k, . ir - ry December 7, 1899. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. the sTimrav ' J w-w MFRHGAN. FARM m 1 (Continued From Lawt Week. I CHAPTER VIII. HE CATCHES TUB OLD Blt. At 4 o'clock the next aftoruoon the CoOnian rode across the plain, roturn ng from his search for the lost sheep. Ho roile slowly, for he had boon in tho saddlo since sunrise and was soniiv what weary, and the heat of the after noon made Lis horse sleepy as It picked Its way slowly along the sandy road. fSrory now and then a great red spider would start out of tho "karroo" on one side of tho path and nin across to the other, but nothing else broke the still Monotony. Presently, behind one of tJift highest of the milk bushes that dottod the roadside, the German caught eight of a KafHr woman, seated there evidently for such shadow as the milk bush might afford from the sloping fays f the sun. The German turned the horse's head out of the road. It vras not his way to pass a living crea ture without a word of greeting. Com ing nearer, he found it was no other than the wiie of the absconding Kaffir Lord. She had a baby tied on her back ly a dirty strip of red blanket. An other strip hardly larger was twisted round her waist, for the rest of her Mack body was nakod. She was a sullen, ill looking woman, with lips Wdeously protruding. The German questioned her as to how she came there. She muttered In broken Dutch that she had been turned away. ' Had she done evil? She shook fcer head sullenly. Had she had ford glvon her? She grunted a negative and fanned the flies from her baby. Telling the woman to remain where eho was, he turned his horse's head to die road and rode off at a furious pace. "Hard hearted! Cruel! O my God! Is this the way? Is this charity? Yes, os. yes!" ejaculated the old man as he rode on, but presently his anger be gan to evaporate, his horse's pace ulackened, and by the time he had reached his own door he was ndding and smiling. Dismounting quickly, he went to the great chest where his provisions wore ' kept. Here he got out a little meal, a few mealies, a few roaster cakes. These he tied up in three blue bandker oliiefs, and, putting them into a sail cloth bag, he strung them over his shoulders. Thou he looked circum spectly out nt the door, h was very Iviil to be discovered in the ict of giv ing It made him rod up . t!;- rtmf.i of bis old grizzled hair. No o.n- was about, however, so he rode oiT ngabi. Before the milk bush sat the KafHr woman still, like Hagar, he thought, tfirust out by her mistress in the wil derness to die. Telling her to loosen the handkerchief from her head, he loured into it the contents of his bag. The woman tied it up la sullen silence. . "You must try to get to the next farm." said the German. The woman shook her head. She would sleep in the field. The German reflected. Kafllr womeu were accustomed to sleep in the open air, but then the child was small, aiKl after so hot a day the night might be chilly. That she would creep back to tho huts nt the homestead when the darkness favored her the German's sagacity did not make evident to hlin. He took off the old brown salt and , pepper coat and held It out to her. The .woman received it In silence and laid it across her knee. "With that they will eleop warmly, not so bad. Ha. ha. ha!" said the Gorman. And he rode home, nodding his head In a manner that would have made any other man dizzy. "I wish he would not come back to night." said Em, her face wet with tears. "It will lx just the same If he comes twek tomorrow," said Lyndall. The two girls sat on the step of tho cabin waiting for the German's re turn. Lyndall shaded her eyes with her hand from the sunset light. "There he comes." she said, "whis tling. 'Ach Jerusalem du schone!' so loud I can hear hhu here." "Perhaps he has found the sheep." "Found them!" said Lyndall. ' He would whistle just so If he knew he had to die tonight" "You look at the sunset, eh. chick ens?" the German said as he came up at a smart canter. "Ah. yes. that Is beautiful!" he added as he dismount- !, pausing for a moment with his hand on the saddle to look at the even ing sky, where the sun shot up long flaming streaks, between which and the eye thin yellow clouds floated. "EI, you weep?" said the German as the girls ran up to him. Before they had time to reply the TOloe of Tant' Sannle was heard. "You child of tho child of the child of a Kaffir's dog, come here!" The German looked up. ne thought Hie Dutchwoman, coine out to ;ool her elf In the yard, called to some uilslw havlng servant The old man looked round to sec who It might be. "Yon old vagabond of a praying Ger man, are you deaf?" Tant Sannle stood before the steps of the kitchen. Upon them sat tho lean Hottentot. Upon the highest stood Bonaparte Blonklns, both hands folded under the tails of his coat and hii wyes fixed on the sunset sky. The German dropped the saddle on the ground. "Blab, blsh, blsh! What may this ber be said and walked toward the BY OLIVE A TALE OF LIFE IN THE BOER REPUBLIC. house. "Very Ktrauge!" The girls followed him. Em still weeping, Lyndall with her face rather w.Mte and her ey wide open. "And I have the heart of a devil, did yo;i fay? You could run me through with a knife, could you?" cried tho Dutchwoman. "I could not drive the Kaiflr maid away because I was afraid Af you. was I? Oh, you miserable rag! I iored you, did I? I would have liked to marry you, would I, would I, would I ?" cried tho Boor woman. "You cart's tail, you do's paw! Be near my house tomorrow morning when the sun rises," fho gasped, "my Ka flint-will drag you through the sand. They would do it gladly, any of them, for a bit of tobacco, for all your prayings with them." "I am bewildered, I am bewildered," said the German, standing before her and raising his hand to his forehend. "I I do not understand." "Ask him, ask him!" cried Tant' San nle, pointing to Bonaparte. "He knows. You thought he could not make me. understand, but ho did, ho did, you old fool! I know enough English for that You bo here," shouted tho Dutchwo man, "when the morning star rises, and I will let my Kaffirs take you out and drag you till there Is not one bone left In your old body that is not bro ken as fine as bobootle meat, you Aid beggar! All your rags arc not worth that they should be thrown out on to the ash hotip," cried tho Boer womau, "but. I will have them for my sheep! Not one rotteu hoof of your okf mare do you take with you. I will have her all, all for my sheep that you have lost, you godless thing!" The Boer woman wiped the moisture from her mouth with the palm of her hand. The German turned to Bonaparte, who still stood on the step absorbed in the beauty of the Himaet. "Do not address me, do not approach me, iost man." said Bonaparte, not moving his eye nor lowering his ch.n. "There Is a crime from which all na ture revolts; there Is a crime whose name is loathsome to the human ear. That crime Is yours; that crime is in gratitude. This woman has been your benefactress. On her farm you have lived, after her sheep you have looked, into her house you have been allowed to enter and holt! Divine service, an honor of which you were never "worthy, nun now nave you rewarded !ior.' Easily, basely, basely!" "i'.ut it is nil false, lies ami fals hoods. I must. I will speak," said the German, suddenly lookiug round, be wildered. "Do I dream? Are you mad? What may it be?" "Go, dog!" cried the Dutchwoman. "I would have been a rich woman this day If it had not been for your lazi ness, praying with the Kaffirs behind the kraal walls. Go, you Katiir do?!" "But what then is the matter? What may have lu'ppoTicd Mince I left?" said the German, turning to the Hottentot woman who sat upon the step. She was his friend; she would toil him kludly the truth. The woman an swered by a loud, riuging laugh. "Give it him. old missis! Give It him!" It was so nice to see the white man who had b-eii master hunted down. The culered woman laughed and threw a dozen mealic grams Into her mouth tn chew. All nupT and excitement faded from the old man's face. He turned slowly away and walked down the little path to hit- cabin, with ills shoulders lient. It vas all dark before him. lie stum bled over the threshold of his own well kr.oY.vi door. Eim. sobbing bitterly, would have followed him. but the Boor woman pre vented her by a flood of speech which eimviihed the Hottentot, so low were iis Hiiares. "Oine. Em." said Lyndall. lifting! I; v filial!, proud h ad. "let us ;;o in. I We will not slay t hear such lan-1 r,:io loeueii iniii uu isoer wonmu s eyes. Vain' '-. nic understood the r.tciinit'u f the look if not the words. S!'o wa hlicd after them and caught Em by the arm. She had struck Lyn dall once years before and had never dope it again, so she took Em. "Ho you will ilc fy me, too, will you, yon Englishman's ugliness!" she cried as with one hand she twitl the Hiild down and held her bead tightly against hr knee. VV'itli tiie other she la-ut her first upon one cheek and then upon the other. For one instant Lyndall looked on. Then she laid her small lingers oa the Boer woman's arm. W ith the exert loa of half her streugth Tant' Saanie might have flung the girl buck upon the stones. It was not the power of the slight flngern, tightly though they clinched her broad wrist so tightly that at iHMltlnio tho murks were still there, but the Boor woman looked Into tho clear eyes and at the quivering white lips and with a half surprised curse relaxed her hold. The girl drew Em's arm through bur own. "Mover' she said to Bonaparte, who stood In the door, and he, Bonaparte Read our premium oners on page 3. There is money in it for you the Invincible. In the hour of his til umph, moved to give her place. The nottentot ceased to langh, and an uncomfortable silence fell oa ull tho three in the doorway. Once In their room, Em sat down on the floor and wailed bitterly. Lyndall lay on the bed, with her arm drawn across her eyes, very white and still "Hoo, hoo!" cried Em. "And they won't let hlni take the gray mare, and Waldo has gone to the mill. Hoo, hoo! And perhaps they won't let ub go and say goodby to him. Hoo, hoo, hoo!" "I wish you would bo quiet," said Lyndall without moving. "Does It give you such felicity to let Bonaparte know he is hurting you? We will ask no one. It will be supper time soon. Listen, and when you hear the chink of the knives and forks we will go out and see him." Em suppi-oseed her sobs and listened intently, kneeling at the door. Sud denly some one cam' to tho window and put the shutter up. "Who was that?" said Lyndall, start ing. "The girl, I supisise," said Em. "How early she in this evening!" But Lyndall sprang from tho bed nnd seized the handle of the door, shaking It fiercely. The door was locked on tho outside. She ground her teeth. "What Is the mutter?" asked Em. The room was in perfect darkness cow. "Nothing," said Lyndall quietly, "on ly they have locked us in." She turned and went back to bed again. But ere long Em beard a sound of movement Lyndall had climbed up Into the window and with her lin gers felt the woodwork that surround ed the panes. Slipping down, the girl loosened the Iron knob from the foot of the bedstead, and, climbing up again, she' broke with it every pane of glass in the window, beginning at the top and ending nt the bottom. . "What are you doing?" asked Em, who heard the falling fragments. ner companion made her no reply, but leaned on every little crossbar, which cracked and gave way beneath her. Then she pressed with all her strength against the shutter. She had thought the wooden bnttons would give way, but by the clinking sound she knew that the Iron bar had been put across. She was quite quiet for a time. (.'Limbering down, she took from the table a small one bladed penknife, with which she began to pock nt the hard wood of the shutter. "v hat are you doing now?" asked Em, who had ceased crying In her won der and had drawn near. "Trying to make a hole," was the short reply. "Do you think you will be able to?" "No, but I am trying." In an agony of suspense Em waited, For ten minutes Lyndall peeked. Tin hole was three-eighths of an Inch deep, Theu the blade sprang into ten pieces.. "What has happened nuw?" asked Em, blubbering afresh. "Nothing," said Lyndall. "Bring m' my nightgown, a piece of paocr and the niatcV.w . Wondering, Em fumbled about till sh found them. "What .ire yon going to do with them?" she whispered. "Burn d.wn the window." "But won't the whole house take lire and burn down too?" "Yes." "But will it not be very wicked T "Yes, very, a:vl I do not care." She arranged the nightgown careful ly In the corner of the window, with the chips of the frame about it. There wu only one match in the box. She drew it ccrefuily along ibo wall. For a moment It burned up blue and show ed the tiny face with its glistening eyes. She held It carefully to the pa per. For au' instant It burned up brightly, then dickered and went out. She blew tho s;ark, but it died also. Then she threw the paper on to the ground, trod on it and went to her bed and began to undress. Em rushed to the door, knocking against It wildly. "Oh, Tant Nannie, Tant" Sannle! Oh, let us out!" she cried. "Oh, Lyndall, what are we to do?" Lyndall wiped a drop t blood off the lip she had bitten. "I am goi .ft to sleep," she said. "If you like to sit there and howl till the morning, do. Perhaps you will And thai It helps. I never heard that howl ing helped any one." Long after, when Em herself hnd gone to bed and was almost asleep Ljndall crnie and stood at her Ix-d- side. "li.re." she said, slipping a little pot 01 powder into !: hand. "Bub some oa your fa.-.-. Does It not burn where she struck you?" Then she crept b;'ck to her own bed. Liong. long urter. when Em .was rejiilr ashrep, she lay ttiil awake and folded her hands on her little breast and uni te; ed: "When that diy comes and I am strong. I w'll hate everything that lias power nnd hebi everything that Is W( ak." And she bit her lip again. The Gorman looked out at tho cabin door for tho last time that night. Then h paced the room slowly and sighed. Then he drew out a pen and jiajier and sat down to write, rubbing bis old gray eyes with his knuckles before he began: Mv Oiioktr YiK! did not mm to say poMt-y to thn old nun. KiijM ywi? All, will, there It a land where tiiey pert tin uire, when- mIiiU Im mortal rinfl. I Ml lirrc atom!, ind I t In nV "t ynu. Will yoc fwvt tit old ri.s'i? V, n j..u rakr tomorrow, he will tie fur iway. Tiie ;M hurw in laiy, but he ho f if s :irk to li"!p Mm. That iK three lcjm He come back one (1t w;h cold and rtlsmnndn. Will yon welcome h:;..? Vn-il, ve nhall nee. I go to meet Wnldo. !!, ,-or.i V.- V with lite wnn. Then he I ill , i ni-. . V,, ! (Jod tnont. There It a i wr nn tia.ign art made riRht, but that l.i U nr.t l. . My lltdt children, acne the Kaviou . CHe yom henrta to him whll- you r.r yet you::,-. Life la ahort. Nothing la mlr-; nthei-wije I wou"..' ay, Lyn da!!, Ukt my twin. ;.. . 17 atone. Now 1 aay noihln. Tha ti!:i t .. i iin--. It la i. it right eoim, (Jod know, e.rt I n-.i ait. tit. L! It be. Dut I Nel IL f l:,jt any I feel it. D a cry too r..jch for the old. ma:,. JRe fori out to aeek hi fortuna and contra back with U In ii;, It may I. I low my rhildm." Do they think of met am old Otto, who goea put to ark hi fortune. O. V. Having concluded tola quaint pro duction, he put It where the children would tlnd it the next morning and proceeded to prepare his bundle. He never thought of entering a protest against the loss of his goods. Like a child he submitted and wept, lie had been there 11 years, and It was hard to go away. He spread open on the bed a blue handkerchief and on it put cne by one the things he thought most necessary and Important a little bog of curious seeds which lie meant to plant some day, an old German' hymn book, three misshapen stones that he greatly valued, a I'.'.ble, a shirt and two handkerchiefs. Then there was room for nothing more. He tied up the bun die tightly and put It on a chair by hla bedside. "That Is not much. They cannot say I take much," he said, looking at It. He put his knotted stick beside It, his blue tobacco bug nnd his short pipe, and then Inspected his coats. He had two lert, a moin eaten overcoat and a black alpaca out nt the elbows. He decided for the overcoat. It was warm cortaiuly, cut theu luj could carry it over his arm and only put it on when he met some one along the road.' It was more respectable than the black alpaca. He hung the greatcoat over tho back of tho chair ami stuffed a hart! bit of roaster cake under the knot of the bundle, and then his preparations were completed. The German stood contemplating tliem with much satis' faction. lie had almost forgotten his sorrow at leaving In his pleasure nt preparing. Suddenly he started. An expression of intense pnin passed over his face. He drew back his left arm quickly and then pressed his right hand upon his breast. "Ah, the sudden pang again!" he Bald. Ills face was white, but it quickly re gained Its color. Then the old man busied himself in puttlDg everytblu, right. I will leave it neat. They shall not 6ay I did not leave It neat," he said. Even the little bags of seeds on the mantelpiece he put In rows and dusted. Then he undressed and got Into bed'. Under his pillow was a little story book. He drew It forth. To the old German a story was no story. Its events were as real and as Important to himself as the matters of his own life. He could not go away without knowing whether that wicked earl re lented and whether the laron married TCmtllnn. s ho. adjusted his spectacles and began to read. Occasionally, as his feeling became too strongly mov ed, he ejaculated: "Ah, I thought ho! Thitt was a rogue. I saw it before. I knew it from the beginning." More than half an hour had passed when he looked up to the silver watch at the top of his bed. "The march Is long tomorrow. This will not do," he said, taking off his spectacles and putting them carefully into the book to mark the place. "This will be good reading as I walk along tomorrow," he added as be stuffed the book Into the pocket of the greatcoat. very good reading." lie nodded bis head and lay down. He thought a lit tle of his own troubles, a good deal of the two little girls he was leaving, of I the earl, of Emiilna, of the baron, but he wtis soon n.slcep, sleeping as peace fully as a little child upon whose Inno cent soul sorrow nnd care cannot rest. It was very quiet In the room. The coals in the fireplace threw a dull red light acros8 the , floor upon the red lions on the quilt. Eleven o'clock came, and the room was very still. Ou o clock came. The glimmer had died out, though the ashes were still warm, and the room was very dark. The gray mouse which had Its hole under tne tool box came out and sat on the sacks In the corner. Then, growing bolder, the room was so dark, It climbed the chair at the bedside, nibbled at the roaster cake, took one bite quickly at the candle and then sat on Its haunch es llstenlug. It heard the even breath ing of the old man and the steps of the hungry Kaffir dog going his last round In search of a bone or a skin that hnd been forgotten, and it heard the white hen call out as the wildcat ran away with one of her brood, and It beard t he chicken cry. Then the gray mouse went back to its hole under the tool bov, nnd the room was onlot. And 1 o'clock came. Ey that time the night was grown dull and cloudy. The wild cat had gone to Its home on the "kop je." The Kafllr dog hnd found a bone and lay gnawing It. An intense quiet reigned everywhere Only in her room the P.oer woman tosH- ed her great arms in her sleep, for she dreamed that a dark shaJow with out stretched wings lied slowly over ber houe, and she moaned and shivered. And the night was very still. Put, quiet as all places were, there was a quite peculiar quiet In the Ger man's room. Though you strained your car most carefully, you caught no sound of breathing. lit? was not gone, for the old coat still huug on the chair, the coat that was to le put on when he met any one, aud the bundle and stick were ready for tomorrow's long march. The old German himself lay there, hla wavy black hair just touched with gray thrown back upon the pillow. The old face was lyinjt there alone In the dark, smiling like a little child's oh, ho peacefully! There Is a stranger whose coming, they say, Is worse than all the ills of life, from whose presence wo fleo away trembling, but he comes very tenderly sometimes, and It seem ed almost us though death had known and loved the old man, so gently It touched lilni.' And how could It deal hardly with hlni the loving, simple, childlike old man? So It smoothed out the wrinkles that were in the old forehead and fixed the passing smile and sealed the eyes that j they might not weep again, and then the abort sleep of time waa melted lot i the long, long sleep of eternity. "How has he grown so young In this one night?" they said when they found him In the morning. Yes, dear old man, to such as yon time brings no age. You die with the purity and Innocence of your child hood npon you, though you die in your gray hairs. , (Continued next weeek.) - i Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup Is the snfest and surest cures for those dan gorous affections of tho little ones- croup, whooping cough and measles' iuuku. x uiuiaui jtreHLTtiiH ii, cull dren like it, and doses are small. Prici 25c. Taxes and Funds A glance at the state treasurer's boolu reveals the fact that tax collections foi the fiscal yearemiing November .10, 181K) were considerably lighter than in previ ous years. Notwithstanding this faci the receipts from all sources during tbi year amount to more than W.fiOO.OOO. Ii id impossiblo to give tho exnet llgure until the treasurer makes his annua report, which will not bo availablo foi this issue lieceipts for the Drincioal current funds will run about as followe for tho past fiscal year: Genfirid,,., Sinking ., TomiMrmy School . . '. . Temiiornry University $mo,mxi 105,(11X1 A27,mil KIVIO Total ,...l,M7,tXX) During the same period, registered general fund warrants and interest, were paid amounting to something over $850,000; stat bonds amounting to over P'.M.OOO were redeemed outof thesinkinu fund, over S)'20,000 was apportioned to the various counties out of the tempo rary school fund, and practically all of the toraporary university fund has been used in the payment of university war rants. On the fourth of the present month the December apportionment will be made, und from present appearances it will be near the WOO.OOO mark. In volume of receipts the nermanent school fund stands next to tho general fund, about fGCO.OOO having been receiv ed by the treasurer during tho fiscal year; about 241,OOQ of this, came from sales of comuwii achool lands nnd saline lands, and the remaining 8410.000 was simply a return of money formerly in vested; of this latter sum, $18,000 comes from redemption of state bonds held by the permanent school fund. 8113.000 came from the redemption of county bonds, and about fSOft.OOO from the re demption of general fund state warrants purchased as an investment for the per manent school tuna early in Treasurer Mescrvo's first term. . At tho beginniner of the fiscal vear just closed there whs an uninvested bnl- ance of $2:i8,4G8.U'$ in th6 permanent school fund; at the end of the same pe riod the balance is about 50,000 less. During the year? 121.000 in count v bonds and about S&W.OOO in general fund state wur rants have been purchased as an in vestment, and were it not for the fre quent returns of money already in vested, it would not take long to invest every dollar of the pormnnent school fund as fast as it accumulates. It will be noted that tho net accretions to that fund for tho year were about $214,000, while the investments were over $700,- 000. " , . Dr. O. C. REYNOLDS, SURGEON, Rooms 17, IS, IS, Burr Rile Phones G53. 056. Lincoln. LIT QVI 6 25c Per Dozen Cabinets $2 PREWITT - -1214 0 STREET Tha Rock laland Wall Map ol the taite l 81 ate Is the best offered to the public. It is very large and especially adapted to school purposes. Every teacher of geog raphy and every business office should have one. It will be sent postpaid to any address on receipt of fifteen cento in postage stamps or coin. Address, John Sebastian, Q. P. A. Chi cago, 111. 6 a 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac AtiTOtia aenlln( a (ketch and deaniMInn mar qnlekly aaa-ertnln our opinion free whether an Invention la prohnhlf jialcntahle. Communion tlonaatnctlyennudentlal. Handbook on I'nlmta aent freat OMeat earner for aecurina; patema. Patenie taken throoeh Mann & Co. recalre ewial autlce, without churve, la lue Scientific American. nely fllnatrated weekly. Torrent elr f any erlentille Journal. Teraia. $3 a r montba, IL Sold by all newerieelera. fcCo."-- New York Office, a r BU Waabloctua. U.C. Branch DR. H. B. KETHUn, BPBC1AUBT. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Catarrh. Spectacles Fitted Accurately .... .... All Foes Reasonable OrFlCE-Rom ill and Alt, Id Fluor KM U AltHS lil.OCK F0mJEATTi:CC:3! Why not tola the Caara Batiaaaa, mere la bk Took SOLD MEDAL at the OaMealTaaaaUoa. Ce Mfttilale. la amllka aat ahaara ever fcniaHA. Makaaki PI 4s trail v t -v. Mfmlala. la anllka aat ahaara bmt kMaaaaal. BUkMawMartaiwaaaiaataa. Ai tha hottom f the tub la aacrew propeller that the rearing; i nia name nee earuwaa canaea too (looaiea to break mmw awner in iwe awweaae Deiore aiz niaatiiaaa nee win dot. a acientlnc wonder, Mra.OentryofKr.aBadelSOiaSweeka. W.JL ReddlehofVa. made 1164. H.L. Bmita oi lowa. eoia um. aara he will ecu K la theyaeUlirlitattbeaaoa'. Mr. Oreter aold 1 1 aaBaa. AvaUac tlOOaawoatU. MG6S,The Dentist. EXTRACTION 141 So. 12th 8., Lincoln, Nc Gold Alloy Filling . $1.00 Gold Filling . . $1.00 and up Gold Crowns , . $5.00 and up Set of Teeth ...... $500 Best , Teeth . ... . . $8.00 RIGGS, The Dentist, Ml So. 12t,h r?fc.. Tilntnln Vnt, Notice to Creditor. Id the County Court of L.nraaUr County, Me- hraxlia, iu tho nmttor of Uio Estate of Jacob North, dernnaed. to tUa Creditor of sntd Earatei You are Iterelijr uotillml, tlmt I will alt at Um County Court Loom in Lincoln, in said Coaatjr. on the 2nd ilajr f April, 11KU, aud tiffaiu oa that itnd day of July, ItKXi, to rnceiva aud txaaaiua all claims unrainst mid estate, with a view to their Hiljuxtnient anil allowance. The Una limited for tiie premutation of claim aauut aid eatate ix ix month from the 2nd day of Januaiy, A. D.. lftw, and the time limited far the payment of debt i one year from tha iuit day of January, A. D HKO. Notice of tliu proceeding j ordered pnbUab. ad four weeka aurceHnm-ly iu The Nnbraaka ludepeudeut a taeekly mtwpupcr published in thi State. , WltiiF my hand nnd aeal of Raid Cauufar Court this 4th day of November, 18U0. HKAld 8. T. Cov hran, County Juda. fly Dudley Cochran, Clerk. yKOtK)"WO(XK)OOOOOW0Klv Webster's ' I laii eriiationai JOictionary .".iHVfASOl" Cfllt6 " Unabriilnal." Tho Oiio Creut Standard Authority, nn wnue lion. i. J. urewiM. I mlliw L . S. Supremo Cuurl. Standard , ofUmt". H.nov'll'rinlln i Willi, uio i . H. Nllinui ft Cuurt, nil the sum' mi, A iirtiiM'Cotirf,niHlit iwr y if au mv BuliooJlniok. Warmly ' Commended liy Slate Hnnrrliin-mlenla i i ki'Jioom. cuiii'ittt rn. (IfUUi.u.iiiloOierlMiimtt.in! u) aunt without minita. Invaluable In Hie hoiiKlwUI, nuil la luo loui-lii!', acliolur, are- ii'wiiuni num. una lu-T" A euncuiur. Sr 6 t-'jiW''il'1uVMtfonipplkdiont r yCRC. aterrlmu Co., Publisher, X o ' Springfield, Mase. I i a twrt " " deceived m i " buying; mall ao-called r " niCMonarlea." atvuwnUe p iilxiiltnniMtit of Vf..ni(.r' Inu-rnnth.itnl Dlftiea. ery in Hi., vmtni'a lr bnnr mir tnulo-ntmk tt , liui Iruiil ruvei innumvlll.i ilie cilU. Hides and Wool. DOBSON & UUiDGREN Dealers in Hides, Wool, Tallow, end Furs. Send in your goods and get the HIGHEST market price. I 920 R STREET, I LINCOLN, NEBR. The Way to go California is in a tourist sleeiicr, personally con ducted, via the JJurlinuton Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so cxpennively furnish ed as a palace sleeper, hut it is just as clean, just as comfortable, iust as cood I to ride in-and nearly g'.UOO cheaper. It I has wide vestibules; Pintech gas, high back seats; a uniform Pullman oorter: clean beddiog; ppacious toilet rooms; tables and a healing range. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly, is warm in winter and cool ia summer. In charge of each excursion party im an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Argeles. Car leave Omaha, St. Joseph. Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday, arriving; San Francisco following Sunday .LosAs gcles, Monday. Only three days from th Missouri River to trie Paeific Coast, in cluding a stop-over of l hours at Denver and fi hours at Salt Lake City two of the most interesting cities on the conti nent For folder giving full information, caQ at any Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Feakcis. OcnT Pass. Agent, Omaha, Neb. Look at This! 8PECUL3, WV Syrnpof firs 2jc Talcum Powder Hi -la rWxuparilla 11 Wine of Caniul II Pinkliame Vegetable Compound.... 2.K-Cartf a Little Liver I' Ala ft Avnrn Hair Vigor lie KM'he (lei man Syrup Sic DekVfit One Hmuta Cou&h Syrup fl Mnltrd Milk ft kempe lialxnai , trie blnMi CouaumptioD Care.. Ii Poruna ....... ...Tim ... a ...Vm ...To ... , ...IN ...7io ... 0uo ...S6o ...Ma ........1 Mo "o Tie 7So lea luo y II n.K.s .. II KmkiIkIoo Cor! Liver Oil fl bwt. Iron aiwt W ine Toole... ......... lit Otare Ulycerioe Salve t Oraye Tea II Mite, rsprrine II 1-niuea Olery Compound.. II i era H warn p KoOt 8.V Caatoria i.. II Piercre Karortte PruaorlptkiD.. 7i Oil Sia 40o e r : BVt Touie All Other II PaV nt MliHnea AH Other Sue Patent Medirlnea A WOi her He Patent Mdiriia , Fine Machine Caetar Oil, pt-r fa) Vina Machine t.uhrrraMnf Oil, per (aJ no aracnuia Diana uu cut AaU-t1 ly Dope, to keep oil flina oa boreea ad cattle, per p-if fl-M Lowiiel price Drue Btore la Lincoln, Neb. 10 reare ejprr-iHice to the Drug Biuioeee. Tti ateaoe eotnetbiuc. Riggs' Pharmacy, IXJNItE OPKHA nOU8K,lSth and OUT. 130 a daveaall rnerle aelllnir ttia PAINLESS f ? . i fir I nKtiff ..ni I IcpNHraaf lnuvwml f ' uimy yiciiuw aKnuuJ ucimu ' X wonderful QUEUN BUTTl.il MAKER. i awatjf M IL A aafe, anre aaoney maker. Get our terma anil bututmlaof IhiU rryolvee 1000 rcrolntiona a minute. tn.tantly and IhekatterMaiaM. ant Pew montne. Z. T. Hiatt eava rat day, eae.ie $M. Mr. Ham y of Mien. Bold 761a! Taagnatrttai laataTC.ul.ad8t ClacleiaM alaMsa. rf.. A I '-" ... ."