EDMISTEN ON THE CAMPAIGN Chcirraa:. cf t!.o SlaSa Pep did CcKinrlllso TcSIs I7t2y Fusiea Will VJia ia f Chairman Edmisten of the populist State central committee is daily in re ceipt of telegrams from eastern papers Asking his views on the political situa tion in Nebraska. In response to a re cent telegram from the North American of Philadelphia, asking for his Judg ment as to the outcome of the pending voniesi nere, ne replied as follows "Headquarters fctate Central Com mittee, People's Independent Party of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 27. Editor The North American, Phlladel phta, Pa.; Dear Sir: I beg to acknowl dge receipt of your telegram under date r feeptember 24, asking my views on the outcome of the political battle now being fought In Nebraska. . "Three great parties in Nebraska are arrayed against the remibllc&n nartv. Although each has a distinct party or ganization, yet an tnree work,ln har mony together, have platforms very Imilar, and are united on one' ticket. Of these, the people's Independent par ty polls about 68 per cent of the com bined fusion vote; the democratic party - uvhi m jwr veui, aim ine viiver republicans about 7 per cent. The people's Independent party name was adopted some time pr(or to the people's party convention at Om aha in 1892, and, because of possible difficulties which might arise on ac- oounr-oi tne Nebraska election laws, the people's party of Nebraska has con- uuueu w retain me name Peoples in dependent.' "Partial fusion between the populists and democrats was accomplished in 894, when the silver wing of democ racy endorsed part of the people's in dependent ticket. Onlv one of the fim. ion nominees. Governor Holcomb, was elected, and his plurality of 3,202 may doubtless be credited to Independent re publican votes, cast for Holcomb be cause of th unsavory public record of his opponent as set forth by a number vi repuDiu-an papers. in urn me srate conventions were neia suDsequent to the three great na- tional conventions, and perfect fusion was accomplished. The democrats were given one place, attorney general, on the state ticket, and presidential elec tors were divided, four populists and lour democrats. In this campaij?n a new any, tne silver republican party, was recognized as an imnortant taMnr- Governor Holcomb's majority over his repuoiican opponent , was 21,692; Bry an's taking the first named elector on each ticket, 12,170: and the other fusion S'ate officers were elected by an aver- age majesty of about 12,000. "In 1897 the democrats were given the candidate for supreme judge, and per fect fusion f the three parties agwln effected.. Ju1ee John J. Sullivan, the fusion nominee, was elected, by 13,819 majority over his republican opponent. "Tn 1898 fusion was strain brought about. Governor Holcomb had served two terms and .was not a .candidate for re-etectlon. The silver republicans were fiven i Heutenant governor; William A. Poynter, a populist, nominated for governor, and the remaining state of ficers Were renominated, fn tin's eam-TMs-n the fus'en forces, were over-confident. The fusion stae oUcem had msrte an admirable record; biilnssllke methods and economy prevailed In ev enr denavtmen under their control the credit of the stare wns enhanced:' e'ste warrants, that sold for 63 and 95 under republican administration, rose rjsnldJy t na and then to i and Pr Cent premium under the fus'on treu f's careful rfwtvmsnf of th s'a'e traury. A. leels'aMve lnve!tliMs5 ' comlfeo ad nommencd "rocsi some damning Alurw .Srttei IT" 'f'tiJns were Ml In Va-v i.-i r V ! ImI I. 1'M, Th. fu.lnn vol 4h urrJ 'tor r-"h'w Bnt P"'T"1 '"''"In 1M hy .me on eWnn Tv.1n t riv r"je nut. Tn ,'s1'tv the remrh'l- f fnfnf) IWMlttftBfl fnfi 1s-1 l V-H f-hoTT' fnnilr wv'ft w hmv. m.n( w- a Tt-iil smnnv the fntnn vrt n w ei"''' not h fftA, tv(pv, ir arrwat meflsure (iih for n.t.i(vf voe. ve1 rrrv f'trion vrtAr Vn-rw mraln a'tlon will hive Its effect on II '1 uih In I'lutUinuiith. The jioople independent and demo cratic cmvenHonn were held here tmlny. Thiwt'h hm-mrmioUH action perfect (u sitin wn cffoed. At'cr the ' orjrnnis tioii oi Ixit'i conven'icn was compVed tlio oe;ecties met tow her in Watcrmi'n hi II to I'Mea to nn atdre-is by et-Gov-rnr Holcnmb. Dr. Wnllace, chairman of the rlemwK.T.t' ic convention, called ih? moel'mjto order and introduced t,e wn-aker who wns crce'od with enlhu in"!i; tipp'aii'e and spokn for three qtuir'ers of an hour, rect-iving frequrnt npi'iiiif'e. In tlo evening he flrnin Hpo'.'e nt llrynn niretins? to a mag nificent nndiencc of four or five tho't wind p-ojile and wimicreplfd with cheem. Tho following tie'rot wax nvimina'ed: O. II. Al'en, j y : Jacob Tritch, treas urer; W. I). Wheeler. Kheriffj John D. Tutt, clerk; Smith, miperinten- dn'.;A.IJ. Smith, wurveyor;, John P. S"!"r, coninrr. , i The tic' .ft in concede' to be IhenfronR fnt ami clpanct ever noTOinttil, and the fuxion forcen will pn into Ihe battle wi!h an enthtidin-im Hint hnnot befn equaled since Ihf cnmpiiifrn of 1HSX1 an! they will Win.-- rialtHinotith Journal, tOTS OF THEM.j , One of Uio K -indolph republl'anx who heard Hryan at Lnure! now s-f-t he "i republican with Uryan irincir 'h." There re lots of them. Randolph I iporter. the campaign of 1900. "While state matters enter somewhat Into the con test in Nebraska, and the personality of the nominees will cut some figure, yet the feeling is growing every day that this is an all-imporant prelimin ary skirmish in the battle of 1900. The silver question Is the same lively corpse mat it was in 1896, In fact, livelier, because many republicans who followed the International bimetallism will-o'-the-wisp then, see now how they were duped; and the present con dition of the backs of New York is every day bringing the money question more prominently before the people. That comparatively new question, the trusts, and the newer, but none the less Important one, Imperialism, are claiming a great share of the people's attention. . . i The fusion forces have a normal ma jority of nearly 20,000 over the repub licans with a full vote polled, or from 15,000 to 18,000 with an average vote out' However, Governor Holcomb's magnificent record as "the best govs ernor Nebraska ever had" will bring him many republican votes that could not be secured for the national tltfket In passing, it may not be amiss to state that the republican party form erly had an overwhelming majority In Nebraska, but was always divided into two factions, the monopolists and antl-monopollsts. The warfare be teen these factions was very bitter and continued from about 1880 to 1890, The people's , independent party has, since 1890, practically absorbed all tin cere anti-monopoly republicans who could, lay aside party for principle, In 1883 the present republican nominee for supreme judge was elected to the su preme bench and one or two of his de cisions show a leaning toward the anti-monoply wing of his party, as then constituted; in 1889 he was de feated for renomlnatlon by the monop oly wing of his party through conven tion trickery; and since that time, the monopoly republicans being in control, he has smothered his anti-monopoly views and made herculean efforts to show that he Is most subservient to the monopoly ring. He has not been an anti-monopolist since at least 1832, and Is now the party nominee of the most pronounced advocates of trusts, monopolies and Imperialism. ' But his campaign will doubtless be made, so far as the republican state committee can manage it, upr Ms antl-monopol- i...t i 1 . toofi . iDiiu leaiiuiK jit J . - 1303. The average to .. vote-cast In the last ten years for the head of the state ticket during the same period Is 83,787, leaving to all forces opposing the republican party an average vote of 107,121. Of this latter amount there Is an average of 7,474 gold democrats. 4,412 prohibitionists, and 150 scatter ing votes, ' which Includes the labor socialists, leaving close to a hundred thousand for the three parties com posing the fusion forces.' ' ' - Governor' Holcomb's great popular ity among all classes of voters is well Shown in his 1896 majority, which' ran about 9.900 higher than Bryan's, and It may Tie Safely assumed that he will draw heavily upon both the gold dem ocratic and prohibition vote. Hon. T Mahoney, the gold democratic do- f fnee- for supreme ' judge In 1895, art who polled .over 18,000 votes, Is out In letter supporting Holcomb and ev erything pqlntt to a large return of file gold democrats, to tne regular aemo- cratid orffAfimtfoa. : .. . i -.. T .. . ..... Ii... IV. J AStae irom . me , personam nominees, which may M sajeiy couju in Gov. Holcomb's fayoft tils attitude of the national admlnlstrturon upon Imperialism is driving back thousands of voters of fgretgn birth, who in 1894 supported McKlnley because, they were dissatisfied with- Grower Cleveland's administration. The Germans, Bwe.ie. Danes, Bohemians., and Norwegians 2rffywhre are treaty agitated over President McKlnley attitude on the Philippine QlieBt.en; ihey see the drift towrd militarism and thev know bv bt'ter experience what that tneans. ThVy are terribly In earest over ihls tiues'tWin-. and no living man can say irtrfny Just what the result of '.heir 'final decision will be. If they decide to ret'"'"".,e republican administra tion which now seems very probable by voting against the republican par ty. Governor Holcomb's majority may run over S5.000. But this, of course, is as yet problematical. ;, - ' ' With the foreign voters largely ar rayed against us In 1896. Holcomb car rlerf Nehrata by over - 21.000: with their aid this year, it Is hard to ac count on less than 35.000. In any event, with a full vote out, which now nems certain, we count on 20.000 to SI5.000. giving our opfonents the benefit of every doubt Tonrs very truly.. J. H. EDMTTEV. i Chairman. - SIlRhtly Abaerftmladed. ' "Does your huMiand ever help you about taking rare of the baby?" was asked the wife of a young professor In a nelRWiorliig city. i "Not ofiiu. though sometimes he does. IjinI evening be said he'd take Willie for nn airing as be was golnu to walk down to the postc-fflce. Half an hour later I nw my hushnnd sit ting In the parlor rending a aclentlfle niiigii.fne, but I could see nothing of the boby. - I " 'Where's Willie? What have you done with lilm'f I asked ';Wliy.' fold the professor. ! forprot ! all about him. I think be la alttlnjf In the poatotlkf.' "-Detroit Free Press. Lola of Then ffoe.'allta. "No. my child, you cannot marry Ravenswood Plunks." "I'.tk pnpa. w lint Is your objection to i:nvle?" "My child, he la one of the moat ob jectionable "melallKtB I ever met." "A stM lnli't. papa? Knrely you are tnlstakenr ... , "No. I'm not. lie actually demand ed to alia re my wealth with titer . "Its vie did that? , Why. pii. what did be ny?" v "He said he wanted to be my son-in-law." -Cleveland Plain Dealer ft AN UNEVEN HAY CROF, Viiorier lonnaae I Han l nunl and a Itank (ironth of Weeda. The hay crop is outlined as "unusu ally Irregular and uueveu" by the American Agriculturist, which says of the general conditions: The range Is from almost complete failure to mag nillceut luxurlauce, aud when the view Is narrowed to take in state coudltions ouly the range Is almost as great. Not ouly Is there great disparity tn state conditions, , but within the state the same Irregularity exists. It Is thus dltilcuit to summarize the condition for the whole field, but the careful returns of our country correspondents furnish abuudaut basis for the claim that the hay crop this year will be small lu comparison with the abundant product of lust year. East of the Aileghsnies and In the south the long spring drought came at a time when its full effect was appar ent In the grass crop. Not only was the crop cut short, but on material areas no attempt was made to cut any bay, cattle bclug pastured on meadows tn the absence of any nourishment on regular pasture areas. In New Eng land the crop locally runs from one fourth to one-half a crop, in New York and Pennsylvania only three fourths of a crop la In sight With ucb a situation In these Important hay districts If naturally follows that the general average of condition for the whole crop Is low.' West of the Alleghanlea the season has presented radically different condi tions. Instead of drought the whole spring and summer hare been marked by a great excess of rainfall, and not looking beyond the bare records of pre cipitation the public has been convinc ed thut the grass of the west would make good any deficiencies In the east. But such Is not assured. Instead of a great bay crop as a result of the unu sual rainfall In the central valleys, the crop Is inferior to last year for the belt as a whole, and tn many localities it Is decidedly smaller than the average for a series of years. WMlp the partial failure In the east la the result of the drought entirely, the uneven crop of the wesf Is due to a cause which is apt to be more lasting aud farreaching. The severe" winter weather which so nearly di-atroycd the winter wheat crop over a large district left a heavy mark on the meadows as well. Clover suffered to an extent al most beyond precedent and meadows Were left In such shape In many sec tions that the plow was the only reme dy. On this account there was a larger area of grass land put to corn than for many years, and much of what was spared , will another year be plowed. The crop promise of the west la not Dp to the usual standard. Not only will there be a shortage In tonnage, but the usual rankness' In weed growth this year will lowef tbe quality of the crop. In portions of Ohio, Indiana and Illi nois the j complaint of : white top Is greater than ever before, and this pest will necessitate further plowln up of grasa land., . '. ' ' Alfalfa Pop Host Paafre. An Ohio Farmerorrespondent aska whether alfalfa can be sown In an orchard for bog pasture which has been In timothy and ototer and la all heaved out and Joseph E.'; Wing an swers: Alfalfa undoubtedly makes the best bog pasture of any plant that can be grown. Whether the soil of this or chard will, prow It or sot la another question. The ciover having froson out may simply b the result of Its having died from old age, or it may be that the aoil la andrained and apt to beave things. If the soil is really rich and dry, I should sow the alfalfa without any hesitation.' Plow the land deep, throw ing np an Inch or two of Dew soli and sowing the alfalfa ' along about' tt-e middle of April or later. Cover by roll Inn;. Be sure the land Is smooth, so that the Inower -an run ver It easily, for keeping It, mowed off two or three times the first summer to destroy the Weeds and to invigorate the alfalfa by the close dipping Is the secret of suc cessful alfalfa'growtng. Do not pas ture It the first year, and do not pas ture It the second year Uo close, and never allow the bogs to run on It when the alfalfa Is frosted, or the plants wttl be destroyed. Harvesting goa Beans For Seed. Cut as soon as first pods turn yellow or become a light brown. If left too long to rtjM'n. the leaves will drop off. thus Injuring the value of the hay and straw. The stalks will also become too bard and tough to cut with a mow er or reaier. An old fashioned self rake or dropper is the beat. Put the beans In autall piles, containing a pood forkful each, and allow them to cure. They are best thrashed from the field, an this saves extra handling, the shell ing of the seed and prevents beating If stored when not erfectly dried. Care must be taken In feeding the hay like corn fodder, for It Is a rich con denned food, adv!es American Agri culturist. Srlentiae Aids. The secretary of agriculture has an nounced that any graduate of a col lege receiving a'l from the United States baa the chance, on certain con ditions, to be learned front the United Ktatea civil service coniinianhtn. Wash ington, of becoming a "scientific aid" in the United Htutifc depflrtiiu-ut of ag riculture for a period limited to two yenra i t a salary not to exceed $4t per nontli The minimum age limitation for enram-e to examination for the ro- rltl.nJ In zii yen ik. There Is no maxt- miitii ace limitation. THE HESSIAN FLY. What May Be Dona After Wheat Ha vest Sowing Decoy Crops. The Hessian fly is glvtug trouble In various uectlous of the country. In a iHillotlu of the departmcut of ngrlcul ture on this Uy thu remedies discussed at length are burning the stubble plowing uuder the stubble, destruction of volunteer wheat, planting decoy strips, rolling, late sowing of fall wheat. Intermittent wheat culture, pas' turltig with sheep, mowing aud selec tion of reslsttttit variotles. Mr. II. Os. born, the author of the bulletin, says that a little thought concerning the measures discussed, with a recognition of the lifo history facta upon which they are bused, will suggest thut Uie best practical results will bo obtained not by reliance upon any one method but by an intelligent adaptation of two or more, accordlug to the conditions prevailing for the season. These will constitute, a practice which can be modified for each year as the condi uous win indicate. With the harvesting of grain there Is open the policy of burning the stubble or plowing It under or allowing It to stana ror the exclusion of beneficial parasites. If the weather la very dull, k win be best to defer burning, to al low the Issuance of as many parasltea aa possible, but If burning Is to be adopted at all it should be done before' rail rains set In or the field has grown un to weeds. If rains occur earl v. burning will be best, .and In any case tne atubbie should be plowed under and rolled aa soon aa there la any ap pearance or a volunteer growth of wheat The ; chaff from thrashing snouia oe Darned and tne screenings ournea or red to stock aa early as pos sible, and care should be taken during autumn to plow under and roll the vol unteer wheat that springs up In the stackyard. If winter wheat Is to be planted, strips of decoy wheat may be put In to be plowed under at the end of three or four weeks and finally the crop piantea at as late a date as prac ticable, according to dates given In the paragraph on late planting. This nrac- tlce can be duly combined with the se lection of resisting varieties of wheat and the application of fertilizers. It will be observed that the modifica tions are based primarily on the weath er whether dry or moist, a condition apparent to every one, and that the Bug' gestlon amounts to postponement of burning oi1 plowing If dry, or the early adoption of one or both If wet. The proper time for sowing decoys will vary with the latitude. According to Webster, for northern. Indiana they should be bowu' during tie latter part of August, and In the southern part of the state not later than the first week In September. To the north and south of this he does not undertake tp give dates, but It would depend,, upon the date of appearance' of the fall brood of files, the wheat being planted early enough to attract the files at the time of their emergence. A decoy' crop should be destroyed within f oar weeks at the utmost, 'and turned under so deeply that any , Insects maturing would be unable to escape. . , , -(,, ;f Covar Crooa. . i Where a nitrogenous fertilizer la not desired, rye is a good cover crop. ' It la also useful on very light, sandy' soils and on very bard, lumpy soils, where other crops- are nrft easily grown. ' A, few years of rye may Improve Inch soils sufficiently to permit the use of other crops. Turnips have been recom mended for., use , .on., bard, . dry fitnd, wbsre other crops do not atart mtilly. Rape may serve a useful pViV-fcose as a cover crop.' Corn sewn thickly 1 to 1 months before frost la taid to make a (food winter cover roc orchards, though quickly killed bj told weather. ' Buck wheat Is gKl for the same purpose, If sown rt as to reach its full height, but not to produce seed before , winter. Among other plants of more or less value aa cover crops are oats, wheat,' barley,, millet and spurry. ' - ' ' Hevra and Notes. '; ' - la commenting upon the complaints of consumers that aweet corn on the ear aa found in city markets la entirely devoid of sweetness and Gavor, al though It seems fresh and Juicy. The Rural New Yorker says that no other farm product loses flavor more rapidly after gathering than green corn, and If it conkl be sold more promptly to the consumer we should bear no more com plaints of Us deteriorated quality. , In a Canadian experiment burning the wheat stubble, then disking and drilling In the seed gave a better result than drilling the seed on burned or un burned stnbble or on disked unburned stubble. tn answer to the question whether manure, where sawdt:t has been tued for bedding, 1s Injurious to soil, Amer ican Gardening linn obtained the opto Ion of such good authorities as Pro fessors IMt of Ontario. Canada; Clin ton of Cornell uclverHfly. Voorhees of New Jersey. Fields of Oklahoma and Dr.. II. M. Wiley of Washington, from all of which It apMitra that, upon the whole, there Is no valid ejection to the use of sawdust. Profctwor Day thinks an exceanlve amount on light kind might possibly Injure the texture of the soil. It Is said that In oil regions, where ronda have Into oiU-d by lea Usee or otlierwlae. they are firm and dtwUess. The estimate of expense of oil for road Improvement, according to a govern-, ment civil -tigIiH-er. Is not to exceed ft41.no per mile, one barrel being enough for 50 feet of roadway 12 feet wide. It U retKjrted that an experi ment tn this line Is to be made by the department of agriculture In conjunc tion with the local authorities of Dea 11 ol oea on roiintry roads connected with that city. Kverylxaly. whether aUoptl Mil or confident In the project, will await the outcome with Interest. FlEXpq'ARPEN - f iVrT smi mas " ' 7 THE CABBAGE WORM. Timely Measures Will Reduce the Troublesome Full Hrooila. The adults of that troublesome pest, the cabbage worm, are little white but terflies, which Issuefrcm the chrys nllds during the latter part of April ami Muy for the ilrst brood. The females lay their eggs upon any suit able plants which may be found at this season. Their eggs are deposited upon the lower sides of the leaves, where the worms feed until about half grown, 1 ho worms usually become most troublesome the latter part 0f the season, during September aud Oc tober, when they may be found feed lng not ouly upon the cabbage, but also upon cauliflowers, ruta bagas. mignonette and several other plants. This pest Is most susceptible to treatment when In the larval ataire The larvae may be killed either by poisoning or by materials which pene trate the skin. One of the heat reme dies of the first class la the Ilme-resln mixture, but it must be used onlv nmm young plants, as there la dancer of poisoning tho human consumer If ap- piiea arter the heads are mora than one-third grown. Hellebore mi ha used until the plant la nearly fit for use, as it soon loses Ita strenirth niton exposure to the air. Of the contact Insecticides, aim nf the emulsions will be found most use ful; but, aa with the arsenltes, only the young plants ahbuld be treated. 41 proper Precautions are taken tn destroy the few members of the first Drooa which anoears. whatever reme dy la used, the chances of damage rrora later broode are areatlv diminish. ed. All treatments should be repeated aa often as necessary. The resin lime mixture alluded tn in the advice given, as precedes, bv tho Rhode Island station, Is a preparation for which the New York station has published this formula: Stock solution, nnlverlzeri resin R (pounds; concentrated lye, 1 pound; fish on or any cheap animal oil exceptl.tal- low, i pint; water, 0 gallons. In takes about two hours to Drenare this mixture. The oil. rosin and nne gallon of hot water should be placed In an Iron kettle and heated until the resin Is softened, after which the solu tion of concentrated lve or not fish should be carefully added and tho mix ture thoroughly stirred. After adding the lye, add four more gallons of hot water and allow the whole, mass to boll until the mixture will unite with cold water, making a clear, amber col ored liquid. When through boiling, If there are not five gallons of the mix ture, add water enough to make that quantity. ; - 1';; - J' - - ' Solution, for use: Resin mixture (stock solution). 1 eallon: water.', 18 gallons; milk of lime, 3 gallons; parla green, Cue-quarter pound. 3 Resin Urns mixture should only bo prepared as used. It milk of 11ms la added to the undiluted resin mixture, a heavy precipitate la formed. This not onlv settles ranldlv. hut It also gums up the valves and plunger of the mimn an1 nlnoa li nuat.." : ' - . !' -This 'Is for nse nnon tilants' which nave smooth leaf surfaces to which tho common spraying mixtures win not readily adhere. .' .w-.u. .;. -.; '.i . ').:,;, i ,,; v i - 'j.; Jl i Sliver Ball Backwhoat. ; ,Y The variety of buckwheat Is com paratively new, but at is growing in v, out K is growing in fanners say it is earlier' Dooutaritv. as than the variety commonly grown e variety commonly grown, it has the great disadvantage, however, of ripening very unevenly, 80 that It Is Impossible to leave tha later blossoms to perfect flush seed without losing some of the earliest by shelling. , it has a very thin hull, and millers report that It will make more and better flour from a bushel than tbe old fashioned Is sowing buckwheat late and fears ' 1 : " --'i .:(.).'.- :'!' '-'f '-.ll VH' v . ' New Presses, New Type, We arc prepared to do Job Print ing of the best quality. Qur entire plant vas destroyed by Are, but. we have replaced it with a, new outfit complete in every particular. Best Work, Reasorablo Prices,; Prompt Delivery. Before placing your order for- Circulars, Catalogues, Stationery Brief St Lcrjal Blaihks Blank Books Give us anopporttKLity to quote prices. INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING COMPANY, Telephone 533. that'fioiit will .catch It, we would ad vise hltn to sow the silver hull, says The American Cultivator. A half bushel of seed per acre Is sufficient, and a pood seeding of timothy may be got with buckwheat" sown thus thinly. The grain la off early and rather helps tho (mAs during the heat of summer by shading It from the hot sunshine and winds. Caro of Aspnrairaa Plants. When the cutting of asparagus Is dis continued, nn American Gardening cor- respouuent recommends to encourage growth by giving plenty of cultivation and protect the plants from Insect at tacks by dusting with Jline or plaster with a littlo parls green mixed with it If the plants are encouraged to make healthy, strong growths now, they will pay for It next year with a heavy cut ting of thick succulent shoots. Where the ground Is not rich it should be given a dressing of bone dust or a few good waterings with Iquld manure, as the asparagus is a gross feeder. Should fllftt-A !,A Bit. 1.1 n n 1. - n -V. U 1 - t " j .'iuuro iu tiiu ucub mars, them with sticks with a view of filling thom with plants next spring. Froa-ramme For FtsMlac Bora lr Brief and to the point are the Iowa Homestead's directions for ridding cat tle and pastures of the horn fly. Kero-" aene emulsion used to spray the cattle ' la effective, but roust be frequently re peated. Fish oil, tn which two table spoonfuls of carboib acid to the quart has been added. aDDlled to the hack of the cattle with a broad, fiat paint orusn, furnishes a protection that lasts about Six da VS. The dronnlnira nf tho 1 cattle should be broken open aa soon as tney oecome somewhat rfrv anA sprinkled with lime. ; It is here that the egga are deposited and the new broodol hatch which, keep np the succession during the born fly season. SECRET OF BRIGHT COLORS. Aa Bna-llakmaa Pays Dearly For a k Suashlae Trick In sneaking to the writer about tho favorable Influence .that fine weather has upon the Droductlon of brlehi and delicately shaded dyes and colors. a ratnous Ingush manufacturer of carmine recently said; ' Some years ol'o I was aware of tha superiority of the French carmine, and, being anxious to Improve upon my own process, I went to Lyons aud bargained with the most celebrated manufacturer In that city for the acquisition of his aeeret, for which I was to pay $ 5.00O. ., "Well, I was shown all the process and saw a mqst, beautiful color pro duced, but 1 noticed that there was not the least difference In the French mods of fabrication and that which I con stantly adopted mvself. I thereunon . appealed to my, Instructor and lnslst- ea mat he must have kept some secret concealed,, The man assured me be had not and asked me to Inspect the proc ess a aecoad time. '( J (acc.p,ted the In vitation; and after 1 had minutely ex amined the water and the materials, which were lu every rpsncjt similar to i my own, t still felt so atwfe in the dark that I said. 'I have lost both my labor: and money, for the air of England does npt admit us to make good carmine.' ' : 'Stay!' said the Frenchman. 'Dont deceive yourself. What kind of weather ' is It now 7 ' ' " 'A bright and sunny day,' 1 replied.'' 'And such are the days,' said ths Frenchman, 'on which I make my col or. Were I to attempt to manufacture . It oo a dark and cloudy day my results would; be tbe same as yours. Let mo advise you my friend, only . to mako' your carmine on bright; sunny days.' " : "The moral of this," continued tho' Englishman. '"will apply quite as wU' w w in manufactures, and also in tho to tno maicrag or many oiner coiors . ur i"UBir a inu-uw way . the , chemical Influence of light i npon ecpain coionug couipounuo r , mlxtureiT Washington btar. ( if, .. -:" . ' ' "In India only one wdman in every 100 Is able to read." "Well I don't believe more than ono 1 n every 100 nf onr own women is able ids." Chlcag) Times Uerald. 12th fc PStreeto..