The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 30, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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November 30, 1899 "
r al i. iuA,iOBna Af tha TnHiu'mint readers for the orders we
WB LllHUK lUUU!)ouo v vv. , x . . .
have received from them since last Thanksgiving. , It has been our aim to
do better by you than we advertised. Many of you have written us that
you were more than satisfied, that pleases us very much, It proves to us
that honest, efforts bring honest returns. ,,.'
I Won't be Lona until Christmas and you'll wonder what father
motherlmsPei "Vothe" will want for Christmas, One never gets too old
not to expect something We have taken extra pains this season to gather
together the things that might be wanted for this occasion.
Meiissmoking jackets fronf .... . .$4.50 to SO.OO
Mimi's dress suit cases from,
...$1.50 to $15.00
Men's umbrellas from. .... $1-50 to $10.00
Mens mackintoshes $1-50 to $25.00
Women's jackets from . $3.50 to $50.00
Women's waists from. .$2.50 to $25.00
Women's suits from .$7.50 to $50.00
Women's mackintoshes from......'. 7. $2.50 to $15.00
You can'tf go wrong in your trading here.
Your money back if you're not satisfied.
Our mail order man is ready, send in your orders.
people are induced to think then is the
republic safe. The passive power of
millions of intelligent citizens will be
felt ill this struggle and neither dreams
of empire nor awe of standing armies
will stem the rising tide of their wrath."
The Post .says: ''The latest butietuf
ifiom Nebraska City is to the effect that
, J. Sterling Morton and Chaplain Mailley
went down into the Missouri river and
took a much needed bath. The surface
of the waters of the 'Big Muddy' was not
muci disturbed, however." It is com
mendable in the writer of the above that
he tried to temper tho wind to the shorn
lamb, but that does not excuse the inac
curacy of the report. ' If the Post was
going to tell the story at' all he should
have told all of it, and recorded the fact
that tho smell of them killed all the fish
in tho river for ten miles both ways, up
and down.
"We will have to wait awhile to get the
facts about the last campaign in the
Philippines. The censored dispatches
that have been printed in the daily pa
pers all bear the ear marks of fraud on
the face of them. Sift them down and
what is there to them? Take all the
things stated as accomplished facts by
Otis himself and what do they amount
to? He has captured forty prisoners, a
woman's wardrobe, a little boy and
bought thirty rifles from the insurgents.
One or two men of prominence are among
the prisoners. That is all there is to it.
Where are all those American prison
ers that the Filipinos hold? Where are
those 7,000 Spanish prisoners? Where
is Aguinaldo's army? Where is Agui
naldo himself? Otis does not allow the
able .md efficient newspaper men who
are maintained in the Philippines at
great expense to tell us about any of
these things, but he cables that the "re
bellion" is stjuelched.
Looking at the map of Luzon and
. comparing his dispatches shows that the
Filipinos hold almost the whole island
still, and that there is daily fighting ac
cording to Otis' own cablegrams within
ear shot of Manila. The island of Lu
zon is about the size of Nebraska.
Would we say that NebrasKa was con
quered if an enemy held a strip of land
say twenty miles wido from South Sioux
City to Rulo? Otis has not occupied a
larger staip of land than that according
to his own dispatches, and yet he says
'that he has conquered Luzon. Tho
wholo thing is a fraud on the face of it
and sent to be used when congress meets
next week.
Tho latest dispatches are to the efiect
that Otis has captured about 90 more
Filipinos and that a few of the 7,000
Spanish prisoners have escaped and
come into our lines. But during all this
time not a line has been received from
any responsible newspaper man. If these
things had occurred and were of the im
portance thao Otis would have us be
lieve, is it at all probable that all these
sharp-eyed newspaper men would have
known nothing about it, or fail to send
dispatches concerning it?
In South Africa, the British claim to
have fought another successful battle,
but the gloom that pervados London
does not indicate that it was anything to
brag about. There seems to be a revul
sion of feeling in England. In a bye
election to parliament, the Joe Cham
berlain crowd put up a military officer
and waved the flag and made the war an
issue, and though the district was
strongly conservative the jingoes got laid
out by a big majority. The. honest peo-
T7ndr Oniraat inmni 1
tloai to mIti bo rraod.
'thletiltn tad Book CDCC
OTT Pfl Cnrad
Tibia) o
i- - - -
pie of England are against tho war in
South Africa, just as the same class here
is against a war of conquest in the Phil
ippines, The tabulation of the official vote of
Ibft state was "completed in Secretary
Porter' office Monday afternoon but the
wvrk of footing up the columns was not
done until Tuesday. At noon the vote
for supreme" Judge university re
gents had beenjooted up. The returns
gave Holcouib a majority of 15,107 over
Reese Testers and Rich are shewn to
have maiorhies 6,791 and 1,885 respec
tively over JSfy , tho highest republican
candidate ior gont The vote for eaeh
candidate w & follows: Holcomb 109,
320; R3ese 94,213; Tcetrrs 101408; Rich
90,202; Ely 94,217, McGiltorl SG,i52.
News from China indicate that some
action must be soon taken to give that
island a free and independent govern
ment or we will have another war on our
hands. There is no telling what mis
eries this administration will bring' upon
us as well as upon the innocent people
inhabiting the West Indies and the
islands of the China seas.
It seems that the men who go to the
Philippines must make up their minds
to fight on foot. A while ago a cargo of
mules died on the way, and now another
ship loaded with horses and mules has
returned to port with the whole cargo
dead or dying.
A transport has arrived in Manila
with a portion of a regiment who barely
escaped. The ship was a rotten old
hulk and the men had to bail for their
lives with buckets for days. Part of the
crew deserted at Honalulu knowing
that the ship was unsafe and soldiers
took their place.
A regiment of British cavalry that
went to persue the Boers after the re
cent reported victory have not been
heard of for several days. It is proba
ble that they have concluded to go on
to Pretoria and live a while under Paul
Kruger with the other British prisoners.
The latent word from Senator Hay
ward is to the effect that he is slowly
sinking. He and his family have the
svmnathv of the whole state of Nebraska.
The physicians give out no hope of even
another rally.
Inconsistent -- Dnwey Slopped Over
That Casting Vote - Is it Safe to Trust
the People College Style.
It appears our Philippine army went
out the other day. ten thousand strong,
expecting to meet Aguinaldo with twen
ty thousand. They found only two hun
dred, but these were strongly intrenched
behind heavy breastworks. The Ameri
can army marched up in front, through
an open field and made a terrifi: assault.
The battle was soon over. Six American
soldiers were killed, but the ditch was
full of dead Filipinos over six hundred
were counted besides as many more
wounded. The next report was that
Aguinaldo was running for the moun
taihs with a lot of women and children.
With lots of squeamish people, Dew
ey's head is olT. He has married a cath
olic, and that is enough, The A. P. A.
has already declared war against him.
Then ho has deeded to his wife the
house that was civi n to him. It was re
ported tho reason for doing this was that
another woman was likely to take it
from him for breach of promise. One
woman taking him and the other the
house would be better than two women
in one house, Roberts fashion. Sny what
you may, it does not look just right for
him to give away the homo that was
given to him. ' It would be no more out
of placo for him to give away the sword
that congress gave him and not as much
for the sword is only an ornament while
the house was meant for his home. It is
all right that Dewey should knock his
own nose off, for it makes it more certain
that Bryan will have opportunity to
beat McKinley. It is always easier to
heat a man who has a crooked record to
No wonder Vice bart
was taken sick and died after giving the
easting vote, in the senate, against the
independence of the Philippine islands.
Vn v.Aa rn ovnr past that WHS SO U1UCU
in. tho face of the Declaration of Inde
pendence and of Liucoln s i.ettysourg
speech. His one vote reversed the doe
frinA thiit nil mnn are created en mil nlld
entitled to liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. After tms no people are w
allowed to govern themselves only the
Yankees. The deaths imd sufferings by
wounds and sickness and the waste of
millions treasury should make any man
sick unto death when a single vote of
his could have averted it all.
. V
Should we allow the people to take
n nur covernnwnt.
is a question at the head of all questions
today. mere ja a KrowluK imwi
among the millionaires,trusta and corpor
ations against the people having even as
much to say about shaping government
as they now have. They say the people
should not be trusted to decide impor
tant questions; they do not koow what
is best for themselves an4 fare just as
likely to decide wrong as right, we
must have a system of laws, say the
-i,.t-..nta tint tVin rwmlft cannot repeal;
decisions of courts that cannot lie re
versed, so the ncn peopie may kuuw
ko n Hnneml unon. A monarchy is
Wlinv v x" r
more iu favor with the money power m
the east. . , , .
All t.hft mnn od men. lilutocratS. VVO
Wtinniats. truKts and corrjorationistsare
r.iA frr MiKinlv. All tho newsDaDcrs
that depend upon party and government
pap are strongly ior mcxviniey auu un
policy. There is, however, a strong par
ty, and we think a large part of the
American people, who are ready to trust
the people. They are in favor of elect
ing senators bv direct vote. There should
also be power to prorogue fine senate,
iv. inoTuw wlipn Krvan is elected and
X W 1 Jll."L.l."-"l - - .
o mninritv nf the lower house of congress
is in harmony, and the senate is out of'
ine.the senators snouia o sent no uo
for re-election or aeieai. me .ojugusu
government prorogues parliament when
(Vioro w a hronk with the llfntilp. The
supreme judges, too. should be elected
at the ballot pox, . jjci it, do ior mn
thnn two terms. Im-
Jtaio ulia nvv ' ,
injt I ULlhi IOVTD nAAWM -w - 1 i
people. No act of any state legislature
should become a law without a vote of
three-fourths of tho momoers oi uu u
i if fUaamn tirao a majority
should Lave the yovver to submit a meas..
ure to the pcop'", a mnjonty vah
shcUJd sett
ie It;
Julia Kni'itW fooarinc the close of
her junior, ydaf in One of the high up
eastern coneges. iwj 'ie was. or
where she was from fcW knew or cared
to know. Sue was not finely dressed,
her hair was not always combed in the
highest stylo, she never used paint or
rausK. . tsne was not a oeaury, ner skid
was dark and her nose long. The styl
iaVi frirla pulled lipr ".Tule'' and when
they wanted to be more sarcastic they
called her "Western Jule." It was soon
discovered by all her teachers that she
was the best student 'in the class and
orVinnATi'i' n tinrhir was falliul awflv
Miss Smith was chosen to hear the reci-
nf inn ' Thia urns no nrpHit in the eves
rf tho "atnrlr nn' frirlJ. un wonder"
said they, "her nose is always m ner
books. ' bine was alwavs kind ana oDiiff-
ing but she did not take.
V f
Tliflpo trnro cnvArnl flrppk ltt.tfr so
cieties connected with the college but
not one of tnera ever asuea iviiss bidiui
to ioin. and it was a blot for a girl to ask
to be admitted. Miss Smith was not
disturbed by their dryness whenever
she fell into their company. At length
sno mnrniiKT MiM Rmifti urns sppn ryim
ing into the chapel with a handsome
young man. 'Who is that, "isn i ne
tine," "It's Julees brother," "No, it is not,
uho navar luiH no trnnH livikinira brother"
said another. The president stepped
T . . . i t- I I LL
aown irom tne rostrum, mjok uhu vy iue
hand and introduced him to the students
as their cominir professor in modern lan
guages, George Smith.
i hen there was a rush tor 'Western
.Tnln" Mh hnrl n AirAn invitntions to
join the Greek letter societies before
leaving the chapel. They continued to
rnuVi tit.r till th fprm flnu.H "It iri n
good thing to have a good looking bro
ther," remarked Julia as she walked out
of the chapel with her brother.
Wars Unholy Cr mes
"What is the cause of tho silence of
American poets concerning Americas's
triumphs on sea and land." -Literary
Wliv should the tKint of thete pregnant times
lie asked to Bins of war's unholy crimnil
To laud and eulogize the trade which thrives
On horrid IiaularatiaU or human lives!
Man was a fiirlitimr brant when arth waxvnumr.
And war the only theme when Homer rang.
'Twixt mfclitand migi.t the equal contest lay-
Not w the battles of onr modern clay.
Too often now the connuerine hero Ktruts,
A Uuluver among the Lalliput.
Of old, men fouKlit and deemed it riebt and just;
Today the warrior limits because lie mut.
And in his Kecret soul feels Nbame becnuae
Ho desecrates the higher manhood s laws,
Oh. there are worthier themes for jtoet' pen
In th is great liour than bloody deeds of men
Or Iriumphsof one liero (alioiigh ho be
DeserviuK song for his humility).
The right of many not the worth of one
The coming issues, not the battle done.
The awful opulence and awful need
The rise of brotherhood the fall of red.
The soul of man replete with (iod's own force,
The call"to heights'' and not the call "To hoi se !'
Are there not better themes in this great age
Kor eu of port or for voice of sage
Than those old talcs of killing? Song is dumb
duly that greater wng in tuns may come.
When comes the b ird, he whom the world
waits for. v
Hi will not sinir of war.
Klla Wheeler Wilcox in N. Y, Journal.
Friends of the Boer
Justin McCarthy, the great English
author, in a recent article, says, in
speaking of the African war;
"Airninst the war we h' ve such men
as I lerbert Spencer. Frederic Harrison,
John Money, James liryce, Ieonard
Courtney, Sir William Harcourt, Sir
Edward Clarke, and among the chief
movers upon the other side we have
Mr. Chamberlain, who is determined to
keen himself to the front in politics, nnd
Mr. Cecil Rhodes, who is resolvedjto boss
tne show, gold mines and all in sou in
Africa. I repeat, we should never havo
had this war if the conscience and the
common sense of the English people
could have only been , aroused. . at . the
riirht time. But the general public kept
on assuring itoelf that the talk, about
war would come to nothing; that tnera
was nothing to tight alout; that the
campaign was only being organized in
the "jingo newspapers;" that at the worst
the pope or tne president oi tne unuea
States nr KnnmtxMiv would come in and
arbitrate in accordance with tho spirit
of the Peace Convention at the Hague,
and that therefore the outer public need
not trouble itself about the matter.
Permanent School Fund.
A tahln Hhowino the reoeints and dis
bursements from June '24, lrMi7, to Nor,
Sale common school land J;l,41P.5'-'9.:St
Sale saline land !M.ltui
tl . 8. If o pet cent fund 4,Kl,sW.!W
Kscheated estates S ll,H3H.5rt
Saleof Judgments.... 10.W9.22
War warrants MW
Conscience..... , 4O.U0
Miscellaneous eiu.uu
Investment bonds and warrants. . .. (I,444,5:)1.M
Cash on hand , lK,4tW.(H
Paid out in premiums..., Mi,4is.u
Suspended account ail,7:.K4
Lost in personal loaus 1I),7A7.77
The investment held by the state
tt?Hjurer on Nov. W, 1898, was as fo'
IT, 8. Bonds......
State Honcls i
County Bouds
School District Uonds...
Ueueral Fund Warrants.
t n,ono.uu
The item "paid in premiums" repre
sents the net amount of the permanent
school fund paid out in premiums on U.
8., State and County bonds, after de
ducting the amount gained by the fund
in purchase of county bonds below par.
This item of 6.'K!,418.0G should be made
good by the next legislature. The item
"suspended account" represents tho
amount lost by the Bartley defalcations.
The item "lost in personal loans" dates
back to the period ending Jan. 11, 1871.
Loans to the amount of 887,800 were
made to variou- persons on real estate
security; $37,8(;'.i.'.!3 of these loans was
repa.d in cash; !it,G80.00 was settled by
the mortgagors deeding the mortgaged
property to the state; and $10,757.77 is
yet unsettled and never will bo settled,
To fully rcv til's vw tw would
',,. r. M-.f.Trmrlnfinn of ftM8.00C.?7
mm at is the '(inference between the
total reeflfr" the flmo,,nt o fecuri-
. ill ,Ja f lT, hand. Of this sum
ties and cash on v.i
8271.490.C1 1- directs fbargable to re
publican dishonesty and lneCThpoterjcy.
The premiums paid were necessary in
order to obtain grmd securities as an in
vestment. But ou' state constitution
requires these trust funds to be kept in
violate and undimlnwlwd, and the legis
lature cannot well itmor its plain duty
The permanent school iasd should be
' J -11 1 It. I .in.'nnJ
repuiu iur ttu lLWhfM il nun Muoiaxxiou,
All For Imperialism
The following letter has been reveived
with the instruction that "If you don't
like my sentiments, you can sling this
into the waste basket" But here it
goes. Read it and see what you think
It beats all what everlasting fools
there are in the United States. When
we shouldered our muskets in the 'COs
and went gunning for rebels, we were
out in support of the same principles
the fellows are gunning for now in the
Philippines, and we've been voting for
the same principles ever since, and why
should we bo so foolish as to kick? Mc-
Kinlev is our -man. He was in the front
rank (until made a major) and fought
for imperialism then, and is still at it.
Tho old soldiers ought to stand right up
for Mac through good and evil report,
because we were all righting for imper
ialism in the '00s, and its a .ihanie to
desert a couirade when he gets in a
tight place. Old Abo and Grant and
Logan and Garfield and Tecumseh - Old
Ilosey-Pap Thomas and J. 15. McPher
son and a few hundred thousand more
were for imperialism then. The rep-
party has always stood for that and will
always stand for the same principles. I
believe this is correct, or as near as any
thing the reps do nowadays. But, if
I've made any mistake, please correct
me, for its an error of the head and not
of the heart. W. F. Kfluhhi.
Red Cloud, Neb.
Aged Woman of Lincoln Criminally At'
sanlted by at Young Man.
The charge of assault with intent to
kill and commit rape has been placed
against John W. Ilayden, aged 83, a
grocery clerk employed in Lincoln.
His victim, Mary Dobson, is an old
woman, seventy-seven years old, and
keeps rooms for rent in the Carr build
i rig on P street.
Mrs. Dobson says Ilayden camo to
her place and asked for a room. She
did not notice that he was intoxicated.
She showed him to a room, and re
turned to her own, three doors distant.
She says that after ilayden had un
dressed he came to her room and began
the assault, which she stoutly resisted.
A terrible struggle ensued. She had s
large piece of flesh bitten from her
check, both her eyes were blacked, her
head bears several cuts, and the room
Is spattered with blood. Hayden's
clothing still bears blotches of blood.
Ilayden declares he must have been
drunk, as he does not remember that
he went to Mrs.' Dobson'a place, nor
docs he rcmemler what occurred.
The piece of flesh bitten from Mrs.
Dobson'a cheek has been placed in
spirits and is in the possession of the
police. It will be kept for use at the
While Stephen, the fourteen-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cunningham
was delivering milk In the south part
of Osceola and at the homo of Jc-ttiah
Locke, Mr. Locke's big dog lay on the
porch, and when Stephen stepped up
the dog jumped for him and buried
his teeth in the boy's face, lacerating;
it quite badly. The dot; had always
beeu considered rood, and this is the
first time be has been known to be in
the least vicious.
Woman's elnb work is oroRDercms
in Wakefleld, tree-fpurths of the ad alt
females of the town being olun women.
O and 13th St.
t !
Last week we advertised
I 21 fi IPs some great bargains in
ladies' capes ani jackets
and we will continue the
sale this week. Plush
capes 20 inches long, 90
inch sweep, fur trimmed, tl.50 each.
Plush capes of excellent quality, 20
inches long, 100 inch sweep, trimmed
with braid and jet, edged with fur $3.00
each. ' '
Heavy cloth capes, 28 inches long, yesta and Tanta, Wool
high storm collar, fur trimmed, 83.00 an(j Cotton mixed, light
each. , . silver grey ,
Extra heavy boucle cloth capes, trim
med with thibet fur, f 1.00 each
"I A I Ladies' cloth jackets
I .lOtn 24 to 20 inches long,
tmvr knranv and
boucle cloth, black
onlv. all crreat bar
ia ins 82.50. 3.00.$3.75.
$4.00, f 1.50, 85,00, $tf,00 nnd 87.50 each.
Compilation Give Holcomb Majority
of 18,107 Orer M. B. Iteeno.
The official canvass completed yes
terday by Seoretary of State Porter
gives Silas Holeomb a -majority ot
15,107 oyer Judge M. B. Reese, tile re
pttrjllcan candidats for judge of tjho su
preme cowl. Edion IUeh, one of the
fusion jiiidid.teg fo rk '"""!
1 " ...genu oi ine u&l
versity, came out with a majority of
only ), 791 over McGilton, one of the
repiiVlftAn candidates.. J. L. Teeters,
f sionlst, received a majority of 6,783
over Ely, republican. ,
The esact majorities were not known
until the state canvassing board com
pleted tho work of comparing the re
turns and foot! n j up the figures. Many
incorrect unofficial computations had
been published, but all the interested
persons were anxious to know the re
sult, as it will stand on the records of
the canvassing board. Judge Holcomb
remained at the state house until the
work of the board was completed. His
vote was 109,320, while Reese received
9-1,213. One of the surprises was the
increase in the prohibition vote. Chas.
E. Smith, one of the prohibition can
didates for regent, received 5,693 votes.
William Neville, fusion candidate for
congress in the Sixth district, has a
majority Of only 3,354 over Moses Kin-
Major KUllan to Le.
Major J. N. Killian of the First Ne
braska, who served in the Philippines,
and who is well known in the state,
both for his military work and as a
lawyer, has decided to leave Columbus
where he is now engaged in the prac
tice of law. He will locate in Virginia
where he will engage in the practice
of his profession. lie is closing up his
interests in Columbus as rapidly as
possible, having recently sold The
Hiene, the German paper which he
I,it ut. Osborne llenedlct.
W. H. Osborne was married at Broken
Bow to Miss Hattie Carr. The wed
ding, which took place at the M. E.,
parsonage, was a very quiet affair,only
a few of the closest friends and near
relatives being present. Mr. Osborne
served In the Spanish-American war in
tho First Nebraska. He left as first
sergeant of company M and returned
as first lieutenant of the Thurston
rifles. Miss Carr is the daughter of Q.
E. Carr, county commissioner.
. Din From Hydrophobia
After suffering awful agony for two
Jays from hydrophobia, Joseph Oibbs,
aged thirty-two years, of Willowdale,
near Westchester, Pa., died. His wife
Is afflicted with the same disease at
her home. Gibbs and his wife were
bitten by a rabid dog about two months
Winter is the Season of Special Danger
in These Ailments Those Who Apply
for Treatment in Person or by Mail
Before January 1, 15X10, will Get the
Benefit of an Unusual Offer as to Fees.
Catarrh of the nose, throat or bron
chial tubes always endangers the lungs.
This is especially true in cold weather.
The surest protection against serious
lung trouble lies in curing throat and
bronchial ailmento before the disease
spreads into the chest. For this reason
every person who has catirrh of tho
head or throat, chewt pains, cough, ditll
cult breathing or sore lungs, should
seek safety in proper treatment before
the cold and changes of winter work
greater harm. To extend help to the
greatest possible number who need his
services, Dr. Shepard will tmat all who
apply before January 1 at a fee rate so
1' w that none need stay away. This
offer is to all and all may come!
Catarrh of the Lungs or Bronchitis,
When catarrh of the head and throat
Is left unchecked it extendi down the
O and 13th St.
Ladies Underwear
50c EACH
Vests and pants, CO per
cent wool, light silver
grey, 75 cents each.
windpipe into the bronchial tubes, and
after awhile attacks the lungs. Ahiodk
the symptoms may be noted :
Coujh on gopi? to bed.
Cough in the morning.
. CoBffh. and hacking,
pain- " :':;l:.;v.
Pain in tho side.
Tflia behind the breastbone.
Pains au" V"VHgu Vuv
Painful burning in throu
Taking cold easily.
Raising frc-tli; nifit?ri?Ji '
Spitting up yellow roatler. ;
Spitting up little cheesy lumps.
Tickling behing the palate.
: Impairment of strength.
increase in weignt. ,
In Our Climate.
There exists in our climate conditions
which ever tend to the development of
Consumption of the Lungs. These con
ditions consist first, of the seeds of con
sumption themselves, whicn are eoutrhed
up and spit out by consumptives. This
material becomes dry and still holding
in its -meshes the seeds of the disease
floats in the air and is liable, to be
breathed by anybody. Only certain per
sons, however, who breathe the seeds of
consumption develop the disease. Just
who are in danger of developing con
sumption by inhaling the germs we can
not always know. A person whose gen
eral health is run down from any , cause, '
whose system is weakened, whose blood -is
poor and thin, or who has marked ca
tarrhal trouble, is in such a condition,
that he cannot very stoutly resist germ
infection when once introduced into his
tystem, and consequently is liable to 1
develop the disease.
Free Trial,
All suffers from any of the "above ail
ments, applying in person, will be wel
come to consultation and a trial medica
tion without charge.
Treat Throat and Lungs Now,
It is well known how lung troubles
develop from neglected colds, from ca
taarh of the head and throat that creeps
down into the bronchial tubes and
lunirs. It is common knowledw how
the raw, sore places along the bronchial
tubes, and even deeper in the larger air
pasi-ages of the lungs, afford the bacillus
f consumption that is often found filiat
ing in the air a convenient resting place,
where it can grow and multiply and
spread its deadly etrects to the party.
Now, in this changeable month of No
vember, a month of colds, of coughs, of
sore throats and inflamed bronchial
tubes, it is a i motion of life and death
with thousands. Prompt action in quiet
ing the inttomation soothing the irrita-.
non una ucauuK me Horencstj wun u.
gentle and effective inhalation like Dr.
Shepard's, means safety and comfort to
I hiwe who avail themselves of this cor-
lial invitation to call and test the heal
ing vapors."
. Home ireaimem.. -
Patients who live at a distance treated
with perfect success by the aid of th
Shi-pard symptom blank and patient'
report sheets, Kent free on application.
Address Dr. Shepard. 312 and 313 New
York Life building. Office hours 9 to
4: Sunday. 12 to 1. Evenintrs Wcdne?
days and Saturdays only 7 to 8.
umana, nu
Lincoln, November 23, ltW'
National Assurance Compan
of Dublin in
bax complied with thn Insurance Law of til
State and 1 authorised to transact th btiataW ,
of Firo TnauraucA in thi Stato for tho cam; '
year. t ' '
Witnext aiy hand and tha Seal of the AadP
of Public Account tha day and y ar al
Johh F. Coainu.:
Auditor f