The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 24, 1899, Image 4

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Aug. 24, 1899
trbetlebragfta lnfcepenDent
Independent Publishing Co.
At 1122 M Stbekt,
address all comtnunlcatlone to, and
vaak all drafts, money ordeni, etc, pay
able to . '
Lincoln, Neb.
For Judge of the Supreme Court
fiLA A. IIolcomd, of Custer Co.
For R"gents of the Scute University
J L Teeters, of Lancaster,
Epson Kick, of Douglas,
Judges of the District Court .
T. J. DOYLE, Lincoln.
0. E. Utli.S'ER, Lincoln.
Clerk of the Dietriot Court
FR INK D. EAGER, Lincoln.
P. JAMES C03GRAVE, Lincoln.
County Clerk
H. C. REUDICK, Bethany.
County Jndge
Cammlssioner ,
JOHN MEIEHf, Hallam.
The greatest sociologist that the world
hat erer known lived among men and
not among book. Hie name wae Jesus
of Nateretb.
Mark .Hanna baa employed many
writera and paid them big wages, but
the foulest mouthed one of them all ia
Melting Pot Morton.
- The Imperialists have given tip the
"duty," "destiny" and "providence"
arguments and now say that it "was
the fortunes of war." If that ia the
canoe of it all, McKinley ia certainly the
moat anfortunats of mortals.
From the testimony In ths Dreyfus
trial it would seem that when a French
man atarta out to "save bis honor" be
first commits perjury I' that don't do
it he tries forgery. It that fails be then
tries murder. His sure thin, however,
is suicide. Tbat never fails. Always
afterwards his "honor" Is sate.
Professor Atwater, whose analysis
showed that Eigan's canned beef wae
just the right kind of stuff to fwd sol
diers has made another discovery.
This time he asserts that alcohol Is a
food. Dr. Lyman Abbott of Imperial!
tic fame backs him up In it. The next
thing that Professor Atwater will an
nounce is that corrosive sublimate is a
good thing to feed babies on.
From private letters received from the
boys in the First and interview that
have been printed it appears that ninety
sine hundredths of them are copper
head e, tor they are all opposed to the
war. The question is what will the
State Journal do when so many copper
beads are let looee In ths state. It wfll
have to get a battery of rapid fire guns
and polbt one out every window.
This Is the kind ol talk we bear from
McKinley: "My desire is to restore
them to the blessings of law and liberty
which havs fatally aud desperately
changed for the calamities of civil war
and the arbitrary tyranny of their
chiefs." Isn't it an epitomy'ot all tbat
McKinley has said about ths war in ths
Philippines? But thee are the words of
King Georgs III, when he was dealing
with some American rebels.
. Part of the record which Mt K'nley has
made and which the republicans say
that tbsy are going to take for their
platform, is the conscription of free bora
Americans and the forcing of them to
ecgag in a foreign war. Every soMier
who, against his consent, was placed on
the Bring line after the tr-aty with
8pain was ratified was a conscripted
man. xThe term of enlistment expired
on that dav, but McKinley conscripted
80,000 ot them aud made them serve.
The sold buir oao re hhVa Indulged in
tbe free ooluage of lies tor the last 23 ' agreeing, II the editor would print It, to
years. Now tbey want us to pay Inter-' subscribe tor the paper foe on year,
est on their lies. They propose to print J The editor replied to blin: "G- one snb
aeveral million lies, lies which aay: "Ws scrlberand lose a thousand." Now
promise to pay gold dollars for thia'eonwith editor of the Red Cloud Nation
piece of paper upon d.-mand," when says: "We will publish ay article
tbev never intend to do anything of tbe
kind and couldn't If they tried. Tbey
propose to shove thoss 11- a out over ths
bankoonater aod charge interest upon
tbem. When tba banker begin to col-,
feet Interest apoo their lies, then they !
will bav ths world by the tail sots
J. Sterling Morton lei bis wrath get
the better of him last week and pitched
into the Independent with a lot of bill
ingsgate tbat would be appropriate to a
drunken loafer on the streets, but not at
all tobeexcosed In a member of thegreat
Clevelnnd'a cabinet. Hie article,
atripped of the lodecenciea that are not
fit for publication in a family paper that
circulates among the decent citizens of
the intelligent atate of Nebraska, after
quoting what the Independent Bald
about the issue of 185,000,000 of bonds
by the Burlington system, was as fol
lows: Suppose the new iesne of bonds builds
double tracks and makes bettermeuts of
transportation for the peopl.T The old
bonds "before he crime of 1873' drew 8
and 10 per cent Interest. Under the
maintained gold standard the new bonds
draw 4 per cent interest. If "th inter
est on those bonds will have to be paid
by the people residing along their lines,
how outregnd those people will feel at
the beggarly low rate of Interest com
pered to that paid before the "crime of
1873." "Idiots will never be able to
find out that the Burlington has rained
their rate of taxation by lowering the
rate of interest on its own bonds." Even
depulpltisad preachers onuht to know
that old bonds taken up by new bonds
drawing lees interest lessen taxation.
Of course it would be impossible for
this "melting pot" statesman to under
stand that 8 per cent under bimetalism
when wheat wae worth f 1 50 per bushel,
was a much smaller tax upon the peo
ple than 4 per cent under the gold stan
dard when wheat is worth only fifty
cents a bushe). What he calfs a reduc
tion is In fact a raise of 88X per cetlt- A
farmer pays this tax that a railroad
levies upon him in wheat and other pro
ducts of his farm. Under bimetalism If
be bad 100 to pay for Interest he could
have paid it with OCX bushels of wheat.
Under the gold standard, it will take 150
busbela to pay it. Of course a "melting
pot" statesman cannot be expected to
understand a statement like tbat, but it
will take a pop only a email fraction of
a second. .
Interest baa not, been reduced at all.
It baa been raised. Four per cent now
ia a greater burden on the man who
pays, than 10 percent waa before the
enormous fall In prlcea caused by the
adoption of the gold standard. No talk
about the "melting pot" will convince
any man who can think tbat it is not.
Yanderbilt introduced this plan of Is
suing first mortgage bonds on railroads.
It is related tbat be called a meeting of
the directors ot his road and it was his
road for he owned nearly all the stock
Issued 150,000,000 of bonds, sold the
bonds, put tho money in bia aafe and
raised the rates to pay interest on the
increased indebtedness. That piece of
highway robberey of the men who pa
tronised his road was tbs foundation of
the Yanderbilt fortune, Railroad man
agers have been working the same game
ever since. It aeema now tbat the Bur
lington has gone into it When a road
gets bond- d so that it cm't pay inter
est, then it goes into the bands ol a re
ceiver and reorganisation takes place,
After a time the aame old game is played
over again. There is no way ont but
government ownership. If Mr. Morton
would put the railroad managers into
bis famous "melting pot" he would do a
greater service to his readers than print
tug billingsgate.
The state, with the unanimous consent
of all the citisens, has provided for the
the house rent for Gov. Poynter and all
future governors, by the purchase of a
. .7 ' ..... ,
valuable residence that becomes one of
the public buildings of the state. The
cost of tbu providing rent, when the
capital invested and yearly repair are
taken Into consideration, will be a great
deal more than was appropriated for
rent while Gov. Holcomb was id office, I
aud Holcomb turn d nearly seven bun-
dred dollars of the money epproprtated
back into the treasury. When we look
at the careful economy practiced by J tore. But suppose he had, what is the
Holcomb in this matter ol rent, the at-J inference that the Tribune wonld have
tacks upon him are nothing short of It reader draw from that statement?
fiendish. The people of tbs state want ! Had not Mr, Harvey declared coutinu
the governor to live in a respectable ! ously tbat gold was appreciating and
house. They hav provided one free of ( would continue to appreciated Ions; af
rent for Qov. Poynter at a greater cost 1 the gold standard wae in force. Did not
than tbe one that waa provided for Gov. that act (if be bad performed it) show
Holcomb. It Is a vastly better and he was a financier of ability who not
more stylish bouse. Why don't somepnly preached, bnt practiced what be
republican editor accuse Qov. Poynter preached? If gold was appreciating in
of stealing bouse rent? Ttiere is no value, and we all know it was, the thing
doubt that they would if he was up for for Mr. Harvey to do was to get bold o
nomination. Therw ha been nothing in hie gold and keep it. The question is:
all tbe foulness ol Nebraska politics quite did not Brother Hammond put his foot
as low down mean and disreputable as
this talk about the governor's hou-e
rent Every man who baa had any part
in it baa shown himself beneath the no
tice ol a geotleman.
Capt. Hnnchio went to Rd Cloud last
week and off red an article on the money
question to the editor of the Argn-,
on the goia atanOHra mat you may
write, and if we can't riddle it Int. shreds
with the records we will consent to loss
our on thousand subscribers, W cbal-
any republican, big or lime, to
rita an article on the mom-y question
that we dare oot prim and can't prov
It false according to the records If It be
in support of tbs single gold standard.
Will some of you republicans tackle it?"
Tbat shows to a remarkable degree
ths difference in tho populist and repub
lican press of the state, A pops always
ready to meet i gold standard argument
but the ability to make an argument
don't seem to be among the qualifica
tions ot a republican editor.
It is not good to let the angry pas
sions rise That is especially true in the
case ot an editor. Whenever he does be
is sure to get into trouble. Tbat Is
what happened to this editor and it
came abont In this way. He was look
ing over a big pile of exchangee and he
saw a whole lot of things taken from the
Independent and credited to Ex., or not
credited at all. In some cases they were
credited to some other paper that bad
stolen them. The mora be saw of them
the madder be got. Finally be came to
the Dixon County Leader and saw two
credited to Ex. Now he always bated
that fellow Ex. and to see bis writing
credited to him made bim madder than
ever. Without further investigation be
went for "that paper. Now it torus out
thaa the Dxon County Leader is edited
by a lady who never atole anything in
ber life and she had copied these items
from some other paper the editor of
which bad done the dastardly deed. In
another column of the aame paper there
was an article from the Independent
which the lady bad carelully credited.
She was not at all to blame for the
thieving editor who first wrote Ex. after
the articles instead of the paper be clip,
ped it from. All that comes from getting
mad. So this editor adfises all editors
to quit stealing, but above all things
never to get mad. He further apolo
gises to the lady who edits the Dixon
County Leader, and declares it is one of
the best populist papers in ths state.
the meat tkcst. "
The meat trust gave a demonstration
of its power last week that should and
would create a bowl from one end of the
land to the other if the great dailies were
notin league with it. Within ten days
the trust raised the price of dressed meat
to the retail butcher four cents a pound.
Meantime the price of cattle and hogs
fell off in the Chicago market from ten
to fifteen cents a hundred. , The New
Tort retail dealers declared tbat the last
raise would ruin their business that
there were thousands of their customers
who would have to qirt eating meat or
greatly reduce the amount they were in
the habit of consuming.
At a meeting of the retail butchers
held in New York it was declared tbat
the trust was selling American meats in
London two cents a pound cheaper than
in New York and that it wonld pay
the retail men to re-import v it, for the
freight on it from London wonld be less
than half a cent a pound.
Meantime all the great dailies and the
members of the trnst are declaring tbat
there is no trnst. There are some
Americans who seem to be bigger fools
than Thompson's colt. The way to
make tbein happy la to swindle tbem.
The bigger the tribute they have to pay
to a trust the better tbey like it. For
the moet part these chaps write editor
ials on republican papers.
rtn!tn UaanAti Sin a man ti tost In Wa
. ki. Hnd n OUllhr t able to ,.
Ltruct the eople ot this state on the
money question. He. could if he would
BC rwl- 1?,n rememnereo
he drew his mom-T; n gold, ont of the
hb ,,..,:,, j.,pini, thu ..... Aomn
cratic panic Fremont Tribune.
Coin Harvey never did anything of the
kind, for the reason that be didn't bave
any gold money or any other kind of
money about that time. The editor of
the Independent wns In Chicago and
knows just bow hard up be wae. He had
spent, bis last dollar and more than his
last dollar publishing bimetallic litera-
in bis mouth, so tospeak, when bs wrote
tbat paragraph?
The Pioneer Pre, tbe great organ of
the Minnesota republicans, sajs the per
petuation ot the free sdvei issue la tbe
democratic party "will be fatal to demo,
cral Ic success " Now who doe It sop
ppe will be fool enough to b-llev thai?
Or who does It euppoee will believe that
the man who wroteit believes It bimneli?
If that, partisan editor believd a word
of that be would be doing all ia his pow
er to get the d-mocratio party to per
petual the leue. Instead, be is doing
all that be can to get the party to drop
lU He takes hie readers for mullet beads
and in fact most of them are.
Are Mi K'nley'a profusions of disinter
ested new and humanity accepted at
their face value In any civilii-d country
In the world? Answer honest now, do
you believe that they ar?
Tbe Stat Journal throw some doubts
on tbe doctrine of total depravity by its
recent actions. Every preacher in tbe
state when bard pressed, always refeired
to that paper as a constant and shining
example of tbat dogma. That alwaya
floored an opponent and if he wouldn't
agree that it waa at least silenced
him. Tbe attacks tbat have recently
been made on the old prevaricator have
resulted in showing tbat it at least has
some sense of shame. Tbe first evidence
of H was when it published an editorial
denouncing lying. It has now followed
that up with another and specifies two
interviews which were published all
over the (jountry, as lies. Tbe Intervlewa
were those of Gen. King and that British
captain up at Yancouver. Now if those
interviews were lies tbe pops were not
responsible for they were sent ' ont by
the Associated Pivea upon which the
Journal relies for all Its news. It, bow
ever, shows tbat the Journal is not
quite totally depraved, since it winces
under tbe criticisms that have lately
been burled at it. It will not publish
another lie againat Senator Allen that
can be ao easily refuted.
Tbe degeneracy of tbe republican press
must somewhat astonish anyone who
looks through a lot of their , papers.
How do they carry on a campaign?
What do the editors mostly discuss?
The sum total ot their genius seems to
be to talk about the bay on the capital
grounds, butterine, attacks on tbe per
sonal character of persona whom they
dielike or consider dangerous if nomi
nated by the opposing party. They
never dlscusa the principles of their op
ponents. Tbey spend their time in writ
ing -about little petty scandals. The
populists advocate government savings
banks, ownership of tbe telegraphs, tele
phones, tailroads, city franchises, and
are for tbe free coinage of silver 16 to 1,
for tbe issue of all paper money by the
government, the destruction of trusts.
Tbey believe in the declaration of inde
pendence, the Monroe, doctrine and are
against large standing armies. , All
these things they defend constantly in
their papers. But the republican papers
don't seem capable of defending any
thing or attacking anything.
The water trust in California bas pro
gressed so far tbat it say it owns not
only the water bnt the land. If a man
sa.vstbathe wants to go' to farming,
tbe trusts tells bim: "Yes you can farm
all you want to, but tbisls our land and
our water." Then tbey charge the man
rent for tbe land ' and so much a gallon
far the water. When tbe farmer com-e
to settle with them he finds ttbat his
whole crop ' will not pay for tbe rent of
the land and tbe charge for tbe water
Then he gives the trnst a note bearing
interest and trie again. After two or
three years he finds that the trut has
not only taken tbe result of all bis labor
but he owea an interest bearing debt for
more than ths land is worth. Then
tbat man a wears a big swear and de
clares tbat the pop party is composed
of a lot of crank a and goes and 'votes
the Huntington and water trust ticket
from top to bottom.
The Chicago R-cord should not issue
orders for cartoons ahead of the facta aa
it seems to have done oue day last week.
It first published an article written at
Des Moines.i Iowa, the day before the
democratic convention met in which it
was declared that Bryan was willing
tbat silver should take a back seat in
the platform and that Sells, who was a
Kryan democrat and wanted bimetallism
without a ratio, would be nominated.
When the convention met it was found
that Sells didn't have a handful of dele
gates and the whole crowd went tor
silver 16 to 1. The Record had ordered
ita cartoon on that reporter's atory and
when it came out the next morning with
the news of the result of the action of
the convention, the editor, and not the
cartoon was the thing laughed. Mora)
Don't be too previous.
' When the call for troops to free Cuba
was made, hundreds of thousands of
men ruhed to thetandrds and It took
a fight to got In. When Mr Kin Icy made
a call for 10,000 to conquer the Fili
pinos there wasn't any rush to speak ot.
The bars had to be let down and the
flt-footed and all sorts taken. After
months of advertising the establishment
of hundreds of recruiting stations tbe
lull number have not off -red themselves
yet. That shows tbe diff -rence of opin
ion tbe people irenerally have In regard
to these two wars.
Ths syndicate of robber in and
around the Whits house are after Porto
R co, Cuba and the Philippine. They
will never let go or bold up until they
are forced out. Tby see a field of rch
looting Iving before them such as again
may not b diecovered in the next bait
cwitury. They are after tbe loot. The
old star route thieve and thieve of
every sort havs their eye upon It. So
eager ars I hey to gather it up that
their very fingers twitch when they
think of I. Tba way they look at It is,
that nothing stands between them and
the loot but the sturdy figure ot W. J.
Bryan. Onl how they hate him.
Who hath woe, who hath redness ot
y? - Two chaps appointed by a local
meeting who went out to San Francisco
nd deirldtvd tbat tbey were bigger
than tbs governor of tbs state.
, A great imperialistic daily can mingle
piety and piracy with sues astonishing
skill tbat the reader of tba paper is
unable to tell which is totber. So be
swallows them both and calls it "benev
olent assimilation."
Walk up and pay jour share of that
$10,000 that McKinley sent to tbe Sul
tan of Sula to help him, the said Sultan,
to maintain a harem of sufficient num
ber and composed of fair enough women
to correspond to tbs dignity of his new
position as an officer of the United States
Tbe Melting Pot observes while dis
cussing the candidacy of Tilden for the
pjeeidency, that "the currency then was
made op entirely of irredeemable pappr."
Just there a lapse of memory occurred,
or no doubt that versatile writer wonld
have added thatthepeople of tbe United
States were also eojoying the best times
that tbia country ever had,
An old farmer writes: "You are too
hard on the republicans. You say tbat
tbey ought to do some thinking. Bnt
then bow can they, when the good Lord
never gave them any thinker. It is un
reasonable in you to ask them to per
form tbe impossible. Then what good
would it do if you should force the State
Journal to atop lying. If it should print
the truth nobody would believe it."
Morton.'s assaults npou Bryan during
the last few weeks have been so infamous
that decent papers of all parties, among
them many republican papers, have be
come disgusted and are printing sharp
reproofs. The New York Sun is not the
only one that has gone after Jhe "melt
ing pot" statesman. He disgusts every
man who has the instincts of a gentle
Governor Poynter never vetoed any
resolution of thanks to the First Ne
braska and there is not a republican
editor in the state who is now reprinting
that statement but knows tbat he lies
when he does it. Governor Poynter ve-
toed a resolution declaring that the war
in tbe Philippines was defending the
principles of this government and gave
his hearty approval of tbe vote
thanks. Every one of ' these editors
knows tbat to be the truth, yet they
keeDUD their everlasting unmitigated
lying. Every honest man in tbe state ia
ashamed of tbem. ' ,
This ta!k in tbe goldbug. papers tbat
Bryan ia witling tbat silver shall beehm
inated from tbe next campaign is notb
ing but a scheme to aid the Wharton
Barker crowd by making populists be
lieve that Brvan Is willing to forsake
the money question for tbe prospect of
electing himself to tbe presidency. The
whole story is a rotten lie. Bryan la not
a fool. He know very well tbat there
would not be tbe aligbtest chance of bis'
election if be undertook to do any such
thing. Not only the populist would
forsake bim, but two million democrats
and all tbe silver republican. The Chi
cago Record started tbe lie and it ii
traveling with seven league boots. Pay
no attention to it.
Tbe revolt of the Germans all over the
United States is becoming more apparent
everv dav. Tbe leading Grmans as well
as the German press continue to assert
tbat tbey will not vote tba republican
ticket if imperialism is to bathe policy of
the party. The Illinois Staats-zaitung
is today the only German paper In Illi
nois not hostile to the administration.
There is no German republican paper in
the state of Indiana, none in nortnern
OhioAild onlv one in Cincinnati, which
is lukewarm, for tbe administration, but
fltrongly anti expaneion. In 8t. Louis
and Missouri every German paper at
tacks the administration. I ae same in
Iowa and in other sta'es. Aa things
look now the G-rman element is largely
lost to the republicans.
Senator Cullora made a speech over in
Illinois tbe other day. It was somewhat
remarkable bf cause ha abandoned cant
and placed the desire for conquest in the
Philippines wholly upon the ground of
greed. He said: "Tbs islands themselves
are rich and productive. With tbem and
Hawaii ws cover tbe Pacific from a stra
tegic and commercial point. The people
of the United States should stand by the
administration and maintain tbe dignity
power and purpose of ths nation." Sen
ator Cullom is to be commended for bis
frankness. lis doubtless bas reoogn awl
the nausea tbat tbe talk of tbe political
preachers bis produced all over the
country. Shooting Christianity into tbe
Filipinos with galling guns bas not been
popular with t bs averag American,
Tbs only proposition tbat McKinley
baa made to tbe Filipino baa been
"Surrender unconditionally and give np
your arm. After you have done that I
will take into consideration whether you
have any rights at all and if I find tbat
vou have I will then take that matter
into consideration." . All our troops say
tbat tbe Filipinos are men of courage
aLd that thev have proved It by leaving
their dead bod 'sort the field ot batik by
the hundred. Will men of courage ever
comply with such conditions? Tbat Is
the kind of a proposition that the Dnke
of Alva osed to make to tbe Dutch. This
modern Alva will find tbat bis proponi.
tioa will meet with the aame fata of tbat
ol tbe former one.
The brilliancy of tbe republican man
agement in tbia atate haa bad another
exemplification. It is equal to tbe hay
or butterine business. Tbe Epwortb
League held a camp near tbe insane
asylum. The managers went to the su
perintendent and aked tor water t
supply the camp from the asylum. -The
first wrong was committed when the su
perintendent agreed to give it to then
for it was not bis to give. The Ep worth
League bad no right to ask the state's
assistance." In the old days of Method
ism tbey would never bave thought of
doing snch a thing. Tbe snperintendent
thought the managers should give the
employees of tbe asylum who are the
closest confined and hardest working
crew in tbe service of the state, a few
free admissions. A wagon load, mostly
ladies, went down one evening and were .
refused in so rude a manner that the
taaies were very much Dominated. Wben
it was reported to the superintendent hs
let bis angry passions rise and said hs
would not let the management bave any
more water. Now the republicans de
clare that the fusion state government
ia a f lilure and that every Epwprth
Leaguer in the atate ia going to vote for
Mark Hanna and imperialism. That'
Nebraska republican politics. It is
about the smallest thing on the face of
the earth. .
It ia time lor J. Sterling Morton to
come down from his pereh or else send a
sack of gold to ex Senator Allen, for the
latter has made out a prwtty good case.
It will be remembered that J. ex Secre
tary Morton offered f 100 in gold for
evidence that an.v pop politician in th
state bad ever earned 12.500 a year by
means of his legitimate business. Lin
coln News.
It is not to be expected tbat tbe melt
ing pot statesman will pay tbat bill.
He is a gold standard ' repudiato.r. The
billingsgate tbat he publishes put him
outside of tbe sort of men ordinarily
designated gentlemen. Gentlemen al
ways pay their bets, and much mor aa
offer like the one referred to. But Mor
ton won't do it. See if be doea.
From the scores of letters that Com
to tha office containing comments on
Senator Allen's reply to tbe old "melting
pot" of Nebraska City, it is very evident
that every shot went, home. Mr. John
Thomas, of Ashgr ive, Neb., savs: "I
think tbat Allen's roast of J. Sterling
Morton in yonr last issue waa the best I
ever saw. I would therefore aay, for a
good free roast delivered right in your
dooryard or anywhere else, go to Sena
tor Allen."
The use made of tbe word "patriot
ism" by the republican press establishes
tbe correctness of the definition of it by
Sam Johnson when be said tbat it was
the last relnge of the scoundrel.
The blood t b irsty preachers are likely
to go out on a strike. They aay tbat
Mark Haona baa packed tbe earda oa
them and tbey just won't stand it.
Twenty new regiments have been called
into service aud not one - of them is to
bave a chaplain. Tbe chaplaincies were
tbe part of the boodle that waa to go to
tbe preachers aud there are to be no
chaplainfel No wonder tbey are mad. .
Expansion means an increase in th
number ol American homes, tbe spread
of American institutions, tbe building up
of new elates fouuded on the bill of
rights aud tbe Declaration of Indepen
dence. Imperialism means a large stan
ding army, a great navy, enormous in
crease iu taxation, tbe holding of heter
ogenous nations under, one flag by force
of arms. Populists ars all expaueionista
but there is not an imperialist among
them. . '
Wharton Barker is reling on the
strong right arm and massive intellect
of our own Siebbins to put bim in the
White House. Lucien had a letter in
Barker'a paper last week which wound
np with these awful words: "We will
redeem Nebraska or will bury, it with th
Seminole chief tbat . swam the sea ot
slangbter till be sank beneath the
waves." Now tbat la truly awful to coa
template. When Lucien gets out bis
butcher knife and begin to cut our
throat what will we dol
No trust ever contributed a cent to
tbe democratic campaign fund slues W.
J. Bryan got voutrol of the party. For
years b fore the trusts divided their con
tributions betweeotbe two old parties
with perfect impartiality: Tbe Rockefel
lers, tbe Goulds, tbe Yanderbilts aud th
Uavetneyt-r never sent any checks to
help tbe democratic party after it re
pudiated C'leVrlaud. Now they all go
into tbe Mark Hanna fund. Tbe love
we bave lor th democratic party is be
cause of tbe euemies it bas made. Its
enemies are our enemies.
It cost ths state $03 a month for rent
whllu TbMVff ir.iVHrnnr. it ifit. X'I .
83 per mouth la Itoyn's term, ami dur
ing noicoiiiii urn.- fan. ik per moutn.
Holcomb Is dishonest tKCun" he made
this re luoilou. Read tba reonbliinn im-
pers. Ord Journal.
Bndton . Nw York.
Th population of Boston Is a people
of moods and tenses. The population
of New York Is a neoDle of nn ana
xptntas. Nw York Commercial Ad