The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 30, 1899, Image 7

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    1'H K X.iilVjAWX i.(A4M4 Miu
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Continued From Last Week.
"Ah, what Is the matter?" asktd
Waldo, stopping at the foot of the lad
der with a load of skins on bis back
feat he was carrying up to the loft
Through the open door in the gable
Bttle Em was risible, her feet dan
gling from the high bench on which 6he
sat The room, once a storeroom, had
been divided by a row of "mealle"
bags Into two parts, the back being
Bonaparte's bedroom, the front his
"Lyndall made him angry." said the
girl tearf ally; "and be has given me
tjie fourteenth of John to learn. He
soys he will teach me to behave my
self when Lyndall troubles him."
"What did she do?" asked the boy.
"You see." said Em, hopelessly turn-
fciir the leaves, "whenever he talks
she looks out at the door, as though
she did not hear blm. Today she ask
sd him what the signs of the zodiac
were, and he said he was surprised
ahat she should ask blm; it was not a
fit and proper thing for little girls to
tulk 'about Then she asked him who
Copernicus was. and he said he was
one of the emperors of Rome, who
burned the Christians in a golden
pig. and the worms eat him up while
be was still alive. I don't know why,"
said Em plaintively, "but sh just put
her books under her arm and walked
out and she will never come to his
school again, she saya, and sue ai-i
ways docs what she says. And now
I must sit here every day alone," said
Em, the griat tears dropplug softly.
Torhaps Tant' Sannie will send him
away." said the boy In bis mumbling
way, trying to comfort her.
"No," said Ein. shaking her head,
"no. Last night when the little Hot
tentot maid was washing her feet he
told her he liked such feet and that
fat women were so nice to him, and
abe said I must always put him pure
oream . in bis coffee now. No; he'U
sver go away," said Em dolorously.
The boy put down his skius and
tumbled la his pocket and produced
a small piece of paper containing some
fcing. 0e stuck It out toward her.
There, take It for you," he said,
tills was by way of comfjrt ,
Em opened it and found a small bit
f gum. a. commodity prized by the
Ohildren. but the great tears dropped
down slowly on to It
Waldo was distressed, ne had cried
so much In bis morsel of life that tears
in another seemed to burn bim.
"If." he said, stepping in awkwardly
and standing by the table, "if you will
not cry, I will tell you something, a
"What Is it?" asked Em, Instantly
becoming decidedly better.
"You will tell It to no human being?"
He bent nearer to her and with deep
solemnity said: (
"1 have made a machine!"
Em opened her eyes.
"Yes. a machine for shearing sheep,
(t Is almost done." said the boy.
"There Is only one thing that is not
right yet. but it will be soon. When
you think and think and think all night
and all day. it comes at last," be added
"Where Is it?"
"Here! I always carry It here." said
the boy. putting his band to his breast,
where a bulging out was visible. "This
to a model. When It is done, they will
have to make a large one."
"Show It me."
The boy shook his bead.
"No. not till It Is done. I cannot let
ray human being see It till then."
"It is a beautiful secret," said Em.
and the boy shuffled out to pick up his
That evening father and son sat In
the cabin outing their supper. The fa
ther sighed deeply sometimes. Per
haps he thought how long a time It
was since Bonaparte bad visited the
cabin, but bis son was In that land in
which sighs have no part It Is a ques
tion -whether it were not better to be
the shabbiest of fools and know the
way up the little stair of Imagination
to the land of dreams than the wisest
erf men, who see nothing that the eyes
do not show and feel nothing that the
bands do not touch. The boy chewed
bis brown bread and drank his coffee,
but In truth he saw only his machine
finished, that hist something found out
and added. He saw It as It worked
with beautiful smoothness, and over
and above, as be chewed his bread and
drank his coffee, there was that de
lightful consciousness of something
bending over him aud loving him. It
would not bave beou better In one of
the courts of heaven, where the walls
are set with rows of the King of
Glory's amethysts and milk white
pearls, than there, eating Ids supper in
tiiat little room.
As they sat In silence there was a
knock at the door. When It was open
ed, the small woolly head of a little
Igger showed Itself. She was a mes
senger from Tant' Sannie, The Ger
man was wanted at once at the home
stead. Putting on bis hat with both
hands, be hurried off. The kitchen
was In darkness, bat In the pantry be
yond Tant' Sanalo and her maids were
A Kaffir girl who had been grinding
pepper between two stones knelt on
the floor, the lean Hottentot steod with
a brass candlestick in her hand, and
Tant' Sannie, near the shelf, with a
hand on each hip. was evidently listen
ing intently, as were her companions.
"What mar It be?" cried the old
German in astonishment
The room beyond the pantry was the
storeroom. Through the thin wooden
partition there arose at thnt Instant,
evidently from some creature ensconced
there, a proloajrod m:J proulglous howl.
followed bv a succession of violent
blows against the partition wall.
The German seized the churn stick
and was about to rush round the
house when the Boer woman Impress
ively laid her hand upon his arm.
'That Is his head," said Tant' San
nie; "that Is his head."
"But what might it be?" asked the
German, looking from one to the other,
churn stick In hand.
A low h6Uow bellow prevented re
ply, and the voice of Bonaparte lifted
Itself on high.
"Marv Ann, my angel, my wife!"
"Isn't it dreadful?" said Tant' Sannie
as the blows were repeated fiercely
"He has got a letter. His wife Is
dead. You must go and comfort him."
said Tant' Saunle at last, "and I will
with you. It would not ue tne
thing for me to go alone me, wno am
only 33, aud he an unmarried man
now," said Taut' Saunle, blushtng and
smoothing out her apron.
Unon tula they all trudged round
the house in company, the Hottentot
maid enrrvhiff the light Tanf Sannie
and the timau following and the.
Kaffir girl bringing up the r?r.
"Oh," 6id Tanf Sannie, ''1 see uotf
It wasn't wickedness made him do
without his wife so long, only neces
sity." At the door she motioned to thts Ger
man to enter and followed him closely.
On the stretcher behind the sackaBona
parte lay on his face, his head pressed
.Into a pillow, his legs kicking gently.
The Boer woman sat down on a box at
the foot of the bed. The German stood
With folded bands looking on.
"We must all die," said Tant' Sannie
at last. "It Is the dear Lord's will."
Hearing her voice, Bonaparte turned
himself on to his back.
"It's very hard." said Tant' Sannie,
"I know, for I've lost two husbands."
Bonaparte looked up Into the Ger
man's face. 1
"Oh, what does she say? Speak to
me words of com fort !'
The German repeated Tant' Sannie's
"Ah, I I also, two dear, dear wives,
whom I shall never see any moref
cried Bonaparte, ,flinglng btmself back
upon the bed.
He howled until the tarantulas that
lived between the rafters and the zinc
roof felt the unusual vibration and
looked out with their wicked bright
eyes to see what was going on.
Tant' Sannie sighed: the Hottentot
maid sighed: the Kafflr girl, who look
ed in at the door, put her hand over
her mouth and said, "Mow wah!"
"You must trust In the Lord." said
Tant' Sannie. "lie cau give you more
than you have lost."
I do, 1 do!" he cried. "But. oh, t
have no wife! I have no wife!"
Tant' Sannie was much affected and
came and stood near the bed.
"Ask him if he won't have a- little
pap nice. fine, flour pap. There Is
some boiling on the kitchen Are."
The German made the proposal, but
the widower waved bis band.
"No: nothing shall pass my lips. I
should be suffocated. No, no! Speak
not of food to me!"
"Pap and a little brandy in," said
Tanf Sannie coaxingly.
Bonaparte caught the word.
"Perhaps, perhaps if, I struggled
with myself for the sake of my duties
I might Imbibe a few drops." he said,
looking with quivering lip up loto the
German's face. "1 must do my duty,
must I not?"
Tanf Sannie gave the order, and the
girl went for the pap.
"I know how it was when m.v first
husband died. They could do uothing
with nie." the Boer woman said, "till
I had eaten a sheep's trotter and honey
and n little roaster cake, I know."
Bonaparte siit up on the bed with his
legs stretched out lu front of him and
a bnnd on each knee, blubbering softly
"Oh. she was a woman! You ore very
kind to try to comfort me. but she wa
my wife. Tor a woman thru Is my
wife I could live, for the woman that h
my wife I could die, for n woman that
Is my wife 1 could Ah. that sweet
word wife! When will It rest upon mj
lips ajraln?"
When bis feelings had subsided a lit
tie. he raised the corners of his turned
down mouth and spoke to the German
with flabby lips.
"Do you think she understands me?
Oh, tell her every word, that abe may
know I thank hert"
At that Instant the girl reappeared
. , i .. ..j
with a oasm or sieaiwus ruc uu
black bottle.
Taut Sannie poured some of Its con
tents Into, the basin, stirred it well and
came to the bed.
"Oh. I can't. I can't! I shall die. 1
shall die!" said Bonaparte, putting his
hand to his side. '
Come, just a little." said Tant' San
nie coaxtncly. "lust a drop."
"It's too thick, It's too thick. I snouia
Tanf Sannie added from the contents
of the bottle and held out a spoonful.
Bonaparte opened his mouth like a lit
tle bird waiting for a worm ana ueui u
opeu as she dipped again and again
into the nan.
"Ah. this will do your heart good!"
said Tauf Sannie. In whose mind the
relative functions. of heart and stom
aeh were exceedingly ill defined.
When the basin was emptied, the
violence of his grief was much as
aii.LTP(t He looked at Tanf Sannlo
with gentle tears.
"Tell him." said the Boer woman,
"that I hone he will sleep well and that
the Lord will comfort him as the Lord
only can."
"P.less vou. dear friend! God bless
you!" said Bonaparte. .'
When the door was safely shut on the
German, the Hottentot and the Dutch
woman, he got off the bed and washed
away the soap be had rubbed on his
"Bon." he said, slapping bis leg. "you
are the cutest lad 1 ever came across.
If you don't turn out the old hymn's
and nrayers. and pummel the ragged
coat, and get your arms round the fat
one's waist and a wedding ring on Her
flnirer. then you are not Bouapnrte.
But you are Bonaparte P.on, you're a
fine boy I"
Making which pleasing reflection, he
pulled off bis trousers aud got Into bod
cheerfully. t
Our Incubators
u r lw Br! mm lurai.
te ! plrwm crn
Aft rrni. w w i
7 mhm fnll 4,f rtDtlw
f ram poultry HHt
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Del Maise lcabtr U.. Bel M De Mollis, la.
- Bead our premium
offers on page 3. There
is money in it for ycu
oinjr i
come In? I bop t do not
disturb you. my dear frleud," said Bo
naparte late oue evening, putting his
nose in at the cabin door, where the
Germau and his son sat fiuishlug their
It was two mouths si ace he had becii
installed ns schoolmaster In Tanf San
nie's household, and he had grown
mighty and more mighty day by day.
He visited the cabin no more, sat close
to Tanf Sannie drinking coffee all the
evening and walked about loftily with
his hands under the coattalls of the
German's black cloth and failed to see
even a nigger who wished bim a defer
ential good morning. It was therefore
With no small surprise that the German
perceived Bonaparte's red nose at bis
"Walk In, walk In," he said Joyfully.
"Boy, boy, see If there is coffee left
Well, none. Make a Are. We bave
done supper, but"
"My dear friend," said Bonaparte,
taking off his hat, "I came not to sup,
not for mere creature comforts, but for
an hour of bootherly intercourse with a
kindred spirit The press of business
and the weight of thought, but they
alone, may sometimes prevent me from
sharing the secrets of my bosom with
him for whom I have so great a sym
pathy. You perhaps wonder when 1
shall return the two pounds"
"Oh, no. uo! Make a'fire, make a fire,
boy. We will have a pot of hot coffee
presently." said the German, rubbing
his bands ami looking about not know
ing bow best to show his pleasure at
the unexpected visit.
For three weeks the German's diffi
dent "Good evening" bad met with a
stately bow. the chin of Bonaparte
lifting Itself higher dally, and his shad
ow had not darkened the cabin door
way since he came to borrow the two
pounds. The German walked to the
head of the bed and took down a blue
bag that bung there. Blue bags were
a specialty of the Germans. He kept
above 00 stowed away In different cor
ners of his room, some filled with curi
ous stones, some with seeds that had
been in his possession 15 years, some
with rusty nails, buckles and bits of
old harness, in all a wonderful assort
ment but highly prized.
"We bave something here not so
bad," said the German, smiling -know
ingly, as he dived Ms band Into the bag
and took out a handful of almonds and
raisins. "I buy these for my chickens.
They increase In size, but they still
think the old man must bave some
thing nice for them. And the old man
well, a big boy may have a sweet
tooth sometimes, may be not? Ha,
ha!" 8a Id the German, chuckling at his
own Joke, as be heaped the plate with
almonds. "Here Is a stone, two stones.
to crack them, uo late patent Improve
mentwell. Adam's nutcracker. Ha.
ha! But I think we shall do. We wilt
not leave them uncracked. We will
consume a few without fashionable im
provements." !
Here the German sat down on one
side of the table. Bonaparte on the
other, each one with a couple of flat
stones before blm and the plate be
tween them.
"Do not be afraid." said the German,
"do not be afraid. I do not forget the
boy at the lire. I crack for him. The
bag Is full. Why, this Is strange." be
said suddenly, cracking open a large
nut "three kernels! 1 have not observ
ed that In-fore. This must be retain
ed. This Is valuable." .ne wrapped
the nut gravely In paper and put It
carefully In his waistcoat pocket "Val
uable, very valuable," he said, shaking
his bead.
"Ah. my friend," said Bonaparte,
"what Joy It Is to be once more In your
The German's eye glistened, and
Ii.uapar1s seised his baud and nqtiM
ert It wsrinly. They then proeceueu
to crack and eat. After awhile Bona
parte said, BtufHng a huudful of raisin
Into his mouth: .
1 was so deeply grieved, my dear
friend, that you aud Taut Saunle had
8("ie slight unpleasantness this even
ing." 1
"Oh, no, no!" said the German. "It
Is all right now. A few sheep missing.
but 1 make it good myself. I give my
12 sheep and work lu the other eight,"
"It Is rather hard that you should
have to make good the lost sheep," said
Bonaparte. "It Is no fault of yours."
"Well," said the German, "this is
the case: Iast evening I count the
sheep at the kraal. Twenty are miss
ing. I ask the herd. He tells me they
are with the other flock; be tells me
so distinctly. How can I think he lies?
This afternoon I count the other flock.
The sheep are not there. I come back
here. The herd Is gone; the sheep are
gone. But I cannot no, I will not
believe he stole them." said the Ger
man, growing suddenly excited. "Some
one else, but not he. I know that boy.
1 knew htm three years. He is a good
bov. I have seen him deeply affect
ed on account of his soul. And she
would send the police after him I I say
I would rather make the loss good my-
elf. 1 will not have It He has fled
In fear. I know his heart It was,'
said the German, with a little gentle
hesitation, "under my words that he
first felt his need of a. Saviour.
Bonaparte cracked some more al
mnnds. then said, yawning, and more
ns though he asked for the sake of
hnvlne something to converse about
than from any Interest he felt in the
suhiect :
"And what has become of the herd's
The German was alight again in a
"Yes: his wife. She has n child
days old. and Tanf Sannie would turn
her out into the Holds this night That,"
said the Wurman, rising, "that Is what
I call M-ueltv. diabolical cruelty. My
sou' abhors that deed. The mau that
..l.i -in onrh a thing I could run hlni
through with a knife!" said the tier
n his cray eyes nnsimig
wnpit beard adding to the mur
Ho looked In at the kitchen door.
The Hottentot maid who acted as In-
crpicter lictwecn Tanf Hannle and
himself was gone, and luut' tfanuie
herself was In Ix-d.
"Never mind, Bon, my boy," he all
as he walked ronnd to bis own room.
Tomorrow will do. He, he, hel
(Continued next weeek.)
Medinenbitui Abtwjr.
Medmenham Abbey, Bucks, England,
standing on ground which Danish tra
dition has made Us own, and almost
washed by the Thames, is In the mar
ket, after being restored at a cost of
$10,000. Little real trace had re
mained of the old monastic house,
founded by the Cistercians In 1200,
and the picturesque remains were those
of a manor of the Dufflelds, who held
the property from the time of the dis
solution till 1779. In the middle of
that century a set of pseudo "Fran
ciscans" came Into occupation of the
abbey, an order whosa rites and cere
monies would bave horriflea tno oiu
Cistercian tenants. 1 Bacchic revelry,
devil-worship and other practices were
ascribed to the bloods of the days who
forefathercd at Medmenham. with Sir
Francis Dashwood as their presiding
genius. The story goes mai one nigm,
In the midst of the "monks orgies,
tho party were overwhelmed with ter
ror at the apparition of a huge ape,
which had been lowered, down the
hlmney. For once, they thought the
ibject of their attentions had appeared
n person, and tho meetings came to a
mdden end. The notorious WllkeB
vas one of them. ' ,
141 So. 12th 8., Llnoolo, Vi
Gold Alloy Filling M.0O
Gold Filling . , $1.00 and up
Gold Crowns . . fb.OO and up
Set of Teeth .... $500
Best Teeth . . . ... $8.00
RIGGS, The Dentist,
141 Ro. 12th rt., Lliwln. Tfeb
Ntuc (u Creditor.
In the County Conrt of Lancaster County, He-.'
brHkn, la uia maivar 01 ina uw i
Ttt the Creditor of aid Estate:
You are uarrny nntuien, mai 1 wm a vmw
County Court Loom in Lincoln, is aald County, ,
on the iaa nay ar aprii, iw ana mu un .
i,d rfuy of July. 1WJU. to receive and examia
all claim affHinat said estate, with a Tiew o
their ndjuxtmaut and allowance. The tia
limited for the presentation 01 claim kiihj
aid eniate i ix month from tba 2nd day !
Jannaty, A. D.. 1I0, and the time limited tor
the payment of debt i one year from the M
day of January, A. D., 1800.
Notion of tlu proceeding l ordered puBlfkh
ed four week ucceiTely la The Nebraska
Independent weekly newspaper published u
Uii State. , .
Witness my hand and seal of said Cooaty
Court this 4th day of November, 1899.
(hbalI 8. T. Cociikan, County Judc
By Dudley Cochran, Clerk.
The Bock Island Walt Map or tba Ball
States , .
Is the best offered to the public. H U
very large and especially adapted to
school purposes. Every teacher of geog
raphy and every business office should
have one. It will be sent postpaid to
any address on receipt of fifteen cento to
postage stamps or coin.
Address, John Sebastian, O. P. A. Cm
eav, III.
tnw of hin aspect. Then,
u" - mint all
denly subsiding, he sam: ., .... .
now well. Tant' Sannie gives her word
that the maid shall remain for some
days. I go to Oom Mullcr's tomorrow
to learn If the sheep may not be there.
If they are hot, then I return. They
sue gone; that Is all. I make Jt good."
"Tanf Sannie Is a singular woman,"
said Bonaparte, taking the tobneco bag
the German passed to him.
"Singular! Yes," said the German;
"but her heart Is on her right side. I
have lived long years with her, aud I
may say I have for her an affection
which she returns. I inny say," added
the German, with warmth "I may say
that there la not one soul on this farm
for whoin I have not an affection'
"Ah, my friend," said Boli(Uarte.
"when the grace of God is In olif
hearts, is it not so with us all? Do we
not love the very worm we trend upon
and as we tread upon it? Do we know
distinctions of race or of sex or of col
or? No!
"Love so amainic, so divine.
It fills my oul. my life, my all.'('
After a time he sank Into a less fer
vent mood and remarked:
"The colored female who waits upon
Tant' Sannie appears to be of a vir
tuous disposition, an Individual who"--
"Virtuous!" said the German. "I
have confidence in her. There is that
In her which is pure, that which Is no
ble. The rich aud high that walk this
earth with lofty eyelids might ex
change with her."
The German here got up to bring a
coal for Bonaparte's pipe, aud they
sat together talking for awhile. At
length Bonaparte knocked the ashes
out of bis pipe.
"It is time that I took my departure,
dear friend," he said, "but In-fore I
do so shall we not close this evening
of sweet communion and brotherly In
tercourse by a few words of prayer?
Oh, how good and how pleasant a
thing It Is for brethren to dwell togeth
er In unity! It Is like the dew upon
the mountains of Ilermon, for there
the Lord Iwstowed a blessing, even life
for evermore."
"Stay and drink some coffee," said
the German.
"No, thank you, my friend. I have
business that must be done tonlrjht,"
said Bonaparte. "Your dear son ap
pears to have gone to sleep. He Is go
ing to take the wagon to the mill to
morrow. What a little man he Is!"
"A fine boy."
But. though the loy nodded before
the Are, he was not asleep, and they
all knelt down to pray.
When they rose from their knees,
Bonaparte extended his band to Waldo
and patted him on the head.
"Good night, my lad," ho said. "As
yoa go to the mill tomorrow we sunn
not see you for some days. Good
night. Goodby. The Ixird bless and
guide you, and may he bring you back
to us In safety to find us all as you
have left us!" He laid some emphasis
on the last words. "And you, my dear
friend," he added, turning with re
doubled warmth to the German, "long,
long shall I look back to this evening
as a time of refreshment from the
presence of the Lord, as an hour of
blessed Intercouse with a brother In
Jesus. May such often return! The
Lord bless yon," he added, with yet
deeper fervor, "richly, richly!"
Then he opened the door and vanish
ed out Into the darkness.
"He, he. her laughed Bonaparte ns
he stumbled over the stones. "If ther
Isn't the rarest lot of fools on this farm
that ever God Almighty stuck legs to!
He, he, he! When the worms come
out, then tke blackbirds feed. TTa, hs,
ha!" Then he drew himself np. Even
when alone he liked to pose with a cer
tain dignity. It wm second nature to
AT TKE y?rW&xM&
Whv not go in tba Cnara StUaaw, there la money SUA saie, aura ""TV
monlal. It unUks say eaSM mm MMMM. MKM ounw "J,?"""" , n nt.
they .ell rWl.t at tKr. t. .ChrMerjold 8 tJtttCiUV.t
weeM, vmn masx e vw - "
Uo DISEASE has so bafflcdtho rncmccl
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thaok mask
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It has novor failed to owe RHEUMATISM
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Here la wlint a Prominent I'hralclan has to say who has had SS
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I lilva never before in my 35 years of practice of medicine Riven my testimonial or recom-
mendatiou to any patent medicine, but titer Is a remedy, the result of which ha come under my
own observation ; for there is no DUnasa which has so baffled the medical skill of all ages as
hlientnatUm and to find a Reliable remedy for the same. At last we have found it in
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The "5 DItOPSM has proven itself wonderful for It curative power in Rheumatism, not
as a Temporary Reliever only, hut to give a Permanent Cora even in chronic cases. Sometime
rn I had anionir others several khenmatic cases, under tnv treatment and ore scribed for these
iiittents tne very nest Kemeaies wnicn t saiiiiuuy aciccica, oui wiinoui aesiraoie reauiia. 1 men
rescribed it to a creat number and to tnv
racks after they had used "5 miOftr
heard of " 5 DROPS " and of its Wonderful Core, and prescribed it to a few patients who
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and "0 Drop" Plasters they were Cared.
Among these were a few who had, for a number of vears, been suffering with Chronic
ill, Anmotism. who had oiloted themselves around on Crutvhes. Thev came to mv office with-
on I 'rntefcea and told me thev were nerfectlv Well. Thev eive all the credit to " 5 DROPS "
end jo "8 Drop" Plasters and this is their testimony to the 8 wanaon Rheumatic Cure Corn
f anr for tnetr mnauess ana lor ine conscientious w
ul Remedies among suffering humanity, which
oat and told me they were periectly well. They give an tne creait to -
for their kindness and lor tne conscientious way tn wmcn tney are placing tnese wonoer
emedlea among suuenng numanity, wmcn tni
ac know led gement.
As I havs seen the Curative Power of M5 DROPS" and "S Drop" Plasters, in a great
many instance. I can Truly recommend them and also that the firm la perfectly honest and re
liable to deal with- C, A. JACKSON, Physician and Surgeon, Kearney, Neb., Aug. 39, itoa,-
How. Lmb Harm Ymi MuH-tnl with RHEUMA TMM ?
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Do you not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough? If so,
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" 5 Drops " is a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
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Catarrh of all kinds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Headache, Nervous or Neuralgic,
Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Earache, Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup, Toothache,
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eases. ' 5 Drops " has cured more people, during the past four years, of the above
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curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and batteries
combined, for they cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism. Therefore, waste no more
valuable time and money longer, but try " 5 Drops " and be promptly CURED.
" 5 Drops " is not only the best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a f 1.00 bottle
contains 300 doses. Price per bottle Ji.oo, prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottles
lor f 5.00. For the next 30 days we will send a 25c. sample FREE to any one
ending 10 cents to pay for the mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day.
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