The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 16, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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November 16, 1899.
Remark of Several Fopullat Editor on
the GlorlonnTrounrlng that (lie
IlppubllrRDK BaohItmI.
The populist editors who have made
uch a long, hard fight in thin state, all
had, some remark to make after the
election. Here are a few of them:
There won't be any more "per M. B,
Roese" now. Crete Democrat.
The magnificent victory in Nemaha
county is duo in a very large degree to
We perfect organization of the party,
and this is due to the splendid work of
J. S. McCart.y chairman of the demo
cratic county central committee, and K.
as. ljuackenbush chairman of the popu
list committee. Never was there a bet
ter organization or more effective work
in a campaign in the county and Messrs
McCarty and Quackenhush are resjion
nible for it. The fusionists of Nemaha
county are surely to be congratulated on
electing their candidates to the four
principal offices treasurer, county clerk,
county superintendent and bheriff,
JMemana Herald.
No defaulter or mis user of public
funds can hold office in Nebraska except
in Omaha, That a the reason the law
(school at Lincoln will soon be purified.
Central City Democrat
' Cannot fool the American laboring
men. Had to register lis republicans to
noia tneir jobs but they voted ngnt
vou can force a man to wear a yellow
ribbon. When he is alone in the booth
he votes for freedom. Teller Democrat
Will our friends from Missouri and
Kansas, editors from the Tunes and Ex
press please toll us when the funerul
rites of the fusion party in Nebraska
will bo held? Beatrice News.
A fusion of ripe peaches, sugar and
cream makes a savory combination.
Fusion isn't bad there. Likewise a
fusion of silvor republicans, silver demo
crats and silver populists makes a whole
Horue combination that will redound to
our mutual benefit Minden Courier.
About twelve ier cent of the ballots
showed no voto for supreme judge.
Many other officers were also skipped by
the voters and the ballot is conceded to
be the most complicated and unwieldly
one ever designed. Holt County Demo
crat The entire fusion ticket has been
elected in Adams county by an increased
majority ranging from IS) to 500. Time
will not permit of a detailed statement
but we will give an official return next
week. Wonder if they will ever say now
that Bryanisin is dead. Oh, ye mud
slingers, bettor ring off on your dirty
work and join the imps and be good.
People of Nebraska are sick of boodleisui
and bribery. Hastings Public Journal.
Tuesday was Holcomb day in Nebras
ka and the corn huskers sowed ballots to
uphold Billy Bryan. Blair Republican.
Again there is rejoicing as to the man
ner of campaign. The fusionists held
meetings in every township in Valley
county, and at all times pointed to the
principles we were striving for, while
ihe opposition carried on a hand-to-hand
campaign, each one for himself. So the
result is not only a victory but an en
dorsement of the principles of the re
form parties, by raising the majority on
the head of the ticket sixty over that of
last year. Ord Weekly.
. The republican mnnagers (and they
arotho old gang) played a cunning came.
but the people became aware of their
gnme soon after the campaign opened,
when the unprincipled gang lwgan to
spring false affidavit and all kinds of
batched up lies against one of tne grand
est men and greatest reformers in the
country Silas A. Holcomb. Fremont
After all the bluster and blow of a
couple of middle of the road populists
at lk'aver Crossing tho fusion county
ticket was elected by a larger majority
than two years before.- Seward Independent-Democrat
The sweeping victory of tho peoples
party is plain evidence that thinking
men no longer submit humbly to bping
slandered for no other reason than the
expression of their own opinions, differ
ing from those outlinod by the republi
can party. Charges must be sustained
ly facts in order tochange the impression
thatone faction entertains for another.
But notwithstanding all the evidence
against their lying tactics, they persisted
in abuse of the people's party up to the
day of election and made ono of the
dirtiest campaigns ever known in tho
history of the state.- St. Paul Press.
The magtificent victory won in the
slate of Nebraska is of transcendent 1111
portanee and signillcance upon the fu
ture political history of this state. In
the first place it wrenches from the grasp
i me corporations their ' Inst hold on
the government and hereafter they will no further or greater privileges
than is enjoyod by the humblest citizen
ot me stale.- .New .hra.
The Nebraska republican politician
tees no prospect ahead for his attain be
ing permitted to feed at the public crib,
and he curves Bryan and fusion with a
Joud voice. J towels. Journal.
Nebraska is herself again. From off
the sun-kissed prairies of the golden-rod
slate t he sturdy yocmanry gathered at
the ixlls last l uesday and registered
thoir eternal disapproval of McKinley-
ism and the domination of the tyrant
trusts and imperialism.-Plainview
iNews. '
Judge Iloleotub's majority in Adams
county is 374, a bigger majority than he
ever got as governor. This is a fair an
swer to the slanderous malignity of the
State Journal and its gang of editorial
character assassins.- Adams County
The expression of sentiment in Ne
braska is clear-cut and unmistakeable.
The state by a majority of nearly 20,000
declares itself opposed to the present
war and against the policies and princi
ples of the present administration gen
erally. Bryan is the ideal of the state as
the leader and presidential candidate
for 1900. Cedar Itapids Outlwk.
In the work of wresting Nebraska from
the control of the republicans Charley
Nownes has given more time and money
than any democrat who voted against
him last Tuesday. For ten years he has
supported democratic nominees when
ever the contest came to a show-down
between democrats and republicans.
And this; democrats, is the reward you
give for honest effort in behalf of your
political principles. Say, democrats, you
who were seduced by the siron son of
the republican choristers, are you not
just a little bit ashamed of yourselves
this morning? Papillion Times.
' It must be borne in mind that Ne
braska thoroughly imbued with popu
lism when the reform party first sprang
into oxistence, and the republicans have
not had a majority m the state since
when a full vote was polled. The popu
list administrations of the state have
managed wisely and judiciously, in
striking contrast to the boodleism and
embezzlements of the preceding repub
lican administrations. The supreme
court was becoming too partisan and the
majority or the people, having great con
fidenco in Holcomb their candidate for
supreme judge, determined to place him
on the bench. The i oewan.
Mailley's chances for that permanent
chaplaincy in the regular army have
been' somewhat lessened by ;the events
of tho past few days. Madison bur.
The people cm say now they have two
men who will soon lie on tho supreme
bench who will not be dominated by cor
porations and will deal out justice to all
alike. This is tho work of tho people for
the people. Scribncr News.
With J. II. EJmistcn at the head of
tho state central committee the republi
cans always have a frost on their hands
on election day. Much of tho success of
the fusionists of Nebraska is due to his
persistent push. The Quill.
Wtirnuku ihi4 full vena thn cennn rf
the greatest political battle ever waged
in the Htntfv nnrtiea iwnrderl
contest ns a test, of tho feolincr of tho
people of the entire country on the ques-
(J IV It W l Af'Ull-liWlli 4-Ul.1V 1.1 11V J Mfc
the fact that both parties felt that as
Nebraska went, so the Union would go
next fall. As a result, some of the Great
est campaigners of the entire country
. 1- . i A l .
ukjh jjHru in uie campaign. busier
County Beacon. ,
Keith county's monied institutions
were most bitterly allied on the side of
every important republican ollice seeker
at the election last Tuesday. Every one
connected with our defunct banks was
out fighting for the election of those who
are supposed to be looking after the
county's interests with those institutions.
Keith County Ivews.
What's the matter- with Nebraska?
Why! She's all right. She stands first
in the union in that she has the lowest
per ceno of illiteracy; she is the only
state in the union where all the state
officers are under populist control, and
at the polls last Tuesday she denounced
trusts, militaryism and imperialism by
nearly twenty thousand majority.
Weekly Progress.
The result in Nebrnska was an em
phatic condemnation of imperialism,
and, indirectly, an endorsement of W. J.
The Journal wishes to inform the re
publicans of this county right now early
in the campaign of ISM), that the popo
crats are ready to meet them at any
time and place in joint debate. For
three years we have tried to get a joint
debate out of the (1. (). l'.s, and have
failed. ext year we are going alter
thoir hides and get 'em or know the rea
son why. - Jefferson County Journal.
Fusion has triumphed in Exeter, in
Fillmore cotintv. and in Nebraska, onlv
because it ought to. The principles for
which our people stand are right; they
were right 1,000 years ago, and they will
be right 1,000 years hence.-, Exeter En
terprise. "Don't cheer boys; tho poor fellows
are dying. Wilcox Herald.
Since tho fusion ballots piled up as
they did last I uesday, the republican
leaders in this state liegin to realize that
the record of their past administrations
is still very loud-smelling and offensive,
and is not yet reckoned among forgotten
things. - Independent Herald.
Republican mud slingers never
thought for a moment that their words
of abuse and hateful outbursts would
act as a lioomerang and sink them still
lower in the honest eyes of their coun
trymen. All those who sought to Im
srnirch Ihe record and fair name of the
best governor Nebraska has ever had,
did it. not thinking how soon the records
of other candidates could lie examined
and analyzed before a critical public
which would not be willing to put up
with a man who had little resjiect for
honor and justice Holcomb never re
versed an opinion, but another fellow
who felt an itching in his palm cave way
to the temptation and fell. Wahoo
The Nebraska republicans resorted to
all the dirt known to eorrntit iwliti,-j
They even went so far in Omaha as toar
rest two colored men who were supporters
of the fusion element and hold them in
jail until the polls closed. A mena Lan-
The fusion forces of Polk county have
won a sveeping victory. From road
overseer to county treasurer every man
has been returned, mostly with much in
creased majorities. The rebuke admin
istered to the administration forces was
most withering. Thanks to the sensible
people of tho county and state, the ad
ministration can clearly see the wishos
of the state upon its Philippine policy.
Polk County Independent
Col. Gage and ex-Governor Lorenzo
Crounse came into the north part of this
county and mixed medicine for the
farmers but it proved an emetic.
Franklin Sentinel.
The Lincoln Journal, the Omaha Bee,
the Fremont Tribune and the Beatrice
Cambria Coal advertiser have lied in
vain to the people of Nebraska. All the
devilish schemes werked out by the rep.
state central committee have failed of
thoir purpose. The Prout smut commit
tee will from now on lay with Stebbins,
Lichty, D. Clem Deavor, J. Sterling
Morton and the chap Mailley, of Hong
Kong notoriety, in a dishonored and des
pised political grave under a terrible
weight of of a most decisive vote of dis
trust and public condemnation. The
voters of Nebraska have decided most
emphatically that slander, abuse and
blackguardism will no be accepted in
lieu of facte and argument. Courtland
Bryan is awful dead almost as dead
as the declaration of indejiendence.
Nuckols County Herald.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is not a
common every day cough mixture. It
is a marvelous remedy for all the
troublesome and dangerous complica
tions resulting from a cold in the head,
throat, chest or lungs. Sold for 25 cts.
Havana, Nov: 13. General Gomez
writes to La Lucha that he has seen
with great pleasure the announcement
of a project to raise funds to meet his
personal needs, but that such a proposi
tion would not do him honor in the ex
pectation nd that he must refuge the
offer in advance.
"This is riot a time," ho declares, "for
Cubans to occupy themselves with tho
private concerns of any individual.
When they become absolute masters of
the island, which will bo a glorious con
summation, there will be opportunity to
attend to personal matters."
Don't Want to Go
Washington, Nov. 10,-The Rev. J. S.
Seibold, army chaplain, stationed at
Fort Canby, and under orders for duty
in tho Philippines, has advised the war
department that he is three years older
than ho supposed, and that he is entitled
to be retired for ace. He is the third
chaplain of the ten recently assigned to
duty in the Philippines, who has asked
to have such orders revoked.
The only chaplain now in the country
to ask for duty in the Philippines, is
Father W. D. McKinnon, who was in
the Philippines as chaplain of the Cali
fornia regiment of volunteers.
A Good Joke,
The election went off very quietly at
this place. The republican majority of
160 in the city of Aurora was wiped out
by giving W. Z. Pollard, fusionist candi-
nate for sheriff, eight majority, F. W.
Hammond, fusion candidate for treas
urer, six majority and Tim McCarthy,
fusion candidate for superintendent of
public instruction, six majority.
Marcpuett beat all other polling places,
Ono ex commissioner, a staunch repub
lican, got a ballot and when in the booth
he discovered that the ballot had been
marked for Silas A. Holcomb, and he re
ported that the ballots had been tamp
ered with. He telegraphed to republi
can headquarters at Aurora to the effect
that the news was communicated to the
county clerk. The county clerk wired
the election board at Marquett, asking
if the ballots had been broken. They
replied that the seals were not broken
till after the polls were opened.
Then the Iward sent to the Marquett
bank and got a magnifying glass, and
when placed on tho marked ballot, or
supposed marked ballot; by this ex-commissioner,
to his surprise it was discov
ered that it was a stain of a straw in the
Mr. H. D. H. did not hear the last of
his straw stained ballot during the day.
even tho littio boys of the town of Mar
quett would josh tho man about the
straw ballot. It-is still a good joke after
the returns of the election are known in
this county.
Dr. K., who came here from Lincoln,
says that he don't see how a pop can be
long to church. lie told me that the
populist principles were against the
principles of the leading church, of
which he was a member. I t hen thought
that was the doctor in the insane asy
lum, and it took more coal for him in
the month of July than it did in Decern
ing. So this is clear why ho thinks the
the pop principles are against the church
to which he belongs.
Yours for justice batween man and
W. M. Lakin,
Aurora, Neb.
We sell "all kinds of coal" except poor
tf Hctchihs & Hyatt.
The Pay is Big.
Jeffreys and Sharkey each spent about
sixty days in active preparation for the
fight. Then they fought two hours.
Jeffreys receiving for his efforts
and Sharkey 811.141 for his efforts. The
average college professor would have to
work fifteen hours a day' for twelve years
in order to earn what Jeffreys received
for tho labors of two short months. The
average minister would have to work
night and day for about seventy years
in order to earn as much as Jeffreys
pocketed for eight weeks' work, and the
average school teacher would have to
teach senxl nearly 110 years to earn the
sum secured by the big lioiler maker.
But Jeffreys and Sharkey are still on the
make. Each owns a quarter interest in
the biograph pictures of the fight, and
each of them can got 1 100,000 for his in
terest at any time within the next
month. From a financial standpoint
tho vocation of prize fighting is about
the best one known to the tirtMnnt fr..n.
ation. World Herald.
A choice 80-acre farm, 3 miles north
of Filler, Neb. F-e residence, nice or
chard, etc., etc. Good neighborhood,
beautiful country. School within 160
rods. Address, Wm. Drawn,
3w ..... FilleNeb.
There was a resolution introduced in
to the common council of Chicago ex
tending the spmpathv of that city to
President Kruger and his brave folowers
in their struggle for independence. That
resolution was- voted down by a strict
party vote, every democrat voting for it
and every republican against it This
looks like there might be some truth in
the charge of aft Anglo-American alli
ance being fostered by the present ad
ministration. Central City Democrat
The newly elected mayors of Syracuse,
Oswego, Watertown and Utica were all
loyal to the democratic ticket in 18'.tG.
They were among its hardest workers for
success. Judge Porter of Watertown
was the regular democratic nominee for
governor that year. Mayor , McGuire of
Syracuse was on the stump for Bryan
and Sewell all threugh the campaign.
Hon. Richard W. Sherman of Utica was
untiring in his efforts for the success of
the ticket and Major Hall of Oswego,
through his paper the Palladium gave
it hoarty support. The election of these
men as mayors on Tuesday by good ma
jorities is significant. The tide has turn
ed strongly in favor of the principles for
which the democracy under the leader
ship of Mr. Bryan is fighting. Buffalo
The fusion judicial ticket in this dis
trict was defeated by small majorities
through tho treachery of the county
clerk of Douglas county, who put the
name of C. R. Scott with the seven fu
sion judges. This was in direct opposi
tion to tho law, which says that each
party should be separated from the oth
er party one-fourth of an inch. As a re
sult, over 2,000 ballots were thrown out
in Douglas county because the hasty fu
sion voter voted for eight instead of sev
en. The fusion party tried to get this
ballot straightened out before election
but as all the judces were republicans
and on the ticket and the tnck was in
their favor, they refused to have any
thing to do with tho matter. Hurtonian.
This paper has supported the populist
party for the past seven years ever since
it has been under the present manage
mentand for the past four years has
received practically no encouragement
from the officials whom it has assisted
into offlee, and having full assurance
that the populists elected to office this
year are pledged to follow the advice of
the gang and treat us just as their pre
decessors have, we hereby announce
that until the party is reorganized and
returns to original principles, we have
severed our relations with the same, and
shall hereafter use our feeble influence
in the interests of the republican party,
the reason for which we will set up more
fully hereafter. Perkins Co. News.
Increasing Taxation.
The authorities at "Washington con
tinually increase taxation without the
consent or aid of congress. They do it
just in the same way that the courts
have usurped the legislative and execu
tive powers of the government, that is
by new interpretations of the laws. If
the administration vrants a few more
million it has an attorney general who
makes a new interpretation of some sec
tion of the law creating the war taxes
and the thing is done, Neither the con
gress nor the people have, any thing to
say about it. The following taken from
a New York paper shows flow it is done
and who pays the taxes in the end.
"The government proposes to collect a
war tax on call loans of twenty-five cents
for each $r00 on amounts more than
1,000. Those who are not interested in
Wall Street can have no idea of the ut
ter ruin this will bring to hundreds of
This tax will amount to 18 per cent w
year, and no broker can afford to pay it.
I would like to know who is responsible
for this tax and why it is levied to such
au absurd amount on call loans alone.
Bej. L. Ohuwav.
Nov. 0.
To this the editor replied:
"This tav is a rather late interpreta
tion by the government of the war reve
nue tax law. In any event, its justice
will be a matter for the next congress to,
"If congress upholds the interpretation
we venture to say that the banks will
not close their doors by reason of it
"As in the case of ail human taxation,
the burden of it will ultimately fall upon
the poor man.
"The banker will refuse to bear it, and
will require tho broker to pay it. The
broker will require hi,s customer to
stand it. The customer, in order to get
even on the deal, will call upon his em
ployees to sillier a reduction in wages.
"It Is tho old, old story. Every evil
load in the world of finance passes down
from hand to until it rests oa the
shoulder of tho laborer.
"In this particular instance it is not
likely that tho government will act
without a thorough investigation,"
Every Where Corrupt.
Wherever the republican party has
long held sway in any of the states, the
most horrible corruption exists. New
York under the hand of boss Piatt, Penn
sylvania under Matt Quay and Ohio
under Mark Hanna all have the same
record. In Pennsylvania the ballot Us
completely in tho hands of Quay and
there seems to be no way rf reformation
without something like a revolution.
Ballots are bought and sold there like
any other article of merchandise. There
is no such thing as a secret ballot in the
state. This is a statement that can be
fully substantiated, no honest man will
deny. In support -of it we produce a
recent statement of John Wanemaker,
ex-cabinet minister and a leading repub
lican of the state. He says:
"We have not had an honest election
in Pennsylvania for years. When the
host ofPennsylvania freemen, supposed
to be enlightened and independent
march to the polls, each individual
voter knows that he is acting under a
tlo DISEASE lias so baffled the medical
skill of all ages as RHEUMATISM.
and no remedy has ever been known
to cure it until "5 Drops,"
f have never before In mv veam of practice of medicine given my testimonial or recom
mendation to any patent medicine, tut there is a remedy, the result of which has come under my
own observation ; for there ia no l)leaae which has eo baffled the medical skill of all n)es as
KheumatiKin and to find a Keliablo remedy for the some. At last we have found it in
"0 DISCI'S," manufactured by the Swanson Kueuinatlc Cure Company, Chicago, III.
The "5 DROPS," has proven itself wonderful for its curative power in Rheumatism, not
as a Temporary Kel lever only, but to give a
azo. I had anions others several Rheumatic cases, untier my treatment and prescribed lor these
patients the very best Remedies which I skillfully selected, but without desirable results. I then
heard of "6 DROI'9" and of its Wonderful
found relief from its use within a few davs. After that I jirescnbed it to a gren number and to my
surprise, I will say that in the course of two or Three Weeks after they had used "5 lKOP"
and "5 Drop" Planters they were Cured. I
Among these were a few who had. for a number of years, been suffering with Chronic
Rheumatism, who had piloted themselves around on Crutches. They came to my office with
out Crutches and told me thev were uerfeetlv Well. Thev ttive all the credit to " 5 DROPS"
and to "5 Drop" Plasters and this is their testimony to the tiwaunon Kheumatlo Cure Cou-
tianv for their kinHnpsH ntirt frir th .vncMrtirtii
ful Remedies among suffering humanity,
As I have seen the Curatlye Power of
many instances, I can Trnly recommend them and also that the firm is perfectly honest and re
liable to deal with. . C. A. JACKSON, Physician and Surgeon, Kearney, Neb., Aug. 39, 11:59.
How Long Have You Buffered with RUEUMA TISXt 7
How LongHmvo You Road About "S DROPS" Wiitiout Taking Thorn 7
Do you not think you have wasted precious time and sullered enough? If so,
then try the " 5 drops " and be promptly and permanently cured of your afflictions.
" 5 Drops" is a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago (lame back), Kidney Diseases, Asthma, Hay-Fever, Dyspepsia,
Catarrh of all kinds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Headache, Kcrvous or Neuralgic,
Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Earache, Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup, Toothache,
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, flalaria, mid kindred dis
eases. " 5 Drops " has cured more people, during the past four years, of the above
named diseases than all other remedies known, end iu case of Rlieumaiicm is
curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and batteries
combined, for they cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism. Therefore, waste no more
valuable time and money longer, but try " 5 Drops " and be promptly CURED.
" 5 Drops " is not only the best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a 1,00 bottle
contains 300 doses. Price per bottle 1.00, prepaid by msil or express, or 6 battles
lor $5.00. For the next 30 days we will oend ,a 25c. sample FREE to any one
lending 10 cents to pay for the mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-uay.
remorseless espionage from which there
is no refuge or escape; that he must an
swer to his party, his boss, or his indus
trial master, if he is in any wise depen
dent; that his ambitions may be crushed,
his employment terminated, his bread
stopped, if he consults his own consci
ence and votes according to his judg
ment; while for those who are liable to
such temptations the bribes of money
and drink are offered on every Bide.
These transactions in votes awful, ter
rible in the aggregate go on before all
eyes. We see an enormous proportion
of the voters all over the state, a propor
tion increasing instead of diminishing,
going into booths, each accompanied by
The self-respecting majority in the
last legislature voted to submit constitu
tional amendments that would make
registration and ballot reform laws pos
sible, but Governor Stone, the republican
governor, vetoed them. Mr. Wana
maker justly urges that the election of
a legislature pledged to call a constitu
tional convention to provide for immedi
ote ballot reform in the state's supreme
Carnegie and the Dutch.
New York, Nov. 9 Andrew Carnegie
and Mrs. Carnegie were passengers on
the White Star steamer Oceanic, which
arrived at' her pier today from Liverpool.
Speaking of the present war between
England and the Boers, Mr, Carnegie
"The war against the Boers is most in
famous and unjust, and it was brought
about by England's lust for domain and
is on a par with our attack on the poor
Filipinos. These two attacks are a dis
grace to both branches of our race.
"The people in the Transvaal and the
Orange Free State have a right to rule
themselves. One war is an attack on an
existing and the othar on an embryonic
"It is worse for us to attack the Fili
pinos than for England to attack the
15oers, for we fall from a greater height,
as we believe in government by the con
sent of the governed.
"The best men in England have spoken
against the war in the Transvaal and
everywhere it is deplored except by
those whoso interests are served by it.
They are a small clique of jingoes, head
ed by a statesman, I am sorry to say,
who sees in the war a chance to fortify
his position."
Worse and worse
Saturday's statement of the New ork
clearing-house bunks showed a little less
than $2,300,000 decrease in the reserve.
This loss, added to tho deficiency of the
previous week, carried the reserve 82,
788.950 below the 25 per cent require
ment of tho banking act. This dwind
ling of the reserve appeared notwith
standing the calling of $7,000,001). loans.
The liability of tho banks wero dimin
ished by 811.000,000, tho amount of the
decrease in keposits. It seem likely that
it will be necessary to call many loans
this week.
Spectacles Fitted Accurately
All Fees Reasonable.
OFFICE, 226 So. 10th St., Linook.
141 So. 12th S., Lincoln, 1ft I
Gold Alloy Filling. .$1.00
Gold Filling , . $1.00 and up
Gold Crowns . . $5.00 and up
Set of Teeth -$5.00
Best Teeth . .... . $8.00
RIGGS, The Dentist,
141 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb.
tho Rhoumztio Cure tismonsirated its
wonderful oursniivo power
it has never felted to euro RHEUMATISM
In any form. Acute or GhroatiG
Here I trhat a Tromlnent I'hynlclan hag to ay who has had 35
year of active I'ractico of JMeclicluo s
Permanent Curoeven in chronic cases. Sometime
Curea, and prescribed it to a few patients who
mrnv in whirh thev nre TMaeinc these V. uudoN
which they told me to write to the Company as an
"3 DROPS" and "5 Drop" Plasters, in a irreat
Where do you buy your ehoes? San
derson's, 121$ Q St., have the best shoes
for the money that can. ba made. They
guarantee every pair to give perfect sat
isfaction. Try them. v
Chicago 0ETnE East?
The Through Express From
Via Omaha
Rock Island
. Route
CHicuo Eipress ftn bias citj.
In addition to Pullman kibo. tv
Chair Oars, and the Best Dininjr Car
viu me YYona, are equipped with
Bcifbt Library SMOKING CARS
furnished in club style and supplied
with latest periodicals, illustrated pa
pers and a select library of Action.
Colorado & West?
Fast, carries rlinlnir ejwa and Ttiilmo
n " " . uinuuu
sleepers. Leaves Omaha at 6:40 p.m. :
-n-austts Kswy o:ou f.m , &l. JOSepu 4:50
p.M..and arrives at Denver and rvdnm.
do Springs next morning.
J no. Sebastian, E. W. Thompson,
G.P.& T.A., A.G.JK& T.A.,
Chicago. Topeka, Kans,
Frank II. Barnes, C.P.& T.A.,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Great Eock Island Route, is
placing intcrchangable books on
sale at all coupon offices west of
the Missouri river, good on,
thirty - seven different rail
roads and will be a great advantage
to commercial men and travelers.
The net rate is 2c per mile in Kan
sas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
and Indian Territory.
The Way to go California
is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
ducted, via the Burlington Route. You
don't change cars. You make fast time.
You see the finest scenery on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper, but it is just aa
clean, just as comfortable, just as good
to ride in and nparly $20.00 cheaper. It
has wide vestibulesfPintach gas, high
back seats; a uniform Pullman porter;
clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms;
tables and a heating range. Being
strongly and heavily built, it rides
smoothly, is warm in winter and cool in
In charge of each excursion party is
an experienced excursion conductor who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave Omaha, St Joseph. Lincoln
end Hastings every Thursday, arriving
San Francisco following Sunday .Los An
geles, Monday. Only three days from the
Missouri River to the Pnsilic Coast, in
cluding a stop-over of 1 j hoursat Denver
and 54 hours at Salt Lake City two of
the most interesting cities on the conti
nent. For folder giving full information, call
at any Burlington Route ticket office, or
wite to j. Francis. ,
Cen'l Tass. Acrent, Omaha, Neb.
The Rock Island Wall Map ot tUe lulted
. , , State
Is the best offered to the public. It is
very large and especially adapted to
school purposes. Every teacher of geog
raphy and every business office should
have one. It will be sent postpaid to
any address on receipt of fifteen cents in
postage stamps or coin.
Address, John Sebastian, 0. P. A. Chi
Cf o, 111. 6 ,
Tb ftofllr TalanJ VI.. I.-I a
, - - - wmg vi us ore ms
will be sent by mail on receipt of 15
t eUn,P9- A money order r
draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will
, pvm, muu iury win do sent by
PYTr! rhnrtra. nr..M I Jj .
'" "I' T"J' .nuires,onn
Sebastian, G. P. A., C. R. L4 P Chi-
. At