The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 07, 1899, Image 6

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    December 7, 1899.
EE x1
Such rousing bargains in all departments that it will pay you to travel many miles in order to
secure your share of the goods which are offered at bargain prices just at the very time that such
merchandise is in demand and would be of value to you. We do not wait till the season is past
and then offer you goods for less money. We want to sell you goods now and we offer you as
an inducement our unrivaled stock to select from and name prices to you which show easily a
saving of 33 to 40 per cent. No one can afford to put off buying; this season merchandise is steadily
advancing and will continue to for some time to come. We have not advanced prices as yet on a
single article, and we shall not until we are absolutely forced to, as it is our policy to stand for
reasonable prices.
Boys' and Children's
Here are the greatest bargains ever offered in this line of merchan
dise and when yon take into account that this is the exact time of year
that Huch goods are wanted makes every .offer a greater bargain propo-sition.
I sNkas Suits
JIT 1,000 Men's Suits made
II I raT of all wool cheviots, cut
III I3U either round or square,
double breasted, sack
slyle, come in colors, blue black and
grey, also mixtures and plaids. These
suits are all sowed with silk thread,
cut over sume idontical pattern that
our liner goods are cut over. They
are carefully handled and will do for
the wearer all that could be expected
of a suit costing twice the price, yet
wo give you the choice of the
entire lino during December for
Men's and Young
Men's Suits, hun
dreds to select
. from, either in
lino pure wool clay worsteds, elegant
cheviots, durable cassimers, which
come in plain or fancy colorings.
Those suits are bargains and when
you come to ezaming the tailoring
you fully apperciate the faultless fit,
you will wonder how we can sell such
fine suits for less
than $10 yet we will
give you the pick
of the stock during
December for .
r c
I At$ 7.50
Here is a line of Men's suite that we will put against
many being sold hereabouts at $1250. They are wonderful in
their construction, splendid fitters, and our solid guarantee goes
with very suit They are lined with double warp Italian cloth. The
wide French facings are satin piped, the under collars are of sallen.
1 lie collars are hand padded, the shoulders
are hand shaped, the buttons are made of
bone, in fact everything found in the average
iz:m suit can be found in these handsome
creations, many styles to select from. Decem
ber's price
f MH10
This is the line that we take particular pride in and we claim the
values we offer equal any outside of our house at $15. Are you skepti
cal! If so see what others offer and then see ours. Then your opinion
ana ours win re exactly ine same, xnis line will show
you single or double breasted meltons, 24 oz serges, fine
qualities of clay worsteds in '22 oz weights, also finest
qualities of cassimers and an endless array of fancy
worsted in stripes and checks. Not one suit worth less
than f 15. December price
n your opinion
1 At $12.50
Quality and fine workmanship go hand in hand in this peerless line
of Men s tine dress and businoss suits. They are getui
aev are ecus of the tailoring
art. W e can not legin to tell you what handsome creations they are.
iney come in sacks cuts of all styles,
also cutaway, frock and Prince Alberts,
made of all the newest fabrics known to
the market and showing all the latest col
lar effects so popular this season. Every
suit worth 118. All go during December
Men's Overcoats
and Ulsters
At $5.00
Men's Overcoats made
of all Wool Boa vers,
come in blue and
blHck, heavy two inch silk velvet collars.
Fly front, satin piped facing, elegant dressy
coHts at a small price. Also a lot of light
colored covert cloth coats very tr AA
dressy, regular $7.50 garments, JjO.lJji
gont , vv
At $7.50
! lTll
Mens Fly Front Dress
Overcoats made of fine
all wool Kerseys and
Chinchillas in colors blue, black, brown and
olive. Besides these we have a very exten
sive line of covert cloth coate, some have
fancy backs, others plainly lined. Each
and every particular coat in this line is a
big bargain at $10.00. De
cember buyers have their
choice at
j uuis 11110 1.1 b
At $1.25
Boys' Heavy Prefer Coats with sailor
collars, ages 3 to 9 years, made of
Chinchilla, 60 per cent wool, very
strong and warm, worth $1.75, Decsmber price only
A I (tl CA By9' Chinchilla Reefers, ages 3 to 9. made rfi r A
Al tDlttJU with 2i inch velvet collar worth 2-- De" tSLMl
cember price V,w
At $1.50
at $2.00.
Boys' Chinchilla Reefers, ages 3 to 15 years, made
wun nign storm collars. Uolors, black
and blue. The coats are verv chean
" r
uecemDer saie only
At $1.75
We have a lot of very dressy reefers made of a
black and green astrakhan. They have (J Hr
small silk velvet collars and are Ml 1
4 Men's Extra Fine Dress
I M U II Coats. They are made of
" m tine vicunas in the new Ox
ford gray shades. Elegant triple mills Kerseys in black, blue, brown
and olives. Coverts in light tan, gray and brown, made with velvet
collars, or with collars of same. These coats are made to fit, made to
wear, made to equal any offered else
where at $15.00. All go to our De
cember patrons at
coats are made to nt, made to
$ At this price we ac
I "2 . O tually give you val
'J" ues in Men's Fine
Dress Coats, such as are being shown
elsewhere al $18.00. They consist of a
big lot of the Oxford gray vicunas leath
er cloth, Melton's finest quality chinchil
las and extra fine Kerseys made up in
the most artistic style possible. Our
claim as to these values is a strong one,
but can be fully backed up by the goods
which cannot conceal their
true merit To our Decem
ber patrons
mien's Ulsters
AT $5.00
Men's all wool frieze ul
sters sizes 34 to 46 color
jet black, seams strongly
sewed, lining of the most sub
stantial nature, former price
$7.00, December price
-'IT (TP CD Men'9 Ulsters in very
fll .h nil heavy weight frieze
- HI tlUUU doth, honestly made,
host sfttt'ini' fit and Hriwh. all thnt nnA
'. " could ask for, color steel gray (hp rn
- true value $3,50, sale price n M II
only ,
We show an elegant Ulster at
this price. Over
100 in the lot; its
a do oz black frieze aud is worth $10.03. Sale price.
At $7.50
;aut vj later oil
At $10.00
We aim to give the people at
$10.00 the grandest values
ever shown. Coats made of
Chinchilla, pure wool, 30 oz Irish frieze. The real imported article,
made up with raw edges; a coat in fact that will never wear out The
coats come either fancy or in plain
linings in all size from 31 to,4S
True value $15.00. December price
worth $3.00 easily. December price only .
At $1.98
50 Boys Reefer coats, ages 3 to 15, made of a very
substantial quality of Chinchilla; coata have high
storm collars, strong nmngs. with everv
seam sewed with linen thread. The garments were gotten
up ior a auu value, uecember price only
At $2.50
chillas and Friezes, have high storm collars and
are worth every penny of $3.50.
December price only
At S2.98
We show at this priee a bunch of
Reefer Coats that are mighty hard
to equal. They are made of Chin-
Boys' Reefers, age 3 to 16 years, made of blue and
black Chinchilla cloth, grey and tan Freize. also a
special black Frieze. Coats have storm collars; cut
maue ana trimming practically as good as the very highest
priced goods. True value $4.00.
December price
At $3.50
The astonishing values we offer in Boys' Reef
er Coats at this price should bring to our
store everv thoughtful buver. Thev are made
of the tinest qualities of 36 oz, Irish Freize in black and brown, finest
quality or pure wool Chinchillas, and finest quality herring bone
scuuicuea. 1 ne 1 r tailoring is perfection itseir. The
wear is guaranteed. Their value is truly from $5 to $6
uecemoer sale only
At $1.00 Boy's Knee Pants suits worth $1.50.
At $1.37 Boys' Knee Pants suits worth $2.00.
At $1.50 Boys' Knee Pants suits worth $2.50.
At $1.98 Boys' Knee Pants suits worth $3.00.
At $2.50 Boys' Knee rants suite worth $3.50.
At $2.98 Boys' Knee Pants suits worth $4.00.
At $3.50 Boys' Kaee Pants suite worth $5.00.
At $1.98 Boys' Long i'ante Suite worth $3.00.
At $2.98 Boys' Long Pants Suits worth $1.50.
At $3.95 Boys' Long Pants Suite worth $5.00.
At $5.00 Boys' Long Pante Suits worth $7.50.
$1.25 1
$1.50 I
13 nave nign .
$1.98 1
mars, uut,
2.98 1
y nerring Done
$3.50 1
Boys' Ulsters
We show you a complete line of Boys' and Children's Ulsters at fXta S
$3.50, $3.75, $4.50, 4.95 and $6.00. We guarantee to save
you money on any garment you may select E5
Boys' Overcoats
We are the only store carrying a full line of Boys' top coats for the EE
little fellows as well as the larger ones. Ages 4 to 12, at $2.75, $3.50,
$5.00 and $6.50; ages 13 to 19, at $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50.
These coate are made just like men's in every detail. They have silk
velvet collars and are simply perfect in all respects. S
Boys' Knee Pants Suits 1
BOYS' Long Pants SUITS 1