THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. am VAS DEAD Mysterious Death Reported , From Omaha. MANNER OF DEATH IN DOUBT. Fonnd Lying in F1 ' ,,er Own Blood No Signs of fitrurfle Apparent ; Belief U Bho Fell from a Vehicle Other New of Interest, to Nebratknni. The) body of an unknown young woman was found a 5 o'clock Wednes day morning lying face downward In the street In front of 1135 Tark ave nue, Omaha. The woman . was dead. Iler hair was hanging In disorder In a pool of her own blood, and. several small bruises Indicated that she, had fallen from a vehicle. No signs of a struggle were apparent, save where the pointed toes of her brown slippers had raked up two little furrows In the dirt, but these were not long, ' and seemed such as might have been made in' falling from a vehicle. Her under skirts were torn and stained with clotted trore. but the doctor coucludcd that it was not an evidence of violence, other than a fall. He could not state definitely from what caused death had resulted without a more thorough ex amlnation. Nothing that would give a clue to her identity was found on the body of the woman. SHOT BY HIS HALF BROTHER CAUSED DREYFUS TO LAUGH. I UNSAFE FOR THE NEGRC Testimony and Salllee of a Witness F1U Accused With Merriment. ! Tuesday was another good day foi Dreyfus. Lieutenant Colonel Cordier, who was a member of the Intelligence bureau while Dreyfus was there, occu pied most of the time of the court martial. His testimony was strongly in favor of the accused. De Freycient,; former minister of war, testified regarding the ''foreign syndicate" reported formed to fight for Dreyfus' freedom. He admitted frank ly that he had no basis for such state uient. ' . ' . Cordier testified that once ho be lieved Dreyfus guilty, but later was convinced that there was no proof of guilt, and certain facts pointed to his innocence. The sallies of Cordier pro voked Jfrequent laughter in which Dreyfus joined for the first time since the trial He asserted that the foreign offices know that some French officers make a regular business of treason. Cordier said he was opposed to Jews in general but was not in favor of bring ing false evidence against one charged with treason. Quarrel Farmers of . Stanton County Besults In a Killing. Sunday afternoon Oliver Anderson shot and killed Andrew Johnson, sr., at the farm of Andrew Colander, about ten miles north of Stanton. The men are half brothers and Andrew Johnson was an old settler and one of the sub stantial farmers of Stanton county. They became involved in a dispute and the quarrel resulted in a fight in which Anderson received a deep gash in the leg. Later the , two men met and each had a gun. Anderson suc ceeded in getting the drop on Johnson and shot him. He immediately went -to town and gave himself up: Coroner Dcrn proceeded to the scene of the shooting and Impanelled a jury, which after viewing the dead body and the surroundings returned the following verdict: At an inquisition holdcn at Stanton, Stanton county, Neb., on the 87th and 28th days of Angnst, A. D., 1899, before, me, Louis Dern, coroner of said county, upon the body of Andrew Johnson, sr., lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed, toe said jur- A MURDER CHARGE TO FACE, Voooc Hen Held Keaponslble for Death ''' ' of a Girl.-'"' , " V Charles Howard McCaughey, Jr., was j arrested 'at Springfield, 111., Wednes day, by the police, charged with the killing of Miss Eliza Dyer at Hunting ton, Ind., on July 10, 1899, by a crimi nal operation. McCaughey is the son of a prominent farmer near Hunting- tong. He admitted having procured certain medicines for the Dyer girl on the night of July 10. ; i ; Not Competent to Select Melons. Governor Poynter and wife, Fred ewell and wife, J. H. Cr addock and wife and Mrs. Viola Miller of New York spent one recent afternoon at the home of Clerk Hilderbrand of the insurance department, near Lincoln Normal. Watermelons raised by Mr. Hildebrand were picked fresh from the vines for the guests. Governor Poynter and Mr. Jewell tried to vpick out a ripe melon from the field, but failed to convince the guests that they were practical farmers. Coroner Starts Inquiry. Coroner llerz of Cook county has be fan an investigation of the Chicago soliseum disaster, to ascertain who i , 1. . 1 1 i 1 1 . 1. 1 M L may ue neiu tegnuy respoiiBiuic lur iu accident. The discovery was made by the coroner that when the iron frame fell it was being used to support pul leys for hoisting heavy timbers'. This knowledge was withheld the day be fore, and it caused a sensation when it was obtained. x ; Second Regiment Camp. ; '" Lincoln park was selected as the lo eatlon for the school instruction of the Imported From the South and ; TVs Found Fatally Injured. A special from Rock ford, I1L, says: ' Two weeks ago negroes were im ported here from Brook Haven, Miss., by W. M. Fortner k Son, railroad con tractors, to work on improvements on the Illinois Central track between here and Dubuque. There has been trouble in the camp, and today two of the ne groes were found west of the city with Injuries that will prove fatal. Twenty- five of the imported crew wno were discharged, came to town today, stranded, and are being fed by the po lice and firemen until they can return south..: , . "'- . ' ; -; .; , '- ' " Antl-Epldemla Club. A club Is now being formed In Paris, ihe members of which swear never to shake hands with any one unless they are wearing gloves. Many members of the aristocracy have shown their will ingness to support the organization, and a fine Is to be imposed upon all members who are caught shaking bands without gloves. The formation of this curious club is undoubtedly the" outcome of a recent discussion in a French medical Journal. ' This paper endeavored to show that disease has occasionally been contracted by shak ing hands without gloves. Thlrd-Nlg-ht-Awn-Hlnde. By the laws of St. Edward the Con fessor, if any man lie a third night in an inn, he was called a third-nighi- awnhinde, for whom his host was an swerable, lf'he committed an offense. The first night, forman-night, or un cuth (Sax, unknown), he was reck oned a stranger; the second night, twa-night, a guest, and a third night, an agen-hinde, or awn-hinde, a domesticMirror. Greet McKlnley. Five thousaud people greeted Presi dent McKlnley on his arrival at East i Liverpool, 0., Tuesday night. The crowd jostled and cheered and the I president was driven to the homei of ! Colonel Taylor through tfie streets ' ablaze with electric illuminations and fireworks. M Burlington Train Wrecked. A Burlington train was wrecked aear Barnard, la., on the Creston branch of the road Wednesday morn ing. Engineer Criss was instantly killed, and Conductor Mather and Fireman Smith were fatally hurt. The wreck was caused by the train running IntrTcattle. y CRUSHED BY TONS OF STEEL. Accident at Chicago Coet at Least Nine '. Lives" Twelve steel arches, each weighing thirty-three tons, which were to have supported the superstructure of the Chicago coliseum building in course of erection on Wabash avenue, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, fell to the ground late Monday afternoon. It is known that nine lives wera crushed out. The bodies of two men are sup posed to be under the wreckage. Seven are in the hospital with injuries received in the accident. Of these, four will die, one may pos sibly recover, and the balance are, for the greater part, badly injured. The dead: Charles Walpot. Edward Murray. Frank Logan. Stephen J.' Thompson, . . John Farrey. Richard Sherman . Theodore Thorn. Leroy Fenner, workman Toledo, 0 Al Norman, workman from . Fatally injured: John Marshman, fractured skull, and fractured right leg. J. J. Dowd, internal injuries, both eyes out, both legs broken. Peter Peletler, right arm cut off at shoulder, skull fractured. John White, skull fractured, Internal injuries. Missing and believed to be in the ruins: Edward Swanson. Joseph King. ' Injured, not serious: Cornelius Toomey, J. H. Warley, John Hawthorne, John Johnson, David Reardon. n. P. Zimmer, H. Tbe "Rock Island" route has cheap rates, liberal stop over privileges, through cars, etc., to the u. A. rnu- udelphia. Ask or write "Rock Island" agent for information and one of the souvenirs, or address, E. w. Tsouraox, 16 A. G. P. A., Topeka, Kas. Irrigated Land from Toledo. . . "i Secure a Home. in Idaho. . , .j , The choicest garden spot west of the Rocky Mountains. A spiendid opportunity for enter- lriBiDK peopie oi moaeraw a means to secure a home in this favored . country. AGRICUL TURAL LANDS, abundance o! good water, and tbe best RAIL ROAD FACILITIES. Purchase your tickets via the v Aug. 3 '890, Two Oheap Bate Angnst txoor- lioni to Hot Sprung and tte tora. Angnst ia the hardest month of the year to endura, wny no. p Hot Springs, B. v., enjujiu giving waters, picturesque scenery, In teresting surroundings and eool nights for sleeping? A lew weeks sojourn .there at this season will renew your We and prepare you for another year oftcil. To enable all to go at sma 1 cost, the Elkhorn line will run excursions fro Lincoln Tuesday, Auirust 8th 1 at l&N and Tuesday Ac. 22d at $17.60 for the round trip, limit 80 days. , A Hot Rpring. sleeper is run from flor folk, in which space will be reserved on application. 1 ... Go np over the Eikbornj through the 'magnificent Elkhorn valley, and see the finest agricultural picture in the west. Get descriptive matter, tickets, etc., rom A. 8. Fielding, city ticket agent, 117 south 10th street. j OREGON SHORT LINE! ;RATLBOAD The shortest and best line to all points in Idaho, Oregon, Montana and the Pacific North west. For excursion rates, ad vertising matter, etc., write to D. E. BURLEY, G. P. A., Salt Lake City, Utah. A Mountain Tourist In search of grand and beautiful scen ery finds such a profusion of riches in Colorado that before planning a trip 'it will be well for you to gain all the infor mation possible. The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad publishes a series of useful illustrated pamphlets, all of which may be obtained by writing to S: K. Hooper, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Denver, Col., . V The Great Rock Island Ronte is plae- iug interchangable books on sale at all coupon offices west of Missouri river. These books are good on 87 different railroads and will be a great advantage to commercial men and travellers. The ' net rate is 2o per mile in Kansas, Mis souri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Hanson, J. W. Flack, Andrew Morri son. -, ' Dead nine misslnir two: fatally in jured four, injured, not serious, nine. NIGHT FIRE IN A CONVENT. WHY NOT SAVE HALF? YOU CAN DO IT! We will ship you a vehicle subject to examination and If you do not. find that you onn save almost halt of what you pay as cotnparod to a Job of equnl quality at retail. It can be returnnd at our exuense. We have pleased Hundred of othrs andean please you and Save you from 110.00 to $25.00 on a vehicle. Bend tor Catalogue. Address in.i.v..t THE WESTERN MERCANTILE CO., 'SttSSHff- The House That Save I'ou Money.' Second reirlment, Nebraska national ors on their oath do say that Bald An- guard... The encampment will be held a ti.. m tn vt. riuafh irom ocpicmoer a 10 11. xhc reumou in tho ' 01 ine tnree reinments mat servcu m by reason of a shot from a gun hands of Oliver Anderson, the shooting being unnecessary. " SHE USED HER STOCKING. Iuan Patient at Lincoln Atyhim End Hr Earthly Crreer. Mrs. Sarah Radcliff, a patient at the ftnylum for the Insane St Lincoln, com mitted suicide sometime during Tues day night Her body was found hang ing from the grating over the window in her cell. She had strangled herself by tying a stocking around her neck and then looping the stocking, with a piece of rag, which may have bcon used for a ' hose supporter. The rag was run through the bars and tied, and then Mrs. Radcliff had let her en tire weight come down upon the stock ing about her neck. Her feet touched the floor, but when found, her legs were stretched out on the floor, as the volunteer army will be held at Lin coln September 13 to 15 inclusive. Colo nel A. E. Campbell of the Second regi ment wiil,oon issue an order (riving the hour of arrival of the different companies. Wreck on Book Island, East-bound flyer No. 10 on the Rock Island was wrecked at 5:45 o'clock Wednesday morning at Keats, near Manhattan, Kan. The accident was caused by the flyer running into the rear of a freight train which had just ' pulled onto the siding to allow the flyer to pass. The engineer and fire men and severat passengers were in- , Jured. - ITh Carter Case Soon. Attorney General Griggs is expected to return to Washington ' Wednesday, but it is possible that he may not 1 reach here until next Monday. No one thouirh she had had hard work to keep here knows when the attorney gen- from lettinir her weight rest on her ! eral will make his report on the Carter feet. f ' -' BLAME FOR WRECK PLACED. It Is Laid to Craw of Freight Train la the Denton 8nh-l'p. The investigation made by the Bur lington officials into the cause of the wreck at Denton a weelc ago has re sulted in clearing the crew of the pas senger train, No. 3, of all blame. It was found that the crew in charge of the freight train were at fault, and the time the accident occurred, courtmartial case to the president, although there are persistent intima tions that it will be made soon. Milan Has Trouble. Advices from Servia say that ex King Milan was intoxicated from one end of the day to the other. The per secutions of his enemies continues. His would-be assassin was executed after excruciating torture. Wants to Annes Spain. ' The document written by order of the king oi Portugal announcing an 1 tucral to annex Snain was made oubllo at Madrid. It caused great excite ment. ' violating the plain rules of the com' 1 - J 1 I-- . ... t stated that the freight train had no business on the main line at the time j the accident occurred, and the engineer of the head engine and the conductor were equally to blame. Iilamo was also attached to the engineer of the rear engine, but as he was not in charge of the train the penalty in flicted on him will be lighter than on the two other men. Blbbard's Molary Allowed. Food Commissioner F. B. Ilibbard has filed his salary claim with Auditor Cornell and it has been allowed. The claim was fur $125 for the month of July. Tbe claim had been in doubt, the auditor being uncertain whether the food commission law carried with it an appropriation. After the attor ney general decided that the horticul tural society was entitled to its money the auditor decided to pay tho food commission claims, as the food com' mission law appeared to be less ques tionable than the other. To Free Slek Spanish. . The Red Cross society at Madrid are in receipt of advices from Manila to the effect that Aguinaldo has agreed to release all the sick Spanish prison ers. . , . . . All Quiet In Samoa. The officials are - working harmoni ously. Business is prospering and a large amount of copra is being made. The only warships there are the Ger man protected crniser Cormorant and the British armed sloop Torch. Want Him Alive. A Paris dispatch says that the re luctance of the French government to storm Guerin's castle is accounted for by the belief that the pretender to the throne of France is in the fortress. This nersonaire is believed to be the Duke of Orleans. It is the desire o' the government to take him alive. Trouble Over In Havana."., The threatened strike of bakers t II a van a has been averted. Tbe men, according to the terms of the agree ment, are to receive an Increase or $7.50 per month. Both sides promise to abide by the decision of the arbitra tor. V- Two Trainmen Killed. Two heavy B. & O. freight trains came together at Barricksville, W.Va., thmnirh the misunderstanding ol orders. Fireman Boo and Brakeman Hall were killed and three other train men fatally lnjurett. , Result of a Divorce. , As the result of an application for a divorce made by Mrs. Edward Rhose, of Evansville, Ind., Mr. Rlvse began drinking heavily and then shot Mrs. Rhose, probably fatally. Prussian Diet Prorogued. The Prussian diet was finally pro rogued Monday. Chancellor Inbn cxnressed the hope that the diet would accept the canal bill when it meets next year. , Boston Will Quit. The cruiser Boston which has re turned to San Francisco from Manila, has been ordered to Mare Island navy yard where it will be put out of com mission. Sixty Rioters Jailed. Another member of the Dclago fam ily surrendered Tuesday morning. Sltv rioters so far are now in jail at Darien, Ga., and others are surrender ing. '- Lindsay Favors Expansion. Al the mectinir of the American s bai Association Monday, Senator Lindsay of Kentucky, ' made a strong speech favoring expansion. Four Lives Lost and Buildings Bulned al Sparkhlll, N. T. . - Fire that broke out at 1 o'clock Mon day morning destroyed nine of the ten buildintrsof St Asmes convent , and orphanage at Sparkhill, N. Y., .entail- incr a loss of $150,000, "and caused the death of four persons. The dead are: Emma Mackin, aged seven. ' - Helen Brown, aged six. "Jane" a penisioner, aged seventy. Mary Kate M'Karthy, aged twenty- eight. , . The missing are: ' Theresa Murphy, aged sixteen., Mary Brown, aged four. , The seriously injured are: Sister Siena." Sister Marie. , . Sister Bertrand. , " Sister Katherine. ' ' Hannah Shea. Twenty-five inmates were injured by falls, jumps and bunns, none seriously. That more lives were not lost was due to the heroism of the sisters and some of the older inmates. When the fire broke out the 400 inmates of the institution were asleep. Most of them were gotten out in almost perfect or der, but a score who risked their lives to save the others were finally forced to either jump from the upper stories or make desperate dashes through Rtairwavs and corridors filled with flame and smoke. There were 326 ehildren in the orphanage, Bixty of whom were girls, anil their aires ran fired from two to six vears. Most of them were from New York City, and they were in most in stances committed by the Gerry soci ety and city courts. The orphanage was conducted bv the sisterS of thr Dominician order. AV9Kwvy M We receive O v L WQy stockof goods froml0,000to vS?iJ.SS 8 VT'4S valued at j 85,000 letters 73?!lSfcV TTM m III ' ftp;; g:r bx W ffN We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building in the world. We have ti2y lki I over s,ooo,oao customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly -- I engaged filling out-of-town orders. JaJ II JfrTl OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the. book of the people It quotes jiSsr, wli Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over I,ooo pages, 16,000 illustrations, and jJjJ'. j 71 1 1 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 1 cents toVrint and malt Wife I lJSJ each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show CjT II your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. IMiB nMONTBOMERY WARD & C0."ichi8M ,.' 1 i li H WEBSTER'S 1 international J -DICTIONARW s uuiF icsn'-?' ''Lss S,000,000 for Cubans. Of the three million dollars appro priatedby congress for the payment of the former soldiers of tbe Cuban army, over two millions have been dis tributed to over thirty thousand men Beerusts For Manila. The City of Pueblo nailed from San Francisco for Manila on the 39th with 650 recruits. Sew War of Flowers The language of flowers is now play ing a part In the political discord of the day In Paris. White pinks and blue oelllota are the signs of the reaction ary party.while the socialists and other advanced republicans have adopted red boutonnteres. Some antl-Loubet pa pers advise meir followers to wear Panama, hats Sunday, as a special in suit to the president. : Berlins Pauper CesMterlee. Mors than 3,000 persons are buried annually In the paupers' cemetery ot Berlin. ENGAGE IN PITCHED BATTLE Desperate Encounter Between Wealthy Kentucky Families. News has been received at London, Ky., confirming a report that a pitched battle took place last Saturday even ing between James Haves and his three sons on one side and Senator William Clarke and Sherman Leadford oh the other on the streets of McKee, Jackson countv. Clark received three pistol shot wounds and his condition is critical Young. Hayes was shot in the breast and will die. The two fam ilies are the most wealthy in Jacksor county. ' Suffer Heavily by Fire, The Lockpor t, N.Y. bedstead factory of Oliver Brothers was destroyed by fire Mondav. Loss. $200,000. James McVittie, a workman, was so badly burned that he cannot recover. About 300 men are thrown out of work. William Oliver of the Oliver theatre nf Lincoln ia a beaw stockholder lr the Lockport manufactory. F.uloglse IngersoU. At a convention of the Bohemian Snlvr,nln benefit association, held in Detroit, resolutions were adopted ex pressing sympathy for the family of the late Robert InirersolL They also PTnrewiud the appreciation of the so- cietv for his irreatness as a thinker orator and leader of men. . S i i - - A Steamer Bams. A burning steamer was sighted off the coast of Falrport, O. She ap wared to be helpless and drifting. As sistance was sent, t . Hoa.D.J.Brewer, Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, says : "I commend it to all as the one great stand ard authority." ' It excels In the ease with which the eye finds tbe word sought ; in accuracy of definition ; in effect ive methods of indicatina; pronunciation ; la terse and comprehensive statements of facts and In practical use as a working dictionary. . Specimen paget, etc., lent on application. G. & C Merrlam Co Publishers, Springfield. Mais.. P. S. A. II iKnilrl;Kt),vun(mn)iw ...25c aoc ...IOC Where at? Rovs Drue Stare. Corner lOtli and. F Streets Paris Green, lb...... T jnHnn Purole. lb. . . Strychnine, 25c a bottle Blue Vitrol,Ib. Garden and flower seeas. White Lead, S. P., $6.00 per cwt. , Pure boiled Linseed Oil, 50c a gallon. Varnish es; all kinds of lubricating oils. Golden Machine, per gallon 5C Red Harvester, 40c gal. Castor Machine... 35c Cylinder Oil. per gal. 5c B E GOOD TO YOUR HOME BUY A New Lincoln Steel Range nd please yonr dear wife and family. Warranted tbe most perfect cooking stove made. We ss tbe very best sold rolled patent leveled steel, and line every Bangs with asbestos and steel, wbieh makes it impossible t set Brt to yonr floor. They are handsome, attractive, np-to-dats in pattern and design, lull nickel trimmed, will bnrn snv kind of fneL will last a hlr time. Made on honor, sold on sserit. This is why ws sail them the "ssrr on um." If yonr dealer does not handle them as makes a great mistake. Write toss ana we will provide a way for yon to by one at reasonable price. BucksUH Bros. lUg. Co LINCOLN, HEB. MASSES Patronise boms indsstry aade la Hsbtas ka. Ws refer yon to Stats Oaeers. Banks ad Express Compaaiss ol Uaeola, and thossands osing oar Baagss. BpsetsJ a tsntkm ciTsn Hotel and Bestaaraat OntSsi