The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 23, 1899, Image 1

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    s, xa h i u i i ii ill ii w i ii i it ii r iih i n
Consolidation of the WeaJtbntakers and the Lincoln Independent
NO. 2.
Several letters have been received from
the readers of this paper regretting that
this feature "News of the Week"-is
sometimes omitted. ( Perhaps the com
j plainants do not stop to consider the
amount of work it takes to prepare it.
The mere writing of the column is a
small matter, but the preparation re
quires several hours of work each day in
the week. To each day look through
six or seven great dailies, containing col
umn after column of untruth, falsehood,
innuendo, baseless conclusions, worth
less opinions, slander and vituperation,
and sift out the facts, is no small job.
Sine the system of Russian censorship
has been adopted both in this country
and in England the task is still more
difficult. Yet to make the news of any
value, all that work must bo done.
As regards the news from the Philip
pines and South Africa, the censors have
allowed but very little to get over the
cables. There has been an advance
made in the Philippines and
Otis has captured Mrs. Aguinaldo's
wardrobe. So important did this seem
to the commanding general that he had
. " it cabled to this country at $2.00 a word.
He also captured a few prisoners and
bought thirty rifies from some of the in
surgents at $30.00 apiece. The, usual
cablegram was sent announcing that
Otis had Aguinaido and his army sur
m,,n,lrt. hut later it was said that the
surrounding lacked several degrees of
being perfect, and Aguinaido ana nis
army had again escaped.
Not a word of reliable information
has been received from South Africa.
All sorts of rumors have been cabled,
The British :censor does not let anthing
4r rr n that, henrs on the real facts, it ap
i ...v.f Una Unan nnhlisihed that
.pears Iruiu wuoi r
the Boor army has tnade advances im.o
tho British territory, and that in the last
ten days they have fought one battle in
which they were successful in destroying
a British armored train and capturing
lurfw number of prisoners. in an
other battle they seem not to have ben
m aiiwsful. suffering some heavy loss
es. They have Gen. "White and his ar
my locked up in Ladysmith and are
closely besieging tho place. There has
iuon nn communication with him for
several days. It seems that Krueger is
rnnd his statement that if the
British undertook to destroy the two
... . . 11
South African republics they wouia
f I have to pay a price that would stagger
The most interesting news has been
wnnected with the manipulations of the
funds in tho U. S. treasury for tho bene
fit of the old gang of thieves who raked
off 89,000,000 of profits under the Cleve
land bond deals. It appears that the
determination of (J age to buy $25,000,000
lond9 was made known to a few friends
of the administration in advance of the
public announcement. The putting
of several millious of dollars in the
banks of New York would of course
effect the stock market- money would
liecome easier and men could hold on
and make a raise. A certain line of
stocks were bought by these friends to
whom the advance information was giv
en, and when the money from the treas
ury came pouring into the banks, they
. sold out on a rising market. The rake
off amounted to a little over $48,000,000.
It is thought that not to exceed seven
teen persons were allowed to participate
in this deal. J. Pierpont Morgan and
five others who were in the Cleveland
deal were among the number. Here is
a nice little lot of millionaires made in
one day. The number of paupers that
it will produce has not yet been made
Then look at the matter in another
way. The banks of New York were on
the verge of a collapse. Two days more
of such pressure ns they were under and
half of them would have been forced to
close their doors. This was the effect
of trying to do business at present prices
with a volume of money entirely too
small. To prevent a panic, the secretary
of the treasury offers to buy $25,000,000
of bonds, pay for them out of the sur
plus in the treasury, and thus get these
millions into the banks. How did that
surplus happen to be in the treasury?
The government sold $200,000,000 of
bonds about a year ago and put that
money in the treasury. It sold those
bonds at 104 to get the money in and
now it buys bonds at 112' i and 111 to
get it out! A mullet head ought to
know that that kind of financiering
could be improved upon.
.In connection with the above, the
treasurer of the United States issued
his annual report in which he complains
of the national banks, becauso they did
not issue currency to relieve the strin
gency, lie says:
"la few state and two great cities
the national banks were entitled to add
to their outstanding notes these vast
sums: New York state, $41,702,200;
Illinois. 89.192.680: Ohio. $23,690,020:
Pennsylvania, $37,682,130; New York
city; $29,181,680; Chicago, $15,925,700.
The aggregate capital stock of
these banks was $209,357,413,
and circulation was $81,164,003.
The national banks of Chicago have a
ritrht under their charters to put out fla,-
925,700 additional circulation. The as
sertion is loud and persistent that the
western states are suffering by reason of
a lack of currency. At the same time
in these states, including the Dakotas,
Nebraska. Kansas. Montana, Wyoming,
Colorado and tho territories of New
Mexico, Oklahoma and the Indian Ter
ritory, tho national banks could under
the law issue additional notes to the
amount of $18,285,245. The existing na
tional banks of the United States have
a ritrht under their charters to add $345,-
020,413 to their circulation.
Then the treasurer gives the national
bankers a mild scolding for not issuing
this currency and points out to them
that this course will add influence to the
demand that the government should is
sue more paper money, which he evi
dently thinks is a most horrible doc
trine. Now, here is another demonstration
of the truth of the populist doctrine
concerning the republican plan to make
an "elastic currency." The elasticity
always works the wrong way. The time
when the currency should be put in cir
culation is the very time when the banks
will contract theirjissues. There is not
an instance in all history where they
have failed to do so. If they did any
thing else they would bring on the panic
on the wings of the wind. Mr. Roberts
may scold tho national bankers all he
pleases, but not a bank will issue more
currency until times are better. Every
economist in tho whole world, of any au
thority, has time and again pointed out
the fallacy of this doctrine of an elastic
currency, :to be made so by issues of
promises to pay money. What is want
ed at such times is not promises to pay
money, but the money itself.
The latest, news from Washington is
to the effect that as soon as congress
meets a desperate effort will be made to
pass 'the Hanna shipping bill, by the side
of which all modern steals fado into in
significance. J. Pierpont Morgan's 89,
000,000 steal in that bond deal, is pin
money beside this colossal plan that
Mark Hanna has formulated.
It is announced from London that tho
British will hang every man other than
Boers found righting in Paul Krueger's
army, without judge or jury, as soon as
thev can capture them. There are 4,000
American miners who enlisted in that
army of their own free will. McKinley
will never raise his hand to protect
John T. McCutcheon sends a dispatch
from Manila under date of November 21,
in which he says that Aguinaido has es
caped with his whole anry and practi
cally all his supplies, and that the 1 ill-
pinos are appearing in large force to the
south of Manila around Cavita. Lawton
has disappeared in the north part of the
island and nothing has been heard of
him for several days.
The news, thL Thursday morning, is
to the effect that the Boer army in South
Africa has made an advance and there
are thousands of them in the rear
of the English forces. It appears
that there is a general uprising of the
Dutch in Natal. The English have or
dered the mobilization of another divis
ion of troops. Kruger is keeping his
word as to what it would cost England
to destroy two republics.
Another astonishing bit of news is
that the Russians have at last occupied
Herat, the long disputed "gateway to
India. For twenty years, whenever a
Russian force was moved toward that
place, the whole British nation has got
up and howled, manned their ships
and threatened war. It ' seems
that the Russians have taken ad
vantage of Joe Chamberlain's foolish
ness and gone ' without opposition.
This may chang the whole face of af
fairs in Africa and India.
Senator Hayward improved some dur
ing the first part of the week, but had a
relapse and at last accounts was in a
very serious condition.
In this week's issue are several adver
tisements that deserve the attention of
our readers. The Armstrong Clothing
Co. of Lincoln, the Nebraska Clothing
Co. of Omaha, Ilerpolsheimer Jfc Co.'s
department store, and Miller & Paine's
dry goods house, are among the largest
business institutions in the west Each
of them have a valuable and interesting
advertisement in this paper. It will pay
you to read them and send in a mail or
der. Money saved is as good as money
nttde. Try it
They are Manufacture with so I.IU11 Skill
that they will Fool Nobody. !
Of all the silly electioneering schemes
ever devised, tho manufa:ture of Agui
naido proclamations is the silliest. ' Ac
cording to the republican literary bu
reau Aguinaido is the greatest procla
mation manufacturer that ever lived, it
is a good thing that the Dingle bill
provided no schedulejof tariffs for procla
mations or the Mark Hanna fund would
bo greasy depleted. The following is
the latest there may be two or three
more before the readers of this paper see
it in print but up to the present (writ
ing it is really the very latest: i
v,ni,niivfr H. C. Nov. 18. Atfukialdo
evidently took (1 great interest i the
recent United .States elections, ia a
proclamation, a copy of which was re
ceived via tho Empress of China, he says
that in America there is a great : party
that insists upon tho government Recog
nizing Filipino independence.
"They will compel their country," says
the proclamotion, "to fulfill the promises
miwla tn im in all solemnity and! faith,
although not put in writing. , We there
fore pray uod on nign MM uie. Krcuk
democratic party in the United Plates
.;n ,v in Ka riBrt. eWt.inn and that im
perialism will fail in its mad attempts to
subjugate us Dy iorce or arms, wc uj
Hn-B nnr h fines on the right thinking
of the American people. There are,
moreover, some Americans nere iu me
Philippines wgo joined our side because
th.,v riijnnnrnvB of the war. which At
. - i i . ,
kinson calls crimiual aggression, and
... i r ,.Ji l.i
tneae Americans, wnen uucni wj
CUullLcl wi iriuiu i wii r- i ?
have declined. Oh, my beloved pompa
triots, turn your eyes on the loneliness
of our virgin mother couniry, ana m
filial ritv hrinrr ent'h rf von a handful of
ashes to scatter over her naked beauties
to hide them from view lest tney excite
the passions of strangers and cause her
to be outraged." . ? ' '
Any man who could believe that n
Spanish speaking Tagal could write in
that stylo could believe that Mark Han
na ii a saint or that he never had a
mortgage on McKinley for $180,000. Just
think of a Spanish speaking writer using
such phrases as "right thinking." Look
at the construction of the sentences and
compare them with anything Spanish
that has over been put into English.
The Independent advises the xelican
bureau that if it intends to keep up the
manufacture of Aguinaido proclama
tions, that it call in some Spaniard, tell
him what they want and when he has
prepared it in Spanish, translate fo as to
keep some of the forms of expression
common to that language in their pro
duction. It doesn't do any good to put
out proclamations where the fraud is so
very apparent. It s a waste of money.
It does not fool anybody.
The Pentlamt Have Utilized Tin-in to Ferli-
llr.e their Country, but the United
State Spend it Money in
AVarn of Couquent.
The great subterranean rivers of the
West, which slowly wend their silent
way, hundreds of foet lelow the earth's
surface, have their counterpart on the
other fat of the globe. The Caspian
Sea Ls fed by many subterranean
streams. These streams, like thoso of
our own arid regions, take their sources
in the mountains which are covered by
perpetual snow. The water from this
melting show percolates downward to a
deep-laying, impenetrable strata, where
it begins its underground passage to the
sea. Nearly the whole of Persia is nat
urally desert There is scant rainfall
and the rivers are so few that irrigation
from that source is very limited and
serves only a small portion of the coun
try. Centuries ago the Persians stum
bled upon the idea of tapping the under
ground streams or springs at the bases
of the mountains and the transition of
the Persian desert into a land of great
fertility is duo to this constant source of
water supply. But water has been ob
tained only through the most indefatiga
ble labor.
A well is sunk in the foothills to a
depth of anywhere from 100 to 300 feet
When this taps the vein of water, an
other shaft is sunk a couple of hundred
yards further down the slope, which is in
fact a gentle descent of the table land
from the mountains. A canal or subter
ranean aqueduct is then excavated be
tween the two shafts. At a similar dis
tance farther down another shaft is sunk
and likewire connected with the second;
and so the canal or "conneaugh" as it is
called, is carried for miles. As the con
neaugh is given just fall enough to al
low of a free flow of water it gradually
approaches the surface utill when it draws
near to the land to be irrigated, the
stream comes forth a pearling, bubbling
brook, dancing in the brilliant sunshine
as it rushes on its mission to redeem the
sterile waste places of nature. For
miles it goes through what was at one
time a desert but which under the magic
influence of this elixir of life, becomes a
garden of the gods. It feeds fountains
around which in languorous indolence re
pose the dark-eyed beauties of the ha
rem; it furnishes the baths, those luxu
ries of the Orient; it waters wonderful
gardens where, in dazzling profusion,
bloom throughout the year, the rose,
crysanthemum, narcissus, tuberose, dah
lia, white lily and aster, besides fantas
tic shrubs and rare exotics, heavy with
rich perfumes. Here grows to perfec
tion the apple, pear, peach, nectarine,
pomegranite, Albert, melon and grapo,
und many unknown tropical fruits in
such abundance as to bewilder the traveller.
Where the soil admits of percolation,
the land is flooded in small squares from
lateral ditches. On such lands, barioy,
wheat any other cereals are grown to
great perfection. Again, irrigation is
accomplished by a network of ditches
and furrows, The mills wnicn gnna me
grain are run by tho current of tho greut
irrigation ditches.
The cities of Persiowcure the water
necessary for domestic use from these
these uitches. Thecopltoi, leneran, nas
no less than twenty large artificial
streams flowing through it, constituted
in the manner described from tne under
ground currents.
The land lying adjacent to these ce
cals is entitled to tho use of the water,
the amount being regulated by law
Each district is under an overseer whoso
duty it is to see to the proper applica
tion of the water and that there is no
Wealthy private individuals have also
constructed ditches for their own use,
furnishing the water to their tenants;
but land contiguous to their canals is
entitled to certain water rights even if
not belonging to the owners or the
ditches. Title to tho use of water is in
herent in the land und each section of
land is certain of its water supply.
When the immense amount of labor
involved in sinking shaft and connect
them by underground tunnels is consid
ered together with the fact that only tho
most priuiative methods are yet in vogue
the anglo Saxon canbut marvel at tho
industry displayed in the accomplish
ment of such gigantic but necessary
tasks. SomeJsections"of '( Persia,' espec
ially those along the natural rivers,
could add to their irrigated area by , the
use of storage reservoirs; but the greater
part of the country has no flood waters
to store, the melting snows but serving
to keep alive the underground streams.
Even in this despotic tyrantridden
country, it has been found best, nay,
neeessary to maintain government su
pervision of irrigation waters, which is
the life-blood of the nation. With a
loose system of water control, tho land
would aguin be desert.
In this country, plutocracy, with a
madness that i-i incomprehensible to any
man who has not been inoculated with
its virus, plunges onward, spending mil
lions in cruol wars of conquest, while
one-half of the money thus expended, if
used in irrigating the rich plains of tho
west, would furnish happy homes for
millions. How long Will It bo before the
people put a stop to this waste of blood
and money?
The Patriot's Pledge
The following pledge is being signed
by tens of thousands all over the east
ern states:
Wo', tho undersigned voters, pledge
ourselves to each other and to the Amer
ican people to subordinate all other po
litical issues in-1900 to preservation of
the free popular government, founded
by Washington and saved by Lincoln;
to oppose at all costs tho degradation of
this democratic republic into a military
empire, and to cast our ballots in favor
of only such purty platform and candi
dates as shall be thoroughly loyal to the
declaration of independence, the consti
tution of the United States, and the
equal rights of all mankind.
Looting Permitted
Army Secretary Peyton of the Episco
pal Church, charges the army in the
Philippines with universal drunkenness,
and here is a statement by one of the
most reliable war correspondent in the
Philippines declaring that looting is be
ing carried on under direction of the
officers. After few years of such ser
vice what sort of citizens will these men
make when they return to their own
country. If war in tho Philippines "is
hell" when these men get back we will
have a little of it ourselves. The follow
ing is what this correspondent says:
Looting was permitted without a rep
rimand. With the exception of houses
that were occupied, there was scarcely
a shack that was not visited. There was
one officer, whose name will ever remain
unwritten, who went into a nipa hut.
On the wall was a camesa, or gentleman's
shirt, of the kind worn by the Filipinos.
The officer took this from the peg upon
which it was hanging. Beneath there
was a silver watch, open faced, and run
ning. The shirt was quickly hung back
and the officer looked around to see if
any one was looking. By this time sev
eral men not bearing commissions were
climbing the bamboo ladder to the door.
It would have been a bad precedent to
set; the taking of anything before the
eyes of the soldier. So the officer waited
until the men should go away. But
they did not go. A fellow officer called
from the street and invited the gentle
man who told the story to go down the
road a little way on business connected
with the command. The officer in ques
tion complied, but when he had gone
past two houses made an excuse that be
must return for a moment When he
reached the hut no one was there. Nei
ther was the watch nor the shirt One
resident had a good library. There were
books of travel, history and some fine
geographies and maps. The soldiers
could not carry them away, so they
started their camp tires with them. The
soldiers dressed in all the finery of the
Filipino fop. They wore silver buckles
on their hats. The insurgent Roldicr
had been driven from the towns, but
they hid in the fastnesses of the jungle
and two hours after the rear guard of
the American army had gone they were
back in their old trenches and trying to
restore the confidence of the frightened
citizens. Harry A. Ahmstromi.
She GetN part , of Another lnatrh
Through to the New York Journal.
The English censor is fully equal to
our own in the Philippines. Olive
Schreiner has been trying for a month
to make a statement to the world on the
conditions in South Africa. She has
been able so far to get only a few words
through. Her last dispatch was stopped
in the middlo of a sentence in the way
that the first one was. It appeared in
tho New i'ork Journal last Sunday and
is i follows: : ' ' ,
t Cape Town, Nov. 13.
To the editor of tho Journal. Three
acts have taken pluce in tho African
tragedy. -
The first act was played ten years ago,
when tho charter was granted to a ring
of speculators, and tho principle govern
ing English rule in South Africa for the
first time was departed from, and imper
ial rule allied itself with tno speculations
of t he snare market. .
Five yours ago came the second net,
when tho raid on Transvaal gold lields
by the Chartered band was organized
and failed.
Since then the same ring has prepared
for tho third act by a colossal system of
lies regarding the best goverened min
ing camp in tho world. They have pro
duced theis bloody war, in which, the
flower of the English army and the
noblot.t men born on African soil lire
But the English gentlemen of the
sword will recognize the African gentle
man of the veldt, albeit their coats nro
of different cut, and it is not from the
brave English soldier that there will
ccod those lies regarding the most mag
imous little Teutonic folk on earth,
which have wrung the heart of South
Africa and
Tho message ends abruptly in the
middle of a sentence. Evidently it has
met tho same fate as tho first, which
Olive Schreiner sent to the Journal
few weeks ago. It was cut off, by the
British censor. The cable operator at
Capo Town concluded the dispateh with
these words: "Messago cut off here,
Signed by Olive Schroinor."
Farmers Club Meeting
The members of the Lancaster county
Farmers' Club assembled at the home
of Mr, p.nd Mrs. Leonard on November
10. A largo number wa3 in attendance
considering tho close confinement of tho
t A line dinner was served, oftcr which
a good program was listened to, which
wus opened by singing. Mrs. Drain then
read a selection entitled "Dreams and
Visions." A long recitation was next
given by Miss Elva He&cott. Select
reading, Miss Hattio Mniin. Mr. Cook
then made a fifteen minute talk which
was quite interesting. After consiJer
ing some cordial invitations for tho De
cemlier meeting, it was decided to meet
with Mr. and Mrs. Auckerman.
Election of oflicers was then in order.
It was moved and seconded to suspend
the rules and elect by acclamation: Mr.
Leonard was unanimously chosen for a
second term, the first being so faithfully
and successfully executed. Mr. Pas
water was also re-elected for vice presi
dent. Clyde Hollenbeck was elected
secretary and Miss Elva Wescott as
sistant. After the election of officers Mrs.
Hotchkiss treated the club to a very nice
piece of music.
The subject for discussion was "stock
raising vs. general farming." Mr. Hurd
favored farming in this state, while he
thought stock raising was morefjuitejdto
tho western states.
Mr. Leonard was strongly in favor of
stock raising in the dairy line, although
he thought dairying linked with farming
was the most profitable. Mr. Syford
then opposed this view of the question
showing that dairying produced so much
extra work, especially for the woman.
He favored raising and shipping leef
stock, it being easier and more profita
ble. Mr. Cash believed the large amount
of wealth produced from stock raising
was from the dairy cow.
A vote of thanks was extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard for their hospitality,
the members departing to meet with Mr.
and Mrs. Ackerman, Dec. 21. 1H99
Following is the program: Music; se
lect reading, Mrs. Drain; recitation, Miss
Hattie Mann; select reading. Mrs. Brin
ton ; recitation, Clyde Hollenbeck; music.
Question for discussion: What price can
a man afford to pay for land in this com
munity for the' purpose of mixed farm
ing? Opened by Leonard, Hermance,
Mann, Lature and others.
The cash now in the treasury amounts
to 14.55, received of Mr. E. L. Bauman.
The reports heretofore published by
the late secretary, Mr. E. L. Bauman;
casting uncomplimentary reflections up
on Mr. W. D. Mann and others, have
been expunged from the records, and the
secretary ordered to give the same wide
publication in the newspapers of the
county. I. N. Lkonard. President. ,
Cltdh Hom.knhkck, Sec.
Elva Whmxht, Assis. Sec.
The Minister Fled.
Editor Independent: Rev. Mrs. Cal
kins, from Michigan, held a series of
suffrage meetings at the Methodist
church in Aurora last week, commenc
ing on Thursday night The minister
was to' open the first service after prayer
meeting. When prayer meeting closed,
the minister showed the white feather
and that was the last seen of the pastor
of the M. E. church during the two days
the suffrage and reform meeting lasted
in his church.
Mrs. Calkins talked on woman suff-
rage, reform and loyalty to the flaff f
the free, and against the republican
whiskey trust and all the evils resulting v
from the republican rum traffic, and of
disloyalty to the constitution and th
declaration of independence. We havt
other churches in Aurora, but the only
ministers faithful at this woman suffrage
meeting was J. W. Zimmerman of th
United Brethren church and Rev. Frisk
of the Evangelical church. One other
pastor was at one meeting. 1 send you
a letter just on this subject: '
Maduhvillk, Im. Nov. . 1HW.
'Well, how do the people out in Ne
braska like the war in the Philippine!
by this time? I. was at Manila six
months, and say thut there is hot a ghost,
of a show for Prn tenant reforms until "
the United States withdraws her army
from there. It is simply an army of ;
"Think of nn army of drunkards fron
civilized and christian America putting
toshitmctlie heathen of these island.
becauso they can talk chriHtiamtyt
How will it boom the administration?;
Is it any wonder that a day of thanks-.
giving should oe namea: n surciy
ought to be a day of fasting and prayer-
and lamentation. ,
"Yours for a free government to all
people, v ,
Army secretary rayton,
By J. F. Spriggs."
W. M. Laki.w
Aurora, Nebraska.
The Falsehood and FraniU I'erpetratetf
by the lllg and Little Re publican
The republican newspapers are very
much alike. Big and little, they all fol
low tho same course. They never make
a truthful statement of facts or under
take to construct an honest argument.
The following examples will illustrate
this statement. A short time ago the
New York Sun, which is one of the big
guns, published tho following: '
"The defects and disasters of peae
under Cleveland have boon exchanged
for the victories of war and the triumphs
of common seuse under Mckinley, whos
administration has had two foreign warn
to carry to a successful and honorable
end, and yet at this stage of its course
reduces the national debt by twenty-five
millions of dollars! The secretary of the
treasury's announcement yesterday that
he desired to buy in government bonds
to that amount is pregnant with instruc
tion to all." . -
A little one, the Stale Journal, com
ments upon that statement after the fol
lowing fashion:
"Five years ago President Cleve
land was- selling ' United States
bonds, drawing the alarmingly high rate
of 4 and 'i per cent interest. This wan
in a time ot peace. Befoie tho new ad
ministration has been in power three
years it stands ready to begin. paying off
the national debt, in spite o tremen
dous ex irnordinary expenses, and natur
ally offers to call in the Cleveland bonds
first in order to stop thia great, interest.
The New York Sun feels called upon to.
sing a little paen in honor to this great
national achievement"
To fully understand the duplicity t
these two, the big gun and the little
gun, reflect that both of these papers,
were ardent supporters of the Cleve
land iolicy that they now denounce
That shows their consistency and how
much weight should be given to what
they say now. McKinley is reducing
the national debt! What arc the facts?
In the Ix-ginning of his administration
he issued, against the unanimous protest
of every populist in the land, 8200,000,
000 of bonds. These bonds he sold on
the market at 104. In this way he got a
large and unnecessary amount of money
into the treasury. These bonds that
McKinley sold for 104, are now worth
about 130. Having borrowed the money
and put it in the treasury at 104, he now
gets it out by buying other bonds at 112.
He created a debt of 9200,000,000. He
no 'proposes in this way to reduce it
25,000,000! Now, where is the great
glory that the Sun talks about resulting
from tho reduction of the public debt?
Turn back now and see what the little
one says on this subject and compare it
with the facta. Cleveland did sell over
200,000,000 of bonds. They did dravr
large nterest But this act of Cleveland
was heartily commended by the little
one at the time. These bonds drawing
this high rate of interest were sold to a
syndicate of which J. Pierpont Morgan
was the agent the man to whom the
financial plank of the republican plat
form was submitted before it was
adopted. Only a favored few were ad
mitted to this syndicate, the chief among
them being tne house of Kothschilds.
No one else could get one of these bondsJ
At the very time that these bonds were
beincr delivered to J. Pieonont Morgan
and his friends, for 104, they were
quoted on the market at 118. In this
way this syndicate had a rake off of
about 9,000,000.
The little ones and the big ones. In
congress and out in New York and San
Francisco, in Lincoln and Omaha, all,)
without exception, gave all the aid they
could to the carrying out of this villain-)
ous scheme. They sang "peons in honor'1
of it just as they are now doing for tbt
other scheme, The honor of it consist
in selling bonds at the beginning of the
year at 112 and buying back a portion at
the end and caning mat a reauctio
of the public debt:
Big and little they are all alike. Th
Independent commends them to the
kindly consideration' of his Satanit
Majesty and hopes that he won't roa
them for more than 25,000,000 years. j
If you have 2 you want to put into
shoe go to Sanderson's, 1213 O atrer.
they will give you a first-elan ska fi
that Honey. -
1 '
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