' . . Or The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1899. 7 mmmmmam SSaW4sWaWaaai H I . II. I ! H -B - .- 1 . f - I ... 1 VOL. XI. ADDRESS TO VOTERS Aa Appeal to tke Frleada ef Oood Crovsrn aat of eU BUf bf the Fopullrt fltata OoMntlttM. Thesampaigu of 1899 is now on. Three great conventions of delegates, representing the three great parties which bave fought shoulder to shoulder since 1896 for good government, met wcently in Omaha and selected their standard bearers for the political battle w hich will rage from now until the 7tb day of November. More harmonious conventions of tbe reform forces were never held on Nebraska soil, and the practical unanimity of opinion expressed by the delegates as to who these standard-bearers should be, is a marked tribute to their worth, integrity and i. oVtitirv . . . . t ., tia iMivpd regarding the UtlV UU HI DU - imnnrtflnce of the coming election in u...k. tta rcnlin will be felt for years not only in this state, but in L the ftnnwfilL Nebraek'aisthe storm- m. t n;tlwil antirit.V and Will be ceuivr ui p w - anh nntil after the election to the pres. idencyofthat peerless statesman, Wil Ham Jennings Bryan, in 1900. All eyes are turaed toward Nebraska." An over whelming victory for the fusion forces means glad tidings of great joy to the friends of good government in other states; and It strikes terror to the hearts of the advocates of imperialism, mima- rism, moLopolies and trusts. It means a victory for that grand old document, whose undying truths should bestamped indelibly uoon the memory of every liberty-loving American citixen. .It means that the constitution of the United States of America shall be re rMtaA it manna eventnal triumph of VvvW v - the principle, "equal rights to all, - spec ial privileges to none." And it means or Nebraska an uutrammeled supreme court.' and a seat of learning of increased usefulness to the aspirisg, intelligent jouth of the state, which will be a source OI 108 pnae io buk. a . . 1. L. ..11 ; Hm, Unn man underestimate the imnnrtanee of the election this fall, cither irom tne yiew-puirm oi iiiwcm in sults or future en ct Keitner iec any frutnrf of irood government overlook the ' importance tmrrrrtBr'floirood ertisen CVer WlltUliy DPglOlS W wrcino uin sovereign right and duty to vote sins of omission are fully as grave at times jla tins of commission. DO NOT FAIL Let us consider the situation in Ne braska. ' Arrayed on one baud are the finata who ebout against "dishonest money" and "repudiation" in one Dream And in the next clamor for an interna tional agreement whereby all countries mav have "diBhonest money" ana re pndiation." Who cry for a money 'good In the markets of the world," and anrotective tariff to prevent this money imm heinar lined ant where except at hnm Whose national policies and foHttprinir care have resulted in the crea tion of the most gigantic combinations of capital, commouly Known as trusts, whoaannprat ions are already a menace to our republic and bave become one ol tha most difficult and perplexing prob lems ever presented to our statesmen for solution. Who, against tne vigorous protests of the tru -t and combines, very reluctantly responded to over whelming public opinion and began a righteous war in the interests of suffer ing humanity, to stay the hand of a merciless tyrant; then, when success had attended our arms on every hand, at the behest of thess same trusts, and ' combines, paid the tyrant $20,000,000 for a quit claim deed to a country and its people who tor many years had been stranding against this self-same tyrant in an earnest effort to enjoy the bless ings of liberty, and bave now converted a war began in righeeousDess to one of conquest and sat jagation. Who once upon a time, when good men and true were in control, championed an amend ment to the constitution providing that "neither slavery nor involuntary servi tude, except as a nunisbment for crime shall exist within the United 8tates. or any place subject to their iuriediction:" and who now. under the guidance of men hostile to free institu tions, bave recently perfected a treaty with the sultan of tbe Snlu inlands, whereby he acknowledges ths sovereign ty of tbs United States, agrees to fly the stars and stripes wherever be goes, and is placed upon ths pay-roll of tbs United States at 10.000 per annum for the support ol bis harem of twelve wives. Slavery is prevalent in tbe 80!u islands; yet the republican administration, re gardless of tbe Thirteenth Amendment, recognises ths institution of-slavery there by stipulating with tbe sultan that slaves shall be allowed to purchase their freedom at tbs usual market price! Can any self-respecting follower of tbe Great Emancipator allow himself to be thus dranged into ths mire by the co horts ol Mark Hanna? This is a brief statement ot undisputed facts regarding ths republican party natiouallv. In Nebraska its record is no better. Ths excu tire department, no der republican rnle, was conducted with little regard for ths people, always ex trsvagsnt in expenditure of tbe people's money and often downright dishonest. Tbe legislature, whenever safely repub I lean, could always be relied upon to enact tbs rabkest claes legislation, and to ekill'ully administer a death blow to any measure which might provs in the least Inlniickl to the iaterets of quasi, public corporations etijijing special that would accrue to a great majority of the DeoDle. And the supreme court- ever a republican body in majority at least has never failed in recen yean, on close questions, to stand against the people and for the great corporations. There are a few bright spots in the pic ture, however; there have been one or two republican supreme jiagm m u past who stood for justice to all; but the republican juggernaut was dragged over them and they were relegated to the rear. Laws have been d dared uncon stitutional by this republican supreme court on the most hair-splitting and trivial technicalities, betause certain onut rnrnni-dtinna willed it. . And the court has so warped and twisted its interpretation of the laws and reversed its own decisions upon the slightest pre text to fix the case at nana, mat ouwue of the etnte, the Nebraska reports are regarded as worthy of but scant conoid eration and of little weight as authority on any important point ol law. Such Is, britny, asxeicn oi ou imnjr in the coming election. Can yon, repub lican voter, blindly f llow tne ieaa oi corrupt or incompetent men and allow them to do your political iniuniuKt m old party of Abraham Lincoln received ' . . . it . i i i una a staggering Diow at an. uuma iu and the enemies of free government have completely killed it in 1899. There is now no repnoucan party rcwv mo silver republican party but there is a tnonarchial purty, witu murs nauim nn.misp- Aa vnn care to train with it? Arrayed on the other side stand three allied armies. All have a common od- i-ct. but each has its distinxniHoing features. There is no disagreement upon th on, and vital Questions. ah oe- liava that "sovernments derive their frnra the conBPDt of the ito urn oH." All honor and revere the Decla ration ol Independence, ttieuonsiimrion and ths Fla. All believe in -equal rights to all and special ptiviieges to none." All are true repuoncwuB, they favor "a republican form of gov ern ineDt." All are true demtMsrate be cause they believe in "a form of govern ment in which the supreme poww- m lodged in the bands ot the people collec tively." And all are true populists, be thv llinvein "a novertment of th twrnilfl. bv the oeoole, for the people.". . , ' The magnificent record of Silas A. Holcomb aowals to every tbinkin wu-v - - - -1 ar - - man. His rigid adherence to strict Lnnnnmi. vet not Dareimony, in all de- nnptments under bis control while gov nnr' hia nonaervatism and emineut fairness in every acr, both pnb ic and nrivate: and above all, his honesty and undoubted legal ability combine to mark bim as an idal nin for a seat on the supreme bench. His noiniuation, mmimr aa it did in three conventions on the first ballot, Is suffkiwit to show the high esteem with which he is regarded ho on infoiiiirpiit DeoDle. Standinir. as he does, for the grand truths upon which our republic rests, a man of the a. fr and to tne peooie. ois emo tion is an assured fact; yet we appeal to orv Invar of truthaud fustioe to turn ont. at the polls on tbe 7tb of November and make his majority greater than that of 1896 an overwhelming rebuke to the party which has gone date on coinraer aioiiam militariam and imnerial'sm. rho convention did a noble work in naming J. L. Teeters and E lson Rich as nnminuM tor raurent of the state uuiver- l Kn hatter selection could have been made. Both gentlemen are emi nomii flttad for the oosition. Mr. Twora ia a nrominent business man of i in.in a oradnate of the Iowa univer sity, and Mr. Rich, a lawyer of good ,.ruoti in Omaha, a graduate ol our state university; aod both are well ao auainted with tbe need of a great edu- al inatitution. Both of tbem are Vaoni aliva to the importance of local inirn thalriaing generation a hearty nniw i ation oi tne eternal priDi-mm ui irht and trnth. a loveof country and mi inatitntions. Both are earnest ad vnnatea of industrial education and tney tin infnaa anonorh new blood into tne hnard nt raaants to make It an ideal body one which will sealously guard verv interest of this great institution nt learn in ir. Arise and gird on your armor, ne vigilant, courageous and strong, ue Americans patriotic, liberty-loving Americans even at tlie risk of being called "old fah'oned." Bestir yonr- selves. Tbe enemies of our republic are wiaa aa serDents. but the right snail prevail. T - E. W. Nelson, (Chairman. Hcraarv. - : State Central Committee, People's Inde pendent Party of a. braeka. Lincoln, Nebraska, September 2, 1899, RATHER CHUMMY. It is not very remarkable that our re publican friends are so chummy with the Britisher, and would like an alliance. Rnth nations are engaged in ths ssms nrnfaaaion iat at present a sort of oa- tlnnal briirandage. steatiug tenltory be longing to some other people. The English are about to commence a war to eon oner and annihilate tbe Dsich reimh- lln in Africa. Everybody knows what our job is and we hope England will at leant Have as nine a juo as we arooaTiug. llntchinson Ussette. THE U0 TTEST DAT. Tbe hottest day of the year and ths hottest ever recorded in the month of 8'ptetnber at the university weather station was the record of last Tuesday, Reittember 5. The university record is unually several degrees lower than the record of tbe ordinary thermometer ebon town. I showed 101 degrees at 8:1& Tuesday afternoon and ths mean teniperatur for th" - whs 89 degrees which was 20 d gree K)ve tbe normal. The maximum of the day fetore was 08 degrees. LINCOLN, SEPT. 18TH-23D DartagTkoss Days tho City WIU FroMat a BtraatFalr, Frao Exhibits : , aad rros Sbows. : , . t ' Lincoln is going to make up and more than make up for the suspension ot the state fair. The city will offer something that is far superior to any state fair ever held. It is a street fair where thsre will be no charge for admittance and everything will be free to all. , Low rail road rates will be given so that it will be an easy matter to reach the city and when once here all the rest is free. From September 18 to Septem ber 23 the people are invited to come and enjoy the street fair and ee the sights.:, To begin with, there will be the agri cultural exhibit, the, cattle; bog and horse exhibit, the dairy, bee and fine art exhibit. One ot them will be on the gov ernment square, one on the market square and one in spacious brick blocks near at hand. The four!concert braes bands of the state will furnish the most exa nisi te music The streets will be ioed for twelve blocks with artistio pa villous and booths where the mercantile exhibition will be made. There will be a civic parade, a bicycle parade and to close with a Mardl Gras carnival. , At the intersections of tbe streets there will be built huge platforms upon which will be enacted all sorts ot programs. Several ot the best troops traveling have been engaged to perform for tbe enter. tainment of the , multitudes all tree There will be acrobats, bicycle trick rid. ers, iaggiing, wire rope penormances . . a . and balloon ascensions every day. ; One of the greatest attractions will be the pectacular lights that will be shows all over the city every night together ith tbe elaborate fire works. It will pay anyone to take a journey to see either of thew. . ' There will be no games of chance or in decent shows allowed auy where within the limits of the city. An effort will be made to see if tbe people do not like de cency and honesty better than the meth ods that bave prevailed at so many fairs and shows otaie years. Ton wont have to pay fifty cents to get in and another twenty-five or fifty cents for everything that you look at, and there will be no "sure thing," gambling devices to rake in tbe the money of tbe unsophisticated. Let it be repeated: "No gambling will be aRowed." The Southwestern racing association will hold a meeting during the week but tbe Street Fair association has no interest in it Those who want to go and see tbe horse racing can do so. There will be other shows besides those that- have been enumerated that will charge admittance, but they are under contract to submit to tbe closest inspec tion and will be closed instantly if tbey undertake to put up any ooocbee coochee dances or anything of that sort. This is a Lincoln and not an Omaha affair. Tbs same premiums will be paid as at the county fair when it was held behind a high board fence, and everybody had to pay fifty cents to get in. From the en tries already made it is probable that there will be a larger exhibit of agricult ural products, horses, cattle and hogs than was ever seen in this county before. That will also be true, of agricultural machinery. ' The right track has been struck at last and there is no doubt that an enormous attendance will prove it. SOME REAL NEWS Every one will remember tbe news boy, George Cavanaugh. who followed tde army in Cuba, delivering his paper every day as regularly as he bad formerly done on his route in Chicago, and bow he found a wounded doctor lying help less in ths bruh and carried him on his pouyback to ths hospital. Us Is now In tbe Philippines delivering bis papers as he' did in Cuba to tbe soldiers along tbs firing tins and at their regular posts. He has written a letter to bis paper which contains mors real news than Otis will let get out in a month. It contains just such facts and figures aa interests the people of this censored republic His letter, published in the Chicago Record of September 1st is as follows: Manila, July 10. Besides vWtlngall of tbe hospitals In and .about M inila have traveled over l be entire territory beld by tbe American troops. Ibis ex tends nearly thirty-nine miles to tbe north and twenty to the south. Over one-sixth of tbe 90,000 Ameri can soldiers bers are In tbe hospitals In addition to these a great many of th men in tbs field arenufit tor duty. Ou one occasion while 1 was at the frout company ol tbs 01st Iowa volunteers was ordered out lor guard duty. Only twenty.lour men ol the eighty membera ol the company were able to leave quar ters Oi tbe tweuty-lour six bad to be relieved before tbe night was over. Of course, this was an exceptional case, bat it shows the terrible condition oil oar troops. '" , ; Tbs long campaign seems to uare en tirely exhausted our men. The insur gents bavs wrought much more barm by their running tactics than tney ooaia have done by making stands and pour log Mauser bullets into tbe American ranks. , It is harder work to cba-w tbe insurgents than to fight them. So far aa 1 can observe tbe insurgents were as strong as they were, when hostilities broke out. All the Americans bave to bow for the hundreds killed and thou sands wounded area tew insignificant towns and thirty-nine miles of railroad. Ths sickness will continue to Increase be cause our men are lorcea to remain in tbe trenches to keep tbe Insurgents, woo are growing very bold, from attaosing the towns. Tne other day I found 8 626 patients in seven hospitals whieb I visited. They were distributed as fol io wet FlntrMrrr, Manila...... S-ound rtrrw, Manila.... JJ Third mwrT. Manila.. 'f'JJ Pint dlTlaltiii, Han Karnando . Haoc-ad dlTlnlon I No, 1, I mat , liU Maenad dlrlalos (So. ), I'lnaa Fourth division, Corragldor Inland.... Wai ......... . . ......... ............. ..iif-s Mmvof the regimental hospitals iu the field are filled to ovei flowing. There are the hospitals on thediffxrent island, so that I believe one would be safe iu saying that fully one-sixth of tbe army is onut for service. unrai tins keeps a dose watch of the reports ot sickness which are sent out from here. None ol his officers is allowed to talk about that phase of soUiier life In the Philippine. GKORQB J. KaVAMAVOB. " V IT COMES HICH The Philadelphia Ledger, one of the oldest and staunches t republican papers in tbe state of Pennsylvania, and one thie"; State Journal would hardly call a copperhead, or little American," , has no more love for this McKinley war than thepopshave. It says: A report which Incks official confirma tion, comes Irom Washington that tbe army is to be increaaed to a total of 100,000 men under arms. This Increase of enlisted mes. though, following close upon tbe heels ol the Brussels peaoe con gress, was not a consequence of that conference; it is, on the contrary, a di rect and, it may be said, aa inevitable seqiienceot tbe national administration's policy ot "inanitest dentiny," or expan sion. This policy, as it baa been daily illttatrated, does not mean alone the ex pansion of territory; it mean, among a tjvJy number of other thing- new and HCstaa army ot 100,000 effectives, a navy of many and formidable snipe; u means tbe expansion of tbe lists of dead and wounded, tbe expaneion of taxation war taxes at a time when any war authorised by . congress, without hioh authorisation no war is justified, cannot be said to constitutionally exist, and of tbe expansion of tbe cost of all necessaries of life. Thus, It will be per- Lived, the price of the policy of expan sion is high and with eacn new oay it ie certain to be higher. To create and maintain vast armies afield, to construct, and keep afloat great fighting ships, re- aire enormous revenues, all of wmcn must neceesanly be furniHiied by the people. Not only are the Spanieh war axes still on montns alter peare was de clared, but tbey must be expanded in- e finitely in order to keep pace witn tne policy of expansion. Arri mo TUP CHI ni PRC Pf tll I VII I Ilk UVkllkllW Tha O. A. B , th Flrat Nabra-ka, ths Ea- aampmeat ot tbe Stats Militia. General Barry has issued orders for the annual encampment of tbe state militia at Lincoln park. Tbey will be gin assembling next Saturday. On Sun day there will be religious services at which Rev. Mr. Jennings will preach. Tbe 0. A. R. and the First Nebraska will assemble on the etate fair grounds. Tbs members of the First Nebraska will be furnished transportation from and to their homos and subsi'tence while in tbe city. - Tbey are requested to bring their blanket rolls. Tents will be furnished free. There will be a banquet given to the officers ot tbs First Nebraska on September 13 lb, to every one of whom the following invitation has been sent: Lincoln, Neb, Sp., 2, 1899.-Sir: I have the honor to inform you that ths officers comprising tbe Second and Third Rtgiment, Nebraska volunteers and froop K" o I U. o. Volonteer Cavalry, and tbe officera ol the .Nebraska Na tional Guard, bave authorised me to in vite .vou to be pieaeot as a guest at the banquet to begl en at th Lind.ll bote), Lincoln, Nebraska, Wednesday evening rtenteinber 13tb, at 9 o'clock p. m , to the offim r of the iirst Regiment Ne braska Volunteers. Please I norm me by return mail of your acceptance, o that we amy know tbe number i invited guests mat ws may reasonably expeet. to l present on the occasion. Very ReVy Toora, P. II. Barry, Adintant (Jeneral. ' Ll CAMPAIGN FUNDS wawawawawawasa Tbs following amounts havs been re eeived at this office io response to the appeal ot tbe populist state committee for funds to psy the expenses of ths no no mg campaign: ' II. M. Mathew, Loup City.............. f I 00 W. Z'ircher, M iomxn , ea'estee see .25 Oristian Htratter, Elk Creek.. Wm. Dt Howard, Albion 1 00 News of the Yeeli Every source of information in regard to enlistments in the ten new regiments that McKinley ordered for the war in the Philippines has been exhausted all the great dailies have been carefully soanned but not a thing could be learned upon the subject At last one of them pub listed the following statement which gives the enlistments np to last Monday night:.; - '--vn f !- nlnnt. . Total Unalmmt. Total nth uth .U 4M .till . nt .. M ,.iee 44th 1ft 40th. tilth ....1S Slat 4l'h 101 47th 0 Notwithstanding that showing ths lm perlallsts continue to assertthat Otis will have 60.000 men armed and equipped for the field by the first ot November. Bow is he going to get the men? Where are they to come from? The paper that printed tbe above statement said that I most of these men had been secured by the persuasion, of tbe volunteer officers that had been appointed. There is not a particls of doubt that the recent statement of the treasury as published In the daily papers have been doctored so as tofsuit tbe exigencies ol the present campaign. It Is not ths first time that the officials ot the treasury de- partment have engaged in that sort of dirty businees. One time when Allen was In ths senate a statement was'mads that the circulation had increased largely during the month, millions more than tbe amount of gold that bad been coined and no silver bad been coined and no oaoer money Issued. Besides that there bad been a large amount of gold coin ex ported. Senator Allen could not see how how that could be and bad a resolution passed by ths senate asking tor an ex planation. In reply tbe secretary sent a sheet about two by three feet in sise, covered with figures. The best account ant in Washinton could not make head or tail ot it except the lastline which said therefore tho currency in circulation has increased so many millions. This is the only government in the world that ever disgraced itself by such methods. Anyone at all acquainted with the financial affairs of the government knows that with tbe tremendous cost of fighting a war 10,000 miles from home, with the decrease ot Imports under the present high tariff, with the maintenance of troops in Porto Rico and Cuba and all the tremendous expenditures author- ized by the last congress, we are abound to be many millions on the wrong side of the ledger at the elose ot the fiscal year. A statement that the income-of the gov ernment is very ranch greater than its outgoes, is false and every man of sense knows that it is false. Even the goldbug editors haven't had the courage to make any remarks about it It was made for ue on the stump and not to be too pub- Udy talked about Tbs bankers bave held their annual pow wow, returned home and are flood ing the coditry papers with copies ot tbe speeches that tbey delivered and the resolutions that they passed. Enough to fill every column of the Independent has been received at this office. Their de mands are pot forth in the following manner which is contained It tbe speech of William a Corn well, president of the City National bank of Buffalo. "1. To Establish the Gold Standard by Law. "2. To Cancel or Impound the Green backs. "8. To Retire Bond Secured Bank Votes and Substitute, Properly Safe guarded Bank Notes against Assets. "There ars other details Important but not immediately essential." Than' Mr. Cornwall, after atiotinff some . recent assurances from M.-sTinlflT aava- "Gentlemed the President has not changed his mind. Progress has been slow but effort has been wise and now at the supreme moment I am ears tbat ws will have the President with na, and that this winter there will be expressed in action the sound sentiment and earnest resolvs which bis words that I have read to you Itbply." We now know what we may look for from the next session of oouzjess. Ths greenbacks are to be retired, bank paper unsecured by government bonds, is to replace tbem. Corn well says that tbe president Is with them. Ue is tor impounding or burning up the green- banks. He is for the gold standard and bank currency. He ran on a bimetallic platform and pbdged himsell to do all bs could to get foreign nations to agree to bimetallism. He made a speech from his front porch in which hs said be was against the destruction of the backs. Now he is against all those things. That's the sort of scoundrel that McKinley is. " . Ths growth ot bimetallism in the New England States, to which the Indepen dent has called attention several times, ' taking on new energy. Governor Alt geld paid m visit to Rhode Island last week and was received with overwhelm ing, ovations everywhere. Bimetallic clubs are being organised all over New England. They ' need some western ' speaker there. They are just beginning to investigate the question and some of the speeches made daring the last lew weeks by their local orators need a good deal ot emendation. General Alger has been a prominent figure at all national reunions ol the G, A. R. for several years, bat this year be announces that he will not go near the place. What's the matter with AlgerT Labor day was more generally ob served this year than ever before. In all the large cities immense parades were the order of tbe day. Tbe tenor of tne speeches showed that the wage worksrs will not be so universally ' need by tba bosses as they hare been in - the past. Partisan prejudices are losing their hold 0pon them. Most of the speakers who were Invited to make addresses were prominent reformers aad free sliver men. All tbe gold bug papers published die- patches last week announcing that Aguinaldo bad been assassinated, When the truth came out It was that bis wlfs bad presented him with a son. So there Is one more "rebel" tor Otis to okas in stead ol being one less. One of the things that Alger did while secretary of war was to give tbt West ern Union a monopoly of all the tele graph and cable business in the island of Cuba and between the Island and the United States. The brilliant Washing ton correspondents never had a word to say about it The Postal company has succeeded in knocking the thing oat and . of course it could.not be kept secret any longtt..-. The Dreyfus case continues to occupy columns in all the papers of the whole world. Tbe same sort of gossip baa been indulged in by the witnesses for the prosecution during the week as during tbe former weeks of the trial. Tbe trial is expected to eome to a close daring this week. There is so much fear of riots and bloodshed when the verdict is given, the French government has filled tbe town with troops and policemen. The whole world, excepting the consplra- tors among tbe French generals, their subordinate and tbe Jew baiters be lieve that Dreyfus is innocent. THE CAMPAIGN Hon. W.J. Bryan will speak at the following places: O'Neill, September 18, afternoon. Laurel, September 19, afternoon; Har- tington, evening. Tekamah, September 20, afternoon; Blair, evening. North .Bend, September 21, afternoon; Wahoo, evening. Tork, September 22, afternoon; Auro ra, evening. Papilllon, September 27, afternoon; Plattsmontb. evening Oueva, September cb, afternoon; He bron, evening. Nelson, September 29, tlay center, evening. W ilber, September au, aicsrnoon; t Air- bury, evening. If arrangements can Im -. made w.ta railroads lor short stops, bs will speak at Plainview, Osmond and Randolph on September 19, on ba way Irom O'Neill I i.f fefquiv., - - , Pender and Lyons on September 20, on bts way irom uamngton to leaamao, tbs local people will be expected to make these arrangements. Hs will also speak at Grand Inland, Seward and David City between 22d and 27tb, the exact dates will be given in a lew days. . Hon. J. H. Dtvis and Col. F. D Eager will speak at the following plae k West I'oint, Bpremoer iu, erasing. Stanton, September 18, afternoon. -Soringvtew, September 19, afternoon. Long Pine, September 2o. afternoon. Valentin, September 21, afternoon. Gordon, September 22, afternoon. Hay Springs, September 22, evening. ' Chadron, September 2-1, afternoon. ' L'rawlord, September 23, afternoon. Hemingtord, September 2U, afternoon. Alliance, September 20, evening. Broken Bow, September 27, after noon.. Ravenna, September 29, afternoon. Milldale, September 29, afternoon. Sumner, September 80, afternoonr Suhlng, October 2, afternoon. ' Burwt II, October 8, afternoon. Ord, Oo'nbr 4, afternoon. , Swtia, Odtober 4, evening. , . , Greeley Center, October ft, aitaraoom.