THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. July 20, 1899 THE FINANCIAL QUESTION. mioii Why It Will Continue Leading- Political Isaac. fThe fact that gold exports have be gun again after a lapse of two years clearly Indicates that the financial question will become a leading politi cal issue In the next presidential elec- : tion. ' For In this movement of gold la in volved the question of our ability to maintain the single standard as a financial policy. As long as our excess of exports Is sufficient to offset our annual foreign . debts for interest dues, etc., there is no need to ship gold abroad; but when It Is not sufficient for this purpose aothlng Is more certain than that we rill bare to pay out our specie or sell bonds to make up the difference. , Now, the Wall street magnates don't rwant to aaiuit mat me uaiance 01 ftrado Is so much against us that we bave to export gold, for that would depress the value of tbclr watered f stocks, lleuce they seek to belittle itbis movement of gold In every pos- sioie way. For this purpose they Lave circulated the story ttutt this gold Is not golug abroad In settlement of debts. It only represents a loan that we are making to foreign bankers. This story, however, la flatly contra dicted by the very papers that give it circulation, Thus the London corre spondent of the New Yorlc Times (June 5 reports that the banks there are 40 ly glutted with money that Is look Rag for Investment In another issue of the same paper, which exploits this story under the heading of "Money and Exchange," appear the following news items: , 1 "Money on call, 22Mi per cent, clos ing at 24 per cent "Time money, 3 per cent for 60 days to 4 months and 3J3'j per cent for 6 to 0 months. Commercial paper rates, 3tfi3'j per cent for Indorsed bills receivable, 3'i(cf3 per cent for choice single names and 45 per cent for others. , - "Money on call in London, 1 per cent Bate of discount in open market 2 8-lfl ncr cent for short and 2 3-167221,4 per cent for 3 months' bills." This ought to set at rest all stories about New York bankers lending gold to London bankers, ' Another popular yarn that Wall Ltreet Is circulating is that all the gold iiow going abroad will come back to us Jin the fall in payment for food exports. In opposition to this I contend that these shipments are but tho beginning of a movement that will grow In vol ume until it sweeps away every dollar of gold we have in the treasury. . My reasons for this belief are that owing to changing crop conditions and increasing imports. our excess of ex ports will not be one-half as large in ' tiA navt tO. rnnnHia aa If ham finnn In the last ; And If this should turn out to be the case It will require the ship ment of an enormous amount of gold Sr oonaa to onset our annual roreign ebts. ' Now, this outflow will not dribble ...I. Int. Innn In 1QUO. It will be more rapid and will bring matters to a crisis much sooner. , In the meanwhile Wall street and its allies are trying their best to mini ' tnlze the effect of the movement Thus, Matthew Marshall, In The Sun of July 12. says. "The exportation of oiu, wueuier 11 ve mue or mucn, may, Ahereforo. be treated, and Indeed is treated, by all sensible people as of no Importance In forecasting the course of the stock market during the coming summer." Against this prediction I will hazard another uuiwly, that before the sum mer is over the outflow of gold will 1 such tliut Wall street will be shivering in its boots for fear of a revival of the silver Ihhuo In the next presidential election. W. N. Allen in Knights of Labor Journal. The Spirit of Coninierrl.IIn. The proloiigHl attempt to secure the regulation of public service corpora tions by means of open competition has made every municipal leglahitlve body the source of a moral contagion which liss permeated all departments of public ami private life. The cor ruption of public otllclalH, the black- mull of existing corporations, the waste of duplication and double opera tion, tho utter demoralization of tun- .b'.ipol politics all these or the fit- rytliar ami universal luclilcuts of the effort to rt'Kiilnte and control public terries coriHtialloiia by the principle ot iuitiiH tiUt.a. In a word, the result has Iwcn the rapture of American gov ernment, state aud ven uatioiial a well ai municipal, by a soul id com tnerclatUui, We arc but Jut mitultiti to se that If Ihfse corporations sra still to Ih employed la the perform snes of pul.lle functions, ws umt wholly sUudou the .,-a of nws eon- ttfc sv ImtvMl Wooi i:ouo In too Weal, V. .SWsWrlSSjIsS L: !1IV. . ' '""""J "'f M ik fa -i'.UJfcH Uta ! k.4fc W (Maka "SMw la tu 4 a hh alt -Maakai . lMMa.4 a.U aaJ ilba iimhu akiiiMA. 'Vi,N.N There are times of special danger in the life of every woman. The first occurs as she leaves girl-hood behind. She may pass safely through unassisted but if the be comes pale and nervous at this time, if she complains of headache or backache and is tired out after slight exertion she needs more strength and more blood to tide over this crisis in her life. The story of Miss Lucy Phillips, Syra. cuse, Ind., as told by her mother: 'It was two years ago that Lucy first complained 0 the trouble which became so serious with her. Jler muscles con' tinually twitched, and the pale blood often went through her veins in jerks. The ease puzzled our physician, and twice he called in counsel. She contU n ued to grow worse. One day a neigh bor brought tn a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Jills for Pale People, and we gave them to Lucy. She soon regained her flesh, the color came back to her cheeks, her blood was purified by the medicine, and her nerves became strong as ever. The physician agrees with us that she was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or Pale People. Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips. At driiffgliti or direct from Dr. William Medicine Co , achrnrctady, If. V, jo cnt perbo: 6 boxra, potltlve regulation and subject them to a rigid public control. Public enterprises exist to render public services, not to secure private gain or even public revenue. The quality and cheapness of the service, not the profit or revenue to be derived from it, are the controlling factors. The streets of a city are public high ways. They belong to the people. They exist for the people's use What ever Is permitted under, upon or over them should have for its primary pur pose the convenience of the people. That Is a perversion which permits the uso of the streets for the main or oth er than merely Incidental purpose of private or corporate gain. The ques tion of public administration is not bow much the public service corpora tion may gain for its promoters, but how much can be saved to the people by Its employment How to secure the best service at the lowest practi cable rates is the problem. Edwin Burrltt Binlth In Belf Culture. . The PopalUt Part jr. John ; W. Dreldontbal of Kansas made an address on the People's Party before the recent conference of re formers at Duffalo, in wblcb he said; This country has an aristocracy of wealth, of a few corporations created by law. Men with mortgaged farms hurrahed to bear the average wealth of the land bad Increased. He said If he had all the wealth It still would average and the debtors could hurrah and remain debtors. Such conditions gave rise to the I'eople's Party, other wise Populists, lie had beard the Populist party was a one idea party, while others said It wanted to reform everything on earth. He was glad it bad discovered so many abuses and reforms. Let It undertake now to throttle those evils already shown be fore unearthing more. The Ibsuo today is the corporation versus the people.and the money question Is In that proposi tion, for money Is the Instrument of commerce. The 1'opuilsts believe Is suing money to be a government func tion never to be delegated to any cor poration; that debt Is the great blight ing curse of tho age, as debt means In terest and Interest means slavery; that corporations cannot be regulated and should be beheaded; that there should be public ownership of public utilities; that there should be no government by Injunction; that there should be a re organization of the United States su preme court and that there should be direct legislation. The farmer Is feeling the Iron heel r-f the trtwt every day. Everything he needs to build bis bouse or barn with has Ih'ch advanced In price from 25 to 2."tO per cent. Ills land Uu't worth auy more, though. The trusts are forcing men out of work every day. Why, tny own com pany, since It lias gone lulu the liut, has discharged four high priced sales man, Unities a ihiiiiIht of rbeaiwr men. 1'rUvs will go tip as soon ss th combination Is perfected, sud, on the other hand, the grower of leaf tobacco will have to take has for hi crop be rati) a sluirle buyer will tti the pries. i'ulouel M. a Wrtmots. 1MB. IBS i Ei nit ii CO-OPERATION OF REFORM FORCES FOR EDUCATING THE PEOPLE. Indorsed by tbe Unffalo Coafereaea. 1 Orsanlaatlon Effected o Independ- caoa Dar Or. Dllaa, Prasldeat, Oat 'llaaa ttaa Plan. The Social Reform anion was o ganlzed at Buffalo, N. Y., July 4 as a result of the recent political and social conference held In that city. It was adopted without one dissenting rote. Its aim is to unite the reform forces of the United States. At present the re form forces are politically Is thought by those who bare formed this new movement that tho speediest way to unite politically is for the present to Ignore political divisions and unite for a slmplo short platform of ideas, believing that when a great union for ideas has been built up it will then possible to get together' politically. Hence this union Is for the present at least simply educational and not parti san. As such It has already received the support of reformers of all parties. Democrats, middle of the road Popu lists, union reform party men, fu slonlsts and socialists have all agreed to this educational -union, hence Its hope of success. It Is the first step to getting together. Its two mottoes are "Plutocracy Is Combining; Let the People Unite," and "Unite For the Croat Idea, and tho Great Party Will Appear." Through education It approaches' politics. It hopes to do for a great social istic party of tho people, whatever that party be, what the Farmers' Alliance did for the Peoplo's Party, but It pro poses to make no entangling alliances with any party, it will be Independ ent and will remain so. A great union of the people that will not fuse may prove the nation's salvation. Its plat form Is very simple. It has fire planks. 1.. Direct legislation and proportional representation. 2. Public ownership of public Utili ties. I 3. Public revenuo from taxes on land Values and, for the time being, on franchises. Inheritances, Incomes. 4. Money gold, silver or paper to be Issued by government only, a full legal tender aud In quantity sufficient to maintain the normal average of prices. . 6. Antlmllitarism. , This platform Is unique. It was adopted at the Buffalo conference com posed of representative men and wom en in reform of all sections of the country, of all schools of reform thought of every political party, and yet after five days of full discussion was adopted by the convention with out one dissenting rote. It represents, therefore, to a remarkable degree the consensus of opinion of the reform forces of the United States. It stands as tho Judgment not of any one man nor of one set of men, but of what all men can agree upon as a reform plat form. Different men would add dif ferent things, different men would pnt different things first but on this brief platform all can agreo. . The full list of officers and the na tional commltteo elected at Buffalo is over 100 and Includes every state' and party, but among them are tho follow ing: President, W. D. P. Bliss, Alham bra, CaL; secretaries, Eltwecd Pom eroy, New Jersey; Professor Frank Parsons, iMassachusctts, and Ed W. Bcmls, Illinois; trensurer, the co-operative merchant N. O. Nelson, St Louis. Among Its vice presidents and national committeemen are: Henry D. Lloyd, Chicago; Professor George D. Herron, CrluncL la.; Mayor S. M. Jones of Toledo, J. It Sovereign, the labor leader, now of Idaho; Governor a 8. Thomas of Colorado, ex-Governor St John of Kansas, Bishop F. D. Huntington of central New York, George F. Washburn of Massachu setts, William Dean Ho wells of New York city, B. Fay Mills of Massachu setts, J. II. Ferris, the middle of the road Populist of Illinois; Goveruor J. It Rogers of Washington, the Hon. J. J. ImjiiH of Ohio, John 8. Crosby, the prominent Single Taxer of New York; Joseph It. Buchanan of the American Press Association; Mrs. Annie I Dlggs of Kaunas, th Hon. II. A. Dagus of Cabforula aud J. A. Parker of Kentucky, Hucb a union, starting out on such a platform and led by such men sud women ought to prove an effective basts of union. Th move-mnt pro poses actlrs work. It plans to put Into the field St once four paid national or gaulxers, one In the east, oue In the south, ous lu lit central west and ous west of th Rocky mountains. Tbe will be stroim men, paid so as tu be abl to glra ail their tuns to ths work, This iiiovriueni mul take time sud work. or It will mean nothing, Around tha a Will I gStlivrvd balltiUSl ttitmiittu run u snd ergantscrs la every stat of the union, sud ss rapidly as ltatll Is tvery futility sad ilMtrtct It IS roHe tu II th Tva. Ar rsnfpim-ai sr Mag ! la each lrg ti Id ha SI leat vim targs lUil Six I lu Hi Count a H.ny . a paa!l,l I MV .MOd Sf lti le form ate will srv I puMUa front tlixe la tliws t't limit, r lf ths union, lima tin uuiou i-k tt ths at.ol Und A monthly tmiWllsj f lit ttaioit will slot I put luhvl ta trap Ida woir sd mrititts ln Mined vf Wlotl U f.ittH IS iM IS roMlSlS lUlaralkxl Sad dlrrt lut tf th Wit! B ik tht s'oaitity lu)W tf th rt (ptea i( tli Utlto S Hit-1 h ! sUr lra.l will lw pih'hr-t sal ll.s MraftVuS f the ha wv itrtt in t I he huh r ii! ted with iUt n ! tf m'ttl !. imI ly IM ttuttah vsf4st ssl f f wiub tl ' 000 has already been raised, such men ' as Professors Bemls, Commons, Par j sons, Warl and Will. ' I The charge for enrollment In ths nnion Is 10 cents per year to cover the cost of referendum rotes, or 50 cents for ' working membership, en titling one to The Monthly Bulletin, or l per year If one wish the educa tional literature. To those securing names for, these a liberal commission will be given, and workers are wanted In every city of the land. To meet the expenses of the na tional organization and of the four na tional paid organizers voluntary monthly pledges are asked from 400 people who will give 11 per month or 800 who will give GO cents per month. It Is thought to divide this by get ting $10 per month In each of 40 states. This ought easily to be done, and then this great work can com mence In earnest Arrangements will be made later for local organizations and for clubs already organized to be federated. It Is a people's movement The moral Idea will be kept well to the front Those who are leading the movement go Into it with almost a re ligious earnestness. They propose to keep It well above tho piano of ottleo seeking politics. It Is the great Idea of brotherhood, of democracy, of tho Golden Rule, of doing God's will on earth, which Is rising In tho people's heart No sectarian religious test of any kind will be allowed and no parti san politics. The idea will rule and ths national and state organizers will go out as virtually ministers and heralds of the eternal gospel of brotherhood and association for the good of alb Urgnnlzcd lu this way, the union in vites reformers of; all the reform parties to enter Its ranks and unite for the great Idea. Already the work Is beginning. Branches have been al ready formed In Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Brother J. A. Parker Is starting the movement and , enrolling names In Keutucky and Texas, whllo the President of the union is on bis way to California and starting branches as he goes. Those who would like to become members, or receive commissions 'to start branches and en roll members, or who will contributs f0 cents or II per mouth to help the great work can send their communica tions to the undersigned address AI hambrs, f 'ah Let us "unite or perish." W. D. P. Buss. THE NEW COLLEGE. Tbs Movameol For Aradcml Fr do in Started at UuSalo, Professor Thomas E. Will, late pres ident of the Kaunas Agricultural col- i lege, and who will probably be at ths j bead of tho new collcgo which got its ' start at the recetit Buffalo conference, said concerning the new enterprise: "It was resolved to establish a col ' lege of social science, the foundation principle of which shall be a guaron- tee of the most absolute liberty of in vestigation, teaching and publication. Representatives of liberal thought have been offered positions in tbs new i college, end Wall street the railroads, corporations, monopolies and trusts will be Invited to send representatives of their doctrines to lecture and teach In this college, thus making sure that both sides are given the fullest oppor tunity. "The Institution will provide the fol lowing departments: "First Teaching; that Is, classroom work with students who attend tbs In stitution. "Second. Correspondence. Through this many who are unable to attend school or collcgo will find nn opportu nity to study under the direction of specialists. "Third. Extension, sending the lec turer to the people when the people cannot come to tho lecturer. "Fourth.-Research. The growth snd ravages of municipal monopolies and of trusts demand that the facts con cerning these vast economic aggrega tions shall bo put Into Intelligent shape. Experts wilt devote themselves to this work. "Fifth. Publication. Plan whereby the facts brought together by the in vestigators can bo promptly given to millions of readers through the press. "Such advanced tnlnkers as Pro fcHMor Frank Parsons of Boston, Pro fessor K. W. Remls. late of the Chica go university; Professor John It Com mons, who was ousted from Syracuse university for hostility to monopolies, and Willis J. A I.I wit of New York will lt on the college faculty. 'The headquarters of the college will be In Ronton, although research and extension departments will necessitate much work else here, while the cor roloudi in o uuik wilt rrarh tho en tire country ss welt ss foreign coun tries." A Pant faatlas. Ths country Is gradually working op to a ulc. It will srrlvs within ths aril two years. IVoplw sr becoming ran-rs and viirstagiui. A pa ma may be deluded ti(Hiu la this couutrj every svvru or slitht )rat, follow! by dull Hut sud then a ntwro tt loroNprrlty. If thw juU arfUea twfurs the bolt prraldetiltal ! tlo, nothing will at Mrkluiny, Ths p.H sr strvsdy grutuhliui aU.ul hi war Mtu-y and hli U k tf Ntt kUu, sad s Niule would tb-fvat tiu witmcit qtwalWU Alt tlo Glba (tUputdk sui. Maatat itwaaraala. (iftil(Uu.U IM , has triaH It lonnuij al rhttrk' M pUut ttt si I Stohih. snd b trH shows thai ths rul tf su sr- tb'U r year is t MV whit U I ha hf on rvwl l'nWr tttrtttvf rtititiwi U wlttt a prusta rottt Htu t'oinUiUnd .id J 'iU fi r t sli ars bt,t tr s'4i If thr tsntrs ss SitH tt S Sd r MUik lMl niefSWa. tlf ttitirats W.U11I1 1 l vwttrftMt U S4 Ht. but ttta t ius vf VurMtatlas4 stug s uirrivi tMMt The Greatest Opportunity OF YOUR LIFE. IRA G. LEE Bon ol Clinton R. lies, president olTbe Lee Broom k Duster Co., o( Lincoln, who lives at No. 1044 K street bad his oyes straightened by Dr. Uooal two years ago, and tbey are as perfect now as the day it was done. His eyes were badly crossed and Tory weak. Us was wearing glasses and hadn't been able to go to school for four years. Afrr treatment by Dr. Oneal he TlillKW 11 IB OLAHHKH AWAY, and bis eyes are now as strong andjperfect as anyone's. , PEOPLE YOU KNOW Edward Dangborty, who works at tbs Rtato Journal office, and who lives at No. 25 Houth 20th street, Lincoln, bad bis daughter's eyes straightened by Dr. OnealJune SO, Hay ths 10 year old son of C, L. Km body, 2080 Dudley street, Lincoln, bad hia aua maitn atmiirht. hi Dr. OnniiJ thiu week, lie was born badly crossed, J. E. Gibson, of Cheney, Neb., was badly cross-eyed for 21 years, fie also had a cataract on bis loft eys which was last destroying bis sight. Dr. Oneal straightened bis eyes and removed tbs cataract at the same time and bs went home cored tbs same day. THE BEST YET W. P, Ilanley, a mercbaot of Dorches ter, Neb,, says "Dr, Oren Oneal fitted me with glasses in 1800, I still wear them wltb perfect satisfaction. I have tried others but without any good results and always bod to go back to using the glasses I got from Dr, Ooeal nins years ago." LIVES IN LINCOLN Mrs. Tbomas Kenney who lives at H2H It street is tbs grandmother to little Helen O'Bhea ol Missouri Valley, lowa, who bad ber eyes straightened by Dr. Oneal about a year ago. Mrs. Kennsy says ber grand daogh tor's eyes are per fect and satisfactory in every respect. Well Known In Lincoln Lloyd Btamm of McConnell, III,, whose eyes were straightened by Dr. Oneal over three years sgo and wboss testi monial is published elsewhere in this paper, is a eousin to Mr. Hockey, the editor and proprietor of ths Nebraska Tost, Lincoln, Neb. Mr; Hockey is well acquainted with Dr. Oneal's work in Illinois, as tbs statement below will show. Performed Some Marvelous Cures Dr. Oren Oneal, tbs well known eye, ear and catarrh xpxrt, now at ths Lin doll hotel, has had muny years of exper ience and bns performed some marvel ous cures. The editor of this paper is familiar with the wonderlol work be per formed at Freeport aud otlior points in Illinois aud it was of such a character aa to recotnmeud him to any community In which he may locate. Dr. Oneal al ways doe exactly what ba says hs will do.-Daily I'ost June a 1th. A WONDERFUL CURE ADeifaodDumb Chill Made to Heir gal Talk., Will wonders wvar okajmi? This is tbs rxc-htmatlonof all who know of thsgn-at work biug duiia In Ottuuiwa by Dr, (rn Unral. Many of bis currs approach vrry cliMwIy to the miraculous, but ths do' tor diais not claim tu work wiraeUt, or to pmmm auxrliuinaa powsr. What ha dcw la baad B si ii'Brtt, but it tnunt ha said that HUl arfeuc that but hm bvanlws bltnsaU usdrt tand. Ths four. iff haa ptibliahd sows of his wonibrlnl rurwa U htrr.biit ttMgrtt ol all Is tbs itiHi sow mad ksowa, tkalof tba 4 yaar I'olliaa. l Aak llruva, Daviaeouaty. This litth aH waa bora deal and dumb, thiak d hatl Mr, sad Mra. lull i n had tbslltlHt girl at th baltmaaa hjl tbi in.. ruing, uYra, Sir," anid Mr. l'ul!u "m lutia girl saa U.ra drat wad daub, I bruuakt baf la lr, O.MM4I Is Mat h sa l hUtia lha raaas 4 kef trimbh. au. tM ina k ruld . ar kr, sad I kad klot tKa Irvatlug lw !., N ah saw har sad at Wwrai4 talk. I. 0al M swlataly aoa'WftuI sad art tl ruara .ry ki y otr what d Ut oar bltU om." t'ua.uaa (lass) Dr. Onai wnti to set nj Examine Free of Chirre vry cam ol de(ns, hJiJ iwisei. wUnh ani cro cyci In this vicinity. Hi can till you in n mlnuti wlvtther yotir u U cviratli or not. U Incurable h will not treat you or take your ntmiy -Offico at Llndoll Hotel Farloro, July us, as, ao, a?, ao ma ao. If you are deaf, or blind, or cross-eyed, or have any dis ease whatever of the Eyes, Ears, Nose, or Throat, you should consult the noted Chicago Specialist, Dr. Oren Oneal, at the Llndell Hotel, Lincoln. Ksbraska Free consultation and exam ination Monday, July 24th until Saturday, July 29th. Act wisely and promptly while tbs op portunity lasts, It is here it is yours, do not delay and be sorry when It is too late. Head what others say. Go at ones and investigate. VILL 1THEY "4 STAY STRAIGHT j i This Is a question often asked by those who are cross-eyed, la reply ws will say that with tbs old methods ol straighten, tag eyes a large percentage are (allures, bat with Dr. Oneal's improved method they arostralgbtsasd to stay straight. Was Cross-Eyed Forty Years J, 0, 1'arbaagh of Dtnton, Nebraska) Is a well known farmer and stock dealer, having lived In Lancaster county for fifteen years. Mr, I'orbaugb has a largs circle of friends and acquaintances who will be pleased to kaow that be has bean cured of a deformity of over forty years duration. Ifs was badly cross-eyed In both eyes until July 1st when Dr, Oneal straight ened tbein perfectly and painlessly at tbs Llndell hotel In Lincoln. HIS SUFFERING STOPFED. Jams Heeney, well known about Hub bard, Neb., wbsrs bs lives, cams to Dr. Oneal suffering almost death wltb an ul cerated eysball, wblcb bad been affected for a long time. Other so-called special ists bad tried to help him but failed. Us could not stand the least particle of light. Dr. Oneal relieved biro at ones, aud bs never had a paia afler tbs first time bs saw Dr. Ooeal, and bis eys can now stand tbs light as well as anyone's. Of course be feels very grateful to Dr. Oneal and praises him highly. Mrs, H. Davis of Niobrara, Neb., was hers last wek taking treatment of Dr. Oneal for dsafnsss. tihe was so dsal when sbs cams that yea bad to yell la ber ears to maks ber bear. Bus bad tsr rlble noises, headache and a very sore throat. Dr. Ousal's treatment soon helped ber. Her ears stopped discharg ing, tb noises stopped; ber bead cleared upand quit acnlog, and her throat was ouivd. When she left for boms sbs could bear quits welt, and sbs was, indeed, happy. His Friends Noticed It 0. R. Botta, a farmer living near Mal colm this couuty has been taking treat ment a short time of Dr. Oneal for deaf ness. He says: My friends all noticed an Improvement in my hearing at once." GLAD HE ADVERTISED. Iav 11. Dye, of Kloomlngdale, 8. D., Is a well known and highly resiiected clti sen, and bis word will go aa fur as any man's in ths country, "Yes, sir," said Mr, Dye, "you eaa publish my nams as r commending Dr. Ooeal. I am glad that hs cams to Bloux City aod that bs advertised what ha could do, for through his adviTtuwiiwut I came to s bim. I had bad ryes for many years chronic granulated lids, I bad usd many treat mnta la vain. Wall, sir, Dr. Ouaal hull! my eyas aasooo aa bs touched tbain. I regard him as a woudorful spa rlaliat, and thoroughly botieat in all bs says and dix. tlo and at bins ba will treat yon right, rtioat City Joureal. HER EYES ARE STRAIGHT ; NOW Jobs llagvrty, who Uvea lu Wrat Un to), ta aa old aulditHr sad baa lived la Uw ua lor huri ;ra. Mr, llgrty aa?: "Mv dauaMar, Twtwm, was bora rriNMuai aad ska Si Sow 13 yars uKI. Iiolh id Urr rv -a wr badly rrtwJ. Ws tiM.k 1 tti Dr, tHiaal hi tba IJa.MI bo 11 yaatrUy nmratait, sad la imm tlaas Ida a it Ut kr sm tu HI It ba bad bt ry4rkvllv Brt(kt. TVre was su mim II, sad wa lNk Saf boats Is a taw s.iualra iihiist a uwidtf of say IftittavvatrMm wkataa, 1 im a uU niMN ad aa tM a4dir, sad bats bw aruad grat Wftl, hat t S saw r rd id tiMxif aa na.Urtvl aa that. s all sa) ttwd hkm lt, r,M