The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 27, 1899, Image 4

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D Utbvazka Jn&tpm&tnt
mm ,
fclxpiqdiqt Publishing So.
Al Ut$ M Itrttt,
to, sss aslast
MM MOW. OOJUBAfeklSl AaB ...
oWVJoWV wt$ BraoFOJOjooy w9
Thar is no enoroles' country for Col
oil Br j in ony mot, but be Is ths
honored leader of the twining million.
-Central City Democrat,
Will soms on plow Inform tbs lode
pendent what Is tli politic of tbs
Howells Journal. II. E. Pbolps Is tbs
sditor. It is Impossible to find out by
reading Its editorial columns.
Besonss the republican party headers
bod been successful la fooling about 60,
000 mallet beads year after year, tbey
tbowgbt tbat tbey ooold fool tho private
soldiers In tbe First Nsbraska. But
that was tke time they got loft.
Tbs article on economic schools print
ad la tba Independent I oat wwk wat
clipped from tba Waboo Democrat, Tba
credit which tble truly consciences
sditor always carefully writes at tba
bottom of, articles cllppad from otbsr
ptpara, got I oat soms where la the sbffls
and baau't toroed up yet.,
' Tba prraldoot las appointed FJIbo
Boot to succeed Alger. Tba dispatobss
ay tbit Mr Boot will glre all bla atten
tlon to Iba government of tba colon lea
'and tbat military affaire wdl be placed
wholly lo tbe bondo of Melklrjohn. Now
we will bare (be Flllpluoe whipped The
great military gsnluo of a Malklejobn la
to be brought to bear and Auoinaldo
bad better boot a bole pretty quick.
Brother Howard bad aa well decide to
take bla medicine and there le do one to
mil aay mora bltteroeee Into It Ue'll
bare to down Ik From tbe preeen ap-
pearaooea Uolcomb will be nominated
and be will bare toaopoort blm or tbe re.
publieao eandldata. Wa came to tbat
oonotuaion, after looking orer every
fuaioa paper In tbe atate. all of which
oome to tbla offloe, Every populiat
paper txeept two aeem to be for Hoi
eonbandall tbe democratic pspers ex
cept four are of tba eame way of think,
lag. Tbat being tba eaee there la no one
In Brother Howard making bla medicine
more bitter than there la any necessity
for. .
Tba people of Lincoln were somewhat
surprised when on laat Saturday It wee
announced tbat JudgsReebad thrown
up tba opong and declared tbat be
would not sooept tbe republican noml
nation for auprema judge tbla fall even
U It were tendred to blm. In times
past Judge (toe baa b-en an active
eandldata for tbat nomination, but be
baa no us for It tbla year any more
than llarrlaon bad. Tbe republican
bave a bablt of assessing tblr coodl
dotes pretty besvl'y sod when thersls
no proepeet of election, none of tbem are
oniioua to pit up tbe money.
Brother Howard aay a tbat pop are
swallow log t bo democrat or word to
that . efc. Let us eee about It, Tber
la rtllmor county. Tber hsv been
eleven appoint men te mad from tbat
eoaaty. Nine of tbem are drmfH-rsts,
One loan pop and on silver republican
wee eqaM ami la alter a lot of bard
work The vote in tb county i pop,
1150; dfttioerat, 83ft; til err republiesu,
71. That' tb way tb tnps are .
lowing lb d.mtrAt. GUmm l ib
relnra from Fillmore, ad wip yonr
weepiag ey Bwrtb II -.ward.
If titer toaaytblag that tba editor o
this paper delights la obova another,
laar.iy,M lis h-oraed ta adaiiro tbt
by nwdieg tba giddbag r lie
then Ma ha a prut! to enter alMl
fajf made by mUiairt la uf
Ltaetda' big abarv bea. Tba mieUtrf
lrt atarttd t t ak that tb peopi
mcb Bt be eVMieal ol by tbe prtal
hW4 4 pmepevHy tbal n w eiha
tbMitri tb tby bi hp tbMr
nteflttiy, nil mHm ta ba gtNMt tltU-
tlaaa. Tt b weal imi and aytd
boat awata at bet tbiaaa and lHt
fjoaad a with peiitw tk Ud
lalabt lava H'l tb tbuaaN uf
kViMM k nd lbu a 4 wtby
Bat, Ntiwe evy Dtmii ad
anted M viik.M, evUHj bi
ca wee la tbrb, bal w btt tr
vsa ww tiaHt ta llal te, (V
ttts eecMitbrd tbal be ad awl g la
ttxtsk, arii wewiMg wf eta mI
t:3 b I'' lbt batiaa? Hte
CrzA nta biaa, bat II waea'l o4.ia
C:l rtrrl IMI yva It alb
Since the revolt of tbe Journal
Manila correapondent and tbe letter
wblcOOtl held up In tba maila bava
com to band, that lying oldtbingba
obansed Its tactic and baa begun to
ridicule tbe auffurlnge of tbe Firat Ne-
braaka. In Ita Wednesday morniog
edition It aay editorially:
'Cooaldering tba number of battle
fouirbt and theeori oi ciiroai wwo
tered by tbe Flint Nebraeka In Lnion
tbelr loaaea bare been remarkably light
and tbelr health remarkably, good
aa compared with tbe rxsorde of our
former ware and tbe logical deduction I
tbat tbey bar been bandld with mora
than UHual care and bnve Buffered lightly
In comparison with tb veteran who
man.lii.ri thrnnah Waabinston io tbe
eprlng of elity-flva after tb and of Ap
Tbere never waa a regiment during tba
whole civil war tbat did tba oontinuoua
fighting tbat tba Flrat Nebraska did
from February 4, until they were wot
back to Manila. There never was a reg
iment tbat bad on half tb bent pros
trations. There never was a regiment
tbat was forced to flgbt so contlnoualy
for months tbat they had no time to
wash or change tbelr olotbes. Tbere
never wa a regiment In tbe wbol civil
war that was fought so continuously
for so long a time. Tb re never was a
regiment tbat was kept on tba firing Una
until tb bodies ol tba men were covered
with sore and eaten up with Itch. Tb
boys of tba First Nobroeka are tb brav
est of ths brave and tb Htate Journal
need not tell tbe cltlsens of this state
that they would not bav washed their
clothes and cleaned tbelr bodies if they
bad been allowed time enough to lay
down tbelr guns andceaee firing to do
It. Talk about copperhead! Tbere
never waa a copperhead during tb
wbol rebellion wbo waa vll enough to
slander tbe Union soldiers a tb Stat
Journal slanders tb First Nebroeka.
Wbilath Htate Journal editor was
sitting lo bis comfortable office the
men of tba First were lying In trenches.
charging unsten foes, falling down on
tbe march from tb beat, wading
through tbwamp,loeplngwbatlittl
time they got to sleup In the mud, fall
ing from tbe bullets of tb enemy, burn
ing with fevers In Nipa but or In over
crowded boepitals, suffering ex iruciat
Ing agonies from wounda aad all tbs
reward tbat tbey expected was tbst
tbelr fellow cUli-ns would appreciate
the'r eervlcee, But now tbey And that
tbey are are ridiculed In one of tbs dally
papers of tbs stat and told tbat "tbelr
loeses have been remarkably light1 It
Is enough to moke tbs blood boil in ths
veins of any man wbo baa a drop of
patriotic blood In tbelr vein.
Wfails all tba world acknowledges tbe
valor of tbs First Nebroeka, wbll tbelr
bravery and thefr sufferings ars written
about In tbs literature of allclvlllswl
notion, w bav here at boms a paper
tbat rldlenle tbelr sufferings oud their
woondel Every boneef, pat riot lo man
in tb whole stat baugs bis head In
ebams becauss aunb a foul, traitorous
ebeet is printed in tb atate. Tble tight
Ing regiment, wblcb baa abed glory on
every man in tbe atate, who nime Is
Indelible written on tbe records of fame,
on Its return, after having loot more
men In battle than any other regiment
In tbe weole army, la met with tbe greet
ing: "Your loee bav bran remarkably
A rAlttricCIMk.K.
A poor mullet bead editor when be un
der' okea to reboeh a State Journal II
aeually ha a bard time of It, Here I
an example taken Iron, tba Hb. Ednrd
Run: "Tbelnveetlgatiug committe art
Coding that tb ofllolal at Lincoln bav
performed many thing tbat or a dia
grso to the stats of Nebrseka. From
voucher on record U la shown thutei-
governor Uolcomb bod received f 50 for
boue rent wb n tb owner wr tb
only retwl v ISO from blm, b pocketing
tb difference."
Tb literary capacity of tbat editor la
omething to be admired. Bom tlm
I .t year on of lb proteeaor ol Eaglieh
io tb atat university ntked lb editor
of lh Independent to avora ol ta
epecimena of grammar that appeared In
lb rural papers that be might dm tbem
InbUclaeae. W preewnt the abov
writ bt our oomplinreat. "Cimimit!
or," "ba poly rfiv,'' or lair tpei
meaaof Ibeeducailoo ol thadap. that
oreladuw-d to rvuUt lie about h't.
bra.U'aUstcit i-o. It la baldly u-w-wry
to ay tbat ao urb teatlmosy
vaaever gtteabeJora lb lb re mallei
beada w bo same to Uaenla aad Iboagbt
tbal tbe bad lb woHd bt lb tad Mier
Ibev hod eoaoalitd Ih.i I wo etflnoel
ottkwa bauaa lo lb world aa Marl
Has aad Hnuim.
COlt-Uaf StMltefMBBJ.
Tba whW-aa uIiWiim wba tan tb
rvfoblieao rod ol lb Ut WgWtalae or
ledina la ibelr rtw ibal ibeauMiera
wl Is r rt Nebroeka were not Ibkla4
nl at aba eiM bo HxilrJ by I bet.
taiM bltiatrteka Aibef py oliba
klsl paivr I'reedtMM, baa bl ba
revwtfed It wllo lb bduaif) awh
aia.biUMt odtrJ In ieitiwa,
t euu (.. lb bteey tpm
rli ! m l b-1 We HaiM id Ifce
I'teei .V beba rwt-at la hgard tt
iate aiwlky guverawr,
Y a oWMvtaie iM bt va l lb
rltH, eaiMaitg lbeewalalb
MtMl ete) Utt letalt wl ke.
ivaa 1. 1 a) mi ia n a, Mr, I dtti.
leal li-o at ai aila la lr
(Hw, vl ike Vb'tt. bi,
Xt talt a tMebviit mI lb bnto bfa
la as , bat aaf U
Mib-t rtawi bean Pi taawtea tba
aeaa ed IMpwaerave,
TV I At lOallM III P. OilBlOa
bf tatara (uf eHfaaj tb bU Mi tb
manner in wblcb it did. How does it
oome Mr. Editor tbat vou did not com
mnt on tbe action of tbe legmlator in
voting dowa a bill to appropriats to
tbe Firt Nebroeka 0,00O, and a a
ubetitute voting u their tbanke? Tbe
legialature of Nebroeka, t ue editor oi
Freedom or tbe preeldent of tba United
States, eannot make the soldiers here
believe tbat tbey are fighting to defend
the principle of our country,, or tb
glory oi our nog. u b. dkiinham,
let Neb. Vol.
Tbe paper bad tbe endorsement of an
other soldier wbo wrote: "Stay by It
Poynter. Ton can rely upon the First
Nebraska regiment and other volunteers
staying with you, W admire yonr
brova stand." 1 ;
, Bo It seems that tbs Cheap John re
publican politicians, when they made
their calculations based npontb sup
posed stupidity of tbs prlvats soldiers
In tb Flrat regiment got very badly
left. Tb boys In tb First Nebraska
ars not mullet beads. ' '
Tb republican managers seem to be
working on ths theory tbat tbs people
of this stat know no mors abont bank
ing and financial affairs than tbey did
in 1800, They altogether forget that
tbe populist has been abroad in tbe
land educating tbe people, We Judge
tbat tbat is tbelr idea frdra tb fact
tbat tba organ of tb mullet beods pub-
liefaed ok following In its editorial ool-
urns last Saturday:
"Tbs aggregoto depoelts In tbs state
and national bank of Nebraeka accord
ing to the report of tbs banking board
it IfiO.OOO.OOO. Now some two will be
surs to pop up and say tbat this muet
oe a fraudulent report as tuers cannot
poeeibly be o much as fifty millions In
money in this state. However tbat In
what tha bank books soy. and it indi
cates an average of nearly fifty dollars
for every man, woman and child In Ne
Now that is too silly to fool a mullet
bead and most anything will fool on of
them If, b sees it In bis party paper.
Fifty millions of deposits means tbat
tbs bankers of this stats owe tb people
that much money and does not mean
that there lo tbat much in tbs bank or
In circulation. Tbs last report of tbe
stots bank commliisiouer shows tbat in
all tbs stats banks tbere were only 03,.
063.47 of cash. Besides this tbey bad
reserves In banks, 13,018,671.91. But
tbat reoerv Is not in tbls stats to any
great extent. Tbs whole paragraphia
almply fldonoial idiocy,
'" am; iniuxiibj ouiftAoa.
Tbs Independent propose to com to
tb defenss of McKlnley because all tbe
blams lo being laid upon blm wben in
foot others or to blama juet as much at
bs is. Wbot could a president do wben
be baa sucb set of advlaers as those
wbo at present spunk for Nebra ba.
Take on example: Tbere was a soldier la
ths Third Nebraeka so dlsreputabls tbat
In a few months bs was summarily court
martialed five tlmss, lis was to bs
brought bef or tb court for in sixth
time, wblcb under tb regulation mutt
result In bi dlebonorabl dlsmiaoal from
tbs service. Oo tbe evs of trial positive
orders cams from Washington to givs
blm an booorable diacbargo. Tbat man
boa now been appointed a second lieu
tenant in tba United States volunteers.
TbsoauMof bis frequent arreata and
punlebmento ars too foul to print.
Wbo reprMent tb claim of Nebra
kana to appointing to in the army?
Stuatora Tburaton and Hay word. For
tba infinite outrage upon tba people of
tbla atat In tb appointment of uob a
wratob to a poeitlon whera tb ' live ol
American eliina will ba largely In hi
baud, M K'nley I only reaponaibl In
eofartbotbaliatenato and takes ad
vloa from the remnant of tbs old corrup
tion lets wbo ono were In power in tbls
Tbere never waa a bigger fraud on tbla
terrestrial ball than tbat man Dun, or
rather the clique that , operates io bio
name, II baa run up tba bulaea iron
Motion of this country ofar Into bil
lion Ibal tha great! matbrmatlciao
wbo aver lived eon no longer comprehend
tbe ImmeuM oggregala of bla
figure, Tb figure are, oo tbetr
very fan a fraud, . No eurb amount
of buelneea traaeaolMin ver occurred
lalbiaorany other eooalry, Taeelear
Ing bnu n tnro da ot rvpreaeul bt4
oa ol all Ouo boll ol it lo para gam
bllug belling on tba k ol wheal
and ballot lb other I water la tba
truel stiwka. fta II aoyoaa woola to
koow what tbbaloa ol lb aoaa'ry
omoaotota tbat pe tbmagb tb
etearlag booats Wt blm divUW Daa'a
Igarta by lb leara b.ur,
A mmiu awriau
Alrer prtwl that Mnrlo boo
obadta4 Iba egotiello aad adopted,
lb mslWi bead !l ol f.rkitoa wa
abmitib Mbioleg eitrael Irwm bla
pe-vol Js'y ttMhi
I'e oar ss Imperbwt a4 la
iHisHHta WHtarr etet wtik a
eMMM net fia etrMUibia, a'l 4
4U, ie !' eitKMkilMta ftwai
rM-.em feHtiMa4 a I M
l'aln giaha tMeg ike t wm
"b'ttttriaMaa vfit 4eitMa, all
ul afctrb I eoavtriiM la aWaad wtib
g4d" at peewliarli tba ma'M bad ttile
l atuiftg, bt ba rm mvv tb'at
that awesa waa sabt M wbrlbU
mellas eilvtf fbtiUe ua tenth wik
gad BtlablbaluaaA Hif vy ra
4 Mwrloaw smsef gttea mI M4iita
Ibal Iba di.t'skkd aii Uaawa
uw4 samw wl maiwi beada.
Tb Omaha Bee devote nearly a col
umn to an artL-le which it cays I pub
lished wben McKlnley waa here for the
purpose of producing a panic. Then it
tries to throw contempt upon me be
cause, it claims, I worked for the party
at 10 a week. Ionlywiah tbat I bad
received f 10 a week for all tbs work tbat
I have done for tba party. 1 1 bav not
only worked for much leu than tbat but
for montb at a tlm I never received a
cent. Instead of being humiliated by
tbe fact, I sometime brag of It to my
friend. The article In question was not
written wben McKlnley was here, but
was a review of tbe quarterly bank
statement loaned about thru months
ago. Another bank statement baa just
been issued and It shows a mors dan
gerous condition of tbs banks than sver
before. It Is probabls tbat tbs mullet
beads thought that I would write an
other review of tbestatement as tbs last
attracted o much attention among
banker, not only in tbl tata but else
where, Many of tbem bav written to
me about it and a meeting of banker
was held, so I was Informed, in Omaba
to take tbs review into consideration. I
bad not Intended to writ a review at
all, my chief object In writing tbs other
being to get people wbo were not famiU
lai with banking to understand these
statements, which to tba ordinary man
mean nothing.
It seems, however, tbat soms of tbe
republican papers are still determined
to mlalead tb people, on of tbem tbs
other day claimed that because tbs bank
statement showed tbat there was 150,-
000,4)00 of deposits tbere wa 150,000,-
000 la circulation In tbls stats. Tb ar
tide tbat created ucb a furor among
tb bankers and wblcb soms of tbem ar
known to have clipped ont, pasted in a
scrap book and carried around In their
pockets woo as follows:
"Ths last report of ths condition of
tb 408 bank, stats and national, do
ing bueiness In tbs stats bas cauaed a
good many to put on tbelr thinking
caps. It appears tbat ths banks are
owing demand liabilities to tbs amount
of 103,050,758 and tbs total cash in
their noeaeeeloa only amounts to $5,
7 10,80. Her Is a pretty state of
affairs II of money and 110 of wind.
Ibeluoltofsofo banking baa alwaya
been considered 1 ol money to 4 of
credit, but lo fuses days of sound money
tb bank are going It all b-tfer. Tbat
statement ebow tb trail foundation
upon wbloh all buelneeo raeta lo tble
atate. A olngl breath would knock tbe
whole row of card don. But euppooe
we only had a sold otandara and ooi
gold waa legal tender. Where would we
b then? Inetad ol having f 1,710 880
to pm.v off tbelr Indebtedness of f 58,-
01)6,768. they would bav only Z,4I.
770. or I lot money to 126 of wind.
Wind Is a pretty good tblng, but If too
much of it ia forced Into any red ptocle
it ia enre to burst. II o lj ona-tentb of
tbe bonka' oreditora should take a no
tloo thMf tbey wanted tnelr money tb
wbol 498 would go np tne noma in m
tetn minute. The time lor another
panic, I oloa at band Tbe bank report
bowo that tbe couditlona wbloh produce
panic a re already Dare."
A glano at tb last tatement of tb
bank abowo a wore otato of affair
than three montba ago, but I bav not
tb time to go into it in detail. Tb Bee
doe not attempt to deny any of tbe
tatement mad In tbat review or make
an argument to prove tbat tbe eonolu
ion ar wrong, but in accordance with
tba peanut politics tbat tbs republican
manager baveao long employed, It trieo
to throw contempt upon mo because I
aometimeo work for my party principle
without pay. Ao no republican wa ever
known to do euob a thing, It conclude
that It ia otteely diereputable.' I have
no objection to It holding och opin
ioua. Thenar oeveral iboueood other
populUt in tb atate wbo have worked
for the party weeka and moutbo without
pay and ore willing to do It again.
T. 11. Tronns.'
Of ths tbres niejur general In the
regular army only one, Merrltt, I a
Wt Toinler, and of the brlgadlero only
ono. It don't aeem tbat Wt Point 1 a
very good place to maka generals. Ia
tba adjqtoat generals department tb
same per cent holds good. Corbin io oat
a Wee Pointer aod only two ul tbe
bole oil rooking obovo lieutenant
colonel tvr eaw Weal Point. Is tbe
Jodge odvocoteo deportment there Is
not a West Pttiate who bdil a eom
mweioB abv Itoteoaot colonel. Ia
tba qaartrrmaater'a depart mrnt, tbeea
laoniaa officer of the rank of fa
oral or cuIoimI, god thero or a god
wiotv ol that rook, who la a West
Folate, aod oaa h to ao a long way
down lb 111 bafore b torn tvea ta a
lbateaol eoloaal who ba-'Vadei M. A."
alter bio aaaM. Of tbs tea eavalry tl.
ak oaly two ar Weal tVtotrr. Ot
Iba st va arillhery eutitaela, oil ar Weal
h-latero, 01 iba laetiy Ita U'rastrj
eta oaly It at Wl IUlr,
Tke biwt raek id lb ra'r arait or
au ly ail I it4 bt grJi il Weoi
IV I, whilo lb bbjber or trwm tlvl hK
mooy id teem bniUtUg a Htvateo,
Weal rtt dwa't srem a lorn oi ga
ri 4 eMeU la aey get a,au.
Mufloa la a4Haa at lb mIWt bead
Wat ul iadiig a 00ekf t 0
slS But m b fas baa bee mad
befllaa tk bUj4'tyisg tbitdo
IMfiawol 4 bia f a4 a4tti tha
Wtag irM Stal'et b4 s'bt. TbiaWtb
was be d Mi U Vase4 b ist
waaaatrabm sipalwt la tb
waa baltvt WMidtaa tswb aali 0
itaaadaVMaaiaa ta ao4 bua
tbe name of a populiat wbo bad. Quite
a long llt of names was sent bim. Now
be says he "is astonished for these same
gentlemen declared all over Nebraska
tbat under the gold standard nobody
could make enough income to decently
live thereon." Then he naka: "Did tbey
tell Ilea to tbelr audiences wben speaking
in political campaigns or ars tbey telling
lies now?" Morton thinks tbat is "aw
ful smart,'' but sucb logio .would fall to
deceive even a mullet bead. Those cam
paigners never made any such state
ments and Morton knows they did not
or he would quote soms of tbelr sayings
to sustain bis contention. "Nobody
could make enough income to decently
live tbereonl" Whoever said It? We
constantly pointed to tbe fact tbat en
ormous Incomes war being made and
tbat tbey grew cone tan tly larger. Fur
thermore we demanded tbat theae In
cornea should bs taxed, but to that Mor
ton was opposed. "Nobody 1" J. Star-
ling, tbat will not do. Tbe dorabest
mullet bead knows better than that.
One tblng tbat bas prevented anv
reconciliation of tba Filipinos with tbs
authorities of tbs United States, and
wblcb seem to them can never be settled
under United States authority, Is tbs
condition of tbs land titles. Nearly all
tbe land In Luton belongs to tbe con
vents and monasteries. Tbs treaty with
Spain binds tb United States to con
Arm and defend those titles. Tbe Fili
pinos say tbat only IndoDeodobc will
givs tbem control of their own soil. If
tbs sovsrelgnty remains In tbe United
States, tbey must all become serfs and
tenant farmers forever. Rather than
submit to tbat tbey propose to die
Tbs Infernal barbarity exercised bv
tbe military commander in the Coeur
d'Aleos district In Idaho is now ex
plained. Tbe property destroyed by ths
mob belonged to Standard Oil com Dan v
and John D. Rockefeller waa tbe man
wbo engineered tbe punishment to be In
flicted. Under bis orders tbe governor
and tbs courts abdicated and out tbe
government of tbe stat Into tb band
of a brutal military commander. Tb
Inhuman horrors Inflicted upon tbs mil
itary prisoners oan be charged to a re
publican governor wbo was a coward
and a brute, It woo all allgitunats
ootdomsofa Mark Han no-Rockefeller
run government. A whole lot oftbess
working men voted to pot It In power.
Now McKlnley bas turned "copper
head," "traitor," and "little American."
There oan bono doubt about it for tbe
evidence Is all documentary and on He.
Wben tbs reform forces all united In say
ing tbat tbe term of enlistment of tbs
volunteers expired upon tbe data of tb
treaty of peaoe witb Spain, every Han
nalte paper In tbs land proceeded to de
nounce ue, acb and all, as "copper
head" of tb moat awful eopperiab hue
sver seen in these United States. A few
days ago McKlnley Issued a general
order thanking tbs volunteers for re
maining In tbe service "after tbe term of
tbelr enlistment bad expired." If w
were oil copperhead a few months ago,
then McKinley is now.
Onoe in a while In eome government re
port Iseued at Waahington thero comes
convincing proof of tbs truth of ths
financial tbeoriea advocated by tbe pop
ulist. Tbe monthly Summary of
Commerce and Finance for April bas, on
page 2484, these word-: "Oaring to tbs
enormous depreciation of Spanish cur.
rency, tbe owner of cereal in Spain
writable to export tbelr good at a
great profit, on acoouot of being paid In
gold." Tba advantage tbat the Ire
eilver wheat producing oountrl- have
bad over tbgild standard countries,
baa often been pointed out by bimetal
Hats, but tbl is the first time wo bavs
seen that theory sanctioned la a gold
bug document
The Coming Nation comae to band
Ibio wek witb a foil page ad of oil tbe
Ro'kloite property, real and peroooal,
wblcb la to be aoldat public auction July
SO, ouder tba order ol II. J. Boaers,
R-eriv-r. What does all ibio meanT W
bad hoped tbat a bappy, Independent
to-operative colony bod been etabllshd
at las) that would aaooead lor a geoara-
tkB at Waal Bat it owma tbat w ar
to b Blterly dUappoioted, Several
oelalUopee bav ba making very
bitter aTtako apoa Rukio ol late.
Tbat ! u444 aa devilish aa de
vouring ooo own eblldrva. Thar la
sotting lota paper to tell aa bow all
tha earn abmt. I tb oulooy perwa
tally dJved? What or lb people
wbo or WMiktaoi a good Itviag tber
to da aoat
A gral ataay pw.uiw qiri "Wbo
bilbiamaa Una ate la tbe foi'tppioea
kbltag by tba thooaai? W
Oetef beatd id bias b-for. Woo U b
aay bT" IU twitted ibrg)r amy
Jsly H o a It aieaaat ultb
Tbal thwo thai h bad a,! It bg pU
attbaltloM, frevMt that ba bad t
wived a l.i Cut ia lb I ! N T.
!, tun aw swama isal l wai iai.
tbaflof! witb Iba raab
Ibai ba bad la Iba vwtsait sent
alwa lo aa asbe4 f Ikiag, II waa
iftiie SmIuimI lit lOMtl aJ m. kiuntJae
aaral la I Bwt, aad Maka ia Iba twoa j
ttMM Mai , lowa, aa fr
aeaeraJ. II ba baa v wuaa aay lab
Uol atv ia lb artsy, tb pawf
tatlMl I beat ol lb I
mat repuDiican lawver wniea anoiuer ,
letter to tbe editor of tbe Independent,
He seems to be satisfied about the "mul
let head" term for be does not say any
thing on tbat eubjeo, bot wanto to
know "what economic low is violated io
tbe general establishment of tvuets." Tbs
law violated Is tbe law of equitable dis
tribution of wealth and ito concentra
tion in tbe bands of tb few. Take the
match trust for an example. There
wero thouaando of oersoas employed ia
tbe production and distribution of
matches. The value of tbeae matches
were distributed among all tbe workero
including tba traveling talesmen. Tba
trust is formed. Match factories every-,
where Are closed. SalesoMo are dis
charged and tbe number of peroons em
ployed In tbs prodoctloo of matches
reduced one half. The retail is tbat tbe
millions of dollars received far matches,
Instead of being dlstribntsd among tha
many are distributed among a few, aad
tbe others cease to be either wealth pro
ducers or purchasers of tbs products of
other wealth producers. In fact, tba
most of tbe dollars received for tb
matches go Into tbs bands of a very few
tbs capitalists who forsted tbe troet.
Not only does tbs Immediate employ
of the trust suffer from tbls, but thous
ands of others. Hotels where tbetrav
llogaalesmen stopped and , their em
ployee, the barbers, tbs bootblacks, tbs -
bus and carriage drivers, ths retail gro
cers and tbelr employees, where these
others purchased tbelr supplies aad
thousands of others wbo cannot be
enumerated. Tbs sbas that tbey bad
in tbls match production is now
obsorbod by tb few truet magnates. '
Tbs s vll does not end here, by any
means. Tbese trust . magnates baying ,
received mors of these dollars tbao Is
necessary for tbelr support even in ex-
travagont luxury, tbess soma dollars
go into tbs banks as loanable funds.
Now money to loan Is not money in cir
culation. Tbs owners of It do not seek
to inveat in productive works. Sons
man of enterprlss must step in and pay
tbem tribute before that san bs done.
Tbe consequence of all this, Is tbat the
money piles op by tbs million in tba
banks and tbat resnfts in a posltlvs oa
traotion of tb money la circulation
and a further fall in prises. . A fall ia
prirwo lo an r quivolent to an increaso la
taxes, in freight charges, ia Interest and
all debts.
It is for these reasons tbat all tb
great authorities upon which tbe coat
mon law is based onresevsdly denounce
monopolies of all kinds and tbs great
ludires have outlawed tbem aa ht-laor "
rinnoAFnilft Ia ililixi.ilnn anil nalaik
good publlo policy. ' '
Tb Mark Haonaltee are making
great uoe of tbe bead lino liar and will
likely keep bim fully employed from Ibio
tlmo on nntil tbe end of tb presidential
campaign. Ha did oema of bla alickest
tricks In connection witb tbe meeting of
tbe democratic national committee la
Chicago last week. The bead lines In
all tbe gold bug papero told an entirely
different otory from what waa found la
tbe body of tbs reports. Tbe democratic
quarrel In Chicago, out of which Disk
Croker and others hoped for so much,
bas got down to a quarrel between two
factions as to wblcb Is tb mnetloyo
supporter of Bryan and the Chicago
platform. II Dick Croker, Mark Hanaa
and McKlnley can make anything oat'
of tbat, tbey are welroma to It
Tbe wbol crowd at Chicago were for
Bryan ond tbe gold democrats did not
put in an appearance, or if they did, no
on one found It out. Mark oeemo to
have given up hope of making a devlelen
ia the democratic party and henceforth
bie wbol attention will ba given loth
populiat. Tb Stat Journal aa talk
ing about tb wiedoro of tb nomina
tion ot Wharton Barker two year
ahead of tlmo. HI no tho democrat- sat
down oo tb bosses tbey ars bovljg tha
aama high old timea wbeo they gt to
get her tbat ueuolly prevallo atapopa
liet mwtln, where iverv man baa bla
say. TDoi's ail ngnt. it obnwa that
tbs bo baa lost bla bold. When tha
boss bad a good grip on things, every,
tbisf olwoyo weot ono way withoat
aa dwUrtMOUe ol nit
Tba r publics a party la tbla otato ia
srrviag aa a oatcb baalo for thrfU ol
popaiWm. Aa tiamlno'loa of tbe basts
ap to Iba pivotal (In would dtelno
tbat totr bad lodged la H.Sam. K W,
B U Oeeb, Uht.i, Mart ltowe,oAd M
aioa. II tba republieaoa doa't anna eesd
arwaod a gaibogo wsgoa aad eiaa It
oal aa p)deji of Iba bubtwl plagaa lo
lttty to break oat la tbelr camp,
itvmmm n ins
ll I ooiooh ibat ) Kit ley witl
atiOM la bebraebaiofpea lb riat'UHia
aoiaaB apb a rewptiwa to tea first
NeWatka. It will ba a bat elag M
aottMitl lb biyd.t what thet eWUra
I y aitl da Iba um Itey ky eyw
apa MeKiayt or Meitb fka. Tba
in ta t bava a m kt
say abuat tb rpsUie- w.pla la
to I'kiiipiUsew aod they wual4 Idi to
toy It la M Klotoy 'ataaa, s
itmi iin LII.T -wm urn
Laelea liebUoa swwra that ba waa
ota taot.M wo U ibaffod
t wiiaesa ibat a waa o. a4tb
weatwattw Kearwy ood fao4 m
Ubty a4 bt-Uie-w, Wo oabit ibat
isfiasa "jMMiiy-ta b aoiKiaa M