The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 07, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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December 7, 1899.
An Akla Review by General Victor Vlf
jmIb, from th Fall of Manila to
tha Last Expedition.
ditor Independent: From the sub
Hubline to the red iculous, this baa been
the condition of affairs for the last six
teen months of our stay in the Philip-
On the 1st of May, 1898. we were In
the sublime atacre. Our fleet had sunk
the Spanish arms without the loss of
man. and with peat slaughter among
the Dons. But Manila had not yet fal
len; Bonie 15,000 Span tarda still had the
place and the flag of Castillo was float
ing dellantly over the battlements.
Dewey was powerless against these, and
he sent for Aguinaldo, who came at once
and was requested to invest Manila wilh
his Filiuinos, and so he did. Thus, the
Spanish garrison was bottled up. Ver;
soon afterwards the place surrenders
and the last vestige of Spanish sover
eiirntv had vanished from the Philip
pines, Aguinaldo was the recognized
chief: he was so treated and so consid
ered by Dewey and others; he deserved
it But then came General Merritt and
General Otis, and instead of allies, the
Filipinos were forthwith looked upon as
enemies. All this prior to tho treaty ol
When General Lee's army had sur
endered and the prisoners had been par
ried by General Grunt, President John
son took exception to the liberal terms
of the parole and requested the use of
more drastic measures. General Grant
told him that the conditions must remuin
just as they had been granted at Appo
niatox and the president receded. Dew
ey should have told our commander of
the'military forces at Manila ' those men
have been umkI by me as allies; they
have rendered signal service, and as
huch they shall bo respected." And this
is the difference bulw-en Grant and
Dewey. Grant stood by his prisoners
while Dewey helped to pass the gold
brick to his allies. Some people call this
treatment of the natives smart and fair;
I call it decidedly scabby.
Just now the Filipino army is disinte
grated: so at least we are informed
"officially;" and, if correct, wrought to
rejoice; the hardships of our soldiery are
at an end. I have my, doubts whether
greater hardships ever were endured
by any soldiery. Soldiers will notgrum
ble because of hardships,, whether nec
essary or not, when there is a good battle
fought now and then; but this everlast
ing skirmishing over rice fields, in mud
or water, through the jungle and cane
brake, under a torrid sun, hns no partic
ular fascinations. Then, too. sickness.
owing to the climate added new horrors
to the situation. Our boys will soon be
ia.iia uj movo into more doe in t camps
and quarters, doiug garrison duty here
and there, awaiting the pleasure of con
gress, provided the president does not
. spring up another grabbing and imper
ialistic surprise by sending some 40,000
of them to China , to open some door or
other in conjunction with the British,
and the chances am ten to ono that this
will tie the case, and very soon we may
have Canton, China, as well as Canton,
Of the real condition in the Philippines
me people More Know next to nothing;
we have to take what the authorities
give us. Otis sends dispatches and
Charles Emery Smith, P.M. General,
writes what he pleases to suit the re
publican palate and dishes it over to the
associated press as history. But taking
it lor grantea mat Aguinaldo s army is
disintegrated, what then; will the insur
rection col lapso, or will a guerilla- war
fare be the next act in the drama?
Those Philippinos love independence
and they will have it, or die. Aguinaldo
whether a fugitive or not, may pass
away, but the sacred tire of patriotism
w.i ch has so strongly charactized "the
little brown man," the Tommy Atkins of
L uon, will live,and thereare hundredsof
thousands of them. They will be more
dangerous hereafter than ever before;
they will not fire so many shots but every
shot will count. I hope that good, sound
American sense will prevail in congress,
and give those men who have fought so
bravely, and against such great odds,
the independence they aspire to. If this
congress does not the next will.
And now we reach the rodiculous stage
of affairs.
Single handed, if we are to believe
Otis, Aguinaldo is being chased by a
half dozen l a jor generals, a dozen briga
diers, and a struggling mob of boys in
blue all running on after and over the
other over hills and vVlen, across moun
tains and rivers, in the mad endeavor to
catch the ' president bf the Philip
pine republic, Emtio Aguinaldo,
whom I)ewey and Anderson ad
ressed in June 1S58 as "Your Excellen
cy," and who in turn and as is custom
ary among Chiefs of State, addressed
President McKinley as "Dear and well
beloved Cousin;" the poor fellow did not
know Bill then as well as he does now.
It is a wild chase indeed as well as a
crazy one, but it compares vrith the
military talent of Otis, whoso strategy
will forever remain misunderotood by
the ablest military critics. General
Otis has had all told fully 75,000 men in
the Phillipines: he has now over fifty
No. til. One of Lmicutr county' fluent
farm, it) rn-n, gix tniln from Lincoln. Vary
finely improved. Han brxin, i ami will be a
money making farm. I'mmunlly good orchard
of brt variolic f fruiU The pmclia-wi of
thia farm can Ri-t the bet at very profitable
Huron. Addra Nrbrntks Independent, Farm
Number 1-1, Lincoln, Nebraska.
No. Whole improved wet ion within 12
mi Ion of Lincoln, at IMW per acre. A regular
nap. Addre.e Nrbra' I ndvpotxient. Farm
.Number ZM, Lincoln. Nebraska.
43, Highly improrrd ltlO acre In Otoe
county, eplendidly located, On of the choice
farmaof Nebraska. On he boiurht riht or
will trade for a Utrrer body of land mi i table for
stock mining. Addrcae Nebraska Independent,
Farm Number M, Lincoln. Nebraska.
No, 44S. Fine combination (Train and utoek
farm in JefTarmm comity. acn a. mostly val
ley land. very rich. About HU acre in ciiltivav
tion w acres hay land. Llriuc waler, timber.
Remarkably chrap. Addiee Nehrnnlia Inde
pendent. Farm Number lis, Lincoln. Neb.
No. 4o. :u)acrea iplendid alfulfa land In
Republican Valley can He bought at a barmia
pHcei alo 4ti acre alfalfa farm in Morgan Co..
Colorado. AMret Nebraska Independent,
Farm Number 4ml, Lincoln. Nohranka. -
No. 475. Firi clawt quarter teclioo In Lan
ranter rounty fir aalai 1K acre under cultiva
tion. , limJdinffi. A gorti buy. Addreea Na
"'??. Inileieudunt, Farm Number 471, Liu
coin. Nebraska.
MU.4H.I. A lock and feeding farm. Every
'. .ilt provided for convenient and ecotiomi
ea bandllua-of Mntk, including ai.ietrnck ami
. flipping pen on the place. This ie the belt
plant of it kind, and the clieape.t In the W est.
Owner going nut of biiini. , Addren Snbra
ka Independent, Farm Number m Lincoln,
thousand; he has expended over one
hundred millions of dollars; he has lost
perhaps fifteen hundred men principally
from disease, and all this to reach the
present climax "trying to catch one
man." If the insurrection is at an end,
why submit high military dignateries to
the disgraceful scenes that are now en
acted; what are they going to do with
Aginaldo if they catch him; who tells
them that ho is ahead of them? No
body knows; they are chasing a phan
tom, and military strategy is made
ridiculous. , Law ton, McArthur and
Wheaton will often laugh over the clos
ing scenes of the campaign in Luzon as
managed by Major General Otis.
The simple truth of the matter is:
Give Aguinaldo the same resources as
Otis had, and the latter would not begin
to be a match for the former, notwith
standing the fact that the American
soldier is far superior to the Phillipino.
They can say what; they please about
Emilio Aguinaldo; with the resources at
his disposal he has put up a good tight,
young as he is. He fought for the same
ideals as Washington, Boliver and
Gomess have fought; to be sure he is not
the peer of Washington, but neither
were the others. The two latter won, as
Washington has; but Aginualdo has for
time being failed; ho may yet die for the
independence of bis native land, but
whether he does or does not, his name
will live in tho history of his country for
ever, as that of Washington will live in
ours, and I hardly think that William
McKinley's name will. He does not be
long to tho same class.
Victor Vikquin.
Lincoln. Nob.
To Cure a Cold In one Day.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 2"c.
The despotism ' enthroned at the
White House at Washington, has mad
it almost impossible to get any news of
the things most vitally effecting the
American people. It will bo remembered
that the reliable correspondents in the
Philippines all signed a statement to
tho effect that Olis had established a
censorship much more effective than
was over maintained by the Spanish in
the Philippines and worso than that of
Weyler in Cuba. They, declared that
Otis had said that ho would lot nothing
go that would hurt the administration.
Now we are to feel the power of the cen
sorship sad the destruction of the free
dom of the press in the United Statos,
All questions arising from the war in
the Philippinos must be settled by the
representatives of the people in congress
assembled. But how are our represent
ativos to decide intelligently if the facts
of the situation in the Philippines are
suppressed by a despotism in the White
House? Not a word has come from any
reliable newspaper correspondent in the
Philippinos for dearly two weeks. We
know nothing of the situation there ex
cept what Otis, the appointee of the des
pot in the White House, has been
pleased to send us. He declares that
the rebellion in the Philippinos has been
suppiessed that Aguinaldo's army has
beon broken up and is fleeing to the
mountains in small bands.
More than half a dozen times he has
sent similar dispatches during the last
year which every one now knows were
false. Hut now the president asks con
gress to decide the question of imperial
ism, the change of our form of govern
ment from the principle that all govern
ments derive their just powers from the
consent of the governed to one in which
this doctrine is discarded and adopt in
its place the doctrine of government of
foreign nations by force, and the infor
mation that he submits to congress in
support of that policy is the dispatches
of his own military appointee, while all
information coming from other sources
is forbidden by a military order.
It appears that "the man on horse
back" to which so many references have
been made during the last twenty years
by the great thinkers, writers and schol
ars has arrived. To ask the American
people to decide a question when all in
formation that would lead them to make
a just decision has been suppressed by a
military order, is just as despotic as to
issue'a military order abolishing con
gress and establishing a government bv
a military dictator. Nothing of a free
government by the people is left under
such circumstances except a mere form.
The people must know the facts before
they can make an intelligent decision
and the facts have been suppressed by a
military dictator in the Philippines, ap
pointed and sustained by William Mc
Kinl;V After reading all the dispatches sent
by Otia during the last week the Inde
pendent does not change the opinion ex
pressed last week. Even from these dis
patches themselves it does not appear
that the Philippines have been con
quered. It U not claimed that more
than 1,000 Filipinos have been captured.
The operations have been all along the
line of one railroad. The interior of the
island has not been penetrated. There
are million" of people in Luzon who have
never seen an American soldier or
beard the sound of - an American
lean gun. There 1 are 6,000 Spanish
prisoners still in the hands of the insur
gents. There are American prisoners in
their hands. Otis has no idea where
Aguinaldo is. These are facts gleaned
from his own dispatches, ,
The claim set forth by the great impe
rialist dailies that tho insurgents in Lu-
son have been conquered and that there
is now nothing to do but annex the
islands and set up a government has no
foundation in the facts that have come
from Otis himself. That island is as
large as the state of Nebraska and con
tains millions of people. Otis and his
forces occupy less than one-tenth of it
Yet the claim is made that the island is
conquered and nothing remains but to
set up a government and hereafter the
inhabitants will peacably remain a sub
ject people of the United States.
This is not all by any means that this
despotism in the White house is plan
ning. The republican literary bureau is
flooding the newspaper offices of the
whole country with columns of matter
advocating the annexation of Cuba.
More than five columns of such stuff
has been gent to the Independent in the
last three days. The substance of it is
that all the Cubans of any character or
standing are demanding that the island
shall be annexed to the United States
and flerca onslaughts upon ths officers
and men of the late patriot Cuban army.
They are denounced as brigands, and
claiming that the cry of "Cuba libre" is
simply the cry of men who want to take
to the woods and prey upon the towns
and planters. Scores of extracts from
imperialist papers are sent backing up
these assertions.
The bureau that sends out these
things knows that the first intimation
given by this government that the
pledged word of this nation is to be vio
lated the word that was given when
congress declared that Cuba was and of
right ought to be free, and that this na
tion would mnke no attempt to annex
tho island but would withdraw as
soon as the island was pacified
that that moment war would break
out in every village, city and town. That
is just what the despotism enthroned in
the White House wants. That would
give the ooportunity to nhout for the
flag, cry traitor and copperhead, nnd
forever establish e great standing army.
The establishment of a great standing
army is tho goal which the plutocrats,
who are in complete control of this gov
ernment mean to reach.
It will be seen that the warnings that
the populist press have been giving for
the last ten years have not been based
upon tho dreams of men with wheels in
their heads, but were the sound conclu
sions of sober, thinking patriots.
In regard to the British war of con
quest in South Africa, the English have
already lost 4,000 men and have not yet
crossed the Boer frontier, while the
sturdy Dutch fighters have over run a
large part of the British possessions and
recruited their army by hundreds of
Dutch farmers residing therein. Gen.
Methun did not get across the Modder
river and his "great victory" turns' out
to be a repulse. It is said that the
theaters ar.e almost deserted in London,
so many of tho leading families are
mourning for their dead who lost their
lives in the fierce battles that have been
fought already in this effort to follow
the McKinley example in establishing
"good government and ndvancing civili
zation." The .latest dispatches, and
they are a week old for the British con
sor follows Otis' example not to allow
any thing to go that would injure the
administration, are to the effect that
Mafeking is to be abandoned by the
British and the close investment of
Ladysmith renders it surrender pro
bable. Russia is taking advantage of the
British position and strengthening her
position on the borders of India. Not
much is said about it in the English
press, but American correspondents re
port great uneasiness in London on that
The report of the Mexican minister of
finance shows a most gratifying state of
prosperity in that free silver country.
A great reduction in taxation and large
ly increahwl public improvements arc
recommended. There is not a nation in
the whole world that can duplicate the
prosperity of free silver Mexico.
The first uneouivocal dpmaml fnr im.
perialism comes in the report of Secreta
ry Root. This report is imperialism
without disguise. He demands that
there should be a form of local innular
government provided which shall have
complete control over the rights, prop
erty and obligations of the people of the
Winter is the Season of Special Danger
in These Ailments Those Who Apply
for Treatment in Person or by Mail
Before January 1, 1900, will Get the
Benefit of an Unusual Offer as to Fees.
Catarrh of the nose, throat or bron
chial tubes always endangers the lungs.
This is especially true in cold weather.
The surest , protection against serious
lung trouble lies in curing throat and
bronchial ailments before the dl.ea-c
spreads into the chest For this reason
every person who has catarrh of the
head or throat, chest pains, cough, diffi
cult breathing or sore lungs, should
seek safety In proper treatment before
the cold and changes of winter work
greater harm. To extend help to the
greatest possible number who need his
services, Dr. Shepard will treat all who
apply before January 1 at a fee rate so
low that none need stay away. This
offer is to all and all may come!
Catarrh of the Lungs or Bronchitis.
When catarrh of the head and throat
is left unchecked it extends down the
windpipe into the brohchial tubes, and
after awhile attacks the lungs. Among
the symptoms may be noted:
Cough on going to bed.
Cough in the morning.
Cough short and hacking.
Pain in the side.
Pain behind the breastbone.
Pains and soreness through chest
Painful burning in throat
Taking cold easily.
Raising frothy material.
Spitting up yellow matter.
Spitting up little cheesy lumps.
Tickling behing the palate.
Impairment of strength.
Decrease in weight
In Our Climate.
There exists in our climate conditions
which ever tend to the development ot
Consumption of the Lungs. These con
ditions consist first, of the seeds of con
sumption themselves, whicn are coughed
up and spit out by consumptives. This
material becomes dry and still holding
in its meshes the . seeds of the disease
floats in tho air and is liable to be
breathed by anybody. Only certain per
sons, however, who breathe the seeds of
consumption develop tho disease. Just
who are in danger of developing con
sumption by inhaling the germs we can
not always know. A person whoso gen
eral health is run down from any cause,
whose system is weakened, whose blood
is poor and thin, or who has marked ca
tarrhal trouble, is in such a condition
that he cannot very stoutly resist germ
infection when once introduced into his
system, and consequently is liable to
develop the disease.
Free Trial.
All suffers from any of the above ail
ments, applying in person, will bo wel
come to consultation and a trial medica
tion without charge.
Treat Throat and Lungs Now.
It is well known how lung troubles
develop from neglected colds, from ca
taarh of the head and throat that creeps
down into tho bronchial tubes and
lunirs. It is common o-' bn
the raw, soro places along the bronchial
tubes, and even deeper. in the larger air
passages of the lungs, afford the bacillus
of consumption that is often found float
ing in the air a convenient resting place,
where it can grow and multiply and
spread its deadly effects to the party.
Now, in this changeable month of No
vember, a month of colds, of coughs, of
sore throats and inflamed bronchial
tubes, it is a question of life and death
with thousands. Prompt action in quiet
ing the inflomation soothing the irrita
tion and healing the soreness with a
gentle and effective inhalation like Dr.
Shepard's, means safety and comfort to
those who avail themselves of this cor
dial invitation to call and test the heal
ing vapors.
Home Treatment. -
Patients who -live at a distance treated
with perfect success by the aid of the
Shepard symptom blank and patient's
report sheets, sent free on application.
Address Dr. Shepard, 312 and 313 New
York Life building. Office hours 9 to
4; Sunday. 12 to 1. Evenings Wednes
days and Saturdays only 7 to 8.
' Omaha, Neb.
Girls Christmas is coming you shobld
have a doll. If you buy a pair of shoes
at Sanddrson's 1213 O street, Lincoln,
Nebraska, they will give you a beautiful
doll free of charge.
....Lincoln, Neb....
Nebraskas' Largest Mail Order House
Send for our new Catalogue, just issued. We purchased $50,000 worth of
Furniture last July, for fall shipments, just before the advances were made,
which places us in a position to supply your wants for less money than any
other store in the west. We want your business, and the prices we quote you
will secure it. And for special inducements to 0111 out of the city customers
we will pay all freight on all orders amounting to $5,00 or more for 100 miles,
and beyond 100 miles allow the freight for the lirst 100 miles, which will make a
It will only cost you a one cent postal card to get our catalogue, illustrating
Furniture, Carpets, Queensware,
and Hardware.
Address all commnnicatioria care Department 13.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Holiday Merchandising
bucn as it always is at this store requires plenty of room, lots of space, aad jwrt
now we can't give it as much as we would like. Mild weather postponed the sell
ing of winter goods to the last minute and the arrival of Holiday Wares crowded
us to our utmost The Xmas goods must have more room, hence sacrifice of win
ter needs.
In the Dress Goods Department
New styles and colorings in bright plaids this year t
per yard '. fv
An immense line of plain and novelty dress goods in popular combinations, OC
splendid value, per yard , . . Z u li
Novelty dress goods embracing a largo line of the well known Jamestown Ofl
Suiting, worth 50c, this week, per yard , OOU
Heavy quality all wool camels hair cheviots, especially desirable for entire CC
dresses, worth 75c, this week, per yard Jj
December Clearing
The season's choicest productions in capes , jackets and furs, for about mak
ers prices. We bought before the great advance and are therefore in a position to
name prices which would be impossible were wo buying on present markets. If
you cant come to the store in person, send a postal for our catalogue. Its free.
Women's fleece lined wrappers, perfect n-j
fitting, well made, each J I J
Women's Winter Underwear
Women's heavy ribbed fleece lined cotton vests and pants, 50c goods I Qft
special this week, per garment J J "0t
Women' gray ribbed cotton , flleece lined vests and pants, 25c iq,
grade, this week per garment 0(J
Women's natural gray half wool vests and pants, OOn
50c quality per garment UUu
Hosiery for Winter Wear.
Misses all wool hose, fine rib, doable heel and toe, 0C
a pair QjJ
Women's imported extra heavy double fleece lined cotton hose, high C I flfl
spliced heel and toe, 3 pairs for v I .UU
Women's black and grey, heavy wool hose, spliced heel and toe, qrft
a pair ZOB
Men's heavy merino socks, double hec! and tee, . n
a pair , t JJ(J
We are the sole Lincoln
Agents for Butterick's Pat
terns and Publications.
$LczjboZimezify Lincoln, Neb.
Special Sale
One Thousand Pairs
Our Fall trado has beon good and we have accumulated a great many brokem
lots of shoes that will be sold at very low prices.
We have an immense stock of Rubber Goods
and Leggings at all prices.
941 O St., Lincoln.
in the Cloak and
Suit Department
Our Catalogue is free to
all out of town custom
ers. on
at Prices that will suit the
Closest Buyers;