' :t ; 7 fife The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY,' AUGUST 24, 1899. VOL. XI. NO. ROBBER RAILROADS. They Balsa the Far $10 00 and Demand Cash In AdTanee Fromth Boys of th Fin Nebraska For the last ten days Gov. Poynter has devoted most of his time to try ins to" raise a Innd to bring the First Ne braska home on a special train. Mon day eight be bad to give up. He issued the following statement to the people of this state in regard to the matter. ' "Omaha, Nsb., Aug. 18,-To the peo ple of the State of Nebraska: It is with profound regret that I am compelled, to announce to tbe people of Nebraska that the members of the First Nebraska regi ment at San Francisco will not be brought hone at public expense. Appre ciating the splendid record made by this regiment and observing that other 'states were preparing to return their regiments on special trains, I conceived it to be my dnty as governor of Nebras '. ka to take advantage of every plan and exhaust every resource in tbe ttfort to accord dns honsr to Nebraska's regiment. I have exhausted every resource and every possible plan has been devised and worked toau unsuccessful conclusion in the hope that Nebraska, in its attitude towards the soldiers, should occupy a position second to no other state. I therefore deem it my duty to make a plain statement of facts. , .,. , "While ia San Francisco I commis sioned Adjutant General Barry and Con great-man Stark to take steps for the purpose of returning tbe Nebraska sol diers on special trains at public expense. Y It develoied that the rate for soldiers from Ban Francisco to tbe Missouri river prior to Ma.v 1 wae $25 per man. It also developed that this rate i a 1 been increased to 137.50 per man. This was second class accommodations with a ' tourist Bleeper at $10 per section. . Thus the soldier's rate including sleeper would be f 40 S3 per man. Every possible effort was made at Han Francisco to ob tain a reduction on this rate, but this was without avail. "I concluded that more effective work might be done at the N-braskaend of tbe line. After returning home I took up the work with the railroads. I made every possible effort to iuduce the rail road managers to return tbe soldiers and to aceept a claim against tbe state. It was made apparent very early in tbe proceedings that the railroad managers wouiu no i. accept a claim against tbe state but would require a cash payment I then asked the co-operation ot news papers for the purpose of obtaining an answer from individual citz-ns. "While this plan was being agitated j continued my efforts with tbe railroads. At my request Congressman Stark culled upon the president of, the Union Pacific and the general manager of the B. & M. It is due to history to say that Congress man Hiaik received ecaut courtesy at tbe Union Pacific headquarters, and it will b entirely correct io say that he was Hiibj'Cti to extreme discourtesy at thefcnndsof the president of tbe Union Pacific. BURLtaSTON C0URTK0U8. "The Burlington officials were entirely courteous aud showed a willimm-es to at least give consideration to Nebraska's proposition.. Tbe ti. & M. managers made a written proposal offering to re turn the Nebraska soldiers at a rate of $'17.60 without tbe tourist sleeper. Tbe Union Pacific had no proposition to " make. Tbe paseenger ageut of that road subsequently visited Lincoln and called upon me, but submitted no offer than to eav that, tbe rates 'as agreed upon' were $37.10. "Finally 1 ba t a conference with an ag"nt of the Santa Feroad and that official seemed anxious to come to terms, lie visited Omaha, however, and ha t a conference with railroad offloiWH in that city, after which he concluded, as bue railroad agent explained it to me, ?He did not want tin business.' "Having exhausted everytffort to in duce 'the railroads to carry this train by accepting a claim against the state for all tbe money, I Bared to pay $U.000 - in cash. This off-r wa rej cted. Hav ing been as-ured of $10,000 from the " guarantee fund provided by tbeuews papers, I determined to make an effort to obtain the $25,000 additional. From one citizen ot N bra-ka whose name I am not at liberty to give, I had the as surance of $5,000 This mads it neces sary that $20,000 more should be ob tained. I appea'ed to the moneyed men of Lincoln but tbey declined to mike the advance. . I came to Omaha aud bad a couHul'atiou with the baukers ot this city. After an extend! conference I was informed that, the way by which this ' money could be obtained would be on a bankable tore at 6 per cor offered to all of these gentlemen, as I had fftred to the railroads, my promise to ask the legislature to reimburse tbem by the payment of the principal advanced, together with 4 percent interest. This wMnthe last resort and the result was failure. 1 desire to return t banks to tbe gen erous peonlrt of this state who would have co-operated in this good effort and who have off red toodvance their own money for the accomplishment of thm wise purpose. I am satisfied the time is not far distant when all Nsbraekane will Tvr h failure of thin sta's to accord the Nebraska regiment tbe same practi cal honors that have been given by other states to their regiments. "In tnisciniiectiou 1 desire to say tbat . . . - . I M l 1.1 ine raiiroaas otntenogia eoraeKis nave shown that they are mors tnteres'ed in - adhering to these so-called 'traffic sgree- meats,' otherwise knowo as uuholy com bleat ion thafi they are in advancing either the general Interests of Nebraska or in giving enoouragmeut to practical patriotism. Tbe Minneapolis Times is authority for tbe statemeut that a rate has been secured for tbe Minnesota troops of $30 80. These troops must travel about 250 miles further than the Nebraska troops aud yet $37.5Uis tbe lowest to be obtained for tbe Nebraska troops, I caused inquiry to be made at tbe Minneapolis Times as to tbe identity of tbe road makiug this rate, and the re ply returned is as follows: " The Times made private rate. Not at liberty as yet to state route.' "1 have also learned that in the city of Omaha any one may purchase over either the B. A M. or tbe Uuiou Pacific a second class ticket from Omalia to Hau Fraucisco for $32.50, aud yet the Na-4 braska soldiers returning from the Philippines must pay $37.50 for second' class ticket from San Fraucisco to Omaha. It may not be important to inquire how happens this discrimination. I am satisfied tbat it is to Nebraska's interests.that tbe soldiers bs returned at public expense. I have no patience with those honors that are limited to empty words. ' I would not erect a triumphal arch for these bove to march under after tbey had been required to pay their own fare home, while the soldiers of other states are returning on special trains. 1 would prefer to pay them a tribute tbat means something. I would prefer tbey be spared the humiliation of returning at their own expense wbile soldiers of other states travel on special trains at public expense. , 'I have exerted my bust efforts to pro vide a practical demonstration of the fact tbat Nebraska is proua ot us sol diers. Although these efforts have re sulted in repeated failures I do not re gret them, for 1 have done only tbat. which I coueeived to be my duty. I ara sure, also, tbe people of Nebraska will as a whole deeply, regret tbe failure, but they may be consoled by the refaction tbat their good purpose has been thwarted only by a combination of rail road companies, a combination tbat i plainly unlawful as it is unpatriotic. In conclusion Ideetre to express my heart felt thanks to the Omaha World Herald, tbe Nebraska State Journal, the Ne braska City News and tbe Beatrice D ily Express for their splendid co operation in this work W. A. Poyntek. This shot seemed to go home. There was a great uproar as soon as it was printed and a hurrying to aud fro arooBg the railroad men and bankers. Gen. Manderson came to the aid of tbe roads vith an argument to show why they could not do differently from what tbey had done. He ' also put in a few good words tor the bankers. The rail roads are very fortunate in having such an able champion on their salary lists as Gen. Maridereon. He did the very best that could be done under the circum stances. Finally D. E. Thompson of Linloln came to the tescue and put up $20,000 of bis own mouey. Tbat amount, added to tbe popular subscrip tion obtained by tbe newspapers will furnish a special train for tbe boys of tbe First and tbey will come home in the same manner tnat tbe volunteers from other states will come. It is tberesuh of this vigorous letter of Gov. Poynter. Tbe boys of the First will remember this kindly act of D. E. Thompson. There is not a particle of oubt but that the next legislature will refund the money with interest. SAMPSON'S PRIZE MONEY Characteristically Admiral Sampson shows more agility in an endeavor to capture prizs money from tbe govern ment than be displayed in capturing pniHi for the govern men t. Recently the eminent rear admiral lias put in a claim for prim money on ac count of tbe destruction of Cervera's fleet off Santiago, July 8, 1898. ... i His petition dfc!ares tbat be was coro-mauder-in chief of the American ,6V t blockading tbe Spanish' squadron in Santiago bay, that Comrood'r Schley was commanding offior of a division of the fl t under bis order, and tbat o' her officers participated in tbe action. He then recites the history of tbe destruc tion ot the Spanish vessels and claims bis share of tbe prise mouey, , which is one-twentieth of tbe whole for tbe com-roander-in chief. It remains ro be seen what will be dons with 8tmson's cliin. It iaal leged that before Orvera's fleet made the dash out of Santiago biy Admiral Sampson signaled to "disrMganl th movements of the command r-in chief," aud that: he then steamed away with tbe New Y rk, bis fl ig-hip, to Gjmta namo for ih purpose of holding a con-' ference with Geueral Shaffer in regard to the situation at Santngo. He was over twelv miles away out of "signalingdts tance," a the law says when Cervera ran out with hi ship After tbat Admiral Schley In command of the fl -et, wnt into action nd sunk the ships of Cervera. Now, who was in command? The man who won the bat tle or the man who was out of signaliuir distance until the victory was secured? Chicago Dispatch. WHY DON'T HE? Since William McKin'ey was on such intimate term with Providence as to bring about a famine in all the cereal producing countries of the world outside the United States, two years airo, we should thmk he ought to be able to do the trick again this year. Wheat and corn are on the toboggan slide and it is necessary that something should be done Tbe Bayonet. THREE CONVENTIONS The Sturdy Beformers of Nbraka Knew What They Wanted, and did It with Determination. The three reform conventions, the pop. ulists, democrats and silver republicans met at Omaha according to the an nouncement and straightway, without any fuss or feathers .went to work and nominated Silas A. Holcomb upon tbe first ballot for judge of tbe supreme court. There was a handful of kickers in the democratic convention, a thimble ful in the populist convention and none at all among the free silver republicans. All of them were allowed to have their say to their hearts content, but the great mass of delegates in all the con ventions had made up their minds be fore they went to Omaha. Populists first studied out the princi ples that they believed should be the basis of legislation, but It has not been until lately that they have learned how to flght. Tbey are not to be fooled any more by , the tricks of the republicans they have been fooled once too often. There are a few who have something yet to learn, but even tbey are getting their eyes open. To populists over the state it was very clear when the sniffling committee started out, that their sole object was to prevent the refopn forces from nominating Holcomb. Republicans knew that with him In the field their chances were as good as nothing and their only hope was to beat bis nomina tion. Not a populist paper in tbe state was fooled by that trick and it is to be regretted that tbe same cannot be said of tbe democratic papers. Three or four of tbem were taken in by it. However the old workers in the democratic party who have stood by Bryan from tbe be ginning of his flght in this state, who were never found mingling with Graver Cleveland crowd, all Stood-by the nomi nation of Holcomb from the beginning. Some of them have grown gray in the flght of reform and they could not be fooled bv any sortota republican trick- The conventions were largely attended. They were harmonious from start to finish. Tbe enthusiasm was as great as at any previous convention ever held in this stafB. The men wbo were therein, tend to go home and work from morn ing until night until the polls close to elect the men nominated. The democratic convention sent an invitation asking senator Allen to ad dress them and when Allen talked straight populism to tbem they nearly raised tbe roof with their cheers. He told tbem there wonld be no settlement of this corporation question until the government owned tbe railroads, the telegraphs and the street franchises The populists -ent an invitation asking Bryan to address tbem and wheB he came, be was received with such an ova tion as only a populist convention can give. His talk was good enough to please tbe most radical pop. After tbe nominations were made, tbe convention, while all delegates were present, went to work to plan .for the campaign and elected a state committee whom they all believed wonld be work ing members. Not satisfied with tbat they proceeded to elect astate chairman. J. H. Edmisten was chosen and tbe sec retary was left to be chosen by bim. He chose E. W. Nelson, deputy in tbe land commissioner's office. The regents for the university were taken, one from the democratic party and one from the' silver republicans. Both Mr. Rich and Mr. Teeters are emi nently qualified for tbe position. Of course all tbe formalities were gone through with in the regular way. Com mittees on conference, committees on platform, etc. Toe readers of this paper all know howt hose things are done and it is not worth while to reproduce tbem. There were no objection made to any of tbe selections. Congressman Sutherland wa-i both temporary and permaneut chairman. Nearly everything was done by unanimous consent. There has never been a populist convention in this state that was so nearly unanimous upon every proposition that was brought cp for action. Tbe populiets seem to be unanimous for ouce. Tbe same is prac tically trus of tbe democrats and wholly so of the silver republicaus. We are ready now fur tbe flght. Mark Hauna may pour his money into this state in any q iautity tout be sees fit. Tbey may send all tbe big guns that tbey have, but Silas A. Holcomb will be elected. POPULISTS The committee ou sesolut ions reported the following plai form. "Tbe eoples ind. pndent party of No braeka, in its teutb anuual state con vention aseembled, adopts the following declaration of priiicilen: Firt Ws reaffirm onr devotion to the natioual pi I form of iBDtt aud to every plank thereto eootaiued. - 1 "Second We declare the Monroe doc trine to be tbe doctrine of national self preservation, and that safety is to be found alone in avoiding tbe qulcksnnds of imperialism and thedangerous waters of militarism. And we oppose all foreign political alliances and all interference in European and Asiatic politics. "Third We hold these truth to be self evident that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by i heir creator with certain inalienable rights; atnoug these are life, liberty and tbe pursuit of happiness; and, that to seen re these rights, governments are In stituted among moo dsriviog their just powers from tbe consent of the gov erned. ' - - ".: 'Fourth We .condemn the adminis trative poiio.y which baa converted a war for humanity into a war of conquest. We believe that the Filipinos should have received tbe same treatment as tbe Cubans, and that as the Cubans were assured of ultimate Independence and protection so tbe heginnlug an assur ance of our nation's intention to give tbem independence as soon as a stable government could be established and protection from ; outside interference should have been made., Such assur ance should be given now. , "Fifth We condemn the republican national administration for its complic ity with unlawful combinations, whiob have increased nearly 100 per cent with in the laeHbree years, as a result of its failure to enact and enforce laws in the interests of the people. "Sixth In dealing with trusts and corporations having a monopoly of public necessities we claim tbat the law of the land requires that tbey shall serve the public for reasonable compensation, and iu the absence of any legislation up on the question. Tie trust danger ot this couu'ry is so appalling that tbe evils thereof must be com bat ted by every branch ot the government; we demand judue who will obey the law tbat vests tbe judiciary with jurisdiction to pro tect the people from unreasonable and oppressive rates, "Seventh We declare that the repub lican party has needlessly increased tbe rate of taxatton, that it is guilty of needlessly causing tbe aunual d. Beit in t be current reveuues of tbe government by useless aud prodigal expenditures of tbe people's m iney, to be made good by additional taxation, or the issuance of additional interest bearing bonds, and tbat its at temps to retire the greenbacks and turn over the issuing power of paper money to private corporations is a shameless and inexcusable surrender to the money power. "Eighth We heartily' andorse all efforts of organized labor to better its condition, and we believe that all classes of citizens and all legitimate enterprises should receive the protection of the law, and tbat all at temps to coerce honest labor by iujnnction or by the use of tbe military ia a violation of tbs constitu tion and the established rights of Amer ican citizens. "Ninth Municipal ownership ot publio Utilities is a public necessity. "Tenth The history of the three splendid military organ'sttionn fur nished by Nebraska in - the . Spanish American war is tbe jnst pride and glory of evey citiz-n. And for tbeir bravery, valor and tbetr devotion to duty we offer tbem the heartfeft gratitude of tbe patriotic oeoiile of tbe state. ' ' Eleventh We most heartily com mend the able, patriotic and conserva tive administration of Governor Poynter and bis official associate, and we con gratulate the people of the state on his success in securing free transportation for the gallant First Nebraska to their respective homes. , William V. Allkn, f Chairman. Elmer E. Thomas, Secretary. , THE DEMOCRATS Following is the democratic platform, the reading of which was punctuated by repeated cheere: . "We the democrats of tbe state of Ne braska, in convention assembled, indorse and emohasiZ' each and every plank of tbe national platform adopted at Chi cago in 1890. "Our confidence in tbe principles set forth in that platform has been increased as those principles have been vindicated by events. Tbe gold standard is leen de fensible now than it was in 1M90 since tbe president has confessed its failure by sending a commission to Europe to se- curo.foreign aid is nddd proof that the people of the Uuited States must act alone if tbey expect relief. The present legal ratio of 10 to 1 is the natural end necessary ration and the opponents of that ratio have! nothing to offer in Its place but. the evasion and ambitious jihraseolngy which for years furnished Id the gold standard advocates a mask behind which to bide while tbey secretly labored to make void mono irieteliem permanent. Any improvement in busi ness conditions due to the increased production of gold or to a fsvoralde balance of trade, instead ot support in if the gold standard doctrine, shows that more money makes Twtter times and points the way to bimetallism as the means of eecimojr a permanent increase in the volume of 'standard money throughout the world. "The republican scheme to lessen the, volume of standard money by makinic Hold the only teical tender money has at last become apparent to alt and must be rescinded by the debt paying and wealth iro lu- ioif classes of th country. The plan tn retire the greenbacks In them terest of national hank no'es. denounced bv the democrats in 191, but then de fend-d by the republicans, has boldly stalked forth from its hiding place and threatens the formation of agigantto paper money trust "Arbitration srnws more necessary every year and government by injunc tion grows more dangerous to tbe lib erties of the peopls. "The Industrial trnts, springing no on every hand, testily to thnadminU tration's indifference to monopoly or to Its Inability to cop with U. ( Continued, oo pagw $.) Mews of the Week Tbs populists and democrats tailed to fuse in iie Sixth district. After a long and stormy session the populists nomi nated Neville and the democrats Har rington. Although Mr. Harrington Anally withdrew, tbe democratic conven tion still held out, and declared tbey would not endorse Neville. As the popu lists have majority io the district over both the democratic and republican parties the quarrel will not result in any thing serious. ' Mr. Bryan took occasion while in Omaha last Saturday to render an un qualified deuial of ihs assertions ot tbe Chicago Record that he, while in iVs Moines, had agreed to give up the ratio ot 16 to 1 and let silver take a minor plaoe in ths next campaign. He declares positively that he never said any such thing. Tbe anti-Goeble democrats'held a state convention in Kentucky in which every county in tbe stats was represented and nominated an Independent demccrailo ticket Many of the leading democrats of the state were present and tbe con vention seems to have been a success in every way. Tbs time was when tbe members of the democratic party would never have thought of doing such a thing but the p iputlst party has Injected some of its independent spirit into all parties, The time has passed wheq the voters of any party will submit to tbe manipulations of a few bosses who pat up schemes and name candidates and adopt policies tbat are not in accor dance with the wishes ot the voters. rTbat sort of thing is still strong in the republican party, but tbe withdrawal of a large number of .republicans from tbe last national republican convention shows that in that party, the old habit of submission to the dictates of a few manipulators could not bold to tbe ticket even the old boss ridden republi cans. The voters of tbe populist party were the men wbo first inaugurated tbat sort of thing, when two millions of them walked out of the old parties and formed a new one. It seems that a large num ber of tbe democratic party have caught the same spirit of independence. Ths Dreyfus trial still 'drags-along. The utmost excitement prevails every wherein Frauoe. Riots are every day occurences. Tbs great dailies in tbis country continue to print from five to six columns of cablegrams each day con oeruing it. To Americans the investiga tion going on at sVnnes is a travesty on courts. None of tbe forms observed in tbis country in trials is observed there. Witnesses are not confined in tbeir testi mony to what tbey know, but are al lowed to make long arguments, tell what their beliefs are and report all the gossip and hearsay that they want to. Some one should send to the authorities in Francs copy of Greenleaf on evi dence or some other good authority, and the court martial should adjourn until it read it, then re-convene and be gin anew. The Jacksoniau club of Omaha bad a great time ou last Saturday. Champ Clark of Missouri made the leading speech. Silver, 16 to 1 was the cry of tbe whole crowd, Mr. Bryan was pres ent and spoke in the evening. The president has called for ten ' regi ments more to go to the Philippines. It is announced from Washington tbat tbey will be enlisted aud ready to take part in the coming dry season compaign in the Philippines. However there has been no reports of increase in the enlist ments. The last statement given out was to tbe titac tbat tbe ten regiments previously called bad not been quite filled. How tbis additional 13,000 are to be secured in so short a time we arc not informed. ' It is announced also that Gn. Miles is to go to tbe Philippines. Tbis writer has no faith in tbat statement at all. Of course bs will go if he is ordered, but he will make no r q'Hst of that sort There has been an overhauling of the war department since Secretary Root took charge. It is not for any love of Miles, but from dire uecsssity tbat Cor bin has been confined to his duties as adjutant general and Miles has been re stored to tbe commmd of the army. When Alger was . secretary, Cor bin was tbs actntl commander. There has b en more disgraceful scheming and lees tff-ctual work iu the war office sioce Mctvmley took charge of the govern ment than la all it history before. Affa rs got into such a disgraceful shape that something had to bs done. Tbere- fore Miles Is reinstated In command. Senator Hoar has been rally log tbe anti-imperialist forces of Boston. It now appears tbat tbe following classes will not vote tbe republican ; ticket If McKiuley is nominated and the present policies of the administration adhered to, First in importance come ths Ger mans, next the Irish and then follow tbs negroes and then a large number of the , most influential republicans. That will leave the republican party In very small minority in the old Bay Etate. In New Hampshire under the lead of Sena tor Chandler there is just : aboat as big a bolt as there tain Massachusetts. Chandler has always been at heart a blmetallist and now bs has many other reasons tor dissatisfaction with tbs re publican party. Many stranger, things have happened In politics In tbis coun try than would be tbe turning of many ot ths eastern states over to Bryan. M' KIN LEY DESPOTISM Ths Cincinnat Poet sent a special sor respondent to Idaho to investigate ths establishment of military despotism un der ths orders of McKiuley, at Wardner. The correspondent reports tbat: "Martial law continues in Idaho. Stats govern mm t has been suspended, and tbs United States troops rule absolutely. The situation is ths most startling that has confronted tbe American people for years. Men licensed of no crime bave been herded lor tb res months in a bull pen near Wallace, Idaho. "The true facts regarding ths striks situation iutheCoeur d'Alens country bare never before be.'U printed, When military government was established a press censor was established, and bs has plus-penciled from all dispatches to uewspapsr all reference to the trus situ . atlon. - -. - ' ' . .. "Little has been printed In tbs great dailies concerning the Wardner matter, and many believed that military rnls bad been practically suspended. . It evists in as severs a form as it did three months ago. Governor Steunenberg an nounces tbat martial law iu Hboshooe county the heart ot the rich Coenr d'Aleiie country, and in which ail tbe 7 mines are located will continue until his term expires on Jan. 1, 1901." OUR ARMY The adjutant general's offlce has issssd a tabulated statement of ths nilitary forces of the United States gifing tbs total enlisted strength of tbs regular srmy og Aug. 4 as 60,423 men, of wnoin 16,642 are in the UiAtd States, 2,815 irt Porto Rico, 12.2t4 in Cuba, and 22, 800 in tbe Philippines. When present pi an 4 ara completed there will bs an ar my of 50.870 officers and men in the orient. With tb regular army recruited up to ifsfauthoriited strength of 64,000 men, tbs total military forces at ths Uuited States will be as follows: ' Regular armv, authorised strength, strength, 65,000. v Three rvuiuients organizing In Philip pines, 8,805. Ten regiments organising in tbsU. S., 18.000. Hospital corps, 2,400. Total 84,855. To bleb must be added over 2,600 officers, makiug tbe grand total of offi cers and men in the service of ths UniUd States for tbe next two years foot np nearly 87,000 men. BEFORE AND AFTER TAKING. Lumber ia advancing in price because the lumber trust, assisted by the Disg ley tariff have full control of the Ameri can lumber market. A bouse that wonld cose you $2,000 today wonld have cost but $1,500 before the prohib itive tariff went iuto t-QVct. But yon don't get any mors for your farm pro duce. ' BeforS the Dingley bill went into effect you conld buy fenc- wire of our local merchants for $2 25 per hundred, now it costs you $1 to $4 23. But do jou get twice as much for for your produce, your hogs, yonr c-tttie? Aii manufactured goods handled by trusts enpported by a republican prohibitive tariff have mads a corresponding raise in price. ludepen dent Era. DANGEROUS COPPERHEADS. A very large number of the returned f-nldiers from the Washiuuton and Ore gon regiments ha v askl for material in c.rder thatthy may become dissemin ators of the nnti imperialist docirine. Tbee valiant fighters know by experi ence what imperialism meaus;they know also tbat it poe senses neither honor nor patriotism; and tbey fei that tbey can not serve tbeir country better than by warning it egainst the Impending peril. They are dangerous "copperheads and imperialist wonld do well to give tbem a wide berth. Valley Democrat- CAMPAIGN LIAR. Not long ago we read tbe testimony of a republican editor dnring an investiga tion uf a public matter, in which bs de clared that he generally told the truth, except in political campaigns. When he, was asked whether he thought tbat lying was honorable during a political campaign, be said he tnnught it was. Here is a standard of morality and ot bouor which a great many otherwise es timable Keutlemen "eem to thiuk good enough for tbem. Ths Bayonet. . ... . I 'if "hi " ' n