THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Aug; 3, 189 D Utbxatka Jnbtpmbcnt . - QmttMaUM WBJUT MAKERS mm4 UHCOLM IttMPMNDilfT, tVIUtHID I VERY THURSDAY tlipiijdiiit Publijhlijg do. At Utt ((, UnCOLN, - NEBRASKA TILI'MON! III. 01.CO rat Year in advance, a tmmmtmOmt to, eas Bek al afters, M, tajr tbl U bllHIi IHi In th book of fb. republican It 1 written that do moo In qualified to run (or supreme Judge who bus not obtained inlneno a corporation attorney, nod what I written la th republican book all mullet bead bellev. For a long tlum tbt republfcan week lie bav been wiit to mibucrltxfM at lees than cost. Wbo pay lb bills? Many an bow being tent free, among (hem Morton' Conservatjv aud Wharton Jlorker' American. Again w ask, wbo pay tbt bill if Htebbl y b la going to bold a rnlddl-of-tbrood convention wltb headquarter In tbt heart of tbt fusion convention." VVt bar eo tbat plc pretty M in time past and Hrother Mtebbln bad bettsr get blmeclf a tuit of obesto befor bt trlt It. , Tbt gold bag art ablt to point to a few men In tbt unlveJeltle whom tbt toy art cooomlst. , Hot tbest me art not teacher of oclsuo of political econ omy, They tsb tbt eclenn of ovarlo, Upon tbat science art built tbt (rust, tbteorporatioof and tbt rnonopolie of tbt land. Tbt republican pretend to bt fighting polygamy In (bit souatry and art at tbt taint tlmt trying to anneg a wbol raft of polygamlet la tbt Philippine. In fact McKluley love tbott 1'billpplnt polygarol o much tbat bt toot parol officer wltb a $10,000 present to tbt btod oiif who bat four wive. If a few republican! la tblft would att tbt thinking apparatut tbat Clod bat given tbem Instead of employing tbat of tomt political banker or corpor ation attorney, tbsy would net wor likt Ood'i creature, madt in bit own librae, tbaa tbey bar vr btta koowa to do, , , rn 1 ""i 1 iM 'i.'i1 m Tbt ttalt Journal ttlll tandbylt statement when tanking of tbt Flrt Nebraska "that they bav beeo bandied wltb mora (ban oeuol cart and bavt suf fered lightly,". It first moult that tts. tnent In It editorial column, Wednes day, July 30th, 18(10. Ferhap by tht tiro tbt First get to Lincoln it may conclude that It bad better takt it back. Tbt aollvt oomiwtltlon In tbt market to obtain bond bearing tbr and fonr pur cent ioterest show that capitalist prefer bond to Investment In bous, lands, factories, or any industry. I' howatbnlthortU no buxloww making tafoly mora tban tbat. That ttata ol affalrt, tbt mullet bead tdltor call pronpftrlty. Altrr walehlng tbt anllot of tbt thrco mullft badt who eamt to Unooln and IninKlMHl tbit they wrt an InrwHgat. Ing oomntlnw, hlllor Murray paint tbt ciH!'uto tbat ba rtimb'lnana rt bovinst "hard oMdiniT thla yiAr.' Tlifg Itwrtitt it down and printed it tn hi fapr and all tht mulh-t l1 gnmrnd to pltfounly tbat tht byttaudtr m taar. la tt formailon of tla numorou trutt riTwwniicg I7.OH0 0iO,it()O, hardly a dollar ul inottry baa iiwl. Tha amalW MtrMiriUin hava mU out to tha lrtil and takra tboir par, wnl in wiy, bt la trut ttwk. R-vn tl. linn (if bulwi l boy Inok a Ka rlilitl hitt ftil'ii, lt"ii lbrm IwrrcUl ad-l ilarrsh fur .rorlr, Mf M mult bft-UI Nna Uaiha l tha nbwW iba ia mra lad How wr . boala adMtn Haallk id H-la MMMirr ty traNrlg thaoarMp lrimm w.rraMi to rt Wa tnayrrwita aatltlilbat av, bat If t do, It it atm klntf I bat k ?r lma, Tba baad ti -aa ia Ika SMaka rab liraa itM 1I bl ' t k'ak tbat Iba I ml K'raka ka t oa'f ba aaJ 11a bttia lar praai aad thai by aly t a aKatrtl l pal an ' 't ntttlml ba HVa bt. HaaaiaikaMka "U ltaUI .-.u- dira Utra it ," Aalara Ibia t (r i f4Waral U lrlta tu k.,ta will irl aattbtag bal IN Wtt wa k kat k.MtM aa4 tbn tM-tat Ikal batt rraMl. IMbay Miava U (bit ;VKtaf tb'f ., i.i at ao itaai i-aa lata tlgbt m iima bU ittaakia, It Wa Maw UrwftU rinl habtoako. IIAMK VLWKUV.' Slnot thtlaw went Into fffct eatabliab log reaarTt ngentt for bankt. tbert it no aucb thing at a bank rwrt at all. la tbt eatabliahmtntof our banking tytUim a roanm of 1 8 and 25 pr wnt wot pro vided tor. That madt banking rwon ably tt for dopoaltort nndwatatafw guard agolnat dlabonwit banking ond tblovliig ottblrt( Tha law , cratlng n ervtagMttcbangd tbt wbolytm ao that praetleallj tbrt U no aafeguard at all. What art oallod rrvt In baukt it not mouy at all. It it credit, Tbt tab-guard for dwpoaitort wot, befort tblalaw waa paaaod, flb'on bard caab. Now It It bonk wind. . , Tbt way that it work It oftfr tblt i,.-i,i.n- A h.n.k in Lincoln publlabHt lit Utamtntln wblb It tayt it bat f 20,000 In rtsnrrt bank, IU legal ratrvs ogntlprba)tabank In Omaha. If ontgMtdowo to Ornoho to find that fao.OOObt will And that tlaJOmli bank olao baa a nmm agi, and n it Iwrntedlo Chicago.- Tbat !i0,000 liot bwftt m nt to Chicago. If tbt martD mr m,u .,...!. (a nnt nuua. Wlien Hit rrlva la Cblcauo bt will Ond i, a (ino la not tbart. It boa Ml' Wiw yr''"'- ' " - Ixwii nt to that bonk't rtmrn aut In New York. II bt got on to Raw lorn that 120,000 will not bt found la any bunk tbert, It baa batn loonad out on call or thirty dayttlma. It will bmn thla iUO.000 which tut Miicoin bauk putt into lit ttotunitnt ot cuah In rimrvt boakt it, la loor, not in any Limb. All tbt "Intrlnalo" ralut that 0 depoaltor but to fall back upon U 0 llttlt I-k (if Ink on llttlt tpocn ui wiiw paier In a lew bank mogurt. It it by tblt low tbat tha bonktrt hart tuan ahlH to ehaiifft tbt wbolt banking aytUm of tbt IJolUid HtoUt and takt from depoallort tbtlr aecurlty and from bualnniit ftt ttoblllty. Jy meant 01 n tht bonktrt art running on ton dollort ftfnradit to ont of oatb, wban tvtry bauklng authority in tht world main tains tbot four to ont It tut twnoti limit nf taftty. Tbt worat thing about tbt manor it that tbart doaa not wm to ot any way out of tbt difficulty at tbt patent tlmt, if tha law waa reixmled and uankt wart foroad to keep a raaerrt la ctb Intttad of bank wind, It would count tucn a oonlractlon of tht currency that a paolo would Inevitably follow, and dopoelton would loot million of money, tut ivmIuiii (a coutluued tht flratbreotb ol adveralty will knock tbt wbolt row of cord down. Iftbtbanbt tbould begin to call for tbelr rrvet In any quantity tht Nv York bank would4egin to call In their loan and 0 ponlo would otort there, If depoaltor In bank outald of NewTork tbould coll for their deposit Id any quantity, wib bank would bt forced to draw oa New York and tbt tomt result would follow. Tbtrt I no way out of tbl difficulty but an tnor- mom Inertost in tbt amount ol money In circulation. Tbtrt must bt money tnougb so that tbt tomt amount at now may rmioln la circulation and tnt Poimi hava beaidet their & or 15 per cent of reserrea, in money and not In wind. Tbe banker will not advocate any such thing at that, because it It airafnst their Intwrest to do to. Now they are ablt to get Interest on ten dollars when they hove actually only out. Under tale svstetn they could only get Inter' est on lour dollar where tbey bad act ually but one dollar. That the present aystein la bound to end in a financial wreck, no reaaonabl man can doubt. MILLET HKAI VHKKK A political meeting was held In Lincoln under tbe falsa pretnff tbat it waa to arrange for tba reception of the rlrat Nebraska, TwomuHet beads were op pointed oa 0 committee. It waa purely local affair, im ont taking any part la It I'icept reeidentt ol Lincoln, Then theat two mullet beads went out to Han Frauclaoo and announced that they were tba only eraona who bad any au thorlty to represent the wbota state of Nebraska, and that the ()nvrnnr of tbe state, tbt ailjiitaut general, and mem- here ol tha-itownor a staff aereu t In It at all and bad no authority to mnka anv arrattttament to tak" fareof tha Iwtva kM tbav landed. Aa a eiNt'lmen of mullet bead ebei k this take the cake, They area at a Haa Francisco par 10 nnouiiM that the tovernor hat no bnslneaa thera and th'il h- bad run oaay Iront I.U atate, sneaking off to a tonatrv loan to bu 0 tU'kat si that tba Hpla nul l not know tbat be was running aeav, II all tbat aa o, any 111.11101 Iba two mulUt beads have tbe governor put la Irons and rrlarurd to the atate ah.-ra beb"Wil.? It U O wonder I bty didu't try II. AH unIHt tKOWIK Tba sordid asd loUa rtoad Ibat t tormbsa tuaal lalbi ata'aWal. Ii Iba Mtoata (a I lnm Iba Ulatt J.iuraal ol Uat ktoadav moralwat (iba allwv il-i'Url I b aal ltbr baaiwaaa k. Il lb" . bavk la un aiaadr4. 01' b U Ibe aivet l.tll-r. mkttm alaadiH la Iba witl' totalis! as baatrr traia fata Irow IM itWN id tt rvtt to r iIhi H a ao'4 fee on lb gtataJiMirnal ksuaa (hot Ibat ttalewwal ta ot ar-aaaUw aaduaalaialla, tie kanwa Ibat t sarb oWira wattrrr maths kaoaa Ibat la (bt beat tol lb leal paumi4 mwmIsi. Iba W b fftri at lb Impart was brd la wa atte 'a.akaatisri l0l aiifr uuuaia i lAndftrd monevofthe United State and not redeemable in any other kind of money, What must a cause bftbat con only bt defendod by unending and riacloue lying? Men of tbat kind may persuade themselves tbat tbert It no bell, but In 'the end they will find tbat what a man towt. tbot shall ho also reap, and that upon them will be poured a scorn and contempt that la worse than flro and brimstone. Tbe tlmt must com, if morality, religion and very thing tbat it of good report I not to be blot tad ont forever, tbat men who do tuob tblnut a tbat will bt driven from the society of decent men and women. A VAMPAIOM !Ot UM KMT. " Tbe editor of tbt Independent found quwrdocumont lying on a tuble in out of tbt room of the oapltol. Jt pur p jrta to be tbt conclusions of throe mul let bead wbo cam to tbl town not long ago ond Imagined tbat they wer an Invasthrating commlttM. Tbt docu meat Is written up In a humorous ttylu and roulirdoo contoln some very flue l ikes, Oa pug ten I a good one, It I a follows: "Wt art owart tbat tb wltnta F. moos, having coahMsoa that u is a party to tbe crime, stand lu tlie light of a witness whose testimony should bt recolvid wltb caution, ' The d Mcrlptbn given ' by tht w I tries Hlmons with refureno to the methods used in marblug these ballots was befor the commute previon to tbt opening of tht package containing the ballots, and therefor befor either Mr. ftlmoue or tb commute bad Inspected them. Wfaeo tbt ballot wer opened tb man ner In wblcb tbey wer marked, clearly corroborated tb testimony previously given by tbl witness," Tbt commlttM started out to prov tbot Holcomb or some other populist bad been guilty of changing tb ballot on tb recount on tb constitutional amendments, Tbey report tbey found tbot Simon did it and tbat tbey bavt oonclusivt proof that bdid It, because, first, bt said bt did It and tbat be told tbern bow bt did it, and when' tbey opened tbt package tbey found It bad been don In just tb way tbat Hlmons said bs did It. Then tbey com to tb conclusion, not tbat Blmon should be sent to tht penitentiary, but tbat Hol comb or sorn other populist should. It appear from th testimony that on Iledlund. wbo was Kugciio Moor' deputy and wbo never found anything wrong wltb tbt auditor office under hi management, gov testimony of tb sitine sort wltb Hlmons, The com ml tie do Dot recommend tbat the said Hid und should be tent to tb penitentiary, bnt still Insist that torn populist must be nt up, AU of wblcb make tbls document a very funny plec of writing. Wbetbtr th tyl I tbat of tb typ writer mployd or a brilliant attempt at humor by th mullet bead them selves, doe not appear on tbt face of tbt document. However, it wllLbt a great campaign document for tbt pop when tbey get to going alter tu noml nation ar mod, i BS UOT MAI). Tbt editor met a mullet bead on 0 street the other day where a lot of new street paving wltb brick Is being doiit. Tbe mullet bead said: "Just look down tbat street and set the hundreds of men at work and tht Improvements being mads under tbia McKluley administra tion." v "Do you coll that a sign of proeiwr- Ityt" ht waa aaknd. "Yea I do b replied," be replied, not outy a sign of prosperity but a demon stration of it." . "Is going In debt a demonstration of prosperity?" "Well. no. I sould rot rev that It waa but what ba that to do wltb this ques tion? "Every thing to do with it Thecitv ha sold bonds, gone la di-lit and hired oil lhaot laborers. Is Increasing vour dt bts a demonstration of proaprrttj?" 1 lien that mullet head got mad and said tbat this pop editor didu't know what ba waa talking about and several olbar complimentary thlnva. Aa art It la In tba t'oitiinif Nation thia wak eaia that tba Iluktn Co-oiwiitlva colony la abaoluMy bankrupt and Ibat Mi appointing!! ( 0 rmrlvar amnio. eaaary, Ho wa have i'tiMioami or whatever Ida name of Iba plees doaa la Mrie was, over again, tha atft-a d. nt ta very sorry for l has siHtd opl, Tbey iat hlgb Idrala, etrove to pal ham la iralloa and laM Urausa tbey war not prst'i'!. A who' lo ol repul'l taHa araisiM' Unity oa lb sirwta of l.h...ln ttalar In Ibat Ihaaug rtftNsof ftttthrw t, fca First ra Imaa I tea tot In U eitntpart-4 with tba twr ol ha tMbt imoiia la tbeaitll war, II lbr rm M. btlailiHi iul id Ibai, Wl lbw t ab (la tbiag lbir alaM(ia la ibat Iba irfr oalt oa (ba klM and AMM i Ullk Tef lata a aa. il 4 lb Mat Ntaifilaa. vt 04 ilrotSaffttw loara. Ibrf ta Itilbiel 'bat Wt wiaal. t ikaiw tail oat II lb tail ! boma .) Uaa aaj If Ibeif f4. Otaafvlb data al whte yaa aah ftpthia eiitlraa. waikr4 oa ibia W.a. 4 ynuritaadMyv4 arsta anr eat a tvHilttaaaa. A political meeting wa held in Lincoln under tbe falsa prcten tbat it was held to arrange for tbt reception of tbe First Nebraska. Two mullet head I were ap pointed o o commlttes. It wot o purr ly local affulr, no ont taking any port In it eicept resident of Lincoln. Then these two mullet bead went out to flan Francisco and announced tbat tbey wer tb only person that bad any authority to represent tbt whole state of Nebraska and that tbt governor of tbt state, the adjutant general and member of tbe governor's stuff weren't In it at oil, and bod no authority to make any arrange ment to tak car of tbboy when tbey landed. A a specimen of mullet bead cheek, this take tb cake. Tbey even got o Bod Francisco paper to announce tbat tb governor bad no business there, that be bad run away from bis state, intiaking off to a country towa to buy a ticket so that tbt people would not know tbat be wan running away. If all that was so, why did not tht two mullet bead bavt tb governor put In iron and returned to tbe state where be be longs? It I a wonder that they didu't try. . Little Kuklee, Clevelnnd' comptroller of tb currency bo com forth again a instructor of tb American people In tbe cinnu of money, II i a good republi can now, ao it anid. He I afraid that tbanest oongres will not retire tbe greenbacks. Jl therefor ay (hat they art vowardt ami will do nothing morttban authorise tb bank to In crease tbelr circulation. Ho Euklo Is about a mad a a midget con get and make dire throat upou the wbojo crowd. Tbt truth about tbt matter is tbat tbt populitt doctrint concerning money has taken ucb a bold upon the eastern state thattb republicans ar about soared out of their usual wit, Tbor I no enemle' country for sclun tide money any mor. Tb common people of tbt east art just beginning to understand tbt question. Tb Fingre municlpol ownership bus iness In Detroit seem to bt exclusively of lb republican variety, Its purpove I to pay Tom Johnson 117,000,000. Tb real ond tangible property (hot Tom ba to turn over ba been estimated by competent expert and tbey any it I worth 7,000,000. Tb other $10,000, 000 i to pay Tom for' the value of bis franchise wblcb cost blot nothing. To all of that Filigree agree. ,Tberefoi we soy that Flngret' plan of municipal ownership In Detroit ba nothing In common with 'populism, but I exclu sively republican. Wbnt else could be xpected of a man wbo I an ardent sup porter of tb republican party. We've bad enough of Flngret ond Tom John on too, Tb McKioley policy I making en mle of oil tb Houtb American republic, Correspondent In tb south report tbot wbllttwo year ago all those republics looked upon th United Btate a a sort of elder brother, tbey ar now all aus picious and expecting tbat their turn for annexation will come next. Tb fact I that tbl administration I making enemies of tbt whole world except Great Britain, our ancient enemy, and wbo will be our enemy again just a soon as she sees It her Interest to bo so, We will not recover i from the evil effect of this McKluley policy for year to come, nor gain our former standing among the nations of the earth until tblt pol cy of grabbing and greed bat been abandoned, Tbt gold bug bavt coined a new phrase. Tbey coll greenbacks "fiduciary currency" ond announce In stately phrase that "it valui depanda, not on its volume but on th estimate placed by ths pudllo upon it future worth." Ho valus Is not an "intrinsic" quality but Is an "estimate" madaby thehumnn mind. A gold bug never opened bla mouth yet tbat be did not put bis fool In It. Hut Is not this eetlinateot future value made upon (ha probable "quan tity" of "fiduciary rurrrucy" ibat will m In elrt uUtiob? If It la not. upon what la tba estimate made? H ;,-.-,rr.Xii,Trj--n-Ta McK'nliy baa adopted another of Great Pnulu'e wave of dealing with Ibe AUllee. IU baa adopted brllary aa a n gular policy, Tba mbar da h sent a naval oltlwr wilh a bnba id 1 1 0.00(1 to tha HuHan ol Hula No naval otfWr of tha Failed H'o'ea eve bad snrH o ds btmoratile duty to prrfurm Mors, , l ha bd rbjtte4 i Iba smiI, every baai maa la thla aouslry w-ld bars ai bin and sa tA l Ibal ba hist b'Ubls tty refaaittg lo l Iba Pnttt id O brls wmmmrnmsmmwrnimm A fvokiMiet editor ks; "N w lha ihsretaati lminla la tla aavahnra tlwbalwill lh-i bava loss la 1 1, eMails eattpaigH?" T H ! ol.lfsavibal No, I abat teflawau oa ba Ch eaa-'i wtakt hkH meaa Ml fwataaalka Mkalbl (he lariar ll r bom, Yfct Will a'0 I IvKaiil; tataoiki ' 1 (o'4 " 4 iu. l..u mil lk i'litliul aiakadansg lb llri MMis la Pf HP I lift f'"-W " V w t i . II-. 1 . aataisa a-itaiaairiHa. irif Hllkos p-'imUr lo Ibaaaittaw i-i.L. 1. If m-m tit lL lu .Ju UiaIi t mil I, m k.i.1 1. .l go4 wKMse i.a'aa io anpaiaia a a ' . . L. I .1-. .k ..11 I.. I iwnq law? 1 1 mn A dispatch from Washington say tbot Otis I to b court mortialed and another commander cent to tb Philip pines. Tbat' right. We have adopted the Hpanisb policy ond let us follow It clear out, Hpaln court martial and shoots her unsuccessful generals. Admi ral Cevera I In prison waiting trial now, Tbe populists of Nebraska have been rlgbt la tbe middle of tht road that led to victory for tbt last four years. They are not going to leave It to follow out any blind by path such a ar con vtantly pointed out to them by H tub bins, Llchty and tbe republican man agar. Wben tht borrowed money be oil been spent, then there Willi be just us many Idle men In Lincoln a there were before tht recent afreet Improvement wer undertaken Then the slow grind will begin over again and the pressure to pay Increased Interest charge will bt harder than ever to bear, i bre mullet bead cam to Lincoln and upon learning tbat Governor Hoi comb bad left nearly $700.00 in the treasury tbat b bod a perfect legal right to draw out, and that being a thing that do republican was ever known to do, tbey got In such a roge tbat they wanted tb attorney-general to prose- cut him at all baxard. Andrew Carueglt ay It I a disgrace to die rich, Ye Andrew, ' tbat I true, but It I a thousand time more disgrace ful to get rich by subsiding congres for tariff and taking th wage of tb poor to make you rich. You rhould find that out befor you die, or Ht. I'eter will be asking you question about it when you wont him to put th gate ajar to let you in. Bank rescrv In tbl country arson absolute my tb, Tb only tangible ro terv that a bank bo I It cash on band. Tb cash In reoerv bank may b chased from on end of lb country to the other but tbt cash will never be found. Tht only thing (bat will be die covered art omentrielo bank lodger. Tbat' tb unvarnished truth about th matter. Tb thing that we ar proudest of is that our candidate for president Is so poor tbot b cannot afford to travel over th country and mak epeecbej without being paid.' Tbe more tbt re publican gold bag press refer to tbat matter, tbe better wt will bt pleased. Fubllsh It every day. Keep it standing. The better that your reader com f o comprehend tbat fact, tbe happier we will be. . Tb republican don't II wltb balf tb skill tbey did In tb last campaign. If they bad kept op tbelr usual cunning wben they said that Foynter slipped off out of Llncolo and started .to Califor nia fo look after tbe comfort of (bt First regiment, (bey never would bavt said tbat bt "bought a ticket at a country town," They wmld hovt said be rode on on annuel pas. One by one tba officers of Ibe low or still gathering In the republican thieves. Last week It wa (he republican treas urer of tbe city of Ashland, this wc k It Is (he former treasurer of flags county and more recently deputy United States mnrsboll for whom (he officer Is now out with a warrant. It seems that we or never to clean up tha job, for ns fast a lb old one art caught, new ones ore delected. All tha pops in this stat are going to rota the goldbug Mark Henna ticks', because, offer (he new carpets wblcb (be h-Blslatur ordered (o he pu(downln the at ota bouse waa bought, it was die- aorered Ibat a man who was on (be bond of one of tha state offHits was a partner lo one of lbs concern that sold thar-arpeta. Everj pop would rather llvewub-r Iba rule of (he corpora I !ona, euffi-r all (ha were ol flftj.vnt wheat and buy everything ol a trust, than lo vote for a party (bat allows thing Ilka that. Tbat'a what Iba IW snvs. Ituskjn expressed what tha republloae rail the "dioiral" reprinted by populism. hn bt ed, "t cannot paint, nor raid, nor took ot pilitarala, aorittiantlMngeUathat I Ilka, and the vrv light ul Iba inoraleg sua la batelul In pis, bauaof tba luiecrt Ibal l know id, and eigne itfitahr know anl, ahlra no ImsgltiatUia r ietrr .rt too bitterly, Thtlorw till an irr endure It ipiMly, bal Ism- for aard wlib on b-w or mist wboaltl halts do m beat lo abate then.Urj," Thai lH iw Iha ppltat pari atw A!iHea)ei "Thai .IhhU ntske 0 n.Uiske abn Ibisk that lv o Nire ib-aaaeUD-M id ! o eaa grt aswUr id ovm.iau la IIMKI. Iha 4xipla aaat to kw abal ta pri (ataa lo da abtal il.M That' It etaeity, A WH-t ib-ass1)'' tdt'aal ill itl tl.f anl tor Iba -. Ul parly al Waul Let t ib-Misfeil Ua rMwl vf OH lata ra al'eg erHttalia li ial 4 laksMt la guieraawet owark'p all lb'f Ibat sa t Oftatw4 Jk-r pHtaibi. II Ibaa I tay ulha taf oal lb illt Wol bk tu b UMwtad wt It, COMCBMTBATIOM OF WEALTH. Every true economist In tbe world bo pointed out tbe danger resulting from the concentration of wealth. Especially during tbe last thirty year have they dwelt upon It -wltb increasing force. Notwithstanding tliwie repented warn ing tbe people have failed to tee tbt calamities tbat are sure to follow, Now, for tbe first time, are th people being awakened to tb Importance of the sub ject, although the populist bave been trying to Impress It upon them for IE last eight yoari, Tb Increase in tb purchasing power of money started (bis concentration and that bos steadily worked for tbe making of millionaire und pauper for tha lust quarter of a century, Now a tremend ou impetus to concentration ba Iton added by tb formation of (rust. Tbat can be dually comprehended by tb examination of tb working of a few of tbern. Tak the Irou and steel trust for on example. Itafor tb formation of tbt trust tb wealth wblcb cam from th production of iron and steel wa distributed among many thousund of ttcu manufacturer and laborer. Now moat of that wealth goes Into the baud of a few. Tb trust buy out tha Norri and other mine In the (iogohlo range, and I from thenceforth uo longer a pur. chaser of iron ore. Tb vast Fitlsburg Iron furnace or supplied with or Irom mine owned and operated by tb own-. er of the trust, Tbt independent Iron or men find no market for tbelr ore; not becaus there I less consumption, out because tbe great consumer are no longer purchaser. Th result of tbl ia that all of tb iron or producer In northern Michigan ar ruiued and tb employer and tb employe ar both prohibited from longer participating in or receiving a sbure of tb wealth that come from th production of Iron and ateel, Tbe tbor tbat facrctofor went to tbern, I oow concentrated In tb bond of those tow wbo own tb trust, Tb Htaudard Oil trutt, tb wool pulp trust, tb stock yard trust, tbe tobacco trust, and every other trust work to concentration of wealth la few band in tb same way. It will not be long, a tb Independent bu to oft on said, until tbl country will b reduced to a nation of hirelings, working for tb trust wltb a few Immensely rich (rust owner a tb employer, Tbl will eventually reach to to tb farming population, Col. A. J, Scott, candidate for attorney general of Kentucky, recently mad tb following statement: "I met a representative of th tobacco trust lust week, wbo told in (hat here after Kentucky faraAir would be paid only ix cent a pound for tbelr crops, I told him tbat tobacco could Dot be raised for tbat price. . He said tbey would bt compelled to raise It for tbat price, or els tbt (rust would buy, land, Import cheap Italian labor, ond rale It own tobacco. He furfber told rue (bat tb coffe trust bod don tb earn wltb tbe coffe planter and aucceedod, and tb tobacco trust would do likewise," In Ibe future, if tbl thing I not checked, it will moke no dlffureuc what a man' ability may be, If be is born outside the ownership of a (rust, h will haveuo opportunity to rise above tb station in whlub bo I born. Have tb populists over stated th matter when tbey bave constantly anHi rUd tbat tbia nation waa fast becoming o land of mil lionaires and serfs? Already tbe meat trust controls tb price of cattle with just aa much cer tainty us ths rUe and fall of th tide. They own Immeiisa rnnche where they raise tbelr own cattle. They bave tliouHonds of them always ready for the market. If cattle or scarce ond the pntw bigin to rise, they simply quit buying until tbe yards ore ovwfloaiiig wltn t lii'in end In tbe meaullnia slaugb (er Ibnlroan oaltlfi. They are able to do (bis simply because ol tbe comvntra Hon of enormous capital in (he control ol tbe trust. Armour ond other inem bi-rsof Ih trust have Inrgs rauehea iu Tixae, Colorado ond other wi stern states. They outy nwd to tn a small portion of tba supply, lo absolutely control tha market, while Ihty oaa tba sunk jardsaud slaughter houses, To lo buy -r a ifay or two, ttacpa -lb yards with outside rat I la, th-y talk ot ovi-r production and do a a ga Iba price, lur Iha outside owntre of iattb muatiwtt, Tbey can't bold Ibew In tb stork yards, Tea mgbllaat qarelioae tbat wrrw em pHM'ed tocUtiiittto are ad lug. Fpoa Iba rltfbt aulaltoo id Ibsui deiiile Iba futare ol Iba haiau rat. II Ibia eon tlrallo of w lth la not rh-vki-d, ebao ia sol far ahead, U tbia flgM in ore ooiktag, I native vary. Ibiag. 'If Is Mkrt'iwm" A rtb!ko p(wf mis ibat ia H Fid lUjaa waaaWy .. at it. e ia ltlj rid l( b worlb uaa afih ol sillmo dollars, and wll aM aika It a qatief of a mini to, To II af wn baa bra teat vhtvtf atib Mr, priaa, It toaMa't bava b-. . U l w.or Iroabi h tbat vdti i lata sa4 ibat Hrf a "lapttlod' la b mm oU. bo. W kg Iba world rfida't ba aj OiPlkM,? Iiasai4;,"it bt raptwisj,' "M b rsMbHi u lb Woiet iwpartaat .Wwsa t4 by rvpablWo wnsr AMJ lbw. Wkoas 4 Ibsy snwI tw lowl tbolwojl