The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 03, 1899, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 12
The Speech of Oovraor Foyater to the
First Kebraake Wba They landed
. at Fran!.
"As the official representative of tbe
great tate of Nebraska, which we all o
much lore Bad within whose bordere are
our homes, I come to offer 70a , tble
greeting, and to welcome you upon your
return to your native land. With pride
tbe people of Nebraska eaw you depart
and their prayere and good wish '.went
with yon. With Joy thil yonr re
turn and award to you due prats and
honor for tbe plendld manner in wbicb
you have acquitted yourselve and ad
ded new luster to the already bright
name of Nebraska.
"When you entered tbe eervice of onr
country no needed question were asked
a to either your religioue or political
flow. You went out pledged to do your
dutv. and all the people ol Nebraska are
croud of you today, since upon no ocas-
. . ar a m.a. m
ion did you ever tan in line 01 amy. w
them, duriug all these long, weary
moutbi, you have been Nebraska boy,
And ratnruiuir now you are thought and
spoken of ae Nebraska boye In whom all
the etate feel a parooname pnue. adu
hen voa reach Nebraska you will And
prepared for you there such a welcome
ae whs in eome uixcuiuiv iuuiv w
tbe gladness to wnicn your uoin will
ing is bailed by nil tbe people. You will
find there, ae when you went away every
bade of religion sentiment euch ox can
be found in every progressive country,
You will find. ae when you went away,
HitfurenniMi and nartiee contend
ng with tbe same earnestness for the
maintenauce of party policies which
. ...... ..i...nif.rlruil KuhruMkM. in-
PIITV T vui ''
telllgent people, but upon one aubject.
limn t .firrv creed aud OftODltf of r.nelV aff Ufl1 rninfther. with no di
vision of sentiment. Ibey are all proud
't'ltrhtinir iirst.
"The military arm 01 our government
ieof entirely dinereut cuarucier iruw
tbat of other nauous. u"w
nor baa it ever been our policy to detieud
upon a standing army. Wben need
arise for military equipment a response
bae alwaye been irresistible because they
are composed of men wboare tbemeelvee
apart 01 that government they are
rain. An a nation we
take pride In the gloriou deed of our
.... ha hniiiit ol '70. Of their
own will they took up arme in tbe cuue
01 human lioerty, ano naving wrrBiBu
bv their lirav-
.n.iHna J ha riirht to eatab Una a
MJiUIi"1""0 ,
government and ebow to tbe world a
hu Inld ilnwn their arm and
took up tbe task of building tbat gov
ernment and of making tbat flag tbe
standard of power ae it wae the emblem
oflreedom. Again in 1812, our lather
left the peaceful walks of ciutenebip and
L'nirlanll a. lirntMP TOMDeCt luf the
rights of tbe young republic upon tbe
high eeae.
Thu mlohtv armlea wbicb ettrwa in
thAt awful etruu;ale in '61 and '05 on
both sides were volunteer soldiers, and
imwinuin Nn auch contiict hiid
. L. ...I 'I'htt Ann n At
ended, tbe government 01 Washington
eusiained, ibo ctornal principU-s of the
iw-i.tru.tlnn nl Indenendence made toaD'
.in vtv 1 1 1 bfvm -
Dlytoall men without disiiuction of
color or conuiuoo, our uug 01 miy raiuu-
nu lliu urliiriiiim vmlilHin til lilNtrtV.
imuuu can -
those greut araiiee disbanded and took
op the peaceful pursuits of cititensbip.
k 11 huinpi rxi-nriU no braver or (minder
army enduring the bardsbip of camp
and Held, nor Levtercillfns returning to
, tbe wulk of private lift. It has ever
,1. l.jmi4E nl niir H'tiiihliit ttmfc In
UWtTU 111. Iiuu. w, - - -
tunes of war every cilii -M is a soldier; in
times of pesos svery soldier is a ciiio-u.
Our government is foumled opon the iu
telhgeuce of its iteople. rhst intelllguue
la uowhere dixplayeti to better aursa
tavs than In our volunteer army.
"Men of the First Nebraska, you bav
again demonstrated the fighting qunli
tiesof th Amerioin vuluulesr. Your
stats stands first lit lbs rauk of brand
Inblliveni-tt of all the sisterhool of
utss, and no regimen outrank you
iu bard servif ol aU who answered the
eall of 'lH Your dteiinatsd rauk tes
tify to your Isitbiul diseiiargM o( yuur
duty as soldiers, and as the chief eieeu
tlv of your state 1 say to you, .Ntbrk
Is pruu'i of her sous. Wails we riieml
glad grstttng nMin your returu to
your native land, with sorrow we mis
mauy aho u nvrr riur to u.
Young Iivm lull of proioiMt bsvs gi,a
out aud for these w luoura. Hal ihey
till will not b lorg.iUen. VVsea ths
spring llin coairsaud our isniJ aatlter
In stivw H r aooa th Jos J tf
l aul tt Us young ro ol 'Wit and
'Vltaiil im fii,inlrl. IU grablt
all asd Ik taarbw enltima aiil In
rard Ik their a smofV, but Iks uinr
Utttag aonuiueat el l bs la lk bri of
4 Matu4t ol thi auwra4e asd
Mia will tMHia 4 t yurwtif Iks
ry ol i ur rssil shfh yua bars
ik a w its sura dilngibt ur to
your !!, and take juur l aiib
tks gtrmX busy ikrosg aboar bmlbsg
M bf aieal pubillasllkna a4
vet.i4g br roM'. wtttty
etta yosr atsiaav) la Um ob. Nutb
leg p so wvb la Us4 t-U a h,
tfw4 attaJ4 at a. ti i ibtMgbl, mm
t4 eslbm. Ism tbat tb.a aho
bav aiUl link hai(y a4 !
. Ina t aif Ibst ba r rkri !-.
lb .-I tb ri Mbk will bt
! tWtoium aal lu;ali ia lb
rvts ol mnktj.
MAaait kn4 alia ul ear gt
lai, la UbaWnlall lni. ol oar
lai, la ews'i, bib rit4b aa l
iMtitial, I eita4 w Ibaak as4
baiiy apntiuui f.r ur 4aa4i4
bravery and tbe distinction you nave
brought to tbe state by your coueiut
and unwavering devotion to duty. 1
At tue conclusion three ternno cusvrs
and a tiger were given, aud tbe boys
marched to their camp.
Some of the principal howlers of the
republican party in Kansas have been
making an assault upon tbe oammin
sioner of pensions because be won C in
crease their dousIods. Tbeoomuiissioner
gets back at .them by giving their official
record. This is what be has to say 01
two of them.
II I'.maw mau a. niflinhur of the
11th New York, serving In Company if.
lie eniisiea us a arummer auu went iuiu
tbe army under tbe bounty act, receiv.
iug 40U for bis enlistment, lie re
ceives 14 pur month pension, the num.
tier oi nis pension wnutum
201430. lie enlisted under the Houuty
Actol Jan. 13; 1804."
"m, Uuller, too, enustea nnaer iu
bouuty act and received tbe bounty ol
flUO. Mr. Coulter was in Company 1,
KitLutlh lllinnla. Ha waa Deusloued Ob
der tbe act of 18'JU, which provides tbat
soiaiers sunuring irou permuueuv uis
ability, or m other words, total dlsubll
ity, shall be entitled to a pension. Uu-
. - ii..H..i..Hf h iliiiiiii.i.u I i.i.i kirn
Coulter's nanslou was reduced from ll'i
imp ifioniii. tha Miiiiiuub he received In
ths original issue, to oer month, lie
has complaiued about, tnis many times
and has louur been ruakintf an effort to
hays ths onulual amount restored.
"Mr (Viiihi.p haa twIiM been cited to
appear before an examining board but
be bae declined to do so. lie desires to
be reinstated without submitting to an
examination, wbicb is in violation of
tbe rules ol the department, rver u
uYumiiiuri anil ahnwn In tie totally dlS
abied then tbe pension would be restored
to tne amount nxea oy me mw,
(U nunruM uru iwinu (if that) kind
of patriots in tbe republican ranks in
James K. Jones, national democratic
chairman, is said to be one of tbe larg
mi atii nuira in inn cuuod cuiu-
oresa trust and W. J. Dry an is going
over tbe country oeoouueing triint.
Nntv if Mr. iirvan in cnoaen leaner oi re
form (ortMS in 1U00. will be be Willinu" to
hd.u ttxitiAu ttm ailn. If ha la
willing can bis atteranoes about trusts
be said to be sincere ana win amicracy
thna court hmroericv and irlve tbe re
publicans a club to pound reformers
witn. Btoue tyiara ana oioer aeuu
cratic leaders they say hold trust Cer
tificate. Nevertheless 1 surmise tbey
will "whoop up Bryan and Democracy
"just tbe same." It. uowlabo.
Harriett, Neb.
"It is said" tbat Bryan is worth a
nnarttr (if a million. "It is Said that
every fusion olilu'ul in tbe state house is
a thief and a defaulter. "It Is said"
thut mvurv man whu has advocated re
form Is a fraud aud a tbief. We publish
tbe above ju-t to show how far this "it
is said" can be used. Tbe next demo
emtio national convention will elect a
no nntifinal committee and a new
chairman as it has al ways done at every
convention inn it nn ever nem.
Hundred of people are flacking Into
Lincoln this week to attend lbs Kpwortb
Ixuuue. and there I no wonder tbat
tbey flock here, lor there are many din
tiiiituihed ministers and orators of na
tlonal fame who will be at tbe meetings
and entertain tbe audiences as audience
were never entertained her before.
Among the number Is t'bnplaln MeCttbe.
Liimolu 1'ark is white with teuts and the
street car line leaiting there is ovetll iw.
Ing with pnaaeng-ra. it seem that
every man who tan leave bis btiluwt
bus mad ui bi miud to take it in. Bo
side tbat o!e are coming from every
where. (Jo out and camp awhile.
TU tint . t tor tbe mustering out ol
tbe Mhrka boys is August .,
The sd)ettdet rmhatig with nar
ly svery lrw ail vr ,r la tbs sUI of
,Nt braks, Tbat alou ttul la soma
of lbaslWf eoualry tkh. It ba
Urn tb policy of lb aissaaetneat to do
thai, but lb poluy la liaU It bs
ebgdlf trout ol lb antairar ,l
oiMt-l tha small "r rttatii4.
Thrra W tot lying tatfor tt Tba l ktia
t'oualr lat r. Ia It htiri tl etMumas
ara tbivatktraui Iroiw tb pi-r, I o
tl Ib'ttt ara rrwMrd la tl, and on
of lb-si baa knrdi al ail. Via ts
ulao adtSSIsga In Ibet ae Its rt
tb I'ttttalf la-iVr, aal lb saa4
tag ol lb laWaba lo i b b
la a eMrtray thai oagkl M b rtra4
ia a4 S ral y taa Ikst, Tbai u
aui ike only pi by af ataaa I bat
la la li-a baU i am leg th . Iba
ltriiaig lbl itt-a Iftt-a ea.i m
tla lu tbe pif fra ktb Iba
Irasis ar lak. Tba tlbaa iltl oi
)l Is4is4l U vy larrr asd I
(tat a. tlwalol tty da'Ug b
)ar. It U an a aitr v tfidoof '
tiWHtat Ibat ibt prubxal. Nil II I
a wtstiM oi tt. A latj mW ol
haM la ibla sial Ibal raarial sstllef
Www Tb Utaa4t 0 bttaasl, ba
lh('ttiitb4l bt o is au pfiiy
Us Olvss ths Mails! Hsaa comssuws
gush a Blow Tbat Thry Batlr lata :
oiloua Umuetuda. )
The mullet head committee tbat re
cently visited Lincoln went op to tbr
oapltol one day last week and left a
document lying on one of tbe table In
tbe executive department In which tbey
ay: , ;.
"Tbe committee were unable to pro
cure the attendance of A. C. Crandall to
whom the first two warrants were la
med, to ascertain tbe amount actually
paid to him for rent, but giving the
benefit of the doubt (what doubt?) to
the voucbera as filed, and admitting
tbat 00 per month was tbe amount of
rent actually received by him, it will be
seen tbat f776.0 of the amount set
apart for tbe payment of bouse rent
baa been misappropriated by Qor. Hol-
cotnb, and your committee (whose com
mlttec?) would recommend that your
excellency (whose excellency?) refer this
matter to tbe attorney general with lu
ll ructions to take such step a may be
necessary to recover from Mr. llolcomb
tbe amount thus misappropriated."
. This committee could very easily have
found out if any money bad been mis
appropriated if tbey bad gone up to
the auditor' office and looked over tbe
public document there on file. But tbey
cbose to summon witnesses who knew
tbat these mullet beads bad no author
ity In law to administer oatbs or do
anything else. To this slanderous
charge Gov. llolcomb makes tbe follow
ing crushing reply; ,
As to tbe criticism wbich have been
made regarding tbe legljlativ appro
priation for bouse rent, I submit tbe
lollowlug statement:
Tbe legislature of 1889 first made an
appropriation for bouse rent for tbe
governor, it appropriated 13,000 for
tbe period of two years, lbe appro
priatlon became available April ), iBHO.
On the lotb of tbe same uionfb tbe en
tire sum of 02,000 was drawn by Gov
ernor Thayer, who was then chief execu
tive of tbe tifte, ibis sum, lor tbe re
mainder of bis term, was at the rate of
a little over 'J3 per mouth. I am not
personally informed whether the gov
ernor lived in rented property or occa
pled a residence of bis own. .
IiilNDl tbs legislature again appro
priated f ii,uuu lur tne biennum. Tula
sum, except $260, was drawn out by
Governor Thayer and Governor Boyd,
who each occupied tba executive chair
doring tne period covered by tbe appro
priatlon. Tbe funds appropriated were
drawn quarterly at tbe rate of $250 per
miarter of &Hl per month. Governor
Thayer drew $500. $260 May 12, 18U1,
and $250 November 6, 1801. Governor
Boyd drew $1,250, $250 being drawn
on each of the folio wintr dates: April
20, 1B0I; March 20, 1892; April 28,
1802; July 2, 1802, aud (September 20,
1802. Just what disposition wae made
of tbosu funds I am unable to speak
from personal knowledge.
Tbe legislature of 1803 made another
approprmtlon of $2,000, which was dis
approved by Uoveruor Crouuse, Gov
ernor Crounse did not, however, main
tain a family residence In Liucoln dur
ing bis term as governor.
Tbe legislature of 18U5 made an ap
propriation for bouae rent, but reduced
the amount from $2,0(l, tbe sum before
appropriated, to $1,600. 1 was then
After a thorough search for a suitable
reaidence, 1 selected property furniahed
aud ready for occupancy belonging to a
Mr. Craudall and situated soma feu
blocks from the capitol. 1 resided in this
proM-rty until the middle of Oetuber,
lhU.'i, and paid Mr. Crandall $00 per
month, aud drew only this amount of
money from the appropriation.
1 then fouud 1 could secure a more d
slrablu resiileuce proprty a block
lurtheraway, which t' ins and my fain,
liy seemed mora suilabla lo our neeila,
Ths bou was somewhat largt-r, ths
rooms (teller arranged and lbs grouuda
mui'b more spumous,
1 bo house, however, bad not been pro
videtl wub aioiltru con vanieeee. far
raiied with lb own re, Mr, wad Mr.
Gould, to tak Ibi property (or a year
tu ths condition In abied it ha wt
and to pay l hem iuriur .'IU far
mouth. I lurnlaued aud rvBilstt th
hou.e throughout aud was to pay for
all iaueaof repair, lmravamnia,
earing lor ami keeping up lb ground
ami tuil4ittg oa lb prMtt,
1 ki arrange utrat tMiiuu4 ualil b
rriti I r, Dd, or lliHuvr on yr,
I ilr Iruiu lb (proprfalitia for lo
au4 on hal MtoMb la I al lb rata
ol I'll orr bio lk, lb a mi a no iu I I
bsl utvu it.toig Mr, Iran Jail !
trout Ins approp'iatlua lor I Him ft5t,
or a Intra ovr H pr atoalb.
I aa saal'la la Ibwa, and aa sow,
bo Nty aelton la lbn har4 aould
Oti srtik'Uai il, by lb kau-, aaa
saativt iu rr a atora sutiahbs aa4
ll4;tor I ri4iea Htriy and al a
batlaft4ilr trttta) iba pfonat toa
I baa I a eiaiW4 la pay la tb lrl
1 4i4 aul drtg ibni ts ilrsw
ol lb sffoi lloa I has I a a lf
altllad lu. 1 4 , I 4ra baa Ma I
atib bi 4o aub wfivai pniy.!
a4 l,r if ilba lb ialaaltoa aaJ
! iil of Ua apkmtf talkta aeb.
I a lb ttail itl 1 VMt I b 4 tuna tbstfi-a
.! la lbe pru a4 a$sbi Uftbaf
airaaasMseai eub Mr, ),Mti4 M lb
aata4ui"ravy of tba pratwiaaa,
lrag lb fsaf 4 SU pa! bits ft
Ibsa-aiul I trai tlatt, sr $i tm
.mil, f m? lag fxr rMir, els. I
drew this amount and no more from tbe
appropriation for this year.
At the close of 1807 we made some
further changes and remodeling of tbe
premise and I arranged for the occu
pancy of the earn for another year tor
the sum of $50 per month. During the
year 18118 and until tbe close of my
term of otllce 1 drew from the appropria
tion $)U3.tt0. I paid to Mr. Gould as
rental this entire amount, except $25.16
which I paid out for nrcesaary repair.
These appropriations were not drawn
In advauoe, except during tbe year 1806,
when I paid rental ia advance to Mr.
Of tbe first appropriation of $1,600
$100 was not used by ma and lapsed
Into the treasury. At tne close oi my
term of office there remained unexpended
nl fliawMvinH atitirnnrlatlon ,50(1.70. or
total uuexpeudi'd sum of tbe two ap
a. tt at . t. . . A . J
propriations OIiouo.YU. jenaearoreu
to use these appropriations as economic
ally as I would my private funds and
feel tbat I bav don so reasonably well.
I bave ueed far less per month than
any other governor of the state. Had 1
followed tbe precedent set by my prede.
censors and drawn all tbe appropriation.
1 presume I would have been applauded
ns uaving oone a very proper net vj
those who are now criticising.
I It the contemptible littleness tbat has
been displayed by tbe gentlemen respon
sible for the false reports aud a partisan
press should prevail, It probably would
ha vu luiun huttur for ma to have IO IIS to
the suburbs of tha city, rented modest
cottage of nveorsix room ana main
tained it aa tb resldeuce ol tb ohltjf
executive of tbe state. But I do not be
lleve such Is tbe spirit of th (air-minded
nsuti oi the stats, nor was it ins in
tention of the logiilatur making tb
appropriation. Him A. llobcoMB.
Lincoln, 3eb,, jniy 27, !.
f 1 1.. 1.1. UU 1uOO
T um ,u,iiiulnti.rl with sc.Gavornar
Holcomb and have known bim slaoe bis
election a governor, and more inti
mately iww be has been residing in
property belonging to us and situated
e I7i(l A straHt. Ms besran residing in
this property tb middle of Oototter,
1805. I bav read til public tate
nmnf. uniler rlate of Julv 27. current
monib, regarding tb use and rental of
this nrortertv while flroveroor. and tbe
payment of rent and the expense of
repaiis, etc, therefor, and find tbe same
to be true and correct in an respects.
Ciuumc M. Gould.
KsasBdlturss fur Kant.
V I'lia folUialnir (a a statement of ar
nrnnrl&tiona mada bv tba legislators of
Nebraska to pay house tent (or tb
governor ana expenuiiures dious irom
ussme: . , .....
Appropriation for the ' '
biennum April i,
180, to March 81,
1801 $2,000 00
April 16, 1880, John .
M. Thayer, war
rant No. 62313 1 9,000 00
Appropriation for bi
enninm April 1,
1303.... 3,000 00
April 20,1801. Jame ,
Y Bovd, warrant
No. 64887 $250 00
Mar 12, 1801, John
M. Thayer, warrant
No. 65404 -250 00
Novmnber 6. 1891,
John M. Thaver,
warrant No.OOJU 7.. 250 00
March 26, 1892,
Jame K.Hoyd.war-
raut No. 71105 . 250 00
April 28, 1 802, Jame
K, Bovd, warrant
No. 71407 250 00
July 2, 1802, James
K. Bovd, warrant
No. 7i0t2 250 00
September 20, 1802,
James B Unvd, war
rant No. 72 170....a...250 00-1,750 00
Balance lapsed back
Into treasury........
Appropriation for the
$ 250 00
Wen nu in April I,
1MI5, to March 31,
1807 $1,600 00
May 3, 1803, Anna C.
Ciandall, warrant No.
Pull 4 $180 00
Jul II, 1805, AenaU
Cran.f ail, warrant No.
twiau l0 00
Heptemlter HO, 103,
Hilas A.lloliMntili,ar.
ranlNu.UUHJJ ., 180 00
Mareh 6, lautl, Hila
A. lloltHimb, warrant
No, I2U1 3W 00
A. otf iwth, warrant
Nu UT.VfJ 850 00
Augu.t 2T, 107, Hila
A llitiuih, warraal
So. Il I AT I ........ I ao 00-1,810 00
Palane UpatMt bib
lata I rur.r ....... $ 100 01
Approiriatiia lr lb
lin-sttiaat April I,
IftUT, li Mrvb 8 1,
NU0 $1,601 m
i;i'KMil! itij.
IwawtttUe 91. Iii7,
ltiA H.a.'.iatlsaar
rial HI IUl .... 1 100 0H
Uf yrt, aj. Mia A.
luMHb,aarral Mk
Pill It S50 00
Aai a, I tut, Kit I.
. . . . .
iiimvutinvarraai ,
irtMtvr )ll,hwi.Mtlaa
too oa
a. mwwnB, aarrast
i 3a w0
Jasuari , UI,
A . Iliibttiatbi, aartaat
i av on an
4aa it
6o4 TO
(iVatiaaa4 a IVta rga)
News of the Week
Tb home coming of th First Ne
braska ia tb only new tbat tbe people
of tbl state bav been interested la dur-
ngthslast few day, The Transport
which brought them back cam through
tb Golden Gat on loat Saturday night.
Governor Toynter and hi staff wentout
In a boat in the middle of tb night to
give them greeting. Tbey did not land
until Monday morning. Tbe nature of
tbe greeting that tbey received I de
scribed by Germain Towle in a pedal
dispatch to tb World-Herald a follow:
Han Fralcisoo. Cat , July 31, -At 0:80
tbl morning tb men of tb First Ne
braska and Utah batteries marched out
to the covered trausport dock to meet
an ovation of which tbey perhaps bad
little dreamed, a deafening demonstra
tion wbich balled and welcomed tbem
through tbe street and all the three-mile
wev to the 1'resldio. v
A early, a o o eiocg inecommana
was formed upon we wnan in neavy
mnrcbiug order, to be reviewed by Gov
ernor I'oynter, and General Barry, while
all Ban Francisco waited Impatiently.
Outside Mrs, Van Felt, out ol a bug
basket of flowers, placed a bright bou
quet opon every dingy blauket roll.
The governor and bin stuff and tb
regimental staff, and field officer were
mounted on spirited cavalry horses,
while six ambulance were filled with
men who were not able to stand tbe long
march,' . . .
Four batteries of tbe Third artillery,
together with their band, acted a an
escort, under command of Captain I'ratt.
They were niungiy aesisiea vj a
mounted troop of tb (sixth cavalry,
Colonel Stotaeuberg' old , regiment,
which. In parade front, stood at present
arms while the regiment passed.
Next to tbe escort came uovernor
I'ovnter. with General Barry and an or
derly, bearing tbe blue silken state flag.
Tbey preceded Colonel Mulford aud bi
tsff adjutant, Wbsdon. Major Hnyder
aud Lieutenant sicbaugmin.
The regiment, beaded by tbe band, fol
lowed In company front order of bat
talions. Lieutenant Colonel Krtger com.
mauding tbe first, Majar Taylor tbe
second and Meior Kllliaa tbe third.
Tbe Man FrancUco committee of ar.
rangemeut bad relay of men on watch,
and simultaneously witn tne oror 10 do
vin tb march, whistles, bells, steam eat
hopes aud mammoth siren burst fortb
In tremendous uproar all over tbe city
and bay. . -;'??;
Tbe people crowded aooui me oock n
trance, set up a wild cheer that was
nassed In arowlnff volume up and down
tbe densely packed line ae tbe bead of tbs
column end tne nrsc companies marcnea
fortb. Tbe baud played, but th wel
come from thousand of throat drowned
the music.
A t tbe foot of Market street tb dense
crowd was a jm. Window and roof
were peopled with face that seemed all
open month ana waving nag, ury
uoods boxes were oiled, in tbe street.
Blockaded cable cars wero peopled over
with a wriggling humanity, and irora
their place of vantage men and women
yelled rnemseivefl noarse ana waved
tbeir arm weary.
Many wept unconsciously while nthun
derous refrain echoed untiringly, "Wel
come, Nebraskb, welcome home."
Two blocks farther on tbe men were
docked, with flowers, ecnrrwi and much
used weapon of war were filled to tbe
muztle with bright blossoms of pea.
They held tbeir lip tight shut, looking
as though tbwy, too, wer nearer tears
than smile.
Gun boomed amiably from tbe top
of sky scrapers, the cheering grew to a
mighty thunder and many a lace tbat
was never known to chanae color under
Kgrew as pals as tbe white (lower in
Ir button boles.
Hun Francisco seemed to have gone
mad, all business was suspended. Deal
ere in fire-arms sent their employe nut
with guns aud bowitsera to add to the
general cry of tbaukfulness.
Th tall Examiner building waa bung
from baseitwct to roof with hundred ol
train of tlrtcrHcker that eis ta t i ff at
out. When the men beard their sharp
rruckle, tbeir eyes snapped for the first
time. They nudged each other excitedly
with their el bo as.
"Uulguiuio," said one; "Marilaa,"
whispered auolher. "Ttmt's February
Fourth over awaiti, Mlow," shouted ths
irrepreaaibla liiiehoiMik of company U.
"Hounds ruora hk Q iiiiga, aha tbs
eolonel killed," objected a voice
Inn "Il "
Near lbe Cbronlrfe building hardware
merchants ad UU Rianulaeturvr wer
making gol u ol Innr aarea, I hurt h
ball asd pliis- wr Ritiuaied la evert
(mat wiadow Imta sidewalk to nlib
story, ami al furiouaty goiug, Htnasa
ol brlla rest bing fruai lb rHjf lo In
sidewalks iegttftteoaMauiialy, t
arre inarta ol Vast biiUr ettvar and
bala lo lb Hut of lb utarvbisg (tail
sWps, 1biMi ahiaitva a4 sirttaa,
low, vaugnl b a tea aura id b niareh
a4 tHii4 la asUxta bk lb angbtj
throi, ol a sr-al disuu
rioou a rur ir, a 'l'b-r,
rf barstlioas tb tbouaaad 4 ikrtttl
Mi,t bv sUI, s arrb-4 ty tb eohir g rd,
tb lathrvd ettiur aa4 lb rrft
Htaalal tssbtr4 tl la ettbtr, bab IM
pMt4o( S'tifaak ir!4 In tba rag.
ataai a )r aam flat haul lor a,
l prua4 laiwt rataala. alieeliviy
ry aw4 wa bar. I, taa biud ibtr
tat, aoitteN lnrit Ibatf b 4 bua
at asd aavtj Iba mi Itaal brail tub
lf la IbtMVete.
H bil bttiretf ttid avaayvlM lU wad
.ralr, a4 itb Itabiagsjs lara4
Hi atar'b brbea'M botl Ibasu of
rtatiMar lta ul r gtia bf
(ia lbM i4 loday la tb sla4y IraaitH
ril of lbe bay kw or evattsg
'J tba flaf.M aM4 true
month to mouth along tb line of maroh.
"Tb flag that was never defeated,"
came the leeponse and tb cheering wa
"l'ou can so bow much rvk she
has seen," said men proudly to each t
other, for It was thtir country ' flag.
Atone place a large banner banging
above tbe street bora tbe portraits of ,
Colonel Btotsenberg and Mulford, with
the words: ' Welcome Nebraska and
Utah battery volunteer."
Offioer and men saluted tb Ilkenes
of tbeir martyred commander reverently
in poaaing, , ' -
Tb ambulance following found tbrir
way a path of rose. Men did not cheer
much a they passed, tbey lifted their
bat and were silent. Bat thousand of
women ralred tbeir voice in sbrill hur
rahs, the sweetest sound tb soldier
bavs heard in many a month.
Immediately following cam the Utah
battery, marching along in triumphal
procession to ths Presidio. ; '
Gkhmaink Towle.
Interview with most of th officer
bav been published. Tbey ail agree
tbat It will take year of war and th
sacrifice of many live to conquer tb
Filipinos, Col. Mulford, after tb bard
fighting and losses of tb regiment said;.
"I don't mind saying. Just tb earn,
tbat tbey don't want any more service.
Only on, man re-enlisted wben the
chance wa offered. I don't eareaboat
criticising any one, only I think tbi
regiment got more than it fair share
of bard knock." . 4 1
Lt. Col. Eagar said: "I do not beiiev
tb Insurrection will be broken for v-
eral years, though a rebel army may
not again take tb field. Army orgocl
satlouie nbt tb Filipino' trong point"
Major Killisn said: "Uundreds of
live bav been uselessly aacrificed ia tbe
last few month be csuss tb aataoritioa
persisted in accomplishing through cms
and rifles what a rapid-fire gun would
bave done ia half th time without any
of tbe loa of life. It 1 a abam and aa
outrage that tbi is true. Everyon
know tb fact, Bom on i responsible
and should be held so. Tb live of men
are not lightly to be throws away." - -
Capt. Arohersaid; "1 can't ay any
thing too good about f b jomparoy. . It
bad tbe most men on tb firing line cl
any regiment. At Calumplt it fore
wa down to thirty-five men, sot half of
then fit for duty. The entire army aaa
a It wont plight at Calumplt. Tk
twelve companies of tb reglmat4
not oontola 300 men all told. Only
fourteen officers were tben on duty, ail
tbe rest being sick. I wonder Jbat tba
First Nebraska exist today oaao or
ganisation. Instead of being given rest
after we got back from Calumplt, tb
regiment wa marched up and through
Manila to Bau Pedro Macari, where it
remained on outpost duty until it was.
placed aboard tbe Hancock." . .
Many of tbe great dailies bare sent
special correspondent to Wan Francisco
to write up th landing. Every state in
tbe union desir to share in tb glory
won for tb fighting American volunteer
by tbe First Nebraska. Tbe Chicago
llecord bas tbe folltwing about twp ol
it officers: "Tba Nebiaakona earn
home filled with revenue for tha mem
ory of the gallant Btotsenberg tb col
onel whose heart waa pierced by a Fill
piuo bullet while he was leading bi regi
ment la a desirate cbarg at th batik
of Tonga. Tbey beiiev be waa' tb
greatest soldier of tbem all. Before tb
first battle In which the Nebrasksns
wsre engaged Btotsenberg waa person
ally bated by nearly every inaa la lb
rsgimeut. II cam out of tbat engage
ment their beroA leader whom tb
tank add tU of ail lU rrgi.Trntl would
bave followed into the tanuoa' mouth.
Ou of tba moat interesting proeagra
on tbe liaaeork is Ueut Colonel F.agr,
wba. weal to Mslla a aOjuteatol Iba
lit battalion of Nebraska vuluateer.
Ksaer ia oely 26 year of age, lb
ytuugel oftbtr of lia raak la tber
vitM. Mr. Kagaf, lb eolouet' aablbaf,
bad eotae all lb way (row Lincoln, N.U.,
to wabMtnM fcr aoa,".
raia.Jeaaa IHaaaa lalai
Paaua, Auif. I. Tha ramor
garding h (or walioa of a t ataa
Jspaaaa atliaa ar sasnl-omasl!y
dsabtl. and tl I srt I thai lb sa
voys raaaaliy sa la Twkio wvra ap
iH,Ut4 sintjiir l saa la prove IU
Irisaaly iuiUas blwa lb powr
, AbaMtaal llafaiaaa
lirlfi-lks l'lky girl ( fully
lt, wsay-.YeAb asstuuliy
Hvsrt. IUtt-What tske ya taiak
at? Wi'r-Fi her sMrtwatat
I last pa! t'll4 rut i!lt
Tbe date at wkWb year eabseiVtl
b) mark. 4 o I hi wk't bm e4
ioa plN Tt aa4 if y gr
mar few sbeald aka ttat