The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 07, 1899, Page 5, Image 5
'"Jfcjfl t'V.'m 7i TV December 7,1899 Two Extremes Highest Quality. They form a combination hard to beat Clothing you buy hero is of tlie highest quality, and the price we make to you is the lowest. Don't wait until the last minute for your fall overcoat, be a little ahead of your neighbors you get the best selection when the stocks are complete and when all the sizes are in. Those Oxford Grays: tbost favorite, fashionable top coats. We have made a special effort to show the most complete line of oxford grays that has ever been shown in the west. We leave it to you if we have succeeded: Plain or fancy lining, raw or felled edged, SHtin piped, quilted satin backs, velvet dollars, $10, $11, $13.50, $14, $1S, $I6.S0, $1S, and $19.S0. Your tailor's price double double double. We'd like lor you to look through thU line and see if there is anything better for the money if there is, we'd like to know it. , Zben again There are those brown Kersey overcoats. The overcoat man says they're cradterjacks. Must be from the way they sell 'em, $7. $8, $11, $13.50. A positive saving of from $2 to $5. ttlen'S topcoatsthe brown vicuna kindldts of you won't wear anything else. Don't blame you much there are no better coats made for $12. Most stores say $15 $17.50. Zbt mail order man is our expert in pleasing people. POP CORN J- G. PEPPARD H 111 1 Li IMVLi Send Samples and State Quantity "M.&P. G and 13th St. Y 1- Christmas will be 1 HIP Til here in about th rue I IIIZU IU weeks. Are you P ready? Everv de-, S"0nUP partment of our EOUOlU store is filled with t goods suitable for irtl" Christmas pres- I ill ents. The earlier Al you come the more U II II S I 111 U 0 fimt 3Ust0whatyou wanu When you are in Lincoln come and see the many beautiful things on our counters and shelves, whether you do "r do not wish to buy. Handkerchiefs' uuu are among! he ifif ling articles. 1,. our I VI - f ik.,:..( Christmas mas presents, and this season we have an immense stock and almost endless variety. Children's handkerchiefs with neat colored borders lc, 2-c and 5c. each. Ladies' fine linen handkerchiefs 5c, tTJc, 10c, 1'2'c, 15e, i"c, 35c, and 50c each. Ladies' hemstitched and embroidered handkerchiefs 8c, 10c, 12.!c, 15c, 20c, 25c and up to $1 each. Ludies' lace edge handkerchiefs 8ic, 10c, 121c, 15c, 20c, 25c and up to $2 each. Men's shen lawn handkerchiefs with pointed borders fie, Hc. and 10c each. Men's tine linen Hemstitched handker chiefs 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 35, and 50c each. Mittens Ladies' kid gloves, excellent values at U. $1.25, and $1.50 a pair. Ladies kid mittens anfl r,- 75, and 11.00. Ladies' Mocha Mittens 50, 75,81, and IllftVPS Sl-25- Ladies' Silk mittens UlUTWJ 35, a), 75. and 61. Ladies' wool mittens 12J, 15. 20, 25, and 35c. Children's kid mittens 25, 35,50. and 75c. Child' en's silk mittens 50c. Children's wool mitte.s 10, 15. 20, and 25c. Men's lined gloves 30, 75, $1, M.25, and f 1.50. Men's lined kid mittens 50, 75, and 81. Men's kid gloves 75, 81, and 8150. Men's wool mittens 25 and 35c. MILLER HARDY'S COLUMN Senator Hay ward Mormonism The Journal- Chancellor Andrews Pullet Pecked Cupid Coal and Mercury To Comprehend Distance A Day in Chicago Labor Unions Jackson Park Quick Transportation The Great Drainage Canal. Death has deposed Senator Hayward. The result of two political campaigns in one year, loaH of purse, loss of health, lo. of mind, loss of life. Ambition led hirn to this death. Who next? Of coure it will bo ex-Senator William V. Allen, by the appointment of Governor 1'oyn ter. He will need no introduction in Washington, for he is known the world over. An appointment holds till a meet ing of the state legislature. So the next legislature will hare two senators to elect, one fqr four years and one for six. V Congressman elect Roberts of Utah, has been denied the oath of office, and wilt probably be denied a mat in con, at least he should be. Plural marriages are outlawed in every stale and territory on this continent, and it would, not answer to seat an outlaw. Congrers hart power, alone, to Beat or un seat a member. Neither president or court can in any way interlere. V The Journal gloats over West Virginia being a McKinley state, but don't tell i Lowest Prices. 1400-2 Union Ave KANSAS CITY, MO M. & P. 0 and 13th St rv... 11 ff ... f lir ItlllTTs X ihis lias been a won Ml llAHIIk .1, 1 r uti iui rjtruMjii lur jur Collarettes collarettes, and we ex pect to sell a great many for Christmas. We have them a 4.50, 6.00. 5 50, 6.00. 7.00, 8.00, 10.00. and up to fl.).00 each. Ladies' Muffs a 1.50, 2.50, .'3.00, 3.50, 4.00, and up to $10 each. Other Good Things for Christmas. Wo cannot mention in detail all the good things we havo thut are appropriate for Christmas gifts, but below we call your attention to a lew: PURSES 'gentlemen and Children For Ladies POCKET BOOKS For Ladies and Gentlemen SHOPPING EAGS For Ladies TRAVELING BAGS For Ladies and Gentlemen PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES PICTURE FRAMES FANCY PILLOWS pillow Tors STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES 25, 35, 50, and 75c. TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS LADIES' PETICOATS FANCY GARTERS LADIES' NECKWEAR GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR SILK UMBRELLAS SILK WAISTS ETC, ETC & PAINE. how she got 1 here. The facts of the eae are she voted 2033!) more votes than she had men 21 years old, according to the United States wensus. The Journal alt-o quotes President Madison ns saying, No constitution before was ever so well calculated for extensive empire and self government.'' Empire and self govern ment together are all right, but buying people and subjugating them is a very very different prwee-H. J Wo were told in Chicago that Doctor Andrews had been elected chancellor of the state university of Nebraska. We were pleased to hear it, for the doctor i a school man and can teach political economy, statesmanship as well as let ters. He has convictions, and is not afraid of them, is a friend of silver and does not care who knows it. A chancel lor should be a man of superior mould, a little taller than the students and capa ble of leading. Doctor Andrews the bill. Wait, papa, let me get your clean col lar, don't go down town looking so; I'll put it on for you, just wait a minute. Yen, I'll wait, but who ever heard of a Eullet peeked father before; we have card of hen pecked husbands. It It an old adage that as mercurv iroes down Cupid goes np. This year m o al went up mercury followed. Just now mercury wemn to be going down, iust to give Cupid a chauce4 that is all. ' In order to get a full comprehension of the extent of country between Ne braska and Chicago one needs to ride over the ground on a slow train, stopping at every station. We did that very thing last week and saw one thing that pleased us. Almost every corn crib on the track is empty and the husking sea son of a good crop is nearly over. This shows that the farmers are able to crib their own corn and hold it till the con sumer wants it. The transportation business is heavy on all tho roads. Sev eral companies have laid double tracks west through Llinoisand nearly through Iowa. The Illinois Central has stretched its western arm to Omaha, and how much further it will stretch remains to be seen. " The new government post office build ing resembles the skeleton of a dead horse. The iron ribs stick up into the air ten or twelve stories with no fle-shy walls covoring them. Tho corner stone remains, whero McKinley placod it. But few more stones have been placod since. Notwithstanding tho increase of busi ness still hundreds of buildings stand idle, and many are very largo and ' ex pensive ones. It is predicted that there will not be half tho new buildings erect ed next year, compared with those of this year. Building material f , all kinds is so much higher and the me chanins are , so liablo to strike when a building is half up. No bargain can be made with tho working men that will hold over night We can't see why live or ten mechanics can't join together, take jobs aud do them with no contrac tor to bother with. Then they can work five or iilteen hours in a day and it is all theirs. If they strike they strike against themselves. 'Ihe man for whom they work can retain ten per cent of each weekly payment until the building t completed and that will servo as a bond. Jackson Park is worth visiting even out of memory of what was once there, the greatest world's show ever shown, up to date, 'ihe wooded island is still a be.-iuty. Tho higoon surrounding it has not yet been loautitied. It is utilized however as a rowing and skating park. in 1 models or the shins in which Oolum bus discovered America are still floating here, l'lie ia;:in part of the ground is devoted to grass, lawns and bushes. Few trees havo been planted yet. Midway is oevotea 10 grass and drive. A day spent in the ola art building is well spent. The building itself looks n little suaoby. It was never intended for a permanent building. Had the doorways been guarded by buffalo instead of lions it would look more Ameiican. It has been decided to ouild a new permanent ouudiug, tor Keeping these relics and mementoes, down town on the ground where the Libby prison stood. There are no curiosities more interesting! the wuoje collection man tne railway inven tive stairs up which we have climbed to our pi oi-ent state of locomotion. It re quires no great stretch of the imagina tion, to see the time in the next hund red years, when a man can reside in Ne braska, do business in Chicacro. come home to dinner and get back on time. Something has got to bo vet discovered that will stop tho growth of cities. Fast trains are building up suburban towns but a mile a minute is a slow gate. The most of the railroads enterinir tho citv have elevated their tracks so tbey can run faster without accident. The groat Chicugo 'drainage canal is alxiut to Ik opened. There is no great engineering skill indicated on the job. simply an excavation, much of the way through solid rod;. 'This canid is ex pected to drain the filth out of Chicago uai-tior. It is feared by mnnv that disease and sickness will follow the flow of tilth down the river and that the lake will settle so ns to rendor useless the present harbor, Of course the flow down Niagra will be that much less, but the hikes must, be full before the river tret anv. lhe 011th end of L'ike MiclnVaninav ! lowered an inch or so but Lake Suuerior sends down a rushing torrent thut will rt go to keep up the level, then to maintain the muring reputation of the ig wonder, lhe Chicago harbor will be washed clean before spring, and after nat the impurities will lie so diluted that no harm will como. The flow of a river is a punfvmg process anvwav. In getting down from the lake toiiver there are several feet of fall, this will afford a tremendous water power which the citv l fM,:,... 1 , ...n:... : i- i jiiii,ifcw )iijnr-B iu uiiii.ii in iigrii.- ng the city and tarnsroiUmir txiwer for other mechanical purposes. At present there is a hitch between the two authori ties, city and state, and the oiieninir mnv I . J 1 1 r - , oe ueiftyea ior some (lays. RHEUMATISM H ItllN M: ,,r .M l TIC. M l'SCl'1,,1 1; r A It It I I. tit, Kiiinrt'cil anil Si ill I . ime-eo-ini -All cam Mint ran hrrmedat IUT .iPIMNljSran liecmed AT HUM K Our roinliiiiiitioii of Mi'dieal nnd Klratrical Vauor 1)8 Combined Tisatat cf !he Great CIK-UIVK I'OWKKS. Science, Medoe. and Electricity, I ropirly applied, ciiren Chrooic. Nrvou. nnd rritate uiaM ,f Men and Women. When nmvr.H uuod tdiiiiuf mm ilinm eiHciricny. DYSPEPSIA CURED Indention, Heartburn, Flatulence, Soor Stom- nrn. .iHiiwa. MrK Heil'ii!lie,Uaitralirin.CrRmM. vorm. etc.. Electricity with Medicine PliallllHUH lO HIlll'K 111 iMirn nil om.. bli- of the We. TliriHit. Cln-t. Suimacli. Lirer, and kidur-y OieHe. IIIimmI Pnlixin-Hrifflit't Diorane. Dinheri. jddnr T-onhle. Nervou lilwf- .St. Vitni Dunce. Kpilnpxy. Nervoua IytH-pin. MournUria. Hirart Tmnhla rmn.. tliHtic), i'alnitutioii. etc. n,l nil Skin Di-raxe. examination and Consultation FREE. Treatment by mini a nin.clalty. Call on or addreawith nam p. ltoiM. DBS. SEARLES & SEARLES, Main Office: Roomzn.29, Rlclmrdf Block, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA PILES VhilT OnarantT enr4 0. 8. OOVRBVWRNT BONDS twt'lnoi ooalni nvfraad. AJITl-PtLL CO, Uawda, Sh. rnr M unled A Newnpap. r OpeuilR. Two prnrtlrnl printers 11 ml c ! ' "'.oil netr;vi imt men. of mature yea'" ;..,u .irled expen. enco in civil life, would i atfi It it: n nf r.n 01 portntiily to take charge f a reform paper tn NebrarVa, by leateor otlirrr !. Addrm the Indi'iiendoiit JLInroln, Nub. MESSAGE TO CONGRESS Tlu President Addresses Both Branches of the Rational Assembly, NUMEROUS SUBJECTS ARE TREATED What la 8mlrt of th Philippine. Cuba Port Rico, Hawaii, Traits, Army and Ny, Pennlona, PaclHo RallroU, ACT rlcnlture, th Corraucy, Civil Servlvo, Etc, Ete. To the Senate and Houno of Iteprc srntatlves: At the threshhold ot your deliberations you are called to mourn with your countrymen 'tho death or vice President llohart, wuo pased from this life on tho morning ct November 1, last. Ills great uou now rests In eternal peace. His pri vate life was pure and elevated, wane his public career was ever 'distin guished by largo capacity, stainless integrity and exalted motives. He baa been removed from the hlsh of 5co which ho honored and Ulsnl.led out his lofty character," his devotion to duty, his honesty of purpose and r.obla virtues remain with us a3 priceless lecacy and example. IX THE MIDST OK PROSPERITY. The Fifty-sixth congress convenes In its first regular session with the country in a condition of unusual prosperity, of universal good wilt among the people at nomo and in re lations of peace and friendship witn every government of the world. Our foreign commerce has shown great increase In volume and value. The combined imports and exports for the year are the largest ever shown by a single yerr in all our history. Our exports for 1SS? alone exceeded by nore than 51,000,000,000 our imports and exports combined in 1S70; Tn ln:port3 per capita are -0 per cent less than in 1870, while the exports per capita are D8 per cent more than In 1870, showing the enlarjed capacity 0 the ' tfrulcd Et.."3 to BCit)ry the wants cf its own Increasing popula- t:on, as well as to contribute to those of the peoplsa of other nations. Exports of agricultural product! Ti-ra 5784.77G,li2j- Of manufactured products we exported In valuo Z'i'),- 22,146, being larger than any previous year. It Is a noteworthy fact that tho only years In all our history w;::n the products of our manufactories eolrt abroad exceeded those bought abroad u-a 1S3S afld Itra The Etrong condition cf tha treasury with respect to cash on hand and the favorable showing made fcy the reve nue have rrndo it possible for tho sec rctary of the treasury to tr.ko action under the provisions of section 3.C31, Revised btatutcs, to tho suii ins fund. Receipts ezecztied crpsnd- lt-jrea for the crat five months of the current fiscal ytar by $13,il3,', na, aa mentioned above, the aecre tary of the treasury estimates that thero will be a surplus of approxl mateiy ?10,0o3,00a at the ead of the year. Under s;ich conditions H was (".ccmed r.'ivloabie and proper to re sume compliance ivUh the provisions cf the sinking fund lav.-, valch for :Iit years ha8 cot been doao because of dsficleccles in the revanneti. The Treasury deparimpnt therefore offered' to purchase durins November $25. COCOOO of the 5 par cent loan of 1SU4 01 the 4 per cent Iundcd loan of 131)7 ct the current market price. Tho Lmouct oilered and purchased during' November wa3 $13,403,1)30. Tho pre mium paid y the government on such purchases was 5-.-C3.52l and the net, raving In Interest wj:s about J2,-Si3.-CO'J. The tmccess of this operation was sufficient to induce the government to continue the offer to bonds to or.d including the 23d day of Decem ber, iusiant, unless the remainder of tne 55,000,000 called for should bo presented In the meantime for re-, dcmpU.on. INCREASE IN MONEY SUPPLY. Increased activity In Industry, with lt welcome attendant a larger em ployment for labor at niftier wages gives to the body of tbe people a lar ger power to absorb the circulating medium. It Is further true that year by year, with larger areas or tana :nder cultivation, the Increasing vol ume of agricultural products, cotton, ';orn and wheat calls for a larger vol ume of money supply. This Is es pecially noticeable at the crop-har-ycetlng and crop moving period. In Us earlier blntory the national ai.klng act ncemed to prove a rea--or.abie avenue through which neeo !ul additions to the circulation could '.cm time to time bo made. Changing conditions havo apparently rendered t now Inoperative to that end. The I'ipn margin in ootid securities re Hired, resulting from larse premi ums, wbirh governnr'nt bonus com i-ann in tue marKet, or tee tax on '.ola issues, or both operating togetn- t, appear to be the Influences which "mpRlr its puWlc utility. ice attention cf csnpress is re wt'ullr Invited to this Important matter with the vlnvr of ascertaining whether or not such reasonable modifi cations can be made in the national banking act as will rcnaer Us service In tho particulars here referred to more responsive to the people's needs. 1 again urge that national banks be authorized to organize with a capital Of 125.000. I urgently recommend that to sup port tbe existing gold ataadard and to maintain "the parity of value of the coins ot the two metals (gold and silver), and the equal power of every dollar at all times 1a the market and In the payment of debts," the secre tary of. the treasury be glvea addi tional power and charged with the duty to aell United States bonds and to employ such other effective means as may be necessary to those ends. fats authority should Include the power to sell bonds on long and short time, as conditions may require, and sl'ould provide for a rate of interest lower, than that fixed by the act of January 14, 1176. While there is now no commercial flight which withdraws gold from th government, but on tbe contrary such widespread confidence that gold seeks tbe treasury demanding paper money In exchange, yet the very situation points to the present as the nest fitting time to make adequate provision insure the continuance of the gold standard and of public confidence in the ability and purpose of the government to meet aft Its obliga tions In the money which the civilized world recognizes as the best The financial transactions of the government are conducted upon a golc" basis. We receive gold when we sell United States bonds and use gold for their payment. We are maintaining the parity of all the money issued or coined by authority 01 the government. We are doing these things with the means at band. Happily at the present time we are not compelled to resort to loans to supply gold. It has been done in the past, however, and may have to be done In the future. It be hooves us, therefore, to provide at once the best means to meet the emergency when it arises and tne best means are those which .are the most certain and economical. Those now authorized have, the virtue neither of directness nor economy. We have al ready eliminated one cf the causesNof our financial plight and embarrassment during the years 1893, 1S94, 1SS5 and 1896. Our receiits now eival our ex penditures deficient revenues no laag er create alarm. Let us remove the only remaining cause by conferring the full and necessary power on the secretary cf the treasury and impose upon him the duty to uphold the pres ent gold standard and preserve the coinage of the two metals on a parity with each other, which la the repeat edly declared policy of the United Slf-tec. In this connection I repeat my for mer recommendations, that a portion of the gold holding shall be placed in a trust fund from which greenbacks nhall be redeemed upon presentation, but when once redeemed shall not thereafter be paid out except for gold. EVILS OF TRADE MONOPOLIES. . Combinations of capital organized into trusts to control the conditions of trade among our citizens, to stifle competition, limit production and de termine 'the prices of products used and consumed by the people are Justly provoking public discussion and should early claim the attention of the con pre?". TLo industrial commission, created by U:o net of the congress of June IS, 1893, has been eug-gid in excendid investigation of this subject and the conclusions and recommendations at vhich it may arilve are unde.ermineJ. ihe subject is one giving rlss to many divergent views as to the nature and variety or cause and extent of thj injuries to the publ.c which may result l:om large combinations concent rat ing more or less numerous enterprises and cstaclishcrnts ws!ca previou3;y to the formation of tho combination wera carried on s?Darii.ely. it is universally concsded that com binations which encrcs3 or control thj market of eny particular kind of mer rnandlse or comicou.j necessary to the general community, by suppress ing natural and ordinary competition, whoreby pries ara unduly eh.n-el to the general consumer, are obnox- i-r.s not only to the common law, but also to tae public veliare. There mtst je a remody for the evils involved in such organizations. If the presant law can be extenacd more certainly to control or check tkese monopolies or trusts it should be done without tie- sy. Whatever poyor tho congress :casesncs ovr this most lmp-j.xant ubject snonld bo promptly ascertain d and aassitsd. President Harrison, In his annual ffiessase of December 3, 18S9, says: Lirnest attention shou.d be given by congress to a consideration of the mestlon how far the restraint cf those combinations of capital, commonly called 'trusts.' is matter of federal urisdictlon. T7hen organized, as thiy often are, to crush out all, healthy coin ctition and to monopolize the p.od:c 1011 or sale of an article cf commerce znd general necessity, they are dan serous against the publl: ocd and shou d be made the But J set f prohibitory and even penal leslsla- lon." An act to protect trade and com merce against unlawful restra nts and monoponcs was pasted by congress on he 2d of July, 1830. The provisions of this statute are and tringenL It declares every contract or combination In the form of a trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in the re traint of trade of commerce among he several states or foreign na tions, to be unlawful. It as a criminal every person who makes any such contract or engages in any auch combination or conspiracy and provides a punishment by fine or Im prisonment. It invites the several Ircuit courts of the United States witb urisd'ction to prevent and restrain v.clatior.s of the act and mikes it ti.e uty of the several United States die rict attorneys, under the direction of he attorney ritncral, to institute pro- eedmss In equity to provent and re strain such violations. It further con- .era rpon any person who shall be in jured in his business or property by iny ether person or corporation by reas3:i of anything forbidden or de clared to b? unlawful by t'.e act the lower to sue therefor in any circuit ourt cf the United Statu without re pect to the amount In controversy ;nd to recover thr:c-fold the damages oy bl;:i sustained and the couta of ue r,uit, including rcasonaole attorney fees. It will be perceived toat the act is aimed at every kind of combination in the ra'.ura of a trust or monopoly in restraint of Interstate or interna tional commerce. The prcateu loa by tho Unltid States of offenses under the) act of i90 bos ben frocjuenuy reported to In the federal courts and notable t. orta In tbe restraint of Interstate coa mereo. such as tho Transjolaocrl Freight association and tho Joint Traf fic association, have been successfully opposed and suppressed. President Cleveland in bis annual racsrage of December 7, 119 more than six years after tbe enactment of this law after stating the evils of these trust combinations, says: "Though congress has attempted to deal witn this "matter by legislation the laws passco for that purpose thus far have proved Ineffective, not because of any lack of disposition or attempt to enforce them, but simply because the laws themselves as Into, pre ted by the courts do not reach the difficulty, if the Insufficiency of the listing laws ran be remedied by further legisla tion It should be done. The fact must j bm recognized, however, that all fed C1 legislation on this,, subject may 1 fall 4flA Mf MB MMUIM Mtm nerent obstacles and also becaase at the complex character of our govern mental system, which, while making the federal authority supreme within its sphere, has carefully limited thai cphere by metes and bounds. a wimui wl-w cannot be transgressed. The uecisios of our highest court on this precis question renders It quits doub.ful whether the evils of trusts and mo nopolies can be adequately , treated through federal action, unless they seek directly and purposely to tncludo In their objects transportation or in tercourse between states or tho United States and foreign countries. "It does not follow, however, that this is the limit of the remedy that may be applied. Even though it may be found that federal authority is not broad enough to fully reach the case, there can be no doubt of the power of the several states to act effectively in the premises and there suould be n? reason to doubt their willingness to Judiciously exercise such power." The state legislation to which Pres ident Cleveland looked for relief from the evils of trusts has failed to accom plish fully that object This Is probably due to a graat extent to the fact that different states take different views as to the proper way to discriminate between evil and injurious combina tions and those associations which ars beneficial and necessary to the busi ness prosperity of the country. The great diversity of treatment in dlfTer erent states arising fro mthls causo and the intimate relations of all parts of the country to each otner, without regarding state lines In the conduct of business, have made the enforce ment of state laws difficult. It is apparent that uniformity of leg islation upon this subject in tho sev eral states is much to be desired. It Is to be hoped that such uniformity, founded in a wise and just discrimin ation between what Is injurious and what is us'ful and necessary, in busM nessy operations, may be obtained and that means may be found for the con gress within the limitations of its con stitutional power so to supplement an effective code of state legislation as to make a complete svstem of laws throughout the United States adequate to compel a general observance of the sutary rules to which I have re ferred. , .. The whole question Is so Important and far-reacblng that I am sure no part of it will be lightly considered, but every phase of it will have the studied deliberation of the congress, resulting in wise and judicious action. . KEEPING , FAITH WITH , CUBA. ' My auual message of last year was necessarily devoted in great part to a consideration of the Spanish war and of the reEuits it wrought and the con ditions it Imposed for the future. 1 am ... .1 , m i- n lk. Ik. . .mm giiiLiiicu iu uuuu(iui.ii mat tue ucaij of peace has restored friendly relations between the two powers. Effect has been given to its most Important pro visions. The evacuation of Porto Ri co having already been accomplished Ja tae toth of October, 1893, nothing remained necessary there but to con tinue the provisional military control of the Island until tbe congress suouid enact a suitable government for the ceded territory. Ot the character nd scope of the measures to that end I shall treat in another part of this mes-S-5;e. - - ' - ihe withdrawal of the authority of Spain from' tho island of Cuba was effected by January 1, so that the full re-establishment of peace found the re .inqulBhed territory held by us in trust .'or the lnhao.-ants maintaining, under , the direction of tho. executive, such government and control therein aa should conserve public order, restore the productive conditions cf peace so Ions disturbed by tne instability and disorder which prevailed for the great er part of the three preceding decades, ana bui.d up that tranquil development of the domestic state whereby a. one can be realized .ue high purpose as proclaimed In the Joint resolution adopted by the congress on April 19, 189S, by which tue Unfed States dis claimed any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction of control over Cuba, except for the paci fication thereof, and d-ciared its inten tion when that was accomplished to leave the government ard control of tbe island u its people. Tbe piedgo contained in this resolution is of the highest honorable ooligation and must be sacredly kept. . I helleve that anhntantlAl rrn-pa has been niade in this direction. All -the administrative measures adopted In Cuba have aimed to fit it for n re generated existence by enforcing the supremacy of law ana justice; by p'.at- ery of administration in the hands of the Inhabitants; by instituting sanitary reforms; by spreaalng education; by fostering industry and trade; by incul cating publl-! morality and, In short, by taxing every rational step to aid the Cuban people to attain to tnat p.ane or zelf conscious respect and self reli ant unity which fits an enlightened community for se.f government wltnln Us own sphere, while enabling It to fulfill all outward obligations. This nation has assumed before the world a grave responsibility for the future good government of Cuba. We have accepted a trust the fulfillment of which calls for the sternest integrity of purpose and the exercise of the high est wisdom. The new Cuba yet to ar ise from the ash' 1 of the past must needs be bound to us by ties of sin gular intimacy and strength if Its en during welfare is to be assured. Wheth er those ties shall be organic or con ventional, tne destines of Cuba are in rm rljrhtfnl form and manner Irre vocably linked with our own, but how and how far is for the future to de termine in the ripeness of events. Whatever be the outcome, we must see to it that free Cuba be a reality, not name, a perfect entity, not a nasty ex periment bearing within Itself the ele ments of failure. Our mission, to ac complish which we took up the wages) of battle Is not to be fulfilled by turn ing adrift aay loosely f tamed com monwealth to face tne vicissitudes tnat too often attend weaker states whos , natural weaitn and abundant resources are offset by the incongruities ot their nrhlltieal nrraniq ntirm anil th ripnr. ring occasions for international rival ries to sap their strength and dissipate, their energies. The greatest blesalng, which can come to Cuba is the restora t'n of her agricultural and industrial ' prosperity which will give employment to idle men and re-establish the par cults of peace. This is her chief and Immediate need. On the 19th of August, last, as ordsr (Continued next weoh.)