The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 03, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Aug. 3 .18
A Chief Justice's Daughter and a
, Power In Washington,
A fur Her Diverse from Rhode felsad's
War Governor, Mrs. Spracue't 'Vof
tan IVened Her rattler's irrleods
Sare4 the Home.iead for Hen
WinnjNOTojr, Aujr. 1. Mr Kals
Chase Hprufrus, wife ot a former gov
ernor 0 : Rhode Inland, and the
daughter of the late Hal moo P, Chase,
governor of Ohio, secretary of the
treasury and chief Jutic of the
United States supreme court, died
at her homestead, Ikigewood," io
Washington's suburbs, earl thla
morning, Hbe was SB years old.
For three month she had buen ill.
hut had consented to medical treat
inent urn! ten day ago, Hhe grew
ateadily worse and the end came a few
minutes after three o'clock thla morn
ing. At tba bedside were her three
daughter, Ml Kittle Bpragtia, who
lived with her mother; MU Portia
Sprague of Nsrragansett Tier, and
Mrs, Donaldson of Brooklyn,
The death end a career of ex
treme. Until her brilliant mar
riaga with the war governor of Rhode
Ielaud, the daughter of the chief Jus
tie had had an universally happy life.
After that time aha had little
aorrow, l our year ago the old Chase
home tc ad, Jv!gwood, wa waved from
paaaing from her only by the kindneaa
of the father' frlenda. It waa ax
peoted two month ago that the alas
would go at auction.
Early in her childhood Katharine
Chaee w$ left motherless. Her
beauty, rare intellectual abllitiei and
ndearlntr qualities mad her the idol
of . her distinguished father. When
ha waa In Washington aa aecretary of
the treasury during the war, thi
young daughter presided, over hi as
tabllshment. The town houe of the
great war financier, on the corner of
Hlitb and E atreet, ia to tbl day no
iveraally known aa the Chaae manaloa
The cabinet in thoaa day a waa not
vary atrong aoclally, and Kate7 Chaee
ruled it absolutely, Mra Lincoln waa
Imply swept into the corner when
thla imperious young beauty appeared j
leaning upon the arm of the great
aecretary. bo strong waa the delre
to make her father President, that it
la often said she married e-Jovernrr
rlpragu of Kliode Island to carry out
.this design. Hut aba might well hava
considered him a worthy match in
those day lie was the yonngest war
governor of all th states. . He waa in
tba United (Hates ftenata. He waa
worth millions, and ha could give her
Canonchet, which waa then the most
superb home In this country, and he
waa one of tba handsomest men of the
Mra Chaae was In many respecta
one of tha most remarkable women
ever known to Washington aoclety.
In the daya of her prime there was
no disputing her leadership. tihe
waa actually the queen of aoclety. No
child waa ever born under mora favor
able auspices than was Willie rjpra
gae, eldest child of this marriage.
Tii mother of Senator Sprague set
tled a large sum on the baby, but be
fore he was old enough to understand
the full value of the great things to
which he was born they were slipping
away from him. MUfortutie pursued
him and he eommitteti suicide seven
or eight years ago in the far Vest,
poor auu among strangers
As long m Chief Justice Chase lived
his brilliant daughter continued to be
a power lu Washington, aoclally and
'politically. The failure of the liepub
Bean party to nominate Salmon 1
Qiase for the Presidency gave the
death blow to the ambitious hopes of
bis brilliant daughter. It is aaid alao
that this dissppotntiuent seriously af
fected the health ot the chief Justice.
However thia may be, Katharine
Chaae Mprague was never the same tn
tha world of Washington after her
father's drath. The troubles between
Governor Pprsfrue and herself became
natter of publlo gossip, In which the
name of lime Coukllng figured ex
tensively, When bankruptcy came, ex-Governor
rlpragu lost at one bis poiiW
leal Importance, which was purely
fortuitous and depended entirely 011
bis former great fort una With lo
af fortune and position, the weakness
Of tb ma ehowed Itself He became
4Ustpatt, Idle, stouchy ia dress, tb
last ereatur in the world to hold a
brilliant and Imperial women, like
the spulled daughter of the great sec
retary of the treasury lit 4loa
teat and bar avals apt culminated la
a dlvote. lie married sou after a
woman of Inferior pAstilo.
Mra lp ages' Sfki for lanoiuUt
with bar three little daughters Is yet
talked f la the Mettfttboihood. 'the
three daubtrrs, Libel, ksieaod Por
tia, w with tb Mother, while tb
a.M, Wtille realael wit at father.
T Ur liregae ss give aalkwltt
to return her sl4 usuie of tbsee,
(MmM4 k4 SI,
m rtfiKt.t Ma, Aug A, lg
rv effort Is wade l.e by tb tW
(derate eutpeJ lUf Ur tf tb
rtafteraf to IUlt 1 ttg tb lift,.
iV fuhj ff k rstio of ft tM
saaat la tb t.ort'drU fsivy
her, the ! vamp of th slate
v iaU4 a Wat HIasu
ts4's abf M lb t
tUilo, Aug, I, Tb
tloMi wf ( ouath adopted i veaw
Utioa ?) taaada a syatpatay
wills tb Vi!s4m f tb TraavaaA
t' Bed Wreck ea
Erie Ballroad.
Pobt JKnvis, N. Y., Aug. I Tb
accident on the bris railroad, grow
Ingoutof tho land slid a mile east
of Lackawanna, Saturday night, was
not as serious as at first reported.
Only the fireman und engineer of the
derailed engine of the westbound Chi
cago express, which turned over on
tiie track, were killed, though a num
ber of passengers on tb express, the
vestibule passenger train for Buffalo
and Cleveland, which left New York
at 7 o'clock Saturday, were injured.
The wreck, which occurred shortly
before midnight, was preceded by
cloudburst and storm which lasted
two hour A section of the bank fell
on the eastbound train, directly in
front of the freight train. Several
trees went down with the rooks and
earth, and thafreight cara and engine
were turned over directly across th
westbound track of th Lrle road.
Sixty, freight car constituted, th
train, but only twenty-two wer de
railed, and the debris was piled up on
th westbound tracks lust as tb
Chicago express put in an appearance,
running at the rate of fifty mile
an hour, The engine of th expres
train crashed into the wreck, and th
baggage car, combination aud buffet
car and two Pullman aleopers wer
piled up on th track immediately In
front of th wrecked freight cara Th
nrst sleeper wa split Into two parts
and th passenger war thrown thirty
feet down th bank. Fir at one
broke out and four oar of th express
train and nine of the freight cara
wr burned. '
Several thieve from Port Jervis,
who it la supposed reached tb seen
of th wreck on th relief train, ran
sacked the olothos of th passenger
during tb period of excitement. ,
After several hours' search tb
bo die of Ivuglnser Out water and
Fireman Sells wer found under their
engine by employe of the wrecking
train, Both bodies had been burned
to th waist. Th men wer identi
fied by their watiues.
Assassin 6f President Heureaax At
tempi te Seise Hie Body,
Puerto Plato, Han Domingo, Aug.
I. The situation is critical. An out
break is momentarily expected, Th
friend of the government are under
arms and ready for action to protect
property and preserve th peace. , A
feeble attempt wa mad to seise th
body of President Ileureaux by th
assassins, Ramon Caceres, Manuel Ca
ceres, Iloraclo Vasquex and Domingo
Richardo, who are in the country
about Moca with their followers Th
burial of President lie ureaux was con
ducted with fitting honors.
KixosTox, Jamaica, July JL A pri
vate cable dispatch received her by
way of Cap llaytleii reports that th
revolution Is progressing favorably.
The dispatch say that th real reason
for th detention of President lieu
reaux'a body at Santiago waa that th
country between Santiago and Porto
Plata is occupied by th Insurgents,
who, abandoning their plan of occu
pying Moca as a base of operations,
are concentrating to attack Porto
Plata,, which la feebly garrisoned.
Thoasaad Attondcd th-ruaaral of the
ChlotifO Wlf Murr
Chicaoo. Aug. 1. Thousands of
person 'attended the funeral of
Adolph L Luetgurt, the wife mur
derer, who died at the Jollet peni
tentiary. Prominent in th group
about the bier at the Northwest Tur
ner hall were Luotgert's three chil
dren, near the lloral pillow with tb
Inscription: "Our Father's Words, 'I
Am Innocent"
Lawrence Harmon, former counsel
for Luetgert, delivered an address, at
th close of which he said:
"He is dead, but his wife Uvea I
call upon Ioula Luetgert, the miss
ing woman, for whom he suffered,
without even uttering an unkind
word regarding her, to come forth
and remove the unmerited stain from
the name of the father and her inno
cent children."
lek KastsM lutura.
Uoxoi.ct.17, July 13, via San Fran
clsoo, July 51. Th United States
hospital ship ltellef arrived yesterday,
eleven day from Yokohama, After
coaling she will proceed directly to
Kan Francisco, Probably four dava
will b occupied In eoaliltg and nine
daya In tb trip to San Franeisoo, so
that the Uellef will hardly arrive at
that port earlier than August 1
Tb Ilelief has on board )00 sick
soldiers front Msulta, Including tb
following eimiulMloaed ortlotri, who
ar Invalided tutaiet
Captain Jobs V. 7rUnger, First
Xttb.-sha faptslu UllUstu J, Wat
n, Twentieth kuai t aplaln Adna
Clark, twentivlb Ksasasi First
LUuteasut John c. McArlbur, third
Infsatrvt rtwiMiad UeutiAiaat tUita
II lUll, Twentieth kaasast KmusiI
I.leateuant (Ulvr V, U-t, stoutb l
Mai tta.a falsa '
Jit sos, Mtsa, Aug L "Xolbiag
abort of itrstsi van ureveat I try an
trout bag tb Ivwarratl mom
lac aud aotMnf but the Utsrveatloa
ot tb AltMtblr wt.l hp bias ftosi
tiag eirettfd. d;r4 t oagvsiia
ChstMp t Urs) tf UtMtrl U an Inter
View bet.
WMt !.
W4uuM, hd g l 1'realdea
McKieUy Ul glv s.tto bt
A latUal IWwer at tb Wh't
when tb latter arm I Matt tag .
rM Had at Httlt4
Mat iaa, Aagt 1 Maiiaf an tibj
tdtktit la Wl aarb. by tb Uvw
irMte'.eolsg tb patad y ester
day, I we ia we blU4 aad' tMtt la-
San Franciso Gives Returning Sol
diers a Great Welcome.
Tb Troop Looked Vsr? Well a Tby
Marched from the Traoiporl Through
the Cl7 to the I'mldlo Reviewed
by General Shatter and the Governor,
Saw Fbakcimco, Aug. 1. Th dia
)mbarking of th First Nebraska in
fantry and the Utah light artillery
from th transport Hancock to-day
gave San Francisco a second oppor
tunity to welcome returning soldiers
from th Philippines. Early in tba
day th streets in th lower part of
th city and on th line of march to
th Presidio, where th boy will go
Into camp, became crowded.
Flags and bunting streamed from
nearly every building and many of
the persons along tha line oi march
arried American flags which waved
constantly aa the veterans marched
toward th Presidio. Whistles wer
blown from the time the men started
on their march till they passed from
tb business section of th city into
tn lasnionam residence quarter
aiong van xvs avenue and out
to th Preeidlo, Added to th noise
of th whistles waa that of olamrlnc
oeua, tn nring or cannon and th ex
I. .... . , .
piosion 01 nraworka Market atreet
bad been cleared of all traffic and it
waa nearly 10 o'clock before th head
of th procession turned Into that
thoroughfare. Oenerul Shaker had
provided an escort of artillery and
tnis ooay or soldiers, with a band,
neanea tb procession.
Aa th regimental officers of tha No-
orasaans turned into Market atreet a
mighty cheer waa given. Th band
1 . .
earn next playing lively aira and then
followed the men in their campaign
uniform Th soldier looked very
well aa they marched alone:. The
tight of th battleilug of th Nebraa
kana seemed. to arouse all the enthusi
asm the spectators oould muster. The
hospital corps brought up th rear of
th Nebraska regiment aud in the
ambulance were several wounded men.
Than cam th Utah artlllerv.
headed by Major Grant. Tb band
followed and then came th dlmlnu
tfv mascot of th Utah boys, a little
Dhap perhaps J 3 years, attired in a
uniform of th ragimcnt and carrying
a sliver flagon, The Utah artillery
followed and the welcome they re
ceived waa fully aa demonstrative as
that riven the Nebraska bovs who
sad preceded them.
Urlnging up th rear of th nrocea-
lion was Troop F of th Sixth cav
tlry and a detachment from, the
Third artillery. ,
In the reviewing stand on Van Nesa
ivenue were General Shafter, Gov
irnor Poynter of Nebraska and sev
eral member of his staff, Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson and their friends
tnd ladles. Aa th Nebraska and Utah
boys passed the stand they cheered
for General Shafter and Governor
Poynter, and the gentlemen and ladles
returned th compllment-by saluting
tnd wavlnir handkerchiefs and finer ft.
Everything was in readiness for th
reception of the soldiers at the Prest
llo. The camp had been partially pre-
pareu lor tnem, and by night they
win oe comrortabiy quartered. They
srlll remain in camp until they are
mustered out, the exact date not hav
ing yet been determined. 1 . -'
t Belief That It Will Not RUud the
Cneipaetedlr llesvr Tram j
New York, Aug, L W. F. Dixon,
nunagcr of the Sarmovo Engineering
tompnny'a locomotive works at Nljnl
Vovorod, Russia, which company cm
loys 10.000 men, Is visiting his home
n Paterson, N. J.
"The Industrie's of Russia," said Mr.
Dixon, "are all thriving. The Rus
ilaus ar a slow moving people, but
Ihey are steady and sura. The trans-ilU-rlan
railroad Is now completed
'rom Moscow to Irkutsk, adistsnce of
.bout 1,mhi miles. F,t of Irkutsk th
-oad Is in operatlou In pateho. it
ere. That is to say, it has not yet
teen eounected all the way through
o Vladivostok. An unfortunate
hing about th building of this road
s that very light rails have been ns4
thd the tie are too wide apart. When
ts oontiruoilou was began nobody
estised the immensity ot the uuder
aktng. The trade has been greatly
excess of all eiptvltlinn nd
War that th r l will not staud tb
r aud tear. It would eost an enor
nous sum to rectify lb mitlak at
bis 1st dat "
"Met IV HUmh
t. j4srM, M.i., Aug L Tb t
'Ursloa steamer J W. tpawr leaded
it the f oot of I vlla slrert last atgbt,
ringing paHgvra from ih UV
bene t, Km.k after tr
brb'd tb Uut and -a;4 up
b vktk. whu bad tbe d s r.-etfU
a a vail anl wa prrpartag ti g
Wse, Th rvbWrs gut away wltb
be fslisex wawks euUia4 tJV
sltbuat kstiag re.tfwuvt
Ve rt to tte, I Stnej atn
V ia. Am I . Li fulls
oaaad Utbai MeKd wer pt
deaib by iettlU t sug Mag
siiSAHiUday I'Mlisrsoa, M
agr wa taken la tb itf t .Half
A t ii aad a rrat t.TW t
trw wa Uraed o at (a Arts
aeewad be was dUr4 u 4,4
V tb aiteal'ag pKysteUaa M
rwsald ft to 4vtb at tr, a
at real f LYlw 4u being turned
I tbat Has a4 eoatiaaUg fw a
The Beat Importance of tb Alaakss
Territory Under UUpnt.
Wobckstkb, Mass.,1 Aug. L Dr.
.Thomas C, Mendenhall, president of
the Worcester Polytechnio Institute,
made the aurvey of Alaska on which
tbe boundary line, now a subject of
dispute between the United States
and the Canadian government, was
fixed by this nation.. Speaking of the
controversy, Dr. Mendenhall said: ,
"Tho actual value of the land of
which Great Britain, through the Ca
nadian government,, desire to possess
itself is Insignificant compared with
tbe Importance of. the seaport nrivi.
leges that country would secure If Its
claims were granted.
"The greatest benefit which Great
Britain expecta to derive from a set
tlement of the boundary question in
her favor I to acquire an open sea
coast lor Her great Northwest terri
tories and ,to weaken us by breaking
our exclusive jurisdiction north of 5t
degree. - - v- .-,
"With one or more seaports leading
out to tne racine ocean, Oreat Britain
would coma actively into competition
with American shipping intereats, to
tb great disadvantage of th latter,
which ar now pre-eminent in the ter
ritory in question. Over the water
way and tha passes embraced in tha
disputed territory an immense amount
of emigration and supplies for the
Canadian Northwest territory now
goes through American hands. ,
"Th right of complete Jurisdiction
over this coast, exercised so long by
Uussia without protest from Great
Britain, became oura ny purchase and
for many years after that Great Brit
ain acquiesced In our exerols of au
thority over th territory aa Russia
xrcid it
"It was not until 1S7 that th Can
adian government issued an offloial
map ahowlng that it claimed its boun
dary lins from the outer edge of the
islands, instead of running parallel to
th coast lln reckoned from th coast
to th mainland, To accede to Can
ada' claim would be to giv her all
of value that h United States pur
chased from Russia In Southeastern
Ateblson Chsmplon
Atchison, Kan..
Atchison Champion,
gener as It backer,
s Morula- Paper,
Mf.l The
wlthU, P. Wag
will appear as a
morning paper niter to-day. It la un
derstood that tha paper will be great
ly Improved and have telegraphlo ser
vice. ' More Tot an tears HalL
Washmotoh, Aug. 1. More volun
teers ar on th way to San Francisoe
from Manila, according to this dis
patch from General Otis: "North Da
kota, Wyoming and Idaho on tha
transport Grant, ready to depart
Desir to delay until to-morrow to re
ceive monthly pay, permitted. Otie,"
Tbe Old reliable DSbllsbers of the weU-kaown
yrtlMlt, ar oBerln HANDMOMK SILK DBESMICS-fall 10 to IS yanle. Tills offer It opn
to any reliable pereoa who will send for It at osce as promise to show It with th paper. If too
wish to take aUraotam of above silk dress offer, yoa most flrat send U car or poetaxe
P- PV 'or basdllnx and postage oatbs psper we send three montbs oa trial, aud on
will receive It by refers mail.
Mrs. Phoebe Naeh, Wllllametown, Pa,, writes! est reeelred the blsck silk dreee-14 rsrds-yos
seat me. The osallty Is mairaiflcent, and I tbaok yoa a tbonaand times orer,
Mrs. Elli Drown, New tleven, Cons., wrlteet ''I scarcely belkved it, bat this moralae; my silk
dress arrived, 1 hare shows It to s dosen neighbors. They all luteod seotllaa for one, It Is cer
tain It beastlfal, and I will do all I eao for yoarpsper.
We een enow Drool of thousands of dreeens nlren1 awar to thoie who tu,u.H n, h.
vertleemeote. AO dresses sent promptly, Address:
It excels In
word souirht I
' '4)G & C McrrUm Co
Paris Green, lb .....25c
London Purple, lb 20c
Strychnine, 25c a bottle Blue Vitrol, lb. . . . 10c
Garden and Flower seeds.
White Lead, S. P., $6.00 per cwt.
Pure boiled Linseed Oil, 50c a gallon. Varnish:
es; all kinds of lubricating oils.
Golden Machine, per gallon 25c
Red Harvester, 40c gal. Castor Machine... 35c
Cylinder Oil per yui 50c
Corner lOtii
t rttiU VT3TCT.1
324 Scuth 12th. U:cc:a,
ji-x i-Wi,' iL'
Only a imsll Force to Save
Umbi Fran Insurgents.
Manila, A ug. Insurgents tried
to recapture Calamba on Lairuna de
Bay, which Hall's forces took Wednes
day afternoon, V The rebels numbered
1 2,400 men and the attack waa mad
simultaneously from the north . and
It waa not even necessary to employ
the whole American force to drive tb
Filipinos off. Two oompanl of th
Twenty-first infantry, a aquadron of
cavalry and one gun sufficed to repulse
the attack from the north, while the
100 men of tbe Washington regiment,
comprising part ot General Hall's com
mand and a detachment of cavalry,
drove off th rebels who had advanced
from the south,
Th loss ot the insurgents is not
known. .The American loss was on
klllad and seven wounded. .
Liberators Parade the Streets and
1 Ulamor for Independence.
Havana, Aug. 1. A mass meeting
was held yesterday under the auspices
ot tbe Hocledad Democratlco, a branch
of tbe Cuban National Society of In
dependence A procession paraded
the streets for two hours, headed by a
oaua and bearing banners with tb
inscription "Cuba Is and By Right
uugut to is i'ree," and "Peace
' Two girls dressed to represent Cuba
and America rode In th procession.
uiba Libre was represented by a girl
witn broken chains on bar wrists.
1;1 -. A i n .
row American naif wer to be seen
on the streets, but hundreds of Cuban
emblems wer displayed.
A number of speeches wer mad at
th meeting, all in favor of absolute
independence and union and urging
tne lurtneranc of work to securs thla
Enffsn Is Hopeful.
Nbw Yoiik, Aug. b-tThe World
saya: "J. J. Eagan, a wealthy sugar
merchant of Honolulu, is in the city.
According to Mr. Eagan, ex-Commis
sary General Eairan, ot the United
States army, who is visiting bis son
in the Hawaiian islands, expects to
have bis sentence of suspension re
voked by President McKlnlev within
the next few weeks and to return to
the head of the, commissary depart
ment" ?
1 Murdered at Dawn,
Webb Citt, Mo., Auir. L John
Thornton, a well, known resident of
thia city, and one ot tbe most efficient
engineers in the district, waa mur
dered at an early hour yesterday
morning at McKlnley mine, on th
Connor ground in South Cartervill.
ilia throat was cut from ear to ear.
His wife, from whom he was sen or
ated, la auspected of the crime.
and hfarhlr Intanatlnv vmii u. ..(,.. t A
CO.. Lock Box 478. Phlladelchla, Pa,
1 Hon.D.I.Brewer, Justice of U.S. Supreme Court.
I says : " f commend It to all as tho one great stand
ard authority."
the ease with which the eye finds the
in accuracy of definition : In effect
ive mctbcxlsof Indicating pronunciation ; In turns
and comprchonslvo statements of facts and In
practical uso as a working dictionary.
patfes, etc lent on application.
Publiihcn, Springfield. M
lai.,V. S. A.
ancl I? Streets
Lincoln Steel Range
J pWa-ayoar vita aaj laaid WarraaM tha
trW stHkluf slurs sna4a. f Wa ass tha Terr Ual
ol4 rtlM patrat WreWJ atsal, aaj lias tf ery ltaa
vita asUatoa as4 siewl , aktaa snakes H ltaMub) ts
sat Ira la fast flow. TWy ar aaa.Uoata, attraetlra,
p-lsMlas ia i-atterm aaJ d toll abt naiai4.
b'ira aa tiadi vt al last a lite
llsna, Matl m ioaor, anS4 aa wmt. Tssj
ta aiy as sail tasa Us Marf oa stSTm.
II loaf shH Siwa aot aaadia Ueas as
aleaa greal aiaiiaka, Writs ts aa aas
sal r-rvtuts a aai lot los la U$ p al
praaatls sms,
BAtckst.lI Broi, Mix. Co.,
ralroalss lua laJastrf-iaaia la Mekrasx
la. WaMstyaa laitata tnwrsw lasst
aM El rrs (usraaie 4 Uasnta, aa4
tsooaaaJs a4c aat lUaam pssjsJ aa
laattoa git Uias a4 lUalasraai Osilsa
or any other j ladie who wish to work
working for us in spar time at horn
on oar cloth. W offer yon a good
chanc to make plenty of spending
money easily, In leisure hoar. Send
12c for cloth and full direction lor
work, and commence atone. Cloth
aent any where. Address
Wlnoosket Ce., (18 B.) Hasten,
affg. Depot.
141 So. 12th St. Lincoln, Neb.
Gold Alloy Filling.. ....$1.00
Gold Filling. . i .$1.00 and up
Gold Crowns. . , .$5.00 and up
Set Teeth.... ...,$5.00
Best Teeth. f .....,$8.00
RIGGS, The Dentist,
' 141 So. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb
SHIP ....
Tlie 0!.esf
Hid Hons.
920 R
y -
Lincoln, Net.
M)cSvrapo( Flffi. ...... ................
ifts Talcum Powder
1 Hooiis' 8arsaparllla.....
ft Wise of Csrdnl
1 1'lokbam's Vegetable Compoand...
Mo Carter's Uttle Mver fills
1 Ayer's Hair Vigor....
lie Uoeebee's Oeruss Syrup
60e De Witt's On MlnoU Cough Byrup
1 Waltud Milk ,
II Kemp's Bsltam,,.,...,
60e Hhllob's Coneumptlon Cars...........
It Periisa
91 s. s. a.. .....,...
SI EniulelonCod iTTerOll""!.'."..'.'..'!!!
1 lleef Iron sod WlneToulo...
35e(irlKs' Olyoerlue Halye,....-..,
f .7fto
Oe Orer'e Tea , ...
I Mllee' Nerrlae.
1 Palne's Celery Compouud. ......
$1 Kilmer's Swamp Itoot ,.
$1 Pleree's Karorlte PreecrlptloTJ...,
me ueac j onie ,
All Other f 1 Patent Medicines
All Other 600 Patent Medivines ,
All other 2.' Patent Medicines
Pins Machine Cantor Oil, per gallon....
Pine Machine Lubricating Oil, per gal
Pins Machine Ulack Oil
, 660
ADtt-Pljr-liope, to leep ott files oa cattle
and horses, per gallon S1.00
Lowest Price Drag Store la Llnsoln. Neb.
0 years eiperience In tb Drag Badness.
Tbat means something.
Chicago or the East?
Tbe Through Express From
Via Omaha
Chicago Express from Kans. City
In addition to Pull roan Weepers, Fres
Chair Curs, and tha iteat Dining Car Ser
lew in tba World, arseqaippad with
furnished in club style and supplied with
latest periodicals, illustrated papers and
a select library of recent fiction.
Colorado or the West?
Faat, earriea dining cara and Pullmaa
sleepers. Lr-aves Omaha 6:40 p. m.t
Kansas City 0:30 p. m.j Mi. Joarpu 4.60
n. inland arrive al Denver and Colorado
riprintrs neat morslnK.
Fkiustmx. E. W. Tnniiraoit
U.r.AT.A..lhloaco. AO. J '.ATA.,
Tope , Kana,
Fc II. pAaica. C. I'. A T. A.,
Lincoln. Nebraska,
Conservatory oi Music.
Tas beet and t aeaee achool el sauak)
la thsstati haviuc the lart aumtr
p pupils dunuar tae past yer, IWad lor
iUaaUOtted soareatr aalajogaa.
( I.LMfcNH atOVtl'M, Dimlor,
13th and L Streets,
Ya Most Popala JUsort W las n b
l4Tno Oooio.M
141 S. Iltltt.
Utuia. Nlrssli.
fee Um Mies na
eS ImA
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