Aug.. 24, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. LAUGH ALWAY. A war. away with all teira, my lads , Hurray for the boy t. it smiles. Give me the heart that t all aunshlne ' ' , E'en Id the darkest a alios. Give me the dear little maid that laughs WhiJe tears fill her poor, soft heart. For she is the maid th.t In after year . Will bear woman's njlest part. So away and away with all tears, my lads Hurrah tor the boy that smiles, Give me the heart that's all sunshine E'en In the darkest whiles. A GIRL'S RANSOM. No renowned star about to dash in splendor upon the boards of a theater in a large metropolis could have been waited for with more "breathless im patience than was Edith W ayne by the congregation assembled in the . old village church, that bright JSep- Member morning, Her black cloth sacque fitted her trim little form to , a nicety, and the jaunty hat curved up behind, with the tali ribbon loops and feather sprays, with tits of jet dancing on their tips, surmounted a head of lightish, fluffy browu hair, v and a fresh face of only twenty ; sum mers and winters. Pagetown had re ceived a shock; and few tilings short of an ; eartl make . could have so shaken up the little community as the sudden determination of Squire Page, for whose ancestor the town . had been named, to make a change in the choir of the Congregational ." church.- '..'T -' "'?,.' Matilda Frescott had been the head soprano in the church for the past fifteen years, with a salay of $75 a year, which Squire Pago paid out of his own pocket, as ho did all of the expenses connected with the sing ing. Something in the nature of an electric shock passed through her, therefore, when he called one morn ing in the summer, a" d, asking to speak with her alone, tried to explain . in as few words as possible his rea sons for wishing to make a change in the choir arrangements. It was awkward business and he made an awkward job of it "The fact is, Matilda, the world ... moves, you know, and we've all got to move along with it : This young lady has a big voice, I can tell you." "Who is , she?" asked Matilda. ; faintly. - . . ' "She's a Miss Wayne her folks live somewhere . out West; she's studying at the conservat iry. Her teacher says her voie is phenom enal, and I believe he's right It goes along up the scale, you know, without any perceptible break, from low A to in alt. two octaves and a half, don't you see?" " - "Why don't they give her a posi tion in the city if she can do so much?" : "Well, they will, by and by, but she's young yet and hasn't' had ex perience in church music. I've made up my mind to engage her for a year, and I suppos nt the end of that time they'll want her where they can pay her more than we can. " He did not say that hie had promised to give her 400. That was a secret between the young singer and himself. . Having delivered his message the squire left the house as soon as he . could. His departure was not de layed, as poor Matilda wad so taken aback by the news she had heard that she had no words at hand with which to make any fitting reply. She lost no time, however, in going into the kitchen, where her sister was at the wash tub giving vigorous rubs to the week's washing. Jane Prescott was 20 years the senior of tho two, and they had long 1 kept house together, in a snug, thrifty way. Jane was tho manager and the master spirit, and at 63 years of age retained the vigor of body an d mind she had possessed at 30. She had assumed the entire charge of her sister after the death of their parents, just thirty-one years ago this summer; and Matilda seemed to her now almost as much a child as lien she used to harness up the old . white mare, and take her to the little red brick echoolhouse. two miles from their home. 1 "Sister," said Matilda, in a voice broken by convulsive sobs, "I'm turned out of the-sinying seats." "WhatP" snapped out Jane, in a tone that went stinging through the roonl like a rifle shot "Yes;' that's what Squire Page came for just now. V says the folks want young voices in churches, and he's got a girl about 2l, who's com ing In a rnonjh or so.1 Two fierce, red spots appeared on Jane Prescott's thin ehouk on hear- lnjj this concise t,n,fmnt, and her pale, gray eyes looked out with a menacing glare, as she t ok off her glasses and stood staring at her sister." - "Don't look like that Jane.for good ness' sake; it isn't wor'h it Of course I feel badly and shall for some time; but I suppose it's all right, after all. You know I am getting old, comparatively speaking." "Getting old, Matilda Prcscottl You're a young woman yet" ", "No, forty-three can't be called young. My voice isn't as strong as it was lwfore the fever. I fairly tremble when we have a tune with a high G in it I can't be steady. You r know my voice never was cultivated, and they say that makes all the difference in the ability to menage it. "Well, ycu can stand there and run yourself down if you want to, but I say it's a wicked shame, the whole thing. That girl won't stay long in the choir,' let mo toll you, if she comes I'll fix it. "Why, Jano, what do you mean?" "Just let tne alone now, and don't you say a word to anybody. I've got to think it all over. 1 shall have something to say about this thing." Edith Wayne, as I have said, had no conception of the fueling against her. She knew nothing of the choir's history and regarded tho matter of her engagement in the light only of a business transactioa It had been arranged that she should come to 1'agetown each Saturdayremaining at tho house of Squire Page until the Monday following. She was in splendid voice on this first Sunday of her appearance in the choir; her full, round tones had a charmingly sympathetic quality, and those evoi who could not say a word on the subject of music felt that such a voice had never before been hrtard inPagetown. . The foll)wing Wednesday was the day for ' the monthly meeting of the sewing circle, which was to meet on tr.ii ( cc tsion at the house of Dea con Perkins. There w-s a much larger attendance than usual, for all felt that it would be an opportunity to get together, and talk over the af fair which was in the mind of every one in the parish. There was con siderable cariosity as to whether the Prescott sisters would be present It was so-n satisfied Jaue entered ilono. She took a pieco of work and seated horself, saying but little to ny one for awhile. ' When as'el why her sister did not some, she- replied that she - had gone way for a few weeks to pay a visit to a friend. "She has pretty well lost her interest In the church work, tnd reason enough, too." t ; . "Now," said Mrs. Fairchild, plung ing at once in medias res, "I don't think Matilla ought to feel just so, Ja-e. I don't like changes, myself, in 1 1 thought we were getting along well enough with the old choir, but we can't all view things alike, you know.". .'.i- ... "If they'd only a good, respectable girl, I wouldn't have said a word." "Why, you don't know anything against Miss Wayne, do you? I thought she seemed a sweet, indo lent little thing as ever was, myself." "Well, if you call a shoplifter an Innocent little thing, I've no more to say.". . - , .. ,.-..'', . "A what!" shuddered Mrs. Falr ihild, in a stifled, husky whisper, her very amazement deadening her Dower to articulate audibly. "That's what she is," said Jane, dipping her lips together. "I saw her in a store in Boston, one day last spring, as plain as , I see you now. She was standing right by me, at the ribbon counter, and she deliberately took up a roll of pink ribbon and put it under her, cape. But the floor walker happened to be close by, and saw what she had done, and he took her by the arm and marched her off." Where to?" ' faltered Mrs. Fair jhild, in another trie htened whisper. s"I can't tell you that I never saw her afterwards, until wi walked into 3hurch last, Sunday, i at I wouldn't have her' in my house, that's all.", Can it be as George Ltiot asserts, with her terrible psychological analy sis, that "there are moments when our passions speak and decide for us, and we seem to stand by and wonder?" Certain it was that to Jane Pres cott had come an "inspiration of crime." She had not premeditated this, but she had given the demon within her the heartiest welcome, and had bidden him crush this young interloper by any means in his power, and now she was hurried along to this definite charge in spite of her self. She was not cognizant of much that passed around ber the rest of that afternoon. . She was one of the first to leave, and reached her home lizzy and sick, and in a complete palsy of terror. The poisoned arrow did its work. Before the evening of the next day the'eharge against Edith Wayne was known all over the village. Squire Page himself, enthusiastic as he had been in favor of the young singer be gan to feel that perhaps he had been too hasty in selecting a person of whom he knew absolutely, nothing. The girl was charmingly modest in manner, it was true, and seemed hon est and sincere but it, was so easy for impostors to assume such -ways. He had known Jane Prescott all his life so had many others of the townspeople and the one thing that never once occurred to any of them was to doubt this woman's wcrd. Friday had come, the girl must be notified; it would never do to have her come again among them. It was a cloudy day and hearing dusk. Jane had been informed that the squire intended going up to town in the early evening, and for what purpose. He must pass her house on the way to the station. Already had Jane Prescott re turned to her normal con dition. Already was she repenting wh at she had done with a bitterness of misery and remorse sho had never dreamed could exist in the soul of mortal. Squire Page was hurrying to the station; for, as usual with him, he had given himself tarely time to reach it before the train would arrive- So he did not see the white face at the parlor window of Jane I Prescott's house, and that the front door stood wide open, and ho did not ' know that a wild-looking figure had darted out of the door and was call ing to him, but with a voico that could not raise itself enough to bo heard, as we try in a dream to shout and are controlled by a power, arbi trary and unaccountable. Her limbs had not failed her, however, and she spol on after him, reaching the sta tion as the train slowed tip. As he was about to step upon the forward car she sprang and seized him tight ly by the arm. He turned to tee the moving lips, with no sound issuing, and the fulness of despair in the withered face, and at once the story was told. I Jane Prescott had received a para lytic shock, which deprived her of the powfjr of articulate speech but her written confession satisfied the little community so fully that the scandal died out at once, and the young singer .never felt on her brow the faintest breath of the whirlwind that had well nigh swept her away. American Cultivator. THIS AND THAT. . Mile. Lucia Faure is going; to write a history of her father's presidency, working from papers her father gave her. She will continue as the head of the League of the Children of France, a charitable Institution which she herself founded. Princess Eugenia Paleologus, who for some years has been trying to prove her cliim of being the direct descendant of Cons tan tine, the last em peror of Byzantium, has at last been successful, the Russian s. 3d ac knowledging her rights, and the Rus sian government will pay her an an nual pension. Her husband is an Eng lish officer. - ." ' ; German princesses are. said to be as good cooks as housekeepers. , The Em press Augusta was a skilled dressmak er. Some of the EnglUh princesses are trained in the profession of nurs : ing. The Princess of Wales Is an ac jcomrlished bookbinder. Queen Wil helmina is said to be a good cook and laundress, ; For a total lack of lnter ; est in homely, old-fashioned pursuits, it remained for the American girl to show what really could be done In that line. V'', : ' ,; :.:,":'V ' "'. The Empress Frederick is said to be a most energetic woman. She 'de lights In getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning, takes endless excurslons.and has a mania for , acquiring information of a detailed character. It Is said that the Prince of Wales was . once asked whom., he considered the cleverest woman among his ' friends. He an swered that if modesty did not forbid he would name his sister, the Empress Frederick. This was doubtless pleas ing to the rest, of his feminine rela tives and acquaintances. Not long ago the Princess Chadles of Denmark was waiting at a railway station to receive a distinguished guest when she saw 'a reporter scribbling In dustriously in a notebook. The prln- I cess and the reporter caught each oth I er's glance, for a moment, then the .royal lady began to make an entry In her own notebook. , With a glance to ward the reporter she tore out the leaf, dropped It on the platform, and walk ed away. Of course the excited jour nalist seized it. Opening it he read: "I wish I were a reporter." He Is. still wondering. RECENT INVENTIONS. A baker's oven on wheels has been patented by a Swedish woman the heat being imparted by a fireplace or oil burner suspended underneath, with I flues extending Into the body of the ' wagon to circulate the heat around the , shelves. : j Ladles' hair can be rapidly dried af ter washing by a new Invention, in which a lamp is placed in a casing at the rear of the chair to heat the top plate set in such a manner that the - hair can be spread out on it to receive the ,heat '.'. -' ', -' i v ,. ; " . ,r, I In a new method of cushioning a bicyclo frame against sudden shocks vertical sockets are placed on the ends of the hubs, with an inflatable cushion in the bottom, on which projections from the frame rest to deaden the ac tion of rough roads. Tapers for lighting chandeliers are Ignited without the aid of matches by a Wisconsin man's improvement, con sisting of forming a match head on the ' end of the taper,, so that a small amount of friction will light it and start the taper burning. I To spread the fingers and cause them to retain that position to fit the hand for piano playing a new stretcher has slings to engage the thumb and little finger, carried by nuts set on a screw threaded rod, the latter being turned to spread. the nuts apart. . The ends of the Inner tube of a bi cycle tire are joined to form a contin uous passage for the air In a Massa chusetts man's patent, each end of the tube being provided with an open nip ple, with a collar to connect the two and form an air-tight joint. ' ' Bags can be securely closed by a handy new fastener, which does away with the delay of tieing a string around the mouth, a piece of wire be ing formed with a spring at the center and a hook-eye at opposite ends which can be quickly connected around th bag. " SCRAPS. - Mrs. Annie Besant Is said to have renounced England altogether ftnd t have adopted eastern customs of living as well as thinking. An Ohio man has sued for divorce from his wife on the ground that she "boesed" him and forced him to do the family washing and cooking. The strongest sentiment of the Turk Is his reverence for his mother. He always stands In her presence until Invited to sit down a compliment he pays to no one else. The use of cobee as a beverage be gan in southern Arabia in the latter half of the fifteenth century. It was Introduced into Constantinople In 1554 and Into Venice in 1615. . Major Marchand was the son of a widow, and as such exempt from mili tary duty. His mother was at first opposed to the army, and started him In life as a lawyer's clerk. The four largest Protestant denomination- are as follows: Methodist (a'l branches),. 16,062,490; Baptist (all branches), 13,012.892; Presbyterians (all branches), 4,747,232; ' Lutherans (all branches), 4,308,762. "Mrs. Highroller Is golpg to have an Omar Khayyam' afternoon." "Who is this 'Omar, Khayyam,' Mrs. Flim flam?" "I don't know;' but we can rent assured he Is all right If Mm. Highroller has -taken him up." Puck. Rudyard Kipling has seldom been known to write a ions letter. OARIBALDI'S NERVE, rba Darlufl; and Draraatlo Method of HIS ' , , ,; Entry Into Kaplea. '; ';.'... - A writer who reached Naples a few lays after tbe evejit, heard from the ips of the people an account of the Aking of that city by Garlbi Mi, says he San Francisco Argonaut The king as still there, the Neapolitan police vere sullen and inactive, what the ac ion of the milltiry would be was not mown, and upon it depended the for .une of t hour. The people turned out n a body to witness the arrival of 3arlbaldl. Numbers of them climbed ipon the engine and cars of the slowly ipproaching train which bore the gen ;ral and his staff to the city. Enter ng a carriage with Cozens, Garibaldi ttarted, followed by three other car iages containing his officers of staff. The fortress of St Elmo bristled with runs and gunners, and they were or lered to fire and clear the streets with rrapeshot as soon as the Garlbaldlans were within range. On the carriages came B)owly, amid i roar of "vivas."' As It approached ,he guns of Castelle Nuovo the artiS erymen, with lighted matches in their lands, pointed their guns. At that moment the voice of Garibaldi rose, ibove the uproar, commanding: "Slow ir! Slower! Drive slower!" This he Iterated until the frightened coach nan Instinctively obeyed the matt vhom no one disobeyed. Then, under .he very mouth of the guns, and be fore the gunners who were already un ler orders to fire, Garibaldi rose to his 'eet In the carriage, with one hand on Dreast, and looked fixedly at the ar tillerymen. A silence fell uprfn the tu nultuous crowd. Those who were pres jnt declared it was as If Garibaldi mag aetlzed them. Three times the order to Ire was given, and, with his own fate Hid Italy's in the balance, the general itood looking upon the men. At the Aird order the gunners flung away ,heir matches, threw their caps in the Mr and shouted: . , "Viva Garibaldi!" The city was taken. ' v ITS NAME IS NAMELESS. ow m Ooorfla Town. Came to Get It Queer Title. ' J. R. Shepard, a prominent citizen of Vameless, Laurens county, Ga., was n the city recently and while here ;old how his town got its queer name, lays the Macon Telegraph. . 1 1 "After the postofflce authorities at Washington decided to give us a post- . tn t, 1 .1 If. "Vta nnaatlnn 1 jiuue, buiu nil oucymu, w h"- hi naming it arose. I had interested nyself In getting the office and Ihere 'ore it was by common consent left ne to suggest a name to the authori ses. Accordingly I sent on a name .hat I thought was a beauty, and while iwaltingji reply I pictured how some lay that same name would be known ill over the country and that the town wmiid arrow and blossom as a rose, for I believe that there is much in a name. Finally the answer came back that, while the name I had suggested was a jood one, It was too similar to another lostofflce in Georgia. ' , "Then I put my brain to work on mother name. I Just knew they would trwent it. but the same answer came liack as before. Still another and an- tther name was sent and each time ,n aittfiAritien would write back that '.here was either another postofflce In hB Btatn bv that name or that it was jo much like some other name that .r it wan adoDted there would be con- usion in the malls. At last I sat down ind wrote out a list of several hundrea mm and told them that if they could" not find one in the list to suit thni ;he office would remain nameless, r r hud Biizeested every name I had ever leard of. In due time the answer came back. 'Let it remain Nameless,' and ?ver since then it has had that name, which, while a little odd, is not Buch l bad nnme after all." .. Dog Tk In Vlennn. Vienna papers have been publishing some details of'g registration sys tem for the past year. The munici pality of Vienna has some 36,000 of oumbered medallions in store, and the total income accruing from the same imounts to $65,500. As each mark osts ?2 -32,750 dogs pay this tax in a vear. The government takes its clip pings and the residue goes to the poor. But law and fashion lri Vienna allow the citizen to choose his own number. If that number Is free, and of course some ciphers are" the favorites-13 la tvolded and No. 1 Is in fierce demand. It is generally bespoken years before the death of the happy hound- or his master. Other numbers coincide with bouses, dates, regiments, the age of wie's tailor bill, etc., and would fetch 1 fancy price from wealthy purchasers If the system so allowed, and it is sug jested that the poor box should be en riched by this change. One popular Hofrath has two numbers, one for his iwn dog and one for his wife's. The first number he holds on lease, it re mains fixed at 39, the other is con siderably In advance and changes with the year. The first he gives as his own ice. and the second as bis wife's and, to the indignation of tho lady, the lat ter is true. A Hew Mineral. A new mineral has been discovered U Allchar, In Macedonia, by Professor trenner, who named It lorandlte. It is !ound In short prismatic crystals, and nore rarely In rhomboldal prisms. Its solor varies between cochineal and jordinal red; the crystals are trans parent and flexible, like those of gyp sum. A Drag In the Market. -' Alice I take his professions of at 'achment for Juit what they are worth. Edith They are so plentiful that I ihould think he would be glad to die pose of them at half price. Bay City THE "DUM.DUM" BULLET. German Military Expert' Favorable View of It' Effect. ' ;' Dr. Von Bruns, professor of interna tional law at Tubingen university, re cently published a pamphlet, in which be pleaded,- In the interests of hu manity, for an international Inter action of the "dum-dum" bullet, says the London Mail. The professor ac knowledged that the use of the bullet was justified in the colonial or Indian wars, where the fight Is generally at close quarters, and ofen between man and man, and where it is a question of European tolally disabling his oppo nert or being at once struck down himself. Jn wars between Europeans, however, where the combatants are gererally far apart, the professor con siders that the bullets In question are not only unnecessarily Inhuman, v but are less effective than ordinary bul lets. Surgeon-General Dr. Korting, mrgeon-ln-chlef of the 1st German ar ny corps, who has been carefully study ng the reports of the Italian hospital corps on its experiences in the late campaign against Abyssinia, now writes, lays our Perlin corresponded, m fol 'ows: "The Pallan projectile (eoft kad. :opper mantle, 6.5 mm. calibre), with great penetrating power, produced small inlet and outlet apertures, bone fractures, and altogether a smooth wound canal. On the other hand, the bard lead projectiles of the Abysslni ans (Gras and Remington, eleven mil limeters) exploded In the soft parts and shattered the bones. The effect was that Abysslnlans, even when shot In several places, were able to con tinue fighting. Out of a hundred Abys slnlans who applied for relief to the captured Italian doctors 8 per cent presented themselves without any sup port. In spite of the fact that some of them were shot through the breast. In reality only those, men who had seen wounded by . artillery were brought on stretchers. Within three weeks thousands of Abysslnlans were healed In srPe of the primitive band aging. . The results on the Italian side were in".niteiy less favorable. The troops of th Negus bad also soon dis covered that the small caliber weapon used by the Italians was absolutely in adequate, and when they were given the muskets and ammunition captured from the Illana they filed through :he copper-end covering of the bullets In order to increase their efficacy. The English troops did exactly the same thing and for the same reason during the Chitral campaign, whereupon a tremendous storm of Indignation arose, which penetrated even to the congress hall of the Berlin surgeons. I am of n another opinion. The war experi ences referred to above show rather that the minimum caliber has been reached, and that in a number of cases sufficient to Influence the result )f the , battle the mantled bullet of muskets under 8.9 millimetres - does not suffice to put the enemy 'hors de :ombat.' The filing through the point of a mantled bullet Is, in my opinion, tn act of self help against an enemy on whom the unimpaired bullet does sol inflict 'sufficient Injury." BISMARCK'S BETROTHAL. 0m Made Public Announcement of It - Ag-aJnat Opposition.) A correspondent of the Chronicle, writing of Bismarck's engagement to Fraulein von Puttkamer, says: "The young lady's parents knew Bismarck's awful reputation as a viveur, and his nickname of "Mad Biamarjck." They were very conservative and strait laced. As such they were strongly averse to any unldn with the avowed representative of antagonistic opinions and forbade their daughter to accept the advances of her suitor. But they had to deal with a man who refused ttf be thwarted in any of his purposes, and they found that their opposition was useless and even dangerous. Find ing himself unwelcome, Bismarck dopted a plan which, unconventional, as it was, met with full success. Hav ing been informed that he would not be received If he called, and knowing that the Puttkamers were to give a large evening party, to which he had naturally not been Invited, be never theless made bis appearance In the crowded drawing rooms on the ap pointed sight, and off ei Ing his arm to Fraulein von Puttkamer, boldly passed with her from group to group, and audibly informed all the guests that he was betrothed to her. Startled and stunned by the audacity, the parents had not the presence of mind to deny the engagement on the spot. Subse juently prudence and common sense prevailed over wrath and prejudice ind they decided to give their lormal ;onsent rather than brave what would bave been a tubllc scandal more com promising to their daughter than marriage. In , July, . 1847, Bismarck was married to the lady, who was line years his junior, and she- made Mm an Ideal wife. "You little know what this woman has done for me," Bismarck once said when speaking of lis wife to Signor Crlspl. . One Steady. Llpper Met Bateman this morning, le said he was fishing yesterday and hat he fished for eight steady hours vlthout a bite. Do you believe It? :hlpper The hours may have been teady enough, but he wasn't. I saw dm when he came home. Richmond )lepatch. Hreaklar It Quietly. . Man (hurriedly) ''Are you Miss )awson, mum?" "Yes." "Well, I've teen sent to tell you that your hus tand's head has been broken, mum, M I'm to break it to you. gently. num." Punch. Indelicate. Miss Basseo (giving a dinner) This vine Is over forty years old. Idiot thouShtlessly) Bottle it' yourself? WEGIVEAflYIM or man, who will tak orders for our Leghorn Men Food, In their own town, A SOLID BOLD WATCH, FfiEE We make this offer for a thort time, in order to get our Food into more general use. It increaset yield of eggs, and keep fowl in good health. Send u 50c. for s regular ti.oo size box, and begin to take orders at once. Pamphlet, with mora Information about hens, lent on receipt of Mlf-addrewcd, tumped envelope. AddrtM LeghornFo0dCo.( 183 B. )BoHoh,Mms, RIGGS. The DENTIST, PAINLESS EXTRACTION 141 So. 12th St. Lincoln, Neb. ' Gold Alloy Filling .$1.00 Gold Filling. . . . $1.00 and up Gold Crowns .... $5.00 and up Set Teeth.... $5.00 Best Teeth .....$8.oo RIGGS, The Dentist, 141 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb HIDES. SHIP.... TO The Oldest Established Bide House, n TAOS AMD VZU K : Street HONS... 1 D03S0;j & LOGREH, Ltucola.Ktb. Promrt r Retorts. 4 jt4t LOOK AT THIS SPECIALS. - Me "Trap nf nti ...............tSe SSeTalenin Powder ....................... ..lSe St Hooiia' 8arnparllle.............. ....... .74 twine of Ordnl ...M...T6e 11 Plukbem'e Vwaetable Compound ..He iU Cartr Little .iter 1'llla.. ...IM 1 Ayer'a Hair Visor.. .......76e 76o Boeubre'a Ocriuan Sjrrce, ,. Me Oc UeWltt'e One Micnte Cough 8rn....fc 11 Halted Milk.. ..Me I Kemp'l Italnfttn. 7te (Oc Millob'e Cuneumptlon Care......... , ......we 1 Peruna ..Me IS 8. H.. ...0o t Enininloa Cod Liver Oil Tta (I Heel Iron and Wine Tonic. ............. ..75 3.'iO Orlum' Ol.voerlne SalTe .....We Ae Orav'e Tea.-. ............... ..........10e I Milea Nfrtrlne.. .......... ....................760 1 Pelue'f Celery Compound... ............ 7M I Kllmer'a fcwamp Itoot... ......... ......76a SSeCaaorlB....... 7te 2M Beet Tome... .....SOe All Other II I'atent M-dldno ....we All Other 6e Patent Mdlcluee............4oe All other Sae Patent Medicine. .....,...Oe Klne Machine Caetor Oil, per rallon. S6e Pine Maeblne Lubrication; Oil, per gal. ...Me Fine MaeMne black Oil .........20 Antl-Kl.y.hopr, to keep ofl Siea da cattle . . and hoi eee, per gallon , f l.M Loweet Price Dreg Store Is Lincoln, Neb, Mjear experience la the ; Drug Baelaeea, That neane eornvthlog. RIGGS PHARMACY, TUN Kk OHEBA HOUSE, UU and O STS, ' ABB YOUQOINQTO Chicago or tbe East? , The Through Express From COLORADO KANSAS NEBBASX1 Via Omaha 7 AID TBS Chicago Express from Kans. Ciry In addition to Pullman Sleepers, Free Chair Cars, and the Best Dining Car Ser vice in the World, are equipped with BUFFET LIBRARY SMOKING CARS furnished in club style aid supplied with latest periodicals, illustrated papers aad a select library of recent fiction.. ARE TOO GOING TO Colorado or the West? TRY THE COLORADO FLYER. Fast, carries dining cars and Pull man sleepers. Leaves Omaha .6:40 p. m.: Kansas Citr 6:30 p. m.; St Joseph 4:60 p. m., and arrive at Denver and Colorado Springs neat Uioraiug. ; . ; Jo. Sebastian, E. W. Thompson O. F.AT.A.,lhicagO. A O. V. & T.A To)ieka, Kaaa, Feinc H. Barnes. C. P. A T. A., Lincoln. Nebraska. . Nebraska Conservatory of Music. The best and cheapest school ot muste In the state, having the largest number nl nnnlla rlnrinor the) naat Tear. Bead 0' illustrated souvenir catalogs). A. ALTON HADLEY, President, CLEMENS MOYIDS, Dirsotor. 13th and L Streets, LINCOLN, V NEB. T-)Koartftpvlar Resort lithe City t julius otten's saloon. ; . "Tile Qaoic." 146 3. IMStof Llacola. Kchraslu. fine Wlnea, Ueaora aad Ojrara. Bel Laaea ever oral at from II to 11 4 Satardaj evenkfaS sLl n