The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 27, 1899, Image 5

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    July 27, 1899
. -In. -'v ' ' ,. ' '
"I pity the man who can travel from Dan to Beer
sheba and say 'tis all baren and so it isand so is all
the world over to him who will not cultivate the fruits
it offers." There are people who live and observe
nothing of what is going on in this world. These are
people who buy of Jones because father did. Yet Jones
charged you one-third more for his clothing thaa you
could have gotten them for elsewhere. We want 'you
to wake up, shake yourself, and buy your clothing
where you can buy it the cheapest. In a few days our
Fall Catalogue will be ready for mailing and vie want
to send you one. We want to show you the difference
between the Nebraska's clothing and other stores
clothing. You won't get a Catalogue if you don t send
us your name. They cost too much money to throw
them away. Take a postal card and address it to the
Nebraska Clothing Co., Omaha, Neb., write your name
and address on the back that's all; not much trouble
to get sach a valuable book.
Ivervtbinir that can be done lor the
First opon tbelr return to thi country
r by the official of the state will be done.
Governor Foynter ban sent tbe
adjutant general and a member of bin
tall to Sao Francisco to look after tbe
welfare of tbe boya ae soon a tbey
landed. The governor baring read bow
tbe Oregon rolnnteera were left to Buffer
I 11 I J I ,L. A. f - . U . a. , n , A Ml
IB IB! Will DIKUV loa VI uanw, pi.
a tboueand dollars In b! pocket and
started blmwdf. If one of tbe boye !
, foood to be Buffering, la tick and needing
delicacies or want aoy article of cloth
Ing, be will provide It on tbe epot wltb-
oat any red tape busineee being connec
ted wltb It.
Tbrough tbe negligence of Melktejobn
large number of tbe officers bare not
received tbelr commissions, som of
wblon were mad three montb ago,
Governor Foynter ha been "driving at
tb war department In every way con,
etaotly, to get tb commissions to tbe
Oflser o that they could draw pay ac
cording to the rank ibat they bold
Some eargeant bar been made lieoteb
aat and especially to tbem tb matter
Is of very great Importance. There bave
been o many promotion and change,
that nearly every officer In the regiment
now hold ble commission from Qr
ernor Poynter. TW republicans bar
done a great deal of shouting about
loyalty aod their love for tbe First, but
when it baooiB to doing anything for
tha hnu tha ha. laft thai far Mini
r naa alas. All the tnnda have been raised
by fusion paper tb World Herald
alone ralxlng many thousands of dollar
and all tb appropriation have been
forced through by the same. They
wonld like to have sent tbe boys that
f 6,000, but tbe republican In the leg!
latere having a majority, It was found
to be impossible.
Last Saturday after many disappoint
ment caused by Melklejobn's neglect,
va giiTrruur RU buiuuiiij iruui nwir
' - .1 r w u
Ington tocrdit tbe boys with pay of
tbe rank tbey bave been holding. Tbe
ofluial oomniunlcation received Satnr
day were as follow:
July 22d, 1899.
Bon. II C. Corbin.
Adjutant General,
Washington. D. C
Order ieud today dating Onsh, Dorr
aad Whit commissions from September
eixeenih elabteen hundred aud ninety,
elubr. Would order covering all po.
bl similar oases meet approval oi war
darttuent Foynter.
Washington, D. C, July Slid, 1809.
Governor Pointer,
Liuoolu. Nb.
Telegram received. In cases where
aoamae exist and officers promoted
thereto are a-lgned to and enter opon
dty In the higher grtes More com
mlealona are iaaued, eorumisalona or ap
point may be made or amended so as
to dats from entry upon duty.
H, C. fount",
Aeji. Unl.
This work of th governor will now re
sult la the cnjoilaalooed and ton com
wia4uu-J oflieer uf (be First reueiviaa
aeveral hundred dollar that they would
Ot have received but forth' persistence
oa tb part of lb governor. Melksjoko
beta hie record with th Christmas
bot aad b baa kept op that style ever
There wee 00 troubl dowa la Tiaa
to M4v-a4i-ttlr, They simply pal a
tax utlfliloa them la every oty
wbrwtby did beale-. Hut Ib-y eVt
14 any way to sap) ib trt they
ay. They sboald beappv-4 Just as
a4lya tb pIWr 4 by tb very
a. Thi try that we eaa't
Ppraae the irast I all eaat a4 iota-
Thellarh lUssa bara sum lata to
4 net a Urga aaioaat 4aojttra4
VtwaMag tbe ! M of I'aba. Tbrs
ha he a tr 4l-epiabH dl
koeeat a4 wtaUsal eahal rtaMbe4 la
asy .airy than Ut Marl llasaa
bar. lby a bt last t 4bh
hwtabot waly ae trjleg to .
lata th ktaa 4 , hat In t a
bt ipwa A htaur a4 ou4
Ciliihateaa twvr h l4, l'oa
-M 4r4 that lU h as 4 vf rifhl
ought to be free, and tbl nation pledged
It honor that It would not exercise
authority or remain In ths Island longer
than wa necessary to pacify and estab
lish a government therein. Now tbl
cabal undertake to violate tbe plodged
word of tbl nation, to bring It to dis
honor and shame. If ' that gang got
tbelr just desert tbey would all be
branded with a hot Iron so that all men
might know who would make of our
glorious republican outcast among hon
orable nation.
When tb Stat Journal get tired of
lying about Iloloomb, Allen and Unci
Jake and hasn't anything els to II
about, U lies about th weather. Lust
Sunday It editorially Informed tb mul
let beads that that day wa to be rainy
and cooler. Itwa tb dryest, hottest
and altogether tbamoat mlsorabls day
of tbe season.
Tb mullet bad agree that liar
meyer can control tb pric of augar,
Rockefeller tb pric of oil, tb steel and
Iron trust tb prlo of those metal, tb
match trust tb price of matches, and
any other trust th pric of any other
thing, but denle that tb wbol United
State can control tb pric of silver.
Thou mullet bead mak a man tired to
latea to tbem
When poor men refuse to longer fight
tb battle of tbe world there will b no
more war. Tb rich were never known
to fight a battle yet. There 'la not a
millionair In tb wbol United State
army eioept on. That I Carter, II
naver did any fighting and wa dishon
orably dismissed from th ervloe mor
than a year ago for stealing, but llcKln
ley refused to appro v tb sentenoe.
' Not all tb democrat In Nebraaka'ar
of tb Paplllion Time and Plattemontb
Journal variety by any meane. In fact
tbere seems to be very 1i of that var
iety. Tbe Adam County Democrat, af
ter referring to that kind of democratic
mule that our dear friend Edgar Howard
repreatnta, remark that: "Any a pen
sion cast upon Holcomb or Allen, from
whatsoever source, is an affront to tbe ,
faion party of Nebraska that ha bon-1
ored th two, and will not be tolerated'
1 Tbe business manager of this institu
tion has bung up in tbe office an en
larged faoeimll of tbe Declaration of
Ind'-pendenoe, Tb bu-ioeaa manager Is
a lite la American (in stature) but if any
Imperialist attempt to tear that Decla
ration down, be will find that tber la a
lotufflgbt In bim. What makes tbe
matter worse, h ha bung Bryan' pic
ture right over It, because, b ssys, that
on illustrates ths other.
It la averted by tbe Washington Tost
that hi cK id ley smokes 85 to 80 cigars a
day, each costing' 80 urate. Hm e
peueea lor cigar alon amount mor
than !f a day, It I no oos't baala
how Mi K10U7 spend hi mosey (hat
ia hi private affair hut every man, wo
man and child ia th Uaited Hiatt baa
haaaa Interest la how th effort of th
attoa are eoduoie4, A good aiaay uf
taew brlirv tnat the awoUaa aoabet
preaitleat ehoiild be seal to some Moras
a'ory aaiU he baa rver4 Irom th-a
dvbuctiry, Tkeeoiniitb-r of th r
ail bol4 ant at la trval Hum b ia.
apacttatatl by lbs tutntreu kabil.
Thaaly drleo. of Mr K lab lor bvv
waraiHiath tllipteo aiibuat aaihor-.
tiyul eoagra Mtkat haaaa tadaiy
tMa4 to pet-at law as4 r4 la
lata UUmla. I.a Bkd IMilvf m.m o
teuliiKt all over th rMi4e.fM.
by Ushllaley hat bt lbalaSataaia,
lksoaij iPtnlorf v wkVb Mt K steV
rtes k a In 'to irp a4 MasiU a4
a tuaa of la tiftf M4. Awot.g
lb Olfcrf a,iMMI,iN4) lakaUtaal. iarw
4m aol ut to b aaf rHiiiag, ta
iraaimaol roiriy ir taial ul taai
Mwlrlasta, 1M all tbe !Waa a.a.l ia l
V 4 tka lahawaa taberv ut
tto st'ldwra ia tk aetaslal ,
Iba bws ul ktita Mfbe a iaa Imi.
tbi-ra at a lousdtiMia b-f It ka.r.
21 F( fa naaeaoif
4LH twaj)af Woa
i 1 a aa,a a t-4
i be
kI'ttVlilLIIUJXi FR E Ga
Hardy's Column,
Nonsense Law Board of , Control In.
gersoll Is This a Free Country?
Recount Tbe Plea of Republicans.
The barbers' law and the undertakers'
law have gone Into effect. Wonder il
tbey will allow a man to shave himself
or place a wet clot h on the face of his
dead? Next thing tbey will not allow a
man to ride a wheel or drive a borne
without a license. 'We have too much
nonsense law all to help somebody up
and to push somebody down.
Tb board of control of all th state
Institutions of Iowa, from all accounts
bas proven a sul oes tbe first year, Tbe
Inmate have b en better oared for aud
a quarter of a million of the taxpayer
money saved. Uxjiense go down as
stealing are cut off.
We think tbe orthodox preachers are
rejoicing too loudly over tbe death of
Robert Ingereoll. That ume Ingersoll
baa don mor to eliminate Ignorant
Uerstltlou from tbe church than any
man living. Ignorance and superstition
bavs always been heavy weight upon
tbecbureb. Orthodox theology 1 at
variance wltb tbe theology of a few year
ago. Tb scripture are interpreted
verv difftTentlT today bv cburob leader.
Ingersoll bas helped la tbls reform bj
b i pleasant irony.
Counting In judge whom tb poople
bad elected by a larg majority was no
killing crime even If it bail been done,
Everjbodr admit tbe judge are needed
and tb republinaua tbeiuwilve made
three straw Judges and six wife Judges
all drawing good salaries, so putting in
two full ludites in ul -toe of these nine was
much better for I be taxpayer. Tb
people ar above tb constitution and
above tbe written taw. A majority can
win tb wbol tbing out A large ma
orlty voted tor th two additional
udite. w do not bav tb respect lor
udires and courts w one had and It is
not the mult of our own eitner. At it I
th tflxos ver and lover of luetic i bet.
teroi that the republican straw judge
and wife belpeisar cutoff and iusiiue
miles been u M court decision will be
less numerous.
W never made any pretention of
bonesty, ay tbe reauuiioan. w went
in for all w could pilfer and
teal and did steal on every corner p
sibis and will do so again if w ever get
control of the tat government
Rut you pop pretended you were honest
and were going to do tbe squar thing
bf tb taxpayer. It i mor of a crime
for yoa to take a penny than for a to
teal a million. Too need not think you
ar innocent becaue you only did what
we did. W ar republican and that I
a very different tbing from being a ' pop,
For rou to even threaten doing a
mean tbing or for u to accuse you of in
trading to do it l a far worsKonm than
for republicans to do tbam tbing a
docn times. I know we counted in an
amendment In 1HH5 that wa beaten by
thirty thousand, but whose buslnea wa
it but our. We got Bve dollar a day
after that Inst ex d 'f three, but what
busineee badyou to even talk ot recount
Inn. It I a terribl crime to bo charged
with evil Intent by republican. We
know you did not do It but you are
more guilty than wr would bav been
had w done it. W know Oen. Tba.ier,
wben governor, signed Disappropriation
bill of two thousand dollars for govern
or's bona rent for two year, tbu the
next dav drew tb wbol two thousand
and stuffed It down Into bis pocket But
what did we care what be did wltb tb
money. He was boarding at tb tlm
and bad no rent to uav. It will bow be
In order for Thayer to write a long let
ter skinulue Holcomb for taking $50 a
month to be spent In housing bimslf
and family and leaving th rest of ths
appropriation In tb treasury. It would
bave made the ibiug much worse had be
taken the whole two thousand at one
draw, ; It Is an awful crime for a pop
governor to do a high minded and
Mt.v republicans do. You will see
Thayer's letter, Johnson is going to help
bim. and they will cook every pop who.
rfareaitto tread io it publican tracks.
You sea tbe general knows bow It I him
self wltb Joe's help.
They lasaglaeThey ara a Committee an
Varna to Meeola to Cat Up
Uraiy Aatles,
Every man who kuows anything at a'l
about state government know that
an act muet be passed bv both branches
of tb legislature and sinned by tb gov
ernor, Ufore it become a Erea a
mullet bend ought to know that much,
but it seems that tbey don't Three
gentlemen appeared la Lincoln the other
day, and claimed that tbey bad author
ity of law to' mak aa Investigation,
subpoena wltaea, aad tak testimony.
Whea the facts wer looked ap It was
fouad that th law under which they
claimed to act wa pas! by only one
branch ot tbe bgUlat ara. It was avr
paeasd by the other braeb or signed by
tbe governor. Tb ulM head dally
aad all other muM head claim that It
la a vail4 law hut so man who ha rota
moaaeaas thiska o,
Tb tare mullet bead who ompn
tkleroBiMiileo aadertuuh to ubMja
I (loteraor llufeoain, aad abea h- rw
p4ite4 the they Mbajaae4 oa Ht
moa a4 wwa Usrt lluwa, Tbeaa two
dM(Sgia4 elate. ese latatlialely
reaHiaM. Wbra Wart Iloa a4 IU.
woa earna to Ibeir rUf, tb Urea wU
bt hewtathtmakt tbey had Iba world
by the tail, aad e-t aolbf sahporaa
taOuv, ll.tlattwb, Tbe the gufvf v
rul tbaia tb haioalsg Wlleri
T.i II.M). r M l'n s. II a J. II Vaa
!Mra s. Hum. Jamib H ! (! I.
I auhHilt Ibla ( ftl to la
niiag a a aiallrr t f ewlroitM
( o ua tit bav my itMi
asih'eJ He Mka4tl uf It atv ym-j.
tsaoy U-mhms I
wbila I tts y,.ar aik.iy la atsk
lb ptatiiwt lariWatHMi la abea. !
ksiiaa4. esl rnsiMh' ia
ahigay sa b tavtu;,v hat
assumed to bear witnesses, receive testi
mony, aud give tbe same publicity and
I insist upon my right to submit this
statement which concern only reference
that have beeu made to me or my offl
rial actions by those who have appeared
I notice by the pres that one 13. L. Si
mons, who has been before you, makes
the statement that "so far as be kuew,
Governor Holcomb knew nothing about
it." referring to tbe ulleged frauds of
which he batl been speaking.
Then, at tbe suvgestion of Mr. Prout,
be is led to say that he did bave a tulk
with me at my otfloe retarding some
ballots from Fremont In Dodge county,
In which I was made to siv: "1 am sorry
you told ms this, beoause I do not want
to know anything about it"
Whether tbe statement wa mad by
this man Klmous voluntarily or at the
uggestlon of a member of this alleged
committee, 1 wisb to brand It a entirely
devoid of truth, with no fact whatever
upon which to bos su b a statement
Tbere Is not In il a auntenne, word or
letter that ha in it a particle ot truth.
It is a diabolical falsehood, mad out of
wbol cloth,
1 never at any tlm or plno bad such
a conversation, nor anything similar,
with tiimons upon any HuhJ-ot whatever.
He baa never been in my private office or
work room at any time to my knowledge
nor bave I conversed witb b in there, or
at any other place upon tb subject men
tioned nor upou any other aubject. I
bav never bad a speaking acquaintance
witb bim. I never knew bui or any
thing of bim, at the time of tb alleged
transaction ot which be speaks. Itwa
after that tlm that I firet beard of bim,
and wa then told of bis diereputable
cheroot, r, I did not at that tlm nor
bav 1 elnoe, bad a speaking acquaint
unce witb bim and never conversed witb
him upon any subject whatever.
Regarding the aiatemeut that on of
bis 00 worker told bim that tbe origin
al plan for a recount ul tbe bullot bad
been talked over at my boum wltb Mr.
Dablman, Kdmlsten and other, tber I
not a word of truth In it. It is tb pure
fabrication of a malicious mind aoilng
uoluntnrily or uudur tb solicitation and
direction of other. .
Tbe testimony Itself I of such a char
acter as to be unworthy of consideration.
Such varu, Indwuuit and hearsay
statement would not bav been admit
ted or given publicity by men imbued
witb any spirit of fairness. 1 might any
;dtb equal propriety and far mor truth,
bat I bad heard tb object ot tbl In
quiry Is to find If poesibl, something
ibat will answer tb purpoesof political
oapital regardless ot tb question of
truth, fairness, or tb Interest of good
Regarding Mr. Hedlund' testimony
and bis connection witb lb "crooked"
work, if there wa any, I only deeir to
call your attention to bi letter to me
alu-r tbe committee bad been enjoined
by tbe court from proceeding further,
and after tbe legislature wa preparing
tomaktbrecanvaeby it own mem
bers, wbereiu he said In substance that
notwithstanding be kuew of the alleged
fraud and was participating in it, be had
remalued silent and did not Intend to
say anything until after tb emire work
bad been performed, and at a time when
bis diet losnre could only bav lb ffct
ol nullifying all that bod been done and
of thwarting tb bid of tb leaielatur.
You may reconcile these confiding
statement to suit your own pieasur.
I may in conclusion gay brl- flr and lo
a general way Ibat If any fraud wa coo
templated, or aoiually committed, I
knew nothing of It
I favored tb recanvas of tb vol
east for constitutional amendment. I
lavord this being don by th legisla
ture lelf without tb aid of an appoint
ire commlMlon. Tb original recanvas
bill as Introduced in tb bou contem
plated thi mode of procedure. The bill
was changed In tbe aenai by tb aid of
republican votes to provide for aa ap
pointive commiseion. I seriously con
sidered the wiedom of vetoing it but fin
ally approved It. Tbe commission wa
appointed, but afftr working awhile wa
enjnined by tbe court from further pro
ceding upon the ground of tb alleged
unconstitutionality of tbls not Tb
legislature then took charge of the re
cm va-s as r rhinally contemplated, re
counted th ballot and mad tbelr re
port wbich is a matter of record.
If any ballots bate been changed or
tampered wlb, I know not whether it
was done in York county or Lancaster
county, whether by, or uod"r tb direc
tion of a coterie ol diereputable republi
can politicians, which 1 am convinced
was then determined to prevent a re can
vaes by fair or foul means, or whether
by soma oi her person or pereons.
I do know that my every net In regard
to tb matter was solely and only for
tb purpose ot having aa honest reeaa
vaa of tb votes actually cast, aeoertaia
th truth and then determine under tha
derMoos l lbs supreme court whether
the amendment In question was legally
adopted. Reapeoilullv submitted.
gesrteea Oo4 Maa Wbf Saab Maaey
Waal Hoitova as few as Sarvlag
faralfo Tsabmaateva,
Populist should causa everybody to
know and never forgets
Ftrt-Thatthimi.lot th United
States la their varied eapacttle of th
atlo. !!. aouat W. IW corpora
I loss, 4 ladivtduaht, ar boadod to
hirobjaera, mainly tb llritUh oligarchy,
to th amoaat of mor thaa va hU-
lioa dollar lo vol.
rWoet Tbat th eottr amosst ol
ol lath Untied Stale b l-a thaa a!
btliloa aad a half aemodiag to fvra
atat reports, aad tbat It i entirely aa-
arta a haw h of th ai4 eoia la
evea krt.tly oan-d by lbmpl ol lb
l it4tMt,4 hnw much hi abao
laiatj 4 by Htretge.
Tbr4 That ty lb hratlk toaJU
tiossib RrttWh ttltganky bav ua
pWioirwl tkeqsabitiy f ea
la Ibt'ilr4 !(. I
snb-Tl Utb (ate moaey
l th l'slt4 Stats I rseaahl by Ik
govraat la tta aVmaad, tM,
I- th U'ltUb al'gatehy tb aaa'
mar uteuaimlaie lb quantity oil
lbaif ataf la tb (Via Hat'
ibal aey bav uvr lb- ,auty oi sot
U bUoatrf I
I ttvbt Ibat, thsrWora, lb Uriibb aif-1
irarchy, wltb Rothschild In th lead,
have complete oontrol over tbe quantity
of money circulation in tbe United
Sixth That tbeoontrol over the quan
tity of the money circulation ot any na
tion la tbe blKbeat and most important
of all governmental power.
Seventh That it Is tbi power of tb
British oligarchy over the Quantity of
our money circulation that give them
tbe power, regardless of anything that
our government or people can do to
keep our enormous coin debt growlnir,
and keep acquiring more and mora th
ownerehlp of American property at triv
ial prices.
EiMbtb That as th power of tbe Bri
tish oligarchy over tbe quantity of our
money circulation Is absolutely unlimit
ed, so tbeir resulting power to harm us
witn tne two disaster last above men
tioned I unlimited.
pintn ruat the only way to stop tb
control of tbe oligarchy over th quautl
tlty of our money circulation and to pre
vent th disastrous wrongs aforesaid, I
to mak all our money, gold, silver and
paper, a legal tender to nay all debt
and redeemable In government due only
according to tbe popullstlo rule.
Tenth Tbl being done, tb power of
oontrol over tbe quantity of our money
circulation will pas Immediately and
completely from lbs Hrltlsh oligarchy
to ths people of tbl country to be exer
cised by tbem tbrough oongre accord'
ing to tnc constitution.
Eleventh That tbl being don th
people, through congress, can proceed
at once with all money firmly at parity,
to lucre Its quantity In tb popullstlo
way, and enable ns to pay off several
hundred million of It every year, and In
a few year to extiiiKulsb It altogether,
Twelfth That th proper lucres of
our money circulation io manoer afore
said will stop all necessity of,our people
to borrow money from abroad or to & vs
(oreigo bond for anything or to luduce
foreigner to Invest ber In anything but
rather to discourage and diminish auob
Thirteenth That such proper Increase
of our money circulation will work a
vast diminution of our home debt and
bankruptcy, mak all business easier and
more profitable, mak municipal owner
ship of public utilities, and government
ownership of railroad and telegraph
all easy and natural to be brought
bout, and make It easy for tb Ameri
can people to act on foot and successfully
carry forward any great) and needful
works of stupendous msgnltudeand coat
without tb iat inveatmentoraid from
Fourteenth That lo a word, suoh con
trol of tbe quantity of our owo mousy
circulation will make tb American peo
pie truly feel prosperous and clear of
foreign taskmaster and tbeir corrupt
influence. M. Waruen.
Fairbury, Nsb.
The Reform Wornes Most Re llpasIB ta
Tbalf UMlarattoa Agalasl TraaU.
Tb trusts ar a national problsm and
tney must d grappled wltb Dy tbo na
tional government. Io no other way
oao tbey b conquered. Stat legislation
can aid very nuob lo tb work, aod If It
war poibl for all tb stata to work
together for tbe am nd, tbn th
states could accomplish th destruction
of tb trust without national (egialatJoo
but Mr. Ingall and vry well-informed
man know tbat anon oo-operatloo of
tb atata can no mor b rffected than
unbeam can b extraoled out of cu
comber. Tbr ar at tb present tlm
two states, New Jersey and Delaware,
which ar openly oa al to tb trusts
and bidding against each other for tb
privilege of harboring tbem, while tber
ar teveral atate, which, wbil not o
opaji la tbeir friendliness to corporation
wbfeb pay tb fee demanded by tbem,
nevertheless have laws ao elaatio, tbat
any kind of adventurer can form any
kind ot a corporation for any kind of a
pnrpos and with any amonntof watered
stock, within tbeir borders.
Tber muet b no roer fighting of
trust wltb word on tb part of the
reform fore. Everybody know bow
wicked tb trust are, bow deft mt ot
law aud restraint, bow contemptuous of
tbe ritfht of tb people, how aelSah.
grasping and ramoreeleaa. Th great
maase of tb people, without regard to
political predilection would Ilk to eee
tbem oruebed. . Tb republican leader
wbo bav ever been shrewd observer of
tb popular prejudioe ar oot Ignorant
of tb general leallrg, aad ar preparing
to trim their all to It, notwithstand
ing tbe black record back of tbem. Tbey
will indulge lo much windy denunciation
of the truele which tbey have begotiew
and noonsbed, and when It coma to
declamation tbey are at least our equals
while a oood many tbiak I bey ar our
upenora. Condemnation of trusts baa,
Indeed, been atoik material for party
platform tor a wood many year mu4 li
bas been Bo mors 1 nVcuve than I be wall
Of a sand peep oa the shore of tlm.
Ttvap-opl will want lobaow bow It
le prooueag toerh tb 1 rusts. Thsy
will waat a policy ootliaarl, a policy hr
lbaaiMioioparaad hr lb elate
to pareaa, II tb reform furoa fall to
ooilia their prooard proeedor tber
I dr that ataay who ar oVrr
y optMiaed to traaia, maay atew aba
beva beea rttbhed uf tbeir ate uf bve
lihiMHl, e v-a by I ba vaat aad tllenal
umbiaatHiaa will aaylbat ataea bulb
parliea Wsoamw traat aad Mi her Mia
tbo way It HtrNea to aWtrav I a-at, we
B'Mktawl vol lor oa aa fur tb
We. who are radieal, II iva tha asak
Ing of tborelofai plai brae4 at ta
lliaa Ml I ha. I mm -r JeliBe
an dttlaaT by tha a Hi Ma of Iba et
atom n4 Iba fajpla, alaadiag wub a
to tba af J eatla, w4 aVoiaro
tu Iba mlra'tat J all U-evird
private eoruoiioa Wa wtM lwar
Ibat lbuwvraae baa a ba
4 bul or aa-Wr attt eoaaiiata
ral arolti'ai pr-oa lo ! wob
a'sral eaaa, We woal4 oVaaa tba
iMaa ot law tWMb'biiiag iba aeaau
log ail nbartera l aav bat paMw
bia U taMm irtMii ow am(4 w,it
4 lb paaaa4 i4 rjoo etaita ttt
lkaneieaoraaig alleoriaira
IHaaawelllitf M mM Nlaarfte
la 0 aaiaral aeeaiai aa .akl Uus
b paa a M l eai4to aiai
ttH.HHriHMi i4 a HlelaaJk ob
ii,stfWvrliMtgUiaaay mIiso
under tb law, not enjoved by each indi
vidual a sucb. Tbis would be a drastic
but effectual remedy for trust. It
would be impomiible for a trust to exist
il it were not a letcaloorporation: a trust
oompoeed of individual partners, is come
thinfc almost unthinkable and practically
Ave bar said what we would do. but
we are not the people and In realisation
of thi fact differ from tb three little
tailors of rbreadneedle street Th op
position to trusts Is strong enough - to
stomach "muoli 1 radloalem, but there
naa not been enough education on tne
lines we bare indicated to conviuoa tbe
people tbat all private corporation ar
an unmitigated evil, and should be abob
isnea, nappiiy there are other moasurea
which oan be adopted which would b
equally effective against tb trust and
which at tb same time we believe an
secure tbe support of a large majority of
the people of the country, Tne nrst 01
these Is an abolition of all taril duties
on artio'e wbich ar manufactured by
trust. ,
It will be contended tbat tbe abolition
of these duties will cause a considsrabl
deficit In the revenue and tbi undoubt
edly would be the ones. It is therefor
necessary to advocate som metbod ol
supplying tbe deficiency which would bt
so caused. The Income tax bas been da
dared unconstitutional by th suprem
court so tbat wo cannot by direct fneaua
bav a national tax on iooome. What
cannot b accomplished directly can,
however, b accomplished by Indirection.
Th reform convention abould declare
in favor of supplying any deficit which
might arts tnrougn to abolition 01 to
tariff on trust goods, by a direct tax
apportioned among the state according
to population, tbua following tb term
of lb constitution letter for letter and
at tbe earn tlm place themselves on
record in favor of tbe Individual state
raising tbelr proportion of tbi tax by
an Income tax
Th abolition of dutieaon trust article
wbil It would aerre tocrlppl tb trust
would not, bowever, destroy : tbem.
Sum of tb greatest among tb troata
bav been built up by tbe transporta
tion aud land monopolies and only by
atrikiog at the mannpolle can they b
stricken. Government ownership of rail'
ways, together with heavy taxation of
unused natural opportunities ar nroea
enry tot ffMotlvely reach thus trust.
Tb reform fores must thsrefor deolar
Id favor of the measure, aod, pending
tbeir accomplishment, must Indicate th
kind of leglslatioo they wisb to bar
placed on tbe statute books wblob will
cuabl tbe law officer of tb government
stat and national, to rff tlvly puna
th trusts. mmpson s uayooet.
Be Deaoaaeas tbe War la tb Mast BIMer
Tsrass aad ataae by Oaveraor
Tb following powerful arraignment
of (b McKloley war wa written by lot
Sargeant, C W, Martin, Firet Nebraska
volunteer, addreLied to aod published
lo tb Fullertoo Poat Tb letter wa
dated Ban Fernando, P. I. May lltb..
Tb boya do not grumbl ao mneb at
being kept upon tb Airing . lio a tha
eaoa lor wbich tbey ar kept tber. To
be compelled to flgbt a popl (Mending
a cans ao sacred aod dear to vry
Amerioao olt I ten, to plant tbo old star
aod stripes over tbe territory saturated
witb tbe blood of iu rlgktfal aovereles;
tbi ia wbat mak tbem long to b re
lieved. When a year ago tbey marehd
forth ao proortly to vindicate tboir
oouotry ' honor, to aveng tb loault to
their flag, tliey llttl thought tbey woaid
ever be compelled to fight against pea
pie loving aud desiring liberty.
Tbey try to mak n think tbat w
fluhtiolh nam ofhomanity. That
"mamfeat destiny" baa tbrust thee
islands upon na and we must carry it on
regardless of consequence to it aativ
inhabitant, tbosa wboe blood one
boiled wiib rag aud indignation at th
war in Cuba, now are fonvd toengag in
just suon warfare. If reports oao be be
lieved over lx thousand native nav
been killed. How la that lor humanity?
A maaniflcent humanity that kill It
eulijeoiel A brav preeideut tbat wonld
stand ap and say "maulieat destiny baa
forced tber leiaud upon ns." and now
good people I throw tb rvsponeiblllty
upou you loan t rum you. I waan my
bauds ol this affair. Yes, we realise that
Tbat be been aeored, burned into tbo
memory of every soldier on the Inland.
Then tb crowning tbing of alloon
wben we pick op a paper from borne aad
sea staring os ' Tb volonteer waot to
stay uutii lb war i over." If tb writer
of such ao art lot wer ber to hear tb
cureee of tb boy be would shrink op la
utter ineiguino" aod oever mor
waot to b seen. Every volunteer would
leave tomorrow II be could. Pat riot Urn
leads no uiaa forward any mora. Prin
ciple has so long beea trampbsl under
loot tbat w bav berom mer machine
bardly abi to diatingulab rlabt from
Now a word regarding Cfoveraor
Poynter. Tb aewa ol bu veto bat just
roavbad lei, bud 1 Ui Mta4 IO mmM Ibat
every Ibiuking maa, and galhwia from
rat sargeant ibey are la tb niJ inly,
M rejowo a tbat a bav a goveraor
truag ausb to taad op tor hat rlaht
Mo oa levi tbat tbey ar Ofead'Og
Ibat prloeipm so dear to us all, tbo oa
ibaaarH.! isealcutaled lato ev-ry sebool
boy, viti Tbat goveraae-tia ar laatt
Isied asioug rave, d.rlvi ibeir Jat
liuaafa Irota Iba Mmaeet i4 tba gov
rued " Aad who woa 1 4 dr ear I bee
native bav yet fva tbelr eotiseatf
lea, aad law tor a a mwwt wbn ta will.
Ibg iw Iraibta'ly ay.wearaMaddie mi
aiury to war Hag." Far bota it, E v-ry
iowt ol lorviga lerrilwrv eueqavra hi
a io saa lo our aalioaai hoaMivvy
vula-) ar4 a ist iu aaiaVrl libortvi
every bagia oi Iwrward, a taiia lo lb
rifaael w aoblwat -a, J. R- r-oa ssd
iia airt4 eaeexlty war bp
is, 114 oar tangly goveraor aa
iKtaetl tbat U-k a evvv aeikia
boJ b 4i.l all lb reet.h o!4 bav
Meeiime4 tba raw k wbw w
ara HMVt Iu lbi,a. b baa tb
tsaMfe ol a araMal 4oe hti bm Vto
lUva I tuirnm d raioll imi atroaaltf .
I iMiy evavi what I bear lb tHti4,
tHaiai!Ma la rowi ttgJ
al wb"f iaa awoiaki w ii ea)l ba
Il allium tbeitateJ at-w wea ba4
iroas, Abaea ta gukb'' It hi aaM, bt
uawilNHW aiW-ao Mien
tet sb irava earlb laaa so low It
wt -arja fwa, S4a-rwwa't aaio
1. 1 O.I re. I.