The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 07, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Qtfrr&sfca Independent
... BT TBS .
independent Publishing Co. npany
, . Telephone 538.
$1.00. FEB AM IN AD7 RCE.I
Address all communications to, and'
mam all drafts, uiuuey orders, etc,'
payable to
Lincoln, Nebraska.
The republican Idea seems to be that
'the honor of the notion must be upheld'
by crime and dishonor. That it the
only way that they have proposed so
far. ,
Tho editor of tho Southern Mercury
htarted out to write it sizzling article
liesdod "No Chance for Bryan." lie
gel ho tangled up that ho (stopped in tho
middle of a word -not thn middle of the
road -and let it go at that.
The Independent desire to spend
little time in a review of one issue of
sheet publi-id in Lincoln called the
Nebraska S;i!o Journal. It in a fair
sample of it daily ifl.sue -at least it does
not contain any more lies than are print
ed frc m day to day by that concern
The first item is as follow:
wnsnington in one of his letters rec
ommending the education of the boys
ana tins or mis country at nome instead
of nending them off to Europe spoke of
the United StateH as an "empire." So it
seem that George was the Hrnt bloody
The editor of course knows that Wash
ington never, in all his life, ever spke
or wrote a word in defense of tho annex
ation of distant islands and making the
inhabitants "subjects" of the United
States against their will. He knows that
the word "empire" as used two or three
times by tho founders of this republic
was always used in regard to the extent
"I said in my haste all men are liars,"
remarked King David. If he had read
last Friday's State Journal he would
have udded: "This is not 1 . hyperbolo,
whoa upeaking of the editors of this pa
per." -
Mark Hanna seems to have had his
iar to tho ground for he announces
through his friends that he'will not con
du.t tho campaign for the republicans
next time. We ore very sorry that he
will not. No other man would suit the
populists so well for the position.
Bosewater ran tho republican cam
paign in Omaha and wrecked the ma
cbiuo, ho ran the exposition and wrecked
the stockholders, he ran his son he.
tho son, wrecked the life of an innocent
young girl. As a wrecker Ilosewater
beats the Algerian pirates.
New York news last week was- to the
flVet that money was so plenty in that
city that tho great publishing house of
Harper Brothers went into tho hands of
n receiver and the New York Sun is so
hard pressed that it ratted its office and
out down the scale paid Union printers,
These are two of the par excellent gold
bug institutions of that city.
The banks never say anything about
"specie payments" any more. Wonder
why? Those of us who fought in the
ranks long years ago remember that that
was the battle cry of the money power
for many campaigns. The reason is that
the bankers are determined to have
business done with paper money here
after and they are to furnish the paper.
There seems to be an almost universal
demand in the populist papers of this
utate that Clem Deaver should resign
his place as national committeeman.
But Clem will never do it. There isn't
enough manhood iu him and never was
to iierform such an act. Ho will have to
be kicked out. The kicking will be done
at the next meeting of tho national com
By Helling bonds for 101 and buying
them back at 112 the sound money men
of Washington have presented to the
landholders 13,000,000 and given them a
high rate of interest beside. Any man
who denies that that is patriotic finan
ciering is a copperhead and wants to
haul down the hag. Don't say a word.
It isn't safe in these days of MeKinley
Severfd papers in this state are do
Bouncing the Stete Journal 4n the most
unmeasured terms for its unspeakable
vileness4 The Beatrice News says"!
"This paper (The State Journal) that
thus advocates these principles of im
morality, nt our state capito! should be
excluded from every college, every
school and every home in the state. Its
morals are pernicious and poisoning to
ihe rising generation wherever it goe
iup rcpuoncans want to base our
financial system of confidence a thing
that has neither length, breadth or
thickness and always vanishes when
roost needed. It exists only in the
imagination and if it has anything "in
tnnsic about it neither a magnifying
Klai-a or a chemical analysis has ever
lieen able to discover it. That is what
they call sound finance" and if you
ion t believe it is, you are either a luna
tic or a copperhead.
MeKinley has recently issued an or
der which puts the postal system of
Porto Rico back where it was twenty,
aeven years ago under the old Spanish
'rule. The recent improvements made
by the Spanish have all boon abolished.
The Porto Ricans have sent up a great
protest But what good will that do?
They have no rights under our constitu
tion or under any other constitution.
They are simply subjects under MeKin
ley. There is no congress and no court
to which they can appeal. MeKinley is
their czar and they must obey him. If
they don't, some more troops will be sent
In "defend th Haw "
of territory and not in relation to the
form of government. New York has
long been called "tho empire state,'
wholly on account of its size when com
pared to the other New England states.
With just as much fairness could the
word be taken from any modern speaker
ft hori he made some remark about the
Empire state, and claim that he was in
favor of wars of conquest ' and rulin
subject nations by force. .
Tim next item is like unto it, and is as
McClellen's celebrated' euphemism of
"change of ha-e," when he got the worst
ot it in Ins grapplmgs with Lee m the
early part of the civil war, is pirated by
the Boer dispatches from Pretoria. They
vary it a little by saying that after this
or tho other buttle, the Boer command
ers "Look another position."
The editor knew when he was writing
that item that it was a lie made out of
whole cloth for the fact is that
the Boers have sent no dispatches either
of that sort or any other, for the simple
leason that all the telegraph and cable
lines are in the possession of the British
army. Ho knew that it was impossible
for the Boers to send a dispatch at all,
and he simply lied because it is his na
ture to lie.
A little further down this Ananias
The Mochler river was bank full and
tho Boers had blown up the bridge and
hence General Methuen had no chance
to settle tho fortunes of the day w ith a
bayonet charge.
This sentence is a curiosity. The. whole
intention of it, as is plainly seen on the
face of it, is to lie to tho renders of the
paper in regard to tho contending pur
ties in South Africa. The British aro so
superior that all they 'needed was a
chance to make a "bayonet charge to
settle the fortunes of the day." Fancy
a general ordering a bayonet charge
where the enemy is armed with the mod
ern repeating rides! What would likely
liecome of that general's army? Bayonet
charges are thiugs of the past. But
this editor would have us to believe that
the Boers are so inferior to the British
that all the British want is a chance to
make a bayonet charge! General Jo'u-bt-rt
would be very happy to give them
such a chance three times a day.
The next article is an anti temperance
one criticising the recent action of the
Georgia legislature, It contains the fol
lowing lie, which is also made out of
whole cloth:
It is related ns an experience of Ad
miral Dewey t hat hisship having entered
a harbor in Maine, his sailors asked per
mission, as usual, to go ashore. The ad
miral thought a moment and said, "Yes,
mix is a prouiouiou siate, aa tne men
cannot get liqnor," and he ent them all
ashore for recreation. In about an hour
a messenger put otf from the town to the
ship with the report that the salors were
on n big spree and the police could do
nothing with them. The admiral had a
hard time corralling the lioys with the
lew sober men left him and he said it
was tho last time he would give his men
liberty in a prohibition state.
The next nrticte is about Cuba, and
starts out with the following lie it, too,
being made up out ol whole cloth.
It is pretty generally believed down i l
Cuba that the popular outburst against
the military government and tho pro
tests against changing tho uiilitarv wov-
ernment for a civil government organized
tor the nonce hy Uncle Sam, arises from
the difgust of the tieople of Havana and
other cities liee.iuse of tho persistence of
the Americans in cleaning up the sew
ers, streets and dwellings of the microbe
infesting towns. They object to being
put to the trouble of keeping clean,
ine omy coc'.'iusion mat any sanf
man can come to after reading that is
that lies bubble forth from the State
Journal editor like beer from a bung
hole. The audacity of it is the only re
deeming feature, How does he know
what is "pretty generally believed down
in Cuba?"
The next article is about the Chicago
big drainage canal. While there seems
to be no mothe to lie in such an article
as that, yet the writer is so habituated to
avoiding the truth that he cannot es
cape the habit So he says;
Y hat troubles New lork is not the
sewerage, but tho fact that this is really
a ship canal, connecting with the chain
of great lakes.
That caiatl a ship canal! But that is
only an innocent whopper, and so let it
go without further comment
The next paragraph starts a good big
troad gauged lio of tho nort that the
readers of the paper expect to see every
day. The edjtor says;
Since the Dingley bill was passed the
treasury department has been collecting
and locking up millions of dollars every
month beyond even the extraordinary
expenses of the government
Now of course that editor knows that
December 7, 1800.
the revenues produced by the Dingley
bill fall far short of paying tlm expem-es
of tne government Besides that, enor
mous expenses and losses have recently
occurred in connection with the war in
the Philippines that have not been paid
or even entered upon the government
accounts yet, among them one fine war
shjp which was a total loss, cargo, equip
ment and all.
1 he next article contains this state
mi 1 m ,1
xnecroBKings or tne imtisn mug
wump about the absolute hopelessness
of the effort of General Methuen to re
lieve the Kimberley garrison because of
tne obstinate courage of the Boers are
still loud, but the daily news of a ten
nine advance, and the driving of the en
emy from another stronghold on a hill
seems to indicate that Methuen is get
ung mere aoout as last as ins men can
march afior all, in spite of the obstinacv
. r. ... . '
or me uoer ngnung.
YY hether it was the Journal s intense
love of British imperialists or whether
the editor is incapable of writing an ar
tide without telling a lie, that was the
occasion of tho productkm of that para
graph it is hard to say. The news that
all other people have about the advance
of General Methucn's column is to the
effect that his first encounter with tho
Boers was at a river which he attempted
tocrossand failed and foughtone the most
desperate battles in the annals of old
England, that he was himself wounded
and suffered a heavy loss as wel as the
Boers. Ten miles a day is more than an
army can generally make when unop
posed, upon a steady march.
The last editorial begins this way:
T-v r -sri.i . . i
jvown in iew yorK tne oiner da v. a
Cuban applied for his naturalization pa
pers and be lore he could get them, he
was compelled by the clerk of the federal
court, who had the matter in charge, to
renounce his allegiance to the king of
Spain, "whose subject he is."
The above articles constitute the
whole of the editorial in that edition.
The Independent defies anyone to find
the equal of it for persistent, unqualified
lying in one edition of any other paper
published in the United States or in any
other part of the world,or in any other
world, hades included. Not an article
that is not a bald faced lie or a lie by
inference. That is the paper that could
not live for three months if it were not
supported by some professed christians
and men who claim, at least, to- live pas
sably moral lives.
The State Journol people may claim
that this edition of December 1st is not
a lair sample-7-the writers having just
returned from their Thanksgiving din- j
tiers lied with more facility than
usual. We will leave that subject to ar
titration by any honest man 'who will
iook over a montn s issues and compare
thein with this. -
Is it not time time that the citizens of
Lincoln took some means to establish
There has been much raid about the
crime of 73 and the crime of T3, bat
crime greater than these and greater
than ever committed by any parment:
ary body since legislative assemblies ex
isted, is about to be committed at Wash
ington. The bill that the republicans
propose to pass changes the contract un
aer which the rich men of this nation
bought all the bonds outstanding and
makes them payable in gold alone. That
will practically double the value of those
bonds. By one stroke it will add to the
riches of the rich over one thousand
millions of dollars. It will do this at
the request of the rich and without any
thing being returned to the people for it.
It is a theft of a thousand millions from
the producer.! of this country. It will
increase the fortunes of the already
enormously rich by that much and add
that much tt the burden of the already
overburdened poor. There m no crime
in all history that will compare with
this. .
In another section of the bill, which
will be found in. another column, there is
1 j i . j 1 . .
uuuceuieu u pian 10 contract tne cur
rency to the amount of $200,0004)00. A
careless reading of the bill would not
reveal it, but there is tucked away in
one of the sections a plan to retire all
the Sherman treasury notes. A contrac
tion of the volume of money and at the
same time making payable all the bonds
and obligations of the United States
both public and private, in gold, we re
peat is a crime in tho presence of which
all other -.rimes fade into insignificance.
porch and denied it ia tot. It was
deception and perfidy that the electfea
of MeKinley was made possible. The
party was pledged to promote interna
wobbi Dimetallism. AH the time the
sole purpose was to more firmly establish
the gold standard.
By placing the government in the
hands of liars and scoundrels men who
were frauds and hypocrites we have not
only given tkem the power to make
slaves of the people of this nation
inrougn endless bond issues, but also
the power to establish a great standing
army, numerous enough to hold us
subjection at the point of the bayonet
ut aJK tne scoundrels who have
cursed the world the most infernal hyp
ocrites are the men who for nearly thir
ty years have run the republican party.
"XT . . ....
-iext year will be the year of the
greatest presidential camnaicrij ever
fought in. this country. The basis of
that fight will be laid i
morning daily paper in this city,
is fit to go into a decent family?
the suri lusj
by the sale1
in the treasury was put there
f r.W,000,000 of bonds, and!
There was never a more infamous fals
hood printed than the constant assertion
that the Dingley bill has produced a sur
plus in spite of our enormous war ex
penses. In tho first place thero were
bonds issued to tho amount of S2iK),000,
000. Next there was a war tax imposed.
That tax brought to the treasury, ac
cording to U. S. Treasurer Robert's re
port, last year 4fl.5.ri.'!.419 in increase
of customs and 8102,53i;,520 in
crease from internal revenue. Hero is an
ncrease of taxation, outside of the
Dingley . bill, which has put into the
. , in 11 r n-1 ' n ...
ireiisury n,f,wr;v.i.v. l'jven tnis enor
mous increase, added to the high tariffs
of tho Dingley bill, will not pay the ex
penses of this government under Mc
Kinley and imperialism. The present
rate of expenditure is almost as great as
in 1803 and 1804, and is greater than any
other year of our history as a nation.
In those two years we had over a million
soldiers in the field fighting the most
bloody battles of all history.
The effect of this heavy taxation man
ifests itself, as all economic forces do,
very slowly. But it is beginning to be
felt everywhere. Nearly every man is
finding it harder and harder each month
to meet his bills. Taxation, as well as
trusts, necessarily raises the price of ev
erything that the peoplo consume. Ev
ery one is beginning to say that it ctsts
more to maintain a family this year than
H did last. It comes hardest on farmers
and next on those men working for sala
ries or wages.' But every one begins to
feel the heavy hand that is laid upon
him. He must work harder and live
cheaper. If we will indulge in wars of
conquest, a large army and navy, we
must pay the cost, and the cost all comes
out of the producers. This result is just
what the Independent ha9 said all the
time would come upon us. From week
to week we have constantly reiterated it
What an effect the reading of this paper
would have on the voters if 50,000 copies
of it could have been placed in their
hands every week?
Mrs. Kellio, who prints the only mid
die ot tne road paper in this state a
small five column folio says that "the
populist press of Nebraska was crushed
out to make room for a mongrel fusion
press bribed with patronage." Both of
these statements is news to this office
No populist paper was ever crushed,
TL-.. -11 1 , - nil ve and KicKing wor-e
than ever. And that patro.v.ace! We
ould like to see some of it. We have
beeh chasing after it for a longtime, but
tate officers seem to prefer the jobbipg
ouses to job department of a pop pa-
peri Jf the peoplo of this state were in
favor of the ideas that Mrs. Keltic advo
cates, she ought to be in clover all the
time as she has the only organ of that
sort to which they can subscribe. Her
circulation ought to bo immense, and in
stead of publishing a five column folio
she ought to be able to issue an eight
column octavo. Did it never occur to
Mrs. Kellie that the trouble is not with
the editors of populist papers, but that
tho men who organized the populist par
ty in this slate almost unanimously came
to the conclusion that the only way to
ever redeem this stete, or the nation, was
for all voters who oppose the republican
party to get together and vote one ticket?
It is s.range that it has never occurred
to her, but if she will stop and think
about the matter she will see that it was
not patronage, it was not bribes, or any
thing of that sort, but the conclusion
that that was the best thing to be done,
honestly arrived at after long study.
congress during the coming, winter and
spring. No one will be prepared to take
active part m it unless he keeps posted
WI)at is done in Washinerton during
the next few months. The reformers
who have foucrht tho )
know how much reliance can be placed
upon tne reports of the gold busr dailies
and associated press. As an example
we are just getting at this late day the
true returns from the late election
J.ney come to us through the reform
weeklies in the various states. There is
no other way to get at the truth. The
Independent proposes to get the facts
and publish them each week. An ar
rangement has been made for a letter
from Washington. This letter will not
contain anything that is sent out by the
associated press or the special gold bug
correspondents at Washington, but the
news that is suppressed. Through this
letter you will learn what the populist
senators and representatives arc doing.
They aro never spoken of in the dis-
, .mo nfcms un me noor ot con
gress, and they will be hot ones, will be
reported by an eye witness and the part
borne in them by the men who aro
hghting for liberty and the common
people will be given to our reader f. K .1
-.x,..,.v I.H jjuuu r me caui-e we
ask the populist workers in this state to
extend the circulation of the Independ
ent, ana get the subscriptions now.
The pop editors have poked so much
fun at the republicans for their attempt
to convince the fusionists that if they
wanted to win the next presidential cam
paign they must get some other candi
didate than Bryan, that all at once they
have abandoned that sort of writing and
now claim that they want Bryan to be
the candidate so badly that they allowed
the fusionists to carry Nebraska so as to
make sure of it Moral When the coon
is up the tree and you can't got him
In another article in this issue there is
a review 'f one day's issuo of the State
Journal in which it is shown that every
editorial is baed uoon a barefaenrl Hp
It differs from other gold bug papers in
that every article was a lie while the
others usually print some that are not
the New York Times does it in that
way. Here is one from a recent issue
All the labor and sweat and wind of
our free silver friends has Iwn fnr
naugnt. Ail the speeches thev have
made, all the editorials they have writ
ten and all the loud street talking they
have done has floated away in noxious
gas ana win oo henrd no more. Onlv
uie uu-uvory oaor or it nil remains. The
oemocraiio national committee has hold
its meeting, big with destiny, and has
aecidod tbat the question of the free and
unlimited coinage of silver shall not en
ter into the next campaign.
ine Journal not satisfied with the
amount of lying that it did that issue on
its own account, also reprinted this,
knowing that it was a lie. If one was to
judge of the moral standing of the
American people by the gold standaid
press he would come to the conclusion
that Sodom was a respectable communi
ty in comparison with them. What good
do they suppose will result from this
sort of journalism?
For twenty-six years the republican
party has worn a mask. All this time it
has had the determination to give the
gold standard the validity of law and all
the time it has proclaimed in its plat
forms and in the speeches of ite leading
senators and representatives that it has
been for bimetallism. At last it has
thrown off the mask and declares for the
gold standard without any equivocations.
The bill that is printed in another part
of this paper lays down what they pro
pose to do and the manner of doing of it
Never in all history can there be found
an example of such hypocrisy. Presi
dent MeKinley during the last cam
paign, when hard pressed with the
down no matter how hungry you are
for fresh meat-soh mnly declare that charge that the repuUicans intended to
you did't want any moat no way. do this very thing, came out on his front
The people of Nebraska arc entitled to
know why Superintendent Jack.son re
tains in his employ regularly a clerk not
authorized by law mid pays him 875 per
month of the pile's monev. The i.od-
ulist party is entitled to know what
reason Mr. Jackson has for keeping in
his employ a republican, Mr. Alex
Bentley, not specially qualified when
there aro hundreds of more competent
and just as deserving young men and
women who are populists. Whv is it
that Mr. Jackson has recently raised the
salary of this illegally employed renubli
can clerk from $60 to $75 per month? In
tho beginning of his term Superinten
dent Jacitson attempted to save to hiin-
elf all the profits of his ofiice bv em
ploying his wife as an assistant. The
Independent made the fact known
and public sentiment was so opposed to
nis selfish policy that he was compelk-
10 laue ner nome and give her place to
another. It is equally disgraceful an
insulting to his populist friends for him
io Keep a repuoiiuan m his employ. It
is ungrateful to the party that elected
him. Perhaps there is a "profit" in it
to him as there was in the employment
ot his wife. It is certainly as bad and
insulting to the organization that elect
ed him to ofiice.
mi .
ine superintendent's ofiice will have
several things to explain at the next
As strange as it may appear to thous
ands of the readers of this paper, the
question of who shall be appointed1 ttr
fi2 the vacancy caused by the death f '
SetMtor Hay ward has become a verjr
vital one. Governor Poyntor has sigai
fled his desire to hear from the people.
The Independent asks every reader of it
as soon as he gets this edition to sit
down and write a short letter to thin
office naming the man who he thinks
should be appointed and his reasonn
therefor. Let it be short and to the
point. The greatest battle of the cen
tury is to be fought in the United States
Senate in the next few months. Who
should be sent to represent the people
of the state in that contest?
We have reached the point in the
meeting of congress when the question
must be answered whether this nation in
to go on in the way wo have followed for
the last 125 years, declaring that all gov
ernments derive their just powers from
the consent of the governed, or whether
we will abandon that principle and at
tempt the government of subject na
tioas. The secretary of war in his aa
nual report discuesses at great length
the problem of colonial government He
recalls that the treaty of Paris places ia
congress alone the de-termi.t ation of the
civil rights and political status of the
native inhabitants of the territories
ceded to the United States. He arrrues
that this limitation completely deprives-
these people of the right to have the
islands treated as states or as territory
previously acquired has been treated, or
even to assert a legal right under the
provisions of the constitution, which wa
established for the people of the United
States themselves.
"The secretary says it is essential that
'orto Rico should receive substantially
the same treatment at our hands as she
received from Spain when a colony."
Will congress decide this quostioa as
tho MeKinley administration demands?
Will they declare that the Filipino
fter they have been bought, paid for
and annexed, "have no legal right under
he constitution?" Will they say that
'orto Eico shall receive Af. ri,r h..,
the same treatment that she received
from Spain?" What will tho supreme
court, of the United States say abowt
these-thintrs when the nupt.i.-.n ,.f
o it'.' What wilt the people sav whei
they review this question next fall on
cction day? Must a Mvornmont hir
people, for tho peoplo perish from
Thes are mo- '
tho face of the earth?
mentous times.
.me eouonai coiums of the great
dailies are a disgrace to this age and
nation. 1 here is not one of them tha
employes an editorial writer of ability
The place where once appeared profound
and scholarly articles is now filled almost
exclusively with tho merest goscip.
does not pay a thoughtful man to waste
the time in reading them. The pluto
cratic magazines are not much better,
Tl 1 -II ! .
lucj.uuemiuiu, nave abandoned any
attempt at accuracy of statement. Their
articles all bear the marks of the specia
pleader instead of that of the honest
seeker after the truth. To ru n it. nil
up: Editorial writing in the great dailies
is "no good.
The republican papers continue todis
grace the state by discussing Sonator
Hay ward s mccessor. Not a word of
that kind has been printed in any popo-
cratic organ. All that has been said by
them are words of sympathy with the
senator and his family. But the brutes
who edit these gold bug, trust papers
have kept it up. Stinging rebukes are
now appearing in many of the populist
papers. It is no use however to hope
that these scavengers can be made de
cent They were not brought up to be
The ten per cent gain in the republi-
can vote of Kansas which was so widely
circulated by the associated press turns
out to hatte been a ten per cent loss. No
reader of a republican paper will ever
see tho troth about it, or anything eke
for that matter, in any of hi partisan
papers. The mullet haads will Jl con
tinue to firmly believe that "the renubli.
cans made great gains in Kansas,"
Lucien Stebbius and his crowd of as
sistant republicans having made a total
ulure m attempting to organize a mid-
dle-of the-road populist party in this
state, have concocted a new scheme. It
will prove just as dismal a failure as did
their last. All the money that Mark
Hanna, or any one else, put in this new
venture will be a loss. They have sent
out a call for a convention to be held ia
Hastings for the Durnose of orn-nnivimr
new party to be called the Union Ee
form party. The platform is to have
but one plank the initiative and refer
endum. As the populist party has ad
vocated this principle for years, and as
Mr. Bryan, speaking for the democratic
party, has iven it his hearty endorse
ment, the necessity of a new party to
advocrte it does not seem to be very ap
parent The call has thirty-one names attached
to it two of them wou. n. A look at it
shows a lot of disgruntled office-seekers,
one or two out an out gold bugs and the
remainder "are unknown to fortune and
to fame."
About four fu.sionists, evenly divided
between tho pops and democrats, here
in the city of Lincoln, ail of whom had
held ofiices of profit or honor .n the twe
parties, because they could not get more
office and more profit and honor out of
their connection with the fusion forces,
resolved to turn traitor and tight for the
republicans. In their egotist io houIs
they really thought that they could ruin
the reform cause. What was the result?
The fusion forces cut down the repub
lican majority on the head of the ticket
more than a hundred votes, elected one
county officer, and came within a hair's
breadth of electing two more. It is U
be hoped that the populists at least, are
now rid of that kind of cattle. From
Paul Vandervoort to D. Clem Deaver,
they have never been able to do us any
material injury.
The great republican trains in Nr-
York turn out to be the same nrt
were in Kansas. After the official count
was made the republican maioritv k-
state is shown to be a little over 0,000
Mckinley's majority in ISM o-j.rv
So the great republican irnin a-nu". 'i '
of 247,000! The republicans think it.
very nice thing to have the associated
press and hundreds of ffret ,t;i;
circulate their lies for them. But finally
retribution overtakes them.
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