THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Aug. io, 1899 c Hebrasfca 1 ntcpenient Consolidation 0 TBS WSALTBMAKS&SandUSCOLir IXPJCPSSDZXT. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT TUB Independent Publishing CO. At 1122 M Street, LINCOLN, - NEBSASKA. TCLCPHONC 038. $1.00 A YtAR IN ADVANCt - - - - - . ... . ... - . address all communications to, and make all drafts, money orders, etc., pay' able to , THE INDEPENDENT PUB. CO. Lincoln, Neb. reception committee." "The Governor is a private party ."P. H. Harrison. An honest banker is the noblest work of Qod. Do not fail to rend what he ays in the article in this Issue entitled "A Banking Abyss." The English statesman, Walpole, de clared in Parliament during the Ameri can revolution that he could not under stand bow an Englishman could exult in the defeat of the American army when it was fighting for liberty. Some of the old Lincoln republicans are expressing views very similar to that when they speak ot the Filipinos. ' The Independent has been Informed that Licbty and Stebblns are constantly traveling over the state undertaking to organise a middle-of-the-road party, and that many thousands of copies of Mor ton's paper are being sent tree to voters. Will some reader of this paper please In form ns where the funds come from to pay all the expenses? From the numerous cats printed in the dally papers it seems safe to say that the new secretary of war has a mustache, As to any of the rest of his features great uncertainty prevails, al though it is pretty certain that he has some hair on his bead. This daily news paper portraiture has become a perfect nuisance more than that, it disgusts all deoent people. The rate of taxation is higher in this republican county of Lancaster than in any other county In the whole state. Jnst vote'er straight and keep doing it Is the mullet heads idea. It is far better to pay taxes than to let any one except a republican hold office. It Is nothing If taxes eat np our whole earning if we can only so manage that none but re pablicans can be elected. It seems to be the opinion of all the re publican editors in this state that if the First regiment is paid off in San Fran cisco the boys are such a miserable lot that they will spend all their money in licenciousness and riotous living and have none to come home with. Harri son, tie special reporter ot the State Journal and Bee is firm in that belief, and be says that it is the opinion ot the merchants and business men . of San Francisco. The Independent is of the belief that these republicnn editors and Harrison the special war correspondent, one and all are a miserable lot ot slan derers of the finest body of men who ever marched nnder the folds ot Old Glory. A gentleman was in the Independent office this week and wanted to know somethiag more about the genesis of the mullet head. Well a mullet head is a fish that has less brains to the else of its , head than any other living creature. It the fresh water kind aid that is the kind we are talking about delights to bnrrough in the slime and mud of the creeks. Go fishing, catch one, examine the amount of braiss it has and then de cide if the term "mullet head" does not correctly describe Lambertson when he gravely informed the class in economics at the state university that a redund ancy of money had a tendancy to pro duce lower prices. Every advocate for the nomination of Ilolcomb tor supreme judge, reverent ly give thanks three times a day for the assaults made upon him in the republi can press. To their minds that is proof positive that the (ear of hie nomination makes the republican managers spend sleepless nights, while their knees trem. ble every time they think of It during their waking hoars. It also convinces the old fighting populists, who have Warned something by past experiences In fighting republicans and corporations that tha man that the republicans don't want ns to nominate, is the very man whom we should nominate. The only hope that the republicans have for suc cess in theeomJog campaign Is to de ceive the foaioniata into patting p weak candidates, or candidates who cannot poll the whole lasioa vote. . It is hardly probable that the fusion forces will take Ute advice of the re publicans. THE SUBJECT OF TAXATION, The spirit ol the fundamental law ol nm-ennntrv on the Hue of WTMMt i that each person shall pay a tax from h, A noor in nroBortion to his or hap akhi lirtr tn nnv. Tariff laws enacted bv eontrress tail to carry out the spirit, and only touch the letter of the law and la so doing favor the wealthier classes to the detriment of the poorer. State laws based on the property nation system likewise fail to carry nnt tha anlrit rr real intent ot the con stitutlon, and actlnthe same way as hn tariff legislation, touching owy ira rv,rf.,nfW tha latter. Under the action 01 I Kw J the tariff laws, the consumer 01 ny dutiable article oavs the tax. As a role the poor man has the largest family, ..j u Wnn tha itrreat consumer. I BUU IB " - ' thus paying a larger portion of the tax Ifnr rovAntia than hlfl riCQ nelgbbOl. UD- der the action of the property valuation svatem. to obtain revenue lor staw ana , kounty expenses, the assessors pine- braekr make out their lists of personal property and real estate in April. These are then adjusted by. county equaliza- tion boards, and for. .tate county totals are adjusted by state equalization boards. When so adjusted, the lists are turned over to the county and state treasurers for collection. Now, during N the spring and summer months, some oortiou of the state is sure to be devastated by drouths or by floods or wind and bail storms. flropi are ruined, and both the" farmer and townspeople sutler, and in many cases, lose everything. Yet the tax stands against their lands and lots, and under the action of an unjust law, or a law which contains no provisions as to such calamities, they must pay it before be coming delinquent, or sutler an addi tional burden hi interest as a tine for non-payment. ' '- . Are such laws just, are they equitable, are they humane, are they in harmony with the basic ideas ot our government and institutions? The aim should be to adjust the tax burdens equitable upon all. but the working ol the law in these cases is decidedly in accord with the saying: "Unto him that hath shall be given; but from him that hath not, shall be taken away even that which he I hath." Often times a number of farm- ers will lose their crops and bandings, . - ...... I while others In the same precinct will I not be touched. One may lose all, while his neighbor loses little or nothing; yet the loser mnst pay the tax, even to the possibility ot a distress warrant. While the non-loser's income makes it easy for him to pay. The state takes away that which the loser has. left, while the more fortunate neighbor or some money shark is given the chance by the state law to buy np the loser's farm or lot for taxes or at mortgage sale. ' The laws should be so changed as to allow the county board of equalization to strike from the list for that year the name of the taxpayer who can give satisfactory proof of loss from such cause. Such a law would be In harmony with the idea that governments are instituted among men for the purpose of administering justice and protecting the weak. Under present systems ot taxation and finance, this is only theoretically, not practically true. Governments now protect the strong and the rich, while the poor and the weak have to look out tor them- selves. RIFF-RAFF AND SKULKERS. In justice to the readers of their papers the republican editors should publish a dictionary giving definitions ot the words that they nse when writing for their mullet head readers. Now here is the word "skulkers." That in republican parlance means alighting soldier who obeys every order ot his superior officers without question, but who refuses to lie and say a campaign has been ably man aged when it baa been an utter failure. The word "riff-raff," means the same kind of a soldier who refuses to believe that shooting Filipinos is just as much fun as hunting rabbits. "Rift-raff and sulkers" when joined by a conjunctive, conjunction, means a fighting soldier who does not believe that killing Filip inos who are fighting to establish a government by the consent of the gov erned against a foreign foe in supporting the principles of the government ' In all justice to their readers the re publican editors should inform them in this matter and let them know just what they mean when they talk ot cer tain soldiers who have recently returned from the Philippines and call them "riff raff" and "sulkers." T ALL, OCR ENEMIES. News comes from London to the effect that all the South "American republics are forming a coalition in opposition to the United States. The doctrine of imperialism as advanced by the adher ents of McKinley have led these republics to believe that their turn to be annexed will come in the near future and they are determined to prepare for it It will he noticed that .this news comes from London. It is likely that British diplo. mats are at the bottom of the whole matter. It is In tine of the policy fol lowed by them for the last - three bun drti years. If they can persuade the republics ol the world to go to fighting, onto! the wreck England will gather tnem in. . Two years ago the Sooth American republics looked upon the United States as an elder brother. When they jgot into trouble with European monarchies they appealed to as. Now they look upon us as enemies to be feared. The flrey words used by Senator Uoar and ex-Secretary Boutwell when denouncing McKinley as the destroyer of this repub lic, as the days pass by, seem to be words of prophesy. What Is ahead of us no man can tell. At present we seem to hare thrown overboard the compae and are uriving before a gale upon the rocks. What will this nation do with all the world our enemies? Our friends have been the republics, but imperialism is fast making enemies of them. From the proudest position among the na tions of the earth, McKinley is fast drag ging ns down to everlasting destruction A REFORMED DEMOCRAT. Tobe Caster earns his salary. At least one would judge so from his recent ac tivity in the southeastern counties of this state. Tobe Isn't letting the grass grow under his feet. He has performed some great feats lately. He got a gold democrat to reform, join the church and 1, among Bryan free silver fellows, nt 1 . i . Now his protege is a howling Bryan man with an "if." He's tor fusion but certain things must be done or there can he no anion of forces. , That is the style of the Tobe campaign just at pres. ent. Start out as many disgruntled men calling themselves Bryan democrats as can be found and make just as much trouble as possible, all the time howling for Bryan. If they keep that op during this campaign, Tobe thinks that they can make a big split when the real fight comes on next year. No one can blame Tobe. He is conscienciously determined to earn his salary. -The sice of that sal ary can only be conjectured by the amount of work Tobe thinks he has to pot In to do it Go it Tobe, nobody en. vies you. It you don't want to work 18 hours a day you can ask them to cat down yoar salary so you can conscien ciously take some rest. ,' A DIFFERENCE. We take a great deal' of pleasure In making a remark once in a while about tie independent Herald, because it gives Brother Brown a starter for thought iL.i, m.1 j f a a . ' . nu scwiuaie wiin au tne glory of finished rheoric. 4 In his last isue he devotes his whole editorial page to the Independent. He says "To a very great extent the Nebraska Independent is as despicable a sheet as the Nebraska State Journal. There is a difference of degree only between the paper which singles out individuals and slanders them for political reasons and the paper which for similar reasons aims its slander at another party or a school of thought with which it is at variance." . - The expression of, opinions and the statement of what purports to be fact,is a distinction which men of Brother Brown a reasoning capicity are unable to make. The opposition to a school of thought is a very different thing from folsy accusing the best citizens of this state of theft and similar crimes. Sup pose that Brother Brown lets up on the Independent for one issue and give ns bis opinion ot socialism and its recent applications to life, as exemplified at RuBkin and similar socialist colonies established in the last few years. Let him entitle his article: "Socialism in Practice." A NEW GENIUS. 1 The genius of Special War Correspon dent Harrison surprises even his em ployers. The article in the San Francis co Chronicle is, by common consent attributed to him. Some phrases in the article show the erue scintillations of a heretofore unrecognized literary genius. Listen! "Governor Poynter of Nebras ka, who arrived unattended yesterday afternoon, went "to the Palace Hotel ostensibly as the state's official represen tative." Now the word "ostensibly'' shows genius when applied to the ac knowledged governor of the state. A little further along he does better and says ot the governor of Nebraska: "He is a private party." Farther along he does better still. He declares that Ad jutant General Barry and Col. Stark "emerged from their lodging house." Now that is fine. Just think of two offi cers doing a thing like that when the great Whedon, Nebraska's true repre sentative, was right there to see it 1 AU that was eclipsed, however, by the fol lowing bit of artistic descriptive writing "Governor Poynter was himself followed by a republican newspaper man to an out ot the way town on the Elkhorn road and there discovered bnying a ticket" Creelman, McCutcheon, Richard Harding Davis and all the rest ot the war correspondents will now take back seats. No man on earth can equal that and there Is no use to try- It is no use to try. A populist can't do anything that will please a mullet bead. If the state officers had not done anything toward taking care ot the boys of the First npon their arrival in this country they wonld nave been de nounced as copperheads and traitors from one end ot the state to the other. When they did everything that was pos. sible tor the soldier's comfort, both for the sick and the well, they were de nounced ,or making babies of them. A mnllet head Is so internally and intern ally depraved, rotten and wrong, inside and outside, that there is no nse in pay ing any attention to Mm. ANARCHY IN DEW YORK. ' A New York newspaper which has the reputation of close relations with the de facto rulers of New York, Mr. Richard Croker and Tammany Hall, commenting upon the dynamiting of the columns supporting the Brooklyn elevated rail road daring the strike disorders of last week, said: "The men who destroyed the supports ol tne elevated road deserve death. Hang the dynamiters, and hang them quickly. - If necessary to the point ing of a moral lesson, hang them first and convict them afterward. An innocent man on the gibbet has ail tne force and effect of a gouty one." Such sentiments as that are in perfect accord with the policy of this govern ment, ran as it is under the manage mont of beasts . of greed like Mark Hanna, "An innocent man on the gib bet" td terrorize the people into submis sion to the demands of the trusts is the natural outcome ot this whole policy that has been followed by the republi can party for the last twenty-five ytars. The sight that meets the eyes is not a man swinging by a rope from a beam above his head, nevertheless it is the in nocent man on the gibbet Thousands of graves have been filled with them within fthe last quarter of a century The gibbets of suicide, starvation and insanity have been used. There the in nocent hang by the thousand every year of our lives. The men who used dyna mite should be hung on a gibbet, no honest man will deny that But what should be done with the street car man agers who have killed hundreds of chil dren in Brooklyn to save the cost of fen ders on their cars? Should they be given cushioned seats in the churches while they destroy the innocent by the hundred? REPUBLICAN YAHOOS. The economic laws . that govern the production and distribution of wealth are perfectly well known to the man agers or tne republican party.- The things that they have done have not been done in' ignorance. They have en' acted laws that would result in the con centration of wealth, not ignorantly. but purposely. The votes that have en abled them to do this have come from the ignorant and the prejudiced. They have wrought oat the fortunes of the. millionaires from the men who vote the party name. These vast accumulations ot wealth were foretold by all the econo mists and what would produce them pointed out John Stuart Mill says: "When inequality of wealth once com mences in a community its advances are gigantic The great mass of wealth swallows np the smaller. The Roman empire ultimately became covered with vast landed estates of comparatively few families, for whose luxury, and still more for whose ostentation, the most costly products were raised, while the cultivators of the soil were slaves, or small tenants in nearly a servile condi tion. From this time the wealth ot the empire progressively declined." Concentration of wealth in few hands will result in the death of any nation. The leaders of the republican party know this. Their gold standard profes sors in the university know it. They see bow wealth concentrates with ever in creasing velocity in these United States, They know the cause of it Yet they continue to advocate the policies that produce it Why? Simply for a little present honor and actuated by the same sort ot instinct found in Dean Swift's Yahoos. ' UNFATHOMABLE ROTTENNESS. The moral rottenness of the republican party in this state is unfathomable. ' It there was anything honest left in the managers, they would not continue to publish lies from week to week. The State Journal is not the only republican paper that seems determined . to make the campaign on falsehoods and slander. The whole republican press of the state is given over to absolute, wholesale and retail lying. The Stanton Picket says: "Edmisten, as oil inspector, rode on passes, and charged up mileage to the state at the same time, thus extracting cash from the state to swell his own private bank account Edmisten is 'reformer." vne editor oi tne ricxet can make no excuse for such lying,- He knows that a legislative committee with a majority of his own party on it, reported that Ed misten bad never drawn a cent from the state for mileage or for any other pur pose. We would like some of the old farmer pops to tell as what they think about this gang of universal and ever lasting liar and their idea of how they should be treated. For a hundred years the ship of stats has sailed on with the Declaration of Independence and the constitution for chart and compass. Now that the waves roll high and the storms beat and surf beaten rocks are in sight McKinley pro poses to throw the chart and compass overboard, put Mark Hanna at the wheel and let her drive. To that we ob ject While we have steered by that chart and been guided by that compass, we have outridden every storm, we have never grounded on a shoal or ran on a rock. No matter how high the waves have rolled or how fierce the tornados have raged, the old ship has outridden them all. We will stick to the chart and and compass a while longer. The republican smut committee has been trying very hard to ruin the repu tation ot some of Nebraska's former state officers, especially that of ex-gov ernor ilolcomb. Ihe committee was appointed to investigate the supreme court and all of the state offices. Wi would like to know if Mark Hanna fund has run out? It must be rather ex pensive to have such witnesses.We do not think this committee intended to do anything but make political capital ai d in that they have made a complete fail ure. They have made the charges an the governor has answered them in such a way that the dumbest mullet head in the Btate cannot help - but see that he is all right and that the committee did not intend to do anything but Blander him in order to keep him from getting the nomination for the supreme bench this fall. They seem to know that the ex-governor would be the hardest man for them to defeat and they thought they could down him before the conven tion, but they can now see that the peo pie will not take any stock in their paid witnesses. The theology that seems to be making progress in the world might with perfect propriety be called "spiritualized ra tionalism." The theology of thirty years ago is nowhere preached now, not even in the strictest orthodox churches But religion has not been overthrown It has made the grandest stridesthat it has ever made, daring the last quarter of a century. It marches on by the side of science and culture everywhere.. It would be better if some ministers would acknowledge this and tell their congre gations that while some ot the old dog mas were wrong, Christ is still the leader of the ever advancing hosts ot humanity. Some of the political parties have put into their doctrine the father hood of God and the brotherhood of man. It is high time that the churches did it and when they did it, preach it from the pulpit. That is the theological expression of what Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence. If men are brothers, then all men are equal, just as Jefferson said they were. What has Bryan to say to the fact that more pianos have been shipped to the farmers of the west in the past three months than had been shipped in the previous three years? Philadelphia Bui letin. vi i - . . u tne item snouid come under bis no tice he would probably say that bimet- alists have always held that a rise in the price of farm products would bring prosperity to all classes that the short age of wheat supply caused by the fam ine in India and failure in Argentina, enaoiea tne American larmer to receive nearly double the price for wheat that he had before received, and this item proves that it has not only1 helped the farmer bat has given a stimulus to the manufacture of pianos, jast as bimetal- iste said it wonld. That ' is what he would say. When the Burlington magnates con dudes to raise taxation in this state it don't take them longto do it They don't consult any one and make no fuss about the matter. The other day the directors concluded to issue 85,000,000 of bonds in addition to the enormous amount outstanding. The interest on those bonds will have to be paid by the people residing along their lines. They will be taxed just that much more than they have been for the benefit of the bond holders. The mullet heads will never have sense enough to find it out. All they will know is that times have grown a little harder. The directors of the Burlington sized them up about right They know that theee republican idiots will never be able to find out that the Borlington has raised their rate of tax ation. , . The goldbugs who still cling to the name of democrat in spite of all that Bryan can do to get rid of them, have concocted another plan to defeat bimet alistn. They propose to run Carter Har rison on the Chicago platform with the ratio between silver and gold eliminated. They are to declare for bimetalism and say nothing about a ratio. How many people do yon think that will fool. If we have the coinage of both gold and silver1 at all, there mast be some ratio. The party that proposes to coin both and is too cowardly to say at what ra tio, wonld be the laughing stock of the world. REPUBLICAN EDITORIAL. The brilliancy of the editorial writing found in the republican , dailies can be judged from the following item taken from the columns of the Bee. "Although realty values on the aggre gate have advanced fully 25 per cent as compared with prices during the drouth and distress period, ahd, although the wealth of the state is known to have been increased by more than one-fourth as compared with what it was daring the hard times, the grand assessment roll ot the state shows only a nominal increase." That is to say that everybody knows that wealth in the state has Increased 25 per cent, but when .a systematic in vestigation was made, it was found that it hadn't, bit howsomeever and never- the test wealth has increased 35 per cent That is a good average republi can editorial. INTRINSIC NONSENSE. The goldbugs of New York are now sendiug out regularly, free of charge, their magazine entitled "Sound Curren cy." The very name of it is a fraud and n . k m MMJ 4 - i:i . . nniau, aiiuiis wuwuu art) line unto its name. It was one of these magazinoe that Lambertson had before bim when . he solemnly announced to the students ot the department of economics that a large volume of money made low prices. He had seen it in this fake publication and took it for, gospel truth. . This publication adopts a ponderous style, which it thinks will pass it off as having been written by men of great learning. To add to that impression it fills the bottom of the pages with refer. ) mi . . . encea. i ne consistency ot tne authors is shown by the fact that during all the last campaign they denied the quantity theory of money. Lambertson 's silly talk was taken from its pages. It also held to the "intrinsic value" of gold. In its last issue it abandons its former con- tentions in regard to value, and, all un conscious of the effect of its words, says: "The value of fiduciary currency depends not upon its volume but UDon tha. esti mate placed by the public upon its fu ture worth." If that means anything at all it gives up their whole former contention. Yalue is not "intrinsic." It is an estimate of the human mind. It is an idea. It is an acknowledgment that Senator John P. Jones' definition of value in "Value," says Senator Jones, "is human estimation placed on desirable objects, the quantity of which is limited." . When these goldbugs used the words "estimate placed upon," they accepted Senator Jones' definition. What then becomes of their "intrinsic" nonsense? NEW DOUBLE STANDARD. The three mullet heads from Beatrice and elsewhere, who imagined that they were an investigating committee seem to go on the theory that there are two standards of morals in this state. . One for republicans and an entirely different one for populists. They do not deny that Granny Thayer drew 12,900 for house rent when he had no house rent to pay, for he did not keep honse at all. That was morally right because Granny Thayer was a republican. Crounee did not draw any house rent at all. He pre ferred to viola'te that section of the con stitution which provides that the gov ernor shall live at the capitol. For Crounee to violate the constitution was morally right, because he was a republi can, not to draw house rent when he was not keeping house, was an act of the very highest virtue For a populist to draw house rent appropriated by the legislature, furnish vouchers that it was actually paid to the owner of the house and file them in the state archives, is morally wrong a crime in fact because the man who did it was a populist To be a good mullet head one mnst believe in a single gold standard for money, but double standard for morals. Tha three mullet heads who came to Lincoln to establish a double moral standard absolutely failed in their attempt. A populist believes in one standard both money and of morals.- The whole amount of money in circulation makes the standard of payment The right ' doing of all men is this standard of morals. . TE8, WE LIKE IT. One of the republican weeklies savs that "the Independent doesn't seem to like the way the republicans are running the campaign." Now, there is just where that republican editors mistaken. We are delighted with the way they have started out The public campaign that they made last fall was delightful. It was also amusing. They changed their plan of campaign about every two weeks. At first they undertook to run the1 campaign on the hay on the capitol grounds. Then they tried butterine. Their state central committee boarded at a hotel where they had nothing but butterine on the tables and they ate it everyday. That did not hinder them from trying to run the campaign on the fact that the populists fed prisoners and sometimes the insane patients on butter ine, nor did the fact that when they were in power they fed even the old soldiers butterine. For a week they tried it on that line and then gave it np as a bad . job. Then they tried the Home of the Friendless, and worked that for a while until one of their own judges told them v they hadn't a color of law to sustain their contentions. This year they have started a campaign of slander. They accused Allen ot entering government'' land and Holcomb of misappropriating public money, all of which they have had to take back. No. we are not at alf dis satisfied, with the way the republicans are running their campaign. On the contrary we are highly delighted with it The republicans are now engaged in organising new parties. They tried to start one In New York the other day and Judge Moore, a popnlist renegade and traitor in Sonth Dakota, has been employed by Mark Hanna to play the same game in South Dakota. That has been tried several times In Nebraska Dill Deck's campaign cost the republi cans a lot of money and ha polled 114 votes In a whole congressional district. Their xperianea. with Steebins and Llchty will prove jnst as costly and have no better results.