The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 30, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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November 3, 1899.
lia ; ,ier
boVjf 'toll
Lesson of Vice President
, Hobart's Career. 1
Shows the Beneficence of Our
V . ' F'' "
Overwhelmed lr Conjrrnmmen Who
Want CliUrmanlili Speculation
i to the New Democratic Leader of
; the House MlN-onrl'i Claim For
the Place Cliaueeii of the Four
Candidates Oatrniteona Treatment
f Schler
Sp Inl Washington Letter.
lacing out; of the congressional dele
gation selected to attend the funeral of
Vice President Iloltnrt, in going to and
returning from Puterson, N. J., I re
flected a good deal upon what I saw
and heard, and my conclusion Is that
the chief lessou to bo learned from his
career Is the lieneflceiico of onr Amer
ican institution and the wondrous op
portunities they. afford the young,' the
brave, the capable, the industrious, the
resoluteun old lesson, It is true, but
one that cannot be told too of teu.
. Here was a lauu who begun life a coun
try schoolteacher and who 84 years ago
went to Paterson to study law with
only $1.50 capital who at the early age
of 55 dies worth a million and holding
the second olllco wlthta the gift of a
free people, whoso funeral is attended
by the president and his cabinet, by
the supreme court, by a quorum of the
ttcnate, by a large number of represent
atives and by tho authorities of his na
tive state, and whoso death is sincerely
mourned by the nation at largp.'-
In no other country could such a
"scene take place, and the fact that it
can take place here Is the greatest
Incentive to human exertion.
Mr. llobart was the sixth vice presi
dent to die in otllce, the live others be
ing Georgo Clinton, Klbrldge Gerry,
William It. Kiug, Henry Wilson and
Thomas A. Hendricks. Only four pres
idents have died in ollice William
Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor,
1 Abraham Lincoln and James A. Gar
Held, the two latter having been assas
sinated. Mr. Hobart magnified his of
fice that Is, ho increased its dignity
and prestige both by clearly recogniz
ing the vice president's anomalous po
sition Id our governmental machine
and by discharging the perfunctory
duties of his station with tact, in
dustry and Intelligence. I think that
Mr. Hobart presided over the senate
more constantly than any of his prede
cessors. Why I do not know. I canuot
imagine a more noporlflc performance,
rerhaps Mr. Hobart was bothered with
Insomnia and listened to senatorial
spceehmaking to induce sleep, or it
may have been that he enjoyed the
aristocratic atmosphere which is sup
posed to pervade tho chamber of the
ancients. Perhaps It was a conscien
tious notion that ho wos paid fH,0()rt
per hnnum to preside and that he ought
to earn his money. Who knows?
The Mne of Sncocmilon.
It's an ill wind that blows good to ;
nobody, and two amiable and illus- j
trlous statesmen are leneftted some
what by tho departure of Mr. Hobart
Hon. John Hay, secretary of state, and
Senator William P. Frye of Maine.
Senator Frye will, as president pro
tern, of tho senate, receive an extra sal
ary allowance of . 53,000 per annum aud
will enjoy certain other extraordinary
privlleges-Iuter alia, that of making
certain desirable appointments of J
friends to ofll.v,
t Colonel Hay's iswltion is better, be
cause he Is now heir apparent to the
presidency. The line of succession un-'
til recently was vice president, presi
dent pro tent, of the senate and speak
er of the house. As, during the long
vacation, there is usually neither pres
ident pro toui of the senate nor speak
er of the honse, there were only two
lives between the government and an
nrchy. Indeed, when General Garfleld
was killed, there Is'ing neither presi
dent pro tern, nor shaker, only one life
l (General Arthur's) stood between the
government aud anarchy. After that
the line of succession was changed so
as to go from vice president to secre
tary of state and on down through the
cabinet In order of the date of the cre
ation of the various departments. So
that usually now we have nine or ten
lives between us and anarchy. A wise
change certainly.
"In the Is'gliinlng God made round
. holes and three cornered holes," said
Rev. Sydney Smith, who was more wit
than preacher, "and he nlso made
round people and three cornered peo
ple to fit In them, but the tmnbl Is
I hat the round people have got Into the
A . i . , . . . . .
Lnr i'.hree cornered holm and tho three cor-
,iered people into the ronnd holes, and
lolKHly ftta. The chances are that
cneral David Bremner Henderson.
, ipeaker that Is about to be, would
rtiake his Alfer Havy that Sidney was
icurrect la his diagnosis of the case.
' The general's rooms at the Norman-
1 a lie are jusi now ino aiecca or nspir
( .j jng statesmen In the more numerous
g ji , ifanch of the federal legislature.
There are RT1) of thein besides the gen
j vral hlmclf, and the chances are that
I Jt each and every one of them was glv
! en carte blanche In choosing commit-
)ce places there would be 3f9 ch!r-
men of the committee (on ways and
' means. Perhaps a few very few of
the most modest ones might select oth
er big chairmanships, but It's a ten to
one wl.ot that the vast majority would
unhesitatingly, aye, gladly, assume the
Krave duties and vast responsibilities
of the ways and means chairmanship.
What's more, a great many of them,
If given a chance, would rise equal to
the occasion, for Americans have an
astounding adaptability,, to any situ
ation in which they may find them
selves, civil, military or commercial.
' The Democratic Leader.
Old stagers hero say that the situ
ation touching the -speakership con
test Is anomalous. The strange thing
about It in that the Republican nomi
nation, which means high honor, im
mense power, a snug place in history
and $3,000 extra salary per annum, Is
and for mouths has been settled defi
nitely, while the Democratic nomina
tion is .the. object of the unibltlon and
rivalry of at h ast a quartet of, palpitat
ing statesmen who openly avow their
yearning, while perhaps a dozen more
have lightning rods concealed about
their persons ready for erection aud
exhibition on the least 'persuasion, the
slightest pressure or the faintest call.
As to the Democratic leadership in
the house, only one thing Is cocksure,
and that Is that the man who receives
80 votes Is a winner. lie may win
With less. .
Originally 172 antl-Kepublieans were
elected to the Fifty-sixth congress
The, places of Settle of Kentucky aud
Ermentrout of Pennsylvania are va
cant, leaving 170. One of these is a sll
vcrlte, three or four are Populists and
two or three fuslonlsts.' These may
or may not uttend the Democratic cau
There are four entries for the Demo
cratic leadership Do Armond of Mis
souri, Klchaidson of Tennessee, Dnuk
hend of Alabama and of New
York. F.aukhead's the oldest, Bulzcr
tho youngest. Itichardson the tallest,
Do Armond the smallest, physically,
not menially. 'Professionally, they
stand one farmer to three luwycrs.
'Geographically, there are one north
easter, two sothrons, one south
wester, j .
Politically, all are Chicago platform
Democrat. ' ,
Mimionrl'N Claims. .
As Missouri is the greatest and most
populous state in the I'nioij. that in
variably gives her electoral vote to tho
Democratic presidential candidate, I
think she is cutitled to this honor,
which may appear empty now. but
which will land the recipient of the
nomination in the speaker's chair in
the next congress, and, as Dc Armond
is Missouri's only candidate, he ought
to be nominated.
While I would not disparage the
claim of any candidate or any state or
cast suspicion on tho fealty of any
gentleman or of any section, it is
nevertheless true that In the public
mind Missouri is more intimately as
sociated with the Chicago platform
and thi crusade for the restoration of
silver to its ancient place of honor
than is any other state, and for that
reason also this honor should come to
her, De Armond being her sole candi
date on tills occasion.
It would be a splendid, graceful and
well merited tribute to the precious
memory of Silver Dick Bland to nomi
nate a Missouri Democrat of his way
of thinking, nnd Mlssonrl presents De
Armond to the caucus of the commit
tee on resolutions at the far resounding
Perth) Springs convention, which made
possible the Chicago platform of 1S!H5.
With a Missouri. for leader, the
world will not have to be told that
the party has taken no backward step
on the silver issue.
The old proverb hath it "Good wine
needs no bush to proclaim it." Neither
docs a Missouri Democrat need any
certificate of political good character.
Not only are Mlssourlnns faithful and
ardent, but, what's more, they are in
creasing. The next census will gls
Missouri three or four additional con
gressmen and presidential electors, all
Democrats, therefore imperial Missouri
ought to have this leadership nomina
tion us an acknowledgment of her
growth In grace nnd good works.
The star bf empire on its perpetual
western journey having shed Its light
on Iowa long enough to make General
David Bremner Henderson's pathway
to the speakership plain, It Is entirely
meet and In keeping with the eternal
fitness of things that his Democratic
conetitor should be a Mlsnoorlun, in
this Instance De Armond.
Chance of the Candidates.
The four competitors for this honor
will enter the caucus neck and neck.
No one will have a lead pipe cinch on
It. Geographical location ought to give
it to the Missourinn, but Hichardson's
tact may win or Bankbead's luck, or it
may eventuate In the nomination of
Sulzer, a Tammany brave, but an out
and out silver Democrat. Qnlen.sabc?
The vote being about eVenlyifUyldi1?!
If the contest Is prolonged, Imrtiruhirfy
If bitterness is engendered, the unex
pected may happen once more, and none
of the fonr may get It, bnt some dark
horse may secure the prize. Whether
It will bring happiness to the possessor
who may know? At a great banquet
I once asked John Sherman, by whose
side I was sitting, how he regarded in
the retrospect his loss of the speaker
ship, as a calamity or as a blessing In
dlsgnlse. After diving down deep Into
his troubled memory he replied absent-
mindedly: "Sometimes one way, some
times t'other. Who Mas It that kept
me from being speaker?"
All regret the untimely death of Con
gressman Evan B. Settle of Kentucky,
because he was universally regarded
as one of the growing men of the
house. It was believed that he had a
long and brilliant career liefore him.
He had a hard berth to fill, that of rep
rescntatlve from the far famed Blue
Grass district, which has ab urlie con
tllta been presented by men of ap
proved enacity and fetching elo
quence. I doubt If any other district
In America ever sent so many Illustri
ous men to the honse of represents-
tlves. Settle bade fair to rival the best
of his predecessors.
'so Hon. Lon V. Stephens, chief mag
Istrate of imperial Missouri, there will
come during his term one of the happi
est experiences that ever fell to the lot
of a governor since governors were
first Invented, and that is to ay off,
count and destroy the hist state bond
evidence of Missouri Republican raS'
cality, maladministration and deviltry,
I most heartily congratulate his excel
lency upon being governor when that
auspicious day shall dawn, ne is a na
tive of the state, was state treasurer,
ami both as treasureV and governor
has contributed all he could to this fe
licitous consummation.- The magnifi
cent commonwealth of Missouri is to
be heartily congratulated that In a lit
tle more' than a quarter of a century
from the date of the return of Demo
cratic supremacy she will have re
moved every visible sign of the wild
saturnalia held within her borders by
Republicans during their brief and ra
pacious rule. Nowhere else did the
Republican carpetbaggers and scala
wags hold such high carnival as they
held In Missouri, for no other state was
so rich In resources. Their reign was
short, but it was unspeakable while It
lasted. It burned Itself into the recol
lections of men. In eight years they
plundered the state of $20,000,000, to
say nothing of the hundreds of mllllona
out of which they skinned the counties,
townships, cities and towns. Foul birds
of prey in human form came from the
four points' of the compass to fatten
and batten on a prostrate state.
Yet there are certain Simple Simons
who dream of Missouri becoming Re
publican. She will not do so as long
as man retains the faculty of memory.
Never! The older citizens rcmcmbqr
vividly the awful nightmare of Repub
lican misrule, when grand larceny was
tlio'fashion among officeholders.
When the last Republican bond Is
paid off and burned, we will have such
a jubilee out there as will startle the
man in the moon. We invite honest
men everywhere to jubilate with us
on this example of "applied Democra
cy." We will put the big pot in the
little one, kill the fatted calf and pre
pare a feast lit for Lucullus or Epicu
rus. The year wc burn the last bond
Missouri will give lOO.OOO Democratic
majority. Our example of "applied
Democracy" is this: In 24 years we
have paid off nearly ?2,tKX),000 state
bonded debt and at the same time
have reduced the tax rate 75 per cent.
Match that performance who can.
Mnrjlmul Redeemed.
There's no il:i-e like the old plate, the place
where we vrra boni,
Whore wc opened firrt our eyelids to the glories of
the morn.
This great truth is illustrated by tho
following iKxHicnl editorial in the St.
Louis Republic, written, no doubt, by
Colonel Joseph A. Graham, managing
editor, who was born and bred in the
bailiwick of Arthur Pue Gorman.
Colonel Graham's editorial is not poet
ic in form, but it contains all the po
etic fire of a great lyric. What it lacks
in elegance it makes up in emphasis.
It is a regular poetic cock-a-doodle-
doo over the result in Maryland and
i nnn In this wise:
"The spoilmcn's heel is off thy deck,
Maryland, my Maryland! Old Lowndes
was jolted In the neck, Maryland,
my Maryland: The Democrats have
made a coup; Republicans are in tho
soup. Throw out your chest and give a
Whoop, Maryland, my Maryland!"
It would appear that Colonel Gra
ham's muse has been keeping compa
ny with Tom Sharkey, Jim Jeffries
and other eminent professors of "the
padded fist philosophy," bnt she leaves
i.othing for explanation in the voicing
of her jubilation.
A K'iil,licun Lie.
Certainly the baldest and most pre
posterous lie ever told since Ananias
and Snpphiru had that ill starred land
transaction is that the Wilson-Gorman
tariff bill was a free trade measure,
aud yet not a week passes scarcely a
day-In which some Republican editor
does not repeat that foul slander. Of
course they know they are lying like a
gas meter, but they keep on at it. It's
their beastly nature, 1 suppose, and
they can't help it.
Now le It known once and for ull I
that the Wilson tariff bill, which Gro- i
vcr Cleveland aptly characterized as
"an act of jieriidy," carried un average
tariff duty of about 40 mt cent. The !
trouble M idi the thing was that It con- i
talued not too mucb, but too little, free
trade, and fi.-c traders voted for it be- j
cause it did cut down the McKinlcy
bill rates SNr cent and lxciuse it was
all Hie rcducticu they could get. They
voted for It holding tl ir noses.
One of the lin-xjilicable mysteries and
pnzzles of our times is the outrageous
treatment accorded Rear Admiral
Schley by the navy department,, head
ed, by Secretary John D. Ixing, ex gov
ernor of Massachusetts. Schley un
questionably gained the battle of San
tiago, and, if was n glorious victory,
which practically ended the Spnnisn
war in the fashion In which Dewey
began it at Msnila. All the mean, pet
ty iHTseeutlon of the navy department
raunot deprive him of the high honor
to which he is entitled. The average
American citizen endeavors to lie Just
nnd fair, and his verdict Is that Schley
should have bis full meed of praise as
Admiral Dewey has his. Noliody but
Rear Admiral Crowninshlcld seems
disposed to disparage Dewey's Immor
tal performance. Kvcryliody Is to be
discredited, everything is to lie warp
ed, to place on Sampson's brow laurels
which do not belong there of right.
Wherefore? Nolssly npfs-ars to be
ablo to explain tho enigma. One thing
dead stirc-the pi'rsecutlon of Schley
for gaining a great victory helped the
Democrats redeem Maryland, my Ma
ryland, i
liy the Knight Grocery & Meat Co. '
008 512 No. Hth St.? phone 407.
Lincoln, Neb.
in our south meat market window in a
25-lb white turkey: there is also a glass
of beans and peas and with every pur
chase of one dollar you get one guess on'
tne number of peas and beans in the
glass; the person guessing the nearest
will get the largo fat turkey free on
Wednesday evening..
Store open until 0:.'10 Wednesday night.
4 quart cranberries. . .......... ,10c
Lots of fine celery. '
41bs new shelled popcorn for.'. . .... ..10c
(Guaranteed to pop tine.)
21bs ginger snaps.....: ;.. 15c
7 spools Coats' thread ; ...25c
(Any number or coior)
Has anv merchant, in th eitv sold -nn
7 spools of Coats' thread for 25c in the
last three years outside of the Knight
Grocery? '
Good oranges, per dozen ,20c
Faney apples, per peck . .155c
Good apples, per peck, 20c, 25c and 30c.
Without exception we have the finest
lot of corn fed turkeys and chickens
ever shown by us: it will pay voa to see
ours before buying.
Fine frosh oysters.
4 cans Beatrice corn 25c
4 cans early June peas. 25c
4 enns wax or string beans 25c
4 3-lb cans pumpkin 25c
3 cans salmon .25c
2 cans Columbia river salmon T.25c
2 cans pears 25c
2 cans new plums 25c
Shell barks, new, per peck . . . .' .'S5e
Black walnuts, new, per peck 30c
large hickory nuts, new. per pock. .30c
Fine sweet potatoes, per peck. 25c
Less price in large quantities. ' !
$5 A- MONTH.
Trtatisll Forms of "
22 Yean Experience.
12 Vearsl n Omaht.
Medicina unit traar..
TTlRflL sent cvppvv hoRi
by Mail or Exprek..
Q t. T htt MTllfltl ih.. rt.a a.
HOJIETREAMltST that mm sand savee
yon tlm nnd monev.
to ",S combined in oil cases whw i .,dvin
able. Varicocele, Stricture. SvyhfiS in all Its
stages. Loss ol Vino and Mtaiii'. cpsimmI
from abuM or- Excemcs, Wtakiiei-. ml JDih
ordra of KUIhpv tind Kindlier.
case diaries low. book ! ree. Consultation
and Kxatnlnation Tree Office hour. 8 a. m. to
6. 7top.m. Sunday 8 to la. DR. MCCREW
P. O. Box ". Offlro N. E. Comer of 14th
and Farnuin St.., OMAHA, WEB.
Largest mail order house in the west of Furniture,
Hardware, Carpets, Draperies, Queensware. Our
new. catalogue just issued. If you have not received
it j ust send for one. Your money will buy more here
than af any other house furnishing store in Lincoln
No. 230 -ide Hoard
top 22x42 inches,
solid oak, golden fin
ish; 14x24 beveled
mirror, good value at
$ir; our ricc 1 2.50
where for 18,
our price
Oil Friday, December. 15th at 5 p. m. we will give abso
lutely free one $25.00 seal plush cape and one $12.00 seal
plush cape, " Enquire in cloak and suit department. for fur
ther particulars.
The Second, the Last and the
Largest Special Fur Display and
Sale of the Season will be held in the float
and suit department on December 1st, 2d and 4th.
An opportunity to save at least 10 per cent on Xinas
furs and then you can't help but procure something entirely
new for the showing consists of manufacturer's this season's
Manufacturer's sample jackets, suits, ulsters, etc., at
ONE THIRD OFF. Manufacturer's $7.50 .sample
Pkid skirts at One-Third Off.
Special Dress
Splendid quality half wool plaids in bright color combinations,
exceptional values per yard
A lino of all wool henriettas and wool
our price, per yara..
Elegant quality all wool imperial serge,
wool armure in tull line of tmades unmatchable values, per yard
All wool novelty dress goods 45 inches wide, heavy quality, regular
05c grade, our price, per yard ."
Bright finished blistered crepons in stylish patterns, $1.00 quality,
this week, per yard
50 inch black cheviot serge, extra quality, worth 1.00,
this week, per yard
Women's hose, cotton and wool
mixed, seamless.'double heel and I C
toe. a pair. ... . ." . . I Uu
Boys' extra heavy fleece lined cot
ton bicycle hose, lxl rib, extra
double knee, spliced heel and 0C A
toe, a pair .Lvv
Men's extra heavy mixed cotton
socks, seamless, double heel Q I Q
and toe, a pair 0 I "Oil
WVre Sole Lincoln Agents for,
Buiteiick's Patterns & Publications
, h . ii . ji in -j
(trm,r,m nail - JTT
y -it fc4.nriin,Hi jii,luti
No. 2:53 Side board
top 22x42, go den
oak finish, 14x24 in.
French plate bevel
mirror, sold every
No. 3 Solid oak, cane seat,
golden finish dining chair.
We have 25 dozen only to
sell at 90c each-
Special to Close
7 Garnet Base Burners
for hard coal only; full
nickle trimmed.
No. 15 - 55 inches high, 12 in. fire
pot, worth U25. wo have O I
one, to close out at I
No. lfl 57 inches high, 11 in. fire
pot, worth m. We have ffOC
one left to close out at.. ,...JtJ
No. lfl-4'1 inches high, If! in. fire"
pot, worth Wi. We have COQ
five to close out at
These stove have advanced in
price, but we haven't room on our
floor to show them and they must
he sold this week.
Goods Offerings
novelties, would be cheap at 50c,
double warp, 48 inches wide also all
Women's heavy ribbed grey cotton
fleece lined regular . 25c grade, I C.
this week, per garment, I 3 b
Women's part wool vests and pants,
natural grey, 50c grade, per gar- QQA
ment OOu
Boys' extra heavy, silver grey
fleeced shirts find drawers, all ORa
sizes, per garment LOv
Our Catalogue is free
Send for it
x Lincoln, Nebraska.
No. 5 An exceptionally
good value, solid oak. cane
seat, golden finish, embossed
back, at $1.20 each- .
i mm
No. 175- Solid oak extension table, goldea
finish, heavy 4 inch legs, top 42 inches wide,
6 feet at &;.'0, 8 feet at S, 10 feet tO.,jO.
We prepay freight on all
shipments amounting to
$5 or over for 100 miles
and beyond 100 miles we
allow the freight for the
first 100 miles.
H -