The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 31, 1899, Image 8

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Aug. 31, 1899
tha hot seasonA Ufrust
October- man reared in the temperate
imnt .tiflnd. The hot stones
RVU ww
Mister the feet; an iron railing is too
nh without discomfort; and
.1. u.m. hdknd and lifeless. My ther
mometer was graduated to 110 F., bnfc
the expanding mercury m
I have sat with my face in my hands,
watching the perspiration drop from my
. .hi. inatar than the sun on a hot deck
A.m it AttA in fifteen minutes be
chilled to the bone by the drenching and
u.i...nnntinn tt a rnln-ao u all. For.
raiwi ioiii. - 1 - -
nnRtlno one bothers much about
clothes excent in the capital". My usual
a cotton sbirt and denim
trousers, grass slippers and straw hat,
This was more clothing than a hair
dosea natives wore. For full dress 1
added a necktie and a pair of socks.
In the wet season March to July
you can have no scepticism about Noah.
Imagine what we call a cloudburst every
day for months, or several times a day,
In a, nJ nil nlffht. Gvervthinffis
soaked like a wet sponge; roada where
there are any have no Dottom, ana
rivers no definite top. Leather shoes
mildew on your feet Books and glued
furniture fall apart, and you long to
put creation through a wringer. These
downpours are accompanied by heavy
thunder and lightning, often of awe-inspiring
grandeur; and twice a year, when
the monsoons change, also during the
hot months, devastating typhoons oc
cur. During the interim earthquake
destroy your faith in anything built by
either the band of Gd or the hand of
man, and give an extra rattle to joint
already shaken by malaria. The cli
maticconditions which wrecked Shatter's
army in Cuba are duplicated in the Phil
Ippines. If our troops surmount tbdm
in Luson, It is no guarantee that they
will not succumb further south.
. The monsooxs or trade winds blowing
from the southwest from April to Octo
ber, and from the northeast during the
rest of the year. The mountainou
islands are damp on the weather sir)
and dry on the tee side, When the wind
changes and blows six months from tb)
opposite direction, the rainfall shifts to
the other side of the mootains. Th
varying topography of the islands t heri
tors mixes up the seasons in some local
ities in a way to make you feel tired.
. BeirCenture.
The Kansas City Journal shows whs t
thsstandard of morality is in the repub
lican party In the following account of
the way that Bent Murdock.the Kansas
republican political worker swindled the
government in getting a pension of f 50
a month. The Journal is a red hot Mo
Klnley organ and its estimate of the mor
ality of the transaction may be gathered
1 from the way It tells the story. It says:
"Murdock was drawing 30 a month
pension on account of defective eye
sight," said he. "Wnea the Cleveland
administration came into power the last
time, someone reported to the pension
bureau that Murdock' eyea were not
nearly so badly affected as he let on,
and that he was drawing a pension out
of all proportion to his disabilities. A
special examiner was sent out to inves
tigate the case. He dropped into Eldo
rado, claiming to be a traveling mail
taking his vacation Be made the ac
quaintance ol Editor Mordock. The;
became quite chummy. Each liked t
fish. One day they went finning. Thej
. fished and fished. Darkness came on
Bent said that was just the time of da
to catch Ann. The two were sitting eid
by side on the bank. It wns so dark
that the traveling man could scarcvly
see his cork. He got a bite, but didn't
know it. "Pull," shouted Bent, 'Great
: Qodl didn't you see your oork go under?
The examiner concluded that if BuutV
eyes were good enough to see a coi k
bubbling in the dark when he could no
then tbey were not affected sufficient!
i . u A . :..
him a pension of $50 a month. He r
turned to Washington aud in due tint
Bent's pension was reduced to $30
month. He never knew how it happener
"When the McKinfoy administrate
was ushered in, Murdock took steps t
have his pension put back to $50 t
month. He made the necessary app'ica
tion and then went on to Washington
Utter from O. S. Aft
Ovilon, Sprint Hill,
Jil:, tt Dr, lif tman.
"Four years ago
last fall tuy
stomach refused
to perform its
duties and I soon
lost strength.
"Shortly after
this I had five sieges of the grippe,
covering a period of three years.
During all this time food was forced
through my stomach by the use of
cathartics. Large blind piles bid fair
to block ' all evacuation. My kid
neys soon became Involved, so that the
scant and often painful voiding re
sembled beefs galL With flesh wasted
away, strength exhausted bo that it
took all my energy to even get into a
bath tub, hopes all gone, I saw Pe-ru-na
advertised in the Iowa State Register..
I wrote to Dr. Ilartman and received
his pamphlets, which convinced me that
catarrh had possession of my head,
throat, stomach and kidneys. I began
to take Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin, follow
ing advicewhich Dr. Ilartman gave me
free. In a short time I ate nourishing
food, and the piles, kidney trouble and
constipation all disappeared. Flesh,
strength, and a splendid appetite re
turned, and I went to work."
The foregoing letter shows what
Pe-ru-na will do in cases of indigestion
when used according to directions.
Write to Pe-ru-na Medicine Company,
Columbua, Ohio, for Dr. Ilartman'sfree
hooks on Catarrh. These books explain
the nature of catarrh, and make the
, action of Pe-ru-na clear to every one.
All druggists sell Pe-ru-na.
toptiHh the thins; alonsr. One day be
wan in (totnnany with C B. Custiuian,
Senator Baker private Monetary
CuHbman was helping bun with his pen-
ninn marter, A the two were walking
throiiKh the corridor of thecapttol build
ing, Cubm'in noticed Wnbster Davis, a
giMtant secretary of the interior, who
bos charge of the pension business, com
ing along. He to'd Murdock about it.
"Now you have a chance to make a
good play," said Lunhnian. "I'll ruu
you into him; you apologise aud say
that yon aw almost blind. Then w
will upring the pension matter on him."
As the two approached Davit. Cushman
extend! his hand to sbak. Jut kept
walking right on and collide.! with Davis
jtrrlng both tbsir hats off before
Davis could say a word Cunhman intro
duced Murdoek and be apologised ufacn
fully for the : collision bating that b
whs almOHt totally blind ai a result of
service In the war, ., The pension ques
tion wan sprung Dy luxnumn; the three
talked about it for a few minaret and in
a short time. H-nt wait back on tha nun-
sion roll for $50 a month."
Caennnker Mates DUmim.
The April bulletin of the Ohio Ex
periment Station thus summarizes the
report of experiments in the treatment
of cucumbers and melon diseases:
The cucumber pickle Industry con
tinues to increase in Oalo and the
fields of pickles have bees more satis
factory for 1898 than for the previous
year. The abundant rains, well dis
tributed, and the high mean temper
atures for the growing months have
contributed to this end.
The downy mildew of cucumbers and
Allied plants.Plasmopara Cubensla, has
been fully as 'destructive to 'the plants
during the season named as in 1897,
but owing to the arller harvesting of
the crop the actu: reduction of yields
has been only about one-half as great
from this cause.
Anthracnose of cucurbits, Colleto-
trlchum Lagenarlum, has Increased In
abundance and destructlveness. ,: A
wilt of cucumbers and muskmelons.
referred to a spades of Fusarium, has
also prevailed, besides the usual wilt
disease. Phyllostlcta Cucurbltacearum
and Cercospora Cucurbitae have also
been found spotting cucumber leaves
as well as Cercospora Citrulllna upon
watermelon foliage.
Co-operative spraying experiments
upon a commercial scale have given an
Increase of seventy-five bushels per
acre upon sprayed, compared with un
prayed cucumber pickle vines, at
lacked by downy mildew. The profits
from this treatment were not so large
as would have' accrued from similar
work In 1897, for reasons pertaining to
earllness of crop.
The practicability of saving the late
crop of cucumbers from downy mil
dew, by use of Bordeaux mixture, Is
fully demonstrated by the experiments
made. Spraying for this purpose need
not be begun earlier than July 25 to
August l.i If a crop of pickles or cu
cumbers is harvested by August 15,
spraying for downy mildew is not re
quired. Spraying of anthracnose, downy mil
dew and leaf blight of muskmelons Is
till recommended, although some fail
ures are recorded.
Previous recommendations as to the
treatment of late tomato plants with
Bordeaux mixture to prevent tomato
leaf blight, Septoria Lycoperslci, are
again repeated.
'- Stock far European Plums.
In some notes on olum culture nub-
llshed in a recent bulletin issued by
the Colorado Experiment Station. Pro
fessor Charles S. Crandall says:
For the Euronean clums such as
Lombard. Green Gage, and Dradshaw
probably no stock . is better than
seedlings of some variety of
the species from which these va
rieties came Prunus dotnestlca.
These have been In common use
for many years, but in recent years
have been In some degree superseded
Myrobalan stocks (seed Muss
"Two Politician."
One of the first thines done h a
stranger visiting Albany, ears the
Philadelphia Call, Is to pay 25 cents
and put himself at the mercy of a cap
ital guide. The guide makes a tro-
tound nd obsequious bow, like a pres
tidigitator about to charm an audi
ence, and proceeds to lift the veil which
DMes the mysteries of the great build
ing. On a recent occasion the guide
led the stranger regretfully past "Mc
Glnty's" empty frame, and proceeded
to identify the heads of notables that
decorate the stairway. He did fairly
wrll until the stranger pointed out
Shakespeare and Homer and asked
vho they were. "Them," replied the
julde, undaunted, "are the heads of
o politicians whose names I disre-
Z 'saraaee Item.
Merchant-Here you are araln, and
three weeks oyesterdav I kicked you
down the at A: and into the street.
Insurance .ireut Why, what a won
derful memo-y you have got! I had
forgotten all about It By the way,
our company oJers mors Inducements
than any other company In New York,
- Proof Positive.
"The teacher wanted to box my ear
this morning," remarked Johnny Fix
tlei p.
"How do you know he wanted to
box your ears?" asked his mother.
, "It he hadn't wanted to box my ears
he wouldn't have done -it, would he,
eW .
' , , ., I
Carta- tor Hie Morals.
Mrs. Prys "Then you are not golns
to move Into another flat, after all.'
Mrs. Wise--"No: my husband, who al
ways puts down the carpets, was con
verted lately, and I don't want to se
the good man backslide." Judge.
Dairy Notaa. .
Some interesting tests in cheese ri
pening have been made at the Wiscon
sin Experiment Station. It was found
In these investigations that cheese ri
pened - faster (as measured by the
formation of soluble proteids) at a high
than at a low temperature, whereas
the cheese cured at a high tempera
ture contained less bacteria than that
kept In cold storage. The commercial
jub oi me coia-surage cneese was
rated by an expert at 1 cents, that
cured at normal temperature at about
the same price, while that cured at a
high temperature "had a rank , flavor
and a value not exceeding 8 or 4 cents
a pound." At that time prime Ched
dar cheese was quoted at 7 to 8 cents.
The high temperature impaired both
the flavor and the texture, whereas the
cheeses cured at 55 degrees and below
were invariably of good quality and
were entirely free from all bitter flavor.
Every patron of a creamery has a
vital interest in having the creamery a
success, whether it be a co-operative
creamery or. a so-called "Individual"
creamery. The advantages of making
butter In a creamery over making it
on the farm are in most cases obvious.
Of course there are cases whore the
private dairyman finds it advisable to
hold tQ his private dairying, but such
cases are rather rare. . In the greater
number of cases the Individual either
cannot make as good butter as can the
creamery or else If he does make as
good butter, he cannot sell It to advan
tage. The purchase of butter by, the
corner grocery store has created a rule
by which both good and . bad butter
bring about the same price aud that
price Is regulated by the poor butter.
So, if a private dairyman has to sell
his . butter in that market, he must
needs sell his butter at the same price
does his neighbor who has no skill
in making butter, or who Is too care
less to even keep his milk and cream
in proper condition. For these reasons
It Is a god-send to most of the farm"
ers to be able to' take their milk or
cream to the creamery where it will
be made into butter upon rules that
have been tried by many years of ex
perience, and that are sure to give a
product that will bring a good price In
the city markets. For this reason no
community should look on with indif
ference while a creamery runs down
and closes Its doors. The community
itself should take steps to build up the
Institution, It would often be entirely
possible to save the creamery by a
concerted movement either of the pat
rons of the creamery or by the com
munity In general. The lack is often
In the number of cows. In such cases
the farmers could afford to purchase
more cows, even though some of them
had to be bought on the partnership
plan. But if there is no general un
derstanding on this matter the farm
er generally thinks that the purchase
of a cow or two by himself will not
change the result and If the creamery
closes he will have the cows on his
hands. The necessity therefore of con
certed movement is obvious, and the
whole community should be impressed
with the truth that the creamery is a
benefit indirectly to alL
; Stay by Tour Speolalty. '.
To the Farmers' Review: A cream
ery patron, who milks cows when but
ter fat is high and beef low, but who
turns his attention to beef when but
ter fat is low, and Bends in his dairy
report for a year and at the close re
marks: "Profits scarcely visible to
the 'naked eye. What shall we do to
be saved?" Breeding a herd of cows
for milk one year and beef the next Is
a suicidal policy that no enterprising
breeder would dare practice. By this
haphazard method the above patron
realized for butter fat $19.63 per cow
per annum. The Kansas Agricultural
College scrub herd pushed along dairy
lines brought an average of $37.75 per
cow per annum. This difference of
$18.12 per eow is what would have
been visible to the naked eye, had his
cows been bandied as the college cows
were handled. "What shall we do to
be saved?" Settle upon some definite
line of woiTc, study the business in
all the details, find out what others are
doing In the same lines, make your
business a hobby, and above all stick
to it
Wkterlnr tho Cow.
No dairyman who makes a afndr nf
his business Is satisfied with watering
his herd once a day. If his cattle can
be Induced to drink two or three times
a day he is glad of it All the cattle
may not be equally thirsty at the same
time. Cows require an immense
amount of water, as every farmer boy
has noticed. Experiments have shown
that the average milch cow needs about
eighty-one pounds of water a day
while In milk this is nearly ten gal
lonsand over fifty pounds while dry.
Of this the cow In milk takes rather
more than two-thirds as drink and the
rest In her food, while the dry cow
takes rather less than two-thirds as
drink and little more than one-third
In her food.
Bloody Milk Bloody stllk is general
ly due to Injury to the adder by vio
lence, as from a blow or a kick, and
may occur at any time and usually In
only one quarter of the udder, or It
may come from weakness of the mam
miliary glands, but when from this
cause It usually occurs Just after
parturition nd comes from all of the
teaU. Ex. ,
Vkey Neodod Kalmoat. '
Jnmpuppe Confound those Theoaw
phistel Jasper Why?
Jnmpuppe They convinced my wile
that she had seven bodleaaand she went
ff and bought a dress for each ooe.
At less , than cost ''
On Sept. 6-7-8 and 9, we will sell one car-load of Stude
baker Wagons at the following prices for cash: '
3 inch Wagon, Box Brake, 14x12 box. ..... . . . . . .$;o.oo
3; " " Gear " 14x12 " 51.50
3i " " Box " 14x12 " 51.00
3j " Gear " 14x12 " 52.50
Extra Boxes 14x12 ;. n.00
Tip Top Boxes,. 8 inch. . . . .:. ............. . . :,J. 1.75
All Wagons complete with Spring Seat, Lazy-back and
Grain Cleats. "
Loekbart's Famous ElepbantgActort with
Blna-llPf Bros.' Bis Circus.' .
Look bar t'n elephant comedians, which !
will be seen with Singling Bros.' Circua
when that famous big show exhibits in
Lincoln next Wednesday, September 6,
are undoubtedly the most remarkably
trained troupe of animal performers in
the world. Loekbart's elephants have
heen the most pronounced sensation of
Europe for several seasons, and .the ,
mount of money paid by the Ringllng
Bros.' to bring this wonderful troupe of ,
animals to America wouiu oe sumcienf
to (quip and indefinitely operate a dozen
good sited circuses. These elephants
are not simply "trained animals." They
are veritable animal actors, displaying
as much good sense and judgment, as
great an appreciation of tne numor of
their several roles and as sincere a de-!
sire to please and entertain the audi
ence, as any human . performer in the
meat exhibition. Probably the most
amusing comedy presented by these ele
phant actors is one portraying the
rrest, trial, conviction and incarcera
tion of an elephant for intoxication.
The spectacle of the clown elephant,
rolling from side to side, apparently in
the sportive stage of intoxication, is
ludicrous in the extoeme. In the midst
of his revelry, the policeman arrives,
armed cap-a-pie with a huge official hel
met and jauntily twirling a club in his
trunk. The offending elephant attempt
to encape, but the policeman is too
qafrk for him. The offrader i seized by
the ear, marched away to the magis
trate's office, solemnly tried and sen
tenced by an elephant judge sitting in
his judicial dignity ' upon his judicial
bench, and finally hurried away,, a con
demned prisoner, to suffer durance in
thfl elAnhant iail. The Lockhart ele
phants are, however, only one of threeJ
troupes of elepnant actors, i ney are
an English importation; From Ger
many comes Berr Bonder's wonderful
elephantine bras band. . Incredible as;it
may teem this company of proboscidian
musicians not only play upon helican
horns, but they actually master a popl
lar air in a way only possible to such a
mammoth twenty ton band. France is
represented in this triumvirate of ele
phantine wonders by Marehand's pugil
istic pachyderms, a company of clever
elephants careiully schooled in the manly
art of fell dtfenee. In every kind of
trained animal exhibition, in the size
and completeness of its soological col
kction, in the number of its high-class
performers, in the historic accuracy and
thrilling cbaract r of its hippodrome,
and in ibe magnificence of its proces
sional displays, Ringling Brothers' fa
mous circus is withont a rival on earth.
Z London, Aug. 267 The Labuan cor
respondent of the Renter Telegram
cables that reliable news received there
direct from Manila says an Vndescribs.
EleT state of anarchy prevails. The
Americana, according to these advices,
occupy a radius of fifteen miles there;
around the town of Hollo they occupy a
radius of nine miles and around Obu
tbey occupy a small radius. The rest of
the country, it is added, is in the hands
of the Filipinos.
80 acres, well Improved, 4 milos from
railroad near school, 3 acres bearing
orchard In Reward county Nebraska.
Terms $30.00 an acre, f 1000 cash
balance on terms to suit purchaser,
tl 50 cash rent. Address 638, Nebraska
Independent, Lincoln, Nebraska.
ym An aa nna af the
1-1 VW lMIV. vs.... " "
planks in the republican platform? "We
are in iaTur ui irgimauim ---whenever
we are able to secure interna
tional agreement with foreign powers to
this rod and ustil such time, we favor
iL...Ltlna HMthrul a! AmmHnr with
III. 1UWWM ...w v r. -
them be pursued." Grand Island Dem
Offer extra low prices on our full line of Carriages, Bug
gies, Surreys, Spring Wagons, Road WagonsBicycles,
and Harness.
Don't forget the dates. 1
202-4-6 So. Eleventh St. Lincoln, Neb.
Captain ShooM Not Lay Ont Bla Teasel's
Coarse Alone.
All theories about magnetic attrac
tion and unknown currents will have
to be dismissed, so far as the Paris ac
cident Is concerned, says the Philadel
phla Press. It demonstrates one weak
feature in the method now follnwei hv
determining the course of a vessel at
sea. TUe ctptain of a vessel deter
mines the course without consultation
with the other navigating officers. If
He makes a mistake, there is no check
on him, unless the man on the brldee
discovers land or a light that causes a
change. The suggestion made some
time, ago, that more than one officer
should take part in laying the course
of a vessel, seems to be a wise one.
The captain could, for that matter, pro
ceed as he does now, but if another of
ficer were required to make a separate
calculation and give it to the captain,
a mistake such as that made by Capt
Watkins might easily be discovered in
time to avert disaster. Age and ex
perience ' do not guarantee freedom
from eror. Accidents more often hap
pen to the experienced " captains than
to the inexperienced ones. Perhaps in
a long cour3e of years they are apt
slightly 'to relax their vigilance, and
then comes the danger. The captains
of ail the steamship line? lay out the
course of their vessels w thout check
of any kind from other officers. There
would appear to be need of a change In
that respect ' . '
Cutting Brass With Chemlcles.
A recent method suggested o? 'cut
ting brass articles by 'means of them
icles consists of drawing a line acres
the metal at the desired point with
quill pen dipped in a strong alcoholic
sohuioiiof corrosive sublimate. Aftei
dry nx. the same line is passed ovei
Willi i lie pen dipped in nitrlo acid,
u-:,e i i!k metal may be broken likt
.-...! cut with i, diamond.
- ; ' A Spectral Chance. '. .
The "ghost of a show" of which we heat
So much in some form ev'ry day :
No doubt arose in the very first place
From Hamlet's father's in the play.
Nez Forces Lands.
Only 100 miles southeast of the fertile
green fields of Eastern Washington, be
tween the Clearwater and Salmon rivers,
lies what was long known as the Nez
Perees Indian country, only recently
thrown open to settlement and mln lug.
Since the early sixties when f 88,000,
000 was washed out of the rich placers
of the Clearwater and Salmon rivers it
has been a tradition among miners that
some day great gold discoveries would
be made in the Nrs Perees country. The
enormous oost of transportation, re
moteness from civilisation and conse
quent Impossibility of carrying on large
mining operations left the rich quarts
ledges the motber-lodes of (be plaeere
nntonched. Almoet simultaneously
with the completion of the Northern
Pacific's Lewiston extension from Spo
kane, came the announcement of the
discovery ia the Buffalo Hump range of
Immense ledges of gold bearing quarts
which, trooping out above the serface,
and twenty test or more In width, ex
tend in different directions for many
miles. The rapid extension of the Clear
water Line of the Northern Pacific, now
balldicg along the river from Lewiston,
will soon throw this heretofore almost
laaeceeibW country open to capital, and
modern machinery with Anwioao grit
will do the rest. For Inter Informat ion
and a new map of tod region send a
two cent stamp to Case. A Fee, BkPaul,
Minn., or address any ' General or Dis
trict Paaeeoger Agent of the Northern
Padno Railway.
In the District Court of Lancaster
county, Nebrreka.
MaryM, Frost, plaintiff. ...
Samuel L. Frost, defendant.
To Samuel L. Frost, non-resident defed-
' ant: - . . - '
Tou are hereby not ifiVd that on the 9th
day of August, 1899, Mary M. Frost
filed a petition- against you in the dis
trict court of Lancaster county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of absolute divorce
from you on the grounds that since
March 1, 1899 you have wantonly,
grossly and cruelly failed and neglected
to provide any support whatever" for
plaintiff although you are fully able to
provide for her; also thatvou have
been guilty of extreme creel t7 toward
plaintiff since your marriage to her in
that you publically, without any cause,
char,jed her with being a public prosti
tute. Plaintiff also prays to be restored
to her former name of . Mary M. Hall.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, - the 4th day
of September 1899,
Maby M. Fbost, plaintiff.
By J. C. McNkrkby, her atty.
Heme for Thousands. :
If you are looking for a new borne,
yon cannot do better than to investi
gate the advantages to settlers in the
new state of Utah. No climate ia the
"World is more even tempered and no
country offers greater natural resources.
There is much land to be had cheap.
Take advantage of the half rate in effect
onmenrstaua intra ruesoay oi eaco
month to go to Utah to look over the
field for yourself. See that your tickets
read via the Rio Grande Western Ry.,
which will carry you through the center
and most favored part of the state. For
Geo. W. Heintz, Salt Lake City. t f
English and Fitch Ferrets will ! clear
your barn and grainaries of rata. For
sale cheap in any numoer.
Will rirlvA PAttf trrrtnnA annirwila on1
gophers. Will furnish a good day's
sport hunting rabbits. Write me for
prices. Send in your orders at once, for
prices go up each month.
1433 Rose St., Lincoln, Neb.
Comer 14th A M St.
Open at All Honrs, Da y ui Wight
Witt pal sttratloa to the epaMsettoa at
8everal times stronger than ssa water.
Rkn outturn, Skla, Blood aad Nervosa Ms
sams. Um aad Kldary Troablss a4 Ckfoals
aJlaiasta are treated (nceeaafillp,
jjjSa BatKinj j j j -
May bssoTd at all wesoM ta ear tara
SALT SWlMMINtt POOL, Mxl4! he Sta
. Mkt dm. heated ta aalawai
m mi
Dr. rL R And J. O. Everett.
; . ' Maaaglag reyaWasa. .