The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 23, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    November 23, 1890
. R
"Ah far back as the history of Ireland can be traced in writing
mention is made of a coarse woolen cloth woven by the people of the coun
try, and known to them as frieze.
"The name is said to be drawn from the ancient Frisa in Nether
lands, whence, possibly, the art of making the fabric derived.
"Century after century it has been the cloth of Ireland, the distinc
tive dress of patriot, peasant or peer, and since the 17th century nn out
ward bndge of the peoples aspirations for nationality.
"While the men tended the herds of sheep and prepared the wool,
the colleens kept the spinning wheels humming and their looms clacking
with the materials for the great staple.
"Frieze covered Sarstield's soldiers in 1G90; it made overcoats for the
volunteers in 1782; it was worn with pride bv the chiefs of the olden clans;
by Henry Gratton, Daniel O'Connell, and by Michal Davitt and other
leaders of the Irish people.
"It is honest goods, there is no shoddy in it. The fleece is fine, the
color is fast,-the design is neat, the finish is artistic, and the wear is ever
lasting." .
All Wool -
Frieze Overcoat
Nicely lined Oxford
' 11 Wool
Correctly made, in Blacks,
All Wool
Frieze Overcoat
Fancy wool lining,
black, blue, gray,
) brown,
Try one through our Mail Order Department. Satisfaction
' Guaranteed.
If the republicans do put Hanna out,
-it is to be hoped that they will put Matt
' Ounv nr Torn Plntt in his tilace. Thov
are the only two rascals that are fully
qualified to fill Hanna's place.
According to Otis' latest dispatches he
has captured the wardrobe of Mrs,
Aguinaldo and the Filipinos are still
collecting taxes in the city of Manila.
Otis says that he actually caught a lieu
tenant-colonel of Aguinaldo's staff in the
act of taking in the money. Therefore,
we are to conclude, according to the as
tute republican editors, that the "rebel
lion" is "about" to be crushed.
The voting machines that were used
in several cities of the east gave the
most perfect satisfaction. They should
be adopted everywhere and especially
m Nebraska. Voting machines in
Omaha would have prevented the dirty
toick played by the' republican county
clerk and ousted a set s of judges that
have been a disgrace to the state for ten
Melting pot Morton is still inquiring
where the money came from to pay the
expenses of the campaign. He says
that "the plain people" wonder where it
came from. How does he know that
the "plain people wonder? He never
had atfy association . with them. The
plain people know very well whew the
money came from for they are the ones
who furnished it. They put up their
dollars month by month, and they are
awfully glad that they did it. They are
going to do the same thing nest time,
They have made a new departure and
they are going to keep it up.
Census. If ho did not, something ser
ious might happen. The Independent
will write a letter to the Director of
Census and ask the authorities nt Wash
ington to send Mr. Miller a spelling
book. If he is to bo the judge of the
number of people living in this district
he ought to know how to fpell "judg
ment." If the department can't afford
to send him an old spelling book, he
might go out and ask some old farmer
how to spell it.
The Independent has been very mod
erate in its estimate of the vote in Ohio.
Now that the official figure. have been
published it appears that Mark and Me
Kinley are 73,761 in the minroity, in
stead of 50,000 as the Independent has
claimed all along. From a majority of
62,000 into a minority of 73,000 is noth
ing less thau a revolution in the politics
of the state. Hurrah for Mark Hanna!
It Is to be hoped that he will be kept in
his present position as a leader of the
republican party. Any pop who says
any thing against it ought to have his
head punched.
common people and must stand or fall
by their own persona! worth and effort
r ew of our great men had famous an
cestors. The dependents of but two of
our twenty-four president" ever roomed
in the w hit House.
It is so with wealth. In this country
the law does not make it stick in the
sume family. We have no laws of prinio
genitive. The father may sleep in a
nitiuonairs grave and nis children n
pauper graver. There is ten times more
of the smack of greatness in the man
who makea money by his own ability
and puts it to a good use than in him
who heirs it Fortunes and crowns
thrust upon us by birth are no signs of
greatness or financial ability. There
seems to be a plausable excuse for peo
ple tne worm over to respect the rich
man. .
The clown, the jester and the funny
man were once rated as men of wit, but
today the writer, the poet, the philoso
pher and orator are classed as men of
wit or intellect And yet all cannot be
writers, poets, philosophers or orators.
The great majority of the human family
are snut out trom being great, either by
birtn, riches or wit.
Hut there is a hitrher realm of noasi-
.bilities which is open to all, the great
ness of being intelligent. A person may
have knowledge of a few things and be a
big dunce in everything else; such per
sons are not intelligent. Intelligence
may be defined as diversified knowledge.
To know a few things well is croditable,
but to have a genornl knowledge as wide
as humanity is far better.
A thirst for knowledge is as natural as
thirst for water. That thirst can be cul
tivated and strengthened as easily as a
flower garden. We ourselves are the
gardnera. Rending is the Amazon of in
telligence: and yet there, are other ave
nues of intelligence, those of conversa
tion and travel. Paupers and tramps
mnuy times possess knowledge that can
not lie found in books. The mechanic
and day laborer knows things worth
knowing. There is not a human being
whoso intellect and memory are roused
who does not possess sparkling jewels.
All stand ready to yield up their treas
ure when asked. Intelligence does not
bedfellow with frivolity or laziness.
We are passing through a reading age.
Intelligence is to bo crowned kiwr. A
single individual may wield a torch thht
may set a whoio community ahre.
la (.a
Important ItocUloa K.nd.r.d
County Court.
County Judge Spurlock of Cass eoua-
ty decided a very important case at
l'lattsmouth ia the suit of Domrlaa
sminn vs. School District No. 28. Shinn
had taught the school in that district
tar several years prior to July, 1897, at
which tune he entered into an agree
ment witli the then board to teach a
nine months' school at 539 a month.
ua September 7, the first day of the If you are in need of an elegant SUIT OF CLOTHING, or OVERCOAT for
term, Mr. hhinn commenced his school. vnnrAlf
his certificate in th. fim .i : " K we wani new subscribers
been renewed. The boarlr UT'.and ?re Valuable Premium
however, had changed, and the ' orour. e" ' securing tnem lor us. Show your copy to your neighbor and
moderator and treasurer refused to al- lnvit6 ftim 10 HUbsunb0 meeting of "The Farmer's Club," or any gathering
low mm to teach. He offered his ser- ul "lrujB ol neignoornooa. xou could easily secure a club of five to
vices anew to the new board, but met twenty new names. By doing so you will be helping the cause of reform, helping
with a refusal and another teacher us, and helping yourself. We guarantee the clothina to lit you; to be of the
was engaged rho suit was brought Actual Value Represented, to give satisfaction-if it does not, return it to
tTrnranaVh V have our guarantee that
uuuu a . , Hiunuuur, anoaav " v coma noi auora to send ont that k nri.
ingly. The defense took the ground of BOt, e clothmg thr0Ugh the ,arest and m0Ht roliable cloih dealer in thi
no eertiiioatc, but failed to prove their ' ' i'"" w icuuem oi uie inuiurBiaviun i- an opportunity
i mm mo money we nave oeen paying to solicitors tor salary, expenses, and
transportation. We are putting Money into the premiums that's why we can
give uio mgn class ana valuable premiums we do.
TccumaeU ClUxeus Extend Hie Glad
IlttnU to Lieutenant KuHn:iuh.
Inclement weather modified the at-
cendanoo cxpccteJ at the formal recep
tion and sword presentation by the
citizens of Johnson county to Lieuten-
nt Arthur U. Kavanagh at.Tecumsch,
and yet it was a vast throng that wit
nessed the exercises. An escort con
sitting of the Tecuraseh military band,
the reeention eninnutt. nt nimnntn T
Second resrinicat, Nebraska national and "'I"" sack, or cutaway frock styles. These suits
guard, Grand Army fraternity and citi- aro mlde from 20 -oz imported clay worsteds or a 22-
zens, accompanied th a lic-atenant from pz blue serge, They are gems of the tailoring art,
the home of his parcnts.on First street, being cut, made and trimmed equnl to suits selling
iv uju s , (,ianu in uie conn t 815.00 and H fiTiO: B 7.i M t drt
I . . A , ... . I ' '
nousoyarn. Altera HCiictioa Dy the
For a Club of 20 New
scntK'rs, paui one year iu
we will fend you this
MAN'S ELEGANT DRESS SUIT, choice of round
There is a great deal of talk in the re
publican newspapers about how the re
turned volunteers voted in the late elec
tion. The position that the republicans
take when they claim that they were all
for the war against the Filipinos puts
these men in the most dishonorable posi
tion that a brave man could occupy. If
these men were all enthusia-itically for
the war, and thought it was a just and
holy war, then they were the most con
summate sneaks that ever shouldered a
gun, in refusing to stay a ad fight it out.
There is no escaping this conclusion.
The Independent prefers to believe that
they were true and brave men, that they
saw no justice in the war and therefore
refused to re enlist That is the only
honorable position to take in regard to
the matter.
.A. ' .
"V Dun and Bradstreet had better call a
1 convention, get together and make ar-
i . ranj;emenis so tnai ixjtn of tnem can
tell the same lie. Their usefulness to
2 tne K!d standard propaganda will be
jj aesiroyea unless they do. liere are the
1 two reports they sent out last weA :
i I 1J....1..4 I ...
uiaumri-ei wiys: "xiusiness lauures
jn the United States for the week num
er 199, as ciraptirjj with 182 last week
and 229 in this week a year ago."
Dun says: ' Failures for the week
were 219 in the United States against
223 last year and twenty in Canada
against twenty-six last year."
Now which of these chaps shall we be
lieve? The probability is that both of
them arc liars. It pains us to say it,
but that is the probability in the case.
The Independent has recieved a letter
from the "Oflice of the Supervisor of the
Census, First District of Nebraska." It
is one of those mimeograph or manifold
ed things. This sentence was all that
could Im made out: "The Director of the
Census believes, and I concur in his
judgement" The signature, after much
difficulty was made out to be Frederick
W. Miller." The Independent Is very
glad to know thet Mr. Miller "concurs in
the judgement" of the Director of the
l CrV"
I M tlri ao fraad.
Our New Resents Bankruptcy Wide
Comparison -Gold In The World The
Monroe Doctrine Applied Intelli
gence Crowned King. -
We hope our new regents will not un
dertake to turn out all the professors,
tutors and employes in our state univer
sity who did not vote the rusion ticket.
It will be sure to bring disgrace and de
feat to our party just as it did . down in
Kansas. Things have been done nearly
as foolish, but we ought to have more
- v - -
The number of men going through
bankruptcy is a grand indication of the
gold standard prosperity. They pny
about ten gold pennies on "every thousand
silver dollars debt. The court expense is
mree or tour nundred times more than
the creditors get. When there are any
assets tne court takes time enough to
use them nearly all up. When the as
sets are all gone then the case is wound
up m a hurry.
It is rather wide to compare state, city
or school Nebraska with the
same expenses in the east. The govern
or or iew l one gets m,,uuu a year and
members of the legislature eet 85.000
year. 1 hat extravagance runs throueh
all state departments. They smoke twen
ty -rive cent cigars down there. Their
flush of money comes from taxinir us on
everjruiing we ouy or uiem, wniie we
are compelled to sell them our produce
at world's prices, less freight They
make the laws, that's whv. Cleveland
Harrison and McKinley have given them
wnat tney asked for.
Supposing there are a billion enld dol
lars, or gom to make tnem. in the United
suites, the gold of the world has not in
creased half as fast as the business and
population of the world has. Monev
should increase as fast as the business
in order that the paritv between monev
and property be maintained. (Jold and
silver together would increase so as to
maintain a parity between monev and
e saia to r ranee, "send no more
troops to Mexico. Those that are there
must tight it out with the Mexican peo
pie who are the rightful owners of the
soil and government." That was a slight
toueu oi uie Modroe doctrine. Now.
supposing that Japan and China should
say to Samuel, "send no more tnxips to
the Philippine islands." how long would
it Iks before our genera s would Im tier.
forated and the islands have a progres
sive republican government similar to
that of Mezico? The Filipino people
are much better qualified for such a
government than the Mexicans were
tifty years ago.
Intelligence is crowned kinir in the
realm of thought and intelligence. It
was once said that onlv three thimrs
could make men great and famous, these
were oirtn, wealth and wit. The easiest
road to fame was that of birth. Th rnv.
al sire excluded all competition and all
need of exertion. Such fame does not
depend on choice, will or effort, but
comes to a few whether or no. Th
theory that royal sires beirnt rnvAl off.
spring does not hold good in America.
A soon as their lungs receive our air,
that moment thev become one of our
$500 Reward.
W?e will pay the above reward for any
case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick
Jieaaacne, indigestion, constipation or
Ccstiveness wo cannot cure with Liver-
lta, the Up To-Date Little Liver Pill,
wlien the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable,
and never fait to give satisfaction. 25c
boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes con
tain 40 pills, 5c boxes contain 15 pills.
Beware of substitutions and imitations.
Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NER
V1TA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and
Jackson Sts., Chicago, 111. Sold by
Harley Drug Co., Cor. 11th and O Sts.,
.Lincoln, Web.
Wores of Cheer
Editor Independent Please send my
back account with one years subscrip
tion in advance and I will send check
for the same. The noble work you have
done for the cause of the common peo
ple of this great state entitles you, not
only to what is due you, but to the grat
itude of all liberty-loving people.' May
God bless you in your great work. I
nominate W. J. Bryan for president in
1900 and W. A. Poynter for governor.
Yours for a cause that must and will
triumph. J. P. Rouse.
Alvo, Neb. , ,
Now is the time to buy milliner trim
med hats below cost at Mrs. Gospers.
School hats at half price. ; "
Lese Majesty
A peculiir circumstance has occurred
m connection with the investigation of
the Standard Oil Co., by the Industrial
Commission. The commission has re
fused to receive and record the testimo
ny of Mr. George Rice, of Marietta, O.,
because some portions of it "retiect se
verely upon President McKinley, former
Presidents Cleveland and Harrison, At
torney General Griggs, and former At
torneys General Olney and Miller, and
upon the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion." So the plutocrats have found ont a
way to enforce the monarchical doctrine
of lese majesty without any act of con
gress or the consent of any legislative
body. Step by step we go on toward
When you want shoes go down O
street till you find a red foot with "Sin
derson's" on it. that's the ulace to buv
good shoes cheap.
band, Mayor George Warren, ia liehalf
of the citizens, extended a very cordial
elcoiiio to the distinguished visitor.
The lieuter.aut pleasingly renlied,
Lieutenant Kavauaugb was on tho
bridge with Dewey at the battle, of
Manila bay, carrying the admiral's
Senator Kaynnrd'a Condition Falls to
Senator Hay ward's condition has not
improved orer that of Wednesday. He
passed a restless night, his periods of
sleep being infrequent and of short
duration. The paralyzed members are
no neiter, ana nis pnysieians are
anxious and worried.
For a Club of 15 New Subscribers, pii one
year in advance, we will semi you this
Extra Fine
Vlnlted By Insane Patient.
R. O. Emmons, who now has charge
of the Lincoln, bloodhounds, reports a
peculiar incident that occurred the
other evening. During the night he
hsard his dogs making considerable
racket but paid little attention to it.
The next morning he noticed two foot
prints directly underneath his window.
He got out his bloodhounds, put them
on the scent and followed them. They
went toward the insano asylum, and
when nearly there he overtook three
men. Two of the men were leading
the third, an escaped patient who had
Deen captured mat morning and was
being returned to the asylum. The
dogs ran up to the patient and were
very anxious to get at him. This .was
regarded as proof that the patient had
paid Mr. Emmons a visit during the
made from a trip
pie mills En p-lisli
Kersey. Coat has wide silk velvet col
lar, is French faced; all facings
satin piped; all seams are silk sewed,
while the body linings are of the best
grade of Italian cloth; colors, blue and
black; true value $12.00;' sizes from
U to 48. V
For a Club of 12 New Subscribers
paid oney year in advance Ave will send you
this ' .
Not These Our Kindred
T1k lust for (fold and lust for empire found'
Hint the mild .Dutchman dared their way to
They Joined tlmir force to weep him from the
Move. aid thiSra; I will not, said the Rock
Kor twenty yeiir UierW-a has Hhouted. Uo!
for twenty years llie Kock has answered,
Now breaks the tempest! now the lifrhtninK
And liver and Hriton loin in fatal t.rif
And we. afar, bewildered sit. and keep
ij .1.: .1.. .i i ... . . ...
uiixiiiuK nif luoutnua uiaicm us iiKeaknire.
Are we not Britons, to, in eech and
blood t
Can we curse them and bless the alien brood?
Britons, but not such Rritons we; for lo!
lliese men who ffoad the patfen lioer today
Are heirs o: tliose who struck th insensate blow
At I.fxinuton and Co.icord. Tories they.
Whose hands hare smitten Freedom' form,
In all hor ctrifes with privilege and class.
Not these our ki . dred ! no. we spurn the claim.
lint rather thnxe who voters lmvft twnn Ki.lit
For love of Kii1iiikI. to avert thin ihame
Anil break Ilia spell hypnotic east by gold.
Oh ! for one hour of Gladstone' voice to
The cause of (iml aainst the claims of
(J reed.
Kowaid J.
Hessey on Plant Disease.
Dr. Kessey, acting chancellor of the
state university,- has just completed
his report as botanist of the agricultur
al experiment btation to be printed in j
the thirteenth annual report of the
station. lie discusses the diseases of
plants, poisonous plants, weeds, grass
es, and other forage plants, trees of
Nebraska, ond gives a list of the publi
cations relating to agriculture which
he has issued during the past year.
the most threatening of the plant dis
eases is that which affects the potato,
causing brown discolorations within
the tuber and eventually destroying it
Thus far its exact nature has not been
made out, and it will require much
more study and experimentation.
Boy's Long Pant Suit,
' v.vv ; ,:J '.
age 12 to 19 yeai, made of all wool ' , 1
cheviots in colors, blue, black, -or,', ' r
mixture of brown. Those suits are ,
worth $8.00 to bjny, which makes our '
-offer, a wry liberal one.'. .) , f ' f (
For a Club of 2. New
Subscribers we will send you an
elegant Mens or .Boys' Sweatter1
.worth $1.00, colors blue, black or cardi
nal, all have different stripings for trimmings.
For a Club of 3 New Subscribers
paid one year in advance we will send you this '
Qaub' Imaa Dm C.:j.
Make. . Partial Confession. -WJfO lllwW I Ollb WUIli
A Hastings, Neb., November 22 spe- Age 3 to 8 years, in vestee style, or 7 to 15 years in plain double breasted. Suits of
ime quality aie often sola at roo. Colors black, blue or brown, also Scotch mixtures,
It pays lo read the advertisements.
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat,
Spectacles Fitted Accurately. . . .
.... All Fees Reasonable
OFFICE, BURR BtX'K. 3rd Floor, Lincoln.
clal says a tramp was arrested at Don!
phan, Hall county, Wednesday after
noon on suspicion of having murdered
the city marshal at Aurora several
months ago. The marshal was found
deiid on the railroad tracks one morn
ing and it was supposed his death was
accidental. The tramp arrested yes
terday, while under the influence of
liquor, bragged about being responsi
ble for the marshal's death.
For I" NeW Subscriber P'1 a year in advance and your own re-
nof&ral ttrA tarill Land nn mm m
Boys' Silk Plush Cap worth 75c. sizes in boys, Ci to GJ; mens' sizes, tit to 7.
'inlvcrsity Statistics.
The statistics gathered in the chan
cellor a office show that the largest de
partment is that of Knglish language
and literature, with 1.2H9 students, the
next being (iermanic languages and
literature with 620; Methainatics num
bers 5.17 and chemistry 5'.'6; Latin 407;
physics 330; physical training 493;
romance, language and literature, 328.
It is therefore no wonder the class
rooms and laboratories are crowded.
The Russians are reported to have
occupied Herat on the northwestern
border of Afghanistan.
t ' : , ' '
W'e make the same guarantee for the
Hhoes we offer that we make for the cloth
ing offered above.
For Men and Women.
For new subscribers paid one year in ad
vance we will send you shoes as follows:
For Club of 3 names
Pair Men's or Women's lxst 12.00 shoes.
For Club of 4 names
Tair Men's or Women's best $2.50 shoes.
For Club of 6 names
Pair of Men's or Women's best $.1.50 shoes.
For Boys and Girls.
For 2 new subscriptions we will send you
Joke On Ilathawajr.
The police oflicers of Lincoln have
irreat joke on iSersreant Job liathawav.
A rejwrt came to the station that the Pa!r r Clirls best $1Xj0 Hhoes.
dead body of an infant bad been found . . . ...... 1)R CLUB OF 3 NAMES
in th nv i,n,.i, v Pa" ' y ot iiitW best $1.75 shoes.
Seventeenth and Eighteenth .treeU. . pair of or ow Jfg 0F 4 AMES
1 ne sergeant nurnea aown mere and T. hi . fTr t. a u tvi4. . r. ,, n
found a workman guarding a box that street, Lincoln, Neb., one of the oldest and most liable shoe housesin the state.
louKeu very mucn as inouffn 11 migm we fully guarantee them.
eontai n a corpse. The lid was slowly The above offers are srood until January 1st. 1900.
raised, revealing a cotton lining show. I Add res i all communications and make all money orders payable to
wm mvtikriy aVd the covering Independent Publishing Co..
the dead body of-a youngest LinCOln, Neb.
4- .