The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 16, 1899, Image 1

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Consolidation of the Wealtbntakers and the Lincoln Independent
NO. 27.
They are Allowed to Preae their Horrl
tle Doctrine In tome Crch Pi
pits without Rebufce.
There is an awful degeneracy own
inn nulDits of this land. Not
only the ministers openly advocatw war,
tout event wars of conquest That seems
to be only the first step downward. Men
who call themselves followers of Christ,
who are ordained ministers and recog
nized as such by their denoeuiin&tion,
openly proclaim the most horrible doc
trinesdoctrines that are put in practice
only by the iowest barbarians and still
hold their positions in the church. The
following account of what one of these
ministerial brutes said is taken from the
. New York Journal:
:Some time ago a California philoso
pher rushed into the public prints with
a proposal to put alt habitual criminals
At that time we pointed out the diffi
culty ofiliscriminating between habitual
.criminals and those who commit dimes
through adversity and temptation.
Regarding the proposal -of wholesale
executien of criminals, tis Rev. Cyrus
F Wixn, in an address to the Chautau
qua Circle of the Tcity Methedist
Church, said:
"Justice to humanity demands tnet in
order .to obliterate a hereditary sovnse of
crime the individual mnst die.
"Imprisonment 'or would fee a
grievous error. It is mot right that 1100,
000 criminals should befeopt in compar
ative'ease at the expense of their fallows,
whom they can only injwe. , -
"I .would chloroform lihese confirmed
crimraals. The guillotine is too ttioody,
hanging too violent, electrocution too
uncertain. In death by chloroform there
is no$ain, nothing revetting."
Thus the Rev. Mr. Wixon, a christian
minister, serving Him who said, "'Thou
shalt not kill," would reform the 'world
by making it a shamoles.
It is the purely physical sight of
death, not the moral a$6ct of it. that
hotlines .the Rev. Mr. Wixon. .ffhloro
Jorm is painless, he says. How does he
know that the guillotine us not painless?
Ah, 'but the blood of at Mr. Wixan can
bear to rip the soul from the body by
chloroform, but not fcy the ae. An
aestWMiu murdeper. tru!y..
To ihe poor, ragged thief who makes a
habit of stealing, if caagiit reddsianded
withw dozen spools of thread m "hw
pocket, Mr. Wixan would say: Off, to
jour 'deathbed; the world is bettor with
out you." ,
If the Wixon law were put into . effect
its author should tag eb. soul -of the
100,000 souls which he would fuse with
an .explanatory prayer to this xJffect:
"We hereby return this poor ou'l to its
Makeras unsatisfactory We hqjw that
in futwe He will be pleased to ifurnish!
mankind with souls of better qaHty." .
The Rev. Mr. Wixon should preach
God's word more and talk of slaughter
less. ' !
This (discourse was delivered to a.'
Ohauftenaua circle presumably a so-l
eiety )t young people and in a Mutho-;
distichunch! There is no statement lhat
urone obiected to the advocacy .of
wholesale slaughter of human beings.
Here are some more words of this onod
ern Methodist barbarian:
"There au-e few criminals, very few
criminals who reform not one ia a
hundred. A man. of course, may con
mit anv erave offense against the laws
of socity through heat of passion,
through exigence of circumstances,
through mistake. With him my theory
does not deaL But the man who has
offended twice, I would chloroform him.
How does that conform to the teach
ing of Christ, who would forgive seven
times seven? This Methodist Robes
piere would take a man's life for the
second offense, and the Chautauqua cir
cle of Trinity Methodist Church sit and
listen and make no protest at all ! Oh
whited senulchers! All these men are
for shooting Christianity into the Filipi
nos with Gatlin guns. They believe in
God, McKinley and destiny. The bar
barism of the modern plutocratic minis
ter is not equaled by the barbarism of
the South Sea islanders.
Bow It Accompliithed the Destruction f
the Mighty Irrigation Work of
Ancient Pern,
Senor Ramon Estacia, who m a visitor
to this country from Peru, can talk very
interestingly about his home under the
equator, the land of the Incas and asso
ciated with Fizarro and his Spanish eon
quutadores. "I am in the United States,"
said Senor Estacia, "to study the result
of your plunging civilization and to note
those American inventions which would
help us in my country. The discovery
of America destroyed Peru as it did
Mexico. The Peru of today is aBmall
part of the ancient empire. At the time
of the conquest, the Spaniards found
the lard in a high state of cultivation.
While i.aturally in large part a desert,
owing to a very scant or no rainfall be
tween the mountains and the coast,
the natives by the superior foresight and
wisdom of their Incas had brought wa
ter immense distance and rendered ara
ble immense stretches of country. The
ancient irrigation of Feru was very won
derful. ...
"Water was conducted by means of
canals and subterranean aqueducts ex
ecuted on a grand wale. They were
built of large slabs of freestone nicely
fitted together without cement. The
water supply came from some elevated
lake or natural reservoir in the heart of
the mountains and was fed at intervals
by othrr basins whieh lay on the route
along the slopes of the Sierra. Passages
were cut through rock (and the Peruvi
arm had no iron tools), almost impassable
mountains were turned; rivers and mo
rasses were crossed and apparently im
postvble feats of engineering were c
comjplished simply to secure water for
the 'irrigation of fields and gardens,
Some of these oanals were very long,
Tfcat of Condesuyu was between 400 and
000 miles in length.
"By latent ducts or sluices, the life
pw'fDE fluid was led to the tillable lands
along the line of the canals. In some
instances the land was flooded, while in
others the water was made to run in fur
lows between the tows af growing maize.
tabneco and other 'crops. Each occupant
of land was allowed a certain quantity of
water by the law of the Empire. Over
seers for the government had charge of
each district and saw that each man re
ceived his proper amount, and that the
canals were kept in proper repair.
"That the government understood the
danger of floods and took steps to pre
vent them is shown by some of the works
still extant. Notable is the still visible
tunnel near Casamasca. While the wa
ters of this lake were used for irrigation
the heavy rains and melting snows would
cause an overflow. To protect the irri
gation works and the settlements on the
route, a tuanel was excavated in the
mountains to give an outlet in another
direction to the waters of the lake when
they rose to a height to threaten inunda
"At the coming of the Spaniard the
land everywhere teemed with evidences
of agricultural wealth.said Senor Es
tacia, reflectively. "Today a greater part
of this pasadise has reverted to its arid
condition. Here and there where some
old dirt rilled tunnel leaks a little moist
ure the rank vegetation of our tropics.
in contrast with the surrounding arid
wastes, show the power of irrigation."
This gives rise to the reflection that
the Spaniards, wherever their star of
chivalry or rapacity for wealth led them
have destroyed and never created. Their
coming has always been a curse to the
people they conquered. Chivalric and
recklessly brave, they yet considered the
civilization and population of the .New
World as but barbaric and pagan and fit
only for destruction.
But these native tribes: people: gov
ernments benighted and heathen had
battled with nature, learned the secret
of success and conquered under the
most adverse circumstances. They made
use of mountain lakes and natural res
ervoirs. wherein were stored the waters
of the rainy season and the melting
snows, to be used during the dry season
We have today in California, Colora
do, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and the
Northwestern states, millions of acres of
land, the productive capacity of which
is beyond 'Compute, which can and will
be reclaimed eventually. Great moun
tain gorges, forming natural reservoirs,
can be usad for storage purposes, and
land, useless today, will become an em
pire of agricultural wealth worth far
more fabulous sums than the rich mines
adjacent to them, and ten times as much
as all the oslands in the China seas.
What has already been spent ia trying
to overthrow the first republic ever tried
.to be. established in Asia, would have
given us far more happy homes than can
Uver be estdblighed in the Philippines,
.though we. at last conquer them all.
Lancaster County,
The Lancaster county canvaasing
board completed its work on the state
and county ticket Saturday. The re
-suits are not materially different from
unoffieial returns. They are as follows:
Supreme Judge City Total
Rerwe. r KWtt WSMI
Holoomb. f... 210 4594
r,ly r . xro
.MeGiHon, r 3ftl 5295
Rich, f I50 4338
Teeters, f Mf! 43111
fitch. D...... 124 276
Hmrth. d 122 26
Distinct J udffoa
Holmes, r iias '
Fot. r 3371 5787
Cornish, r 31 544
Doyle, f 2124 4504
Hibner. f. Zttl 41
Wheeler, f 1SU2 414S
District Clerk
Phillip, r 3421 5734
Liodell. f 1M 42M
Hedjws. D 134 2B
Ktiektfr. r 127 4430
Mcluhlin, f -27W 5445
DePutron. o 215 35
CnnntT Clark
Knre. r sun ws
Hiiflibenrer. f 4311
Homerrille. i 11M 273
Bransoa. r o 51S1
Cooper, f 25fl 4H34
Beecuer. u US 279
County Judue
Waters, r Zfii
Shepherd, f 248 4WX
McCullocb. p 14 291
County ConimiMiioner
Tilton. r 3zo iMiii
Meier, f 20X1 4655
Hawes, r 3374 5790
Parixh. f 1X40 IM
Monaffon. p..... 152 303
bentt 410U TM
Graham, t
Bent ley. f.
Merryman, p
As the city of Lincoln alone has al
ways given from a 1,000 to 1,800 majority
for the straight republican ticket here
tofore, an exception only being made
when some notorious boodler, unpopular
in his own party, was nominated, all the
mullet heads turned out and wept like
the whang doodle mourning for her first
born, and the f unionist held a big ratifi
cation jubilee.
The pressure for money i T ew York
has become so great, Sectary Gage an
nounced Wednesday that he would take
up $25,000,000 of bonds. When this
money is paid out of the treasury into
the banks it is hoped that the scarcity
of money will be relieved. The banks
must have been in desperate straight,
or thin never would have been done,
Since this Sanctified Mnfwump Republi
can Has Become Governor Nevr York
la a Price Fighter's raradise.
Just as wealth continues to concen
trate in a few hands, so do the condi
tions in the United States more and
more resemble the conditions in Rome
as money became scarce and dear and
capital concentrated there. The prize
fighting allowed by the governor of New
York and the glee with which the most
horrible brntalities are witnessed by
thousands upon thousands, ehowa the
same degeneracy that set in, in Rome
and finally ended in the overthrow of
the republic and civilization itself.
There never came any relisf to suffering
humanity until the discovery of gold
and silver in the new world ana it began
to nour into Europe. Then we had
what is called the "renaisance." Feudal
ism was overthrown, intellectual giants
appeared in every Held of thought, the
foundations of modern science were iaia
and the human race sprang forward
with a misrhtv bound.
The degeneracy of modern times can
not be better illustrated than by I
truthful account of the reoent Jeffreys
and Sharkey prize fight. The following
descriDtion of the affair is taken from
the Detroit Journal. It is very different
from the full page, illustrated accounts
that were printed m the great INew xom
"In the excitement of the occasion it
is likely the men commissioned to report
the Jeffrey?-Sharkey prize fight last
night overlooked and therefore failed to
mention many or ine revaluing iea
tures of the combat. From their hur
riedly written accounts, and from subse
uuent admissions of the two contestants,
we are informed that during the progress
of the battle:
"Jeffries had ith nose split, one arm
disabled, one ear cut m twain, and one
evelid laid nDen.
"Sharkev had one eyo battered until
it closed and the other lacerated, both
ears cut oDen. two ribs broken and the
bones of one hand cracked.
"With thece principal injuries inflicted
during the battle the men fought like
wild beasts for twenty-five so-called
rounds, the blood crimsoning their bod
ies md spattering over the white canvas
of the arena. The sight and smell of the
blood converted the vast throng of hu
man beinps there into a howling mob of
frenzied enthusiasts and for the greater
part of tho time the din of boisterous
demonstration was deafening. ,
"For ferocity and savage impetuosity
last night's exhibition is almost without
a parallel in the history of the ring
events, certainly without a parallel by
any '-lawfully" regulated "boxing exhi
bition." It was a tight, a brutal, ugly,
revolting fight, witnessed by roaring
thousaniS'Of -excited men, sanctioned by
law and encouraged by the authorities
of New York statp a demoralizing dis
play of modern degeneracy.
"Not in wears has there been exhibited
in the so-called prize ring anything to
match it for coarse brutality. Those
who have been obliged to go into foreign
territory to measure pugilistic prowess
because Che laws of tneir country for
bade them to tight at home never pre
sented such a spectacle as was presented
last night without protest or interfer
ence, within an hour's trolly ride of the
city of churches.
Thousands) torn out, parade with banners,
make speeches, let oft Are works
and rejoice In Lincoln.
The result of the election in Lancas
ter county was such a surprise, and
such a glorious affair for the f unionists
that they concluded that they would
have a little joliflcation over it. When
Lancaster county became doubtful and
even a part of the fusion ticket was
elected in this strong hold, where the
republican majority in the city is never
less than about 1,000, the old pops and
fighting free silver democrats thought it
was time to get out and yell. The fol
lowing account was written by a young
reporter on the Post,
"Fusionists from all over the city and
the surrounding country gathered in
greet crowds Friday evening to rejoice
at the triumphant culmination of the re
cent state campaign and the election of
Judge Silas A. Halcomb to the supreme
bench of the state. The celebration be
gan with a big street parade which
formed near the capital grounds and
marched through all the principal
streets of the city. When it was over,
the throng of people, numbering twenty
five hundred or more, gathered before
the band stand in front of the state
house and listened to enthusiastic
speeches by Governor Toynter, Judge
Holconib, Secretary Porter. Mrs. Belle
U. lligelow, and William J. Bryan. The
ceremonies were concluded about ten
o'clock and the people wended their way
home well satisfied with the magnificent
demonstration which had taken place.
Many persons were at the state house
before 7 o'clock and the corridors were
continually resounding with the blasts
of tin horns and the clatter of feet on
the stone floor as the crowd gathered.
As soon as possible, the different divi
sions of the parade were formed along
Fifteenth street, north of the canitol.
and when the command to march was
given there were six hundred people in
ine. Ibis included the lirvan home
guards in white uniforms, the university
bimetallic club, many voters on foot
carrying cornstalks and Japanese lan
terns, school childrm 'with flags and
horns, ladies of the bimetallic league in
carriages, and Governor Poynter, Judge
llolcomb, Chairman kdmisten, and Air.
Bryan yi a carriage iu the rear of the
)rocession. The march column was
ed by Hagenow's full band. The Bryan
guards wore red helmets and carried
torches and Roman candles.
The parade moved down Fifteenth
street to O, where it turned westward
and proceeded to Tenth street This
part of the march furnished the occasion
for a brilliant display of fireworks and
the crowds which lined the streets re
sponded by enthusiastic cheering. The
marchers then encircled the postoffice
square and moved back to Eleventh and
O. Here the coulumn turned southward
and after reaching M street counter
marched back to 0. The parade then
proceeded back to the capital grounds
along the same lines traversed at the
commencement of the march, and soon
disbanded after reaching the place where
the formation had taken place. It was
throughout a most orderly and yet an
enthusiastic demonstration and was
good naturedly admired even by many
republicans who watched it from the
Among the features of the parade
were a number of banners with charac
teristic inscriptions. The one that per
haps attracted the most attention and
caused the most amusement was the pic
ture of a cow that looked like oue of the
ill-favored kine of Pharaoh's dream, and
a lean looking porker. The legend in
scribed just beside the picture was:
"Speck from Broken Bow, and the Black
Boar Pig."
. When the crowd arrived at the canitol
grounds the exercises were opened by a
band selection, and several other airs
were played at intervals. Governor
Poynter in an introductory address ex
pressed his gratification at the result of
the recent election nnd the prospect for
national success next year. The fusion
forces, he said, oh issues that appealed
to the people's sense of right and justice
and the popular judgment which had
been recorded in favor of their candi
dares and their principles afforded an
excellent reason for rejoicing. Ex Gov.
Holcomb was then introduced.
Judge, Holcomb, after briefly respond
ing to the applause which greeted his
appearance, declared that he was pro
foundly impressed with the duties which
would be his to fulfill in the new sphere
of public usefulness to which he had
been called and that it would be bis aim
to perform them in such a manner as to
bring forth at least some small degree of
good. He commended the harmony
which had continuously actuated the fu
sionists and said that so long as they
should stand together in support of the
principles of good government they
might always enjoy tho confidence of
the people.
The audience then joined in singing
"The Star Spangled Banner" led by H.
JtW. Seamark. After this, Secretary
of State Porter stepped to tho front and
thanked all the persona who had labored
with him to make the ratification a suc
cess. He made some humorous scriptu
ral quotations which caught the humor
of the crowd and they responded with
vigorous applause. Secretary Porter re
ferred to Mr. Bryan as the greatest lead
er of modern times, which statement
was met with another enthusiastic dem
Mrs. Belle G. Biglow, who was the
next speaker, called attention to the
fact that not more than a half a dozen
county treasurers had been elected by
the republican party in Nebraska this
fall. This, she thought was an indica
tion that the people of the tate were
unwilling to entrust the management of
their finances to "members of the party
which had produced Bartley, Moore,
and other defaulters. She denied the
assertion that Nebraska had become
degenerate state by electing the fusion
ticket and complimented the intelligent
men and women of the mate for their
work side by side in carrying the elect
ion for the reform movement A letter
of congratulation from Helen M.Gougar
of Indiana was then read by Mrs.
Bigelow and was recerwd with hearty
wnen Mr. ttryan was introduced as
the last speaker of the evening he was
greeted with such a demonstration that
' L Ia. t t-I A- t ' T T
ii, was uuiicuit i or ui in to oegin. lie
started to remove his hat but General
Vifquain in ttie audience called to him
to keep it on and prevent hisfcatching
cold. "My old friend and counsellor,"
said Mr. lirvan, "has always watched
over me and I feel deeply grateful to
him for it I hope that he may live as
long as I do and that I may always have
the benefit of his guardianship and ad
vice." Some one shouted "Hurrah for
Vifquain," aad the cheer was given from
many throat.
Mr. Bryan aid that it was now the
turn for the fusionists to rejoice and
parade the steeets while the republicans
bad to mt on the fence and watch them
go by. It was merely a reversal of the
old state of things in years gone by.
tie noped that after every election in
the future the republicans would have
to sit on the fence unless they were will
ing to come over on the side of the fu
A review of political conditions and
event since 1888 was then entered into
by Mr. Bryan. The reform forces, by
indomitable effort and a faith bom of
zeal for a good cause had slowly achieved
one triumph after another until they
had at last changed the political com-
plezion of the state, as he believed, for
an indefinite period. In doing so they
bad drawn to their support all the re
form element of the republican party,
leaving that organization lower in the
moral scale than it had been before.
The advent of the gold democrats into
the republican party had still further
lessened its possibilities as an agent of
good government.
A campaign of abuse, Mr. Bryan said,
such as had been carried on against
Judge Holcomb had proved of worse
than no avail; for it had driven men to
support him who might not otherwise
have done so. He himself had been
more or less reviled but he had said
nothing in remonstrance because he felt
sure that such a policy of abuse always
recoiled upon heads of its promoters
when presented to the judgment of in
telligent people. In his closing remarks
Mr. Bryan expressed his confidence that
the principles for which the reform
forces of the nation are now fighting
would reach a triumphant Issue in the
next presidential campaign. His whole
address was full of the characteristic
touches of humor for which he has be
come famous. It was a well satisfied
crowd that pro:eeded homeward when
Mr. Bryan had finished his speech.
A great deal of credit is due to Secre
tary Porter and others who have been
laboring for the last three days to make
the ratification a success. That it was
such in an unqualified sense is owing to
their unceasing labors.
Do You Pay Taxes?
If you pay your rent: yes.
If you pay your meat bills; yes.
If you pay for the clothes you wear;
If you pay for the clothes your family
wears; yes.
If you pay your coal bills: yea.
If you pay your tobacco bills; yes.
If you pay for what you drink; yes.
If you pay your laundry bills; yes.
If you pay your railroad fare; yes.
If you pay your freight bills; yes.
If you pay your street car fare; yes.
Yes, my dear sir, you are a taxpayer.
If you are not a tax payer, you are the
most consummate and successful dead
beat on earth. '
When the jobbers, tho franchise mo
nopolists and the interest reapers refuse
to pay their just share of taxes to the
treasuries of the city, county and state,
they have committed a most henious
crime. They have put their hands into
the pockets of the helpless school chil
dren of the state and robbed them of
their educational support. These brig
ands are a disgrace to the highwayman,
who at least is not so callous that he
would rob a child. Unseen they steal
the coppers from the eyes of the dead.
There is hardly a move of an honest
man's life but that pays taxes in one way
or another. It is only the rich man who
pays no tax, because, he is in a position
to make others pay it for him. If you
are a poor man you ore a taxpayer. An
Exchange. ,
Dead and Burned.
The Greater American Exposition is
dead it is also damned -it is burried
beneath a multitude of malidictions. It
was conceived in si J and brought fortL
in iniquity. It was started to rob others
and ended in robbing itself. It broke
all tho concessionc.ires, disgusted all its
vis itors and left behind it a buudlo of
debts amounting to f3130,000 which will
never bo paid. When it died, tho only
watchers at its bedside wcto the officers
of the law, waiting to levy on the corpse.
This sham show has been the greatest
failuro ever known in Omaha, and it will
be a lasting disgrace to the city. Greed
has received its just reward. The coun
try people warned the city speculators
that they had better let this thing alone,
that they could not hug the business of
the country merchants of two years in
succession. They would not take wise
advice and therefore came to well
deserved griof. Omaha has learned
that she is powerful only when she has
the great .tate of Nebraska behind her,
but a very weak sister when the state
lets her play a lone hand. It was all a
greedy grab for gain, and it has been
properly punished. The stock holders,
after making a total loss of their own
investment, are wondering how they
could possibly be so blind, so : ignorant
and so foolish. Central City Democrat
Right to Protest.
Editor Independent: That old bell in
Philadelphia in 177G, manufactured in
old England, rang out in clear tones, on
the 4th of July, 1776: "Liberty through
out the land and unto all the inhabit
ants thereof." An old English saying is
"Fear God, honour the King." Did the
American people honor King George III,
did they respect the King whose policy
was bad and an injury to them? Can
any people respect a ruler who has been
led astray, without raising their voices
against itf I ask you, can you respect a
partisan who is trying to mislead you
and cover up the wrong by saying you
ought to respect him, right or wrong?
Ah! how like a republican those devil
doggers are today? How blinded they
are to their own interest and welfare,
and only sympatize with the capitalist
Their families may suffer as long as the
capitalist swims, such is the common
republican today.
If national blunders are made by
a statesman, I do not care what party he
may belong to, a citizen has a right to
his opinion and a right to say what he
thinks. Even Balaam's ass rebuked his
master. Is not the president a public
servant whom we as citizens pay to do
nis dutyr The people have a right to
criticise when he goes astray from the
Monroe doctrine, and he is the only one
who ever dared to do it The people have
a rignt to say what they think about it
Where will these mighty capitalists be
fifty years hence, who expect to make
their piles out of the two wars. South
African and Philippine? Old England
in mourning for her dead. The capital
ist rubbing their hands at the prosnect
of plunder that is to come. America
doing the same thing and crying, "thank
God, I am safe." The soldiers running
their chances for any gains. This is
about up to the times. When will the
people ever get their eyes opened? Re
publican greed, republican blunders, and
the nation to suffer for 'republican bad
statesmanship! You know it; I know it
Farmer J oh.
You want your subscription extended.
We want new subscriptions. If you will
send in a list of three new subscribers
we will ex:end your subscription one
year, send you the "Farm and Home"
one year, send you a " Webster's pocket
dictionary" and a "pocket atlas." Read
our offer on another page.
Some of Them Consider Their Middle of
! the Road Policy and Declare That
They Will Support llryan.
There are no stronger, abler or more
manly men to be found anywhere than
among the Texas populists. They have
been placed in entirely different circum
stances from the populists of Nebraska
and some times it has been very hard
for them to decide what was the best
policy to persue, Both Hon. Barnett
Gibbs and Cyclone Davis are men of
great ability as well as unimpeachable
honesty. Mr. Gibbs until recently baa
been Inclined to work with the' middle
of tho road faction, but last week he
sent the following articlo to the South
ern Mercury ,',tho organ of that faction.
The Mercury printed it with the follow
ing comment:
"But-Gibbs is human, just like the
rest of us. And he has a perfect right
to make a jumping jack of himself for
tho amusement of consistent men, if
that be his desire'"
Mr. Gibbs' article, which will be read
with interest by every populist in Ne
braska, is as follows:
"I know that there has been some
populist criticism of my letter to the
Nebraska populist committee. This,
doesn't worry mo in the least I did
not quit being a collar democrat to be
come n collar populist As matters now
stand, the next national right in politics!
will be between McKinley and Bryan;
and the populists having once endorsed
Bryan, nnd having more reason to do so
now than four years ago, will make no
headway opposing him. Thoy can ac
cept Bryan electors and do more with
their state, county, and district tickets.
Tho question of expanding beyond the
seas will be the issue on which the na
tional election will be decided. .
"The frog tried to expand himself into
an ox and burs ted his anatomy. He
was not satisfied to be tho biggest frog
in his own pond. (Soe Aesop s Fables.)
"It is one thing to go where the man
with the hoe can go without much in
convenience and expense, on his mule
or his. wagon, with his gun nnd his dog
and cow; but it is an entirely different
proposition to exr.ari where the man
rith all thtao things must also have a
roll of money besides, to 'give up to
English ship owners, to haul him over
there. The Anglo-Saxon has never
made a success in expanding and in col
onizing countries where it doesn't frost,
and where hog meat and strong liquor
wont stay on bis stomach. It requires
good pay generally from this govern
ment cr a corporation to get an English
manor an American to stay in a tropical
country and he mut have an entire out
fit of tropical servants. .
"The Anglo Saxon has on an average
too much blood in him for a tropical
country; he will not make his borne
there, he has got to have his blood '
chilled now and then. He doesn't take
to native wives. He either kills or en
slaves the inferior race.
"Look at the rush to Oklahoma, and
how few have gone to Cuba, or to Span
ish Honduras, where Americans are well
liked; or to British Honduras, an old
English colony with rich soil; or even to
the extreme southern part of our states,
"Commercial expansion by means of
the Nicaragua canal, and a Pan Ameri
can railroad, and a sufficient navy, is all
right; but military expansion by mecPS
of porpetual army occupation U another.
The Anglo-Saxon will thickly settle in a
real tropical country when it is a choice
between that and hades. Territorial ex
pansion and an increase in the standing
army means high taxes and eventual op
pression of the producer. Texas is anv
empire in extent, and there are many
problems of local government more im
portant to our people than national and
international questions. The Boers;
have great trouble?, but we hava trou-'
bles of our own. Texas can core the
most of our troubles, but not those oft
the Boers and the Filipinos.
"The ordinary American mudsiller
can't get to the Philippines. And if he
could, he could not stay thare; wherefore
should he allow himself to be taxed to
get or to keep up that country? We
really ought to sell each of the thousand
inlands to some rich American and make
him a duke, and take a bond that he will
trade with us, but not hold us responsi
ble for the permanency of his crown, as.
between him and the natives. We are
short on dukes, and they come high.
"Of course in our new possessions we
get some hereditary nobility; but there
is no market for them, as thev are off
color, and are not handy around the
parlor or at receptions, because they
won't wear clothes. They also want
more than one wife. The purchase of
dukes and counts, at ten million ner
scalp, and even bald heads countod,puts
the balance of trade against us very
"If we are to take and retain the Phil
ippines as a commercial proposition, we
ought to make every possible dollar out
of them that we can get Society want
dukes and counts; and we will never be
prosperous as long as we buy them at
monopoly prices. It is cheaper to man
ufacture dukes. The richer we get the
more dukes are in demand. Foreign
dukes now absorb American accumula
tions of money.
We would agree that we would pro
tect them as against big nations. We
might in this way get back purchase
money and expenses, and still keep a
string on their trade. That is better
than incorporating the Filipinos in the
body politic under a strain of Dolly Var-
den citizenship. So far as the right or
wrong or unconstitutionality of expan
sion to the Philippines is concerned, it
cuts no figure, It never has where a .
majority of the peoplo wanted anything
and were strong enough to get it Ma-,
hornet had a communication from the
Lord to kill all the christians, and the
(Continued on Page 8.)
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