u
xcept to fight or retreat
"It It not to be conceived of that
any American would have sanctioned
t.e surrrender of Manila to the U-su-rgents.
Our obligations to other na
tions and to the Filipinos and to
ourselves and our flag demanded that
force shoud be met by force.
"Whatever the future of the Phil
ippines may be, there Is no course open
to uo now except the prosecution of
the war until the insurgents are re
ouced to submission. The commission
Is of the opiinon that there has been
no time since the destruction of the
Spanish squadron by Admiral Dewey
when it was possible to withdraw our
forces from the islands with honor to
ourselves or with safety to the in
habitants." The course thus clearly indicated
hr.r. been unflinchingly pursued. The
rebellon must be put down. Civil
government cannot be thoroughly es
tablished until order is restored. With
a devotion ana gallantry worthy of 1U
most brilliant history, the army, ably
nd loyally assisted by the army, ably
carried on this unwelcome but most
righteous campaign with richly de
served success. The noble self-sacriilxe
with which cur soldiers and sailors,
whose terms of service had expired, re
fused to avail themselves of ihr.r right
to return home as long as they were
needed at the front, forms one of the
brightest pages in our annals. Al
though their operations have been
somewhat interrupted and checked by
a rainy season of unusual violence and
duration, they have gained ground
steadily in every direction and now
look forward confidently to a speedy
completion of their task.
The unfavorable circumstances con
nected w4th an active campaign htvc
not been allowed to inteneie w.ta the
equally Important woiK of reconstruc
tion. I inve your attention again tj
the report of the commissioners for
the interesting and d; tails
of the work in the establishment of
peace and inauguration of Eelf-govern-ing
municipalities in many portions of
the archipeiago. A notab e Legln
ning has been made in the establish
ment of a government in the island of
Negros, which is deserving of special This was the first isl
and to accept American sovereignty.
Its people unreservedly proclaimed al
legiance to the United States. and
adopted a const.tuticn looking to a
popular government, it was impossi
ble to guarantee to the people of Ne
gros that the constitution so adopted
should be the u.timate form of gov
ernment. Such action under the treaty
with Spain and in accordance with our
own constitut.on and laws came con
clusively within the jurisdiction of
congress. The government actually
set up by the inhabitants of Negros
eventually proved satisilactory to ti.e
natives themselves. A new system
-was put into fores by order cf the ma
jor general commanding the depe.rt
rcent of which the following aro the
important elements:
It was ordered that the government
of the island of Negros should con
sist of a mil.ta-v governor appoinceJ
by the Uniied S militiry com
mander of the Phil ppines, and a civil
governor and an advisory council elect
ed by the- people. The military gov
ernor was authorized to appoint sec
retaries of the treasury. Interior, rg
culturs, public instruction, an attar
ney general and an auditor. The
of government was fixed at Bacolor.
The military governor exercises the
supreme executive power. He is ta
tee that the la-s are esecjied, ap
point to office and fill all vacancies in
office not otherwise provided for, aaJ
n ay, with tee approval of tae mii.U.y
governor of the Philippines, remjvj
any olLcer from office. The civ.l gov
ernor adv.SLS the miliitary g;verto.'
on all civil quastions and pre ides
the advisory council. He, in general,
performs Uie duties which a.e pjr
iorm by of state in our
own system of government.
The advisory council consists of
eight memb:;c, e.e.t d by the peo
ple, wllh:n the unltoiial 1 mlts whirli
are defined in the order of the com
manding genera!.
The time and place of holding el?c
tlons are to be fixed by Ue m.litary
governor in the island of Negros. Ti.e
iiualiiication3 of voter are as follows:
(1) A voier must be a mala c.tizen of
the island cf Negios. (2) Of the ane
of 21 years. (3) He shall be able to
epoak, read and wr.te the English,
Spanish or Viscayan language, or ha
must own real property worth $53,
or pay a rental on real property of the
value of $7 003. (4) He must have
res.dcd in the island not less than o. e
year preceding, and in the district in
which he offers to register as a voter
not less than three months Imme
diately preceding the time h? offers t3
register. (5) He must register at a
time fixed bv law before v-tiig. ("5)
Prior to such registration he sha.l have
-mid all taxe3 due by hfm to the iv
nnment. Trovidd tat no inMns
person shall be allowed to register or
The military governor has the rlzht
to veto all b'lls or resolutions adopt
ed by the advisory council, and his
veto is final If not disapproved by tho
military governor of the Philippines.
The advisory council discharges all
the ordinary duties of a lejlslature.
The usual duties pertaining to said
offices are to be performed bv the nf
retartes of the treasury. Interior, agri
culture, public instruction, the attor
ney general had the auditor.
The judicial power In vested In
three Judges; who are to be appolntej
by the military governor "of the island.
Inferior courts are to be established.
t ree public schools are to be estab
lished throughout the populous dis
tricts of the island, in which the Eng
lish language shall bo taught, a" this
subject will receive the careiui con
sideration of the advisory council.
The burden of the government mint
be distributed equally and equltao.y
among tho people. The military au
thorities will collect and receive the
custom revenue, and w..l control pos
tal matters and Philippine interest
and trade, and commerce.
The military governor, subject to
the approval of the military governor
of the Philippines, determines all ques
tions not specially provided for and
which do not come under the jurlsdlc
of the advisory council.
The authorities of the Sulu Islands
have accepted the succession of the
tnlted States to the rights of Spain,
and our flag floats over that territory.
Executive Mansion, December 5, 1899
flies! aXsm a 4b
ull ol do IS
& -
Ca O a m in v
JE As to Shoes; 'vnyvjito
r i come in ana w win suiiw you
fflS?- .f
See our ' ,
Holiday Goods
You can always find them at Roy's Drug Store,
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Roy s Drug Store
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The Celebrated
Estey and Baldwin
Pianos as Low as $185; Organs as Low as $40
Ail standard makes and fully guaranteed.
It will only cost you a postal card to get full in
formation and cuts. Let us hear from you.
212 South Eleventh Street. ADTUI ID DTT7
The Burlington have a Pullman Tourist
Wide Vestibuled Sleeper, leave Lincoln for
Los Angeles without change and the price
of a double berth is but $5.00.
City Ticket Office
Corner loth and O Streets.
Telephone 2,? 5.
A New Convett
E.litQr Independent: A few week- ago
t met a Mr. Wimerxteen of the State
Totirnal and had a talk with him on the
-iihjeet of impel ialistn. On the 5th in
tutit I met him again, this time in the
tierilT's offico. lie came to me and con
rrntulnted me, xlating that the talk I
ind had with him had knocked all the
he impcrialisniout of him that he saw
hings in a new light and that he had
oted against expansion and imperial
ui had voted for Ilolcoiub and the
u-ion ticket, lie said that any man
iio would vote or work or talk against
he interest of himself and country was
nit tit to ie an American citizen. He
further oaid that I was the only man
who had ever ued the arguments and
-uch talk would convert any reasonable
man if he would only lay aside hU pred
judii es. for it would cause a man to stop
and think.
I believe that Mr. Wintersteen will
make one of our best men along leform
lines. Hn had len in the clers'f olllce
and announced his conversion I
aw him and he wanted to see nie and
te.lmeofit. How will this suit the
S'ate Journal? He did not fay hs our
Judas did that "it was the chance of
his life," but that it was the principles
involved. W. M. Lakkis.
Aurora, Neb.
To Cniw K Cold In one Injr.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TableU.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
'each box. 25c.
I lfy can't come &
1 s?
Nothing can be more ap- ft
Feciatedthanapairofslip - ctj
l S Of
pcrs or snoes. wur oup-
75c and Shoes at
- -
$1 .00 arebeauties, and
if you want something ele
gant we have it
Lincoln Nebraska
r &
Burlington Depot
7th Street, Between P and Q.
Telephone as.
Hides and Wool,
Dealers in Hides, Wool, Tallow,
and Furs. Send in your goods and
get the HIGHEST market price.
A. D. Culp
John Wlttorff
(Successors to
John Bauer.
Dealers in
Liquors and
Jug Trade
a Specialty.
Fine Hot Lunch 00 to 12.
Saturday night 8 to 11'